2015-04-13 14:29:37 -07:00

91 lines
3.8 KiB

=== tests/cases/compiler/arrayLiteralContextualType.ts ===
interface IAnimal {
>IAnimal : IAnimal, Symbol(IAnimal, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 0, 0))
name: string;
>name : string, Symbol(name, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 0, 19))
class Giraffe {
>Giraffe : Giraffe, Symbol(Giraffe, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 2, 1))
name = "Giraffe";
>name : string, Symbol(name, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 4, 15))
>"Giraffe" : string
neckLength = "3m";
>neckLength : string, Symbol(neckLength, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 5, 21))
>"3m" : string
class Elephant {
>Elephant : Elephant, Symbol(Elephant, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 7, 1))
name = "Elephant";
>name : string, Symbol(name, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 9, 16))
>"Elephant" : string
trunkDiameter = "20cm";
>trunkDiameter : string, Symbol(trunkDiameter, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 10, 22))
>"20cm" : string
function foo(animals: IAnimal[]) { }
>foo : (animals: IAnimal[]) => void, Symbol(foo, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 12, 1))
>animals : IAnimal[], Symbol(animals, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 14, 13))
>IAnimal : IAnimal, Symbol(IAnimal, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 0, 0))
function bar(animals: { [n: number]: IAnimal }) { }
>bar : (animals: { [n: number]: IAnimal; }) => void, Symbol(bar, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 14, 36))
>animals : { [n: number]: IAnimal; }, Symbol(animals, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 15, 13))
>n : number, Symbol(n, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 15, 25))
>IAnimal : IAnimal, Symbol(IAnimal, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 0, 0))
>foo([ new Giraffe(), new Elephant()]) : void
>foo : (animals: IAnimal[]) => void, Symbol(foo, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 12, 1))
>[ new Giraffe(), new Elephant()] : (Giraffe | Elephant)[]
new Giraffe(),
>new Giraffe() : Giraffe
>Giraffe : typeof Giraffe, Symbol(Giraffe, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 2, 1))
new Elephant()
>new Elephant() : Elephant
>Elephant : typeof Elephant, Symbol(Elephant, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 7, 1))
]); // Legal because of the contextual type IAnimal provided by the parameter
>bar([ new Giraffe(), new Elephant()]) : void
>bar : (animals: { [n: number]: IAnimal; }) => void, Symbol(bar, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 14, 36))
>[ new Giraffe(), new Elephant()] : (Giraffe | Elephant)[]
new Giraffe(),
>new Giraffe() : Giraffe
>Giraffe : typeof Giraffe, Symbol(Giraffe, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 2, 1))
new Elephant()
>new Elephant() : Elephant
>Elephant : typeof Elephant, Symbol(Elephant, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 7, 1))
]); // Legal because of the contextual type IAnimal provided by the parameter
var arr = [new Giraffe(), new Elephant()];
>arr : (Giraffe | Elephant)[], Symbol(arr, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 26, 3))
>[new Giraffe(), new Elephant()] : (Giraffe | Elephant)[]
>new Giraffe() : Giraffe
>Giraffe : typeof Giraffe, Symbol(Giraffe, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 2, 1))
>new Elephant() : Elephant
>Elephant : typeof Elephant, Symbol(Elephant, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 7, 1))
foo(arr); // ok because arr is Array<Giraffe|Elephant> not {}[]
>foo(arr) : void
>foo : (animals: IAnimal[]) => void, Symbol(foo, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 12, 1))
>arr : (Giraffe | Elephant)[], Symbol(arr, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 26, 3))
bar(arr); // ok because arr is Array<Giraffe|Elephant> not {}[]
>bar(arr) : void
>bar : (animals: { [n: number]: IAnimal; }) => void, Symbol(bar, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 14, 36))
>arr : (Giraffe | Elephant)[], Symbol(arr, Decl(arrayLiteralContextualType.ts, 26, 3))