Anders Hejlsberg 3dd68b878a
Fix template literal type relations (#43440)
* Fix template literal relationships

* Accept new baselines

* Add regression test
2021-03-30 12:53:15 -10:00

131 lines
5.1 KiB

tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes2.ts(23,11): error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type '`abc${string}`'.
tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes2.ts(29,11): error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type '`foo${string}` | `bar${string}`'.
tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes2.ts(32,11): error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type '`foo${string}` | `bar${string}` | `baz${string}`'.
==== tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes2.ts (3 errors) ====
function ft1<T extends string>(s: string, n: number, u: 'foo' | 'bar' | 'baz', t: T) {
const c1 = `abc${s}`; // `abc${string}`
const c2 = `abc${n}`; // `abc${number}`
const c3 = `abc${u}`; // "abcfoo" | "abcbar" | "abcbaz"
const c4 = `abc${t}`; // `abc${T}
const d1: `abc${string}` = `abc${s}`;
const d2: `abc${number}` = `abc${n}`;
const d3: `abc${'foo' | 'bar' | 'baz'}` = `abc${u}`;
const d4: `abc${T}` = `abc${t}`;
function ft2(s: string) {
return `abc${s}`;
function ft10(s: string) {
const c1 = `abc${s}`; // Widening type `abc${string}`
let v1 = c1; // Type string
const c2 = c1; // Widening type `abc${string}`
let v2 = c2; // Type string
const c3: `abc${string}` = `abc${s}`;
let v3 = c3; // Type `abc${string}`
const c4: `abc${string}` = c1; // Type `abc${string}`
!!! error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type '`abc${string}`'.
let v4 = c4; // Type `abc${string}`
function ft11(s: string, cond: boolean) {
const c1 = cond ? `foo${s}` : `bar${s}`; // widening `foo${string}` | widening `bar${string}`
const c2: `foo${string}` | `bar${string}` = c1; // `foo${string}` | `bar${string}`
!!! error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type '`foo${string}` | `bar${string}`'.
const c3 = cond ? c1 : c2; // `foo${string}` | `bar${string}`
const c4 = cond ? c3 : `baz${s}`; // `foo${string}` | `bar${string}` | widening `baz${string}`
const c5: `foo${string}` | `bar${string}` | `baz${string}` = c4; // `foo${string}` | `bar${string}` | `baz${string}`
!!! error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type '`foo${string}` | `bar${string}` | `baz${string}`'.
let v1 = c1; // string
let v2 = c2; // `foo${string}` | `bar${string}`
let v3 = c3; // `foo${string}` | `bar${string}`
let v4 = c4; // string
let v5 = c5; // `foo${string}` | `bar${string}` | `baz${string}`
function ft12(s: string) {
const c1 = `foo${s}`;
let v1 = c1;
const c2: `foo${string}` = `foo${s}`;
let v2 = c2;
const c3 = `foo${s}` as `foo${string}`;
let v3 = c3;
const c4 = <`foo${string}`>`foo${s}`;
let v4 = c4;
const c5 = `foo${s}` as const;
let v5 = c5;
declare function widening<T>(x: T): T;
declare function nonWidening<T extends string | number | symbol>(x: T): T;
function ft13(s: string, cond: boolean) {
let x1 = widening(`foo${s}`);
let x2 = widening(cond ? 'a' : `foo${s}`);
let y1 = nonWidening(`foo${s}`);
let y2 = nonWidening(cond ? 'a' : `foo${s}`);
type T0 = string | `${number}px`;
function ft14(t: `foo${number}`) {
let x1: string = t;
let x2: String = t;
let x3: Object = t;
let x4: {} = t;
let x6: { length: number } = t;
declare function g1<T>(x: T): T;
declare function g2<T extends string>(x: T): T;
function ft20(s: string) {
let x1 = g1(`xyz-${s}`); // string
let x2 = g2(`xyz-${s}`); // `xyz-${string}`
// Repro from #41631
declare function takesLiteral<T extends string>(literal: T): T extends `foo.bar.${infer R}` ? R : unknown;
const t1 = takesLiteral("foo.bar.baz"); // "baz"
const id2 = "foo.bar.baz";
const t2 = takesLiteral(id2); // "baz"
declare const someString: string;
const t3 = takesLiteral(`foo.bar.${someString}`); // string
const id4 = `foo.bar.${someString}`;
const t4 = takesLiteral(id4); // string
declare const someUnion: 'abc' | 'def' | 'ghi';
const t5 = takesLiteral(`foo.bar.${someUnion}`); // "abc" | "def" | "ghi"
// Repro from #41732
const pixelValue: number = 22;
type PixelValueType = `${number}px`;
const pixelString: PixelValueType = `22px`;
const pixelStringWithTemplate: PixelValueType = `${pixelValue}px`;
// Repro from #43143
function getCardTitle(title: string): `test-${string}` {
return `test-${title}`;
// Repro from #43424
const interpolatedStyle = { rotate: 12 };
function C2(transform: "-moz-initial" | (string & {})) { return 12; }