Andrew Branch b05dde747c
Update type-only import semantics to allow type queries (#36092)
* Change type-only semantics to allow type queries

* Don’t error using type-only import in ambient context

* Fix default import

* Fix namespace import

* Update more baselines

* Prevent circular resolution

* Track const enum expression usage

* Update baselines

* Perf tuning 1

* Test commit for perf impact

* Weave type-only alias declaration finding into alias resolution

* Fix namespace import of type-only exported symbols

* type-only exports do not contribute to the module object type

* Update APIs

* Fix enum casing, remove type-only conversion suggestion

* Short circuit type-only checks in resolveEntityName faster

* Fix casing in API

* Remove unused parameter

* Fix error on qualified names in type queries

* Allow type-only imports in computed property names

* Fix computed property names of types and abstract members

* Remove unused util

* Commit missing baselines

* Rename “check” functions so as not to overload the word “check”
2020-01-23 12:53:36 -08:00

83 lines
2.3 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/externalModules/typeOnly/framework-hooks.ts ===
export const onInit = Symbol("onInit");
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(framework-hooks.ts, 0, 12))
>Symbol : Symbol(Symbol, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2019.symbol.d.ts, --, --))
=== tests/cases/conformance/externalModules/typeOnly/component.ts ===
import type { onInit } from "./framework-hooks";
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(component.ts, 0, 13))
interface Component {
>Component : Symbol(Component, Decl(component.ts, 0, 48))
[onInit]?(): void;
>[onInit] : Symbol(Component[onInit], Decl(component.ts, 2, 21))
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(component.ts, 0, 13))
type T = {
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(component.ts, 4, 1))
[onInit]: any;
>[onInit] : Symbol([onInit], Decl(component.ts, 6, 10))
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(component.ts, 0, 13))
const o = {
>o : Symbol(o, Decl(component.ts, 10, 5))
[onInit]: 0 // Error
>[onInit] : Symbol([onInit], Decl(component.ts, 10, 11))
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(component.ts, 0, 13))
class C {
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(component.ts, 12, 2))
[onInit]: any; // Error (because class fields)
>[onInit] : Symbol(C[onInit], Decl(component.ts, 14, 9))
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(component.ts, 0, 13))
class D {
>D : Symbol(D, Decl(component.ts, 16, 1))
[onInit] = 0; // Error
>[onInit] : Symbol(D[onInit], Decl(component.ts, 18, 9))
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(component.ts, 0, 13))
class E {
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(component.ts, 20, 1))
[onInit]() {} // Error
>[onInit] : Symbol(E[onInit], Decl(component.ts, 22, 9))
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(component.ts, 0, 13))
abstract class F {
>F : Symbol(F, Decl(component.ts, 24, 1))
abstract [onInit](): void;
>[onInit] : Symbol(F[onInit], Decl(component.ts, 26, 18))
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(component.ts, 0, 13))
class G {
>G : Symbol(G, Decl(component.ts, 28, 1))
declare [onInit]: any;
>[onInit] : Symbol(G[onInit], Decl(component.ts, 30, 9))
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(component.ts, 0, 13))
declare class H {
>H : Symbol(H, Decl(component.ts, 32, 1))
[onInit]: any;
>[onInit] : Symbol(H[onInit], Decl(component.ts, 34, 17))
>onInit : Symbol(onInit, Decl(component.ts, 0, 13))