Mohamed Hegazy 97d40ab432 Update LKG
2016-10-13 17:08:58 -07:00

1848 lines
59 KiB

* Declaration module describing the TypeScript Server protocol
declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
namespace CommandTypes {
type Brace = "brace";
type BraceCompletion = "braceCompletion";
type Change = "change";
type Close = "close";
type Completions = "completions";
type CompletionDetails = "completionEntryDetails";
type CompileOnSaveAffectedFileList = "compileOnSaveAffectedFileList";
type CompileOnSaveEmitFile = "compileOnSaveEmitFile";
type Configure = "configure";
type Definition = "definition";
type Implementation = "implementation";
type Exit = "exit";
type Format = "format";
type Formatonkey = "formatonkey";
type Geterr = "geterr";
type GeterrForProject = "geterrForProject";
type SemanticDiagnosticsSync = "semanticDiagnosticsSync";
type SyntacticDiagnosticsSync = "syntacticDiagnosticsSync";
type NavBar = "navbar";
type Navto = "navto";
type NavTree = "navtree";
type NavTreeFull = "navtree-full";
type Occurrences = "occurrences";
type DocumentHighlights = "documentHighlights";
type Open = "open";
type Quickinfo = "quickinfo";
type References = "references";
type Reload = "reload";
type Rename = "rename";
type Saveto = "saveto";
type SignatureHelp = "signatureHelp";
type TypeDefinition = "typeDefinition";
type ProjectInfo = "projectInfo";
type ReloadProjects = "reloadProjects";
type Unknown = "unknown";
type OpenExternalProject = "openExternalProject";
type OpenExternalProjects = "openExternalProjects";
type CloseExternalProject = "closeExternalProject";
type TodoComments = "todoComments";
type Indentation = "indentation";
type DocCommentTemplate = "docCommentTemplate";
type CompilerOptionsForInferredProjects = "compilerOptionsForInferredProjects";
type GetCodeFixes = "getCodeFixes";
type GetSupportedCodeFixes = "getSupportedCodeFixes";
* A TypeScript Server message
interface Message {
* Sequence number of the message
seq: number;
* One of "request", "response", or "event"
type: string;
* Client-initiated request message
interface Request extends Message {
* The command to execute
command: string;
* Object containing arguments for the command
arguments?: any;
* Request to reload the project structure for all the opened files
interface ReloadProjectsRequest extends Message {
command: CommandTypes.ReloadProjects;
* Server-initiated event message
interface Event extends Message {
* Name of event
event: string;
* Event-specific information
body?: any;
* Response by server to client request message.
interface Response extends Message {
* Sequence number of the request message.
request_seq: number;
* Outcome of the request.
success: boolean;
* The command requested.
command: string;
* Contains error message if success === false.
message?: string;
* Contains message body if success === true.
body?: any;
* Arguments for FileRequest messages.
interface FileRequestArgs {
* The file for the request (absolute pathname required).
file: string;
projectFileName?: string;
* Requests a JS Doc comment template for a given position
interface DocCommentTemplateRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.DocCommentTemplate;
* Response to DocCommentTemplateRequest
interface DocCommandTemplateResponse extends Response {
body?: TextInsertion;
* A request to get TODO comments from the file
interface TodoCommentRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.TodoComments;
arguments: TodoCommentRequestArgs;
* Arguments for TodoCommentRequest request.
interface TodoCommentRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Array of target TodoCommentDescriptors that describes TODO comments to be found
descriptors: TodoCommentDescriptor[];
* Response for TodoCommentRequest request.
interface TodoCommentsResponse extends Response {
body?: TodoComment[];
* A request to get indentation for a location in file
interface IndentationRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Indentation;
arguments: IndentationRequestArgs;
* Response for IndentationRequest request.
interface IndentationResponse extends Response {
body?: IndentationResult;
* Indentation result representing where indentation should be placed
interface IndentationResult {
* The base position in the document that the indent should be relative to
position: number;
* The number of columns the indent should be at relative to the position's column.
indentation: number;
* Arguments for IndentationRequest request.
interface IndentationRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* An optional set of settings to be used when computing indentation.
* If argument is omitted - then it will use settings for file that were previously set via 'configure' request or global settings.
options?: EditorSettings;
* Arguments for ProjectInfoRequest request.
interface ProjectInfoRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Indicate if the file name list of the project is needed
needFileNameList: boolean;
* A request to get the project information of the current file.
interface ProjectInfoRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.ProjectInfo;
arguments: ProjectInfoRequestArgs;
* A request to retrieve compiler options diagnostics for a project
interface CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequest extends Request {
arguments: CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequestArgs;
* Arguments for CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequest request.
interface CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequestArgs {
* Name of the project to retrieve compiler options diagnostics.
projectFileName: string;
* Response message body for "projectInfo" request
interface ProjectInfo {
* For configured project, this is the normalized path of the 'tsconfig.json' file
* For inferred project, this is undefined
configFileName: string;
* The list of normalized file name in the project, including 'lib.d.ts'
fileNames?: string[];
* Indicates if the project has a active language service instance
languageServiceDisabled?: boolean;
* Represents diagnostic info that includes location of diagnostic in two forms
* - start position and length of the error span
* - startLocation and endLocation - a pair of Location objects that store start/end line and offset of the error span.
interface DiagnosticWithLinePosition {
message: string;
start: number;
length: number;
startLocation: Location;
endLocation: Location;
category: string;
code: number;
* Response message for "projectInfo" request
interface ProjectInfoResponse extends Response {
body?: ProjectInfo;
* Request whose sole parameter is a file name.
interface FileRequest extends Request {
arguments: FileRequestArgs;
* Instances of this interface specify a location in a source file:
* (file, line, character offset), where line and character offset are 1-based.
interface FileLocationRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* The line number for the request (1-based).
line: number;
* The character offset (on the line) for the request (1-based).
offset: number;
* Request for the available codefixes at a specific position.
interface CodeFixRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.GetCodeFixes;
arguments: CodeFixRequestArgs;
* Instances of this interface specify errorcodes on a specific location in a sourcefile.
interface CodeFixRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* The line number for the request (1-based).
startLine: number;
* The character offset (on the line) for the request (1-based).
startOffset: number;
* The line number for the request (1-based).
endLine: number;
* The character offset (on the line) for the request (1-based).
endOffset: number;
* Errorcodes we want to get the fixes for.
errorCodes?: number[];
* Response for GetCodeFixes request.
interface GetCodeFixesResponse extends Response {
body?: CodeAction[];
* A request whose arguments specify a file location (file, line, col).
interface FileLocationRequest extends FileRequest {
arguments: FileLocationRequestArgs;
* A request to get codes of supported code fixes.
interface GetSupportedCodeFixesRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.GetSupportedCodeFixes;
* A response for GetSupportedCodeFixesRequest request.
interface GetSupportedCodeFixesResponse extends Response {
* List of error codes supported by the server.
body?: string[];
* Arguments for EncodedSemanticClassificationsRequest request.
interface EncodedSemanticClassificationsRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Start position of the span.
start: number;
* Length of the span.
length: number;
* Arguments in document highlight request; include: filesToSearch, file,
* line, offset.
interface DocumentHighlightsRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* List of files to search for document highlights.
filesToSearch: string[];
* Go to definition request; value of command field is
* "definition". Return response giving the file locations that
* define the symbol found in file at location line, col.
interface DefinitionRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Definition;
* Go to type request; value of command field is
* "typeDefinition". Return response giving the file locations that
* define the type for the symbol found in file at location line, col.
interface TypeDefinitionRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.TypeDefinition;
* Go to implementation request; value of command field is
* "implementation". Return response giving the file locations that
* implement the symbol found in file at location line, col.
interface ImplementationRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Implementation;
* Location in source code expressed as (one-based) line and character offset.
interface Location {
line: number;
offset: number;
* Object found in response messages defining a span of text in source code.
interface TextSpan {
* First character of the definition.
start: Location;
* One character past last character of the definition.
end: Location;
* Object found in response messages defining a span of text in a specific source file.
interface FileSpan extends TextSpan {
* File containing text span.
file: string;
* Definition response message. Gives text range for definition.
interface DefinitionResponse extends Response {
body?: FileSpan[];
* Definition response message. Gives text range for definition.
interface TypeDefinitionResponse extends Response {
body?: FileSpan[];
* Implementation response message. Gives text range for implementations.
interface ImplementationResponse extends Response {
body?: FileSpan[];
* Request to get brace completion for a location in the file.
interface BraceCompletionRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.BraceCompletion;
arguments: BraceCompletionRequestArgs;
* Argument for BraceCompletionRequest request.
interface BraceCompletionRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Kind of opening brace
openingBrace: string;
* Get occurrences request; value of command field is
* "occurrences". Return response giving spans that are relevant
* in the file at a given line and column.
interface OccurrencesRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Occurrences;
interface OccurrencesResponseItem extends FileSpan {
* True if the occurrence is a write location, false otherwise.
isWriteAccess: boolean;
interface OccurrencesResponse extends Response {
body?: OccurrencesResponseItem[];
* Get document highlights request; value of command field is
* "documentHighlights". Return response giving spans that are relevant
* in the file at a given line and column.
interface DocumentHighlightsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.DocumentHighlights;
arguments: DocumentHighlightsRequestArgs;
* Span augmented with extra information that denotes the kind of the highlighting to be used for span.
* Kind is taken from HighlightSpanKind type.
interface HighlightSpan extends TextSpan {
kind: string;
* Represents a set of highligh spans for a give name
interface DocumentHighlightsItem {
* File containing highlight spans.
file: string;
* Spans to highlight in file.
highlightSpans: HighlightSpan[];
* Response for a DocumentHighlightsRequest request.
interface DocumentHighlightsResponse extends Response {
body?: DocumentHighlightsItem[];
* Find references request; value of command field is
* "references". Return response giving the file locations that
* reference the symbol found in file at location line, col.
interface ReferencesRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.References;
interface ReferencesResponseItem extends FileSpan {
/** Text of line containing the reference. Including this
* with the response avoids latency of editor loading files
* to show text of reference line (the server already has
* loaded the referencing files).
lineText: string;
* True if reference is a write location, false otherwise.
isWriteAccess: boolean;
* True if reference is a definition, false otherwise.
isDefinition: boolean;
* The body of a "references" response message.
interface ReferencesResponseBody {
* The file locations referencing the symbol.
refs: ReferencesResponseItem[];
* The name of the symbol.
symbolName: string;
* The start character offset of the symbol (on the line provided by the references request).
symbolStartOffset: number;
* The full display name of the symbol.
symbolDisplayString: string;
* Response to "references" request.
interface ReferencesResponse extends Response {
body?: ReferencesResponseBody;
* Argument for RenameRequest request.
interface RenameRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Should text at specified location be found/changed in comments?
findInComments?: boolean;
* Should text at specified location be found/changed in strings?
findInStrings?: boolean;
* Rename request; value of command field is "rename". Return
* response giving the file locations that reference the symbol
* found in file at location line, col. Also return full display
* name of the symbol so that client can print it unambiguously.
interface RenameRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Rename;
arguments: RenameRequestArgs;
* Information about the item to be renamed.
interface RenameInfo {
* True if item can be renamed.
canRename: boolean;
* Error message if item can not be renamed.
localizedErrorMessage?: string;
* Display name of the item to be renamed.
displayName: string;
* Full display name of item to be renamed.
fullDisplayName: string;
* The items's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName' or plain 'text').
kind: string;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers: string;
* A group of text spans, all in 'file'.
interface SpanGroup {
/** The file to which the spans apply */
file: string;
/** The text spans in this group */
locs: TextSpan[];
interface RenameResponseBody {
* Information about the item to be renamed.
info: RenameInfo;
* An array of span groups (one per file) that refer to the item to be renamed.
locs: SpanGroup[];
* Rename response message.
interface RenameResponse extends Response {
body?: RenameResponseBody;
* Represents a file in external project.
* External project is project whose set of files, compilation options and open\close state
* is maintained by the client (i.e. if all this data come from .csproj file in Visual Studio).
* External project will exist even if all files in it are closed and should be closed explicity.
* If external project includes one or more tsconfig.json/jsconfig.json files then tsserver will
* create configured project for every config file but will maintain a link that these projects were created
* as a result of opening external project so they should be removed once external project is closed.
interface ExternalFile {
* Name of file file
fileName: string;
* Script kind of the file
scriptKind?: ScriptKind;
* Whether file has mixed content (i.e. .cshtml file that combines html markup with C#/JavaScript)
hasMixedContent?: boolean;
* Content of the file
content?: string;
* Represent an external project
interface ExternalProject {
* Project name
projectFileName: string;
* List of root files in project
rootFiles: ExternalFile[];
* Compiler options for the project
options: ExternalProjectCompilerOptions;
* Explicitly specified typing options for the project
typingOptions?: TypingOptions;
* For external projects, some of the project settings are sent together with
* compiler settings.
interface ExternalProjectCompilerOptions extends CompilerOptions {
* If compile on save is enabled for the project
compileOnSave?: boolean;
* Contains information about current project version
interface ProjectVersionInfo {
* Project name
projectName: string;
* true if project is inferred or false if project is external or configured
isInferred: boolean;
* Project version
version: number;
* Current set of compiler options for project
options: CompilerOptions;
* Represents a set of changes that happen in project
interface ProjectChanges {
* List of added files
added: string[];
* List of removed files
removed: string[];
* Describes set of files in the project.
* info might be omitted in case of inferred projects
* if files is set - then this is the entire set of files in the project
* if changes is set - then this is the set of changes that should be applied to existing project
* otherwise - assume that nothing is changed
interface ProjectFiles {
* Information abount project verison
info?: ProjectVersionInfo;
* List of files in project (might be omitted if current state of project can be computed using only information from 'changes')
files?: string[];
* Set of changes in project (omitted if the entire set of files in project should be replaced)
changes?: ProjectChanges;
* Combines project information with project level errors.
interface ProjectFilesWithDiagnostics extends ProjectFiles {
* List of errors in project
projectErrors: DiagnosticWithLinePosition[];
* Information found in a configure request.
interface ConfigureRequestArguments {
* Information about the host, for example 'Emacs 24.4' or
* 'Sublime Text version 3075'
hostInfo?: string;
* If present, tab settings apply only to this file.
file?: string;
* The format options to use during formatting and other code editing features.
formatOptions?: FormatCodeSettings;
* Configure request; value of command field is "configure". Specifies
* host information, such as host type, tab size, and indent size.
interface ConfigureRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.Configure;
arguments: ConfigureRequestArguments;
* Response to "configure" request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface ConfigureResponse extends Response {
* Information found in an "open" request.
interface OpenRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Used when a version of the file content is known to be more up to date than the one on disk.
* Then the known content will be used upon opening instead of the disk copy
fileContent?: string;
* Used to specify the script kind of the file explicitly. It could be one of the following:
* "TS", "JS", "TSX", "JSX"
scriptKindName?: "TS" | "JS" | "TSX" | "JSX";
* Open request; value of command field is "open". Notify the
* server that the client has file open. The server will not
* monitor the filesystem for changes in this file and will assume
* that the client is updating the server (using the change and/or
* reload messages) when the file changes. Server does not currently
* send a response to an open request.
interface OpenRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.Open;
arguments: OpenRequestArgs;
* Request to open or update external project
interface OpenExternalProjectRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.OpenExternalProject;
arguments: OpenExternalProjectArgs;
* Arguments to OpenExternalProjectRequest request
type OpenExternalProjectArgs = ExternalProject;
* Request to open multiple external projects
interface OpenExternalProjectsRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.OpenExternalProjects;
arguments: OpenExternalProjectsArgs;
* Arguments to OpenExternalProjectsRequest
interface OpenExternalProjectsArgs {
* List of external projects to open or update
projects: ExternalProject[];
* Response to OpenExternalProjectRequest request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface OpenExternalProjectResponse extends Response {
* Response to OpenExternalProjectsRequest request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface OpenExternalProjectsResponse extends Response {
* Request to close external project.
interface CloseExternalProjectRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.CloseExternalProject;
arguments: CloseExternalProjectRequestArgs;
* Arguments to CloseExternalProjectRequest request
interface CloseExternalProjectRequestArgs {
* Name of the project to close
projectFileName: string;
* Response to CloseExternalProjectRequest request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface CloseExternalProjectResponse extends Response {
* Arguments to SynchronizeProjectListRequest
interface SynchronizeProjectListRequestArgs {
* List of last known projects
knownProjects: protocol.ProjectVersionInfo[];
* Request to set compiler options for inferred projects.
* External projects are opened / closed explicitly.
* Configured projects are opened when user opens loose file that has 'tsconfig.json' or 'jsconfig.json' anywhere in one of containing folders.
* This configuration file will be used to obtain a list of files and configuration settings for the project.
* Inferred projects are created when user opens a loose file that is not the part of external project
* or configured project and will contain only open file and transitive closure of referenced files if 'useOneInferredProject' is false,
* or all open loose files and its transitive closure of referenced files if 'useOneInferredProject' is true.
interface SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.CompilerOptionsForInferredProjects;
arguments: SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsArgs;
* Argument for SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsRequest request.
interface SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsArgs {
* Compiler options to be used with inferred projects.
options: ExternalProjectCompilerOptions;
* Response to SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsResponse request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsResponse extends Response {
* Exit request; value of command field is "exit". Ask the server process
* to exit.
interface ExitRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.Exit;
* Close request; value of command field is "close". Notify the
* server that the client has closed a previously open file. If
* file is still referenced by open files, the server will resume
* monitoring the filesystem for changes to file. Server does not
* currently send a response to a close request.
interface CloseRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Close;
* Request to obtain the list of files that should be regenerated if target file is recompiled.
* NOTE: this us query-only operation and does not generate any output on disk.
interface CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.CompileOnSaveAffectedFileList;
* Contains a list of files that should be regenerated in a project
interface CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListSingleProject {
* Project name
projectFileName: string;
* List of files names that should be recompiled
fileNames: string[];
* Response for CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListRequest request;
interface CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListResponse extends Response {
body: CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListSingleProject[];
* Request to recompile the file. All generated outputs (.js, .d.ts or .js.map files) is written on disk.
interface CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.CompileOnSaveEmitFile;
arguments: CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequestArgs;
* Arguments for CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequest
interface CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* if true - then file should be recompiled even if it does not have any changes.
forced?: boolean;
* Quickinfo request; value of command field is
* "quickinfo". Return response giving a quick type and
* documentation string for the symbol found in file at location
* line, col.
interface QuickInfoRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Quickinfo;
* Body of QuickInfoResponse.
interface QuickInfoResponseBody {
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName' or plain 'text').
kind: string;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers: string;
* Starting file location of symbol.
start: Location;
* One past last character of symbol.
end: Location;
* Type and kind of symbol.
displayString: string;
* Documentation associated with symbol.
documentation: string;
* Quickinfo response message.
interface QuickInfoResponse extends Response {
body?: QuickInfoResponseBody;
* Arguments for format messages.
interface FormatRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Last line of range for which to format text in file.
endLine: number;
* Character offset on last line of range for which to format text in file.
endOffset: number;
* Format options to be used.
options?: FormatCodeSettings;
* Format request; value of command field is "format". Return
* response giving zero or more edit instructions. The edit
* instructions will be sorted in file order. Applying the edit
* instructions in reverse to file will result in correctly
* reformatted text.
interface FormatRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Format;
arguments: FormatRequestArgs;
* Object found in response messages defining an editing
* instruction for a span of text in source code. The effect of
* this instruction is to replace the text starting at start and
* ending one character before end with newText. For an insertion,
* the text span is empty. For a deletion, newText is empty.
interface CodeEdit {
* First character of the text span to edit.
start: Location;
* One character past last character of the text span to edit.
end: Location;
* Replace the span defined above with this string (may be
* the empty string).
newText: string;
interface FileCodeEdits {
fileName: string;
textChanges: CodeEdit[];
interface CodeFixResponse extends Response {
/** The code actions that are available */
body?: CodeAction[];
interface CodeAction {
/** Description of the code action to display in the UI of the editor */
description: string;
/** Text changes to apply to each file as part of the code action */
changes: FileCodeEdits[];
* Format and format on key response message.
interface FormatResponse extends Response {
body?: CodeEdit[];
* Arguments for format on key messages.
interface FormatOnKeyRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Key pressed (';', '\n', or '}').
key: string;
options?: FormatCodeSettings;
* Format on key request; value of command field is
* "formatonkey". Given file location and key typed (as string),
* return response giving zero or more edit instructions. The
* edit instructions will be sorted in file order. Applying the
* edit instructions in reverse to file will result in correctly
* reformatted text.
interface FormatOnKeyRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Formatonkey;
arguments: FormatOnKeyRequestArgs;
* Arguments for completions messages.
interface CompletionsRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Optional prefix to apply to possible completions.
prefix?: string;
* Completions request; value of command field is "completions".
* Given a file location (file, line, col) and a prefix (which may
* be the empty string), return the possible completions that
* begin with prefix.
interface CompletionsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Completions;
arguments: CompletionsRequestArgs;
* Arguments for completion details request.
interface CompletionDetailsRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Names of one or more entries for which to obtain details.
entryNames: string[];
* Completion entry details request; value of command field is
* "completionEntryDetails". Given a file location (file, line,
* col) and an array of completion entry names return more
* detailed information for each completion entry.
interface CompletionDetailsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.CompletionDetails;
arguments: CompletionDetailsRequestArgs;
* Part of a symbol description.
interface SymbolDisplayPart {
* Text of an item describing the symbol.
text: string;
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName' or plain 'text').
kind: string;
* An item found in a completion response.
interface CompletionEntry {
* The symbol's name.
name: string;
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
kind: string;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers: string;
* A string that is used for comparing completion items so that they can be ordered. This
* is often the same as the name but may be different in certain circumstances.
sortText: string;
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item. If present,
* this span should be used instead of the default one.
replacementSpan?: TextSpan;
* Additional completion entry details, available on demand
interface CompletionEntryDetails {
* The symbol's name.
name: string;
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
kind: string;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers: string;
* Display parts of the symbol (similar to quick info).
displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* Documentation strings for the symbol.
documentation: SymbolDisplayPart[];
interface CompletionsResponse extends Response {
body?: CompletionEntry[];
interface CompletionDetailsResponse extends Response {
body?: CompletionEntryDetails[];
* Signature help information for a single parameter
interface SignatureHelpParameter {
* The parameter's name
name: string;
* Documentation of the parameter.
documentation: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* Display parts of the parameter.
displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* Whether the parameter is optional or not.
isOptional: boolean;
* Represents a single signature to show in signature help.
interface SignatureHelpItem {
* Whether the signature accepts a variable number of arguments.
isVariadic: boolean;
* The prefix display parts.
prefixDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* The suffix display parts.
suffixDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* The separator display parts.
separatorDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* The signature helps items for the parameters.
parameters: SignatureHelpParameter[];
* The signature's documentation
documentation: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* Signature help items found in the response of a signature help request.
interface SignatureHelpItems {
* The signature help items.
items: SignatureHelpItem[];
* The span for which signature help should appear on a signature
applicableSpan: TextSpan;
* The item selected in the set of available help items.
selectedItemIndex: number;
* The argument selected in the set of parameters.
argumentIndex: number;
* The argument count
argumentCount: number;
* Arguments of a signature help request.
interface SignatureHelpRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Signature help request; value of command field is "signatureHelp".
* Given a file location (file, line, col), return the signature
* help.
interface SignatureHelpRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.SignatureHelp;
arguments: SignatureHelpRequestArgs;
* Response object for a SignatureHelpRequest.
interface SignatureHelpResponse extends Response {
body?: SignatureHelpItems;
* Synchronous request for semantic diagnostics of one file.
interface SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.SemanticDiagnosticsSync;
arguments: SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs;
interface SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
includeLinePosition?: boolean;
* Response object for synchronous sematic diagnostics request.
interface SemanticDiagnosticsSyncResponse extends Response {
body?: Diagnostic[] | DiagnosticWithLinePosition[];
* Synchronous request for syntactic diagnostics of one file.
interface SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.SyntacticDiagnosticsSync;
arguments: SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs;
interface SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
includeLinePosition?: boolean;
* Response object for synchronous syntactic diagnostics request.
interface SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncResponse extends Response {
body?: Diagnostic[] | DiagnosticWithLinePosition[];
* Arguments for GeterrForProject request.
interface GeterrForProjectRequestArgs {
* the file requesting project error list
file: string;
* Delay in milliseconds to wait before starting to compute
* errors for the files in the file list
delay: number;
* GeterrForProjectRequest request; value of command field is
* "geterrForProject". It works similarly with 'Geterr', only
* it request for every file in this project.
interface GeterrForProjectRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.GeterrForProject;
arguments: GeterrForProjectRequestArgs;
* Arguments for geterr messages.
interface GeterrRequestArgs {
* List of file names for which to compute compiler errors.
* The files will be checked in list order.
files: string[];
* Delay in milliseconds to wait before starting to compute
* errors for the files in the file list
delay: number;
* Geterr request; value of command field is "geterr". Wait for
* delay milliseconds and then, if during the wait no change or
* reload messages have arrived for the first file in the files
* list, get the syntactic errors for the file, field requests,
* and then get the semantic errors for the file. Repeat with a
* smaller delay for each subsequent file on the files list. Best
* practice for an editor is to send a file list containing each
* file that is currently visible, in most-recently-used order.
interface GeterrRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.Geterr;
arguments: GeterrRequestArgs;
* Item of diagnostic information found in a DiagnosticEvent message.
interface Diagnostic {
* Starting file location at which text applies.
start: Location;
* The last file location at which the text applies.
end: Location;
* Text of diagnostic message.
text: string;
* The error code of the diagnostic message.
code?: number;
interface DiagnosticEventBody {
* The file for which diagnostic information is reported.
file: string;
* An array of diagnostic information items.
diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
* Event message for "syntaxDiag" and "semanticDiag" event types.
* These events provide syntactic and semantic errors for a file.
interface DiagnosticEvent extends Event {
body?: DiagnosticEventBody;
interface ConfigFileDiagnosticEventBody {
* The file which trigged the searching and error-checking of the config file
triggerFile: string;
* The name of the found config file.
configFile: string;
* An arry of diagnostic information items for the found config file.
diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
* Event message for "configFileDiag" event type.
* This event provides errors for a found config file.
interface ConfigFileDiagnosticEvent extends Event {
body?: ConfigFileDiagnosticEventBody;
event: "configFileDiag";
* Arguments for reload request.
interface ReloadRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Name of temporary file from which to reload file
* contents. May be same as file.
tmpfile: string;
* Reload request message; value of command field is "reload".
* Reload contents of file with name given by the 'file' argument
* from temporary file with name given by the 'tmpfile' argument.
* The two names can be identical.
interface ReloadRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Reload;
arguments: ReloadRequestArgs;
* Response to "reload" request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface ReloadResponse extends Response {
* Arguments for saveto request.
interface SavetoRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Name of temporary file into which to save server's view of
* file contents.
tmpfile: string;
* Saveto request message; value of command field is "saveto".
* For debugging purposes, save to a temporaryfile (named by
* argument 'tmpfile') the contents of file named by argument
* 'file'. The server does not currently send a response to a
* "saveto" request.
interface SavetoRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Saveto;
arguments: SavetoRequestArgs;
* Arguments for navto request message.
interface NavtoRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Search term to navigate to from current location; term can
* be '.*' or an identifier prefix.
searchValue: string;
* Optional limit on the number of items to return.
maxResultCount?: number;
* Optional flag to indicate we want results for just the current file
* or the entire project.
currentFileOnly?: boolean;
projectFileName?: string;
* Navto request message; value of command field is "navto".
* Return list of objects giving file locations and symbols that
* match the search term given in argument 'searchTerm'. The
* context for the search is given by the named file.
interface NavtoRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Navto;
arguments: NavtoRequestArgs;
* An item found in a navto response.
interface NavtoItem {
* The symbol's name.
name: string;
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
kind: string;
* exact, substring, or prefix.
matchKind?: string;
* If this was a case sensitive or insensitive match.
isCaseSensitive?: boolean;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers?: string;
* The file in which the symbol is found.
file: string;
* The location within file at which the symbol is found.
start: Location;
* One past the last character of the symbol.
end: Location;
* Name of symbol's container symbol (if any); for example,
* the class name if symbol is a class member.
containerName?: string;
* Kind of symbol's container symbol (if any).
containerKind?: string;
* Navto response message. Body is an array of navto items. Each
* item gives a symbol that matched the search term.
interface NavtoResponse extends Response {
body?: NavtoItem[];
* Arguments for change request message.
interface ChangeRequestArgs extends FormatRequestArgs {
* Optional string to insert at location (file, line, offset).
insertString?: string;
* Change request message; value of command field is "change".
* Update the server's view of the file named by argument 'file'.
* Server does not currently send a response to a change request.
interface ChangeRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Change;
arguments: ChangeRequestArgs;
* Response to "brace" request.
interface BraceResponse extends Response {
body?: TextSpan[];
* Brace matching request; value of command field is "brace".
* Return response giving the file locations of matching braces
* found in file at location line, offset.
interface BraceRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Brace;
* NavBar items request; value of command field is "navbar".
* Return response giving the list of navigation bar entries
* extracted from the requested file.
interface NavBarRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.NavBar;
* NavTree request; value of command field is "navtree".
* Return response giving the navigation tree of the requested file.
interface NavTreeRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.NavTree;
interface NavigationBarItem {
* The item's display text.
text: string;
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
kind: string;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers?: string;
* The definition locations of the item.
spans: TextSpan[];
* Optional children.
childItems?: NavigationBarItem[];
* Number of levels deep this item should appear.
indent: number;
/** protocol.NavigationTree is identical to ts.NavigationTree, except using protocol.TextSpan instead of ts.TextSpan */
interface NavigationTree {
text: string;
kind: string;
kindModifiers: string;
spans: TextSpan[];
childItems?: NavigationTree[];
interface NavBarResponse extends Response {
body?: NavigationBarItem[];
interface NavTreeResponse extends Response {
body?: NavigationTree;
declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
interface TextInsertion {
newText: string;
/** The position in newText the caret should point to after the insertion. */
caretOffset: number;
interface TodoCommentDescriptor {
text: string;
priority: number;
interface TodoComment {
descriptor: TodoCommentDescriptor;
message: string;
position: number;
interface EditorSettings {
baseIndentSize?: number;
indentSize?: number;
tabSize?: number;
newLineCharacter?: string;
convertTabsToSpaces?: boolean;
indentStyle?: IndentStyle;
enum IndentStyle {
None = 0,
Block = 1,
Smart = 2,
enum ScriptKind {
Unknown = 0,
JS = 1,
JSX = 2,
TS = 3,
TSX = 4,
interface TypingOptions {
enableAutoDiscovery?: boolean;
include?: string[];
exclude?: string[];
[option: string]: string[] | boolean | undefined;
interface CompilerOptions {
allowJs?: boolean;
allowSyntheticDefaultImports?: boolean;
allowUnreachableCode?: boolean;
allowUnusedLabels?: boolean;
alwaysStrict?: boolean;
baseUrl?: string;
charset?: string;
declaration?: boolean;
declarationDir?: string;
disableSizeLimit?: boolean;
emitBOM?: boolean;
emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean;
experimentalDecorators?: boolean;
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames?: boolean;
importHelpers?: boolean;
inlineSourceMap?: boolean;
inlineSources?: boolean;
isolatedModules?: boolean;
jsx?: JsxEmit;
lib?: string[];
locale?: string;
mapRoot?: string;
maxNodeModuleJsDepth?: number;
module?: ModuleKind;
moduleResolution?: ModuleResolutionKind;
newLine?: NewLineKind;
noEmit?: boolean;
noEmitHelpers?: boolean;
noEmitOnError?: boolean;
noErrorTruncation?: boolean;
noFallthroughCasesInSwitch?: boolean;
noImplicitAny?: boolean;
noImplicitReturns?: boolean;
noImplicitThis?: boolean;
noUnusedLocals?: boolean;
noUnusedParameters?: boolean;
noImplicitUseStrict?: boolean;
noLib?: boolean;
noResolve?: boolean;
out?: string;
outDir?: string;
outFile?: string;
paths?: MapLike<string[]>;
preserveConstEnums?: boolean;
project?: string;
reactNamespace?: string;
removeComments?: boolean;
rootDir?: string;
rootDirs?: string[];
skipLibCheck?: boolean;
skipDefaultLibCheck?: boolean;
sourceMap?: boolean;
sourceRoot?: string;
strictNullChecks?: boolean;
suppressExcessPropertyErrors?: boolean;
suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors?: boolean;
target?: ScriptTarget;
traceResolution?: boolean;
types?: string[];
/** Paths used to used to compute primary types search locations */
typeRoots?: string[];
[option: string]: CompilerOptionsValue | undefined;
enum JsxEmit {
None = 0,
Preserve = 1,
React = 2,
enum ModuleKind {
None = 0,
CommonJS = 1,
AMD = 2,
UMD = 3,
System = 4,
ES6 = 5,
ES2015 = 5,
enum ModuleResolutionKind {
Classic = 1,
NodeJs = 2,
enum NewLineKind {
CarriageReturnLineFeed = 0,
LineFeed = 1,
interface MapLike<T> {
[index: string]: T;
enum ScriptTarget {
ES3 = 0,
ES5 = 1,
ES6 = 2,
ES2015 = 2,
Latest = 2,
type CompilerOptionsValue = string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | string[] | MapLike<string[]>;
interface FormatCodeSettings extends EditorSettings {
insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements?: boolean;
insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion?: boolean;
placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions?: boolean;
placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks?: boolean;