Jason Freeman 3a9df5f676 Update LKG
2015-03-12 16:12:22 -07:00

342 lines
19 KiB

/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
and limitations under the License.
***************************************************************************** */
declare module ts {
const enum Ternary {
False = 0,
Maybe = 1,
True = -1,
const enum Comparison {
LessThan = -1,
EqualTo = 0,
GreaterThan = 1,
interface StringSet extends Map<any> {
function forEach<T, U>(array: T[], callback: (element: T, index: number) => U): U;
function contains<T>(array: T[], value: T): boolean;
function indexOf<T>(array: T[], value: T): number;
function countWhere<T>(array: T[], predicate: (x: T) => boolean): number;
function filter<T>(array: T[], f: (x: T) => boolean): T[];
function map<T, U>(array: T[], f: (x: T) => U): U[];
function concatenate<T>(array1: T[], array2: T[]): T[];
function deduplicate<T>(array: T[]): T[];
function sum(array: any[], prop: string): number;
function addRange<T>(to: T[], from: T[]): void;
* Returns the last element of an array if non-empty, undefined otherwise.
function lastOrUndefined<T>(array: T[]): T;
function binarySearch(array: number[], value: number): number;
function hasProperty<T>(map: Map<T>, key: string): boolean;
function getProperty<T>(map: Map<T>, key: string): T;
function isEmpty<T>(map: Map<T>): boolean;
function clone<T>(object: T): T;
function extend<T>(first: Map<T>, second: Map<T>): Map<T>;
function forEachValue<T, U>(map: Map<T>, callback: (value: T) => U): U;
function forEachKey<T, U>(map: Map<T>, callback: (key: string) => U): U;
function lookUp<T>(map: Map<T>, key: string): T;
function mapToArray<T>(map: Map<T>): T[];
function copyMap<T>(source: Map<T>, target: Map<T>): void;
* Creates a map from the elements of an array.
* @param array the array of input elements.
* @param makeKey a function that produces a key for a given element.
* This function makes no effort to avoid collisions; if any two elements produce
* the same key with the given 'makeKey' function, then the element with the higher
* index in the array will be the one associated with the produced key.
function arrayToMap<T>(array: T[], makeKey: (value: T) => string): Map<T>;
var localizedDiagnosticMessages: Map<string>;
function getLocaleSpecificMessage(message: string): string;
function createFileDiagnostic(file: SourceFile, start: number, length: number, message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: any[]): Diagnostic;
function createCompilerDiagnostic(message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: any[]): Diagnostic;
function chainDiagnosticMessages(details: DiagnosticMessageChain, message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: any[]): DiagnosticMessageChain;
function concatenateDiagnosticMessageChains(headChain: DiagnosticMessageChain, tailChain: DiagnosticMessageChain): DiagnosticMessageChain;
function compareValues<T>(a: T, b: T): Comparison;
function compareDiagnostics(d1: Diagnostic, d2: Diagnostic): Comparison;
function sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(diagnostics: Diagnostic[]): Diagnostic[];
function deduplicateSortedDiagnostics(diagnostics: Diagnostic[]): Diagnostic[];
function normalizeSlashes(path: string): string;
function getRootLength(path: string): number;
var directorySeparator: string;
function normalizePath(path: string): string;
function getDirectoryPath(path: string): string;
function isUrl(path: string): boolean;
function isRootedDiskPath(path: string): boolean;
function getNormalizedPathComponents(path: string, currentDirectory: string): string[];
function getNormalizedAbsolutePath(fileName: string, currentDirectory: string): string;
function getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents(pathComponents: string[]): string;
function getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(directoryPathOrUrl: string, relativeOrAbsolutePath: string, currentDirectory: string, getCanonicalFileName: (fileName: string) => string, isAbsolutePathAnUrl: boolean): string;
function getBaseFileName(path: string): string;
function combinePaths(path1: string, path2: string): string;
function fileExtensionIs(path: string, extension: string): boolean;
function removeFileExtension(path: string): string;
function getDefaultLibFileName(options: CompilerOptions): string;
interface ObjectAllocator {
getNodeConstructor(kind: SyntaxKind): new () => Node;
getSymbolConstructor(): new (flags: SymbolFlags, name: string) => Symbol;
getTypeConstructor(): new (checker: TypeChecker, flags: TypeFlags) => Type;
getSignatureConstructor(): new (checker: TypeChecker) => Signature;
var objectAllocator: ObjectAllocator;
const enum AssertionLevel {
None = 0,
Normal = 1,
Aggressive = 2,
VeryAggressive = 3,
module Debug {
function shouldAssert(level: AssertionLevel): boolean;
function assert(expression: boolean, message?: string, verboseDebugInfo?: () => string): void;
function fail(message?: string): void;
declare module ts {
interface System {
args: string[];
newLine: string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean;
write(s: string): void;
readFile(fileName: string, encoding?: string): string;
writeFile(fileName: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean): void;
watchFile?(fileName: string, callback: (fileName: string) => void): FileWatcher;
resolvePath(path: string): string;
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
createDirectory(directoryName: string): void;
getExecutingFilePath(): string;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
readDirectory(path: string, extension?: string): string[];
getMemoryUsage?(): number;
exit(exitCode?: number): void;
interface FileWatcher {
close(): void;
var sys: System;
declare module ts {
interface ReferencePathMatchResult {
fileReference?: FileReference;
diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage;
isNoDefaultLib?: boolean;
interface SynthesizedNode extends Node {
leadingCommentRanges?: CommentRange[];
trailingCommentRanges?: CommentRange[];
startsOnNewLine: boolean;
function getDeclarationOfKind(symbol: Symbol, kind: SyntaxKind): Declaration;
interface StringSymbolWriter extends SymbolWriter {
string(): string;
interface EmitHost extends ScriptReferenceHost {
getSourceFiles(): SourceFile[];
getCommonSourceDirectory(): string;
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string;
getNewLine(): string;
writeFile: WriteFileCallback;
function getSingleLineStringWriter(): StringSymbolWriter;
function releaseStringWriter(writer: StringSymbolWriter): void;
function getFullWidth(node: Node): number;
function containsParseError(node: Node): boolean;
function getSourceFileOfNode(node: Node): SourceFile;
function getStartPositionOfLine(line: number, sourceFile: SourceFile): number;
function nodePosToString(node: Node): string;
function getStartPosOfNode(node: Node): number;
function nodeIsMissing(node: Node): boolean;
function nodeIsPresent(node: Node): boolean;
function getTokenPosOfNode(node: Node, sourceFile?: SourceFile): number;
function getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node): string;
function getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceText: string, node: Node): string;
function getTextOfNode(node: Node): string;
function escapeIdentifier(identifier: string): string;
function unescapeIdentifier(identifier: string): string;
function makeIdentifierFromModuleName(moduleName: string): string;
function isBlockOrCatchScoped(declaration: Declaration): boolean;
function getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(node: Node): Node;
function isCatchClauseVariableDeclaration(declaration: Declaration): boolean;
function declarationNameToString(name: DeclarationName): string;
function createDiagnosticForNode(node: Node, message: DiagnosticMessage, arg0?: any, arg1?: any, arg2?: any): Diagnostic;
function createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain(node: Node, messageChain: DiagnosticMessageChain): Diagnostic;
function getErrorSpanForNode(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node): TextSpan;
function isExternalModule(file: SourceFile): boolean;
function isDeclarationFile(file: SourceFile): boolean;
function isConstEnumDeclaration(node: Node): boolean;
function getCombinedNodeFlags(node: Node): NodeFlags;
function isConst(node: Node): boolean;
function isLet(node: Node): boolean;
function isPrologueDirective(node: Node): boolean;
function getLeadingCommentRangesOfNode(node: Node, sourceFileOfNode?: SourceFile): CommentRange[];
function getJsDocComments(node: Node, sourceFileOfNode: SourceFile): CommentRange[];
var fullTripleSlashReferencePathRegEx: RegExp;
function forEachReturnStatement<T>(body: Block, visitor: (stmt: ReturnStatement) => T): T;
function isFunctionLike(node: Node): boolean;
function isFunctionBlock(node: Node): boolean;
function isObjectLiteralMethod(node: Node): boolean;
function getContainingFunction(node: Node): FunctionLikeDeclaration;
function getThisContainer(node: Node, includeArrowFunctions: boolean): Node;
function getSuperContainer(node: Node, includeFunctions: boolean): Node;
function getInvokedExpression(node: CallLikeExpression): Expression;
function isExpression(node: Node): boolean;
function isInstantiatedModule(node: ModuleDeclaration, preserveConstEnums: boolean): boolean;
function isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node: Node): boolean;
function getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node: Node): Expression;
function isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node: Node): boolean;
function getExternalModuleName(node: Node): Expression;
function hasDotDotDotToken(node: Node): boolean;
function hasQuestionToken(node: Node): boolean;
function hasRestParameters(s: SignatureDeclaration): boolean;
function isLiteralKind(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean;
function isTextualLiteralKind(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean;
function isTemplateLiteralKind(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean;
function isBindingPattern(node: Node): boolean;
function isInAmbientContext(node: Node): boolean;
function isDeclaration(node: Node): boolean;
function isStatement(n: Node): boolean;
function isDeclarationName(name: Node): boolean;
function getClassBaseTypeNode(node: ClassDeclaration): TypeReferenceNode;
function getClassImplementedTypeNodes(node: ClassDeclaration): NodeArray<TypeReferenceNode>;
function getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(node: InterfaceDeclaration): NodeArray<TypeReferenceNode>;
function getHeritageClause(clauses: NodeArray<HeritageClause>, kind: SyntaxKind): HeritageClause;
function tryResolveScriptReference(host: ScriptReferenceHost, sourceFile: SourceFile, reference: FileReference): SourceFile;
function getAncestor(node: Node, kind: SyntaxKind): Node;
function getFileReferenceFromReferencePath(comment: string, commentRange: CommentRange): ReferencePathMatchResult;
function isKeyword(token: SyntaxKind): boolean;
function isTrivia(token: SyntaxKind): boolean;
* A declaration has a dynamic name if both of the following are true:
* 1. The declaration has a computed property name
* 2. The computed name is *not* expressed as Symbol.<name>, where name
* is a property of the Symbol constructor that denotes a built in
* Symbol.
function hasDynamicName(declaration: Declaration): boolean;
* Checks if the expression is of the form:
* Symbol.name
* where Symbol is literally the word "Symbol", and name is any identifierName
function isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically(node: Expression): boolean;
function getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(name: DeclarationName): string;
function getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName(symbolName: string): string;
* Includes the word "Symbol" with unicode escapes
function isESSymbolIdentifier(node: Node): boolean;
function isModifier(token: SyntaxKind): boolean;
function textSpanEnd(span: TextSpan): number;
function textSpanIsEmpty(span: TextSpan): boolean;
function textSpanContainsPosition(span: TextSpan, position: number): boolean;
function textSpanContainsTextSpan(span: TextSpan, other: TextSpan): boolean;
function textSpanOverlapsWith(span: TextSpan, other: TextSpan): boolean;
function textSpanOverlap(span1: TextSpan, span2: TextSpan): TextSpan;
function textSpanIntersectsWithTextSpan(span: TextSpan, other: TextSpan): boolean;
function textSpanIntersectsWith(span: TextSpan, start: number, length: number): boolean;
function textSpanIntersectsWithPosition(span: TextSpan, position: number): boolean;
function textSpanIntersection(span1: TextSpan, span2: TextSpan): TextSpan;
function createTextSpan(start: number, length: number): TextSpan;
function createTextSpanFromBounds(start: number, end: number): TextSpan;
function textChangeRangeNewSpan(range: TextChangeRange): TextSpan;
function textChangeRangeIsUnchanged(range: TextChangeRange): boolean;
function createTextChangeRange(span: TextSpan, newLength: number): TextChangeRange;
var unchangedTextChangeRange: TextChangeRange;
* Called to merge all the changes that occurred across several versions of a script snapshot
* into a single change. i.e. if a user keeps making successive edits to a script we will
* have a text change from V1 to V2, V2 to V3, ..., Vn.
* This function will then merge those changes into a single change range valid between V1 and
* Vn.
function collapseTextChangeRangesAcrossMultipleVersions(changes: TextChangeRange[]): TextChangeRange;
function nodeStartsNewLexicalEnvironment(n: Node): boolean;
function nodeIsSynthesized(node: Node): boolean;
function createSynthesizedNode(kind: SyntaxKind, startsOnNewLine?: boolean): Node;
function generateUniqueName(baseName: string, isExistingName: (name: string) => boolean): string;
* Based heavily on the abstract 'Quote'/'QuoteJSONString' operation from ECMA-262 (,
* but augmented for a few select characters (e.g. lineSeparator, paragraphSeparator, nextLine)
* Note that this doesn't actually wrap the input in double quotes.
function escapeString(s: string): string;
function escapeNonAsciiCharacters(s: string): string;
declare module ts {
var optionDeclarations: CommandLineOption[];
function parseCommandLine(commandLine: string[]): ParsedCommandLine;
function readConfigFile(fileName: string): any;
function parseConfigFile(json: any, basePath?: string): ParsedCommandLine;
declare module ts {
interface ListItemInfo {
listItemIndex: number;
list: Node;
function getEndLinePosition(line: number, sourceFile: SourceFile): number;
function getLineStartPositionForPosition(position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile): number;
function rangeContainsRange(r1: TextRange, r2: TextRange): boolean;
function startEndContainsRange(start: number, end: number, range: TextRange): boolean;
function rangeContainsStartEnd(range: TextRange, start: number, end: number): boolean;
function rangeOverlapsWithStartEnd(r1: TextRange, start: number, end: number): boolean;
function startEndOverlapsWithStartEnd(start1: number, end1: number, start2: number, end2: number): boolean;
function findListItemInfo(node: Node): ListItemInfo;
function findChildOfKind(n: Node, kind: SyntaxKind, sourceFile?: SourceFile): Node;
function findContainingList(node: Node): Node;
function getTouchingWord(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): Node;
function getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): Node;
/** Returns the token if position is in [start, end) or if position === end and includeItemAtEndPosition(token) === true */
function getTouchingToken(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, includeItemAtEndPosition?: (n: Node) => boolean): Node;
/** Returns a token if position is in [start-of-leading-trivia, end) */
function getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): Node;
* The token on the left of the position is the token that strictly includes the position
* or sits to the left of the cursor if it is on a boundary. For example
* fo|o -> will return foo
* foo <comment> |bar -> will return foo
function findTokenOnLeftOfPosition(file: SourceFile, position: number): Node;
function findNextToken(previousToken: Node, parent: Node): Node;
function findPrecedingToken(position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile, startNode?: Node): Node;
function getNodeModifiers(node: Node): string;
function getTypeArgumentOrTypeParameterList(node: Node): NodeArray<Node>;
function isToken(n: Node): boolean;
function isComment(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean;
function isPunctuation(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean;
function isInsideTemplateLiteral(node: LiteralExpression, position: number): boolean;
function compareDataObjects(dst: any, src: any): boolean;
declare module ts {
function isFirstDeclarationOfSymbolParameter(symbol: Symbol): boolean;
function symbolPart(text: string, symbol: Symbol): SymbolDisplayPart;
function displayPart(text: string, kind: SymbolDisplayPartKind, symbol?: Symbol): SymbolDisplayPart;
function spacePart(): SymbolDisplayPart;
function keywordPart(kind: SyntaxKind): SymbolDisplayPart;
function punctuationPart(kind: SyntaxKind): SymbolDisplayPart;
function operatorPart(kind: SyntaxKind): SymbolDisplayPart;
function textPart(text: string): SymbolDisplayPart;
function lineBreakPart(): SymbolDisplayPart;
function mapToDisplayParts(writeDisplayParts: (writer: DisplayPartsSymbolWriter) => void): SymbolDisplayPart[];
function typeToDisplayParts(typechecker: TypeChecker, type: Type, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): SymbolDisplayPart[];
function symbolToDisplayParts(typeChecker: TypeChecker, symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, meaning?: SymbolFlags, flags?: SymbolFormatFlags): SymbolDisplayPart[];
function signatureToDisplayParts(typechecker: TypeChecker, signature: Signature, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): SymbolDisplayPart[];