Ron Buckton 01af3aa483
Support 'find references' on most declaration-related keywords (#36490)
* Allow 'find references' to work on most declaration keywords

* Add support for rename

* Add more keywords, move logic out of checker and into services

* Add additional type and expression keywords
2020-01-31 11:53:57 -08:00

32 lines
1.5 KiB

/// <reference path='fourslash.ts' />
// @Filename: /a.ts
////[|type [|{| "isWriteAccess": true, "isDefinition": true, "contextRangeIndex": 0 |}T|] = number;|]
////[|namespace [|{| "isWriteAccess": true, "isDefinition": true, "contextRangeIndex": 2 |}T|] {
//// export type U = string;
////[|[|{| "contextRangeIndex": 4 |}export|] = [|{| "contextRangeIndex": 4 |}T|];|]
// @Filename: /b.ts
////[|const x: import("[|{| "contextRangeIndex": 7 |}./[|a|]|]") = 0;|]
////[|const y: import("[|{| "contextRangeIndex": 10 |}./[|a|]|]").U = "";|]
const [r0Def, r0, r1Def, r1, r2Def, rExport, r2, r3Def, r3, r3b, r4Def, r4, r4b] = test.ranges();
verify.referenceGroups(r0, [{ definition: "type T = number\nnamespace T", ranges: [r0, r2, r3] }]);
verify.referenceGroups(r1, [{ definition: "namespace T", ranges: [r1, r2] }]);
const t: FourSlashInterface.ReferenceGroup = { definition: "type T = number\nnamespace T", ranges: [r0, r1, r2, r3] };
verify.referenceGroups(r2, [t]);
verify.referenceGroups([r3, r4], [{ definition: 'module "/a"', ranges: [r4, rExport] }, t]);
verify.referenceGroups(rExport, [t]);
verify.renameLocations(r0, [r0, r2]);
verify.renameLocations(r1, [r1, r2]);
verify.renameLocations(r2, [r0, r1, r2]);
for (const range of [r3b, r4b]) {
verify.renameInfoSucceeded(/*displayName*/ "/a.ts", /*fullDisplayName*/ "/a.ts", /*kind*/ "module", /*kindModifiers*/ "", /*fileToRename*/ "/a.ts", range);
verify.renameInfoFailed("You cannot rename this element.", /*allowRenameOfImportPath*/ false);