M.Yoshimura 701493fb80
Support top level "for await of" (#37424)
* Support Top Level "for await of".

* Add test cases for top level "for await of".

* Apply suggestions from code review

* add test cases

* remove redundant variables

* fix test baselines

* Update diagnostic message and tests

Co-authored-by: Ron Buckton <ron.buckton@microsoft.com>
2021-01-25 13:40:45 -08:00

144 lines
3.6 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/externalModules/index.ts ===
export const x = 1;
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(index.ts, 0, 12))
await x;
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(index.ts, 0, 12))
// reparse element access as await
await [x];
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(index.ts, 0, 12))
await [x, x];
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(index.ts, 0, 12))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(index.ts, 0, 12))
// reparse call as await
declare function f(): number;
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(index.ts, 5, 13))
await (x);
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(index.ts, 0, 12))
await (f(), x);
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(index.ts, 5, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(index.ts, 0, 12))
await <number>(x);
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(index.ts, 0, 12))
await <number>(f(), x);
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(index.ts, 5, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(index.ts, 0, 12))
// reparse tagged template as await
await ``;
await <string> ``;
// member names should be ok
class C1 {
>C1 : Symbol(C1, Decl(index.ts, 16, 18))
await() {}
>await : Symbol(C1.await, Decl(index.ts, 19, 10))
class C2 {
>C2 : Symbol(C2, Decl(index.ts, 21, 1))
get await() { return 1; }
>await : Symbol(C2.await, Decl(index.ts, 22, 10), Decl(index.ts, 23, 29))
set await(value) { }
>await : Symbol(C2.await, Decl(index.ts, 22, 10), Decl(index.ts, 23, 29))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(index.ts, 24, 14))
class C3 {
>C3 : Symbol(C3, Decl(index.ts, 25, 1))
await = 1;
>await : Symbol(C3.await, Decl(index.ts, 26, 10))
await() {}
>await : Symbol(await, Decl(index.ts, 29, 2))
get await() { return 1 },
>await : Symbol(await, Decl(index.ts, 32, 2), Decl(index.ts, 33, 29))
set await(value) { }
>await : Symbol(await, Decl(index.ts, 32, 2), Decl(index.ts, 33, 29))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(index.ts, 34, 14))
await: 1
>await : Symbol(await, Decl(index.ts, 36, 2))
// property access name should be ok
>C1.prototype.await : Symbol(C1.await, Decl(index.ts, 19, 10))
>C1.prototype : Symbol(C1.prototype)
>C1 : Symbol(C1, Decl(index.ts, 16, 18))
>prototype : Symbol(C1.prototype)
>await : Symbol(C1.await, Decl(index.ts, 19, 10))
// await in decorators
declare const dec: any;
>dec : Symbol(dec, Decl(index.ts, 44, 13))
@(await dec)
>dec : Symbol(dec, Decl(index.ts, 44, 13))
class C {
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(index.ts, 44, 23))
// await allowed in aliased import
import { await as _await } from "./other";
>await : Symbol(await, Decl(other.ts, 3, 8))
>_await : Symbol(_await, Decl(index.ts, 50, 8))
// newlines
// await in throw
throw await
// await in var
let y = await
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(index.ts, 58, 3))
// await in expression statement;
=== tests/cases/conformance/externalModules/other.ts ===
const _await = 1;
>_await : Symbol(_await, Decl(other.ts, 0, 5))
// await allowed in aliased export
export { _await as await };
>_await : Symbol(_await, Decl(other.ts, 0, 5))
>await : Symbol(await, Decl(other.ts, 3, 8))
// for-await-of
const arr = [Promise.resolve()];
>arr : Symbol(arr, Decl(other.ts, 6, 5))
>Promise.resolve : Symbol(PromiseConstructor.resolve, Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --))
>Promise : Symbol(Promise, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --))
>resolve : Symbol(PromiseConstructor.resolve, Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --))
for await (const item of arr) {
>item : Symbol(item, Decl(other.ts, 8, 16))
>arr : Symbol(arr, Decl(other.ts, 6, 5))
>item : Symbol(item, Decl(other.ts, 8, 16))