Anders Hejlsberg a4f9bf0fce
Create type aliases for unresolved type symbols (#45976)
* Create type aliases for unresolved type symbols

* Accept new baselines

* Update fourslash tests

* Unresolved import aliases create tagged unresolved symbols

* Add comments

* Accept new baselines

* Add fourslash tests
2021-09-23 13:21:27 -07:00

2385 lines
75 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/parser/ecmascript5/parserRealSource8.ts ===
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
// See LICENSE.txt in the project root for complete license information.
///<reference path='typescript.ts' />
module TypeScript {
>TypeScript : typeof TypeScript
export class AssignScopeContext {
>AssignScopeContext : AssignScopeContext
constructor (public scopeChain: ScopeChain,
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
public typeFlow: TypeFlow,
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
public modDeclChain: ModuleDeclaration[]) {
>modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
export function pushAssignScope(scope: SymbolScope,
>pushAssignScope : (scope: SymbolScope, context: AssignScopeContext, type: Type, classType: Type, fnc: FuncDecl) => void
>scope : SymbolScope
context: AssignScopeContext,
>context : AssignScopeContext
type: Type,
>type : Type
classType: Type,
>classType : Type
fnc: FuncDecl) {
>fnc : FuncDecl
var chain = new ScopeChain(null, context.scopeChain, scope);
>chain : any
>new ScopeChain(null, context.scopeChain, scope) : any
>ScopeChain : any
>null : null
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : SymbolScope
chain.thisType = type;
>chain.thisType = type : Type
>chain.thisType : any
>chain : any
>thisType : any
>type : Type
chain.classType = classType;
>chain.classType = classType : Type
>chain.classType : any
>chain : any
>classType : any
>classType : Type
chain.fnc = fnc;
>chain.fnc = fnc : FuncDecl
>chain.fnc : any
>chain : any
>fnc : any
>fnc : FuncDecl
context.scopeChain = chain;
>context.scopeChain = chain : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>chain : any
export function popAssignScope(context: AssignScopeContext) {
>popAssignScope : (context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>context : AssignScopeContext
context.scopeChain = context.scopeChain.previous;
>context.scopeChain = context.scopeChain.previous : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context.scopeChain.previous : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>previous : any
export function instanceCompare(a: Symbol, b: Symbol) {
>instanceCompare : (a: Symbol, b: Symbol) => Symbol
>a : Symbol
>b : Symbol
if (((a == null) || (!a.isInstanceProperty()))) {
>((a == null) || (!a.isInstanceProperty())) : boolean
>(a == null) || (!a.isInstanceProperty()) : boolean
>(a == null) : boolean
>a == null : boolean
>a : Symbol
>null : null
>(!a.isInstanceProperty()) : boolean
>!a.isInstanceProperty() : boolean
>a.isInstanceProperty() : any
>a.isInstanceProperty : any
>a : Symbol
>isInstanceProperty : any
return b;
>b : Symbol
else {
return a;
>a : Symbol
export function instanceFilterStop(s: Symbol) {
>instanceFilterStop : (s: Symbol) => any
>s : Symbol
return s.isInstanceProperty();
>s.isInstanceProperty() : any
>s.isInstanceProperty : any
>s : Symbol
>isInstanceProperty : any
export class ScopeSearchFilter {
>ScopeSearchFilter : ScopeSearchFilter
constructor (public select: (a: Symbol, b: Symbol) =>Symbol,
>select : (a: Symbol, b: Symbol) => Symbol
>a : Symbol
>b : Symbol
public stop: (s: Symbol) =>boolean) { }
>stop : (s: Symbol) => boolean
>s : Symbol
public result: Symbol = null;
>result : Symbol
>null : null
public reset() {
>reset : () => void
this.result = null;
>this.result = null : null
>this.result : Symbol
>this : this
>result : Symbol
>null : null
public update(b: Symbol): boolean {
>update : (b: Symbol) => boolean
>b : Symbol
this.result = this.select(this.result, b);
>this.result = this.select(this.result, b) : Symbol
>this.result : Symbol
>this : this
>result : Symbol
>this.select(this.result, b) : Symbol
>this.select : (a: Symbol, b: Symbol) => Symbol
>this : this
>select : (a: Symbol, b: Symbol) => Symbol
>this.result : Symbol
>this : this
>result : Symbol
>b : Symbol
if (this.result) {
>this.result : Symbol
>this : this
>result : Symbol
return this.stop(this.result);
>this.stop(this.result) : boolean
>this.stop : (s: Symbol) => boolean
>this : this
>stop : (s: Symbol) => boolean
>this.result : Symbol
>this : this
>result : Symbol
else {
return false;
>false : false
export var instanceFilter = new ScopeSearchFilter(instanceCompare, instanceFilterStop);
>instanceFilter : ScopeSearchFilter
>new ScopeSearchFilter(instanceCompare, instanceFilterStop) : ScopeSearchFilter
>ScopeSearchFilter : typeof ScopeSearchFilter
>instanceCompare : (a: Symbol, b: Symbol) => Symbol
>instanceFilterStop : (s: Symbol) => any
export function preAssignModuleScopes(ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) {
>preAssignModuleScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
var moduleDecl = <ModuleDeclaration>ast;
>moduleDecl : ModuleDeclaration
><ModuleDeclaration>ast : ModuleDeclaration
>ast : AST
var memberScope: SymbolTableScope = null;
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>null : null
var aggScope: SymbolAggregateScope = null;
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>null : null
if (moduleDecl.name && moduleDecl.mod) {
>moduleDecl.name && moduleDecl.mod : any
>moduleDecl.name : any
>moduleDecl : ModuleDeclaration
>name : any
>moduleDecl.mod : any
>moduleDecl : ModuleDeclaration
>mod : any
moduleDecl.name.sym = moduleDecl.mod.symbol;
>moduleDecl.name.sym = moduleDecl.mod.symbol : any
>moduleDecl.name.sym : any
>moduleDecl.name : any
>moduleDecl : ModuleDeclaration
>name : any
>sym : any
>moduleDecl.mod.symbol : any
>moduleDecl.mod : any
>moduleDecl : ModuleDeclaration
>mod : any
>symbol : any
var mod = moduleDecl.mod;
>mod : any
>moduleDecl.mod : any
>moduleDecl : ModuleDeclaration
>mod : any
// We're likely here because of error recovery
if (!mod) {
>!mod : boolean
>mod : any
memberScope = new SymbolTableScope(mod.members, mod.ambientMembers, mod.enclosedTypes, mod.ambientEnclosedTypes, mod.symbol);
>memberScope = new SymbolTableScope(mod.members, mod.ambientMembers, mod.enclosedTypes, mod.ambientEnclosedTypes, mod.symbol) : any
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>new SymbolTableScope(mod.members, mod.ambientMembers, mod.enclosedTypes, mod.ambientEnclosedTypes, mod.symbol) : any
>SymbolTableScope : any
>mod.members : any
>mod : any
>members : any
>mod.ambientMembers : any
>mod : any
>ambientMembers : any
>mod.enclosedTypes : any
>mod : any
>enclosedTypes : any
>mod.ambientEnclosedTypes : any
>mod : any
>ambientEnclosedTypes : any
>mod.symbol : any
>mod : any
>symbol : any
mod.memberScope = memberScope;
>mod.memberScope = memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>mod.memberScope : any
>mod : any
>memberScope : any
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>context.modDeclChain.push(moduleDecl) : number
>context.modDeclChain.push : (...items: ModuleDeclaration[]) => number
>context.modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
>context : AssignScopeContext
>modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
>push : (...items: ModuleDeclaration[]) => number
>moduleDecl : ModuleDeclaration
context.typeFlow.checker.currentModDecl = moduleDecl;
>context.typeFlow.checker.currentModDecl = moduleDecl : ModuleDeclaration
>context.typeFlow.checker.currentModDecl : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>currentModDecl : any
>moduleDecl : ModuleDeclaration
aggScope = new SymbolAggregateScope(mod.symbol);
>aggScope = new SymbolAggregateScope(mod.symbol) : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>new SymbolAggregateScope(mod.symbol) : any
>SymbolAggregateScope : any
>mod.symbol : any
>mod : any
>symbol : any
>aggScope.addParentScope(memberScope) : any
>aggScope.addParentScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>addParentScope : any
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>aggScope.addParentScope(context.scopeChain.scope) : any
>aggScope.addParentScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>addParentScope : any
>context.scopeChain.scope : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : any
pushAssignScope(aggScope, context, null, null, null);
>pushAssignScope(aggScope, context, null, null, null) : void
>pushAssignScope : (scope: SymbolScope, context: AssignScopeContext, type: Type, classType: Type, fnc: FuncDecl) => void
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>context : AssignScopeContext
>null : null
>null : null
>null : null
mod.containedScope = aggScope;
>mod.containedScope = aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>mod.containedScope : any
>mod : any
>containedScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
if (mod.symbol) {
>mod.symbol : any
>mod : any
>symbol : any
context.typeFlow.addLocalsFromScope(mod.containedScope, mod.symbol, moduleDecl.vars, mod.members.privateMembers, true);
>context.typeFlow.addLocalsFromScope(mod.containedScope, mod.symbol, moduleDecl.vars, mod.members.privateMembers, true) : any
>context.typeFlow.addLocalsFromScope : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>addLocalsFromScope : any
>mod.containedScope : any
>mod : any
>containedScope : any
>mod.symbol : any
>mod : any
>symbol : any
>moduleDecl.vars : any
>moduleDecl : ModuleDeclaration
>vars : any
>mod.members.privateMembers : any
>mod.members : any
>mod : any
>members : any
>privateMembers : any
>true : true
export function preAssignClassScopes(ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) {
>preAssignClassScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
var classDecl = <InterfaceDeclaration>ast;
>classDecl : InterfaceDeclaration
><InterfaceDeclaration>ast : InterfaceDeclaration
>ast : AST
var memberScope: SymbolTableScope = null;
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>null : null
var aggScope: SymbolAggregateScope = null;
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>null : null
if (classDecl.name && classDecl.type) {
>classDecl.name && classDecl.type : any
>classDecl.name : any
>classDecl : InterfaceDeclaration
>name : any
>classDecl.type : any
>classDecl : InterfaceDeclaration
>type : any
classDecl.name.sym = classDecl.type.symbol;
>classDecl.name.sym = classDecl.type.symbol : any
>classDecl.name.sym : any
>classDecl.name : any
>classDecl : InterfaceDeclaration
>name : any
>sym : any
>classDecl.type.symbol : any
>classDecl.type : any
>classDecl : InterfaceDeclaration
>type : any
>symbol : any
var classType = ast.type;
>classType : any
>ast.type : any
>ast : AST
>type : any
if (classType) {
>classType : any
var classSym = classType.symbol;
>classSym : any
>classType.symbol : any
>classType : any
>symbol : any
memberScope = <SymbolTableScope>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(classType);
>memberScope = <SymbolTableScope>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(classType) : SymbolTableScope
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
><SymbolTableScope>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(classType) : SymbolTableScope
>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(classType) : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>scopeOf : any
>classType : any
aggScope = new SymbolAggregateScope(classType.symbol);
>aggScope = new SymbolAggregateScope(classType.symbol) : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>new SymbolAggregateScope(classType.symbol) : any
>SymbolAggregateScope : any
>classType.symbol : any
>classType : any
>symbol : any
>aggScope.addParentScope(memberScope) : any
>aggScope.addParentScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>addParentScope : any
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>aggScope.addParentScope(context.scopeChain.scope) : any
>aggScope.addParentScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>addParentScope : any
>context.scopeChain.scope : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : any
classType.containedScope = aggScope;
>classType.containedScope = aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>classType.containedScope : any
>classType : any
>containedScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
classType.memberScope = memberScope;
>classType.memberScope = memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>classType.memberScope : any
>classType : any
>memberScope : any
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
var instanceType = classType.instanceType;
>instanceType : any
>classType.instanceType : any
>classType : any
>instanceType : any
memberScope = <SymbolTableScope>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(instanceType);
>memberScope = <SymbolTableScope>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(instanceType) : SymbolTableScope
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
><SymbolTableScope>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(instanceType) : SymbolTableScope
>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(instanceType) : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>scopeOf : any
>instanceType : any
instanceType.memberScope = memberScope;
>instanceType.memberScope = memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>instanceType.memberScope : any
>instanceType : any
>memberScope : any
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
aggScope = new SymbolAggregateScope(instanceType.symbol);
>aggScope = new SymbolAggregateScope(instanceType.symbol) : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>new SymbolAggregateScope(instanceType.symbol) : any
>SymbolAggregateScope : any
>instanceType.symbol : any
>instanceType : any
>symbol : any
>aggScope.addParentScope(context.scopeChain.scope) : any
>aggScope.addParentScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>addParentScope : any
>context.scopeChain.scope : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : any
pushAssignScope(aggScope, context, instanceType, classType, null);
>pushAssignScope(aggScope, context, instanceType, classType, null) : void
>pushAssignScope : (scope: SymbolScope, context: AssignScopeContext, type: Type, classType: Type, fnc: FuncDecl) => void
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>context : AssignScopeContext
>instanceType : any
>classType : any
>null : null
instanceType.containedScope = aggScope;
>instanceType.containedScope = aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>instanceType.containedScope : any
>instanceType : any
>containedScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
else {
ast.type = context.typeFlow.anyType;
>ast.type = context.typeFlow.anyType : any
>ast.type : any
>ast : AST
>type : any
>context.typeFlow.anyType : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>anyType : any
export function preAssignInterfaceScopes(ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) {
>preAssignInterfaceScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
var interfaceDecl = <InterfaceDeclaration>ast;
>interfaceDecl : InterfaceDeclaration
><InterfaceDeclaration>ast : InterfaceDeclaration
>ast : AST
var memberScope: SymbolTableScope = null;
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>null : null
var aggScope: SymbolAggregateScope = null;
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>null : null
if (interfaceDecl.name && interfaceDecl.type) {
>interfaceDecl.name && interfaceDecl.type : any
>interfaceDecl.name : any
>interfaceDecl : InterfaceDeclaration
>name : any
>interfaceDecl.type : any
>interfaceDecl : InterfaceDeclaration
>type : any
interfaceDecl.name.sym = interfaceDecl.type.symbol;
>interfaceDecl.name.sym = interfaceDecl.type.symbol : any
>interfaceDecl.name.sym : any
>interfaceDecl.name : any
>interfaceDecl : InterfaceDeclaration
>name : any
>sym : any
>interfaceDecl.type.symbol : any
>interfaceDecl.type : any
>interfaceDecl : InterfaceDeclaration
>type : any
>symbol : any
var interfaceType = ast.type;
>interfaceType : any
>ast.type : any
>ast : AST
>type : any
memberScope = <SymbolTableScope>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(interfaceType);
>memberScope = <SymbolTableScope>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(interfaceType) : SymbolTableScope
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
><SymbolTableScope>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(interfaceType) : SymbolTableScope
>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf(interfaceType) : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.scopeOf : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>scopeOf : any
>interfaceType : any
interfaceType.memberScope = memberScope;
>interfaceType.memberScope = memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>interfaceType.memberScope : any
>interfaceType : any
>memberScope : any
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
aggScope = new SymbolAggregateScope(interfaceType.symbol);
>aggScope = new SymbolAggregateScope(interfaceType.symbol) : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>new SymbolAggregateScope(interfaceType.symbol) : any
>SymbolAggregateScope : any
>interfaceType.symbol : any
>interfaceType : any
>symbol : any
>aggScope.addParentScope(memberScope) : any
>aggScope.addParentScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>addParentScope : any
>memberScope : SymbolTableScope
>aggScope.addParentScope(context.scopeChain.scope) : any
>aggScope.addParentScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>addParentScope : any
>context.scopeChain.scope : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : any
pushAssignScope(aggScope, context, null, null, null);
>pushAssignScope(aggScope, context, null, null, null) : void
>pushAssignScope : (scope: SymbolScope, context: AssignScopeContext, type: Type, classType: Type, fnc: FuncDecl) => void
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>context : AssignScopeContext
>null : null
>null : null
>null : null
interfaceType.containedScope = aggScope;
>interfaceType.containedScope = aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
>interfaceType.containedScope : any
>interfaceType : any
>containedScope : any
>aggScope : SymbolAggregateScope
export function preAssignWithScopes(ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) {
>preAssignWithScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
var withStmt = <WithStatement>ast;
>withStmt : WithStatement
><WithStatement>ast : WithStatement
>ast : AST
var withType = withStmt.type;
>withType : any
>withStmt.type : any
>withStmt : WithStatement
>type : any
var members = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>members : any
>new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable())) : any
>ScopedMembers : any
>new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()) : any
>DualStringHashTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
var ambientMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()));
>ambientMembers : any
>new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable())) : any
>ScopedMembers : any
>new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()) : any
>DualStringHashTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
var withType = new Type();
>withType : any
>new Type() : any
>Type : any
var withSymbol = new WithSymbol(withStmt.minChar, context.typeFlow.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex, withType);
>withSymbol : any
>new WithSymbol(withStmt.minChar, context.typeFlow.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex, withType) : any
>WithSymbol : any
>withStmt.minChar : any
>withStmt : WithStatement
>minChar : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.locationInfo : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>locationInfo : any
>unitIndex : any
>withType : any
withType.members = members;
>withType.members = members : any
>withType.members : any
>withType : any
>members : any
>members : any
withType.ambientMembers = ambientMembers;
>withType.ambientMembers = ambientMembers : any
>withType.ambientMembers : any
>withType : any
>ambientMembers : any
>ambientMembers : any
withType.symbol = withSymbol;
>withType.symbol = withSymbol : any
>withType.symbol : any
>withType : any
>symbol : any
>withSymbol : any
>withType.setHasImplementation() : any
>withType.setHasImplementation : any
>withType : any
>setHasImplementation : any
withStmt.type = withType;
>withStmt.type = withType : any
>withStmt.type : any
>withStmt : WithStatement
>type : any
>withType : any
var withScope = new TypeScript.SymbolScopeBuilder(withType.members, withType.ambientMembers, null, null, context.scopeChain.scope, withType.symbol);
>withScope : any
>new TypeScript.SymbolScopeBuilder(withType.members, withType.ambientMembers, null, null, context.scopeChain.scope, withType.symbol) : any
>TypeScript.SymbolScopeBuilder : any
>TypeScript : typeof TypeScript
>SymbolScopeBuilder : any
>withType.members : any
>withType : any
>members : any
>withType.ambientMembers : any
>withType : any
>ambientMembers : any
>null : null
>null : null
>context.scopeChain.scope : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : any
>withType.symbol : any
>withType : any
>symbol : any
pushAssignScope(withScope, context, null, null, null);
>pushAssignScope(withScope, context, null, null, null) : void
>pushAssignScope : (scope: SymbolScope, context: AssignScopeContext, type: Type, classType: Type, fnc: FuncDecl) => void
>withScope : any
>context : AssignScopeContext
>null : null
>null : null
>null : null
withType.containedScope = withScope;
>withType.containedScope = withScope : any
>withType.containedScope : any
>withType : any
>containedScope : any
>withScope : any
export function preAssignFuncDeclScopes(ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) {
>preAssignFuncDeclScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
var funcDecl = <FuncDecl>ast;
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
><FuncDecl>ast : FuncDecl
>ast : AST
var container: Symbol = null;
>container : Symbol
>null : null
var localContainer: Symbol = null;
>localContainer : Symbol
>null : null
if (funcDecl.type) {
>funcDecl.type : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>type : any
localContainer = ast.type.symbol;
>localContainer = ast.type.symbol : any
>localContainer : Symbol
>ast.type.symbol : any
>ast.type : any
>ast : AST
>type : any
>symbol : any
var isStatic = hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.Static);
>isStatic : any
>hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.Static) : any
>hasFlag : any
>funcDecl.fncFlags : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>fncFlags : any
>FncFlags.Static : any
>FncFlags : any
>Static : any
var isInnerStatic = isStatic && context.scopeChain.fnc != null;
>isInnerStatic : boolean
>isStatic && context.scopeChain.fnc != null : boolean
>isStatic : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc != null : boolean
>context.scopeChain.fnc : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>fnc : any
>null : null
// for inner static functions, use the parent's member scope, so local vars cannot be captured
var parentScope = isInnerStatic ? context.scopeChain.fnc.type.memberScope : context.scopeChain.scope;
>parentScope : any
>isInnerStatic ? context.scopeChain.fnc.type.memberScope : context.scopeChain.scope : any
>isInnerStatic : boolean
>context.scopeChain.fnc.type.memberScope : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc.type : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>fnc : any
>type : any
>memberScope : any
>context.scopeChain.scope : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : any
// if this is not a method, but enclosed by class, use constructor as
// the enclosing scope
// REVIEW: Some twisted logic here - this needs to be cleaned up once old classes are removed
// - if it's a new class, always use the contained scope, since we initialize the constructor scope below
if (context.scopeChain.thisType &&
>context.scopeChain.thisType && (!funcDecl.isConstructor || hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>thisType : any
(!funcDecl.isConstructor || hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod))) {
>(!funcDecl.isConstructor || hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) : any
>!funcDecl.isConstructor || hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : any
>!funcDecl.isConstructor : boolean
>funcDecl.isConstructor : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isConstructor : any
>hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : any
>hasFlag : any
>funcDecl.fncFlags : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>fncFlags : any
>FncFlags.ClassMethod : any
>FncFlags : any
>ClassMethod : any
var instType = context.scopeChain.thisType;
>instType : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>thisType : any
if (!(instType.typeFlags & TypeFlags.IsClass) && !hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) {
>!(instType.typeFlags & TypeFlags.IsClass) && !hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : boolean
>!(instType.typeFlags & TypeFlags.IsClass) : boolean
>(instType.typeFlags & TypeFlags.IsClass) : number
>instType.typeFlags & TypeFlags.IsClass : number
>instType.typeFlags : any
>instType : any
>typeFlags : any
>TypeFlags.IsClass : any
>TypeFlags : any
>IsClass : any
>!hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : boolean
>hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : any
>hasFlag : any
>funcDecl.fncFlags : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>fncFlags : any
>FncFlags.ClassMethod : any
>FncFlags : any
>ClassMethod : any
if (!funcDecl.isMethod() || isStatic) {
>!funcDecl.isMethod() || isStatic : any
>!funcDecl.isMethod() : boolean
>funcDecl.isMethod() : any
>funcDecl.isMethod : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isMethod : any
>isStatic : any
parentScope = instType.constructorScope;
>parentScope = instType.constructorScope : any
>parentScope : any
>instType.constructorScope : any
>instType : any
>constructorScope : any
else {
// use constructor scope if a method as well
parentScope = instType.containedScope;
>parentScope = instType.containedScope : any
>parentScope : any
>instType.containedScope : any
>instType : any
>containedScope : any
else {
if (context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container &&
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container && context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST && context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl && (<FuncDecl>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST).isConstructor : any
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container && context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST && context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl : boolean
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container && context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST : any
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container : any
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope : any
>context.scopeChain.previous : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>previous : any
>scope : any
>container : any
context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST &&
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST : any
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container : any
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope : any
>context.scopeChain.previous : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>previous : any
>scope : any
>container : any
>declAST : any
context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl &&
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl : boolean
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST.nodeType : any
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST : any
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container : any
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope : any
>context.scopeChain.previous : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>previous : any
>scope : any
>container : any
>declAST : any
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.FuncDecl : any
>NodeType : any
>FuncDecl : any
(<FuncDecl>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST).isConstructor) {
>(<FuncDecl>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST).isConstructor : any
>(<FuncDecl>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST) : FuncDecl
><FuncDecl>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST : FuncDecl
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container.declAST : any
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope.container : any
>context.scopeChain.previous.scope : any
>context.scopeChain.previous : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>previous : any
>scope : any
>container : any
>declAST : any
>isConstructor : any
// if the parent is the class constructor, use the constructor scope
parentScope = instType.constructorScope;
>parentScope = instType.constructorScope : any
>parentScope : any
>instType.constructorScope : any
>instType : any
>constructorScope : any
else if (isStatic && context.scopeChain.classType) {
>isStatic && context.scopeChain.classType : any
>isStatic : any
>context.scopeChain.classType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>classType : any
parentScope = context.scopeChain.classType.containedScope;
>parentScope = context.scopeChain.classType.containedScope : any
>parentScope : any
>context.scopeChain.classType.containedScope : any
>context.scopeChain.classType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>classType : any
>containedScope : any
else {
// else, use the contained scope
parentScope = instType.containedScope;
>parentScope = instType.containedScope : any
>parentScope : any
>instType.containedScope : any
>instType : any
>containedScope : any
container = instType.symbol;
>container = instType.symbol : any
>container : Symbol
>instType.symbol : any
>instType : any
>symbol : any
else if (funcDecl.isConstructor && context.scopeChain.thisType) {
>funcDecl.isConstructor && context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>funcDecl.isConstructor : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isConstructor : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>thisType : any
// sets the container to the class type's symbol (which is shared by the instance type)
container = context.scopeChain.thisType.symbol;
>container = context.scopeChain.thisType.symbol : any
>container : Symbol
>context.scopeChain.thisType.symbol : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>thisType : any
>symbol : any
if (funcDecl.type == null || hasFlag(funcDecl.type.symbol.flags, SymbolFlags.TypeSetDuringScopeAssignment)) {
>funcDecl.type == null || hasFlag(funcDecl.type.symbol.flags, SymbolFlags.TypeSetDuringScopeAssignment) : any
>funcDecl.type == null : boolean
>funcDecl.type : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>type : any
>null : null
>hasFlag(funcDecl.type.symbol.flags, SymbolFlags.TypeSetDuringScopeAssignment) : any
>hasFlag : any
>funcDecl.type.symbol.flags : any
>funcDecl.type.symbol : any
>funcDecl.type : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>type : any
>symbol : any
>flags : any
>SymbolFlags.TypeSetDuringScopeAssignment : any
>SymbolFlags : any
>TypeSetDuringScopeAssignment : any
if (context.scopeChain.fnc && context.scopeChain.fnc.type) {
>context.scopeChain.fnc && context.scopeChain.fnc.type : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>fnc : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc.type : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>fnc : any
>type : any
container = context.scopeChain.fnc.type.symbol;
>container = context.scopeChain.fnc.type.symbol : any
>container : Symbol
>context.scopeChain.fnc.type.symbol : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc.type : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>fnc : any
>type : any
>symbol : any
var funcScope = null;
>funcScope : any
>null : null
var outerFnc: FuncDecl = context.scopeChain.fnc;
>outerFnc : FuncDecl
>context.scopeChain.fnc : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>fnc : any
var nameText = funcDecl.name ? funcDecl.name.actualText : null;
>nameText : any
>funcDecl.name ? funcDecl.name.actualText : null : any
>funcDecl.name : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>name : any
>funcDecl.name.actualText : any
>funcDecl.name : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>name : any
>actualText : any
>null : null
var fgSym: TypeSymbol = null;
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>null : null
if (isStatic) {
>isStatic : any
// In the case of function-nested statics, no member list will have bee initialized for the function, so we need
// to copy it over. We don't set this by default because having a non-null member list will throw off assignment
// compatibility tests
if (outerFnc.type.members == null && container.getType().memberScope) {
>outerFnc.type.members == null && container.getType().memberScope : any
>outerFnc.type.members == null : boolean
>outerFnc.type.members : any
>outerFnc.type : any
>outerFnc : FuncDecl
>type : any
>members : any
>null : null
>container.getType().memberScope : any
>container.getType() : any
>container.getType : any
>container : Symbol
>getType : any
>memberScope : any
outerFnc.type.members = (<SymbolScopeBuilder>(<TypeSymbol>container).type.memberScope).valueMembers;
>outerFnc.type.members = (<SymbolScopeBuilder>(<TypeSymbol>container).type.memberScope).valueMembers : any
>outerFnc.type.members : any
>outerFnc.type : any
>outerFnc : FuncDecl
>type : any
>members : any
>(<SymbolScopeBuilder>(<TypeSymbol>container).type.memberScope).valueMembers : any
>(<SymbolScopeBuilder>(<TypeSymbol>container).type.memberScope) : SymbolScopeBuilder
><SymbolScopeBuilder>(<TypeSymbol>container).type.memberScope : SymbolScopeBuilder
>(<TypeSymbol>container).type.memberScope : any
>(<TypeSymbol>container).type : any
>(<TypeSymbol>container) : TypeSymbol
><TypeSymbol>container : TypeSymbol
>container : Symbol
>type : any
>memberScope : any
>valueMembers : any
funcScope = context.scopeChain.fnc.type.memberScope;
>funcScope = context.scopeChain.fnc.type.memberScope : any
>funcScope : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc.type.memberScope : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc.type : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>fnc : any
>type : any
>memberScope : any
outerFnc.innerStaticFuncs[outerFnc.innerStaticFuncs.length] = funcDecl;
>outerFnc.innerStaticFuncs[outerFnc.innerStaticFuncs.length] = funcDecl : FuncDecl
>outerFnc.innerStaticFuncs[outerFnc.innerStaticFuncs.length] : any
>outerFnc.innerStaticFuncs : any
>outerFnc : FuncDecl
>innerStaticFuncs : any
>outerFnc.innerStaticFuncs.length : any
>outerFnc.innerStaticFuncs : any
>outerFnc : FuncDecl
>innerStaticFuncs : any
>length : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
else {
if (!funcDecl.isConstructor &&
>!funcDecl.isConstructor && container && container.declAST && container.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl && (<FuncDecl>container.declAST).isConstructor && !funcDecl.isMethod() : boolean
>!funcDecl.isConstructor && container && container.declAST && container.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl && (<FuncDecl>container.declAST).isConstructor : any
>!funcDecl.isConstructor && container && container.declAST && container.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl : boolean
>!funcDecl.isConstructor && container && container.declAST : any
>!funcDecl.isConstructor && container : Symbol
>!funcDecl.isConstructor : boolean
>funcDecl.isConstructor : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isConstructor : any
container &&
>container : Symbol
container.declAST &&
>container.declAST : any
>container : Symbol
>declAST : any
container.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl &&
>container.declAST.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl : boolean
>container.declAST.nodeType : any
>container.declAST : any
>container : Symbol
>declAST : any
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.FuncDecl : any
>NodeType : any
>FuncDecl : any
(<FuncDecl>container.declAST).isConstructor &&
>(<FuncDecl>container.declAST).isConstructor : any
>(<FuncDecl>container.declAST) : FuncDecl
><FuncDecl>container.declAST : FuncDecl
>container.declAST : any
>container : Symbol
>declAST : any
>isConstructor : any
!funcDecl.isMethod()) {
>!funcDecl.isMethod() : boolean
>funcDecl.isMethod() : any
>funcDecl.isMethod : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isMethod : any
funcScope = context.scopeChain.thisType.constructorScope;//locals;
>funcScope = context.scopeChain.thisType.constructorScope : any
>funcScope : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType.constructorScope : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>thisType : any
>constructorScope : any
else {
funcScope = context.scopeChain.scope;
>funcScope = context.scopeChain.scope : any
>funcScope : any
>context.scopeChain.scope : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : any
// REVIEW: We don't search for another sym for accessors to prevent us from
// accidentally coalescing function signatures with the same name (E.g., a function
// 'f' the outer scope and a setter 'f' in an object literal within that scope)
if (nameText && nameText != "__missing" && !funcDecl.isAccessor()) {
>nameText && nameText != "__missing" && !funcDecl.isAccessor() : boolean
>nameText && nameText != "__missing" : boolean
>nameText : any
>nameText != "__missing" : boolean
>nameText : any
>"__missing" : "__missing"
>!funcDecl.isAccessor() : boolean
>funcDecl.isAccessor() : any
>funcDecl.isAccessor : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isAccessor : any
if (isStatic) {
>isStatic : any
fgSym = funcScope.findLocal(nameText, false, false);
>fgSym = funcScope.findLocal(nameText, false, false) : any
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>funcScope.findLocal(nameText, false, false) : any
>funcScope.findLocal : any
>funcScope : any
>findLocal : any
>nameText : any
>false : false
>false : false
else {
// REVIEW: This logic should be symmetric with preCollectClassTypes
fgSym = funcScope.findLocal(nameText, false, false);
>fgSym = funcScope.findLocal(nameText, false, false) : any
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>funcScope.findLocal(nameText, false, false) : any
>funcScope.findLocal : any
>funcScope : any
>findLocal : any
>nameText : any
>false : false
>false : false
context.typeFlow.checker.createFunctionSignature(funcDecl, container,
>context.typeFlow.checker.createFunctionSignature(funcDecl, container, funcScope, fgSym, fgSym == null) : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.createFunctionSignature : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>createFunctionSignature : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>container : Symbol
funcScope, fgSym, fgSym == null);
>funcScope : any
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>fgSym == null : boolean
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>null : null
// it's a getter or setter for a class property
if (!funcDecl.accessorSymbol &&
>!funcDecl.accessorSymbol && (funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.ClassMethod) && container && ((!fgSym || fgSym.declAST.nodeType != NodeType.FuncDecl) && funcDecl.isAccessor()) || (fgSym && fgSym.isAccessor()) : any
>!funcDecl.accessorSymbol && (funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.ClassMethod) && container && ((!fgSym || fgSym.declAST.nodeType != NodeType.FuncDecl) && funcDecl.isAccessor()) : any
>!funcDecl.accessorSymbol && (funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.ClassMethod) && container : Symbol
>!funcDecl.accessorSymbol && (funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.ClassMethod) : number
>!funcDecl.accessorSymbol : boolean
>funcDecl.accessorSymbol : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>accessorSymbol : any
(funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.ClassMethod) &&
>(funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.ClassMethod) : number
>funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.ClassMethod : number
>funcDecl.fncFlags : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>fncFlags : any
>FncFlags.ClassMethod : any
>FncFlags : any
>ClassMethod : any
container &&
>container : Symbol
((!fgSym || fgSym.declAST.nodeType != NodeType.FuncDecl) && funcDecl.isAccessor()) ||
>((!fgSym || fgSym.declAST.nodeType != NodeType.FuncDecl) && funcDecl.isAccessor()) : any
>(!fgSym || fgSym.declAST.nodeType != NodeType.FuncDecl) && funcDecl.isAccessor() : any
>(!fgSym || fgSym.declAST.nodeType != NodeType.FuncDecl) : boolean
>!fgSym || fgSym.declAST.nodeType != NodeType.FuncDecl : boolean
>!fgSym : boolean
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>fgSym.declAST.nodeType != NodeType.FuncDecl : boolean
>fgSym.declAST.nodeType : any
>fgSym.declAST : any
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>declAST : any
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.FuncDecl : any
>NodeType : any
>FuncDecl : any
>funcDecl.isAccessor() : any
>funcDecl.isAccessor : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isAccessor : any
(fgSym && fgSym.isAccessor()))
>(fgSym && fgSym.isAccessor()) : any
>fgSym && fgSym.isAccessor() : any
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>fgSym.isAccessor() : any
>fgSym.isAccessor : any
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>isAccessor : any
funcDecl.accessorSymbol = context.typeFlow.checker.createAccessorSymbol(funcDecl, fgSym, container.getType(), (funcDecl.isMethod() && isStatic), true, funcScope, container);
>funcDecl.accessorSymbol = context.typeFlow.checker.createAccessorSymbol(funcDecl, fgSym, container.getType(), (funcDecl.isMethod() && isStatic), true, funcScope, container) : any
>funcDecl.accessorSymbol : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>accessorSymbol : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.createAccessorSymbol(funcDecl, fgSym, container.getType(), (funcDecl.isMethod() && isStatic), true, funcScope, container) : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.createAccessorSymbol : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>createAccessorSymbol : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>container.getType() : any
>container.getType : any
>container : Symbol
>getType : any
>(funcDecl.isMethod() && isStatic) : any
>funcDecl.isMethod() && isStatic : any
>funcDecl.isMethod() : any
>funcDecl.isMethod : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isMethod : any
>isStatic : any
>true : true
>funcScope : any
>container : Symbol
funcDecl.type.symbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.TypeSetDuringScopeAssignment;
>funcDecl.type.symbol.flags |= SymbolFlags.TypeSetDuringScopeAssignment : number
>funcDecl.type.symbol.flags : any
>funcDecl.type.symbol : any
>funcDecl.type : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>type : any
>symbol : any
>flags : any
>SymbolFlags.TypeSetDuringScopeAssignment : any
>SymbolFlags : any
>TypeSetDuringScopeAssignment : any
// Set the symbol for functions and their overloads
if (funcDecl.name && funcDecl.type) {
>funcDecl.name && funcDecl.type : any
>funcDecl.name : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>name : any
>funcDecl.type : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>type : any
funcDecl.name.sym = funcDecl.type.symbol;
>funcDecl.name.sym = funcDecl.type.symbol : any
>funcDecl.name.sym : any
>funcDecl.name : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>name : any
>sym : any
>funcDecl.type.symbol : any
>funcDecl.type : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>type : any
>symbol : any
// Keep track of the original scope type, because target typing might override
// the "type" member. We need the original "Scope type" for completion list, etc.
funcDecl.scopeType = funcDecl.type;
>funcDecl.scopeType = funcDecl.type : any
>funcDecl.scopeType : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>scopeType : any
>funcDecl.type : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>type : any
// Overloads have no scope, so bail here
if (funcDecl.isOverload) {
>funcDecl.isOverload : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isOverload : any
var funcTable = new StringHashTable();
>funcTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
var funcMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(funcTable, new StringHashTable()));
>funcMembers : any
>new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(funcTable, new StringHashTable())) : any
>ScopedMembers : any
>new DualStringHashTable(funcTable, new StringHashTable()) : any
>DualStringHashTable : any
>funcTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
var ambientFuncTable = new StringHashTable();
>ambientFuncTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
var ambientFuncMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(ambientFuncTable, new StringHashTable()));
>ambientFuncMembers : any
>new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(ambientFuncTable, new StringHashTable())) : any
>ScopedMembers : any
>new DualStringHashTable(ambientFuncTable, new StringHashTable()) : any
>DualStringHashTable : any
>ambientFuncTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
var funcStaticTable = new StringHashTable();
>funcStaticTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
var funcStaticMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(funcStaticTable, new StringHashTable()));
>funcStaticMembers : any
>new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(funcStaticTable, new StringHashTable())) : any
>ScopedMembers : any
>new DualStringHashTable(funcStaticTable, new StringHashTable()) : any
>DualStringHashTable : any
>funcStaticTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
var ambientFuncStaticTable = new StringHashTable();
>ambientFuncStaticTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
var ambientFuncStaticMembers = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(ambientFuncStaticTable, new StringHashTable()));
>ambientFuncStaticMembers : any
>new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(ambientFuncStaticTable, new StringHashTable())) : any
>ScopedMembers : any
>new DualStringHashTable(ambientFuncStaticTable, new StringHashTable()) : any
>DualStringHashTable : any
>ambientFuncStaticTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
// REVIEW: Is it a problem that this is being set twice for properties and constructors?
funcDecl.unitIndex = context.typeFlow.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex;
>funcDecl.unitIndex = context.typeFlow.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex : any
>funcDecl.unitIndex : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>unitIndex : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.locationInfo.unitIndex : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.locationInfo : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>locationInfo : any
>unitIndex : any
var locals = new SymbolScopeBuilder(funcMembers, ambientFuncMembers, null, null, parentScope, localContainer);
>locals : any
>new SymbolScopeBuilder(funcMembers, ambientFuncMembers, null, null, parentScope, localContainer) : any
>SymbolScopeBuilder : any
>funcMembers : any
>ambientFuncMembers : any
>null : null
>null : null
>parentScope : any
>localContainer : Symbol
var statics = new SymbolScopeBuilder(funcStaticMembers, ambientFuncStaticMembers, null, null, parentScope, null);
>statics : any
>new SymbolScopeBuilder(funcStaticMembers, ambientFuncStaticMembers, null, null, parentScope, null) : any
>SymbolScopeBuilder : any
>funcStaticMembers : any
>ambientFuncStaticMembers : any
>null : null
>null : null
>parentScope : any
>null : null
if (funcDecl.isConstructor && context.scopeChain.thisType) {
>funcDecl.isConstructor && context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>funcDecl.isConstructor : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isConstructor : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>thisType : any
context.scopeChain.thisType.constructorScope = locals;
>context.scopeChain.thisType.constructorScope = locals : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType.constructorScope : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>thisType : any
>constructorScope : any
>locals : any
// basically, there are two problems
// - Above, for new classes, we were overwriting the constructor scope with the containing scope. This caused constructor params to be
// in scope everywhere
// - Below, we're setting the contained scope table to the same table we were overwriting the constructor scope with, which we need to
// fish lambda params, etc, out (see funcTable below)
// A good first approach to solving this would be to change addLocalsFromScope to take a scope instead of a table, and add to the
// constructor scope as appropriate
funcDecl.symbols = funcTable;
>funcDecl.symbols = funcTable : any
>funcDecl.symbols : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>symbols : any
>funcTable : any
if (!funcDecl.isSpecialFn()) {
>!funcDecl.isSpecialFn() : boolean
>funcDecl.isSpecialFn() : any
>funcDecl.isSpecialFn : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isSpecialFn : any
var group = funcDecl.type;
>group : any
>funcDecl.type : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>type : any
var signature = funcDecl.signature;
>signature : any
>funcDecl.signature : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>signature : any
if (!funcDecl.isConstructor) {
>!funcDecl.isConstructor : boolean
>funcDecl.isConstructor : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isConstructor : any
group.containedScope = locals;
>group.containedScope = locals : any
>group.containedScope : any
>group : any
>containedScope : any
>locals : any
locals.container = group.symbol;
>locals.container = group.symbol : any
>locals.container : any
>locals : any
>container : any
>group.symbol : any
>group : any
>symbol : any
group.memberScope = statics;
>group.memberScope = statics : any
>group.memberScope : any
>group : any
>memberScope : any
>statics : any
statics.container = group.symbol;
>statics.container = group.symbol : any
>statics.container : any
>statics : any
>container : any
>group.symbol : any
>group : any
>symbol : any
funcDecl.enclosingFnc = context.scopeChain.fnc;
>funcDecl.enclosingFnc = context.scopeChain.fnc : any
>funcDecl.enclosingFnc : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>enclosingFnc : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>fnc : any
group.enclosingType = isStatic ? context.scopeChain.classType : context.scopeChain.thisType;
>group.enclosingType = isStatic ? context.scopeChain.classType : context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>group.enclosingType : any
>group : any
>enclosingType : any
>isStatic ? context.scopeChain.classType : context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>isStatic : any
>context.scopeChain.classType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>classType : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>thisType : any
// for mapping when type checking
var fgSym = <TypeSymbol>ast.type.symbol;
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
><TypeSymbol>ast.type.symbol : TypeSymbol
>ast.type.symbol : any
>ast.type : any
>ast : AST
>type : any
>symbol : any
if (((funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.Signature) == FncFlags.None) && funcDecl.vars) {
>((funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.Signature) == FncFlags.None) && funcDecl.vars : any
>((funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.Signature) == FncFlags.None) : boolean
>(funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.Signature) == FncFlags.None : boolean
>(funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.Signature) : number
>funcDecl.fncFlags & FncFlags.Signature : number
>funcDecl.fncFlags : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>fncFlags : any
>FncFlags.Signature : any
>FncFlags : any
>Signature : any
>FncFlags.None : any
>FncFlags : any
>None : any
>funcDecl.vars : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>vars : any
context.typeFlow.addLocalsFromScope(locals, fgSym, funcDecl.vars,
>context.typeFlow.addLocalsFromScope(locals, fgSym, funcDecl.vars, funcTable, false) : any
>context.typeFlow.addLocalsFromScope : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>addLocalsFromScope : any
>locals : any
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>funcDecl.vars : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>vars : any
funcTable, false);
>funcTable : any
>false : false
context.typeFlow.addLocalsFromScope(statics, fgSym, funcDecl.statics,
>context.typeFlow.addLocalsFromScope(statics, fgSym, funcDecl.statics, funcStaticTable, false) : any
>context.typeFlow.addLocalsFromScope : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>addLocalsFromScope : any
>statics : any
>fgSym : TypeSymbol
>funcDecl.statics : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>statics : any
funcStaticTable, false);
>funcStaticTable : any
>false : false
if (signature.parameters) {
>signature.parameters : any
>signature : any
>parameters : any
var len = signature.parameters.length;
>len : any
>signature.parameters.length : any
>signature.parameters : any
>signature : any
>parameters : any
>length : any
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
>i : number
>0 : 0
>i < len : boolean
>i : number
>len : any
>i++ : number
>i : number
var paramSym: ParameterSymbol = signature.parameters[i];
>paramSym : ParameterSymbol
>signature.parameters[i] : any
>signature.parameters : any
>signature : any
>parameters : any
>i : number
>context.typeFlow.checker.resolveTypeLink(locals, paramSym.parameter.typeLink, true) : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.resolveTypeLink : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>resolveTypeLink : any
>locals : any
paramSym.parameter.typeLink, true);
>paramSym.parameter.typeLink : any
>paramSym.parameter : any
>paramSym : ParameterSymbol
>parameter : any
>typeLink : any
>true : true
context.typeFlow.checker.resolveTypeLink(locals, signature.returnType,
>context.typeFlow.checker.resolveTypeLink(locals, signature.returnType, funcDecl.isSignature()) : any
>context.typeFlow.checker.resolveTypeLink : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>resolveTypeLink : any
>locals : any
>signature.returnType : any
>signature : any
>returnType : any
>funcDecl.isSignature() : any
>funcDecl.isSignature : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isSignature : any
if (!funcDecl.isConstructor || hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) {
>!funcDecl.isConstructor || hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : any
>!funcDecl.isConstructor : boolean
>funcDecl.isConstructor : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isConstructor : any
>hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : any
>hasFlag : any
>funcDecl.fncFlags : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>fncFlags : any
>FncFlags.ClassMethod : any
>FncFlags : any
>ClassMethod : any
var thisType = (funcDecl.isConstructor && hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) ? context.scopeChain.thisType : null;
>thisType : any
>(funcDecl.isConstructor && hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) ? context.scopeChain.thisType : null : any
>(funcDecl.isConstructor && hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) : any
>funcDecl.isConstructor && hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : any
>funcDecl.isConstructor : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isConstructor : any
>hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : any
>hasFlag : any
>funcDecl.fncFlags : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>fncFlags : any
>FncFlags.ClassMethod : any
>FncFlags : any
>ClassMethod : any
>context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>thisType : any
>null : null
pushAssignScope(locals, context, thisType, null, funcDecl);
>pushAssignScope(locals, context, thisType, null, funcDecl) : void
>pushAssignScope : (scope: SymbolScope, context: AssignScopeContext, type: Type, classType: Type, fnc: FuncDecl) => void
>locals : any
>context : AssignScopeContext
>thisType : any
>null : null
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
export function preAssignCatchScopes(ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) {
>preAssignCatchScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
var catchBlock = <Catch>ast;
>catchBlock : Catch
><Catch>ast : Catch
>ast : AST
if (catchBlock.param) {
>catchBlock.param : any
>catchBlock : Catch
>param : any
var catchTable = new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable())); // REVIEW: Should we be allocating a public table instead of a private one?
>catchTable : any
>new ScopedMembers(new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable())) : any
>ScopedMembers : any
>new DualStringHashTable(new StringHashTable(), new StringHashTable()) : any
>DualStringHashTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
>new StringHashTable() : any
>StringHashTable : any
var catchLocals = new SymbolScopeBuilder(catchTable, null, null, null, context.scopeChain.scope,
>catchLocals : any
>new SymbolScopeBuilder(catchTable, null, null, null, context.scopeChain.scope, context.scopeChain.scope.container) : any
>SymbolScopeBuilder : any
>catchTable : any
>null : null
>null : null
>null : null
>context.scopeChain.scope : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : any
>context.scopeChain.scope.container : any
>context.scopeChain.scope : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : any
>container : any
catchBlock.containedScope = catchLocals;
>catchBlock.containedScope = catchLocals : any
>catchBlock.containedScope : any
>catchBlock : Catch
>containedScope : any
>catchLocals : any
pushAssignScope(catchLocals, context, context.scopeChain.thisType, context.scopeChain.classType, context.scopeChain.fnc);
>pushAssignScope(catchLocals, context, context.scopeChain.thisType, context.scopeChain.classType, context.scopeChain.fnc) : void
>pushAssignScope : (scope: SymbolScope, context: AssignScopeContext, type: Type, classType: Type, fnc: FuncDecl) => void
>catchLocals : any
>context : AssignScopeContext
>context.scopeChain.thisType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>thisType : any
>context.scopeChain.classType : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>classType : any
>context.scopeChain.fnc : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>fnc : any
export function preAssignScopes(ast: AST, parent: AST, walker: IAstWalker) {
>preAssignScopes : (ast: AST, parent: AST, walker: IAstWalker) => AST
>ast : AST
>parent : AST
>walker : IAstWalker
var context:AssignScopeContext = walker.state;
>context : AssignScopeContext
>walker.state : any
>walker : IAstWalker
>state : any
var go = true;
>go : boolean
>true : true
if (ast) {
>ast : AST
if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.List) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.List : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.List : any
>NodeType : any
>List : any
var list = <ASTList>ast;
>list : ASTList
><ASTList>ast : ASTList
>ast : AST
list.enclosingScope = context.scopeChain.scope;
>list.enclosingScope = context.scopeChain.scope : any
>list.enclosingScope : any
>list : ASTList
>enclosingScope : any
>context.scopeChain.scope : any
>context.scopeChain : ScopeChain
>context : AssignScopeContext
>scopeChain : ScopeChain
>scope : any
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.ModuleDeclaration) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.ModuleDeclaration : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.ModuleDeclaration : any
>NodeType : any
>ModuleDeclaration : any
preAssignModuleScopes(ast, context);
>preAssignModuleScopes(ast, context) : void
>preAssignModuleScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.ClassDeclaration) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.ClassDeclaration : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.ClassDeclaration : any
>NodeType : any
>ClassDeclaration : any
preAssignClassScopes(ast, context);
>preAssignClassScopes(ast, context) : void
>preAssignClassScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration : any
>NodeType : any
>InterfaceDeclaration : any
preAssignInterfaceScopes(ast, context);
>preAssignInterfaceScopes(ast, context) : void
>preAssignInterfaceScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.With) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.With : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.With : any
>NodeType : any
>With : any
preAssignWithScopes(ast, context);
>preAssignWithScopes(ast, context) : void
>preAssignWithScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.FuncDecl : any
>NodeType : any
>FuncDecl : any
preAssignFuncDeclScopes(ast, context);
>preAssignFuncDeclScopes(ast, context) : void
>preAssignFuncDeclScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.Catch) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.Catch : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.Catch : any
>NodeType : any
>Catch : any
preAssignCatchScopes(ast, context);
>preAssignCatchScopes(ast, context) : void
>preAssignCatchScopes : (ast: AST, context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>ast : AST
>context : AssignScopeContext
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.TypeRef) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.TypeRef : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.TypeRef : any
>NodeType : any
>TypeRef : any
go = false;
>go = false : false
>go : boolean
>false : false
walker.options.goChildren = go;
>walker.options.goChildren = go : boolean
>walker.options.goChildren : any
>walker.options : any
>walker : IAstWalker
>options : any
>goChildren : any
>go : boolean
return ast;
>ast : AST
export function postAssignScopes(ast: AST, parent: AST, walker: IAstWalker) {
>postAssignScopes : (ast: AST, parent: AST, walker: IAstWalker) => AST
>ast : AST
>parent : AST
>walker : IAstWalker
var context:AssignScopeContext = walker.state;
>context : AssignScopeContext
>walker.state : any
>walker : IAstWalker
>state : any
var go = true;
>go : boolean
>true : true
if (ast) {
>ast : AST
if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.ModuleDeclaration) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.ModuleDeclaration : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.ModuleDeclaration : any
>NodeType : any
>ModuleDeclaration : any
var prevModDecl = <ModuleDeclaration>ast;
>prevModDecl : ModuleDeclaration
><ModuleDeclaration>ast : ModuleDeclaration
>ast : AST
>popAssignScope(context) : void
>popAssignScope : (context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>context : AssignScopeContext
>context.modDeclChain.pop() : ModuleDeclaration
>context.modDeclChain.pop : () => ModuleDeclaration
>context.modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
>context : AssignScopeContext
>modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
>pop : () => ModuleDeclaration
if (context.modDeclChain.length >= 1) {
>context.modDeclChain.length >= 1 : boolean
>context.modDeclChain.length : number
>context.modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
>context : AssignScopeContext
>modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
>length : number
>1 : 1
context.typeFlow.checker.currentModDecl = context.modDeclChain[context.modDeclChain.length - 1];
>context.typeFlow.checker.currentModDecl = context.modDeclChain[context.modDeclChain.length - 1] : ModuleDeclaration
>context.typeFlow.checker.currentModDecl : any
>context.typeFlow.checker : any
>context.typeFlow : TypeFlow
>context : AssignScopeContext
>typeFlow : TypeFlow
>checker : any
>currentModDecl : any
>context.modDeclChain[context.modDeclChain.length - 1] : ModuleDeclaration
>context.modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
>context : AssignScopeContext
>modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
>context.modDeclChain.length - 1 : number
>context.modDeclChain.length : number
>context.modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
>context : AssignScopeContext
>modDeclChain : ModuleDeclaration[]
>length : number
>1 : 1
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.ClassDeclaration) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.ClassDeclaration : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.ClassDeclaration : any
>NodeType : any
>ClassDeclaration : any
>popAssignScope(context) : void
>popAssignScope : (context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>context : AssignScopeContext
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration : any
>NodeType : any
>InterfaceDeclaration : any
>popAssignScope(context) : void
>popAssignScope : (context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>context : AssignScopeContext
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.With) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.With : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.With : any
>NodeType : any
>With : any
>popAssignScope(context) : void
>popAssignScope : (context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>context : AssignScopeContext
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.FuncDecl : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.FuncDecl : any
>NodeType : any
>FuncDecl : any
var funcDecl = <FuncDecl>ast;
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
><FuncDecl>ast : FuncDecl
>ast : AST
if ((!funcDecl.isConstructor || hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) && !funcDecl.isOverload) {
>(!funcDecl.isConstructor || hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) && !funcDecl.isOverload : boolean
>(!funcDecl.isConstructor || hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod)) : any
>!funcDecl.isConstructor || hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : any
>!funcDecl.isConstructor : boolean
>funcDecl.isConstructor : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isConstructor : any
>hasFlag(funcDecl.fncFlags, FncFlags.ClassMethod) : any
>hasFlag : any
>funcDecl.fncFlags : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>fncFlags : any
>FncFlags.ClassMethod : any
>FncFlags : any
>ClassMethod : any
>!funcDecl.isOverload : boolean
>funcDecl.isOverload : any
>funcDecl : FuncDecl
>isOverload : any
>popAssignScope(context) : void
>popAssignScope : (context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>context : AssignScopeContext
else if (ast.nodeType == NodeType.Catch) {
>ast.nodeType == NodeType.Catch : boolean
>ast.nodeType : any
>ast : AST
>nodeType : any
>NodeType.Catch : any
>NodeType : any
>Catch : any
var catchBlock = <Catch>ast;
>catchBlock : Catch
><Catch>ast : Catch
>ast : AST
if (catchBlock.param) {
>catchBlock.param : any
>catchBlock : Catch
>param : any
>popAssignScope(context) : void
>popAssignScope : (context: AssignScopeContext) => void
>context : AssignScopeContext
else {
go = false;
>go = false : false
>go : boolean
>false : false
walker.options.goChildren = go;
>walker.options.goChildren = go : boolean
>walker.options.goChildren : any
>walker.options : any
>walker : IAstWalker
>options : any
>goChildren : any
>go : boolean
return ast;
>ast : AST