2015-04-13 14:29:37 -07:00

62 lines
2.3 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/types/objectTypeLiteral/propertySignatures/propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts ===
class C {
>C : C, Symbol(C, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 0, 0))
>foo : any, Symbol(foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 0, 9))
interface I {
>I : I, Symbol(I, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 2, 1))
>foo : any, Symbol(foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 4, 13))
var a: {
>a : { foo: any; }, Symbol(a, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 8, 3))
>foo : any, Symbol(foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 8, 8))
var b = {
>b : { foo: any; }, Symbol(b, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 12, 3))
>{ foo: null} : { foo: null; }
foo: null
>foo : null, Symbol(foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 12, 9))
>null : null
// These should all be of type 'any'
var r1 = (new C()).foo;
>r1 : any, Symbol(r1, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 17, 3))
>(new C()).foo : any, Symbol(C.foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 0, 9))
>(new C()) : C
>new C() : C
>C : typeof C, Symbol(C, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 0, 0))
>foo : any, Symbol(C.foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 0, 9))
var r2 = (<I>null).foo;
>r2 : any, Symbol(r2, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 18, 3))
>(<I>null).foo : any, Symbol(I.foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 4, 13))
>(<I>null) : I
><I>null : I
>I : I, Symbol(I, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 2, 1))
>null : null
>foo : any, Symbol(I.foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 4, 13))
var r3 = a.foo;
>r3 : any, Symbol(r3, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 19, 3))
>a.foo : any, Symbol(foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 8, 8))
>a : { foo: any; }, Symbol(a, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 8, 3))
>foo : any, Symbol(foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 8, 8))
var r4 = b.foo;
>r4 : any, Symbol(r4, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 20, 3))
>b.foo : any, Symbol(foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 12, 9))
>b : { foo: any; }, Symbol(b, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 12, 3))
>foo : any, Symbol(foo, Decl(propertyNameWithoutTypeAnnotation.ts, 12, 9))