2019-06-13 12:41:21 -07:00

41 lines
1.6 KiB

/// <reference path='fourslash.ts'/>
////module FindRef4 {
//// module MixedStaticsClassTest {
//// export class Foo {
//// [|[|{| "isDefinition": true, "contextRangeIndex": 0 |}bar|]: Foo;|]
//// [|static [|{| "isDefinition": true, "contextRangeIndex": 2 |}bar|]: Foo;|]
//// [|public [|{| "isWriteAccess": true, "isDefinition": true, "contextRangeIndex": 4 |}foo|](): void {
//// }|]
//// [|public static [|{| "isWriteAccess": true, "isDefinition": true, "contextRangeIndex": 6 |}foo|](): void {
//// }|]
//// }
//// }
//// function test() {
//// // instance function
//// var x = new MixedStaticsClassTest.Foo();
//// x.[|foo|]();
//// x.[|bar|];
//// // static function
//// MixedStaticsClassTest.Foo.[|foo|]();
//// MixedStaticsClassTest.Foo.[|bar|];
//// }
const [fooBarDef, fooBar, fooStaticBarDef, fooStaticBar, fooFooDef, fooFoo, fooStaticFooDef, fooStaticFoo, xFoo, xBar, staticFoo, staticBar] = test.ranges();
// References to a member method with the same name as a static.
verify.singleReferenceGroup("(method) MixedStaticsClassTest.Foo.foo(): void", [fooFoo, xFoo]);
// References to a static method with the same name as a member.
verify.singleReferenceGroup("(method) MixedStaticsClassTest.Foo.foo(): void", [fooStaticFoo, staticFoo]);
// References to a member property with the same name as a static.
verify.singleReferenceGroup("(property) MixedStaticsClassTest.Foo.bar: Foo", [fooBar, xBar]);
// References to a static property with the same name as a member.
verify.singleReferenceGroup("(property) MixedStaticsClassTest.Foo.bar: Foo", [fooStaticBar, staticBar]);