
188 lines
6.3 KiB

/// <reference path='fourslash.ts' />
/////** Namespace comment*/
////namespace m/*1*/1 {
//// /** b's comment*/
//// export var b: number;
//// /** foo's comment*/
//// function foo() {
//// return /*2*/b;
//// }
//// /** m2 comments*/
//// export namespace m2 {
//// /** class comment;*/
//// export class c {
//// };
//// /** i*/
//// export var i = new c();
//// }
//// /** exported function*/
//// export function fooExport() {
//// return fo/*3q*/o(/*3*/);
//// }
////var my/*7*/var = new m1.m2./*8*/c();
/////** namespace comment of m2.m3*/
////namespace m2.m3 {
//// /** Exported class comment*/
//// export class c {
//// }
////new /*9*/m2./*10*/m3./*11*/c();
/////** namespace comment of m3.m4.m5*/
////namespace m3.m4.m5 {
//// /** Exported class comment*/
//// export class c {
//// }
////new /*12*/m3./*13*/m4./*14*/m5./*15*/c();
/////** namespace comment of m4.m5.m6*/
////namespace m4.m5.m6 {
//// export namespace m7 {
//// /** Exported class comment*/
//// export class c {
//// }
//// }
////new /*16*/m4./*17*/m5./*18*/m6./*19*/m7./*20*/c();
/////** namespace comment of m5.m6.m7*/
////namespace m5.m6.m7 {
//// /** namespace m8 comment*/
//// export namespace m8 {
//// /** Exported class comment*/
//// export class c {
//// }
//// }
////new /*21*/m5./*22*/m6./*23*/m7./*24*/m8./*25*/c();
////namespace m6.m7 {
//// export namespace m8 {
//// /** Exported class comment*/
//// export class c {
//// }
//// }
////new /*26*/m6./*27*/m7./*28*/m8./*29*/c();
////namespace m7.m8 {
//// /** namespace m9 comment*/
//// export namespace m9 {
//// /** Exported class comment*/
//// export class c {
//// }
//// }
////new /*30*/m7./*31*/m8./*32*/m9./*33*/c();
////declare module "quotedM" {
//// export class c {
//// }
//// export var b: /*34*/c;
////namespace complexM {
//// export namespace m1 {
//// export class c {
//// public foo() {
//// return 30;
//// }
//// }
//// }
//// export namespace m2 {
//// export class c {
//// public foo2() {
//// return new complexM.m1.c();
//// }
//// }
//// }
////var myComp/*35*/lexVal = new compl/*36*/exM.m/*37*/2./*38*/c().f/*39*/oo2().f/*40*/oo();
verify.quickInfoAt("1", "namespace m1", "Namespace comment");
marker: "2",
includes: [
{ name: "b", text: "var b: number", documentation: "b's comment" },
{ name: "foo", text: "function foo(): number", documentation: "foo's comment" },
verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "3", docComment: "foo's comment" });
verify.quickInfoAt("3q", "function foo(): number", "foo's comment");
{ marker: "4", includes: { name: "m1", text: "namespace m1", documentation: "Namespace comment" } },
marker: "5",
includes: [
{ name: "b", text: "var m1.b: number", documentation: "b's comment" },
{ name: "fooExport", text: "function m1.fooExport(): number", documentation: "exported function" },
{ name: "m2", text: "namespace m1.m2", documentation: "m2 comments" },
verify.quickInfoAt("5", "function m1.fooExport(): number", "exported function");
verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "6", docComment: "exported function" });
verify.quickInfoAt("7", "var myvar: m1.m2.c");
verify.quickInfoAt("8", "constructor m1.m2.c(): m1.m2.c", "class comment;");
marker: "8",
includes: [
{ name: "c", text: "constructor m1.m2.c(): m1.m2.c", documentation: "class comment;" },
{ name: "i", text: "var m1.m2.i: m1.m2.c", documentation: "i" },
function both(marker: string, name: string, text: string, documentation?: string) {
verify.completions({ marker, includes: { name, text, documentation } });
verify.quickInfoAt(marker, text, documentation);
both("9", "m2", "namespace m2", "namespace comment of m2.m3");
both("10", "m3", "namespace m2.m3", "namespace comment of m2.m3");
both("11", "c", "constructor m2.m3.c(): m2.m3.c", "Exported class comment");
both("12", "m3", "namespace m3", "namespace comment of m3.m4.m5");
both("13", "m4", "namespace m3.m4", "namespace comment of m3.m4.m5");
both("14", "m5", "namespace m3.m4.m5", "namespace comment of m3.m4.m5");
both("15", "c", "constructor m3.m4.m5.c(): m3.m4.m5.c", "Exported class comment");
both("16", "m4", "namespace m4", "namespace comment of m4.m5.m6");
both("17", "m5", "namespace m4.m5", "namespace comment of m4.m5.m6");
both("18", "m6", "namespace m4.m5.m6", "namespace comment of m4.m5.m6");
both("19", "m7", "namespace m4.m5.m6.m7");
marker: "20",
includes: { name: "c", text: "constructor m4.m5.m6.m7.c(): m4.m5.m6.m7.c", documentation: "Exported class comment" },
verify.quickInfoAt("20", "constructor m4.m5.m6.m7.c(): m4.m5.m6.m7.c", "Exported class comment");
both("21", "m5", "namespace m5", "namespace comment of m5.m6.m7");
both("22", "m6", "namespace m5.m6", "namespace comment of m5.m6.m7");
both("23", "m7", "namespace m5.m6.m7", "namespace comment of m5.m6.m7");
both("24", "m8", "namespace m5.m6.m7.m8", "namespace m8 comment");
both("25", "c", "constructor m5.m6.m7.m8.c(): m5.m6.m7.m8.c", "Exported class comment");
both("26", "m6", "namespace m6");
both("27", "m7", "namespace m6.m7");
both("28", "m8", "namespace m6.m7.m8");
both("29", "c", "constructor m6.m7.m8.c(): m6.m7.m8.c", "Exported class comment");
both("30", "m7", "namespace m7");
both("31", "m8", "namespace m7.m8");
both("32", "m9", "namespace m7.m8.m9", "namespace m9 comment");
both("33", "c", "constructor m7.m8.m9.c(): m7.m8.m9.c", "Exported class comment");
both("34", "c", "class c");
35: "var myComplexVal: number",
36: "namespace complexM",
37: "namespace complexM.m2",
38: "constructor complexM.m2.c(): complexM.m2.c",
39: "(method) complexM.m2.c.foo2(): complexM.m1.c",
40: "(method) complexM.m1.c.foo(): number",