Orta Therox 6e9d098d41 Adds support for completions after ASI inserted expressions
Signed-off-by: Andrew Branch <andrew.branch@microsoft.com>
2019-07-03 18:02:44 -04:00

22 lines
560 B

/// <reference path='fourslash.ts'/>
//// class Parent {
//// protected shouldWork() {
//// console.log();
//// }
//// }
//// class Child extends Parent {
//// // this assumes ASI, but on next line wants to
//// x = () => 1
//// shoul/*insideid*/
//// }
//// class ChildTwo extends Parent {
//// // this assumes ASI, but on next line wants to
//// x = () => 1
//// /*root*/ //nothing
//// }
verify.completions({ marker: ["insideid", "root"], includes: "shouldWork", isNewIdentifierLocation: true });