Andy eadf44d073
Add generateTypesForModule to public API (#28069)
* Add generateTypesForModule to public API

* Avoid parameter initializer and update baselines
2018-10-23 16:10:26 -07:00

236 lines
6.5 KiB

export class Array {
static from(p0: any): any;
static isArray(p0: any): any;
static of(): any;
concat(p0: any): any;
copyWithin(p0: any, p1: any): any;
entries(): any;
every(p0: any): any;
fill(p0: any): any;
filter(p0: any): any;
find(p0: any): any;
findIndex(p0: any): any;
forEach(p0: any): any;
includes(p0: any): any;
indexOf(p0: any): any;
join(p0: any): any;
keys(): any;
lastIndexOf(p0: any): any;
map(p0: any): any;
pop(): any;
push(p0: any): any;
reduce(p0: any): any;
reduceRight(p0: any): any;
reverse(): any;
shift(): any;
slice(p0: any, p1: any): any;
some(p0: any): any;
sort(p0: any): any;
splice(p0: any, p1: any): any;
toLocaleString(): any;
unshift(p0: any): any;
export class Boolean {
constructor(p0: any);
valueOf(): any;
export class Date {
static UTC(p0: any, p1: any, p2: any, p3: any, p4: any, p5: any, p6: any): any;
static now(): any;
static parse(p0: any): any;
constructor(p0: any, p1: any, p2: any, p3: any, p4: any, p5: any, p6: any);
getDate(): any;
getDay(): any;
getFullYear(): any;
getHours(): any;
getMilliseconds(): any;
getMinutes(): any;
getMonth(): any;
getSeconds(): any;
getTime(): any;
getTimezoneOffset(): any;
getUTCDate(): any;
getUTCDay(): any;
getUTCFullYear(): any;
getUTCHours(): any;
getUTCMilliseconds(): any;
getUTCMinutes(): any;
getUTCMonth(): any;
getUTCSeconds(): any;
getYear(): any;
setDate(p0: any): any;
setFullYear(p0: any, p1: any, p2: any): any;
setHours(p0: any, p1: any, p2: any, p3: any): any;
setMilliseconds(p0: any): any;
setMinutes(p0: any, p1: any, p2: any): any;
setMonth(p0: any, p1: any): any;
setSeconds(p0: any, p1: any): any;
setTime(p0: any): any;
setUTCDate(p0: any): any;
setUTCFullYear(p0: any, p1: any, p2: any): any;
setUTCHours(p0: any, p1: any, p2: any, p3: any): any;
setUTCMilliseconds(p0: any): any;
setUTCMinutes(p0: any, p1: any, p2: any): any;
setUTCMonth(p0: any, p1: any): any;
setUTCSeconds(p0: any, p1: any): any;
setYear(p0: any): any;
toDateString(): any;
toGMTString(): any;
toISOString(): any;
toJSON(p0: any): any;
toLocaleDateString(): any;
toLocaleString(): any;
toLocaleTimeString(): any;
toTimeString(): any;
toUTCString(): any;
valueOf(): any;
export namespace Math {
const E: number;
const LN10: number;
const LN2: number;
const LOG10E: number;
const LOG2E: number;
const PI: number;
const SQRT1_2: number;
const SQRT2: number;
function abs(p0: any): any;
function acos(p0: any): any;
function acosh(p0: any): any;
function asin(p0: any): any;
function asinh(p0: any): any;
function atan(p0: any): any;
function atan2(p0: any, p1: any): any;
function atanh(p0: any): any;
function cbrt(p0: any): any;
function ceil(p0: any): any;
function clz32(p0: any): any;
function cos(p0: any): any;
function cosh(p0: any): any;
function exp(p0: any): any;
function expm1(p0: any): any;
function floor(p0: any): any;
function fround(p0: any): any;
function hypot(p0: any, p1: any): any;
function imul(p0: any, p1: any): any;
function log(p0: any): any;
function log10(p0: any): any;
function log1p(p0: any): any;
function log2(p0: any): any;
function max(p0: any, p1: any): any;
function min(p0: any, p1: any): any;
function pow(p0: any, p1: any): any;
function random(): any;
function round(p0: any): any;
function sign(p0: any): any;
function sin(p0: any): any;
function sinh(p0: any): any;
function sqrt(p0: any): any;
function tan(p0: any): any;
function tanh(p0: any): any;
function trunc(p0: any): any;
export class Number {
static EPSILON: number;
static MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: number;
static MAX_VALUE: number;
static MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: number;
static MIN_VALUE: number;
static NEGATIVE_INFINITY: number;
static NaN: number;
static POSITIVE_INFINITY: number;
static isFinite(p0: any): any;
static isInteger(p0: any): any;
static isNaN(p0: any): any;
static isSafeInteger(p0: any): any;
static parseFloat(p0: any): any;
static parseInt(p0: any, p1: any): any;
constructor(p0: any);
toExponential(p0: any): any;
toFixed(p0: any): any;
toLocaleString(): any;
toPrecision(p0: any): any;
toString(p0: any): any;
valueOf(): any;
export class RegExp {
static $1: any;
static $2: any;
static $3: any;
static $4: any;
static $5: any;
static $6: any;
static $7: any;
static $8: any;
static $9: any;
static $_: any;
static input: any;
static lastMatch: any;
static lastParen: any;
static leftContext: any;
static rightContext: any;
constructor(p0: any, p1: any);
compile(p0: any, p1: any): any;
exec(p0: any): any;
test(p0: any): any;
export class String {
static fromCharCode(p0: any): any;
static fromCodePoint(p0: any): any;
static raw(p0: any): any;
anchor(p0: any): any;
big(): any;
blink(): any;
bold(): any;
charAt(p0: any): any;
charCodeAt(p0: any): any;
codePointAt(p0: any): any;
concat(p0: any): any;
endsWith(p0: any): any;
fixed(): any;
fontcolor(p0: any): any;
fontsize(p0: any): any;
includes(p0: any): any;
indexOf(p0: any): any;
italics(): any;
lastIndexOf(p0: any): any;
link(p0: any): any;
localeCompare(p0: any): any;
match(p0: any): any;
normalize(): any;
repeat(p0: any): any;
replace(p0: any, p1: any): any;
search(p0: any): any;
slice(p0: any, p1: any): any;
small(): any;
split(p0: any, p1: any): any;
startsWith(p0: any): any;
strike(): any;
sub(): any;
substr(p0: any, p1: any): any;
substring(p0: any, p1: any): any;
sup(): any;
toLocaleLowerCase(): any;
toLocaleUpperCase(): any;
toLowerCase(): any;
toUpperCase(): any;
trim(): any;
trimLeft(): any;
trimRight(): any;
valueOf(): any;
export class Symbol {
static hasInstance: symbol;
static isConcatSpreadable: symbol;
static iterator: symbol;
static keyFor(p0: any): any;
static match: symbol;
static replace: symbol;
static search: symbol;
static species: symbol;
static split: symbol;
static toPrimitive: symbol;
static toStringTag: symbol;
static unscopables: symbol;
valueOf(): any;