Wesley Wigham 8e855d140b
Watch mode watches for changes in package.json files used in resolution (#44935)
* watch mode watches for changes in package.json files used in resolution

* Pathify result of realpath

* Actually accept pathified baselines
2021-07-12 17:23:08 -07:00

696 lines
32 KiB

/* @internal */
namespace ts {
* Partial interface of the System thats needed to support the caching of directory structure
export interface DirectoryStructureHost {
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
readFile(path: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined;
// TODO: GH#18217 Optional methods are frequently used as non-optional
directoryExists?(path: string): boolean;
getDirectories?(path: string): string[];
readDirectory?(path: string, extensions?: readonly string[], exclude?: readonly string[], include?: readonly string[], depth?: number): string[];
realpath?(path: string): string;
createDirectory?(path: string): void;
writeFile?(path: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean): void;
interface FileAndDirectoryExistence {
fileExists: boolean;
directoryExists: boolean;
export interface CachedDirectoryStructureHost extends DirectoryStructureHost {
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean;
getDirectories(path: string): string[];
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: readonly string[], exclude?: readonly string[], include?: readonly string[], depth?: number): string[];
/** Returns the queried result for the file exists and directory exists if at all it was done */
addOrDeleteFileOrDirectory(fileOrDirectory: string, fileOrDirectoryPath: Path): FileAndDirectoryExistence | undefined;
addOrDeleteFile(fileName: string, filePath: Path, eventKind: FileWatcherEventKind): void;
clearCache(): void;
interface MutableFileSystemEntries {
readonly files: string[];
readonly directories: string[];
export function createCachedDirectoryStructureHost(host: DirectoryStructureHost, currentDirectory: string, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean): CachedDirectoryStructureHost | undefined {
if (!host.getDirectories || !host.readDirectory) {
return undefined;
const cachedReadDirectoryResult = new Map<string, MutableFileSystemEntries | false>();
const getCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName(useCaseSensitiveFileNames);
return {
readFile: (path, encoding) => host.readFile(path, encoding),
directoryExists: host.directoryExists && directoryExists,
createDirectory: host.createDirectory && createDirectory,
writeFile: host.writeFile && writeFile,
realpath: host.realpath && realpath
function toPath(fileName: string) {
return ts.toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
function getCachedFileSystemEntries(rootDirPath: Path) {
return cachedReadDirectoryResult.get(ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(rootDirPath));
function getCachedFileSystemEntriesForBaseDir(path: Path) {
return getCachedFileSystemEntries(getDirectoryPath(path));
function getBaseNameOfFileName(fileName: string) {
return getBaseFileName(normalizePath(fileName));
function createCachedFileSystemEntries(rootDir: string, rootDirPath: Path) {
if (!host.realpath || ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(toPath(host.realpath(rootDir))) === rootDirPath) {
const resultFromHost: MutableFileSystemEntries = {
files: map(host.readDirectory!(rootDir, /*extensions*/ undefined, /*exclude*/ undefined, /*include*/["*.*"]), getBaseNameOfFileName) || [],
directories: host.getDirectories!(rootDir) || []
cachedReadDirectoryResult.set(ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(rootDirPath), resultFromHost);
return resultFromHost;
// If the directory is symlink do not cache the result
if (host.directoryExists?.(rootDir)) {
cachedReadDirectoryResult.set(rootDirPath, false);
return false;
// Non existing directory
return undefined;
* If the readDirectory result was already cached, it returns that
* Otherwise gets result from host and caches it.
* The host request is done under try catch block to avoid caching incorrect result
function tryReadDirectory(rootDir: string, rootDirPath: Path) {
rootDirPath = ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(rootDirPath);
const cachedResult = getCachedFileSystemEntries(rootDirPath);
if (cachedResult) {
return cachedResult;
try {
return createCachedFileSystemEntries(rootDir, rootDirPath);
catch (_e) {
// If there is exception to read directories, dont cache the result and direct the calls to host
return undefined;
function fileNameEqual(name1: string, name2: string) {
return getCanonicalFileName(name1) === getCanonicalFileName(name2);
function hasEntry(entries: readonly string[], name: string) {
return some(entries, file => fileNameEqual(file, name));
function updateFileSystemEntry(entries: string[], baseName: string, isValid: boolean) {
if (hasEntry(entries, baseName)) {
if (!isValid) {
return filterMutate(entries, entry => !fileNameEqual(entry, baseName));
else if (isValid) {
return entries.push(baseName);
function writeFile(fileName: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean): void {
const path = toPath(fileName);
const result = getCachedFileSystemEntriesForBaseDir(path);
if (result) {
updateFilesOfFileSystemEntry(result, getBaseNameOfFileName(fileName), /*fileExists*/ true);
return host.writeFile!(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark);
function fileExists(fileName: string): boolean {
const path = toPath(fileName);
const result = getCachedFileSystemEntriesForBaseDir(path);
return result && hasEntry(result.files, getBaseNameOfFileName(fileName)) ||
function directoryExists(dirPath: string): boolean {
const path = toPath(dirPath);
return cachedReadDirectoryResult.has(ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(path)) || host.directoryExists!(dirPath);
function createDirectory(dirPath: string) {
const path = toPath(dirPath);
const result = getCachedFileSystemEntriesForBaseDir(path);
const baseFileName = getBaseNameOfFileName(dirPath);
if (result) {
updateFileSystemEntry(result.directories, baseFileName, /*isValid*/ true);
function getDirectories(rootDir: string): string[] {
const rootDirPath = toPath(rootDir);
const result = tryReadDirectory(rootDir, rootDirPath);
if (result) {
return result.directories.slice();
return host.getDirectories!(rootDir);
function readDirectory(rootDir: string, extensions?: readonly string[], excludes?: readonly string[], includes?: readonly string[], depth?: number): string[] {
const rootDirPath = toPath(rootDir);
const rootResult = tryReadDirectory(rootDir, rootDirPath);
let rootSymLinkResult: FileSystemEntries | undefined;
if (rootResult !== undefined) {
return matchFiles(rootDir, extensions, excludes, includes, useCaseSensitiveFileNames, currentDirectory, depth, getFileSystemEntries, realpath, directoryExists);
return host.readDirectory!(rootDir, extensions, excludes, includes, depth);
function getFileSystemEntries(dir: string): FileSystemEntries {
const path = toPath(dir);
if (path === rootDirPath) {
return rootResult || getFileSystemEntriesFromHost(dir, path);
const result = tryReadDirectory(dir, path);
return result !== undefined ?
result || getFileSystemEntriesFromHost(dir, path) :
function getFileSystemEntriesFromHost(dir: string, path: Path): FileSystemEntries {
if (rootSymLinkResult && path === rootDirPath) return rootSymLinkResult;
const result: FileSystemEntries = {
files: map(host.readDirectory!(dir, /*extensions*/ undefined, /*exclude*/ undefined, /*include*/["*.*"]), getBaseNameOfFileName) || emptyArray,
directories: host.getDirectories!(dir) || emptyArray
if (path === rootDirPath) rootSymLinkResult = result;
return result;
function realpath(s: string) {
return host.realpath ? host.realpath(s) : s;
function addOrDeleteFileOrDirectory(fileOrDirectory: string, fileOrDirectoryPath: Path) {
const existingResult = getCachedFileSystemEntries(fileOrDirectoryPath);
if (existingResult !== undefined) {
// Just clear the cache for now
// For now just clear the cache, since this could mean that multiple level entries might need to be re-evaluated
return undefined;
const parentResult = getCachedFileSystemEntriesForBaseDir(fileOrDirectoryPath);
if (!parentResult) {
return undefined;
// This was earlier a file (hence not in cached directory contents)
// or we never cached the directory containing it
if (!host.directoryExists) {
// Since host doesnt support directory exists, clear the cache as otherwise it might not be same
return undefined;
const baseName = getBaseNameOfFileName(fileOrDirectory);
const fsQueryResult: FileAndDirectoryExistence = {
fileExists: host.fileExists(fileOrDirectoryPath),
directoryExists: host.directoryExists(fileOrDirectoryPath)
if (fsQueryResult.directoryExists || hasEntry(parentResult.directories, baseName)) {
// Folder added or removed, clear the cache instead of updating the folder and its structure
else {
// No need to update the directory structure, just files
updateFilesOfFileSystemEntry(parentResult, baseName, fsQueryResult.fileExists);
return fsQueryResult;
function addOrDeleteFile(fileName: string, filePath: Path, eventKind: FileWatcherEventKind) {
if (eventKind === FileWatcherEventKind.Changed) {
const parentResult = getCachedFileSystemEntriesForBaseDir(filePath);
if (parentResult) {
updateFilesOfFileSystemEntry(parentResult, getBaseNameOfFileName(fileName), eventKind === FileWatcherEventKind.Created);
function updateFilesOfFileSystemEntry(parentResult: MutableFileSystemEntries, baseName: string, fileExists: boolean) {
updateFileSystemEntry(parentResult.files, baseName, fileExists);
function clearCache() {
export enum ConfigFileProgramReloadLevel {
/** Update the file name list from the disk */
/** Reload completely by re-reading contents of config file from disk and updating program */
export interface SharedExtendedConfigFileWatcher<T> extends FileWatcher {
watcher: FileWatcher;
projects: Set<T>;
* Updates the map of shared extended config file watches with a new set of extended config files from a base config file of the project
export function updateSharedExtendedConfigFileWatcher<T>(
projectPath: T,
options: CompilerOptions | undefined,
extendedConfigFilesMap: ESMap<Path, SharedExtendedConfigFileWatcher<T>>,
createExtendedConfigFileWatch: (extendedConfigPath: string, extendedConfigFilePath: Path) => FileWatcher,
toPath: (fileName: string) => Path,
) {
const extendedConfigs = arrayToMap(options?.configFile?.extendedSourceFiles || emptyArray, toPath);
// remove project from all unrelated watchers
extendedConfigFilesMap.forEach((watcher, extendedConfigFilePath) => {
if (!extendedConfigs.has(extendedConfigFilePath)) {
// Update the extended config files watcher
extendedConfigs.forEach((extendedConfigFileName, extendedConfigFilePath) => {
const existing = extendedConfigFilesMap.get(extendedConfigFilePath);
if (existing) {
else {
// start watching previously unseen extended config
extendedConfigFilesMap.set(extendedConfigFilePath, {
projects: new Set([projectPath]),
watcher: createExtendedConfigFileWatch(extendedConfigFileName, extendedConfigFilePath),
close: () => {
const existing = extendedConfigFilesMap.get(extendedConfigFilePath);
if (!existing || existing.projects.size !== 0) return;
* Remove the project from the extended config file watchers and close not needed watches
export function clearSharedExtendedConfigFileWatcher<T>(
projectPath: T,
extendedConfigFilesMap: ESMap<Path, SharedExtendedConfigFileWatcher<T>>,
) {
extendedConfigFilesMap.forEach(watcher => {
if (watcher.projects.delete(projectPath)) watcher.close();
* Clean the extendsConfigCache when extended config file has changed
export function cleanExtendedConfigCache(
extendedConfigCache: ESMap<string, ExtendedConfigCacheEntry>,
extendedConfigFilePath: Path,
toPath: (fileName: string) => Path,
) {
if (!extendedConfigCache.delete(extendedConfigFilePath)) return;
extendedConfigCache.forEach(({ extendedResult }, key) => {
if (extendedResult.extendedSourceFiles?.some(extendedFile => toPath(extendedFile) === extendedConfigFilePath)) {
cleanExtendedConfigCache(extendedConfigCache, key as Path, toPath);
* Updates watchers based on the package json files used in module resolution
export function updatePackageJsonWatch(
lookups: readonly (readonly [Path, object | boolean])[],
packageJsonWatches: ESMap<Path, FileWatcher>,
createPackageJsonWatch: (packageJsonPath: Path, data: object | boolean) => FileWatcher,
) {
const newMap = new Map(lookups);
createNewValue: createPackageJsonWatch,
onDeleteValue: closeFileWatcher
* Updates the existing missing file watches with the new set of missing files after new program is created
export function updateMissingFilePathsWatch(
program: Program,
missingFileWatches: ESMap<Path, FileWatcher>,
createMissingFileWatch: (missingFilePath: Path) => FileWatcher,
) {
const missingFilePaths = program.getMissingFilePaths();
// TODO(rbuckton): Should be a `Set` but that requires changing the below code that uses `mutateMap`
const newMissingFilePathMap = arrayToMap(missingFilePaths, identity, returnTrue);
// Update the missing file paths watcher
// Watch the missing files
createNewValue: createMissingFileWatch,
// Files that are no longer missing (e.g. because they are no longer required)
// should no longer be watched.
onDeleteValue: closeFileWatcher
export interface WildcardDirectoryWatcher {
watcher: FileWatcher;
flags: WatchDirectoryFlags;
* Updates the existing wild card directory watches with the new set of wild card directories from the config file
* after new program is created because the config file was reloaded or program was created first time from the config file
* Note that there is no need to call this function when the program is updated with additional files without reloading config files,
* as wildcard directories wont change unless reloading config file
export function updateWatchingWildcardDirectories(
existingWatchedForWildcards: ESMap<string, WildcardDirectoryWatcher>,
wildcardDirectories: ESMap<string, WatchDirectoryFlags>,
watchDirectory: (directory: string, flags: WatchDirectoryFlags) => FileWatcher
) {
// Create new watch and recursive info
createNewValue: createWildcardDirectoryWatcher,
// Close existing watch thats not needed any more
onDeleteValue: closeFileWatcherOf,
// Close existing watch that doesnt match in the flags
onExistingValue: updateWildcardDirectoryWatcher
function createWildcardDirectoryWatcher(directory: string, flags: WatchDirectoryFlags): WildcardDirectoryWatcher {
// Create new watch and recursive info
return {
watcher: watchDirectory(directory, flags),
function updateWildcardDirectoryWatcher(existingWatcher: WildcardDirectoryWatcher, flags: WatchDirectoryFlags, directory: string) {
// Watcher needs to be updated if the recursive flags dont match
if (existingWatcher.flags === flags) {
existingWatchedForWildcards.set(directory, createWildcardDirectoryWatcher(directory, flags));
export interface IsIgnoredFileFromWildCardWatchingInput {
watchedDirPath: Path;
fileOrDirectory: string;
fileOrDirectoryPath: Path;
configFileName: string;
options: CompilerOptions;
program: BuilderProgram | Program | readonly string[] | undefined;
extraFileExtensions?: readonly FileExtensionInfo[];
currentDirectory: string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean;
writeLog: (s: string) => void;
toPath: (fileName: string) => Path;
/* @internal */
export function isIgnoredFileFromWildCardWatching({
watchedDirPath, fileOrDirectory, fileOrDirectoryPath,
configFileName, options, program, extraFileExtensions,
currentDirectory, useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
writeLog, toPath,
}: IsIgnoredFileFromWildCardWatchingInput): boolean {
const newPath = removeIgnoredPath(fileOrDirectoryPath);
if (!newPath) {
writeLog(`Project: ${configFileName} Detected ignored path: ${fileOrDirectory}`);
return true;
fileOrDirectoryPath = newPath;
if (fileOrDirectoryPath === watchedDirPath) return false;
// If the the added or created file or directory is not supported file name, ignore the file
// But when watched directory is added/removed, we need to reload the file list
if (hasExtension(fileOrDirectoryPath) && !isSupportedSourceFileName(fileOrDirectory, options, extraFileExtensions)) {
writeLog(`Project: ${configFileName} Detected file add/remove of non supported extension: ${fileOrDirectory}`);
return true;
if (isExcludedFile(fileOrDirectory, options.configFile!.configFileSpecs!, getNormalizedAbsolutePath(getDirectoryPath(configFileName), currentDirectory), useCaseSensitiveFileNames, currentDirectory)) {
writeLog(`Project: ${configFileName} Detected excluded file: ${fileOrDirectory}`);
return true;
if (!program) return false;
// We want to ignore emit file check if file is not going to be emitted next to source file
// In that case we follow config file inclusion rules
if (outFile(options) || options.outDir) return false;
// File if emitted next to input needs to be ignored
if (fileExtensionIs(fileOrDirectoryPath, Extension.Dts)) {
// If its declaration directory: its not ignored if not excluded by config
if (options.declarationDir) return false;
else if (!fileExtensionIsOneOf(fileOrDirectoryPath, supportedJSExtensions)) {
return false;
// just check if sourceFile with the name exists
const filePathWithoutExtension = removeFileExtension(fileOrDirectoryPath);
const realProgram = isArray(program) ? undefined : isBuilderProgram(program) ? program.getProgramOrUndefined() : program;
const builderProgram = !realProgram && !isArray(program) ? program as BuilderProgram : undefined;
if (hasSourceFile((filePathWithoutExtension + Extension.Ts) as Path) ||
hasSourceFile((filePathWithoutExtension + Extension.Tsx) as Path)) {
writeLog(`Project: ${configFileName} Detected output file: ${fileOrDirectory}`);
return true;
return false;
function hasSourceFile(file: Path): boolean {
return realProgram ?
!!realProgram.getSourceFileByPath(file) :
builderProgram ?
builderProgram.getState().fileInfos.has(file) :
!!find(program as readonly string[], rootFile => toPath(rootFile) === file);
function isBuilderProgram<T extends BuilderProgram>(program: Program | T): program is T {
return !!(program as T).getState;
export function isEmittedFileOfProgram(program: Program | undefined, file: string) {
if (!program) {
return false;
return program.isEmittedFile(file);
export enum WatchLogLevel {
export interface WatchFactoryHost {
watchFile(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval?: number, options?: WatchOptions): FileWatcher;
watchDirectory(path: string, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive?: boolean, options?: WatchOptions): FileWatcher;
getCurrentDirectory?(): string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean | (() => boolean);
export interface WatchFactory<X, Y = undefined> {
watchFile: (file: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval: PollingInterval, options: WatchOptions | undefined, detailInfo1: X, detailInfo2?: Y) => FileWatcher;
watchDirectory: (directory: string, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, flags: WatchDirectoryFlags, options: WatchOptions | undefined, detailInfo1: X, detailInfo2?: Y) => FileWatcher;
export type GetDetailWatchInfo<X, Y> = (detailInfo1: X, detailInfo2: Y | undefined) => string;
export function getWatchFactory<X, Y = undefined>(host: WatchFactoryHost, watchLogLevel: WatchLogLevel, log: (s: string) => void, getDetailWatchInfo?: GetDetailWatchInfo<X, Y>): WatchFactory<X, Y> {
setSysLog(watchLogLevel === WatchLogLevel.Verbose ? log : noop);
const plainInvokeFactory: WatchFactory<X, Y> = {
watchFile: (file, callback, pollingInterval, options) => host.watchFile(file, callback, pollingInterval, options),
watchDirectory: (directory, callback, flags, options) => host.watchDirectory(directory, callback, (flags & WatchDirectoryFlags.Recursive) !== 0, options),
const triggerInvokingFactory: WatchFactory<X, Y> | undefined = watchLogLevel !== WatchLogLevel.None ?
watchFile: createTriggerLoggingAddWatch("watchFile"),
watchDirectory: createTriggerLoggingAddWatch("watchDirectory")
} :
const factory = watchLogLevel === WatchLogLevel.Verbose ?
watchFile: createFileWatcherWithLogging,
watchDirectory: createDirectoryWatcherWithLogging
} :
triggerInvokingFactory || plainInvokeFactory;
const excludeWatcherFactory = watchLogLevel === WatchLogLevel.Verbose ?
createExcludeWatcherWithLogging :
return {
watchFile: createExcludeHandlingAddWatch("watchFile"),
watchDirectory: createExcludeHandlingAddWatch("watchDirectory")
function createExcludeHandlingAddWatch<T extends keyof WatchFactory<X, Y>>(key: T): WatchFactory<X, Y>[T] {
return (
file: string,
cb: FileWatcherCallback | DirectoryWatcherCallback,
flags: PollingInterval | WatchDirectoryFlags,
options: WatchOptions | undefined,
detailInfo1: X,
detailInfo2?: Y
) => !matchesExclude(file, key === "watchFile" ? options?.excludeFiles : options?.excludeDirectories, useCaseSensitiveFileNames(), host.getCurrentDirectory?.() || "") ?
factory[key].call(/*thisArgs*/ undefined, file, cb, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2) :
excludeWatcherFactory(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2);
function useCaseSensitiveFileNames() {
return typeof host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames === "boolean" ?
host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames :
function createExcludeWatcherWithLogging(
file: string,
flags: PollingInterval | WatchDirectoryFlags,
options: WatchOptions | undefined,
detailInfo1: X,
detailInfo2?: Y
) {
log(`ExcludeWatcher:: Added:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`);
return {
close: () => log(`ExcludeWatcher:: Close:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`)
function createFileWatcherWithLogging(
file: string,
cb: FileWatcherCallback,
flags: PollingInterval,
options: WatchOptions | undefined,
detailInfo1: X,
detailInfo2?: Y
): FileWatcher {
log(`FileWatcher:: Added:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`);
const watcher = triggerInvokingFactory!.watchFile(file, cb, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2);
return {
close: () => {
log(`FileWatcher:: Close:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`);
function createDirectoryWatcherWithLogging(
file: string,
cb: DirectoryWatcherCallback,
flags: WatchDirectoryFlags,
options: WatchOptions | undefined,
detailInfo1: X,
detailInfo2?: Y
): FileWatcher {
const watchInfo = `DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`;
const start = timestamp();
const watcher = triggerInvokingFactory!.watchDirectory(file, cb, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2);
const elapsed = timestamp() - start;
log(`Elapsed:: ${elapsed}ms ${watchInfo}`);
return {
close: () => {
const watchInfo = `DirectoryWatcher:: Close:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`;
const start = timestamp();
const elapsed = timestamp() - start;
log(`Elapsed:: ${elapsed}ms ${watchInfo}`);
function createTriggerLoggingAddWatch<T extends keyof WatchFactory<X, Y>>(key: T): WatchFactory<X, Y>[T] {
return (
file: string,
cb: FileWatcherCallback | DirectoryWatcherCallback,
flags: PollingInterval | WatchDirectoryFlags,
options: WatchOptions | undefined,
detailInfo1: X,
detailInfo2?: Y
) => plainInvokeFactory[key].call(/*thisArgs*/ undefined, file, (...args: any[]) => {
const triggerredInfo = `${key === "watchFile" ? "FileWatcher" : "DirectoryWatcher"}:: Triggered with ${args[0]} ${args[1] !== undefined ? args[1] : ""}:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`;
const start = timestamp();
cb.call(/*thisArg*/ undefined, ...args);
const elapsed = timestamp() - start;
log(`Elapsed:: ${elapsed}ms ${triggerredInfo}`);
}, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2);
function getWatchInfo<T>(file: string, flags: T, options: WatchOptions | undefined, detailInfo1: X, detailInfo2: Y | undefined, getDetailWatchInfo: GetDetailWatchInfo<X, Y> | undefined) {
return `WatchInfo: ${file} ${flags} ${JSON.stringify(options)} ${getDetailWatchInfo ? getDetailWatchInfo(detailInfo1, detailInfo2) : detailInfo2 === undefined ? detailInfo1 : `${detailInfo1} ${detailInfo2}`}`;
export function getFallbackOptions(options: WatchOptions | undefined): WatchOptions {
const fallbackPolling = options?.fallbackPolling;
return {
watchFile: fallbackPolling !== undefined ?
fallbackPolling as unknown as WatchFileKind :
export function closeFileWatcherOf<T extends { watcher: FileWatcher; }>(objWithWatcher: T) {