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tests/cases/compiler/emitClassExpressionInDeclarationFile2.ts(1,12): error TS4094: Property 'p' of exported class expression may not be private or protected.
tests/cases/compiler/emitClassExpressionInDeclarationFile2.ts(1,12): error TS4094: Property 'ps' of exported class expression may not be private or protected.
tests/cases/compiler/emitClassExpressionInDeclarationFile2.ts(16,17): error TS4094: Property 'property' of exported class expression may not be private or protected.
tests/cases/compiler/emitClassExpressionInDeclarationFile2.ts(23,14): error TS4094: Property 'property' of exported class expression may not be private or protected.
==== tests/cases/compiler/emitClassExpressionInDeclarationFile2.ts (4 errors) ====
export var noPrivates = class {
!!! error TS4094: Property 'p' of exported class expression may not be private or protected.
!!! error TS4094: Property 'ps' of exported class expression may not be private or protected.
static getTags() { }
tags() { }
private static ps = -1
private p = 12
// altered repro from #15066 to add private property
export class FooItem {
foo(): void { }
name?: string;
private property = "capitalism"
export type Constructor<T> = new(...args: any[]) => T;
export function WithTags<T extends Constructor<FooItem>>(Base: T) {
!!! error TS4094: Property 'property' of exported class expression may not be private or protected.
return class extends Base {
static getTags(): void { }
tags(): void { }
export class Test extends WithTags(FooItem) {}
!!! error TS4094: Property 'property' of exported class expression may not be private or protected.
const test = new Test();