
746 lines
40 KiB

/* @internal */
namespace ts {
export enum LogLevel {
export interface LoggingHost {
log(level: LogLevel, s: string): void;
export interface DeprecationOptions {
message?: string;
error?: boolean;
since?: Version | string;
warnAfter?: Version | string;
errorAfter?: Version | string;
typeScriptVersion?: Version | string;
export namespace Debug {
let typeScriptVersion: Version | undefined;
/* eslint-disable prefer-const */
let currentAssertionLevel = AssertionLevel.None;
export let currentLogLevel = LogLevel.Warning;
export let isDebugging = false;
export let loggingHost: LoggingHost | undefined;
/* eslint-enable prefer-const */
type AssertionKeys = MatchingKeys<typeof Debug, AnyFunction>;
export function getTypeScriptVersion() {
return typeScriptVersion ?? (typeScriptVersion = new Version(version));
export function shouldLog(level: LogLevel): boolean {
return currentLogLevel <= level;
function logMessage(level: LogLevel, s: string): void {
if (loggingHost && shouldLog(level)) {
loggingHost.log(level, s);
export function log(s: string): void {
logMessage(LogLevel.Info, s);
export namespace log {
export function error(s: string): void {
logMessage(LogLevel.Error, s);
export function warn(s: string): void {
logMessage(LogLevel.Warning, s);
export function log(s: string): void {
logMessage(LogLevel.Info, s);
export function trace(s: string): void {
logMessage(LogLevel.Verbose, s);
const assertionCache: Partial<Record<AssertionKeys, { level: AssertionLevel, assertion: AnyFunction }>> = {};
export function getAssertionLevel() {
return currentAssertionLevel;
export function setAssertionLevel(level: AssertionLevel) {
const prevAssertionLevel = currentAssertionLevel;
currentAssertionLevel = level;
if (level > prevAssertionLevel) {
// restore assertion functions for the current assertion level (see `shouldAssertFunction`).
for (const key of getOwnKeys(assertionCache) as AssertionKeys[]) {
const cachedFunc = assertionCache[key];
if (cachedFunc !== undefined && Debug[key] !== cachedFunc.assertion && level >= cachedFunc.level) {
(Debug as any)[key] = cachedFunc;
assertionCache[key] = undefined;
export function shouldAssert(level: AssertionLevel): boolean {
return currentAssertionLevel >= level;
* Tests whether an assertion function should be executed. If it shouldn't, it is cached and replaced with `ts.noop`.
* Replaced assertion functions are restored when `Debug.setAssertionLevel` is set to a high enough level.
* @param level The minimum assertion level required.
* @param name The name of the current assertion function.
function shouldAssertFunction<K extends AssertionKeys>(level: AssertionLevel, name: K): boolean {
if (!shouldAssert(level)) {
assertionCache[name] = { level, assertion: Debug[name] };
(Debug as any)[name] = noop;
return false;
return true;
export function fail(message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): never {
const e = new Error(message ? `Debug Failure. ${message}` : "Debug Failure.");
if ((Error as any).captureStackTrace) {
(Error as any).captureStackTrace(e, stackCrawlMark || fail);
throw e;
export function failBadSyntaxKind(node: Node, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): never {
return fail(
`${message || "Unexpected node."}\r\nNode ${formatSyntaxKind(node.kind)} was unexpected.`,
stackCrawlMark || failBadSyntaxKind);
export function assert(expression: unknown, message?: string, verboseDebugInfo?: string | (() => string), stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts expression {
if (!expression) {
message = message ? `False expression: ${message}` : "False expression.";
if (verboseDebugInfo) {
message += "\r\nVerbose Debug Information: " + (typeof verboseDebugInfo === "string" ? verboseDebugInfo : verboseDebugInfo());
fail(message, stackCrawlMark || assert);
export function assertEqual<T>(a: T, b: T, msg?: string, msg2?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): void {
if (a !== b) {
const message = msg ? msg2 ? `${msg} ${msg2}` : msg : "";
fail(`Expected ${a} === ${b}. ${message}`, stackCrawlMark || assertEqual);
export function assertLessThan(a: number, b: number, msg?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): void {
if (a >= b) {
fail(`Expected ${a} < ${b}. ${msg || ""}`, stackCrawlMark || assertLessThan);
export function assertLessThanOrEqual(a: number, b: number, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): void {
if (a > b) {
fail(`Expected ${a} <= ${b}`, stackCrawlMark || assertLessThanOrEqual);
export function assertGreaterThanOrEqual(a: number, b: number, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): void {
if (a < b) {
fail(`Expected ${a} >= ${b}`, stackCrawlMark || assertGreaterThanOrEqual);
export function assertIsDefined<T>(value: T, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts value is NonNullable<T> {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null
if (value === undefined || value === null) {
fail(message, stackCrawlMark || assertIsDefined);
export function checkDefined<T>(value: T | null | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): T {
assertIsDefined(value, message, stackCrawlMark || checkDefined);
return value;
* @deprecated Use `checkDefined` to check whether a value is defined inline. Use `assertIsDefined` to check whether
* a value is defined at the statement level.
export const assertDefined = checkDefined;
export function assertEachIsDefined<T extends Node>(value: NodeArray<T>, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts value is NodeArray<T>;
export function assertEachIsDefined<T>(value: readonly T[], message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts value is readonly NonNullable<T>[];
export function assertEachIsDefined<T>(value: readonly T[], message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction) {
for (const v of value) {
assertIsDefined(v, message, stackCrawlMark || assertEachIsDefined);
export function checkEachDefined<T, A extends readonly T[]>(value: A, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): A {
assertEachIsDefined(value, message, stackCrawlMark || checkEachDefined);
return value;
* @deprecated Use `checkEachDefined` to check whether the elements of an array are defined inline. Use `assertEachIsDefined` to check whether
* the elements of an array are defined at the statement level.
export const assertEachDefined = checkEachDefined;
export function assertNever(member: never, message = "Illegal value:", stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): never {
const detail = typeof member === "object" && hasProperty(member, "kind") && hasProperty(member, "pos") && formatSyntaxKind ? "SyntaxKind: " + formatSyntaxKind((member as Node).kind) : JSON.stringify(member);
return fail(`${message} ${detail}`, stackCrawlMark || assertNever);
export function assertEachNode<T extends Node, U extends T>(nodes: NodeArray<T>, test: (node: T) => node is U, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts nodes is NodeArray<U>;
export function assertEachNode<T extends Node, U extends T>(nodes: readonly T[], test: (node: T) => node is U, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts nodes is readonly U[];
export function assertEachNode(nodes: readonly Node[], test: (node: Node) => boolean, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): void;
export function assertEachNode(nodes: readonly Node[], test: (node: Node) => boolean, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction) {
if (shouldAssertFunction(AssertionLevel.Normal, "assertEachNode")) {
test === undefined || every(nodes, test),
message || "Unexpected node.",
() => `Node array did not pass test '${getFunctionName(test)}'.`,
stackCrawlMark || assertEachNode);
export function assertNode<T extends Node, U extends T>(node: T | undefined, test: (node: T) => node is U, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts node is U;
export function assertNode(node: Node | undefined, test: ((node: Node) => boolean) | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): void;
export function assertNode(node: Node | undefined, test: ((node: Node) => boolean) | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction) {
if (shouldAssertFunction(AssertionLevel.Normal, "assertNode")) {
node !== undefined && (test === undefined || test(node)),
message || "Unexpected node.",
() => `Node ${formatSyntaxKind(node?.kind)} did not pass test '${getFunctionName(test!)}'.`,
stackCrawlMark || assertNode);
export function assertNotNode<T extends Node, U extends T>(node: T | undefined, test: (node: Node) => node is U, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts node is Exclude<T, U>;
export function assertNotNode(node: Node | undefined, test: ((node: Node) => boolean) | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): void;
export function assertNotNode(node: Node | undefined, test: ((node: Node) => boolean) | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction) {
if (shouldAssertFunction(AssertionLevel.Normal, "assertNotNode")) {
node === undefined || test === undefined || !test(node),
message || "Unexpected node.",
() => `Node ${formatSyntaxKind(node!.kind)} should not have passed test '${getFunctionName(test!)}'.`,
stackCrawlMark || assertNotNode);
export function assertOptionalNode<T extends Node, U extends T>(node: T, test: (node: T) => node is U, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts node is U;
export function assertOptionalNode<T extends Node, U extends T>(node: T | undefined, test: (node: T) => node is U, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts node is U | undefined;
export function assertOptionalNode(node: Node | undefined, test: ((node: Node) => boolean) | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): void;
export function assertOptionalNode(node: Node | undefined, test: ((node: Node) => boolean) | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction) {
if (shouldAssertFunction(AssertionLevel.Normal, "assertOptionalNode")) {
test === undefined || node === undefined || test(node),
message || "Unexpected node.",
() => `Node ${formatSyntaxKind(node?.kind)} did not pass test '${getFunctionName(test!)}'.`,
stackCrawlMark || assertOptionalNode);
export function assertOptionalToken<T extends Node, K extends SyntaxKind>(node: T, kind: K, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts node is Extract<T, { readonly kind: K }>;
export function assertOptionalToken<T extends Node, K extends SyntaxKind>(node: T | undefined, kind: K, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts node is Extract<T, { readonly kind: K }> | undefined;
export function assertOptionalToken(node: Node | undefined, kind: SyntaxKind | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): void;
export function assertOptionalToken(node: Node | undefined, kind: SyntaxKind | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction) {
if (shouldAssertFunction(AssertionLevel.Normal, "assertOptionalToken")) {
kind === undefined || node === undefined || node.kind === kind,
message || "Unexpected node.",
() => `Node ${formatSyntaxKind(node?.kind)} was not a '${formatSyntaxKind(kind)}' token.`,
stackCrawlMark || assertOptionalToken);
export function assertMissingNode(node: Node | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction): asserts node is undefined;
export function assertMissingNode(node: Node | undefined, message?: string, stackCrawlMark?: AnyFunction) {
if (shouldAssertFunction(AssertionLevel.Normal, "assertMissingNode")) {
node === undefined,
message || "Unexpected node.",
() => `Node ${formatSyntaxKind(node!.kind)} was unexpected'.`,
stackCrawlMark || assertMissingNode);
* Asserts a value has the specified type in typespace only (does not perform a runtime assertion).
* This is useful in cases where we switch on `node.kind` and can be reasonably sure the type is accurate, and
* as a result can reduce the number of unnecessary casts.
export function type<T>(value: unknown): asserts value is T;
export function type(_value: unknown) { }
export function getFunctionName(func: AnyFunction) {
if (typeof func !== "function") {
return "";
else if (func.hasOwnProperty("name")) {
return (func as any).name;
else {
const text = Function.prototype.toString.call(func);
const match = /^function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/.exec(text);
return match ? match[1] : "";
export function formatSymbol(symbol: Symbol): string {
return `{ name: ${unescapeLeadingUnderscores(symbol.escapedName)}; flags: ${formatSymbolFlags(symbol.flags)}; declarations: ${map(symbol.declarations, node => formatSyntaxKind(node.kind))} }`;
* Formats an enum value as a string for debugging and debug assertions.
export function formatEnum(value = 0, enumObject: any, isFlags?: boolean) {
const members = getEnumMembers(enumObject);
if (value === 0) {
return members.length > 0 && members[0][0] === 0 ? members[0][1] : "0";
if (isFlags) {
let result = "";
let remainingFlags = value;
for (const [enumValue, enumName] of members) {
if (enumValue > value) {
if (enumValue !== 0 && enumValue & value) {
result = `${result}${result ? "|" : ""}${enumName}`;
remainingFlags &= ~enumValue;
if (remainingFlags === 0) {
return result;
else {
for (const [enumValue, enumName] of members) {
if (enumValue === value) {
return enumName;
return value.toString();
function getEnumMembers(enumObject: any) {
const result: [number, string][] = [];
for (const name in enumObject) {
const value = enumObject[name];
if (typeof value === "number") {
result.push([value, name]);
return stableSort<[number, string]>(result, (x, y) => compareValues(x[0], y[0]));
export function formatSyntaxKind(kind: SyntaxKind | undefined): string {
return formatEnum(kind, (ts as any).SyntaxKind, /*isFlags*/ false);
export function formatNodeFlags(flags: NodeFlags | undefined): string {
return formatEnum(flags, (ts as any).NodeFlags, /*isFlags*/ true);
export function formatModifierFlags(flags: ModifierFlags | undefined): string {
return formatEnum(flags, (ts as any).ModifierFlags, /*isFlags*/ true);
export function formatTransformFlags(flags: TransformFlags | undefined): string {
return formatEnum(flags, (ts as any).TransformFlags, /*isFlags*/ true);
export function formatEmitFlags(flags: EmitFlags | undefined): string {
return formatEnum(flags, (ts as any).EmitFlags, /*isFlags*/ true);
export function formatSymbolFlags(flags: SymbolFlags | undefined): string {
return formatEnum(flags, (ts as any).SymbolFlags, /*isFlags*/ true);
export function formatTypeFlags(flags: TypeFlags | undefined): string {
return formatEnum(flags, (ts as any).TypeFlags, /*isFlags*/ true);
export function formatSignatureFlags(flags: SignatureFlags | undefined): string {
return formatEnum(flags, (ts as any).SignatureFlags, /*isFlags*/ true);
export function formatObjectFlags(flags: ObjectFlags | undefined): string {
return formatEnum(flags, (ts as any).ObjectFlags, /*isFlags*/ true);
export function formatFlowFlags(flags: FlowFlags | undefined): string {
return formatEnum(flags, (ts as any).FlowFlags, /*isFlags*/ true);
let isDebugInfoEnabled = false;
interface ExtendedDebugModule {
init(_ts: typeof ts): void;
formatControlFlowGraph(flowNode: FlowNode): string;
let extendedDebugModule: ExtendedDebugModule | undefined;
function extendedDebug() {
if (!extendedDebugModule) {
throw new Error("Debugging helpers could not be loaded.");
return extendedDebugModule;
export function printControlFlowGraph(flowNode: FlowNode) {
return console.log(formatControlFlowGraph(flowNode));
export function formatControlFlowGraph(flowNode: FlowNode) {
return extendedDebug().formatControlFlowGraph(flowNode);
let flowNodeProto: FlowNodeBase | undefined;
function attachFlowNodeDebugInfoWorker(flowNode: FlowNodeBase) {
if (!("__debugFlowFlags" in flowNode)) { // eslint-disable-line no-in-operator
Object.defineProperties(flowNode, {
// for use with vscode-js-debug's new customDescriptionGenerator in launch.json
__tsDebuggerDisplay: {
value(this: FlowNodeBase) {
const flowHeader =
this.flags & FlowFlags.Start ? "FlowStart" :
this.flags & FlowFlags.BranchLabel ? "FlowBranchLabel" :
this.flags & FlowFlags.LoopLabel ? "FlowLoopLabel" :
this.flags & FlowFlags.Assignment ? "FlowAssignment" :
this.flags & FlowFlags.TrueCondition ? "FlowTrueCondition" :
this.flags & FlowFlags.FalseCondition ? "FlowFalseCondition" :
this.flags & FlowFlags.SwitchClause ? "FlowSwitchClause" :
this.flags & FlowFlags.ArrayMutation ? "FlowArrayMutation" :
this.flags & FlowFlags.Call ? "FlowCall" :
this.flags & FlowFlags.ReduceLabel ? "FlowReduceLabel" :
this.flags & FlowFlags.Unreachable ? "FlowUnreachable" :
const remainingFlags = this.flags & ~(FlowFlags.Referenced - 1);
return `${flowHeader}${remainingFlags ? ` (${formatFlowFlags(remainingFlags)})`: ""}`;
__debugFlowFlags: { get(this: FlowNodeBase) { return formatEnum(this.flags, (ts as any).FlowFlags, /*isFlags*/ true); } },
__debugToString: { value(this: FlowNodeBase) { return formatControlFlowGraph(this); } }
export function attachFlowNodeDebugInfo(flowNode: FlowNodeBase) {
if (isDebugInfoEnabled) {
if (typeof Object.setPrototypeOf === "function") {
// if we're in es2015, attach the method to a shared prototype for `FlowNode`
// so the method doesn't show up in the watch window.
if (!flowNodeProto) {
flowNodeProto = Object.create(Object.prototype) as FlowNodeBase;
Object.setPrototypeOf(flowNode, flowNodeProto);
else {
// not running in an es2015 environment, attach the method directly.
let nodeArrayProto: NodeArray<Node> | undefined;
function attachNodeArrayDebugInfoWorker(array: NodeArray<Node>) {
if (!("__tsDebuggerDisplay" in array)) { // eslint-disable-line no-in-operator
Object.defineProperties(array, {
__tsDebuggerDisplay: {
value(this: NodeArray<Node>, defaultValue: string) {
// An `Array` with extra properties is rendered as `[A, B, prop1: 1, prop2: 2]`. Most of
// these aren't immediately useful so we trim off the `prop1: ..., prop2: ...` part from the
// formatted string.
// This regex can trigger slow backtracking because of overlapping potential captures.
// We don't care, this is debug code that's only enabled with a debugger attached -
// we're just taking note of it for anyone checking regex performance in the future.
defaultValue = String(defaultValue).replace(/(?:,[\s\w\d_]+:[^,]+)+\]$/, "]");
return `NodeArray ${defaultValue}`;
export function attachNodeArrayDebugInfo(array: NodeArray<Node>) {
if (isDebugInfoEnabled) {
if (typeof Object.setPrototypeOf === "function") {
// if we're in es2015, attach the method to a shared prototype for `NodeArray`
// so the method doesn't show up in the watch window.
if (!nodeArrayProto) {
nodeArrayProto = Object.create(Array.prototype) as NodeArray<Node>;
Object.setPrototypeOf(array, nodeArrayProto);
else {
// not running in an es2015 environment, attach the method directly.
* Injects debug information into frequently used types.
export function enableDebugInfo() {
if (isDebugInfoEnabled) return;
// avoid recomputing
let weakTypeTextMap: WeakMap<Type, string> | undefined;
let weakNodeTextMap: WeakMap<Node, string> | undefined;
function getWeakTypeTextMap() {
if (weakTypeTextMap === undefined) {
if (typeof WeakMap === "function") weakTypeTextMap = new WeakMap();
return weakTypeTextMap;
function getWeakNodeTextMap() {
if (weakNodeTextMap === undefined) {
if (typeof WeakMap === "function") weakNodeTextMap = new WeakMap();
return weakNodeTextMap;
// Add additional properties in debug mode to assist with debugging.
Object.defineProperties(objectAllocator.getSymbolConstructor().prototype, {
// for use with vscode-js-debug's new customDescriptionGenerator in launch.json
__tsDebuggerDisplay: {
value(this: Symbol) {
const symbolHeader =
this.flags & SymbolFlags.Transient ? "TransientSymbol" :
const remainingSymbolFlags = this.flags & ~SymbolFlags.Transient;
return `${symbolHeader} '${symbolName(this)}'${remainingSymbolFlags ? ` (${formatSymbolFlags(remainingSymbolFlags)})` : ""}`;
__debugFlags: { get(this: Symbol) { return formatSymbolFlags(this.flags); } }
Object.defineProperties(objectAllocator.getTypeConstructor().prototype, {
// for use with vscode-js-debug's new customDescriptionGenerator in launch.json
__tsDebuggerDisplay: {
value(this: Type) {
const typeHeader =
this.flags & TypeFlags.Nullable ? "NullableType" :
this.flags & TypeFlags.StringOrNumberLiteral ? `LiteralType ${JSON.stringify((this as LiteralType).value)}` :
this.flags & TypeFlags.BigIntLiteral ? `LiteralType ${(this as BigIntLiteralType).value.negative ? "-" : ""}${(this as BigIntLiteralType).value.base10Value}n` :
this.flags & TypeFlags.UniqueESSymbol ? "UniqueESSymbolType" :
this.flags & TypeFlags.Enum ? "EnumType" :
this.flags & TypeFlags.Intrinsic ? `IntrinsicType ${(this as IntrinsicType).intrinsicName}` :
this.flags & TypeFlags.Union ? "UnionType" :
this.flags & TypeFlags.Intersection ? "IntersectionType" :
this.flags & TypeFlags.Index ? "IndexType" :
this.flags & TypeFlags.IndexedAccess ? "IndexedAccessType" :
this.flags & TypeFlags.Conditional ? "ConditionalType" :
this.flags & TypeFlags.Substitution ? "SubstitutionType" :
this.flags & TypeFlags.TypeParameter ? "TypeParameter" :
this.flags & TypeFlags.Object ?
(this as ObjectType).objectFlags & ObjectFlags.ClassOrInterface ? "InterfaceType" :
(this as ObjectType).objectFlags & ObjectFlags.Reference ? "TypeReference" :
(this as ObjectType).objectFlags & ObjectFlags.Tuple ? "TupleType" :
(this as ObjectType).objectFlags & ObjectFlags.Anonymous ? "AnonymousType" :
(this as ObjectType).objectFlags & ObjectFlags.Mapped ? "MappedType" :
(this as ObjectType).objectFlags & ObjectFlags.ReverseMapped ? "ReverseMappedType" :
(this as ObjectType).objectFlags & ObjectFlags.EvolvingArray ? "EvolvingArrayType" :
"ObjectType" :
const remainingObjectFlags = this.flags & TypeFlags.Object ? (this as ObjectType).objectFlags & ~ObjectFlags.ObjectTypeKindMask : 0;
return `${typeHeader}${this.symbol ? ` '${symbolName(this.symbol)}'` : ""}${remainingObjectFlags ? ` (${formatObjectFlags(remainingObjectFlags)})` : ""}`;
__debugFlags: { get(this: Type) { return formatTypeFlags(this.flags); } },
__debugObjectFlags: { get(this: Type) { return this.flags & TypeFlags.Object ? formatObjectFlags((this as ObjectType).objectFlags) : ""; } },
__debugTypeToString: {
value(this: Type) {
// avoid recomputing
const map = getWeakTypeTextMap();
let text = map?.get(this);
if (text === undefined) {
text = this.checker.typeToString(this);
map?.set(this, text);
return text;
Object.defineProperties(objectAllocator.getSignatureConstructor().prototype, {
__debugFlags: { get(this: Signature) { return formatSignatureFlags(this.flags); } },
__debugSignatureToString: { value(this: Signature) { return this.checker?.signatureToString(this); } }
const nodeConstructors = [
for (const ctor of nodeConstructors) {
if (!ctor.prototype.hasOwnProperty("__debugKind")) {
Object.defineProperties(ctor.prototype, {
// for use with vscode-js-debug's new customDescriptionGenerator in launch.json
__tsDebuggerDisplay: {
value(this: Node) {
const nodeHeader =
isGeneratedIdentifier(this) ? "GeneratedIdentifier" :
isIdentifier(this) ? `Identifier '${idText(this)}'` :
isPrivateIdentifier(this) ? `PrivateIdentifier '${idText(this)}'` :
isStringLiteral(this) ? `StringLiteral ${JSON.stringify(this.text.length < 10 ? this.text : this.text.slice(10) + "...")}` :
isNumericLiteral(this) ? `NumericLiteral ${this.text}` :
isBigIntLiteral(this) ? `BigIntLiteral ${this.text}n` :
isTypeParameterDeclaration(this) ? "TypeParameterDeclaration" :
isParameter(this) ? "ParameterDeclaration" :
isConstructorDeclaration(this) ? "ConstructorDeclaration" :
isGetAccessorDeclaration(this) ? "GetAccessorDeclaration" :
isSetAccessorDeclaration(this) ? "SetAccessorDeclaration" :
isCallSignatureDeclaration(this) ? "CallSignatureDeclaration" :
isConstructSignatureDeclaration(this) ? "ConstructSignatureDeclaration" :
isIndexSignatureDeclaration(this) ? "IndexSignatureDeclaration" :
isTypePredicateNode(this) ? "TypePredicateNode" :
isTypeReferenceNode(this) ? "TypeReferenceNode" :
isFunctionTypeNode(this) ? "FunctionTypeNode" :
isConstructorTypeNode(this) ? "ConstructorTypeNode" :
isTypeQueryNode(this) ? "TypeQueryNode" :
isTypeLiteralNode(this) ? "TypeLiteralNode" :
isArrayTypeNode(this) ? "ArrayTypeNode" :
isTupleTypeNode(this) ? "TupleTypeNode" :
isOptionalTypeNode(this) ? "OptionalTypeNode" :
isRestTypeNode(this) ? "RestTypeNode" :
isUnionTypeNode(this) ? "UnionTypeNode" :
isIntersectionTypeNode(this) ? "IntersectionTypeNode" :
isConditionalTypeNode(this) ? "ConditionalTypeNode" :
isInferTypeNode(this) ? "InferTypeNode" :
isParenthesizedTypeNode(this) ? "ParenthesizedTypeNode" :
isThisTypeNode(this) ? "ThisTypeNode" :
isTypeOperatorNode(this) ? "TypeOperatorNode" :
isIndexedAccessTypeNode(this) ? "IndexedAccessTypeNode" :
isMappedTypeNode(this) ? "MappedTypeNode" :
isLiteralTypeNode(this) ? "LiteralTypeNode" :
isNamedTupleMember(this) ? "NamedTupleMember" :
isImportTypeNode(this) ? "ImportTypeNode" :
return `${nodeHeader}${this.flags ? ` (${formatNodeFlags(this.flags)})` : ""}`;
__debugKind: { get(this: Node) { return formatSyntaxKind(this.kind); } },
__debugNodeFlags: { get(this: Node) { return formatNodeFlags(this.flags); } },
__debugModifierFlags: { get(this: Node) { return formatModifierFlags(getEffectiveModifierFlagsNoCache(this)); } },
__debugTransformFlags: { get(this: Node) { return formatTransformFlags(this.transformFlags); } },
__debugIsParseTreeNode: { get(this: Node) { return isParseTreeNode(this); } },
__debugEmitFlags: { get(this: Node) { return formatEmitFlags(getEmitFlags(this)); } },
__debugGetText: {
value(this: Node, includeTrivia?: boolean) {
if (nodeIsSynthesized(this)) return "";
// avoid recomputing
const map = getWeakNodeTextMap();
let text = map?.get(this);
if (text === undefined) {
const parseNode = getParseTreeNode(this);
const sourceFile = parseNode && getSourceFileOfNode(parseNode);
text = sourceFile ? getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(sourceFile, parseNode!, includeTrivia) : "";
map?.set(this, text);
return text;
// attempt to load extended debugging information
try {
if (sys && sys.require) {
const basePath = getDirectoryPath(resolvePath(sys.getExecutingFilePath()));
const result = sys.require(basePath, "./compiler-debug") as RequireResult<ExtendedDebugModule>;
if (!result.error) {
extendedDebugModule = result.module;
catch {
// do nothing
isDebugInfoEnabled = true;
function formatDeprecationMessage(name: string, error: boolean | undefined, errorAfter: Version | undefined, since: Version | undefined, message: string | undefined) {
let deprecationMessage = error ? "DeprecationError: " : "DeprecationWarning: ";
deprecationMessage += `'${name}' `;
deprecationMessage += since ? `has been deprecated since v${since}` : "is deprecated";
deprecationMessage += error ? " and can no longer be used." : errorAfter ? ` and will no longer be usable after v${errorAfter}.` : ".";
deprecationMessage += message ? ` ${formatStringFromArgs(message, [name], 0)}` : "";
return deprecationMessage;
function createErrorDeprecation(name: string, errorAfter: Version | undefined, since: Version | undefined, message: string | undefined) {
const deprecationMessage = formatDeprecationMessage(name, /*error*/ true, errorAfter, since, message);
return () => {
throw new TypeError(deprecationMessage);
function createWarningDeprecation(name: string, errorAfter: Version | undefined, since: Version | undefined, message: string | undefined) {
let hasWrittenDeprecation = false;
return () => {
if (!hasWrittenDeprecation) {
log.warn(formatDeprecationMessage(name, /*error*/ false, errorAfter, since, message));
hasWrittenDeprecation = true;
function createDeprecation(name: string, options: DeprecationOptions & { error: true }): () => never;
function createDeprecation(name: string, options?: DeprecationOptions): () => void;
function createDeprecation(name: string, options: DeprecationOptions = {}) {
const version = typeof options.typeScriptVersion === "string" ? new Version(options.typeScriptVersion) : options.typeScriptVersion ?? getTypeScriptVersion();
const errorAfter = typeof options.errorAfter === "string" ? new Version(options.errorAfter) : options.errorAfter;
const warnAfter = typeof options.warnAfter === "string" ? new Version(options.warnAfter) : options.warnAfter;
const since = typeof options.since === "string" ? new Version(options.since) : options.since ?? warnAfter;
const error = options.error || errorAfter && version.compareTo(errorAfter) <= 0;
const warn = !warnAfter || version.compareTo(warnAfter) >= 0;
return error ? createErrorDeprecation(name, errorAfter, since, options.message) :
warn ? createWarningDeprecation(name, errorAfter, since, options.message) :
function wrapFunction<F extends (...args: any[]) => any>(deprecation: () => void, func: F): F {
return function (this: unknown) {
return func.apply(this, arguments);
} as F;
export function deprecate<F extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: F, options?: DeprecationOptions): F {
const deprecation = createDeprecation(getFunctionName(func), options);
return wrapFunction(deprecation, func);