
99 lines
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//// [asyncMethodWithSuper_es6.ts]
class A {
x() {
class B extends A {
// async method with only call/get on 'super' does not require a binding
async simple() {
// call with property access
// call with element access
// property access (read)
const a = super.x;
// element access (read)
const b = super["x"];
// async method with assignment/destructuring on 'super' requires a binding
async advanced() {
const f = () => {};
// call with property access
// call with element access
// property access (read)
const a = super.x;
// element access (read)
const b = super["x"];
// property access (assign)
super.x = f;
// element access (assign)
super["x"] = f;
// destructuring assign with property access
({ f: super.x } = { f });
// destructuring assign with element access
({ f: super["x"] } = { f });
//// [asyncMethodWithSuper_es6.js]
class A {
x() {
class B extends A {
// async method with only call/get on 'super' does not require a binding
simple() {
const _super = name => super[name];
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
// call with property access
// call with element access
// property access (read)
const a = _super("x");
// element access (read)
const b = _super("x");
// async method with assignment/destructuring on 'super' requires a binding
advanced() {
const _super = (function (geti, seti) {
const cache = Object.create(null);
return name => cache[name] || (cache[name] = { get value() { return geti(name); }, set value(v) { seti(name, v); } });
})(name => super[name], (name, value) => super[name] = value);
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const f = () => { };
// call with property access
// call with element access
// property access (read)
const a = _super("x").value;
// element access (read)
const b = _super("x").value;
// property access (assign)
_super("x").value = f;
// element access (assign)
_super("x").value = f;
// destructuring assign with property access
({ f: _super("x").value } = { f });
// destructuring assign with element access
({ f: _super("x").value } = { f });