2015-05-30 11:32:59 -07:00

2056 lines
79 KiB

module ts {
export interface Map<T> {
[index: string]: T;
export interface TextRange {
pos: number;
end: number;
// token > SyntaxKind.Identifer => token is a keyword
export const enum SyntaxKind {
// We detect and provide better error recovery when we encounter a git merge marker. This
// allows us to edit files with git-conflict markers in them in a much more pleasant manner.
// Literals
// Pseudo-literals
// Punctuation
// Assignments
// Identifiers
// Reserved words
// Strict mode reserved words
// Contextual keywords
OfKeyword, // LastKeyword and LastToken
// Parse tree nodes
// Names
// Signature elements
// TypeMember
// Type
// Binding patterns
// Expression
// Misc
// Element
// Module references
// Clauses
// Property assignments
// Enum
// Top-level nodes
// JSDoc nodes.
// The * type.
// The ? type.
// Synthesized list
// Enum value count
// Markers
FirstAssignment = EqualsToken,
LastAssignment = CaretEqualsToken,
FirstReservedWord = BreakKeyword,
LastReservedWord = WithKeyword,
FirstKeyword = BreakKeyword,
LastKeyword = OfKeyword,
FirstFutureReservedWord = ImplementsKeyword,
LastFutureReservedWord = YieldKeyword,
FirstTypeNode = TypeReference,
LastTypeNode = ParenthesizedType,
FirstPunctuation = OpenBraceToken,
LastPunctuation = CaretEqualsToken,
FirstToken = Unknown,
LastToken = LastKeyword,
FirstTriviaToken = SingleLineCommentTrivia,
LastTriviaToken = ConflictMarkerTrivia,
FirstLiteralToken = NumericLiteral,
LastLiteralToken = NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral,
FirstTemplateToken = NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral,
LastTemplateToken = TemplateTail,
FirstBinaryOperator = LessThanToken,
LastBinaryOperator = CaretEqualsToken,
FirstNode = QualifiedName,
export const enum NodeFlags {
Export = 0x00000001, // Declarations
Ambient = 0x00000002, // Declarations
Public = 0x00000010, // Property/Method
Private = 0x00000020, // Property/Method
Protected = 0x00000040, // Property/Method
Static = 0x00000080, // Property/Method
Default = 0x00000100, // Function/Class (export default declaration)
MultiLine = 0x00000200, // Multi-line array or object literal
Synthetic = 0x00000400, // Synthetic node (for full fidelity)
DeclarationFile = 0x00000800, // Node is a .d.ts file
Let = 0x00001000, // Variable declaration
Const = 0x00002000, // Variable declaration
OctalLiteral = 0x00004000, // Octal numeric literal
Namespace = 0x00008000, // Namespace declaration
ExportContext = 0x00010000, // Export context (initialized by binding)
Modifier = Export | Ambient | Public | Private | Protected | Static | Default,
AccessibilityModifier = Public | Private | Protected,
BlockScoped = Let | Const
/* @internal */
export const enum ParserContextFlags {
None = 0,
// Set if this node was parsed in strict mode. Used for grammar error checks, as well as
// checking if the node can be reused in incremental settings.
StrictMode = 1 << 0,
// If this node was parsed in a context where 'in-expressions' are not allowed.
DisallowIn = 1 << 1,
// If this node was parsed in the 'yield' context created when parsing a generator.
Yield = 1 << 2,
// If this node was parsed in the parameters of a generator.
GeneratorParameter = 1 << 3,
// If this node was parsed as part of a decorator
Decorator = 1 << 4,
// If the parser encountered an error when parsing the code that created this node. Note
// the parser only sets this directly on the node it creates right after encountering the
// error.
ThisNodeHasError = 1 << 5,
// This node was parsed in a JavaScript file and can be processed differently. For example
// its type can be specified usign a JSDoc comment.
JavaScriptFile = 1 << 6,
// Context flags set directly by the parser.
ParserGeneratedFlags = StrictMode | DisallowIn | Yield | GeneratorParameter | Decorator | ThisNodeHasError,
// Context flags computed by aggregating child flags upwards.
// Used during incremental parsing to determine if this node or any of its children had an
// error. Computed only once and then cached.
ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError = 1 << 7,
// Used to know if we've computed data from children and cached it in this node.
HasAggregatedChildData = 1 << 8
/* @internal */
export const enum RelationComparisonResult {
Succeeded = 1, // Should be truthy
Failed = 2,
FailedAndReported = 3
export interface Node extends TextRange {
kind: SyntaxKind;
flags: NodeFlags;
// Specific context the parser was in when this node was created. Normally undefined.
// Only set when the parser was in some interesting context (like async/yield).
/* @internal */ parserContextFlags?: ParserContextFlags;
decorators?: NodeArray<Decorator>; // Array of decorators (in document order)
modifiers?: ModifiersArray; // Array of modifiers
/* @internal */ id?: number; // Unique id (used to look up NodeLinks)
parent?: Node; // Parent node (initialized by binding
/* @internal */ jsDocComment?: JSDocComment; // JSDoc for the node, if it has any. Only for .js files.
/* @internal */ symbol?: Symbol; // Symbol declared by node (initialized by binding)
/* @internal */ locals?: SymbolTable; // Locals associated with node (initialized by binding)
/* @internal */ nextContainer?: Node; // Next container in declaration order (initialized by binding)
/* @internal */ localSymbol?: Symbol; // Local symbol declared by node (initialized by binding only for exported nodes)
export interface NodeArray<T> extends Array<T>, TextRange {
hasTrailingComma?: boolean;
export interface ModifiersArray extends NodeArray<Node> {
flags: number;
export interface Identifier extends PrimaryExpression {
text: string; // Text of identifier (with escapes converted to characters)
originalKeywordKind?: SyntaxKind; // Original syntaxKind which get set so that we can report an error later
export interface QualifiedName extends Node {
// Must have same layout as PropertyAccess
left: EntityName;
right: Identifier;
export type EntityName = Identifier | QualifiedName;
export type DeclarationName = Identifier | LiteralExpression | ComputedPropertyName | BindingPattern;
export interface Declaration extends Node {
_declarationBrand: any;
name?: DeclarationName;
export interface ComputedPropertyName extends Node {
expression: Expression;
export interface Decorator extends Node {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
export interface TypeParameterDeclaration extends Declaration {
name: Identifier;
constraint?: TypeNode;
// For error recovery purposes.
expression?: Expression;
export interface SignatureDeclaration extends Declaration {
typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>;
type?: TypeNode;
// SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration
export interface VariableDeclaration extends Declaration {
parent?: VariableDeclarationList;
name: Identifier | BindingPattern; // Declared variable name
type?: TypeNode; // Optional type annotation
initializer?: Expression; // Optional initializer
export interface VariableDeclarationList extends Node {
declarations: NodeArray<VariableDeclaration>;
// SyntaxKind.Parameter
export interface ParameterDeclaration extends Declaration {
dotDotDotToken?: Node; // Present on rest parameter
name: Identifier | BindingPattern; // Declared parameter name
questionToken?: Node; // Present on optional parameter
type?: TypeNode; // Optional type annotation
initializer?: Expression; // Optional initializer
// SyntaxKind.BindingElement
export interface BindingElement extends Declaration {
propertyName?: Identifier; // Binding property name (in object binding pattern)
dotDotDotToken?: Node; // Present on rest binding element
name: Identifier | BindingPattern; // Declared binding element name
initializer?: Expression; // Optional initializer
// SyntaxKind.Property
export interface PropertyDeclaration extends Declaration, ClassElement {
name: DeclarationName; // Declared property name
questionToken?: Node; // Present on optional property
type?: TypeNode; // Optional type annotation
initializer?: Expression; // Optional initializer
export interface ObjectLiteralElement extends Declaration {
_objectLiteralBrandBrand: any;
// SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment
export interface PropertyAssignment extends ObjectLiteralElement {
_propertyAssignmentBrand: any;
name: DeclarationName;
questionToken?: Node;
initializer: Expression;
// SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment
export interface ShorthandPropertyAssignment extends ObjectLiteralElement {
name: Identifier;
questionToken?: Node;
// SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration
// SyntaxKind.Parameter
// SyntaxKind.BindingElement
// SyntaxKind.Property
// SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment
// SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment
// SyntaxKind.EnumMember
export interface VariableLikeDeclaration extends Declaration {
propertyName?: Identifier;
dotDotDotToken?: Node;
name: DeclarationName;
questionToken?: Node;
type?: TypeNode;
initializer?: Expression;
export interface BindingPattern extends Node {
elements: NodeArray<BindingElement>;
* Several node kinds share function-like features such as a signature,
* a name, and a body. These nodes should extend FunctionLikeDeclaration.
* Examples:
* FunctionDeclaration
* MethodDeclaration
* AccessorDeclaration
export interface FunctionLikeDeclaration extends SignatureDeclaration {
_functionLikeDeclarationBrand: any;
asteriskToken?: Node;
questionToken?: Node;
body?: Block | Expression;
export interface FunctionDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, Statement {
name?: Identifier;
body?: Block;
// Note that a MethodDeclaration is considered both a ClassElement and an ObjectLiteralElement.
// Both the grammars for ClassDeclaration and ObjectLiteralExpression allow for MethodDeclarations
// as child elements, and so a MethodDeclaration satisfies both interfaces. This avoids the
// alternative where we would need separate kinds/types for ClassMethodDeclaration and
// ObjectLiteralMethodDeclaration, which would look identical.
// Because of this, it may be necessary to determine what sort of MethodDeclaration you have
// at later stages of the compiler pipeline. In that case, you can either check the parent kind
// of the method, or use helpers like isObjectLiteralMethodDeclaration
export interface MethodDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement, ObjectLiteralElement {
body?: Block;
export interface ConstructorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement {
body?: Block;
// For when we encounter a semicolon in a class declaration. ES6 allows these as class elements.
export interface SemicolonClassElement extends ClassElement {
_semicolonClassElementBrand: any;
// See the comment on MethodDeclaration for the intuition behind AccessorDeclaration being a
// ClassElement and an ObjectLiteralElement.
export interface AccessorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement, ObjectLiteralElement {
_accessorDeclarationBrand: any;
body: Block;
export interface IndexSignatureDeclaration extends SignatureDeclaration, ClassElement {
_indexSignatureDeclarationBrand: any;
export interface TypeNode extends Node {
_typeNodeBrand: any;
export interface FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode extends TypeNode, SignatureDeclaration {
_functionOrConstructorTypeNodeBrand: any;
export interface TypeReferenceNode extends TypeNode {
typeName: EntityName;
typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
export interface TypeQueryNode extends TypeNode {
exprName: EntityName;
// A TypeLiteral is the declaration node for an anonymous symbol.
export interface TypeLiteralNode extends TypeNode, Declaration {
members: NodeArray<Node>;
export interface ArrayTypeNode extends TypeNode {
elementType: TypeNode;
export interface TupleTypeNode extends TypeNode {
elementTypes: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
export interface UnionTypeNode extends TypeNode {
types: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
export interface ParenthesizedTypeNode extends TypeNode {
type: TypeNode;
// Note that a StringLiteral AST node is both an Expression and a TypeNode. The latter is
// because string literals can appear in the type annotation of a parameter node.
export interface StringLiteral extends LiteralExpression, TypeNode {
_stringLiteralBrand: any;
// Note: 'brands' in our syntax nodes serve to give us a small amount of nominal typing.
// Consider 'Expression'. Without the brand, 'Expression' is actually no different
// (structurally) than 'Node'. Because of this you can pass any Node to a function that
// takes an Expression without any error. By using the 'brands' we ensure that the type
// checker actually thinks you have something of the right type. Note: the brands are
// never actually given values. At runtime they have zero cost.
export interface Expression extends Node {
_expressionBrand: any;
contextualType?: Type; // Used to temporarily assign a contextual type during overload resolution
export interface UnaryExpression extends Expression {
_unaryExpressionBrand: any;
export interface PrefixUnaryExpression extends UnaryExpression {
operator: SyntaxKind;
operand: UnaryExpression;
export interface PostfixUnaryExpression extends PostfixExpression {
operand: LeftHandSideExpression;
operator: SyntaxKind;
export interface PostfixExpression extends UnaryExpression {
_postfixExpressionBrand: any;
export interface LeftHandSideExpression extends PostfixExpression {
_leftHandSideExpressionBrand: any;
export interface MemberExpression extends LeftHandSideExpression {
_memberExpressionBrand: any;
export interface PrimaryExpression extends MemberExpression {
_primaryExpressionBrand: any;
export interface DeleteExpression extends UnaryExpression {
expression: UnaryExpression;
export interface TypeOfExpression extends UnaryExpression {
expression: UnaryExpression;
export interface VoidExpression extends UnaryExpression {
expression: UnaryExpression;
export interface YieldExpression extends Expression {
asteriskToken?: Node;
expression?: Expression;
export interface BinaryExpression extends Expression {
left: Expression;
operatorToken: Node;
right: Expression;
export interface ConditionalExpression extends Expression {
condition: Expression;
questionToken: Node;
whenTrue: Expression;
colonToken: Node;
whenFalse: Expression;
export interface FunctionExpression extends PrimaryExpression, FunctionLikeDeclaration {
name?: Identifier;
body: Block | Expression; // Required, whereas the member inherited from FunctionDeclaration is optional
export interface ArrowFunction extends Expression, FunctionLikeDeclaration {
equalsGreaterThanToken: Node;
// The text property of a LiteralExpression stores the interpreted value of the literal in text form. For a StringLiteral,
// or any literal of a template, this means quotes have been removed and escapes have been converted to actual characters.
// For a NumericLiteral, the stored value is the toString() representation of the number. For example 1, 1.00, and 1e0 are all stored as just "1".
export interface LiteralExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
text: string;
isUnterminated?: boolean;
hasExtendedUnicodeEscape?: boolean;
export interface TemplateExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
head: LiteralExpression;
templateSpans: NodeArray<TemplateSpan>;
// Each of these corresponds to a substitution expression and a template literal, in that order.
// The template literal must have kind TemplateMiddleLiteral or TemplateTailLiteral.
export interface TemplateSpan extends Node {
expression: Expression;
literal: LiteralExpression;
export interface ParenthesizedExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
expression: Expression;
export interface ArrayLiteralExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
elements: NodeArray<Expression>;
export interface SpreadElementExpression extends Expression {
expression: Expression;
// An ObjectLiteralExpression is the declaration node for an anonymous symbol.
export interface ObjectLiteralExpression extends PrimaryExpression, Declaration {
properties: NodeArray<ObjectLiteralElement>;
export interface PropertyAccessExpression extends MemberExpression {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
dotToken: Node;
name: Identifier;
export interface ElementAccessExpression extends MemberExpression {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
argumentExpression?: Expression;
export interface CallExpression extends LeftHandSideExpression {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
arguments: NodeArray<Expression>;
export interface ExpressionWithTypeArguments extends TypeNode {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
export interface NewExpression extends CallExpression, PrimaryExpression { }
export interface TaggedTemplateExpression extends MemberExpression {
tag: LeftHandSideExpression;
template: LiteralExpression | TemplateExpression;
export type CallLikeExpression = CallExpression | NewExpression | TaggedTemplateExpression;
export interface TypeAssertion extends UnaryExpression {
type: TypeNode;
expression: UnaryExpression;
export interface Statement extends Node, ModuleElement {
_statementBrand: any;
export interface Block extends Statement {
statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
export interface VariableStatement extends Statement {
declarationList: VariableDeclarationList;
export interface ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
expression: Expression;
export interface IfStatement extends Statement {
expression: Expression;
thenStatement: Statement;
elseStatement?: Statement;
export interface IterationStatement extends Statement {
statement: Statement;
export interface DoStatement extends IterationStatement {
expression: Expression;
export interface WhileStatement extends IterationStatement {
expression: Expression;
export interface ForStatement extends IterationStatement {
initializer?: VariableDeclarationList | Expression;
condition?: Expression;
incrementor?: Expression;
export interface ForInStatement extends IterationStatement {
initializer: VariableDeclarationList | Expression;
expression: Expression;
export interface ForOfStatement extends IterationStatement {
initializer: VariableDeclarationList | Expression;
expression: Expression;
export interface BreakOrContinueStatement extends Statement {
label?: Identifier;
export interface ReturnStatement extends Statement {
expression?: Expression;
export interface WithStatement extends Statement {
expression: Expression;
statement: Statement;
export interface SwitchStatement extends Statement {
expression: Expression;
caseBlock: CaseBlock;
export interface CaseBlock extends Node {
clauses: NodeArray<CaseOrDefaultClause>;
export interface CaseClause extends Node {
expression?: Expression;
statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
export interface DefaultClause extends Node {
statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
export type CaseOrDefaultClause = CaseClause | DefaultClause;
export interface LabeledStatement extends Statement {
label: Identifier;
statement: Statement;
export interface ThrowStatement extends Statement {
expression: Expression;
export interface TryStatement extends Statement {
tryBlock: Block;
catchClause?: CatchClause;
finallyBlock?: Block;
export interface CatchClause extends Node {
variableDeclaration: VariableDeclaration;
block: Block;
export interface ModuleElement extends Node {
_moduleElementBrand: any;
export interface ClassLikeDeclaration extends Declaration {
name?: Identifier;
typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
heritageClauses?: NodeArray<HeritageClause>;
members: NodeArray<ClassElement>;
export interface ClassDeclaration extends ClassLikeDeclaration, Statement {
export interface ClassExpression extends ClassLikeDeclaration, PrimaryExpression {
export interface ClassElement extends Declaration {
_classElementBrand: any;
export interface InterfaceDeclaration extends Declaration, Statement {
name: Identifier;
typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
heritageClauses?: NodeArray<HeritageClause>;
members: NodeArray<Declaration>;
export interface HeritageClause extends Node {
token: SyntaxKind;
types?: NodeArray<ExpressionWithTypeArguments>;
export interface TypeAliasDeclaration extends Declaration, Statement {
name: Identifier;
type: TypeNode;
export interface EnumMember extends Declaration {
// This does include ComputedPropertyName, but the parser will give an error
// if it parses a ComputedPropertyName in an EnumMember
name: DeclarationName;
initializer?: Expression;
export interface EnumDeclaration extends Declaration, Statement {
name: Identifier;
members: NodeArray<EnumMember>;
export interface ModuleDeclaration extends Declaration, ModuleElement {
name: Identifier | LiteralExpression;
body: ModuleBlock | ModuleDeclaration;
export interface ModuleBlock extends Node, ModuleElement {
statements: NodeArray<ModuleElement>
export interface ImportEqualsDeclaration extends Declaration, ModuleElement {
name: Identifier;
// 'EntityName' for an internal module reference, 'ExternalModuleReference' for an external
// module reference.
moduleReference: EntityName | ExternalModuleReference;
export interface ExternalModuleReference extends Node {
expression?: Expression;
// In case of:
// import "mod" => importClause = undefined, moduleSpecifier = "mod"
// In rest of the cases, module specifier is string literal corresponding to module
// ImportClause information is shown at its declaration below.
export interface ImportDeclaration extends ModuleElement {
importClause?: ImportClause;
moduleSpecifier: Expression;
// In case of:
// import d from "mod" => name = d, namedBinding = undefined
// import * as ns from "mod" => name = undefined, namedBinding: NamespaceImport = { name: ns }
// import d, * as ns from "mod" => name = d, namedBinding: NamespaceImport = { name: ns }
// import { a, b as x } from "mod" => name = undefined, namedBinding: NamedImports = { elements: [{ name: a }, { name: x, propertyName: b}]}
// import d, { a, b as x } from "mod" => name = d, namedBinding: NamedImports = { elements: [{ name: a }, { name: x, propertyName: b}]}
export interface ImportClause extends Declaration {
name?: Identifier; // Default binding
namedBindings?: NamespaceImport | NamedImports;
export interface NamespaceImport extends Declaration {
name: Identifier;
export interface ExportDeclaration extends Declaration, ModuleElement {
exportClause?: NamedExports;
moduleSpecifier?: Expression;
export interface NamedImportsOrExports extends Node {
elements: NodeArray<ImportOrExportSpecifier>;
export type NamedImports = NamedImportsOrExports;
export type NamedExports = NamedImportsOrExports;
export interface ImportOrExportSpecifier extends Declaration {
propertyName?: Identifier; // Name preceding "as" keyword (or undefined when "as" is absent)
name: Identifier; // Declared name
export type ImportSpecifier = ImportOrExportSpecifier;
export type ExportSpecifier = ImportOrExportSpecifier;
export interface ExportAssignment extends Declaration, ModuleElement {
isExportEquals?: boolean;
expression: Expression;
export interface FileReference extends TextRange {
fileName: string;
export interface CommentRange extends TextRange {
hasTrailingNewLine?: boolean;
kind: SyntaxKind;
// represents a top level: { type } expression in a JSDoc comment.
export interface JSDocTypeExpression extends Node {
type: JSDocType;
export interface JSDocType extends TypeNode {
_jsDocTypeBrand: any;
export interface JSDocAllType extends JSDocType {
_JSDocAllTypeBrand: any;
export interface JSDocUnknownType extends JSDocType {
_JSDocUnknownTypeBrand: any;
export interface JSDocArrayType extends JSDocType {
elementType: JSDocType;
export interface JSDocUnionType extends JSDocType {
types: NodeArray<JSDocType>;
export interface JSDocTupleType extends JSDocType {
types: NodeArray<JSDocType>;
export interface JSDocNonNullableType extends JSDocType {
type: JSDocType;
export interface JSDocNullableType extends JSDocType {
type: JSDocType;
export interface JSDocRecordType extends JSDocType, TypeLiteralNode {
members: NodeArray<JSDocRecordMember>;
export interface JSDocTypeReference extends JSDocType {
name: EntityName;
typeArguments: NodeArray<JSDocType>
export interface JSDocOptionalType extends JSDocType {
type: JSDocType;
export interface JSDocFunctionType extends JSDocType, SignatureDeclaration {
parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>;
type: JSDocType;
export interface JSDocVariadicType extends JSDocType {
type: JSDocType;
export interface JSDocConstructorType extends JSDocType {
type: JSDocType;
export interface JSDocThisType extends JSDocType {
type: JSDocType;
export interface JSDocRecordMember extends PropertyDeclaration {
name: Identifier | LiteralExpression,
type?: JSDocType
export interface JSDocComment extends Node {
tags: NodeArray<JSDocTag>;
export interface JSDocTag extends Node {
atToken: Node;
tagName: Identifier;
export interface JSDocTemplateTag extends JSDocTag {
typeParameters: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
export interface JSDocReturnTag extends JSDocTag {
typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression;
export interface JSDocTypeTag extends JSDocTag {
typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression;
export interface JSDocParameterTag extends JSDocTag {
preParameterName?: Identifier;
typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression;
postParameterName?: Identifier;
isBracketed: boolean;
// Source files are declarations when they are external modules.
export interface SourceFile extends Declaration {
statements: NodeArray<ModuleElement>;
endOfFileToken: Node;
fileName: string;
text: string;
amdDependencies: {path: string; name: string}[];
amdModuleName: string;
referencedFiles: FileReference[];
hasNoDefaultLib: boolean;
languageVersion: ScriptTarget;
// The first node that causes this file to be an external module
/* @internal */ externalModuleIndicator: Node;
/* @internal */ identifiers: Map<string>;
/* @internal */ nodeCount: number;
/* @internal */ identifierCount: number;
/* @internal */ symbolCount: number;
// File level diagnostics reported by the parser (includes diagnostics about /// references
// as well as code diagnostics).
/* @internal */ parseDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
// File level diagnostics reported by the binder.
/* @internal */ bindDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
// Stores a line map for the file.
// This field should never be used directly to obtain line map, use getLineMap function instead.
/* @internal */ lineMap: number[];
export interface ScriptReferenceHost {
getCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions;
getSourceFile(fileName: string): SourceFile;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
export interface ParseConfigHost {
readDirectory(rootDir: string, extension: string): string[];
export interface WriteFileCallback {
(fileName: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean, onError?: (message: string) => void): void;
export interface Program extends ScriptReferenceHost {
* Get a list of files in the program
getSourceFiles(): SourceFile[];
* Emits the JavaScript and declaration files. If targetSourceFile is not specified, then
* the JavaScript and declaration files will be produced for all the files in this program.
* If targetSourceFile is specified, then only the JavaScript and declaration for that
* specific file will be generated.
* If writeFile is not specified then the writeFile callback from the compiler host will be
* used for writing the JavaScript and declaration files. Otherwise, the writeFile parameter
* will be invoked when writing the JavaScript and declaration files.
emit(targetSourceFile?: SourceFile, writeFile?: WriteFileCallback): EmitResult;
getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile): Diagnostic[];
getGlobalDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile): Diagnostic[];
getDeclarationDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile): Diagnostic[];
* Gets a type checker that can be used to semantically analyze source fils in the program.
getTypeChecker(): TypeChecker;
/* @internal */ getCommonSourceDirectory(): string;
// For testing purposes only. Should not be used by any other consumers (including the
// language service).
/* @internal */ getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker(): TypeChecker;
/* @internal */ getNodeCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getIdentifierCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getSymbolCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getTypeCount(): number;
export interface SourceMapSpan {
/** Line number in the .js file. */
emittedLine: number;
/** Column number in the .js file. */
emittedColumn: number;
/** Line number in the .ts file. */
sourceLine: number;
/** Column number in the .ts file. */
sourceColumn: number;
/** Optional name (index into names array) associated with this span. */
nameIndex?: number;
/** .ts file (index into sources array) associated with this span */
sourceIndex: number;
export interface SourceMapData {
sourceMapFilePath: string; // Where the sourcemap file is written
jsSourceMappingURL: string; // source map URL written in the .js file
sourceMapFile: string; // Source map's file field - .js file name
sourceMapSourceRoot: string; // Source map's sourceRoot field - location where the sources will be present if not ""
sourceMapSources: string[]; // Source map's sources field - list of sources that can be indexed in this source map
sourceMapSourcesContent?: string[]; // Source map's sourcesContent field - list of the sources' text to be embedded in the source map
inputSourceFileNames: string[]; // Input source file (which one can use on program to get the file), 1:1 mapping with the sourceMapSources list
sourceMapNames?: string[]; // Source map's names field - list of names that can be indexed in this source map
sourceMapMappings: string; // Source map's mapping field - encoded source map spans
sourceMapDecodedMappings: SourceMapSpan[]; // Raw source map spans that were encoded into the sourceMapMappings
/** Return code used by getEmitOutput function to indicate status of the function */
export enum ExitStatus {
// Compiler ran successfully. Either this was a simple do-nothing compilation (for example,
// when -version or -help was provided, or this was a normal compilation, no diagnostics
// were produced, and all outputs were generated successfully.
Success = 0,
// Diagnostics were produced and because of them no code was generated.
DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped = 1,
// Diagnostics were produced and outputs were generated in spite of them.
DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated = 2,
export interface EmitResult {
emitSkipped: boolean;
diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
/* @internal */ sourceMaps: SourceMapData[]; // Array of sourceMapData if compiler emitted sourcemaps
export interface TypeCheckerHost {
getCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions;
getSourceFiles(): SourceFile[];
getSourceFile(fileName: string): SourceFile;
export interface TypeChecker {
getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol: Symbol, node: Node): Type;
getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Type;
getPropertiesOfType(type: Type): Symbol[];
getPropertyOfType(type: Type, propertyName: string): Symbol;
getSignaturesOfType(type: Type, kind: SignatureKind): Signature[];
getIndexTypeOfType(type: Type, kind: IndexKind): Type;
getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature: Signature): Type;
getSymbolsInScope(location: Node, meaning: SymbolFlags): Symbol[];
getSymbolAtLocation(node: Node): Symbol;
getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(location: Node): Symbol;
getTypeAtLocation(node: Node): Type;
typeToString(type: Type, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): string;
symbolToString(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, meaning?: SymbolFlags): string;
getSymbolDisplayBuilder(): SymbolDisplayBuilder;
getFullyQualifiedName(symbol: Symbol): string;
getAugmentedPropertiesOfType(type: Type): Symbol[];
getRootSymbols(symbol: Symbol): Symbol[];
getContextualType(node: Expression): Type;
getResolvedSignature(node: CallLikeExpression, candidatesOutArray?: Signature[]): Signature;
getSignatureFromDeclaration(declaration: SignatureDeclaration): Signature;
isImplementationOfOverload(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration): boolean;
isUndefinedSymbol(symbol: Symbol): boolean;
isArgumentsSymbol(symbol: Symbol): boolean;
getConstantValue(node: EnumMember | PropertyAccessExpression | ElementAccessExpression): number;
isValidPropertyAccess(node: PropertyAccessExpression | QualifiedName, propertyName: string): boolean;
getAliasedSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Symbol;
getExportsOfModule(moduleSymbol: Symbol): Symbol[];
// Should not be called directly. Should only be accessed through the Program instance.
/* @internal */ getDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile): Diagnostic[];
/* @internal */ getGlobalDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
/* @internal */ getEmitResolver(sourceFile?: SourceFile): EmitResolver;
/* @internal */ getNodeCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getIdentifierCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getSymbolCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getTypeCount(): number;
export interface SymbolDisplayBuilder {
buildTypeDisplay(type: Type, writer: SymbolWriter, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): void;
buildSymbolDisplay(symbol: Symbol, writer: SymbolWriter, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, meaning?: SymbolFlags, flags?: SymbolFormatFlags): void;
buildSignatureDisplay(signatures: Signature, writer: SymbolWriter, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): void;
buildParameterDisplay(parameter: Symbol, writer: SymbolWriter, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): void;
buildTypeParameterDisplay(tp: TypeParameter, writer: SymbolWriter, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): void;
buildTypeParameterDisplayFromSymbol(symbol: Symbol, writer: SymbolWriter, enclosingDeclaraiton?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): void;
buildDisplayForParametersAndDelimiters(parameters: Symbol[], writer: SymbolWriter, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): void;
buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters(typeParameters: TypeParameter[], writer: SymbolWriter, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): void;
buildReturnTypeDisplay(signature: Signature, writer: SymbolWriter, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): void;
export interface SymbolWriter {
writeKeyword(text: string): void;
writeOperator(text: string): void;
writePunctuation(text: string): void;
writeSpace(text: string): void;
writeStringLiteral(text: string): void;
writeParameter(text: string): void;
writeSymbol(text: string, symbol: Symbol): void;
writeLine(): void;
increaseIndent(): void;
decreaseIndent(): void;
clear(): void;
// Called when the symbol writer encounters a symbol to write. Currently only used by the
// declaration emitter to help determine if it should patch up the final declaration file
// with import statements it previously saw (but chose not to emit).
trackSymbol(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, meaning?: SymbolFlags): void;
export const enum TypeFormatFlags {
None = 0x00000000,
WriteArrayAsGenericType = 0x00000001, // Write Array<T> instead T[]
UseTypeOfFunction = 0x00000002, // Write typeof instead of function type literal
NoTruncation = 0x00000004, // Don't truncate typeToString result
WriteArrowStyleSignature = 0x00000008, // Write arrow style signature
WriteOwnNameForAnyLike = 0x00000010, // Write symbol's own name instead of 'any' for any like types (eg. unknown, __resolving__ etc)
WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature = 0x00000020, // Write the type arguments instead of type parameters of the signature
InElementType = 0x00000040, // Writing an array or union element type
UseFullyQualifiedType = 0x00000080, // Write out the fully qualified type name (eg. Module.Type, instead of Type)
export const enum SymbolFormatFlags {
None = 0x00000000,
// Write symbols's type argument if it is instantiated symbol
// eg. class C<T> { p: T } <-- Show p as C<T>.p here
// var a: C<number>;
// var p = a.p; <--- Here p is property of C<number> so show it as C<number>.p instead of just C.p
WriteTypeParametersOrArguments = 0x00000001,
// Use only external alias information to get the symbol name in the given context
// eg. module m { export class c { } } import x = m.c;
// When this flag is specified m.c will be used to refer to the class instead of alias symbol x
UseOnlyExternalAliasing = 0x00000002,
/* @internal */
export const enum SymbolAccessibility {
/* @internal */
export type AnyImportSyntax = ImportDeclaration | ImportEqualsDeclaration;
/* @internal */
export interface SymbolVisibilityResult {
accessibility: SymbolAccessibility;
aliasesToMakeVisible?: AnyImportSyntax[]; // aliases that need to have this symbol visible
errorSymbolName?: string; // Optional symbol name that results in error
errorNode?: Node; // optional node that results in error
/* @internal */
export interface SymbolAccessiblityResult extends SymbolVisibilityResult {
errorModuleName?: string // If the symbol is not visible from module, module's name
/* @internal */
export interface EmitResolver {
hasGlobalName(name: string): boolean;
getExpressionNameSubstitution(node: Identifier, getGeneratedNameForNode: (node: Node) => string): string;
isValueAliasDeclaration(node: Node): boolean;
isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node: Node, checkChildren?: boolean): boolean;
isTopLevelValueImportEqualsWithEntityName(node: ImportEqualsDeclaration): boolean;
getNodeCheckFlags(node: Node): NodeCheckFlags;
isDeclarationVisible(node: Declaration): boolean;
collectLinkedAliases(node: Identifier): Node[];
isImplementationOfOverload(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration): boolean;
writeTypeOfDeclaration(declaration: AccessorDeclaration | VariableLikeDeclaration, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags, writer: SymbolWriter): void;
writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration(signatureDeclaration: SignatureDeclaration, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags, writer: SymbolWriter): void;
writeTypeOfExpression(expr: Expression, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags, writer: SymbolWriter): void;
isSymbolAccessible(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node, meaning: SymbolFlags): SymbolAccessiblityResult;
isEntityNameVisible(entityName: EntityName | Expression, enclosingDeclaration: Node): SymbolVisibilityResult;
// Returns the constant value this property access resolves to, or 'undefined' for a non-constant
getConstantValue(node: EnumMember | PropertyAccessExpression | ElementAccessExpression): number;
resolvesToSomeValue(location: Node, name: string): boolean;
getBlockScopedVariableId(node: Identifier): number;
getReferencedValueDeclaration(reference: Identifier): Declaration;
serializeTypeOfNode(node: Node, getGeneratedNameForNode: (Node: Node) => string): string | string[];
serializeParameterTypesOfNode(node: Node, getGeneratedNameForNode: (Node: Node) => string): (string | string[])[];
serializeReturnTypeOfNode(node: Node, getGeneratedNameForNode: (Node: Node) => string): string | string[];
export const enum SymbolFlags {
FunctionScopedVariable = 0x00000001, // Variable (var) or parameter
BlockScopedVariable = 0x00000002, // A block-scoped variable (let or const)
Property = 0x00000004, // Property or enum member
EnumMember = 0x00000008, // Enum member
Function = 0x00000010, // Function
Class = 0x00000020, // Class
Interface = 0x00000040, // Interface
ConstEnum = 0x00000080, // Const enum
RegularEnum = 0x00000100, // Enum
ValueModule = 0x00000200, // Instantiated module
NamespaceModule = 0x00000400, // Uninstantiated module
TypeLiteral = 0x00000800, // Type Literal
ObjectLiteral = 0x00001000, // Object Literal
Method = 0x00002000, // Method
Constructor = 0x00004000, // Constructor
GetAccessor = 0x00008000, // Get accessor
SetAccessor = 0x00010000, // Set accessor
Signature = 0x00020000, // Call, construct, or index signature
TypeParameter = 0x00040000, // Type parameter
TypeAlias = 0x00080000, // Type alias
ExportValue = 0x00100000, // Exported value marker (see comment in declareModuleMember in binder)
ExportType = 0x00200000, // Exported type marker (see comment in declareModuleMember in binder)
ExportNamespace = 0x00400000, // Exported namespace marker (see comment in declareModuleMember in binder)
Alias = 0x00800000, // An alias for another symbol (see comment in isAliasSymbolDeclaration in checker)
Instantiated = 0x01000000, // Instantiated symbol
Merged = 0x02000000, // Merged symbol (created during program binding)
Transient = 0x04000000, // Transient symbol (created during type check)
Prototype = 0x08000000, // Prototype property (no source representation)
UnionProperty = 0x10000000, // Property in union type
Optional = 0x20000000, // Optional property
ExportStar = 0x40000000, // Export * declaration
Enum = RegularEnum | ConstEnum,
Variable = FunctionScopedVariable | BlockScopedVariable,
Value = Variable | Property | EnumMember | Function | Class | Enum | ValueModule | Method | GetAccessor | SetAccessor,
Type = Class | Interface | Enum | TypeLiteral | ObjectLiteral | TypeParameter | TypeAlias,
Namespace = ValueModule | NamespaceModule,
Module = ValueModule | NamespaceModule,
Accessor = GetAccessor | SetAccessor,
// Variables can be redeclared, but can not redeclare a block-scoped declaration with the
// same name, or any other value that is not a variable, e.g. ValueModule or Class
FunctionScopedVariableExcludes = Value & ~FunctionScopedVariable,
// Block-scoped declarations are not allowed to be re-declared
// they can not merge with anything in the value space
BlockScopedVariableExcludes = Value,
ParameterExcludes = Value,
PropertyExcludes = Value,
EnumMemberExcludes = Value,
FunctionExcludes = Value & ~(Function | ValueModule),
ClassExcludes = (Value | Type) & ~ValueModule,
InterfaceExcludes = Type & ~Interface,
RegularEnumExcludes = (Value | Type) & ~(RegularEnum | ValueModule), // regular enums merge only with regular enums and modules
ConstEnumExcludes = (Value | Type) & ~ConstEnum, // const enums merge only with const enums
ValueModuleExcludes = Value & ~(Function | Class | RegularEnum | ValueModule),
NamespaceModuleExcludes = 0,
MethodExcludes = Value & ~Method,
GetAccessorExcludes = Value & ~SetAccessor,
SetAccessorExcludes = Value & ~GetAccessor,
TypeParameterExcludes = Type & ~TypeParameter,
TypeAliasExcludes = Type,
AliasExcludes = Alias,
ModuleMember = Variable | Function | Class | Interface | Enum | Module | TypeAlias | Alias,
ExportHasLocal = Function | Class | Enum | ValueModule,
HasLocals = Function | Module | Method | Constructor | Accessor | Signature,
HasExports = Class | Enum | Module,
HasMembers = Class | Interface | TypeLiteral | ObjectLiteral,
IsContainer = HasLocals | HasExports | HasMembers,
PropertyOrAccessor = Property | Accessor,
Export = ExportNamespace | ExportType | ExportValue,
export interface Symbol {
flags: SymbolFlags; // Symbol flags
name: string; // Name of symbol
/* @internal */ id?: number; // Unique id (used to look up SymbolLinks)
/* @internal */ mergeId?: number; // Merge id (used to look up merged symbol)
declarations?: Declaration[]; // Declarations associated with this symbol
/* @internal */ parent?: Symbol; // Parent symbol
members?: SymbolTable; // Class, interface or literal instance members
exports?: SymbolTable; // Module exports
/* @internal */ exportSymbol?: Symbol; // Exported symbol associated with this symbol
valueDeclaration?: Declaration; // First value declaration of the symbol
/* @internal */ constEnumOnlyModule?: boolean; // True if module contains only const enums or other modules with only const enums
/* @internal */
export interface SymbolLinks {
target?: Symbol; // Resolved (non-alias) target of an alias
type?: Type; // Type of value symbol
declaredType?: Type; // Type of class, interface, enum, or type parameter
mapper?: TypeMapper; // Type mapper for instantiation alias
referenced?: boolean; // True if alias symbol has been referenced as a value
unionType?: UnionType; // Containing union type for union property
resolvedExports?: SymbolTable; // Resolved exports of module
exportsChecked?: boolean; // True if exports of external module have been checked
/* @internal */
export interface TransientSymbol extends Symbol, SymbolLinks { }
export interface SymbolTable {
[index: string]: Symbol;
/* @internal */
export const enum NodeCheckFlags {
TypeChecked = 0x00000001, // Node has been type checked
LexicalThis = 0x00000002, // Lexical 'this' reference
CaptureThis = 0x00000004, // Lexical 'this' used in body
EmitExtends = 0x00000008, // Emit __extends
SuperInstance = 0x00000010, // Instance 'super' reference
SuperStatic = 0x00000020, // Static 'super' reference
ContextChecked = 0x00000040, // Contextual types have been assigned
// Values for enum members have been computed, and any errors have been reported for them.
EnumValuesComputed = 0x00000080,
BlockScopedBindingInLoop = 0x00000100,
EmitDecorate = 0x00000200, // Emit __decorate
EmitParam = 0x00000400, // Emit __param helper for decorators
LexicalModuleMergesWithClass = 0x00000800, // Instantiated lexical module declaration is merged with a previous class declaration.
/* @internal */
export interface NodeLinks {
resolvedType?: Type; // Cached type of type node
resolvedSignature?: Signature; // Cached signature of signature node or call expression
resolvedSymbol?: Symbol; // Cached name resolution result
flags?: NodeCheckFlags; // Set of flags specific to Node
enumMemberValue?: number; // Constant value of enum member
isIllegalTypeReferenceInConstraint?: boolean; // Is type reference in constraint refers to the type parameter from the same list
isVisible?: boolean; // Is this node visible
generatedName?: string; // Generated name for module, enum, or import declaration
generatedNames?: Map<string>; // Generated names table for source file
assignmentChecks?: Map<boolean>; // Cache of assignment checks
hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext?: boolean; // Cache boolean if we report statements in ambient context
importOnRightSide?: Symbol; // for import declarations - import that appear on the right side
export const enum TypeFlags {
Any = 0x00000001,
String = 0x00000002,
Number = 0x00000004,
Boolean = 0x00000008,
Void = 0x00000010,
Undefined = 0x00000020,
Null = 0x00000040,
Enum = 0x00000080, // Enum type
StringLiteral = 0x00000100, // String literal type
TypeParameter = 0x00000200, // Type parameter
Class = 0x00000400, // Class
Interface = 0x00000800, // Interface
Reference = 0x00001000, // Generic type reference
Tuple = 0x00002000, // Tuple
Union = 0x00004000, // Union
Anonymous = 0x00008000, // Anonymous
/* @internal */
FromSignature = 0x00010000, // Created for signature assignment check
ObjectLiteral = 0x00020000, // Originates in an object literal
/* @internal */
ContainsUndefinedOrNull = 0x00040000, // Type is or contains Undefined or Null type
/* @internal */
ContainsObjectLiteral = 0x00080000, // Type is or contains object literal type
ESSymbol = 0x00100000, // Type of symbol primitive introduced in ES6
/* @internal */
Intrinsic = Any | String | Number | Boolean | ESSymbol | Void | Undefined | Null,
/* @internal */
Primitive = String | Number | Boolean | ESSymbol | Void | Undefined | Null | StringLiteral | Enum,
StringLike = String | StringLiteral,
NumberLike = Number | Enum,
ObjectType = Class | Interface | Reference | Tuple | Anonymous,
/* @internal */
RequiresWidening = ContainsUndefinedOrNull | ContainsObjectLiteral
// Properties common to all types
export interface Type {
flags: TypeFlags; // Flags
/* @internal */ id: number; // Unique ID
symbol?: Symbol; // Symbol associated with type (if any)
/* @internal */
// Intrinsic types (TypeFlags.Intrinsic)
export interface IntrinsicType extends Type {
intrinsicName: string; // Name of intrinsic type
// String literal types (TypeFlags.StringLiteral)
export interface StringLiteralType extends Type {
text: string; // Text of string literal
// Object types (TypeFlags.ObjectType)
export interface ObjectType extends Type { }
// Class and interface types (TypeFlags.Class and TypeFlags.Interface)
export interface InterfaceType extends ObjectType {
typeParameters: TypeParameter[]; // Type parameters (undefined if non-generic)
outerTypeParameters: TypeParameter[]; // Outer type parameters (undefined if none)
localTypeParameters: TypeParameter[]; // Local type parameters (undefined if none)
export interface InterfaceTypeWithBaseTypes extends InterfaceType {
baseTypes: ObjectType[];
export interface InterfaceTypeWithDeclaredMembers extends InterfaceType {
declaredProperties: Symbol[]; // Declared members
declaredCallSignatures: Signature[]; // Declared call signatures
declaredConstructSignatures: Signature[]; // Declared construct signatures
declaredStringIndexType: Type; // Declared string index type
declaredNumberIndexType: Type; // Declared numeric index type
// Type references (TypeFlags.Reference)
export interface TypeReference extends ObjectType {
target: GenericType; // Type reference target
typeArguments: Type[]; // Type reference type arguments
// Generic class and interface types
export interface GenericType extends InterfaceType, TypeReference {
/* @internal */
instantiations: Map<TypeReference>; // Generic instantiation cache
export interface TupleType extends ObjectType {
elementTypes: Type[]; // Element types
baseArrayType: TypeReference; // Array<T> where T is best common type of element types
export interface UnionType extends Type {
types: Type[]; // Constituent types
/* @internal */
reducedType: Type; // Reduced union type (all subtypes removed)
/* @internal */
resolvedProperties: SymbolTable; // Cache of resolved properties
/* @internal */
// Resolved object or union type
export interface ResolvedType extends ObjectType, UnionType {
members: SymbolTable; // Properties by name
properties: Symbol[]; // Properties
callSignatures: Signature[]; // Call signatures of type
constructSignatures: Signature[]; // Construct signatures of type
stringIndexType: Type; // String index type
numberIndexType: Type; // Numeric index type
// Just a place to cache element types of iterables and iterators
/* @internal */
export interface IterableOrIteratorType extends ObjectType, UnionType {
iterableElementType?: Type;
iteratorElementType?: Type;
// Type parameters (TypeFlags.TypeParameter)
export interface TypeParameter extends Type {
constraint: Type; // Constraint
/* @internal */
target?: TypeParameter; // Instantiation target
/* @internal */
mapper?: TypeMapper; // Instantiation mapper
export const enum SignatureKind {
export interface Signature {
declaration: SignatureDeclaration; // Originating declaration
typeParameters: TypeParameter[]; // Type parameters (undefined if non-generic)
parameters: Symbol[]; // Parameters
/* @internal */
resolvedReturnType: Type; // Resolved return type
/* @internal */
minArgumentCount: number; // Number of non-optional parameters
/* @internal */
hasRestParameter: boolean; // True if last parameter is rest parameter
/* @internal */
hasStringLiterals: boolean; // True if specialized
/* @internal */
target?: Signature; // Instantiation target
/* @internal */
mapper?: TypeMapper; // Instantiation mapper
/* @internal */
unionSignatures?: Signature[]; // Underlying signatures of a union signature
/* @internal */
erasedSignatureCache?: Signature; // Erased version of signature (deferred)
/* @internal */
isolatedSignatureType?: ObjectType; // A manufactured type that just contains the signature for purposes of signature comparison
export const enum IndexKind {
/* @internal */
export interface TypeMapper {
(t: TypeParameter): Type;
mappings?: Map<Type>; // Type mapping cache
/* @internal */
export interface TypeInferences {
primary: Type[]; // Inferences made directly to a type parameter
secondary: Type[]; // Inferences made to a type parameter in a union type
isFixed: boolean; // Whether the type parameter is fixed, as defined in section 4.12.2 of the TypeScript spec
// If a type parameter is fixed, no more inferences can be made for the type parameter
/* @internal */
export interface InferenceContext {
typeParameters: TypeParameter[]; // Type parameters for which inferences are made
inferUnionTypes: boolean; // Infer union types for disjoint candidates (otherwise undefinedType)
inferences: TypeInferences[]; // Inferences made for each type parameter
inferredTypes: Type[]; // Inferred type for each type parameter
failedTypeParameterIndex?: number; // Index of type parameter for which inference failed
// It is optional because in contextual signature instantiation, nothing fails
export interface DiagnosticMessage {
key: string;
category: DiagnosticCategory;
code: number;
* A linked list of formatted diagnostic messages to be used as part of a multiline message.
* It is built from the bottom up, leaving the head to be the "main" diagnostic.
* While it seems that DiagnosticMessageChain is structurally similar to DiagnosticMessage,
* the difference is that messages are all preformatted in DMC.
export interface DiagnosticMessageChain {
messageText: string;
category: DiagnosticCategory;
code: number;
next?: DiagnosticMessageChain;
export interface Diagnostic {
file: SourceFile;
start: number;
length: number;
messageText: string | DiagnosticMessageChain;
category: DiagnosticCategory;
code: number;
export enum DiagnosticCategory {
export interface CompilerOptions {
allowNonTsExtensions?: boolean;
charset?: string;
declaration?: boolean;
diagnostics?: boolean;
emitBOM?: boolean;
help?: boolean;
inlineSourceMap?: boolean;
inlineSources?: boolean;
listFiles?: boolean;
locale?: string;
mapRoot?: string;
module?: ModuleKind;
newLine?: NewLineKind;
noEmit?: boolean;
noEmitHelpers?: boolean;
noEmitOnError?: boolean;
noErrorTruncation?: boolean;
noImplicitAny?: boolean;
noLib?: boolean;
noResolve?: boolean;
out?: string;
outDir?: string;
preserveConstEnums?: boolean;
project?: string;
removeComments?: boolean;
rootDir?: string;
sourceMap?: boolean;
sourceRoot?: string;
suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors?: boolean;
target?: ScriptTarget;
version?: boolean;
watch?: boolean;
separateCompilation?: boolean;
emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean;
/* @internal */ stripInternal?: boolean;
[option: string]: string | number | boolean;
export const enum ModuleKind {
None = 0,
CommonJS = 1,
AMD = 2,
UMD = 3,
System = 4,
export const enum NewLineKind {
CarriageReturnLineFeed = 0,
LineFeed = 1,
export interface LineAndCharacter {
line: number;
* This value denotes the character position in line and is different from the 'column' because of tab characters.
character: number;
export const enum ScriptTarget {
ES3 = 0,
ES5 = 1,
ES6 = 2,
Latest = ES6,
export interface ParsedCommandLine {
options: CompilerOptions;
fileNames: string[];
errors: Diagnostic[];
/* @internal */
export interface CommandLineOption {
name: string;
type: string | Map<number>; // "string", "number", "boolean", or an object literal mapping named values to actual values
isFilePath?: boolean; // True if option value is a path or fileName
shortName?: string; // A short mnemonic for convenience - for instance, 'h' can be used in place of 'help'
description?: DiagnosticMessage; // The message describing what the command line switch does
paramType?: DiagnosticMessage; // The name to be used for a non-boolean option's parameter
error?: DiagnosticMessage; // The error given when the argument does not fit a customized 'type'
experimental?: boolean;
/* @internal */
export const enum CharacterCodes {
nullCharacter = 0,
maxAsciiCharacter = 0x7F,
lineFeed = 0x0A, // \n
carriageReturn = 0x0D, // \r
lineSeparator = 0x2028,
paragraphSeparator = 0x2029,
nextLine = 0x0085,
// Unicode 3.0 space characters
space = 0x0020, // " "
nonBreakingSpace = 0x00A0, //
enQuad = 0x2000,
emQuad = 0x2001,
enSpace = 0x2002,
emSpace = 0x2003,
threePerEmSpace = 0x2004,
fourPerEmSpace = 0x2005,
sixPerEmSpace = 0x2006,
figureSpace = 0x2007,
punctuationSpace = 0x2008,
thinSpace = 0x2009,
hairSpace = 0x200A,
zeroWidthSpace = 0x200B,
narrowNoBreakSpace = 0x202F,
ideographicSpace = 0x3000,
mathematicalSpace = 0x205F,
ogham = 0x1680,
_ = 0x5F,
$ = 0x24,
_0 = 0x30,
_1 = 0x31,
_2 = 0x32,
_3 = 0x33,
_4 = 0x34,
_5 = 0x35,
_6 = 0x36,
_7 = 0x37,
_8 = 0x38,
_9 = 0x39,
a = 0x61,
b = 0x62,
c = 0x63,
d = 0x64,
e = 0x65,
f = 0x66,
g = 0x67,
h = 0x68,
i = 0x69,
j = 0x6A,
k = 0x6B,
l = 0x6C,
m = 0x6D,
n = 0x6E,
o = 0x6F,
p = 0x70,
q = 0x71,
r = 0x72,
s = 0x73,
t = 0x74,
u = 0x75,
v = 0x76,
w = 0x77,
x = 0x78,
y = 0x79,
z = 0x7A,
A = 0x41,
B = 0x42,
C = 0x43,
D = 0x44,
E = 0x45,
F = 0x46,
G = 0x47,
H = 0x48,
I = 0x49,
J = 0x4A,
K = 0x4B,
L = 0x4C,
M = 0x4D,
N = 0x4E,
O = 0x4F,
P = 0x50,
Q = 0x51,
R = 0x52,
S = 0x53,
T = 0x54,
U = 0x55,
V = 0x56,
W = 0x57,
X = 0x58,
Y = 0x59,
Z = 0x5a,
ampersand = 0x26, // &
asterisk = 0x2A, // *
at = 0x40, // @
backslash = 0x5C, // \
backtick = 0x60, // `
bar = 0x7C, // |
caret = 0x5E, // ^
closeBrace = 0x7D, // }
closeBracket = 0x5D, // ]
closeParen = 0x29, // )
colon = 0x3A, // :
comma = 0x2C, // ,
dot = 0x2E, // .
doubleQuote = 0x22, // "
equals = 0x3D, // =
exclamation = 0x21, // !
greaterThan = 0x3E, // >
hash = 0x23, // #
lessThan = 0x3C, // <
minus = 0x2D, // -
openBrace = 0x7B, // {
openBracket = 0x5B, // [
openParen = 0x28, // (
percent = 0x25, // %
plus = 0x2B, // +
question = 0x3F, // ?
semicolon = 0x3B, // ;
singleQuote = 0x27, // '
slash = 0x2F, // /
tilde = 0x7E, // ~
backspace = 0x08, // \b
formFeed = 0x0C, // \f
byteOrderMark = 0xFEFF,
tab = 0x09, // \t
verticalTab = 0x0B, // \v
export interface CancellationToken {
isCancellationRequested(): boolean;
export interface CompilerHost {
getSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void): SourceFile;
getDefaultLibFileName(options: CompilerOptions): string;
getCancellationToken? (): CancellationToken;
writeFile: WriteFileCallback;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean;
getNewLine(): string;
export interface TextSpan {
start: number;
length: number;
export interface TextChangeRange {
span: TextSpan;
newLength: number;
/* @internal */
export interface DiagnosticCollection {
// Adds a diagnostic to this diagnostic collection.
add(diagnostic: Diagnostic): void;
// Gets all the diagnostics that aren't associated with a file.
getGlobalDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
// If fileName is provided, gets all the diagnostics associated with that file name.
// Otherwise, returns all the diagnostics (global and file associated) in this colletion.
getDiagnostics(fileName?: string): Diagnostic[];
// Gets a count of how many times this collection has been modified. This value changes
// each time 'add' is called (regardless of whether or not an equivalent diagnostic was
// already in the collection). As such, it can be used as a simple way to tell if any
// operation caused diagnostics to be returned by storing and comparing the return value
// of this method before/after the operation is performed.
getModificationCount(): number;