Anders Hejlsberg fbce4f6c98
Intrinsic string types (#40580)
* Introduce Uppercase<T> and Lowercase<T> intrinsic types

* Accept new API baselines

* Add Uppercase/Lowercase/Capitalize/Uncapitalize to lib.d.ts

* Update fourslash

* Add an 'intrinsic' keyword

* Update template literal type tests

* Accept new API baselines

* Minor fixes

* Switch Capitalize<T> and Uncapitalize<T> to intrinsic types

* Add tests

* Accept new baselines

* Accept new baselines

* Remove template literal type casing modifiers

* Update tests

* Accept new baselines

* Add more tests

* Normalize nested template literal types

* Add normalization tests

* Accept new baselines

* Update tests
2020-09-21 07:09:29 -10:00

57 lines
1.8 KiB

// @strict: true
// @declaration: true
type TU1 = Uppercase<'hello'>; // "HELLO"
type TU2 = Uppercase<'foo' | 'bar'>; // "FOO" | "BAR"
type TU3 = Uppercase<string>; // string
type TU4 = Uppercase<any>; // any
type TU5 = Uppercase<never>; // never
type TU6 = Uppercase<42>; // Error
type TL1 = Lowercase<'HELLO'>; // "hello"
type TL2 = Lowercase<'FOO' | 'BAR'>; // "foo" | "bar"
type TL3 = Lowercase<string>; // string
type TL4 = Lowercase<any>; // any
type TL5 = Lowercase<never>; // never
type TL6 = Lowercase<42>; // Error
type TC1 = Capitalize<'hello'>; // "Hello"
type TC2 = Capitalize<'foo' | 'bar'>; // "Foo" | "Bar"
type TC3 = Capitalize<string>; // string
type TC4 = Capitalize<any>; // any
type TC5 = Capitalize<never>; // never
type TC6 = Capitalize<42>; // Error
type TN1 = Uncapitalize<'Hello'>; // "hello"
type TN2 = Uncapitalize<'Foo' | 'Bar'>; // "foo" | "bar"
type TN3 = Uncapitalize<string>; // string
type TN4 = Uncapitalize<any>; // any
type TN5 = Uncapitalize<never>; // never
type TN6 = Uncapitalize<42>; // Error
type TX1<S extends string> = Uppercase<`aB${S}`>;
type TX2 = TX1<'xYz'>; // "ABXYZ"
type TX3<S extends string> = Lowercase<`aB${S}`>;
type TX4 = TX3<'xYz'>; // "abxyz"
type TX5 = `${Uppercase<'abc'>}${Lowercase<'XYZ'>}`; // "ABCxyz"
type MyUppercase<S extends string> = intrinsic; // Error
function foo1<T extends string, U extends T>(s: string, x: Uppercase<T>, y: Uppercase<U>) {
s = x;
s = y;
x = s; // Error
x = y;
y = s; // Error
y = x; // Error
function foo2<T extends 'foo' | 'bar'>(x: Uppercase<T>) {
let s: 'FOO' | 'BAR' = x;
declare function foo3<T extends string>(x: Uppercase<T>): T;
function foo4<U extends string>(x: Uppercase<U>) {
return foo3(x);