Wesley Wigham 456806b070
Allow filterType to consider union constraints of non-union types when determining never-ness (#43763)
* Allow filterType to consider union constraints of non-union types when determining never-ness

* Move impl to callback

* Baseline change in narrowing behavior into test, fix post-LKG build
2021-05-05 13:35:09 -07:00

186 lines
5.3 KiB

//// [quickinfoTypeAtReturnPositionsInaccurate.ts]
class NumClass<T extends number> {
private value!: T;
public get(): T {
return this.value;
public numExclusive() { }
class StrClass<T extends string> {
private value!: T;
public get(): T {
return this.value;
public strExclusive() { }
const isNumClass = <Item extends NumClass<number> | StrClass<string>> (
item: Item
): item is Extract<Item, NumClass<any>> => {
return (item instanceof NumClass);
* An example with one dimensional dictionary. Everything worked ok here, even in prior
* versions.
class SimpleStore<Entries extends { [index: string]: NumClass<number> | StrClass<string> }> {
private entries = { } as Entries;
public get<EntryId extends keyof Entries>(entryId: EntryId): Entries[EntryId] {
let entry = this.entries[entryId];
entry.numExclusive(); // error - expected.
if (isNumClass(entry)) {
entry.numExclusive(); // works
return entry;
return entry; // type is Entries[EntryId] - all fine
type Slice = {
[index: string]: NumClass<number> | StrClass<string>
* A an example with 2-dimensional dictionary.
* In v4.1 the `isNumClass` type guard doesn't work at all.
* In v4.2 or later, `isNumClass` type guard leaks outside its
* scope.
class ComplexStore<Slices extends { [index: string]: Slice }> {
private slices = { } as Slices;
public get<SliceId extends keyof Slices, SliceKey extends keyof Slices[SliceId]>(
sliceId: SliceId, sliceKey: SliceKey
): Slices[SliceId][SliceKey] {
let item = this.slices[sliceId][sliceKey];
if (isNumClass(item)) {
item.numExclusive(); // works only since version 4.2
// unfortunately, doesn't work completely.
// it seems like item's predicated type leaks outside the bracket...
return item; // type is Extract ...
public get2<SliceId extends keyof Slices, SliceKey extends keyof Slices[SliceId]>(
sliceId: SliceId, sliceKey: SliceKey
): Slices[SliceId][SliceKey] {
let item = this.slices[sliceId][sliceKey];
if (isNumClass(item)) {
return item;
// it seems like the compiler asumes the above condition is always
// truthy
return item; // type is never
// from the compiler itself
interface BuilderProgram {
getProgram(): Program;
interface Program {
state: any;
declare function isBuilderProgram<T extends BuilderProgram>(program: Program | T): program is T;
export function listFiles<T extends BuilderProgram>(program: Program | T) {
const x: Program = isBuilderProgram(program) ? program.getProgram() : program;
//// [quickinfoTypeAtReturnPositionsInaccurate.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.listFiles = void 0;
var NumClass = /** @class */ (function () {
function NumClass() {
NumClass.prototype.get = function () {
return this.value;
NumClass.prototype.numExclusive = function () { };
return NumClass;
var StrClass = /** @class */ (function () {
function StrClass() {
StrClass.prototype.get = function () {
return this.value;
StrClass.prototype.strExclusive = function () { };
return StrClass;
var isNumClass = function (item) {
return (item instanceof NumClass);
* An example with one dimensional dictionary. Everything worked ok here, even in prior
* versions.
var SimpleStore = /** @class */ (function () {
function SimpleStore() {
this.entries = {};
SimpleStore.prototype.get = function (entryId) {
var entry = this.entries[entryId];
entry.numExclusive(); // error - expected.
if (isNumClass(entry)) {
entry.numExclusive(); // works
return entry;
return entry; // type is Entries[EntryId] - all fine
return SimpleStore;
* A an example with 2-dimensional dictionary.
* In v4.1 the `isNumClass` type guard doesn't work at all.
* In v4.2 or later, `isNumClass` type guard leaks outside its
* scope.
var ComplexStore = /** @class */ (function () {
function ComplexStore() {
this.slices = {};
ComplexStore.prototype.get = function (sliceId, sliceKey) {
var item = this.slices[sliceId][sliceKey];
if (isNumClass(item)) {
item.numExclusive(); // works only since version 4.2
// unfortunately, doesn't work completely.
// it seems like item's predicated type leaks outside the bracket...
return item; // type is Extract ...
ComplexStore.prototype.get2 = function (sliceId, sliceKey) {
var item = this.slices[sliceId][sliceKey];
if (isNumClass(item)) {
return item;
// it seems like the compiler asumes the above condition is always
// truthy
return item; // type is never
return ComplexStore;
function listFiles(program) {
var x = isBuilderProgram(program) ? program.getProgram() : program;
exports.listFiles = listFiles;