Anders Hejlsberg b0ab2a54bb
Fix mapped type instantiation circularity (#46586)
* Don't obtain constraint if doing so would cause circularity

* Add regression test

* Address CR feedback
2021-10-29 14:01:27 -07:00

178 lines
7.4 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/types/mapped/mappedTypeWithAny.ts ===
type Item = { value: string };
>Item : Symbol(Item, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 0, 0))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 0, 13))
type ItemMap<T> = { [P in keyof T]: Item };
>ItemMap : Symbol(ItemMap, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 0, 30))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 1, 13))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 1, 21))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 1, 13))
>Item : Symbol(Item, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 0, 0))
declare let x0: keyof any;
>x0 : Symbol(x0, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 3, 11))
declare let x1: { [P in any]: Item };
>x1 : Symbol(x1, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 4, 11))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 4, 19))
>Item : Symbol(Item, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 0, 0))
declare let x2: { [P in string]: Item };
>x2 : Symbol(x2, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 5, 11))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 5, 19))
>Item : Symbol(Item, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 0, 0))
declare let x3: { [P in keyof any]: Item };
>x3 : Symbol(x3, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 6, 11))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 6, 19))
>Item : Symbol(Item, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 0, 0))
declare let x4: ItemMap<any>;
>x4 : Symbol(x4, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 7, 11))
>ItemMap : Symbol(ItemMap, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 0, 30))
// Repro from #19152
type Data = {
>Data : Symbol(Data, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 7, 29))
value: string;
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 11, 13))
type StrictDataMap<T> = {
>StrictDataMap : Symbol(StrictDataMap, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 13, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 15, 19))
[P in keyof T]: Data
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 16, 3))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 15, 19))
>Data : Symbol(Data, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 7, 29))
declare let z: StrictDataMap<any>;
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 19, 11))
>StrictDataMap : Symbol(StrictDataMap, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 13, 1))
for (let id in z) {
>id : Symbol(id, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 20, 8))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 19, 11))
let data = z[id];
>data : Symbol(data, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 21, 5))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 19, 11))
>id : Symbol(id, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 20, 8))
let x = data.notAValue; // Error
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 22, 5))
>data : Symbol(data, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 21, 5))
// Issue #46169.
// We want mapped types whose constraint is `keyof T` to
// map over `any` differently, depending on whether `T`
// is constrained to array and tuple types.
type Arrayish<T extends unknown[]> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] };
>Arrayish : Symbol(Arrayish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 23, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 29, 14))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 29, 40))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 29, 14))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 29, 14))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 29, 40))
type Objectish<T extends unknown> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] };
>Objectish : Symbol(Objectish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 29, 62))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 30, 15))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 30, 39))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 30, 15))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 30, 15))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 30, 39))
// When a mapped type whose constraint is `keyof T` is instantiated,
// `T` may be instantiated with a `U` which is constrained to
// array and tuple types. *Ideally*, when `U` is later instantiated with `any`,
// the result should also be some sort of array; however, at the moment we don't seem
// to have an easy way to preserve that information. More than just that, it would be
// inconsistent for two instantiations of `Objectish<any>` to produce different outputs
// depending on the usage-site. As a result, `IndirectArrayish` does not act like `Arrayish`.
type IndirectArrayish<U extends unknown[]> = Objectish<U>;
>IndirectArrayish : Symbol(IndirectArrayish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 30, 61))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 39, 22))
>Objectish : Symbol(Objectish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 29, 62))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 39, 22))
function bar(arrayish: Arrayish<any>, objectish: Objectish<any>, indirectArrayish: IndirectArrayish<any>) {
>bar : Symbol(bar, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 39, 58))
>arrayish : Symbol(arrayish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 41, 13))
>Arrayish : Symbol(Arrayish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 23, 1))
>objectish : Symbol(objectish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 41, 37))
>Objectish : Symbol(Objectish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 29, 62))
>indirectArrayish : Symbol(indirectArrayish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 41, 64))
>IndirectArrayish : Symbol(IndirectArrayish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 30, 61))
let arr: any[];
>arr : Symbol(arr, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 42, 7))
arr = arrayish;
>arr : Symbol(arr, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 42, 7))
>arrayish : Symbol(arrayish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 41, 13))
arr = objectish;
>arr : Symbol(arr, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 42, 7))
>objectish : Symbol(objectish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 41, 37))
arr = indirectArrayish;
>arr : Symbol(arr, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 42, 7))
>indirectArrayish : Symbol(indirectArrayish, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 41, 64))
declare function stringifyArray<T extends readonly any[]>(arr: T): { -readonly [K in keyof T]: string };
>stringifyArray : Symbol(stringifyArray, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 46, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 48, 32))
>arr : Symbol(arr, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 48, 58))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 48, 32))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 48, 80))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 48, 32))
let abc: any[] = stringifyArray(void 0 as any);
>abc : Symbol(abc, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 49, 3))
>stringifyArray : Symbol(stringifyArray, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 46, 1))
declare function stringifyPair<T extends readonly [any, any]>(arr: T): { -readonly [K in keyof T]: string };
>stringifyPair : Symbol(stringifyPair, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 49, 47))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 51, 31))
>arr : Symbol(arr, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 51, 62))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 51, 31))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 51, 84))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 51, 31))
let def: [any, any] = stringifyPair(void 0 as any);
>def : Symbol(def, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 52, 3))
>stringifyPair : Symbol(stringifyPair, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 49, 47))
// Repro from #46582
type Evolvable<E extends Evolver> = {
>Evolvable : Symbol(Evolvable, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 52, 51))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 56, 15))
>Evolver : Symbol(Evolver, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 58, 2))
[P in keyof E]: never;
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 57, 3))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 56, 15))
type Evolver<T extends Evolvable<any> = any> = {
>Evolver : Symbol(Evolver, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 58, 2))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 59, 13))
>Evolvable : Symbol(Evolvable, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 52, 51))
[key in keyof Partial<T>]: never;
>key : Symbol(key, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 60, 3))
>Partial : Symbol(Partial, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(mappedTypeWithAny.ts, 59, 13))