
382 lines
9.5 KiB

=== tests/cases/compiler/styledComponentsInstantiaionLimitNotReached.ts ===
/// <reference path="react16.d.ts" />
import * as React from "react";
>React : typeof React
interface REACT_STATICS {
childContextTypes: true;
>childContextTypes : true
>true : true
contextType: true;
>contextType : true
>true : true
contextTypes: true;
>contextTypes : true
>true : true
defaultProps: true;
>defaultProps : true
>true : true
displayName: true;
>displayName : true
>true : true
getDefaultProps: true;
>getDefaultProps : true
>true : true
getDerivedStateFromError: true;
>getDerivedStateFromError : true
>true : true
getDerivedStateFromProps: true;
>getDerivedStateFromProps : true
>true : true
mixins: true;
>mixins : true
>true : true
propTypes: true;
>propTypes : true
>true : true
type: true;
>type : true
>true : true
interface KNOWN_STATICS {
name: true;
>name : true
>true : true
length: true;
>length : true
>true : true
prototype: true;
>prototype : true
>true : true
caller: true;
>caller : true
>true : true
callee: true;
>callee : true
>true : true
arguments: true;
>arguments : true
>true : true
arity: true;
>arity : true
>true : true
interface MEMO_STATICS {
'$$typeof': true;
>'$$typeof' : true
>true : true
compare: true;
>compare : true
>true : true
defaultProps: true;
>defaultProps : true
>true : true
displayName: true;
>displayName : true
>true : true
propTypes: true;
>propTypes : true
>true : true
type: true;
>type : true
>true : true
'$$typeof': true;
>'$$typeof' : true
>true : true
render: true;
>render : true
>true : true
defaultProps: true;
>defaultProps : true
>true : true
displayName: true;
>displayName : true
>true : true
propTypes: true;
>propTypes : true
>true : true
type NonReactStatics<
>NonReactStatics : NonReactStatics<S, C>
S extends React.ComponentType<any>,
>React : any
C extends {
[key: string]: true
>key : string
>true : true
} = {}
> = {
[key in Exclude<
keyof S,
S extends React.MemoExoticComponent<any>
>React : any
? keyof MEMO_STATICS | keyof C
: S extends React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>
>React : any
? keyof FORWARD_REF_STATICS | keyof C
: keyof REACT_STATICS | keyof KNOWN_STATICS | keyof C
>]: S[key]
export type AnyStyledComponent = StyledComponent<any, any, any, any> | StyledComponent<any, any, any>;
>AnyStyledComponent : AnyStyledComponent
export type StyledComponent<
>StyledComponent : StyledComponent<C, T, O, A>
C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>,
>JSX : any
>React : any
T extends object,
O extends object = {},
A extends keyof any = never
> = // the "string" allows this to be used as an object key
// I really want to avoid this if possible but it's the only way to use nesting with object styles...
string &
StyledComponentBase<C, T, O, A> &
NonReactStatics<C extends React.ComponentType<any> ? C : never>;
>React : any
export type StyledComponentProps<
>StyledComponentProps : StyledComponentProps<C, T, O, A>
// The Component from whose props are derived
C extends string | React.ComponentType<any>,
>React : any
// The Theme from the current context
T extends object,
// The other props added by the template
O extends object,
// The props that are made optional by .attrs
A extends keyof any
> =
// Distribute O if O is a union type
O extends object
? WithOptionalTheme<
>React : any
C extends IntrinsicElementsKeys | React.ComponentType<any> ? C : never
>React : any
> &
> &
>React : any
C extends IntrinsicElementsKeys | React.ComponentType<any> ? C : never
>React : any
> &
> &
: never;
type Defaultize<P, D> = P extends any
>Defaultize : Defaultize<P, D>
? string extends keyof P
? P
: Pick<P, Exclude<keyof P, keyof D>> &
Partial<Pick<P, Extract<keyof P, keyof D>>> &
Partial<Pick<D, Exclude<keyof D, keyof P>>>
: never;
type ReactDefaultizedProps<C, P> = C extends { defaultProps: infer D } ? Defaultize<P, D> : P;
>ReactDefaultizedProps : ReactDefaultizedProps<C, P>
>defaultProps : D
type WithChildrenIfReactComponentClass<C extends string | React.ComponentType<any>> = C extends React.ComponentClass<
>WithChildrenIfReactComponentClass : WithChildrenIfReactComponentClass<C>
>React : any
>React : any
? { children?: React.ReactNode }
>children : React.ReactNode
>React : any
: {};
export type IntrinsicElementsKeys = keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements;
>IntrinsicElementsKeys : keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements
>JSX : any
type WithOptionalTheme<P extends { theme?: T }, T> = Omit<P, 'theme'> & {
>WithOptionalTheme : WithOptionalTheme<P, T>
>theme : T
theme?: T;
>theme : T
type ForwardRefExoticBase<P> = Pick<React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<P>, keyof React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>>;
>ForwardRefExoticBase : ForwardRefExoticBase<P>
>React : any
>React : any
type StyledComponentPropsWithAs<
>StyledComponentPropsWithAs : StyledComponentPropsWithAs<C, T, O, A, F>
C extends string | React.ComponentType<any>,
>React : any
T extends object,
O extends object,
A extends keyof any,
F extends string | React.ComponentType<any> = C
>React : any
> = StyledComponentProps<C, T, O, A> & { as?: C; forwardedAs?: F };
>as : C
>forwardedAs : F
export type StyledComponentInnerOtherProps<C extends AnyStyledComponent> = C extends StyledComponent<
>StyledComponentInnerOtherProps : StyledComponentInnerOtherProps<C>
infer O,
? O
: C extends StyledComponent<any, any, infer O>
? O
: never;
export type StyledComponentInnerAttrs<C extends AnyStyledComponent> = C extends StyledComponent<any, any, any, infer A>
>StyledComponentInnerAttrs : StyledComponentInnerAttrs<C>
? A
: never;
export interface StyledComponentBase<
C extends string | React.ComponentType<any>,
>React : any
T extends object,
O extends object = {},
A extends keyof any = never
> extends ForwardRefExoticBase<StyledComponentProps<C, T, O, A>> {
// add our own fake call signature to implement the polymorphic 'as' prop
(props: StyledComponentProps<C, T, O, A> & { as?: never; forwardedAs?: never }): React.ReactElement<
>props : StyledComponentProps<C, T, O, A> & { as?: never; forwardedAs?: never; }
>as : never
>forwardedAs : never
>React : any
StyledComponentProps<C, T, O, A>
<AsC extends string | React.ComponentType<any> = C, FAsC extends string | React.ComponentType<any> = AsC>(
>React : any
>React : any
props: StyledComponentPropsWithAs<AsC, T, O, A, FAsC>,
>props : StyledComponentPropsWithAs<AsC, T, O, A, FAsC>
): React.ReactElement<StyledComponentPropsWithAs<AsC, T, O, A, FAsC>>;
>React : any
withComponent<WithC extends AnyStyledComponent>(
>withComponent : { <WithC extends AnyStyledComponent>(component: WithC): StyledComponent<StyledComponentInnerComponent<WithC>, T, O & StyledComponentInnerOtherProps<WithC>, A | StyledComponentInnerAttrs<WithC>>; <WithC extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>>(component: WithC): StyledComponent<WithC, T, O, A>; }
component: WithC,
>component : WithC
): StyledComponent<
O & StyledComponentInnerOtherProps<WithC>,
A | StyledComponentInnerAttrs<WithC>
withComponent<WithC extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>>(
>withComponent : { <WithC extends AnyStyledComponent>(component: WithC): StyledComponent<StyledComponentInnerComponent<WithC>, T, O & StyledComponentInnerOtherProps<WithC>, A | StyledComponentInnerAttrs<WithC>>; <WithC extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>>(component: WithC): StyledComponent<WithC, T, O, A>; }
>JSX : any
>React : any
component: WithC,
>component : WithC
): StyledComponent<WithC, T, O, A>;
export type StyledComponentInnerComponent<C extends React.ComponentType<any>> = C extends StyledComponent<
>StyledComponentInnerComponent : StyledComponentInnerComponent<C>
>React : any
infer I,
? I
: C extends StyledComponent<infer I, any, any>
? I
: C;
export type StyledComponentPropsWithRef<
>StyledComponentPropsWithRef : StyledComponentPropsWithRef<C>
C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>
>JSX : any
>React : any
> = C extends AnyStyledComponent
? React.ComponentPropsWithRef<StyledComponentInnerComponent<C>> // shouldn't have an instantiation limit error
>React : any
: React.ComponentPropsWithRef<C>;
>React : any