2015-11-16 16:23:18 -08:00

342 lines
15 KiB

// Welcome to the FourSlash syntax guide!
// A line in the source text is indicated by four slashes (////)
// Tip: Hit Ctrl-K Ctrl-C Ctrl-K Ctrl-C to prefix-slash any selected block of text in Visual Studio
//// This is a line in the source text!
// Files are terminated by any entirely blank line (e.g.
// interspersed //-initiated comments are allowed)
// You can indicate a 'marker' with /**/
//// function./**/
// ... goTo.marker();
// Optionally, markers may have names:
//// function.go(/*1*/x, /*2*/y);
// goTo.marker('1');
// Marker names may consist of any alphanumeric characters
// File metadata must occur directly before the first line of source text
// and is indicated by an @ symbol:
// @Filename: lib.d.ts
//// this is the first line of my file
// Global options may appear anywhere
// @Module: Node
// @Target: ES5
// In the imperative section, you can write any valid TypeScript code.
// For API editors:
// When editting this file, and only while editing this file, enable the reference comments
// and comment out the declarations in this section to get proper type information.
// Undo these changes before compiling/committing/editing any other fourslash tests.
// The test suite will likely crash if you try 'jake runtests' with reference comments enabled.
// Explanation:
// We want type-completion while we edit this file, but at compile time/while editting fourslash tests,
// we don't want to include the following reference because we are compiling this file in "--out" mode and don't want to rope
// in the entire codebase into the compilation each fourslash test. Additionally, we don't want to expose the
// src/harness/fourslash.ts API's (or the rest of the compiler) because they are unstable and complicate the
// fourslash testing DSL. Finally, in this case, runtime reflection is (much) faster.
// TODO: figure out a better solution to the API exposure problem.
declare module ts {
interface SymbolDisplayPart {
text: string;
kind: string;
enum IndentStyle {
None = 0,
Block = 1,
Smart = 2,
declare namespace FourSlashInterface {
interface Marker {
fileName: string;
position: number;
data?: any;
interface EditorOptions {
IndentSize: number;
TabSize: number;
NewLineCharacter: string;
ConvertTabsToSpaces: boolean;
interface FormatCodeOptions extends EditorOptions {
InsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: boolean;
InsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: boolean;
InsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: boolean;
InsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: boolean;
InsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: boolean;
InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: boolean;
InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: boolean;
PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: boolean;
PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: boolean;
[s: string]: boolean | number | string;
interface Range {
fileName: string;
start: number;
end: number;
marker?: Marker;
interface TextSpan {
start: number;
end: number;
class test_ {
markers(): Marker[];
marker(name?: string): Marker;
ranges(): Range[];
markerByName(s: string): Marker;
class goTo {
marker(name?: string): void;
bof(): void;
eof(): void;
definition(definitionIndex?: number): void;
type(definitionIndex?: number): void;
position(position: number, fileIndex?: number): any;
position(position: number, fileName?: string): any;
file(index: number, content?: string): any;
file(name: string, content?: string): any;
class verifyNegatable {
private negative;
not: verifyNegatable;
constructor(negative?: boolean);
memberListContains(symbol: string, text?: string, documenation?: string, kind?: string): void;
memberListCount(expectedCount: number): void;
completionListContains(symbol: string, text?: string, documentation?: string, kind?: string): void;
completionListItemsCountIsGreaterThan(count: number): void;
completionListIsEmpty(): void;
completionListAllowsNewIdentifier(): void;
memberListIsEmpty(): void;
referencesCountIs(count: number): void;
referencesAtPositionContains(range: Range, isWriteAccess?: boolean): void;
signatureHelpPresent(): void;
errorExistsBetweenMarkers(startMarker: string, endMarker: string): void;
errorExistsAfterMarker(markerName?: string): void;
errorExistsBeforeMarker(markerName?: string): void;
quickInfoIs(expectedText?: string, expectedDocumentation?: string): void;
quickInfoExists(): void;
definitionCountIs(expectedCount: number): void;
typeDefinitionCountIs(expectedCount: number): void;
definitionLocationExists(): void;
verifyDefinitionsName(name: string, containerName: string): void;
class verify extends verifyNegatable {
caretAtMarker(markerName?: string): void;
indentationIs(numberOfSpaces: number): void;
indentationAtPositionIs(fileName: string, position: number, numberOfSpaces: number, indentStyle?: IndentStyle): void;
textAtCaretIs(text: string): void;
* Compiles the current file and evaluates 'expr' in a context containing
* the emitted output, then compares (using ===) the result of that expression
* to 'value'. Do not use this function with external modules as it is not supported.
eval(expr: string, value: any): void;
currentLineContentIs(text: string): void;
currentFileContentIs(text: string): void;
verifyGetEmitOutputForCurrentFile(expected: string): void;
currentParameterHelpArgumentNameIs(name: string): void;
currentParameterSpanIs(parameter: string): void;
currentParameterHelpArgumentDocCommentIs(docComment: string): void;
currentSignatureHelpDocCommentIs(docComment: string): void;
signatureHelpCountIs(expected: number): void;
signatureHelpArgumentCountIs(expected: number): void;
currentSignatureParameterCountIs(expected: number): void;
currentSignatureTypeParameterCountIs(expected: number): void;
currentSignatureHelpIs(expected: string): void;
numberOfErrorsInCurrentFile(expected: number): void;
baselineCurrentFileBreakpointLocations(): void;
baselineCurrentFileNameOrDottedNameSpans(): void;
baselineGetEmitOutput(): void;
nameOrDottedNameSpanTextIs(text: string): void;
outliningSpansInCurrentFile(spans: TextSpan[]): void;
todoCommentsInCurrentFile(descriptors: string[]): void;
matchingBracePositionInCurrentFile(bracePosition: number, expectedMatchPosition: number): void;
noMatchingBracePositionInCurrentFile(bracePosition: number): void;
DocCommentTemplate(expectedText: string, expectedOffset: number, empty?: boolean): void;
noDocCommentTemplate(): void;
getScriptLexicalStructureListCount(count: number): void;
getScriptLexicalStructureListContains(name: string, kind: string, fileName?: string, parentName?: string, isAdditionalSpan?: boolean, markerPosition?: number): void;
navigationItemsListCount(count: number, searchValue: string, matchKind?: string): void;
navigationItemsListContains(name: string, kind: string, searchValue: string, matchKind: string, fileName?: string, parentName?: string): void;
occurrencesAtPositionContains(range: Range, isWriteAccess?: boolean): void;
occurrencesAtPositionCount(expectedCount: number): void;
documentHighlightsAtPositionContains(range: Range, fileNamesToSearch: string[], kind?: string): void;
documentHighlightsAtPositionCount(expectedCount: number, fileNamesToSearch: string[]): void;
completionEntryDetailIs(entryName: string, text: string, documentation?: string, kind?: string): void;
* This method *requires* a contiguous, complete, and ordered stream of classifications for a file.
syntacticClassificationsAre(...classifications: {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
}[]): void;
* This method *requires* an ordered stream of classifications for a file, and spans are highly recommended.
semanticClassificationsAre(...classifications: {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
}[]): void;
renameInfoSucceeded(displayName?: string, fullDisplayName?: string, kind?: string, kindModifiers?: string): void;
renameInfoFailed(message?: string): void;
renameLocations(findInStrings: boolean, findInComments: boolean): void;
verifyQuickInfoDisplayParts(kind: string, kindModifiers: string, textSpan: {
start: number;
length: number;
}, displayParts: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[], documentation: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[]): void;
getSyntacticDiagnostics(expected: string): void;
getSemanticDiagnostics(expected: string): void;
ProjectInfo(expected: string[]): void;
class edit {
backspace(count?: number): void;
deleteAtCaret(times?: number): void;
replace(start: number, length: number, text: string): void;
paste(text: string): void;
insert(text: string): void;
insertLine(text: string): void;
insertLines(...lines: string[]): void;
moveRight(count?: number): void;
moveLeft(count?: number): void;
enableFormatting(): void;
disableFormatting(): void;
class debug {
printCurrentParameterHelp(): void;
printCurrentFileState(): void;
printCurrentFileStateWithWhitespace(): void;
printCurrentFileStateWithoutCaret(): void;
printCurrentQuickInfo(): void;
printCurrentSignatureHelp(): void;
printMemberListMembers(): void;
printCompletionListMembers(): void;
printBreakpointLocation(pos: number): void;
printBreakpointAtCurrentLocation(): void;
printNameOrDottedNameSpans(pos: number): void;
printErrorList(): void;
printNavigationItems(searchValue?: string): void;
printScriptLexicalStructureItems(): void;
printReferences(): void;
printContext(): void;
class format {
document(): void;
copyFormatOptions(): FormatCodeOptions;
setFormatOptions(options: FormatCodeOptions): any;
selection(startMarker: string, endMarker: string): void;
setOption(name: string, value: number): any;
setOption(name: string, value: string): any;
setOption(name: string, value: boolean): any;
class cancellation {
resetCancelled(): void;
setCancelled(numberOfCalls?: number): void;
module classification {
function comment(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function identifier(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function keyword(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function numericLiteral(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function operator(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function stringLiteral(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function whiteSpace(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function text(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function punctuation(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function docCommentTagName(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function className(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function enumName(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function interfaceName(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function moduleName(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function typeParameterName(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function parameterName(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
function typeAliasName(text: string, position?: number): {
classificationType: string;
text: string;
textSpan?: TextSpan;
declare function verifyOperationIsCancelled(f: any): void;
declare var test: FourSlashInterface.test_;
declare var goTo: FourSlashInterface.goTo;
declare var verify: FourSlashInterface.verify;
declare var edit: FourSlashInterface.edit;
declare var debug: FourSlashInterface.debug;
declare var format: FourSlashInterface.format;
declare var cancellation: FourSlashInterface.cancellation;
declare var classification: typeof FourSlashInterface.classification;