Eli Barzilay 58a6692ef0 Implement a two-way mirroring between the wiki and its public repo
Previously, changes to the wiki would get merged to the public repo in a
once-a-week action.  This significantly revises this, making the two
sides be mirrors (up to the few seconds it takes to do a merge).

This is driven by a minimal-ish yaml file in both sides (`TypeScript`
and `TypeScript-wiki`) that *always* works from the script in the public

The two action specs are nearly identical, but there are some differences:

  - On the main repo, trigger on a `gollum` event, and in the wiki repo
    the usual (pushes, schedule, manual).  (The schedule run is kept as
    a just-in-case, and it's now running twice a week.)
  - The filename is `sync-wiki` on the TS side and just `sync` in the
    wiki.  (Good to avoid confusion if both files somehow find
    themselves in the same neighborhood.)
  - The secret names are different since I used the name that already
    exists in each side.

The script does *not* start with a checkout of its repository.  Doing
this in the TS side would be redundant (it would get the TS tree) and
slow.  Instead, it's always cloning the public wiki repo (`DASHREMOTE`,
since its url is `.../TypeScript-wiki`) and then fetching into it the
repo of the rendered wiki (`DOTREMOTE`, with a `.../TypeScript.wiki`)

Also revised the README, since they should always be mirrored with this
change, and therefore there is no "source of truth".
2021-05-24 16:14:42 -04:00

22 lines
614 B

name: Sync Two Wiki Repos
on: [gollum]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Get repo name
run: R=${GITHUB_REPOSITORY%?wiki}; echo "BASENAME=${R##*/}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Checkout ${{ env.BASENAME }}-wiki
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: "${{ GITHUB.repository_owner }}/${{ env.BASENAME }}-wiki"
token: ${{ secrets.TS_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Run sync
run: ./.github/workflows/sync
PUSHER: typescript-bot <bot@typescriptlang.org>
AUTH: ${{ secrets.TS_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }}