Wenlu Wang dc237b317e
Change static fields emits (#43114)
* use emit into iife

* Update emit

* Revert un-related changes

* Allow super in static context

* Allow this and super in static property declaration

* Add more tests

* Avoid errors

* Accept baseline

* Accept baseline

* Add decorated classes test

* Add errors

* Avoid this in emitter

* make lint happy

* Add class expression tests

* Add computed name test

* Avoid super if target below es6

* Adjust function boundary

* Add internal

* Fix minor CR issues

* accept baseline

* Update behavior

* Avoid spaces

* Make lint happy

* Avoid function boundary utils

* Update baseline

* Avoid errors

* Accept baseline

* Accept baseline

* Accept baseline

* Accept baseline

* Use substitutions

* Full coverage for super, this, merge static and private context

* Fix use-before-def in static fields

Co-authored-by: Ron Buckton <ron.buckton@microsoft.com>
2021-06-25 15:49:27 -07:00

67 lines
3.1 KiB

tests/cases/conformance/expressions/thisKeyword/thisInInvalidContextsExternalModule.ts(9,15): error TS17009: 'super' must be called before accessing 'this' in the constructor of a derived class.
tests/cases/conformance/expressions/thisKeyword/thisInInvalidContextsExternalModule.ts(17,15): error TS17009: 'super' must be called before accessing 'this' in the constructor of a derived class.
tests/cases/conformance/expressions/thisKeyword/thisInInvalidContextsExternalModule.ts(23,13): error TS2331: 'this' cannot be referenced in a module or namespace body.
tests/cases/conformance/expressions/thisKeyword/thisInInvalidContextsExternalModule.ts(31,13): error TS2526: A 'this' type is available only in a non-static member of a class or interface.
tests/cases/conformance/expressions/thisKeyword/thisInInvalidContextsExternalModule.ts(33,25): error TS2507: Type 'undefined' is not a constructor function type.
tests/cases/conformance/expressions/thisKeyword/thisInInvalidContextsExternalModule.ts(39,9): error TS2332: 'this' cannot be referenced in current location.
tests/cases/conformance/expressions/thisKeyword/thisInInvalidContextsExternalModule.ts(40,9): error TS2332: 'this' cannot be referenced in current location.
==== tests/cases/conformance/expressions/thisKeyword/thisInInvalidContextsExternalModule.ts (7 errors) ====
class BaseErrClass {
constructor(t: any) { }
class ClassWithNoInitializer extends BaseErrClass {
//'this' in optional super call
constructor() {
super(this); // error: "super" has to be called before "this" accessing
!!! error TS17009: 'super' must be called before accessing 'this' in the constructor of a derived class.
class ClassWithInitializer extends BaseErrClass {
t = 4;
//'this' in required super call
constructor() {
super(this); // Error
!!! error TS17009: 'super' must be called before accessing 'this' in the constructor of a derived class.
module M {
//'this' in module variable
var x = this; // Error
!!! error TS2331: 'this' cannot be referenced in a module or namespace body.
//'this' as type parameter constraint
// function fn<T extends this >() { } // Error
//'this' as a type argument
function genericFunc<T>(x: T) { }
genericFunc<this>(undefined); // Should be an error
!!! error TS2526: A 'this' type is available only in a non-static member of a class or interface.
class ErrClass3 extends this {
!!! error TS2507: Type 'undefined' is not a constructor function type.
//'this' as a computed enum value
enum SomeEnum {
A = this, // Should not be allowed
!!! error TS2332: 'this' cannot be referenced in current location.
B = this.spaaaace // Also should not be allowed
!!! error TS2332: 'this' cannot be referenced in current location.
export = this; // Should be an error