
217 lines
6.8 KiB

=== /node_modules/preact/index.d.ts ===
type Defaultize<Props, Defaults> =
>Defaultize : Defaultize<Props, Defaults>
// Distribute over unions
Props extends any // Make any properties included in Default optional
? Partial<Pick<Props, Extract<keyof Props, keyof Defaults>>> &
// Include the remaining properties from Props
Pick<Props, Exclude<keyof Props, keyof Defaults>>
: never;
export namespace JSXInternal {
interface HTMLAttributes<T = {}> { }
interface SVGAttributes<T = {}> { }
type LibraryManagedAttributes<Component, Props> = Component extends {
>LibraryManagedAttributes : LibraryManagedAttributes<Component, Props>
defaultProps: infer Defaults;
>defaultProps : Defaults
? Defaultize<Props, Defaults>
: Props;
interface IntrinsicAttributes {
key?: any;
>key : any
interface Element extends VNode<any> { }
interface ElementClass extends Component<any, any> { }
interface ElementAttributesProperty {
props: any;
>props : any
interface ElementChildrenAttribute {
children: any;
>children : any
interface IntrinsicElements {
div: HTMLAttributes;
>div : HTMLAttributes<{}>
export const Fragment: unique symbol;
>Fragment : unique symbol
export type ComponentType<T = {}> = {};
>ComponentType : ComponentType<T>
export type ComponentChild = {};
>ComponentChild : ComponentChild
export type ComponentChildren = {};
>ComponentChildren : ComponentChildren
export type VNode<T = {}> = {};
>VNode : VNode<T>
export type Attributes = {};
>Attributes : Attributes
export type Component<T = {}, U = {}> = {};
>Component : Component<T, U>
=== /node_modules/preact/jsx-runtime/index.d.ts ===
export { Fragment } from '..';
>Fragment : unique symbol
import {
>ComponentType : any
>ComponentChild : any
>ComponentChildren : any
>VNode : any
>Attributes : any
} from '..';
import { JSXInternal } from '..';
>JSXInternal : any
export function jsx(
>jsx : { (type: string, props: JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes & JSXInternal.SVGAttributes & Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChild;}, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; <P>(type: ComponentType<P>, props: P & { children?: ComponentChild | undefined; }, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; }
type: string,
>type : string
props: JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes &
>props : JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes<{}> & JSXInternal.SVGAttributes<{}> & Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChild | undefined; }
>JSXInternal : any
JSXInternal.SVGAttributes &
>JSXInternal : any
Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChild },
>children : ComponentChild | undefined
key?: string
>key : string | undefined
): VNode<any>;
export function jsx<P>(
>jsx : { (type: string, props: JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes<{}> & JSXInternal.SVGAttributes<{}> & Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChild | undefined; }, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; <P>(type: ComponentType<P>, props: Attributes & P & { children?: ComponentChild;}, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; }
type: ComponentType<P>,
>type : ComponentType<P>
props: Attributes & P & { children?: ComponentChild },
>props : P & { children?: ComponentChild | undefined; }
>children : ComponentChild | undefined
key?: string
>key : string | undefined
): VNode<any>;
export function jsxs(
>jsxs : { (type: string, props: JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes & JSXInternal.SVGAttributes & Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChild[];}, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; <P>(type: ComponentType<P>, props: P & { children?: ComponentChild[] | undefined; }, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; }
type: string,
>type : string
props: JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes &
>props : JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes<{}> & JSXInternal.SVGAttributes<{}> & Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChild[] | undefined; }
>JSXInternal : any
JSXInternal.SVGAttributes &
>JSXInternal : any
Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChild[] },
>children : ComponentChild[] | undefined
key?: string
>key : string | undefined
): VNode<any>;
export function jsxs<P>(
>jsxs : { (type: string, props: JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes<{}> & JSXInternal.SVGAttributes<{}> & Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChild[] | undefined; }, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; <P>(type: ComponentType<P>, props: Attributes & P & { children?: ComponentChild[];}, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; }
type: ComponentType<P>,
>type : ComponentType<P>
props: Attributes & P & { children?: ComponentChild[] },
>props : P & { children?: ComponentChild[] | undefined; }
>children : ComponentChild[] | undefined
key?: string
>key : string | undefined
): VNode<any>;
export function jsxDEV(
>jsxDEV : { (type: string, props: JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes & JSXInternal.SVGAttributes & Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChildren;}, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; <P>(type: ComponentType<P>, props: P & { children?: ComponentChildren | undefined; }, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; }
type: string,
>type : string
props: JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes &
>props : JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes<{}> & JSXInternal.SVGAttributes<{}> & Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChildren | undefined; }
>JSXInternal : any
JSXInternal.SVGAttributes &
>JSXInternal : any
Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChildren },
>children : ComponentChildren | undefined
key?: string
>key : string | undefined
): VNode<any>;
export function jsxDEV<P>(
>jsxDEV : { (type: string, props: JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes<{}> & JSXInternal.SVGAttributes<{}> & Record<string, any> & { children?: ComponentChildren | undefined; }, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; <P>(type: ComponentType<P>, props: Attributes & P & { children?: ComponentChildren;}, key?: string | undefined): VNode<any>; }
type: ComponentType<P>,
>type : ComponentType<P>
props: Attributes & P & { children?: ComponentChildren },
>props : P & { children?: ComponentChildren | undefined; }
>children : ComponentChildren | undefined
key?: string
>key : string | undefined
): VNode<any>;
// This shouldn't be preferred over
//export namespace jsxDEV {
// export import JSX = JSXInternal;
// but it sort-of should work and it shouldn't crash.
declare global {
>global : typeof global
// @ts-ignore
export import JSX = JSXInternal;
>JSX : any
>JSXInternal : error
=== /index.tsx ===
export const Comp = () => <div></div>;
>Comp : () => JSX.Element
>() => <div></div> : () => JSX.Element
><div></div> : JSX.Element
>div : any
>div : any