Anders Hejlsberg 15fae38b39
Improve narrowing of generic types in control flow analysis (#43183)
* Narrow type variables with union constraints when merited by contextual type

* Narrow generics with union type constraints as indicated by contextual type

* Accept new baselines

* Add tests

* Fix circularity for JSX elements

* Remove unnecessary isConstraintPosition information from flow cache key

* Update comment

* Add additional tests

* Rename to getNarrowableTypeForReference, remove getConstraintForLocation

* Add comment

* Fix removal of undefined in destructurings with initializers

* Use getContextFreeTypeOfExpression in discriminateContextualTypeByObjectMembers

* In obj[x], use constraint of obj's type only when x's type is non-generic

* Add comment
2021-03-19 17:12:57 -07:00

62 lines
1.8 KiB

=== tests/cases/compiler/voidReturnIndexUnionInference.ts ===
// repro from https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25274
export function safeInvoke<A1, R>(
>safeInvoke : <A1, R>(func: ((arg1: A1) => R) | null | undefined, arg1: A1) => R | undefined
func: ((arg1: A1) => R) | null | undefined,
>func : ((arg1: A1) => R) | null | undefined
>arg1 : A1
>null : null
arg1: A1
>arg1 : A1
): R | undefined {
if (func) {
>func : ((arg1: A1) => R) | null | undefined
return func(arg1);
>func(arg1) : R
>func : (arg1: A1) => R
>arg1 : A1
} else {
return undefined;
>undefined : undefined
interface Props {
onFoo?(value: string): boolean;
>onFoo : ((value: string) => boolean) | undefined
>value : string
onBar?(value: string): void;
>onBar : ((value: string) => void) | undefined
>value : string
function bad<P extends Props>(props: Readonly<P>) {
>bad : <P extends Props>(props: Readonly<P>) => void
>props : Readonly<P>
safeInvoke(props.onFoo, "blah");
>safeInvoke(props.onFoo, "blah") : boolean | undefined
>safeInvoke : <A1, R>(func: ((arg1: A1) => R) | null | undefined, arg1: A1) => R | undefined
>props.onFoo : ((value: string) => boolean) | undefined
>props : Readonly<P>
>onFoo : ((value: string) => boolean) | undefined
>"blah" : "blah"
// Type R in signature of safeInvoke incorrectly inferred as {} instead of void!
safeInvoke(props.onBar, "blah");
>safeInvoke(props.onBar, "blah") : void | undefined
>safeInvoke : <A1, R>(func: ((arg1: A1) => R) | null | undefined, arg1: A1) => R | undefined
>props.onBar : ((value: string) => void) | undefined
>props : Readonly<P>
>onBar : ((value: string) => void) | undefined
>"blah" : "blah"