Anders Hejlsberg c1f676dd3f
Perform intersection reduction before and after getApparentType (#38565)
* Perform intersection reduction before and after getApparentType

* Add regression tests
2020-05-13 20:57:17 -07:00

142 lines
3.5 KiB

// @strict: false
declare const sym1: unique symbol;
declare const sym2: unique symbol;
type T1 = string & 'a'; // 'a'
type T2 = 'a' & string & 'b'; // never
type T3 = number & 10; // 10
type T4 = 10 & number & 20; // never
type T5 = symbol & typeof sym1; // typeof sym1
type T6 = typeof sym1 & symbol & typeof sym2; // never
type T7 = string & 'a' & number & 10 & symbol & typeof sym1; // never
type T10 = string & ('a' | 'b'); // 'a' | 'b'
type T11 = (string | number) & ('a' | 10); // 'a' | 10
type N1 = 'a' & 'b';
type N2 = { a: string } & null;
type N3 = { a: string } & undefined;
type N4 = string & number;
type N5 = number & object;
type N6 = symbol & string;
type N7 = void & string;
type X = { x: string };
type X1 = X | 'a' & 'b';
type X2 = X | { a: string } & null;
type X3 = X | { a: string } & undefined;
type X4 = X | string & number;
type X5 = X | number & object;
type X6 = X | symbol & string;
type X7 = X | void & string;
type A = { kind: 'a', foo: string };
type B = { kind: 'b', foo: number };
type C = { kind: 'c', foo: number };
declare let ab: A & B;
ab.kind; // Error
declare let x: A | (B & C); // A
let a: A = x;
type AB = A & B; // never
type BC = B & C; // never
type U1 = Partial<A & B>; // never
type U2 = Readonly<A & B>; // never
type U3 = (A & B)['kind']; // never
type U4 = A & B | B & C; // never
type U5 = A | B & C; // A
type K1 = keyof (A & B); // string | number | symbol
type K2 = keyof A | keyof B; // 'kind' | 'foo'
type Merge1<T, U> = { [P in keyof (T & U)]: P extends keyof T ? T[P] : U[P & keyof U] }
type Merge2<T, U> = { [P in keyof T | keyof U]: P extends keyof T ? T[P] : U[P & keyof U] }
type M1 = { a: 1, b: 2 } & { a: 2, c: 3 }; // never
type M2 = Merge1<{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 2, c: 3 }>; // {}
type M3 = Merge2<{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 2, c: 3 }>; // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
type D = { kind: 'd', foo: unknown };
type E = { kind: 'e', foo: unknown };
declare function f10<T>(x: { foo: T }): T;
declare let a1: A | D;
declare let a2: A | D & E;
let r1 = f10(a1); // unknown
let r2 = f10(a2); // string
// Repro from #31663
const x1 = { a: 'foo', b: 42 };
const x2 = { a: 'foo', b: true };
declare let k: 'a' | 'b';
x1[k] = 'bar' as any; // Error
x2[k] = 'bar' as any; // Error
const enum Tag1 {}
const enum Tag2 {}
declare let s1: string & Tag1;
declare let s2: string & Tag2;
declare let t1: string & Tag1 | undefined;
declare let t2: string & Tag2 | undefined;
s1 = s2;
s2 = s1;
t1 = t2;
t2 = t1;
// Repro from #36736
const f1 = (t: "a" | ("b" & "c")): "a" => t;
type Container<Type extends string> = {
type: Type;
const f2 = (t: Container<"a"> | (Container<"b"> & Container<"c">)): Container<"a"> => t;
const f3 = (t: Container<"a"> | (Container<"b"> & { dataB: boolean } & Container<"a">)): Container<"a"> => t;
const f4 = (t: number | (Container<"b"> & { dataB: boolean } & Container<"a">)): number => t;
// Repro from #38549
interface A2 {
kind: "A";
a: number;
interface B2 {
kind: "B";
b: number;
declare const shouldBeB: (A2 | B2) & B2;
const b: B2 = shouldBeB; // works
function inGeneric<T extends A2 | B2>(alsoShouldBeB: T & B2) {
const b: B2 = alsoShouldBeB;
// Repro from #38542
interface ABI {
kind: 'a' | 'b';
declare class CA { kind: 'a'; a: string; x: number };
declare class CB { kind: 'b'; b: string; y: number };
function bar<T extends CA | CB>(x: T & CA) {
let ab: ABI = x;