Titian Cernicova-Dragomir e638af7560
ES private class elements (#42458)
* Added support for private identifier methods.

* Added tests for private methods.

* Added check to only not allow private name method signatures in anything except classes.
Changes objects literal checking to not bail on first private name found in object literal.

* Added private accessors tests

* Transform private methods

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Rename shouldTransformPrivateFields

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Accept baseline

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Use a single WeakSet for brand-check

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Accept baseline

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Add a test for using private methods in static field initializers

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Add breaking checker test

Private methods inside class expressions should not error.

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Add to instances once per-instance

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Accept baseline

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* fix: evaluate receiver and rhs expressions before throwing on readonly assignment

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Add a test for evaluating rhs before readonly assignment

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Transpile private accessors

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Accept baseline

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* fix: handle readonly/writeonly accessors

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* accept baseline

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* add a test for private setter without a getter

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* fix: getAllUnscopedEmitHelpers

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* fix: better handling of duplicate names

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Fixed wrong error message for private methods in class expressions.

* change error message

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* add a test for async private methods with a higher target

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* fix: setter assignment returns rhs value

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* add a test for setter assignment return value

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* fix: handle duplicate accessors

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* add tests for duplicate accessors

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* docs: add missing parameter docs

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Fixed failing test.

* baseline-accept: ordering changes

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* fix: attach weakSetName to property declaration

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* add a test for nested private methods

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* add a test with any

Signed-off-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>

* Added support for static private fields accessors and methods.

* Added error message for private identifiers used with static decorators. There is no spec to go with this behavior as of yet.

* Fixed emit static bug that used private names outside of classes for initialization in esnext. Fixed issue where nested privates produce incorrect brand check.

* Added tests for private static fields methods and accessors.

* Fixed error messages and tests after merge.

* Accept new baseline.

* Improved duplicate identifier checks for static private class elements.

* Added error when using initializers with private static fields when useDefineForClassFields is not specified and target is esnext.

* Fixed code review issues.

* Removed semantically wrong emit on `useDefineForClassFields:true` with `target:esnext`

* Changed emit for uninitialized private static fields.

* Added runtime error in helper if a static private field is accessed before it was declared.

* Fixed code review comments for private identifier static class elements.

* add debug.assertNever for unknown node type (#53)

* Fixed code review issues.

* Fixed code review issues for private class elements.

* Fixes class shadowing when checking access to a private static class element.

* fix private methods/accessors in class expr inside a loop

* collapse switch case

* fix class name

* simplify getPrivateMethodsAndAccessors

* remove findPreviousAccessorInfo

* lazily create weakSetName identifier

* do not allocate a node if not needed in visitMehodDeclaration (#55)

* Removed all the emit helpers for private identifier methods accessors and modified the existing helpers for get and set fields to do the same job.

* Simplified emit for private identifier class elements.

* do not clone the receiver (#57)

* leave bad code in for #constructor and duplicate private names (#58)

* Added check for WeakSet collision.

* Added error for using a set only accessor.

* update keyof tests and ?? (#62)

* replace ?? with ||

* update keyof tests

* fix emit helpers comments

* produce an error if private field helpers are not up to date

* add tests

* fix setter-only compound assignment

* fix tests

* fix duplicated trailing comments (#64)

* clear receiver pos and setTextRange on helper calls

Co-authored-by: Kubilay Kahveci <kahvecikubilay@gmail.com>
2021-03-24 18:15:50 -07:00

145 lines
3.4 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/classes/members/privateNames/privateNameStaticFieldDestructuredBinding.ts ===
class A {
>A : A
static #field = 1;
>#field : number
>1 : 1
otherClass = A;
>otherClass : typeof A
>A : typeof A
testObject() {
>testObject : () => { x: number; y: number; }
return { x: 10, y: 6 };
>{ x: 10, y: 6 } : { x: number; y: number; }
>x : number
>10 : 10
>y : number
>6 : 6
testArray() {
>testArray : () => number[]
return [10, 11];
>[10, 11] : number[]
>10 : 10
>11 : 11
constructor() {
let y: number;
>y : number
({ x: A.#field, y } = this.testObject());
>({ x: A.#field, y } = this.testObject()) : { x: number; y: number; }
>{ x: A.#field, y } = this.testObject() : { x: number; y: number; }
>{ x: A.#field, y } : { x: number; y: number; }
>x : number
>A.#field : number
>A : typeof A
>y : number
>this.testObject() : { x: number; y: number; }
>this.testObject : () => { x: number; y: number; }
>this : this
>testObject : () => { x: number; y: number; }
([A.#field, y] = this.testArray());
>([A.#field, y] = this.testArray()) : number[]
>[A.#field, y] = this.testArray() : number[]
>[A.#field, y] : [number, number]
>A.#field : number
>A : typeof A
>y : number
>this.testArray() : number[]
>this.testArray : () => number[]
>this : this
>testArray : () => number[]
({ a: A.#field, b: [A.#field] } = { a: 1, b: [2] });
>({ a: A.#field, b: [A.#field] } = { a: 1, b: [2] }) : { a: number; b: [number]; }
>{ a: A.#field, b: [A.#field] } = { a: 1, b: [2] } : { a: number; b: [number]; }
>{ a: A.#field, b: [A.#field] } : { a: number; b: [number]; }
>a : number
>A.#field : number
>A : typeof A
>b : [number]
>[A.#field] : [number]
>A.#field : number
>A : typeof A
>{ a: 1, b: [2] } : { a: number; b: [number]; }
>a : number
>1 : 1
>b : [number]
>[2] : [number]
>2 : 2
[A.#field, [A.#field]] = [1, [2]];
>[A.#field, [A.#field]] = [1, [2]] : [number, [number]]
>[A.#field, [A.#field]] : [number, [number]]
>A.#field : number
>A : typeof A
>[A.#field] : [number]
>A.#field : number
>A : typeof A
>[1, [2]] : [number, [number]]
>1 : 1
>[2] : [number]
>2 : 2
({ a: A.#field = 1, b: [A.#field = 1] } = { b: [] });
>({ a: A.#field = 1, b: [A.#field = 1] } = { b: [] }) : { b: []; a?: number; }
>{ a: A.#field = 1, b: [A.#field = 1] } = { b: [] } : { b: []; a?: number; }
>{ a: A.#field = 1, b: [A.#field = 1] } : { a?: number; b: [number]; }
>a : number
>A.#field = 1 : 1
>A.#field : number
>A : typeof A
>1 : 1
>b : [number]
>[A.#field = 1] : [number]
>A.#field = 1 : 1
>A.#field : number
>A : typeof A
>1 : 1
>{ b: [] } : { b: []; a?: number; }
>b : []
>[] : []
[A.#field = 2] = [];
>[A.#field = 2] = [] : []
>[A.#field = 2] : [number]
>A.#field = 2 : 2
>A.#field : number
>A : typeof A
>2 : 2
>[] : []
[this.otherClass.#field = 2] = [];
>[this.otherClass.#field = 2] = [] : []
>[this.otherClass.#field = 2] : [number]
>this.otherClass.#field = 2 : 2
>this.otherClass.#field : number
>this.otherClass : typeof A
>this : this
>otherClass : typeof A
>2 : 2
>[] : []
static test(_a: typeof A) {
>test : (_a: typeof A) => void
>_a : typeof A
>A : typeof A
[_a.#field] = [2];
>[_a.#field] = [2] : [number]
>[_a.#field] : [number]
>_a.#field : number
>_a : typeof A
>[2] : [number]
>2 : 2