2015-04-13 14:29:37 -07:00

133 lines
5.1 KiB

=== tests/cases/compiler/commentsFunction.ts ===
/** This comment should appear for foo*/
function foo() {
>foo : () => void, Symbol(foo, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 0, 0))
} /* trailing comment of function */
>foo() : void
>foo : () => void, Symbol(foo, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 0, 0))
/** This is comment for function signature*/
function fooWithParameters(/** this is comment about a*/a: string,
>fooWithParameters : (a: string, b: number) => void, Symbol(fooWithParameters, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 4, 6))
>a : string, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 6, 27))
/** this is comment for b*/
b: number) {
>b : number, Symbol(b, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 6, 66))
var d = a;
>d : string, Symbol(d, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 9, 7))
>a : string, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 6, 27))
} // trailing comment of function
fooWithParameters("a", 10);
>fooWithParameters("a", 10) : void
>fooWithParameters : (a: string, b: number) => void, Symbol(fooWithParameters, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 4, 6))
>"a" : string
>10 : number
/** fooFunc
* comment
var fooFunc = function FooFunctionValue(/** fooFunctionValue param */ b: string) {
>fooFunc : (b: string) => string, Symbol(fooFunc, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 15, 3))
>function FooFunctionValue(/** fooFunctionValue param */ b: string) { return b;} : (b: string) => string
>FooFunctionValue : (b: string) => string, Symbol(FooFunctionValue, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 15, 13))
>b : string, Symbol(b, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 15, 40))
return b;
>b : string, Symbol(b, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 15, 40))
/// lamdaFoo var comment
var lambdaFoo = /** this is lambda comment*/ (/**param a*/a: number, /**param b*/b: number) => a + b;
>lambdaFoo : (a: number, b: number) => number, Symbol(lambdaFoo, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 20, 3))
>(/**param a*/a: number, /**param b*/b: number) => a + b : (a: number, b: number) => number
>a : number, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 20, 46))
>b : number, Symbol(b, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 20, 68))
>a + b : number
>a : number, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 20, 46))
>b : number, Symbol(b, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 20, 68))
var lambddaNoVarComment = /** this is lambda multiplication*/ (/**param a*/a: number, /**param b*/b: number) => a * b;
>lambddaNoVarComment : (a: number, b: number) => number, Symbol(lambddaNoVarComment, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 21, 3))
>(/**param a*/a: number, /**param b*/b: number) => a * b : (a: number, b: number) => number
>a : number, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 21, 63))
>b : number, Symbol(b, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 21, 85))
>a * b : number
>a : number, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 21, 63))
>b : number, Symbol(b, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 21, 85))
lambdaFoo(10, 20);
>lambdaFoo(10, 20) : number
>lambdaFoo : (a: number, b: number) => number, Symbol(lambdaFoo, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 20, 3))
>10 : number
>20 : number
lambddaNoVarComment(10, 20);
>lambddaNoVarComment(10, 20) : number
>lambddaNoVarComment : (a: number, b: number) => number, Symbol(lambddaNoVarComment, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 21, 3))
>10 : number
>20 : number
function blah(a: string /* multiline trailing comment
>blah : (a: string) => void, Symbol(blah, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 23, 28))
>a : string, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 25, 14))
multiline */) {
function blah2(a: string /* single line multiple trailing comments */ /* second */) {
>blah2 : (a: string) => void, Symbol(blah2, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 27, 1))
>a : string, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 29, 15))
function blah3(a: string // trailing commen single line
>blah3 : (a: string) => void, Symbol(blah3, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 30, 1))
>a : string, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 32, 15))
) {
lambdaFoo = (a, b) => a * b; // This is trailing comment
>lambdaFoo = (a, b) => a * b : (a: number, b: number) => number
>lambdaFoo : (a: number, b: number) => number, Symbol(lambdaFoo, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 20, 3))
>(a, b) => a * b : (a: number, b: number) => number
>a : number, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 36, 13))
>b : number, Symbol(b, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 36, 15))
>a * b : number
>a : number, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 36, 13))
>b : number, Symbol(b, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 36, 15))
/*leading comment*/() => 0; // Needs to be wrapped in parens to be a valid expression (not declaration)
>() => 0 : () => number
>0 : number
/*leading comment*/(() => 0); //trailing comment
>(() => 0) : () => number
>() => 0 : () => number
>0 : number
function blah4(/*1*/a: string/*2*/,/*3*/b: string/*4*/) {
>blah4 : (a: string, b: string) => void, Symbol(blah4, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 39, 29))
>a : string, Symbol(a, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 41, 15))
>b : string, Symbol(b, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 41, 35))
function foo1() {
>foo1 : () => void, Symbol(foo1, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 42, 1))
// should emit this
function foo2() {
>foo2 : () => void, Symbol(foo2, Decl(commentsFunction.ts, 47, 1))
/// This is some detached comment
// should emit this leading comment of } too