Anders Hejlsberg a4f9bf0fce
Create type aliases for unresolved type symbols (#45976)
* Create type aliases for unresolved type symbols

* Accept new baselines

* Update fourslash tests

* Unresolved import aliases create tagged unresolved symbols

* Add comments

* Accept new baselines

* Add fourslash tests
2021-09-23 13:21:27 -07:00

2277 lines
109 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/parser/ecmascript5/parserRealSource7.ts ===
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
// See LICENSE.txt in the project root for complete license information.
///<reference path='typescript.ts' />
module TypeScript {
>TypeScript : Symbol(TypeScript, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 0, 0))
export class Continuation {
>Continuation : Symbol(Continuation, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 5, 19))
public exceptionBlock = -1;
>exceptionBlock : Symbol(Continuation.exceptionBlock, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 6, 31))
constructor (public normalBlock: number) { }
>normalBlock : Symbol(Continuation.normalBlock, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 8, 21))
function getBaseTypeLinks(bases: ASTList, baseTypeLinks: TypeLink[]) {
>getBaseTypeLinks : Symbol(getBaseTypeLinks, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 9, 5))
>bases : Symbol(bases, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 11, 30))
>ASTList : Symbol(ASTList)
>baseTypeLinks : Symbol(baseTypeLinks, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 11, 45))
>TypeLink : Symbol(TypeLink)
if (bases) {
>bases : Symbol(bases, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 11, 30))
var len = bases.members.length;
>len : Symbol(len, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 13, 15))
>bases : Symbol(bases, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 11, 30))
if (baseTypeLinks == null) {
>baseTypeLinks : Symbol(baseTypeLinks, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 11, 45))
baseTypeLinks = new TypeLink[];
>baseTypeLinks : Symbol(baseTypeLinks, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 11, 45))
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 17, 20))
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 17, 20))
>len : Symbol(len, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 13, 15))
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 17, 20))
var baseExpr = bases.members[i];
>baseExpr : Symbol(baseExpr, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 18, 19))
>bases : Symbol(bases, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 11, 30))
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 17, 20))
var name = baseExpr;
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 19, 19))
>baseExpr : Symbol(baseExpr, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 18, 19))
var typeLink = new TypeLink();
>typeLink : Symbol(typeLink, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 20, 19))
typeLink.ast = name;
>typeLink : Symbol(typeLink, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 20, 19))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 19, 19))
baseTypeLinks[baseTypeLinks.length] = typeLink;
>baseTypeLinks : Symbol(baseTypeLinks, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 11, 45))
>baseTypeLinks.length : Symbol(Array.length, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>baseTypeLinks : Symbol(baseTypeLinks, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 11, 45))
>length : Symbol(Array.length, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>typeLink : Symbol(typeLink, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 20, 19))
return baseTypeLinks;
>baseTypeLinks : Symbol(baseTypeLinks, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 11, 45))
function getBases(type: Type, typeDecl: TypeDeclaration) {
>getBases : Symbol(getBases, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 26, 5))
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 28, 22))
>Type : Symbol(Type)
>typeDecl : Symbol(typeDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 28, 33))
>TypeDeclaration : Symbol(TypeDeclaration)
type.extendsTypeLinks = getBaseTypeLinks(typeDecl.extendsList, type.extendsTypeLinks);
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 28, 22))
>getBaseTypeLinks : Symbol(getBaseTypeLinks, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 9, 5))
>typeDecl : Symbol(typeDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 28, 33))
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 28, 22))
type.implementsTypeLinks = getBaseTypeLinks(typeDecl.implementsList, type.implementsTypeLinks);
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 28, 22))
>getBaseTypeLinks : Symbol(getBaseTypeLinks, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 9, 5))
>typeDecl : Symbol(typeDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 28, 33))
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 28, 22))
function addPrototypeField(classType: Type, ast: AST, context: TypeCollectionContext) {
>addPrototypeField : Symbol(addPrototypeField, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 31, 5))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 33, 31))
>Type : Symbol(Type)
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 33, 47))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 33, 57))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
var field = new ValueLocation();
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 34, 11))
field.typeLink = new TypeLink();
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 34, 11))
field.typeLink.ast = ast;
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 34, 11))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 33, 47))
field.typeLink.type = classType.instanceType;
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 34, 11))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 33, 31))
var fieldSymbol =
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 39, 11))
new FieldSymbol("prototype", ast.minChar,
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 33, 47))
context.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex, true, field);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 33, 57))
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 34, 11))
fieldSymbol.flags |= (SymbolFlags.Property | SymbolFlags.BuiltIn);
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 39, 11))
field.symbol = fieldSymbol;
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 34, 11))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 39, 11))
fieldSymbol.declAST = ast;
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 39, 11))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 33, 47))
classType.members.addPublicMember("prototype", fieldSymbol);
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 33, 31))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 39, 11))
export function createNewConstructGroupForType(type: Type) {
>createNewConstructGroupForType : Symbol(createNewConstructGroupForType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 46, 5))
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 48, 51))
>Type : Symbol(Type)
var signature = new Signature();
>signature : Symbol(signature, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 49, 11))
signature.returnType = new TypeLink();
>signature : Symbol(signature, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 49, 11))
signature.returnType.type = type.instanceType;
>signature : Symbol(signature, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 49, 11))
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 48, 51))
signature.parameters = [];
>signature : Symbol(signature, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 49, 11))
type.construct = new SignatureGroup();
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 48, 51))
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 48, 51))
>signature : Symbol(signature, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 49, 11))
export function cloneParentConstructGroupForChildType(child: Type, parent: Type) {
>cloneParentConstructGroupForChildType : Symbol(cloneParentConstructGroupForChildType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 56, 5))
>child : Symbol(child, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 58))
>Type : Symbol(Type)
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 70))
>Type : Symbol(Type)
child.construct = new SignatureGroup();
>child : Symbol(child, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 58))
var sig: Signature = null;
>sig : Symbol(sig, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 60, 11))
>Signature : Symbol(Signature)
if (!parent.construct) {
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 70))
>createNewConstructGroupForType : Symbol(createNewConstructGroupForType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 46, 5))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 70))
for (var i = 0; i < parent.construct.signatures.length; i++) {
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 66, 16))
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 66, 16))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 70))
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 66, 16))
sig = new Signature();
>sig : Symbol(sig, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 60, 11))
sig.parameters = parent.construct.signatures[i].parameters;
>sig : Symbol(sig, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 60, 11))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 70))
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 66, 16))
sig.nonOptionalParameterCount = parent.construct.signatures[i].nonOptionalParameterCount;
>sig : Symbol(sig, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 60, 11))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 70))
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 66, 16))
sig.typeCheckStatus = parent.construct.signatures[i].typeCheckStatus;
>sig : Symbol(sig, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 60, 11))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 70))
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 66, 16))
sig.declAST = parent.construct.signatures[i].declAST;
>sig : Symbol(sig, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 60, 11))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 70))
>i : Symbol(i, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 66, 16))
sig.returnType = new TypeLink();
>sig : Symbol(sig, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 60, 11))
sig.returnType.type = child.instanceType;
>sig : Symbol(sig, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 60, 11))
>child : Symbol(child, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 58))
>child : Symbol(child, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 58, 58))
>sig : Symbol(sig, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 60, 11))
export var globalId = "__GLO";
>globalId : Symbol(globalId, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 79, 14))
export interface IAliasScopeContext {
>IAliasScopeContext : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 79, 34))
topLevelScope: ScopeChain;
>topLevelScope : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.topLevelScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 81, 41))
>ScopeChain : Symbol(ScopeChain)
members: IHashTable;
>members : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 82, 34))
>IHashTable : Symbol(IHashTable)
tcContext: TypeCollectionContext;
>tcContext : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.tcContext, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 83, 28))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
function findTypeSymbolInScopeChain(name: string, scopeChain: ScopeChain): Symbol {
>findTypeSymbolInScopeChain : Symbol(findTypeSymbolInScopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 85, 5))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 87, 40))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 87, 53))
>ScopeChain : Symbol(ScopeChain)
>Symbol : Symbol(Symbol, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
var symbol = scopeChain.scope.find(name, false, true);
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 88, 11))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 87, 53))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 87, 40))
if (symbol == null && scopeChain.previous) {
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 88, 11))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 87, 53))
symbol = findTypeSymbolInScopeChain(name, scopeChain.previous);
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 88, 11))
>findTypeSymbolInScopeChain : Symbol(findTypeSymbolInScopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 85, 5))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 87, 40))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 87, 53))
return symbol;
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 88, 11))
function findSymbolFromAlias(alias: AST, context: IAliasScopeContext): Symbol {
>findSymbolFromAlias : Symbol(findSymbolFromAlias, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 95, 5))
>alias : Symbol(alias, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 33))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 44))
>IAliasScopeContext : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 79, 34))
>Symbol : Symbol(Symbol, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
var symbol: Symbol = null;
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 98, 11))
>Symbol : Symbol(Symbol, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
switch (alias.nodeType) {
>alias : Symbol(alias, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 33))
case NodeType.Name:
var name = (<Identifier>alias).text;
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 101, 19))
>Identifier : Symbol(Identifier)
>alias : Symbol(alias, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 33))
var isDynamic = isQuoted(name);
>isDynamic : Symbol(isDynamic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 102, 19))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 101, 19))
var findSym = (id: string) => {
>findSym : Symbol(findSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 104, 19))
>id : Symbol(id, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 104, 31))
if (context.members) {
>context.members : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 82, 34))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 44))
>members : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 82, 34))
return context.members.lookup(name);
>context.members : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 82, 34))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 44))
>members : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 82, 34))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 101, 19))
else {
return findTypeSymbolInScopeChain(name, context.topLevelScope);
>findTypeSymbolInScopeChain : Symbol(findTypeSymbolInScopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 85, 5))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 101, 19))
>context.topLevelScope : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.topLevelScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 81, 41))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 44))
>topLevelScope : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.topLevelScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 81, 41))
if (isDynamic) {
>isDynamic : Symbol(isDynamic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 102, 19))
symbol = context.tcContext.checker.findSymbolForDynamicModule(name, context.tcContext.script.locationInfo.filename, findSym);
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 98, 11))
>context.tcContext : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.tcContext, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 83, 28))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 44))
>tcContext : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.tcContext, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 83, 28))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 101, 19))
>context.tcContext : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.tcContext, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 83, 28))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 44))
>tcContext : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.tcContext, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 83, 28))
>findSym : Symbol(findSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 104, 19))
else {
symbol = findSym(name);
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 98, 11))
>findSym : Symbol(findSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 104, 19))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 101, 19))
case NodeType.Dot:
var dottedExpr = <BinaryExpression>alias;
>dottedExpr : Symbol(dottedExpr, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 123, 19))
>BinaryExpression : Symbol(BinaryExpression)
>alias : Symbol(alias, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 33))
var op1Sym = findSymbolFromAlias(dottedExpr.operand1, context);
>op1Sym : Symbol(op1Sym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 124, 19))
>findSymbolFromAlias : Symbol(findSymbolFromAlias, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 95, 5))
>dottedExpr : Symbol(dottedExpr, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 123, 19))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 44))
if (op1Sym && op1Sym.getType()) {
>op1Sym : Symbol(op1Sym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 124, 19))
>op1Sym : Symbol(op1Sym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 124, 19))
symbol = findSymbolFromAlias(dottedExpr.operand2, context);
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 98, 11))
>findSymbolFromAlias : Symbol(findSymbolFromAlias, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 95, 5))
>dottedExpr : Symbol(dottedExpr, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 123, 19))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 44))
if (symbol) {
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 98, 11))
var symType = symbol.getType();
>symType : Symbol(symType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 137, 15))
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 98, 11))
if (symType) {
>symType : Symbol(symType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 137, 15))
var members = symType.members;
>members : Symbol(members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 139, 19))
>symType : Symbol(symType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 137, 15))
if (members) {
>members : Symbol(members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 139, 19))
context.members = members.publicMembers;
>context.members : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 82, 34))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 97, 44))
>members : Symbol(IAliasScopeContext.members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 82, 34))
>members : Symbol(members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 139, 19))
return symbol;
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 98, 11))
export function preCollectImportTypes(ast: AST, parent: AST, context: TypeCollectionContext) {
>preCollectImportTypes : Symbol(preCollectImportTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 147, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 42))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 51))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 64))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
var scopeChain = context.scopeChain;
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 150, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 64))
var typeSymbol: TypeSymbol = null;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 151, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
var modType: ModuleType = null;
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 152, 11))
>ModuleType : Symbol(ModuleType)
var importDecl = <ImportDeclaration>ast;
>importDecl : Symbol(importDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 153, 11))
>ImportDeclaration : Symbol(ImportDeclaration)
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 42))
var isExported = hasFlag(importDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Exported);
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 154, 11))
>importDecl : Symbol(importDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 153, 11))
// REVIEW: technically, this call isn't strictly necessary, since we'll find the type during the call to resolveTypeMembers
var aliasedModSymbol = findSymbolFromAlias(importDecl.alias, { topLevelScope: scopeChain, members: null, tcContext: context });
>aliasedModSymbol : Symbol(aliasedModSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 157, 11))
>findSymbolFromAlias : Symbol(findSymbolFromAlias, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 95, 5))
>importDecl : Symbol(importDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 153, 11))
>topLevelScope : Symbol(topLevelScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 157, 70))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 150, 11))
>members : Symbol(members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 157, 97))
>tcContext : Symbol(tcContext, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 157, 112))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 64))
var isGlobal = context.scopeChain.container == context.checker.gloMod;
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 158, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 64))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 64))
if (aliasedModSymbol) {
>aliasedModSymbol : Symbol(aliasedModSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 157, 11))
var aliasedModType = aliasedModSymbol.getType();
>aliasedModType : Symbol(aliasedModType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 161, 15))
>aliasedModSymbol : Symbol(aliasedModSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 157, 11))
if (aliasedModType) {
>aliasedModType : Symbol(aliasedModType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 161, 15))
modType = <ModuleType>aliasedModType;
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 152, 11))
>ModuleType : Symbol(ModuleType)
>aliasedModType : Symbol(aliasedModType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 161, 15))
typeSymbol = new TypeSymbol(importDecl.id.text, importDecl.minChar,
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 151, 11))
>importDecl : Symbol(importDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 153, 11))
>importDecl : Symbol(importDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 153, 11))
context.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex, modType);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 64))
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 152, 11))
typeSymbol.aliasLink = importDecl;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 151, 11))
>importDecl : Symbol(importDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 153, 11))
if (context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 64))
typeSymbol.declModule = context.scopeChain.moduleDecl;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 151, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 64))
typeSymbol.declAST = importDecl;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 151, 11))
>importDecl : Symbol(importDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 153, 11))
importDecl.id.sym = typeSymbol;
>importDecl : Symbol(importDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 153, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 151, 11))
scopeChain.scope.enter(scopeChain.container, ast, typeSymbol,
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 150, 11))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 150, 11))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 42))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 151, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter, isExported || isGlobal, true, false);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 64))
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 154, 11))
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 158, 11))
scopeChain.scope.enter(scopeChain.container, ast, typeSymbol,
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 150, 11))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 150, 11))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 42))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 151, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter, isExported || isGlobal, false, false);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 149, 64))
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 154, 11))
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 158, 11))
return true;
export function preCollectModuleTypes(ast: AST, parent: AST, context: TypeCollectionContext) {
>preCollectModuleTypes : Symbol(preCollectModuleTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 183, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 42))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 51))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
var scopeChain = context.scopeChain;
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 186, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
var moduleDecl: ModuleDeclaration = <ModuleDeclaration>ast;
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
>ModuleDeclaration : Symbol(ModuleDeclaration)
>ModuleDeclaration : Symbol(ModuleDeclaration)
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 42))
var isAmbient = hasFlag(moduleDecl.modFlags, ModuleFlags.Ambient);
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 190, 11))
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
var isEnum = hasFlag(moduleDecl.modFlags, ModuleFlags.IsEnum);
>isEnum : Symbol(isEnum, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 191, 11))
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
var isGlobal = context.scopeChain.container == context.checker.gloMod;
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 192, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
var isExported = hasFlag(moduleDecl.modFlags, ModuleFlags.Exported);
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 193, 11))
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
var modName = (<Identifier>moduleDecl.name).text;
>modName : Symbol(modName, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 194, 11))
>Identifier : Symbol(Identifier)
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
var isDynamic = isQuoted(modName);
>isDynamic : Symbol(isDynamic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 196, 11))
>modName : Symbol(modName, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 194, 11))
var symbol = scopeChain.scope.findLocal(modName, false, false);
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 198, 11))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 186, 11))
>modName : Symbol(modName, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 194, 11))
var typeSymbol: TypeSymbol = null;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
var modType: ModuleType = null;
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>ModuleType : Symbol(ModuleType)
if ((symbol == null) || (symbol.kind() != SymbolKind.Type)) {
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 198, 11))
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 198, 11))
if (modType == null) {
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
var enclosedTypes = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>enclosedTypes : Symbol(enclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 204, 19), Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 238, 15))
var ambientEnclosedTypes = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>ambientEnclosedTypes : Symbol(ambientEnclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 205, 19), Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 242, 15))
modType = new ModuleType(enclosedTypes, ambientEnclosedTypes);
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>enclosedTypes : Symbol(enclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 204, 19), Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 238, 15))
>ambientEnclosedTypes : Symbol(ambientEnclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 205, 19), Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 242, 15))
if (isEnum) {
>isEnum : Symbol(isEnum, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 191, 11))
modType.typeFlags |= TypeFlags.IsEnum;
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
modType.members = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
modType.ambientMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
typeSymbol = new TypeSymbol(modName, moduleDecl.minChar,
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
>modName : Symbol(modName, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 194, 11))
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
context.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex, modType);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
if (context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
typeSymbol.declModule = context.scopeChain.moduleDecl;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
typeSymbol.declAST = moduleDecl;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
typeSymbol.prettyName = moduleDecl.prettyName;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
scopeChain.scope.enter(scopeChain.container, ast, typeSymbol,
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 186, 11))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 186, 11))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 42))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter, isExported || isGlobal, true, isAmbient);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 193, 11))
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 192, 11))
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 190, 11))
scopeChain.scope.enter(scopeChain.container, ast, typeSymbol,
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 186, 11))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 186, 11))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 42))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter, isExported || isGlobal, false, isAmbient);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 193, 11))
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 192, 11))
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 190, 11))
modType.symbol = typeSymbol;
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
else {
if (symbol && symbol.declAST && symbol.declAST.nodeType != NodeType.ModuleDeclaration) {
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 198, 11))
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 198, 11))
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 198, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter.simpleError(moduleDecl, "Conflicting symbol name for module '" + modName + "'");
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
>modName : Symbol(modName, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 194, 11))
typeSymbol = <TypeSymbol>symbol;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>symbol : Symbol(symbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 198, 11))
// initialize new private scope for the type
var publicEnclosedTypes = typeSymbol.type.getAllEnclosedTypes().publicMembers;
>publicEnclosedTypes : Symbol(publicEnclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 236, 15))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
var publicEnclosedTypesTable = (publicEnclosedTypes == null) ? new StringHashTable() : publicEnclosedTypes;
>publicEnclosedTypesTable : Symbol(publicEnclosedTypesTable, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 237, 15))
>publicEnclosedTypes : Symbol(publicEnclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 236, 15))
>publicEnclosedTypes : Symbol(publicEnclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 236, 15))
var enclosedTypes = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(publicEnclosedTypesTable, new StringHashTable()));
>enclosedTypes : Symbol(enclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 204, 19), Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 238, 15))
>publicEnclosedTypesTable : Symbol(publicEnclosedTypesTable, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 237, 15))
var publicEnclosedAmbientTypes = typeSymbol.type.getAllAmbientEnclosedTypes().publicMembers;
>publicEnclosedAmbientTypes : Symbol(publicEnclosedAmbientTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 240, 15))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
var publicAmbientEnclosedTypesTable = (publicEnclosedAmbientTypes == null) ? new StringHashTable() : publicEnclosedAmbientTypes;
>publicAmbientEnclosedTypesTable : Symbol(publicAmbientEnclosedTypesTable, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 241, 15))
>publicEnclosedAmbientTypes : Symbol(publicEnclosedAmbientTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 240, 15))
>publicEnclosedAmbientTypes : Symbol(publicEnclosedAmbientTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 240, 15))
var ambientEnclosedTypes = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(publicAmbientEnclosedTypesTable, new StringHashTable()));
>ambientEnclosedTypes : Symbol(ambientEnclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 205, 19), Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 242, 15))
>publicAmbientEnclosedTypesTable : Symbol(publicAmbientEnclosedTypesTable, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 241, 15))
var publicMembers = typeSymbol.type.members.publicMembers;
>publicMembers : Symbol(publicMembers, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 244, 15))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
var publicMembersTable = (publicMembers == null) ? new StringHashTable() : publicMembers;
>publicMembersTable : Symbol(publicMembersTable, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 245, 15))
>publicMembers : Symbol(publicMembers, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 244, 15))
>publicMembers : Symbol(publicMembers, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 244, 15))
var members = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(publicMembersTable, new StringHashTable()));
>members : Symbol(members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 246, 15))
>publicMembersTable : Symbol(publicMembersTable, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 245, 15))
var publicAmbientMembers = typeSymbol.type.ambientMembers.publicMembers;
>publicAmbientMembers : Symbol(publicAmbientMembers, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 248, 15))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
var publicAmbientMembersTable = (publicAmbientMembers == null) ? new StringHashTable() : publicAmbientMembers;
>publicAmbientMembersTable : Symbol(publicAmbientMembersTable, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 249, 15))
>publicAmbientMembers : Symbol(publicAmbientMembers, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 248, 15))
>publicAmbientMembers : Symbol(publicAmbientMembers, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 248, 15))
var ambientMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(publicAmbientMembersTable, new StringHashTable()));
>ambientMembers : Symbol(ambientMembers, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 250, 15))
>publicAmbientMembersTable : Symbol(publicAmbientMembersTable, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 249, 15))
modType = new ModuleType(enclosedTypes, ambientEnclosedTypes);
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>enclosedTypes : Symbol(enclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 204, 19), Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 238, 15))
>ambientEnclosedTypes : Symbol(ambientEnclosedTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 205, 19), Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 242, 15))
if (isEnum) {
>isEnum : Symbol(isEnum, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 191, 11))
modType.typeFlags |= TypeFlags.IsEnum;
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
modType.members = members;
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>members : Symbol(members, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 246, 15))
modType.ambientMembers = ambientMembers;
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>ambientMembers : Symbol(ambientMembers, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 250, 15))
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
modType.symbol = typeSymbol;
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
if (context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
// REVIEW: If multiple disparate module decls for the same module don't agree
// in export privileges, how should we handle it?
if (isExported) {
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 193, 11))
typeSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.Exported;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
if ((context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) ||
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
(context.scopeChain.container == context.checker.gloMod)) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
typeSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.ModuleMember;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
moduleDecl.mod = modType;
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
pushTypeCollectionScope(typeSymbol, modType.members,
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 199, 11))
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
>modType : Symbol(modType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 200, 11))
context, null, null, moduleDecl);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 185, 64))
>moduleDecl : Symbol(moduleDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 188, 11))
return true;
export function preCollectClassTypes(ast: AST, parent: AST, context: TypeCollectionContext) {
>preCollectClassTypes : Symbol(preCollectClassTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 286, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 41))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 50))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
var scopeChain = context.scopeChain;
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 289, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
var classDecl = <ClassDeclaration>ast;
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
>ClassDeclaration : Symbol(ClassDeclaration)
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 41))
var classType: Type;
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
>Type : Symbol(Type)
var instanceType: Type;
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
>Type : Symbol(Type)
var typeSymbol: TypeSymbol = null;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
var className = (<Identifier>classDecl.name).text;
>className : Symbol(className, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 295, 11))
>Identifier : Symbol(Identifier)
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
var alreadyInScope = false;
>alreadyInScope : Symbol(alreadyInScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 296, 11))
var isAmbient = hasFlag(classDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Ambient);
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 297, 11))
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
var isExported = hasFlag(classDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Exported);
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 298, 11))
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
var isGlobal = context.scopeChain.container == context.checker.gloMod;
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 299, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
var containerMod = <TypeSymbol>scopeChain.container;
>containerMod : Symbol(containerMod, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 300, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 289, 11))
var foundValSymbol = false;
>foundValSymbol : Symbol(foundValSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 301, 11))
typeSymbol = <TypeSymbol>scopeChain.scope.findLocal(className, false, true);
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 289, 11))
>className : Symbol(className, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 295, 11))
// check the value space, since an override may have been declared with the type's name
if (!typeSymbol) {
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
var valTypeSymbol = scopeChain.scope.findLocal(className, false, false);
>valTypeSymbol : Symbol(valTypeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 308, 15))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 289, 11))
>className : Symbol(className, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 295, 11))
if (valTypeSymbol &&
>valTypeSymbol : Symbol(valTypeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 308, 15))
valTypeSymbol.isType() &&
>valTypeSymbol : Symbol(valTypeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 308, 15))
valTypeSymbol.declAST &&
>valTypeSymbol : Symbol(valTypeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 308, 15))
valTypeSymbol.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl &&
>valTypeSymbol : Symbol(valTypeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 308, 15))
(<FuncDecl>valTypeSymbol.declAST).isSignature()) {
>FuncDecl : Symbol(FuncDecl)
>valTypeSymbol : Symbol(valTypeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 308, 15))
typeSymbol = <TypeSymbol>valTypeSymbol;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>valTypeSymbol : Symbol(valTypeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 308, 15))
foundValSymbol = true;
>foundValSymbol : Symbol(foundValSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 301, 11))
if (isExported) {
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 298, 11))
typeSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.Exported;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
if (isAmbient) {
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 297, 11))
typeSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.Ambient;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
// the class was never entered into type space, so add it
context.scopeChain.scope.enter(context.scopeChain.container, ast, typeSymbol,
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 41))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter, isExported || isGlobal, true, isAmbient);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 298, 11))
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 299, 11))
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 297, 11))
if (typeSymbol && !foundValSymbol && (typeSymbol.declAST != classDecl)) {
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>foundValSymbol : Symbol(foundValSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 301, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
typeSymbol = null;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
if (typeSymbol == null) {
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
var valueSymbol = scopeChain.scope.findLocal(className, false, false);
>valueSymbol : Symbol(valueSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 338, 15))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 289, 11))
>className : Symbol(className, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 295, 11))
classType = new Type();
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
instanceType = new Type();
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
classType.instanceType = instanceType;
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
classType.members = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
classType.ambientMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
addPrototypeField(classType, classDecl, context);
>addPrototypeField : Symbol(addPrototypeField, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 31, 5))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
instanceType.members = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
instanceType.ambientMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
typeSymbol = new TypeSymbol(className, classDecl.minChar,
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>className : Symbol(className, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 295, 11))
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
context.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex, classType);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
typeSymbol.declAST = classDecl;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
typeSymbol.instanceType = instanceType;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
classType.symbol = typeSymbol;
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
instanceType.symbol = typeSymbol;
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
if (context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
typeSymbol.declModule = context.scopeChain.moduleDecl;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
typeSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.ModuleMember;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
if (isExported) {
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 298, 11))
typeSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.Exported;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
if (isAmbient) {
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 297, 11))
typeSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.Ambient;
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
ast.type = classType;
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 41))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
// class in both name spaces (type for instance type; constructor representative in value space)
context.scopeChain.scope.enter(context.scopeChain.container, ast, typeSymbol,
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 41))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter, isExported || isGlobal, true, isAmbient);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 298, 11))
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 299, 11))
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 297, 11))
if (valueSymbol == null) {
>valueSymbol : Symbol(valueSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 338, 15))
context.scopeChain.scope.enter(context.scopeChain.container, ast, typeSymbol,
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 41))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter, isExported || isGlobal, false, isAmbient);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 298, 11))
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 299, 11))
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 297, 11))
else {
classType = typeSymbol.type;
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
// If the instance type is null, a call overload was likely declared before the class constructor
if (classType.instanceType == null) {
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
classType.instanceType = new Type();
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
classType.instanceType.members = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
classType.instanceType.symbol = classType.symbol;
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
classType.members = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
classType.ambientMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
instanceType = classType.instanceType;
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
ast.type = classType;
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 41))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
// if the class has no declared constructor, either create a default signature or adapt
// it's base class's signature group
if (!classDecl.constructorDecl) {
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
if (typeSymbol && typeSymbol.declAST && typeSymbol.declAST.type && typeSymbol.declAST.type.call && !(<FuncDecl>typeSymbol.declAST).isOverload) {
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>FuncDecl : Symbol(FuncDecl)
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter.duplicateIdentifier(typeSymbol.declAST, typeSymbol.name);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>createNewConstructGroupForType : Symbol(createNewConstructGroupForType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 46, 5))
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
classType.typeFlags |= TypeFlags.IsClass;
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
instanceType.typeFlags |= TypeFlags.IsClass;
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
getBases(instanceType, classDecl);
>getBases : Symbol(getBases, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 26, 5))
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
>classDecl : Symbol(classDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 290, 11))
pushTypeCollectionScope(typeSymbol, instanceType.members, instanceType.ambientMembers, null, null,
>typeSymbol : Symbol(typeSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 294, 11))
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
context, instanceType, classType, null);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 288, 63))
>instanceType : Symbol(instanceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 293, 11))
>classType : Symbol(classType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 292, 11))
return true;
export function preCollectInterfaceTypes(ast: AST, parent: AST, context: TypeCollectionContext) {
>preCollectInterfaceTypes : Symbol(preCollectInterfaceTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 416, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 45))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 54))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
var scopeChain = context.scopeChain;
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 419, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
var interfaceDecl = <InterfaceDeclaration>ast;
>interfaceDecl : Symbol(interfaceDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 420, 11))
>InterfaceDeclaration : Symbol(InterfaceDeclaration)
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 45))
var interfaceSymbol: TypeSymbol = null;
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
var interfaceType: Type = null;
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
>Type : Symbol(Type)
var isExported = hasFlag(interfaceDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Exported);
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 423, 11))
>interfaceDecl : Symbol(interfaceDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 420, 11))
var isGlobal = context.scopeChain.container == context.checker.gloMod;
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 424, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
var alreadyInScope = true;
>alreadyInScope : Symbol(alreadyInScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 425, 11))
alreadyInScope = false;
>alreadyInScope : Symbol(alreadyInScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 425, 11))
var interfaceName = (<Identifier>interfaceDecl.name).text;
>interfaceName : Symbol(interfaceName, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 428, 11))
>Identifier : Symbol(Identifier)
>interfaceDecl : Symbol(interfaceDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 420, 11))
interfaceSymbol = <TypeSymbol>scopeChain.scope.findLocal(interfaceName, false, true);
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 419, 11))
>interfaceName : Symbol(interfaceName, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 428, 11))
if (interfaceSymbol == null) {
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
interfaceType = new Type();
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
interfaceSymbol = new TypeSymbol(interfaceName,
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
>interfaceName : Symbol(interfaceName, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 428, 11))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 45))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
interfaceType.symbol = interfaceSymbol;
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
// REVIEW: Shouldn't allocate another table for interface privates
interfaceType.members = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
interfaceType.ambientMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
interfaceSymbol.declAST = interfaceDecl;
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
>interfaceDecl : Symbol(interfaceDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 420, 11))
interfaceSymbol.declModule = context.scopeChain.moduleDecl;
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
else {
alreadyInScope = true;
>alreadyInScope : Symbol(alreadyInScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 425, 11))
interfaceType = interfaceSymbol.type;
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
if (!interfaceType) {
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
interfaceType = context.checker.anyType;
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
ast.type = interfaceType;
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 45))
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
getBases(interfaceType, interfaceDecl);
>getBases : Symbol(getBases, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 26, 5))
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
>interfaceDecl : Symbol(interfaceDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 420, 11))
if (isExported) {
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 423, 11))
interfaceSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.Exported;
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
if (context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
interfaceSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.ModuleMember;
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
if (!alreadyInScope) {
>alreadyInScope : Symbol(alreadyInScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 425, 11))
context.scopeChain.scope.enter(context.scopeChain.container, ast,
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 45))
interfaceSymbol, context.checker.errorReporter, isGlobal || isExported, true, false); // REVIEW: Technically, interfaces should be ambient
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 424, 11))
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 423, 11))
pushTypeCollectionScope(interfaceSymbol, interfaceType.members, interfaceType.ambientMembers, null, null,
>interfaceSymbol : Symbol(interfaceSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 421, 11))
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
context, interfaceType, null, null);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 418, 67))
>interfaceType : Symbol(interfaceType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 422, 11))
return true;
export function preCollectArgDeclTypes(ast: AST, parent: AST, context: TypeCollectionContext) {
>preCollectArgDeclTypes : Symbol(preCollectArgDeclTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 470, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 43))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 52))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 65))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
var scopeChain = context.scopeChain;
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 473, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 65))
var argDecl = <ArgDecl>ast;
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
>ArgDecl : Symbol(ArgDecl)
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 43))
if (hasFlag(argDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Public | VarFlags.Private)) {
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
var field = new ValueLocation();
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 476, 15))
var isPrivate = hasFlag(argDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Private);
>isPrivate : Symbol(isPrivate, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 477, 15))
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
var fieldSymbol =
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 478, 15))
new FieldSymbol(argDecl.id.text, argDecl.minChar,
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 65))
!hasFlag(argDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Readonly),
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 476, 15))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 478, 15))
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
field.symbol = fieldSymbol;
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 476, 15))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 478, 15))
fieldSymbol.declAST = ast;
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 478, 15))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 43))
argDecl.parameterPropertySym = fieldSymbol;
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 478, 15))
context.scopeChain.scope.enter(context.scopeChain.container, ast,
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 65))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 65))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 43))
fieldSymbol, context.checker.errorReporter, !isPrivate, false, false);
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 478, 15))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 65))
>isPrivate : Symbol(isPrivate, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 477, 15))
field.typeLink = getTypeLink(argDecl.typeExpr, context.checker, argDecl.init == null);
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 476, 15))
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 472, 65))
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
argDecl.sym = fieldSymbol;
>argDecl : Symbol(argDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 474, 11))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 478, 15))
return false;
export function preCollectVarDeclTypes(ast: AST, parent: AST, context: TypeCollectionContext) {
>preCollectVarDeclTypes : Symbol(preCollectVarDeclTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 495, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 43))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 52))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
var scopeChain = context.scopeChain;
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 498, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
var varDecl = <VarDecl>ast;
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
>VarDecl : Symbol(VarDecl)
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 43))
var isAmbient = hasFlag(varDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Ambient);
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 500, 11))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
var isExported = hasFlag(varDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Exported);
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 501, 11))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
var isGlobal = context.scopeChain.container == context.checker.gloMod;
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 502, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
var isProperty = hasFlag(varDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Property);
>isProperty : Symbol(isProperty, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 503, 11))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
var isStatic = hasFlag(varDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Static);
>isStatic : Symbol(isStatic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 504, 11))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
var isPrivate = hasFlag(varDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Private);
>isPrivate : Symbol(isPrivate, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 505, 11))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
var isOptional = hasFlag(varDecl.id.flags, ASTFlags.OptionalName);
>isOptional : Symbol(isOptional, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 506, 11))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
if (context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
if (isProperty ||
>isProperty : Symbol(isProperty, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 503, 11))
isExported ||
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 501, 11))
(context.scopeChain.container == context.checker.gloMod) ||
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
if (isAmbient) {
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 500, 11))
var existingSym =
>existingSym : Symbol(existingSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 516, 19))
<FieldSymbol>scopeChain.scope.findLocal(varDecl.id.text, false, false);
>FieldSymbol : Symbol(FieldSymbol)
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 498, 11))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
if (existingSym) {
>existingSym : Symbol(existingSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 516, 19))
varDecl.sym = existingSym;
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
>existingSym : Symbol(existingSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 516, 19))
return false;
// Defensive error detection...
if (varDecl.id == null) {
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter.simpleError(varDecl, "Expected variable identifier at this location");
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
return false;
var field = new ValueLocation();
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 530, 15))
var fieldSymbol =
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
new FieldSymbol(varDecl.id.text, varDecl.minChar,
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
(varDecl.varFlags & VarFlags.Readonly) == VarFlags.None,
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 530, 15))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
if (isOptional) {
>isOptional : Symbol(isOptional, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 506, 11))
fieldSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.Optional;
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
field.symbol = fieldSymbol;
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 530, 15))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
fieldSymbol.declAST = ast;
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 43))
if ((context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) ||
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
(context.scopeChain.container == context.checker.gloMod)) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
fieldSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.ModuleMember;
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
fieldSymbol.declModule = context.scopeChain.moduleDecl;
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
// if it's static, enter it into the class's member list directly
if (hasFlag(varDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Property) && isStatic && context.scopeChain.classType) {
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
>isStatic : Symbol(isStatic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 504, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
if (!context.scopeChain.classType.members.publicMembers.add(varDecl.id.text, fieldSymbol)) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
context.checker.errorReporter.duplicateIdentifier(ast, fieldSymbol.name);
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 43))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
fieldSymbol.container = context.scopeChain.classType.symbol;
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
else {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 43))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
!isPrivate && (isProperty || isExported || isGlobal || isStatic),
>isPrivate : Symbol(isPrivate, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 505, 11))
>isProperty : Symbol(isProperty, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 503, 11))
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 501, 11))
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 502, 11))
>isStatic : Symbol(isStatic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 504, 11))
>isAmbient : Symbol(isAmbient, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 500, 11))
if (hasFlag(varDecl.varFlags, VarFlags.Exported)) {
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
fieldSymbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.Exported;
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
field.typeLink = getTypeLink(varDecl.typeExpr, context.checker,
>field : Symbol(field, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 530, 15))
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 497, 65))
varDecl.init == null);
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
varDecl.sym = fieldSymbol;
>varDecl : Symbol(varDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 499, 11))
>fieldSymbol : Symbol(fieldSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 531, 15))
return false;
export function preCollectFuncDeclTypes(ast: AST, parent: AST, context: TypeCollectionContext) {
>preCollectFuncDeclTypes : Symbol(preCollectFuncDeclTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 574, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 44))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 53))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
var scopeChain = context.scopeChain;
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 577, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
// REVIEW: This will have to change when we move to "export"
if (context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
var funcDecl = <FuncDecl>ast;
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>FuncDecl : Symbol(FuncDecl)
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 44))
var fgSym: TypeSymbol = null;
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
var nameText = funcDecl.getNameText();
>nameText : Symbol(nameText, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 586, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
var isExported = hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.Exported | FncFlags.ClassPropertyMethodExported);
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 587, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
var isStatic = hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.Static);
>isStatic : Symbol(isStatic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 588, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
var isPrivate = hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.Private);
>isPrivate : Symbol(isPrivate, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 589, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
var isConstructor = funcDecl.isConstructMember() || funcDecl.isConstructor;
>isConstructor : Symbol(isConstructor, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 590, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
var containerSym:TypeSymbol = <TypeSymbol> (((funcDecl.isMethod() && isStatic) || funcDecl.isAccessor()) && context.scopeChain.classType ? context.scopeChain.classType.symbol : context.scopeChain.container);
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>isStatic : Symbol(isStatic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 588, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
var containerScope: SymbolScope = context.scopeChain.scope;
>containerScope : Symbol(containerScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 592, 11))
>SymbolScope : Symbol(SymbolScope)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
var isGlobal = containerSym == context.checker.gloMod;
>isGlobal : Symbol(isGlobal, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 593, 11))
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
var isOptional = funcDecl.name && hasFlag(funcDecl.name.flags, ASTFlags.OptionalName);
>isOptional : Symbol(isOptional, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 594, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
var go = false;
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 595, 11))
var foundSymbol = false;
>foundSymbol : Symbol(foundSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 596, 11))
// If this is a class constructor, the "container" is actually the class declaration
if (isConstructor && hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) {
>isConstructor : Symbol(isConstructor, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 590, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
containerSym = <TypeSymbol>containerSym.container;
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
containerScope = scopeChain.previous.scope;
>containerScope : Symbol(containerScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 592, 11))
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 577, 11))
funcDecl.unitIndex = context.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex;
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
// If the parent is the constructor, and this isn't an instance method, skip it.
// That way, we'll set the type during scope assignment, and can be sure that the
// function will be placed in the constructor-local scope
if (!funcDecl.isConstructor &&
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
containerSym &&
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
containerSym.declAST &&
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
containerSym.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl &&
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
(<FuncDecl>containerSym.declAST).isConstructor &&
>FuncDecl : Symbol(FuncDecl)
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
!funcDecl.isMethod()) {
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
return go;
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 595, 11))
// Interfaces and overloads
if (hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.Signature)) {
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
var instType = context.scopeChain.thisType;
>instType : Symbol(instType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 620, 15))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
// If the function is static, search in the class type's
if (nameText && nameText != "__missing") {
>nameText : Symbol(nameText, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 586, 11))
>nameText : Symbol(nameText, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 586, 11))
if (isStatic) {
>isStatic : Symbol(isStatic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 588, 11))
fgSym = containerSym.type.members.allMembers.lookup(nameText);
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
>nameText : Symbol(nameText, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 586, 11))
else {
// REVIEW: This logic should be symmetric with preCollectClassTypes
fgSym = <TypeSymbol>containerScope.findLocal(nameText, false, false);
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>containerScope : Symbol(containerScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 592, 11))
>nameText : Symbol(nameText, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 586, 11))
// If we could not find the function symbol in the value context, look
// in the type context.
// This would be the case, for example, if a class constructor override
// were declared before a call override for a given class
if (fgSym == null) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
fgSym = <TypeSymbol>containerScope.findLocal(nameText, false, true);
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>containerScope : Symbol(containerScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 592, 11))
>nameText : Symbol(nameText, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 586, 11))
if (fgSym) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
foundSymbol = true;
>foundSymbol : Symbol(foundSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 596, 11))
// We'll combine ambient and non-ambient funcdecls during typecheck (for contextual typing).,
// So, if they don't agree, don't use the symbol we've found
if (!funcDecl.isSignature() && (hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.Ambient) != hasFlag(fgSym.flags, SymbolFlags.Ambient))) {
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
fgSym = null;
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
// a function with this symbol has not yet been declared in this scope
// REVIEW: In the code below, we need to ensure that only function overloads are considered
// (E.g., if a vardecl has the same id as a function or class, we may use the vardecl symbol
// as the overload.) Defensively, however, the vardecl won't have a type yet, so it should
// suffice to just check for a null type when considering the overload symbol in
// createFunctionSignature
if (fgSym == null) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
if (!(funcDecl.isSpecialFn())) {
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
fgSym = context.checker.createFunctionSignature(funcDecl, containerSym, containerScope, null, !foundSymbol).declAST.type.symbol;
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
>containerScope : Symbol(containerScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 592, 11))
>foundSymbol : Symbol(foundSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 596, 11))
else {
fgSym = context.checker.createFunctionSignature(funcDecl, containerSym, containerScope, containerSym, false).declAST.type.symbol;
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
>containerScope : Symbol(containerScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 592, 11))
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
// set the symbol's declAST, which will point back to the first declaration (symbol or otherwise)
// related to this symbol
if (fgSym.declAST == null || !funcDecl.isSpecialFn()) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
fgSym.declAST = ast;
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 44))
else { // there exists a symbol with this name
if ((fgSym.kind() == SymbolKind.Type)) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
fgSym = context.checker.createFunctionSignature(funcDecl, containerSym, containerScope, fgSym, false).declAST.type.symbol;
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
>containerScope : Symbol(containerScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 592, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
else {
context.checker.errorReporter.simpleError(funcDecl, "Function or method '" + funcDecl.name.actualText + "' already declared as a property");
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
if (funcDecl.isSpecialFn() && !isStatic) {
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>isStatic : Symbol(isStatic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 588, 11))
funcDecl.type = instType ? instType : fgSym.type;
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>instType : Symbol(instType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 620, 15))
>instType : Symbol(instType, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 620, 15))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
else {
funcDecl.type = fgSym.type;
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
else {
// declarations
if (nameText) {
>nameText : Symbol(nameText, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 586, 11))
if (isStatic) {
>isStatic : Symbol(isStatic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 588, 11))
fgSym = containerSym.type.members.allMembers.lookup(nameText);
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
>nameText : Symbol(nameText, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 586, 11))
else {
// in the constructor case, we want to check the parent scope for overloads
if (funcDecl.isConstructor && context.scopeChain.previous) {
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
fgSym = <TypeSymbol>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.findLocal(nameText, false, false);
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>nameText : Symbol(nameText, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 586, 11))
if (fgSym == null) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
fgSym = <TypeSymbol>containerScope.findLocal(nameText, false, false);
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>TypeSymbol : Symbol(TypeSymbol)
>containerScope : Symbol(containerScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 592, 11))
>nameText : Symbol(nameText, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 586, 11))
if (fgSym) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
foundSymbol = true;
>foundSymbol : Symbol(foundSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 596, 11))
if (!isConstructor && fgSym.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl && !(<FuncDecl>fgSym.declAST).isAccessor() && !(<FuncDecl>fgSym.declAST).isSignature()) {
>isConstructor : Symbol(isConstructor, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 590, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>FuncDecl : Symbol(FuncDecl)
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>FuncDecl : Symbol(FuncDecl)
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
fgSym = null;
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
foundSymbol = false;
>foundSymbol : Symbol(foundSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 596, 11))
// REVIEW: Move this check into the typecheck phase? It's only being run over properties...
if (fgSym &&
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
!fgSym.isAccessor() &&
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
fgSym.type &&
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
fgSym.type.construct &&
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
fgSym.type.construct.signatures != [] &&
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
(fgSym.type.construct.signatures[0].declAST == null ||
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
!hasFlag(fgSym.type.construct.signatures[0].declAST.fncFlags, FncFlags.Ambient)) &&
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
!funcDecl.isConstructor) {
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter.simpleError(funcDecl, "Functions may not have class overloads");
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
if (fgSym && !(fgSym.kind() == SymbolKind.Type) && funcDecl.isMethod() && !funcDecl.isAccessor() && !funcDecl.isConstructor) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
context.checker.errorReporter.simpleError(funcDecl, "Function or method '" + funcDecl.name.actualText + "' already declared as a property");
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
fgSym.type = context.checker.anyType;
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
var sig = context.checker.createFunctionSignature(funcDecl, containerSym, containerScope, fgSym, !foundSymbol);
>sig : Symbol(sig, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 732, 15))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
>containerScope : Symbol(containerScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 592, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>foundSymbol : Symbol(foundSymbol, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 596, 11))
// it's a getter or setter function
if (((!fgSym || fgSym.declAST.nodeType != NodeType.FuncDecl) && funcDecl.isAccessor()) || (fgSym && fgSym.isAccessor())) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
funcDecl.accessorSymbol = context.checker.createAccessorSymbol(funcDecl, fgSym, containerSym.type, (funcDecl.isMethod() && isStatic), true, containerScope, containerSym);
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>isStatic : Symbol(isStatic, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 588, 11))
>containerScope : Symbol(containerScope, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 592, 11))
>containerSym : Symbol(containerSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 591, 11))
funcDecl.type.symbol.declAST = ast;
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 44))
if (funcDecl.isConstructor) { // REVIEW: Remove when classes completely replace oldclass
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
go = true;
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 595, 11))
if (isExported) {
>isExported : Symbol(isExported, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 587, 11))
if (funcDecl.type.call) {
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
funcDecl.type.symbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.Exported;
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
// Accessors are set to 'exported' above
if (fgSym && !fgSym.isAccessor() && fgSym.kind() == SymbolKind.Type && fgSym.type.call) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
fgSym.flags |= SymbolFlags.Exported;
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
if (context.scopeChain.moduleDecl && !funcDecl.isSpecialFn()) {
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
funcDecl.type.symbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.ModuleMember;
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
funcDecl.type.symbol.declModule = context.scopeChain.moduleDecl;
>funcDecl : Symbol(funcDecl, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 584, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 576, 66))
if (fgSym && isOptional) {
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
>isOptional : Symbol(isOptional, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 594, 11))
fgSym.flags |= SymbolFlags.Optional;
>fgSym : Symbol(fgSym, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 585, 11))
return go;
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 595, 11))
export function preCollectTypes(ast: AST, parent: AST, walker: IAstWalker) {
>preCollectTypes : Symbol(preCollectTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 764, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 45))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>walker : Symbol(walker, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 58))
>IAstWalker : Symbol(IAstWalker)
var context: TypeCollectionContext = walker.state;
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
>walker : Symbol(walker, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 58))
var go = false;
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
var scopeChain = context.scopeChain;
>scopeChain : Symbol(scopeChain, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 769, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.Script) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
var script: Script = <Script>ast;
>script : Symbol(script, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 772, 15))
>Script : Symbol(Script)
>Script : Symbol(Script)
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
context.script = script;
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
>script : Symbol(script, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 772, 15))
go = true;
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.List) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
go = true;
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.ImportDeclaration) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
go = preCollectImportTypes(ast, parent, context);
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
>preCollectImportTypes : Symbol(preCollectImportTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 147, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 45))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.With) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
go = false;
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.ModuleDeclaration) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
go = preCollectModuleTypes(ast, parent, context);
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
>preCollectModuleTypes : Symbol(preCollectModuleTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 183, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 45))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.ClassDeclaration) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
go = preCollectClassTypes(ast, parent, context);
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
>preCollectClassTypes : Symbol(preCollectClassTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 286, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 45))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.Block) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
go = true;
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
go = preCollectInterfaceTypes(ast, parent, context);
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
>preCollectInterfaceTypes : Symbol(preCollectInterfaceTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 416, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 45))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
// This will be a constructor arg because this pass only traverses
// constructor arg lists
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.ArgDecl) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
go = preCollectArgDeclTypes(ast, parent, context);
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
>preCollectArgDeclTypes : Symbol(preCollectArgDeclTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 470, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 45))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.VarDecl) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
go = preCollectVarDeclTypes(ast, parent, context);
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
>preCollectVarDeclTypes : Symbol(preCollectVarDeclTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 495, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 45))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
go = preCollectFuncDeclTypes(ast, parent, context);
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
>preCollectFuncDeclTypes : Symbol(preCollectFuncDeclTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 574, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 45))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
else {
if (ast.isStatementOrExpression() && context.scopeChain.moduleDecl) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 767, 11))
walker.options.goChildren = go;
>walker : Symbol(walker, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 58))
>go : Symbol(go, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 768, 11))
return ast;
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 766, 36))
export function postCollectTypes(ast: AST, parent: AST, walker: IAstWalker) {
>postCollectTypes : Symbol(postCollectTypes, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 815, 5))
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 817, 37))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 817, 46))
>AST : Symbol(AST)
>walker : Symbol(walker, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 817, 59))
>IAstWalker : Symbol(IAstWalker)
var context: TypeCollectionContext = walker.state;
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 818, 11))
>TypeCollectionContext : Symbol(TypeCollectionContext)
>walker : Symbol(walker, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 817, 59))
if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.ModuleDeclaration) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 817, 37))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 818, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.ClassDeclaration) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 817, 37))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 818, 11))
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration) {
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 817, 37))
>context : Symbol(context, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 818, 11))
return ast;
>ast : Symbol(ast, Decl(parserRealSource7.ts, 817, 37))