Ron Buckton ea521d45e9
Adds 'Awaited' type alias and updates to Promise.all/race/allSettled/any (#45350)
* Adds 'Awaited' type alias and updates to Promise.all/race/allSettled/any

* Use Awaited<T> with 'await'

* Clean up overloads

* Further restrict 'Awaited<T>' auto-wrapping for 'await'
2021-09-09 18:23:17 -07:00

213 lines
6.9 KiB

//// [mappedTypesArraysTuples.ts]
type Box<T> = { value: T };
type Boxified<T> = { [P in keyof T]: Box<T[P]> };
type T00 = Boxified<[number, string?, ...boolean[]]>;
type T01 = Partial<[number, string?, ...boolean[]]>;
type T02 = Required<[number, string?, ...boolean[]]>;
type T10 = Boxified<string[]>;
type T11 = Partial<string[]>;
type T12 = Required<string[]>;
type T13 = Boxified<ReadonlyArray<string>>;
type T14 = Partial<ReadonlyArray<string>>;
type T15 = Required<ReadonlyArray<string>>;
type T20 = Boxified<(string | undefined)[]>;
type T21 = Partial<(string | undefined)[]>;
type T22 = Required<(string | undefined)[]>;
type T23 = Boxified<ReadonlyArray<string | undefined>>;
type T24 = Partial<ReadonlyArray<string | undefined>>;
type T25 = Required<ReadonlyArray<string | undefined>>;
type T30 = Boxified<Partial<string[]>>;
type T31 = Partial<Boxified<string[]>>;
type A = { a: string };
type B = { b: string };
type T40 = Boxified<A | A[] | ReadonlyArray<A> | [A, B] | string | string[]>;
type ReadWrite<T> = { -readonly [P in keyof T] : T[P] };
type T50 = Readonly<string[]>;
type T51 = Readonly<[number, number]>;
type T52 = Partial<Readonly<string[]>>;
type T53 = Readonly<Partial<string[]>>;
type T54 = ReadWrite<Required<T53>>;
declare function unboxify<T>(x: Boxified<T>): T;
declare let x10: [Box<number>, Box<string>, ...Box<boolean>[]];
let y10 = unboxify(x10);
declare let x11: Box<number>[];
let y11 = unboxify(x11);
declare let x12: { a: Box<number>, b: Box<string[]> };
let y12 = unboxify(x12);
declare function nonpartial<T>(x: Partial<T>): T;
declare let x20: [number | undefined, string?, ...boolean[]];
let y20 = nonpartial(x20);
declare let x21: (number | undefined)[];
let y21 = nonpartial(x21);
declare let x22: { a: number | undefined, b?: string[] };
let y22 = nonpartial(x22);
type __Awaited<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U : T;
type Awaitified<T> = { [P in keyof T]: __Awaited<T[P]> };
declare function all<T extends any[]>(...values: T): Promise<Awaitified<T>>;
function f1(a: number, b: Promise<number>, c: string[], d: Promise<string[]>) {
let x1 = all(a);
let x2 = all(a, b);
let x3 = all(a, b, c);
let x4 = all(a, b, c, d);
function f2<T extends any[]>(a: Boxified<T>) {
let x: Box<any> | undefined = a.pop();
let y: Box<any>[] = a.concat(a);
// Repro from #26163
type ElementType<T> = T extends Array<infer U> ? U : never;
type Mapped<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] };
type F<T> = ElementType<Mapped<T>>;
type R1 = F<[string, number, boolean]>; // string | number | boolean
type R2 = ElementType<Mapped<[string, number, boolean]>>; // string | number | boolean
// Repro from #26163
declare function acceptArray(arr: any[]): void;
declare function mapArray<T extends any[]>(arr: T): Mapped<T>;
function acceptMappedArray<T extends any[]>(arr: T) {
// Repro from #26163
type Unconstrained<T> = ElementType<Mapped<T>>;
type T1 = Unconstrained<[string, number, boolean]>; // string | number | boolean
type Constrained<T extends any[]> = ElementType<Mapped<T>>;
type T2 = Constrained<[string, number, boolean]>; // string | number | boolean
//// [mappedTypesArraysTuples.js]
"use strict";
var y10 = unboxify(x10);
var y11 = unboxify(x11);
var y12 = unboxify(x12);
var y20 = nonpartial(x20);
var y21 = nonpartial(x21);
var y22 = nonpartial(x22);
function f1(a, b, c, d) {
var x1 = all(a);
var x2 = all(a, b);
var x3 = all(a, b, c);
var x4 = all(a, b, c, d);
function f2(a) {
var x = a.pop();
var y = a.concat(a);
function acceptMappedArray(arr) {
//// [mappedTypesArraysTuples.d.ts]
declare type Box<T> = {
value: T;
declare type Boxified<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: Box<T[P]>;
declare type T00 = Boxified<[number, string?, ...boolean[]]>;
declare type T01 = Partial<[number, string?, ...boolean[]]>;
declare type T02 = Required<[number, string?, ...boolean[]]>;
declare type T10 = Boxified<string[]>;
declare type T11 = Partial<string[]>;
declare type T12 = Required<string[]>;
declare type T13 = Boxified<ReadonlyArray<string>>;
declare type T14 = Partial<ReadonlyArray<string>>;
declare type T15 = Required<ReadonlyArray<string>>;
declare type T20 = Boxified<(string | undefined)[]>;
declare type T21 = Partial<(string | undefined)[]>;
declare type T22 = Required<(string | undefined)[]>;
declare type T23 = Boxified<ReadonlyArray<string | undefined>>;
declare type T24 = Partial<ReadonlyArray<string | undefined>>;
declare type T25 = Required<ReadonlyArray<string | undefined>>;
declare type T30 = Boxified<Partial<string[]>>;
declare type T31 = Partial<Boxified<string[]>>;
declare type A = {
a: string;
declare type B = {
b: string;
declare type T40 = Boxified<A | A[] | ReadonlyArray<A> | [A, B] | string | string[]>;
declare type ReadWrite<T> = {
-readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P];
declare type T50 = Readonly<string[]>;
declare type T51 = Readonly<[number, number]>;
declare type T52 = Partial<Readonly<string[]>>;
declare type T53 = Readonly<Partial<string[]>>;
declare type T54 = ReadWrite<Required<T53>>;
declare function unboxify<T>(x: Boxified<T>): T;
declare let x10: [Box<number>, Box<string>, ...Box<boolean>[]];
declare let y10: [number, string, ...boolean[]];
declare let x11: Box<number>[];
declare let y11: number[];
declare let x12: {
a: Box<number>;
b: Box<string[]>;
declare let y12: {
a: number;
b: string[];
declare function nonpartial<T>(x: Partial<T>): T;
declare let x20: [number | undefined, string?, ...boolean[]];
declare let y20: [number, string, ...boolean[]];
declare let x21: (number | undefined)[];
declare let y21: number[];
declare let x22: {
a: number | undefined;
b?: string[];
declare let y22: {
a: number;
b: string[];
declare type __Awaited<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U : T;
declare type Awaitified<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: __Awaited<T[P]>;
declare function all<T extends any[]>(...values: T): Promise<Awaitified<T>>;
declare function f1(a: number, b: Promise<number>, c: string[], d: Promise<string[]>): void;
declare function f2<T extends any[]>(a: Boxified<T>): void;
declare type ElementType<T> = T extends Array<infer U> ? U : never;
declare type Mapped<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K];
declare type F<T> = ElementType<Mapped<T>>;
declare type R1 = F<[string, number, boolean]>;
declare type R2 = ElementType<Mapped<[string, number, boolean]>>;
declare function acceptArray(arr: any[]): void;
declare function mapArray<T extends any[]>(arr: T): Mapped<T>;
declare function acceptMappedArray<T extends any[]>(arr: T): void;
declare type Unconstrained<T> = ElementType<Mapped<T>>;
declare type T1 = Unconstrained<[string, number, boolean]>;
declare type Constrained<T extends any[]> = ElementType<Mapped<T>>;
declare type T2 = Constrained<[string, number, boolean]>;