2015-04-22 18:00:09 -07:00

492 lines
20 KiB

/// <reference path="program.ts"/>
/// <reference path="commandLineParser.ts"/>
module ts {
export interface SourceFile {
fileWatcher: FileWatcher;
* Checks to see if the locale is in the appropriate format,
* and if it is, attempts to set the appropriate language.
function validateLocaleAndSetLanguage(locale: string, errors: Diagnostic[]): boolean {
var matchResult = /^([a-z]+)([_\-]([a-z]+))?$/.exec(locale.toLowerCase());
if (!matchResult) {
errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Locale_must_be_of_the_form_language_or_language_territory_For_example_0_or_1, 'en', 'ja-jp'));
return false;
var language = matchResult[1];
var territory = matchResult[3];
// First try the entire locale, then fall back to just language if that's all we have.
if (!trySetLanguageAndTerritory(language, territory, errors) &&
!trySetLanguageAndTerritory(language, undefined, errors)) {
errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Unsupported_locale_0, locale));
return false;
return true;
function trySetLanguageAndTerritory(language: string, territory: string, errors: Diagnostic[]): boolean {
var compilerFilePath = normalizePath(sys.getExecutingFilePath());
var containingDirectoryPath = getDirectoryPath(compilerFilePath);
var filePath = combinePaths(containingDirectoryPath, language);
if (territory) {
filePath = filePath + "-" + territory;
filePath = sys.resolvePath(combinePaths(filePath, "diagnosticMessages.generated.json"));
if (!sys.fileExists(filePath)) {
return false;
// TODO: Add codePage support for readFile?
try {
var fileContents = sys.readFile(filePath);
catch (e) {
errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Unable_to_open_file_0, filePath));
return false;
try {
ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages = JSON.parse(fileContents);
catch (e) {
errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Corrupted_locale_file_0, filePath));
return false;
return true;
function countLines(program: Program): number {
var count = 0;
forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), file => {
count += getLineStarts(file).length;
return count;
function getDiagnosticText(message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: any[]): string {
var diagnostic = createCompilerDiagnostic.apply(undefined, arguments);
return <string>diagnostic.messageText;
function reportDiagnostic(diagnostic: Diagnostic) {
var output = "";
if (diagnostic.file) {
var loc = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.file, diagnostic.start);
output += `${ diagnostic.file.fileName }(${ loc.line + 1 },${ loc.character + 1 }): `;
var category = DiagnosticCategory[diagnostic.category].toLowerCase();
output += `${ category } TS${ diagnostic.code }: ${ flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, sys.newLine) }${ sys.newLine }`;
function reportDiagnostics(diagnostics: Diagnostic[]) {
for (var i = 0; i < diagnostics.length; i++) {
function padLeft(s: string, length: number) {
while (s.length < length) {
s = " " + s;
return s;
function padRight(s: string, length: number) {
while (s.length < length) {
s = s + " ";
return s;
function reportStatisticalValue(name: string, value: string) {
sys.write(padRight(name + ":", 12) + padLeft(value.toString(), 10) + sys.newLine);
function reportCountStatistic(name: string, count: number) {
reportStatisticalValue(name, "" + count);
function reportTimeStatistic(name: string, time: number) {
reportStatisticalValue(name, (time / 1000).toFixed(2) + "s");
function isJSONSupported() {
return typeof JSON === "object" && typeof JSON.parse === "function";
export function executeCommandLine(args: string[]): void {
var commandLine = parseCommandLine(args);
var configFileName: string; // Configuration file name (if any)
var configFileWatcher: FileWatcher; // Configuration file watcher
var cachedProgram: Program; // Program cached from last compilation
var rootFileNames: string[]; // Root fileNames for compilation
var compilerOptions: CompilerOptions; // Compiler options for compilation
var compilerHost: CompilerHost; // Compiler host
var hostGetSourceFile: typeof compilerHost.getSourceFile; // getSourceFile method from default host
var timerHandle: number; // Handle for 0.25s wait timer
if (commandLine.options.locale) {
if (!isJSONSupported()) {
reportDiagnostic(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option, "--locale"));
return sys.exit(ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
validateLocaleAndSetLanguage(commandLine.options.locale, commandLine.errors);
// If there are any errors due to command line parsing and/or
// setting up localization, report them and quit.
if (commandLine.errors.length > 0) {
return sys.exit(ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
if (commandLine.options.version) {
reportDiagnostic(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Version_0, ts.version));
return sys.exit(ExitStatus.Success);
if (commandLine.options.help) {
return sys.exit(ExitStatus.Success);
if (commandLine.options.project) {
if (!isJSONSupported()) {
reportDiagnostic(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option, "--project"));
return sys.exit(ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
configFileName = normalizePath(combinePaths(commandLine.options.project, "tsconfig.json"));
if (commandLine.fileNames.length !== 0) {
return sys.exit(ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
else if (commandLine.fileNames.length === 0 && isJSONSupported()) {
var searchPath = normalizePath(sys.getCurrentDirectory());
configFileName = findConfigFile(searchPath);
if (commandLine.fileNames.length === 0 && !configFileName) {
return sys.exit(ExitStatus.Success);
if (commandLine.options.watch) {
if (!sys.watchFile) {
reportDiagnostic(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option, "--watch"));
return sys.exit(ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
if (configFileName) {
configFileWatcher = sys.watchFile(configFileName, configFileChanged);
// Invoked to perform initial compilation or re-compilation in watch mode
function performCompilation() {
if (!cachedProgram) {
if (configFileName) {
let result = readConfigFile(configFileName);
if (result.error) {
return sys.exit(ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
let configObject = result.config;
let configParseResult = parseConfigFile(configObject, sys, getDirectoryPath(configFileName));
if (configParseResult.errors.length > 0) {
return sys.exit(ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
rootFileNames = configParseResult.fileNames;
compilerOptions = extend(commandLine.options, configParseResult.options);
else {
rootFileNames = commandLine.fileNames;
compilerOptions = commandLine.options;
compilerHost = createCompilerHost(compilerOptions);
hostGetSourceFile = compilerHost.getSourceFile;
compilerHost.getSourceFile = getSourceFile;
let compileResult = compile(rootFileNames, compilerOptions, compilerHost);
if (!compilerOptions.watch) {
return sys.exit(compileResult.exitStatus);
function getSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError ?: (message: string) => void) {
// Return existing SourceFile object if one is available
if (cachedProgram) {
var sourceFile = cachedProgram.getSourceFile(fileName);
// A modified source file has no watcher and should not be reused
if (sourceFile && sourceFile.fileWatcher) {
return sourceFile;
// Use default host function
var sourceFile = hostGetSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError);
if (sourceFile && compilerOptions.watch) {
// Attach a file watcher
sourceFile.fileWatcher = sys.watchFile(sourceFile.fileName, () => sourceFileChanged(sourceFile));
return sourceFile;
// Change cached program to the given program
function setCachedProgram(program: Program) {
if (cachedProgram) {
var newSourceFiles = program ? program.getSourceFiles() : undefined;
forEach(cachedProgram.getSourceFiles(), sourceFile => {
if (!(newSourceFiles && contains(newSourceFiles, sourceFile))) {
if (sourceFile.fileWatcher) {
sourceFile.fileWatcher = undefined;
cachedProgram = program;
// If a source file changes, mark it as unwatched and start the recompilation timer
function sourceFileChanged(sourceFile: SourceFile) {
sourceFile.fileWatcher = undefined;
// If the configuration file changes, forget cached program and start the recompilation timer
function configFileChanged() {
// Upon detecting a file change, wait for 250ms and then perform a recompilation. This gives batch
// operations (such as saving all modified files in an editor) a chance to complete before we kick
// off a new compilation.
function startTimer() {
if (timerHandle) {
timerHandle = setTimeout(recompile, 250);
function recompile() {
timerHandle = undefined;
function compile(fileNames: string[], compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, compilerHost: CompilerHost) {
ioReadTime = 0;
ioWriteTime = 0;
programTime = 0;
bindTime = 0;
checkTime = 0;
emitTime = 0;
var program = createProgram(fileNames, compilerOptions, compilerHost);
var exitStatus = compileProgram();
if (compilerOptions.listFiles) {
forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), file => {
sys.write(file.fileName + sys.newLine);
if (compilerOptions.diagnostics) {
var memoryUsed = sys.getMemoryUsage ? sys.getMemoryUsage() : -1;
reportCountStatistic("Files", program.getSourceFiles().length);
reportCountStatistic("Lines", countLines(program));
reportCountStatistic("Nodes", program.getNodeCount());
reportCountStatistic("Identifiers", program.getIdentifierCount());
reportCountStatistic("Symbols", program.getSymbolCount());
reportCountStatistic("Types", program.getTypeCount());
if (memoryUsed >= 0) {
reportStatisticalValue("Memory used", Math.round(memoryUsed / 1000) + "K");
// Individual component times.
// Note: To match the behavior of previous versions of the compiler, the reported parse time includes
// I/O read time and processing time for triple-slash references and module imports, and the reported
// emit time includes I/O write time. We preserve this behavior so we can accurately compare times.
reportTimeStatistic("I/O read", ioReadTime);
reportTimeStatistic("I/O write", ioWriteTime);
reportTimeStatistic("Parse time", programTime);
reportTimeStatistic("Bind time", bindTime);
reportTimeStatistic("Check time", checkTime);
reportTimeStatistic("Emit time", emitTime);
reportTimeStatistic("Total time", programTime + bindTime + checkTime + emitTime);
return { program, exitStatus };
function compileProgram(): ExitStatus {
// First get any syntactic errors.
var diagnostics = program.getSyntacticDiagnostics();
// If we didn't have any syntactic errors, then also try getting the global and
// semantic errors.
if (diagnostics.length === 0) {
var diagnostics = program.getGlobalDiagnostics();
if (diagnostics.length === 0) {
var diagnostics = program.getSemanticDiagnostics();
// If the user doesn't want us to emit, then we're done at this point.
if (compilerOptions.noEmit) {
return diagnostics.length
? ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped
: ExitStatus.Success;
// Otherwise, emit and report any errors we ran into.
var emitOutput = program.emit();
// If the emitter didn't emit anything, then pass that value along.
if (emitOutput.emitSkipped) {
return ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped;
// The emitter emitted something, inform the caller if that happened in the presence
// of diagnostics or not.
if (diagnostics.length > 0 || emitOutput.diagnostics.length > 0) {
return ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated;
return ExitStatus.Success;
function printVersion() {
sys.write(getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.Version_0, ts.version) + sys.newLine);
function printHelp() {
var output = "";
// We want to align our "syntax" and "examples" commands to a certain margin.
var syntaxLength = getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.Syntax_Colon_0, "").length;
var examplesLength = getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.Examples_Colon_0, "").length;
var marginLength = Math.max(syntaxLength, examplesLength);
// Build up the syntactic skeleton.
var syntax = makePadding(marginLength - syntaxLength);
syntax += "tsc [" + getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.options) + "] [" + getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.file) + " ...]";
output += getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.Syntax_Colon_0, syntax);
output += sys.newLine + sys.newLine;
// Build up the list of examples.
var padding = makePadding(marginLength);
output += getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.Examples_Colon_0, makePadding(marginLength - examplesLength) + "tsc hello.ts") + sys.newLine;
output += padding + "tsc --out file.js file.ts" + sys.newLine;
output += padding + "tsc @args.txt" + sys.newLine;
output += sys.newLine;
output += getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.Options_Colon) + sys.newLine;
// Sort our options by their names, (e.g. "--noImplicitAny" comes before "--watch")
var optsList = filter(optionDeclarations.slice(), v => !v.experimental);
optsList.sort((a, b) => compareValues<string>(a.name.toLowerCase(), b.name.toLowerCase()));
// We want our descriptions to align at the same column in our output,
// so we keep track of the longest option usage string.
var marginLength = 0;
var usageColumn: string[] = []; // Things like "-d, --declaration" go in here.
var descriptionColumn: string[] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < optsList.length; i++) {
var option = optsList[i];
// If an option lacks a description,
// it is not officially supported.
if (!option.description) {
var usageText = " ";
if (option.shortName) {
usageText += "-" + option.shortName;
usageText += getParamType(option);
usageText += ", ";
usageText += "--" + option.name;
usageText += getParamType(option);
// Set the new margin for the description column if necessary.
marginLength = Math.max(usageText.length, marginLength);
// Special case that can't fit in the loop.
var usageText = " @<" + getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.file) + ">";
marginLength = Math.max(usageText.length, marginLength);
// Print out each row, aligning all the descriptions on the same column.
for (var i = 0; i < usageColumn.length; i++) {
var usage = usageColumn[i];
var description = descriptionColumn[i];
output += usage + makePadding(marginLength - usage.length + 2) + description + sys.newLine;
function getParamType(option: CommandLineOption) {
if (option.paramType !== undefined) {
return " " + getDiagnosticText(option.paramType);
return "";
function makePadding(paddingLength: number): string {
return Array(paddingLength + 1).join(" ");