Anders Hejlsberg 58c3c2faae Merge branch 'master' into destructuring
2014-11-20 14:31:55 -08:00

437 lines
83 KiB

// <auto-generated />
/// <reference path="types.ts" />
module ts {
export var Diagnostics = {
Unterminated_string_literal: { code: 1002, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated string literal." },
Identifier_expected: { code: 1003, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Identifier expected." },
_0_expected: { code: 1005, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' expected." },
A_file_cannot_have_a_reference_to_itself: { code: 1006, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A file cannot have a reference to itself." },
Trailing_comma_not_allowed: { code: 1009, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Trailing comma not allowed." },
Asterisk_Slash_expected: { code: 1010, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'*/' expected." },
Unexpected_token: { code: 1012, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected token." },
Catch_clause_parameter_cannot_have_a_type_annotation: { code: 1013, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Catch clause parameter cannot have a type annotation." },
A_rest_parameter_must_be_last_in_a_parameter_list: { code: 1014, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A rest parameter must be last in a parameter list." },
Parameter_cannot_have_question_mark_and_initializer: { code: 1015, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter cannot have question mark and initializer." },
A_required_parameter_cannot_follow_an_optional_parameter: { code: 1016, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A required parameter cannot follow an optional parameter." },
An_index_signature_cannot_have_a_rest_parameter: { code: 1017, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature cannot have a rest parameter." },
An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_accessibility_modifier: { code: 1018, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature parameter cannot have an accessibility modifier." },
An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_a_question_mark: { code: 1019, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature parameter cannot have a question mark." },
An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1020, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature parameter cannot have an initializer." },
An_index_signature_must_have_a_type_annotation: { code: 1021, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature must have a type annotation." },
An_index_signature_parameter_must_have_a_type_annotation: { code: 1022, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature parameter must have a type annotation." },
An_index_signature_parameter_type_must_be_string_or_number: { code: 1023, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature parameter type must be 'string' or 'number'." },
A_class_or_interface_declaration_can_only_have_one_extends_clause: { code: 1024, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class or interface declaration can only have one 'extends' clause." },
An_extends_clause_must_precede_an_implements_clause: { code: 1025, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An 'extends' clause must precede an 'implements' clause." },
A_class_can_only_extend_a_single_class: { code: 1026, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class can only extend a single class." },
A_class_declaration_can_only_have_one_implements_clause: { code: 1027, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class declaration can only have one 'implements' clause." },
Accessibility_modifier_already_seen: { code: 1028, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Accessibility modifier already seen." },
_0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier: { code: 1029, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier must precede '{1}' modifier." },
_0_modifier_already_seen: { code: 1030, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier already seen." },
_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_class_element: { code: 1031, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a class element." },
An_interface_declaration_cannot_have_an_implements_clause: { code: 1032, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An interface declaration cannot have an 'implements' clause." },
super_must_be_followed_by_an_argument_list_or_member_access: { code: 1034, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'super' must be followed by an argument list or member access." },
Only_ambient_modules_can_use_quoted_names: { code: 1035, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only ambient modules can use quoted names." },
Statements_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts: { code: 1036, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Statements are not allowed in ambient contexts." },
A_function_implementation_cannot_be_declared_in_an_ambient_context: { code: 1037, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A function implementation cannot be declared in an ambient context." },
A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_in_an_already_ambient_context: { code: 1038, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'declare' modifier cannot be used in an already ambient context." },
Initializers_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts: { code: 1039, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Initializers are not allowed in ambient contexts." },
_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_module_element: { code: 1044, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a module element." },
A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_interface_declaration: { code: 1045, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'declare' modifier cannot be used with an interface declaration." },
A_declare_modifier_is_required_for_a_top_level_declaration_in_a_d_ts_file: { code: 1046, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'declare' modifier is required for a top level declaration in a .d.ts file." },
A_rest_parameter_cannot_be_optional: { code: 1047, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A rest parameter cannot be optional." },
A_rest_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1048, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A rest parameter cannot have an initializer." },
A_set_accessor_must_have_exactly_one_parameter: { code: 1049, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'set' accessor must have exactly one parameter." },
A_set_accessor_cannot_have_an_optional_parameter: { code: 1051, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'set' accessor cannot have an optional parameter." },
A_set_accessor_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1052, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'set' accessor parameter cannot have an initializer." },
A_set_accessor_cannot_have_rest_parameter: { code: 1053, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'set' accessor cannot have rest parameter." },
A_get_accessor_cannot_have_parameters: { code: 1054, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'get' accessor cannot have parameters." },
Accessors_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher: { code: 1056, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher." },
Enum_member_must_have_initializer: { code: 1061, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum member must have initializer." },
An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_an_internal_module: { code: 1063, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An export assignment cannot be used in an internal module." },
Ambient_enum_elements_can_only_have_integer_literal_initializers: { code: 1066, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Ambient enum elements can only have integer literal initializers." },
Unexpected_token_A_constructor_method_accessor_or_property_was_expected: { code: 1068, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor, or property was expected." },
A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_import_declaration: { code: 1079, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'declare' modifier cannot be used with an import declaration." },
Invalid_reference_directive_syntax: { code: 1084, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid 'reference' directive syntax." },
Octal_literals_are_not_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher: { code: 1085, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Octal literals are not available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher." },
An_accessor_cannot_be_declared_in_an_ambient_context: { code: 1086, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context." },
_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration: { code: 1089, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a constructor declaration." },
_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter: { code: 1090, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a parameter." },
Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_in_statement: { code: 1091, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only a single variable declaration is allowed in a 'for...in' statement." },
Type_parameters_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration: { code: 1092, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameters cannot appear on a constructor declaration." },
Type_annotation_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration: { code: 1093, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type annotation cannot appear on a constructor declaration." },
An_accessor_cannot_have_type_parameters: { code: 1094, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An accessor cannot have type parameters." },
A_set_accessor_cannot_have_a_return_type_annotation: { code: 1095, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'set' accessor cannot have a return type annotation." },
An_index_signature_must_have_exactly_one_parameter: { code: 1096, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature must have exactly one parameter." },
_0_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1097, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' list cannot be empty." },
Type_parameter_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1098, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter list cannot be empty." },
Type_argument_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1099, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type argument list cannot be empty." },
Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode: { code: 1100, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid use of '{0}' in strict mode." },
with_statements_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode: { code: 1101, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'with' statements are not allowed in strict mode." },
delete_cannot_be_called_on_an_identifier_in_strict_mode: { code: 1102, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'delete' cannot be called on an identifier in strict mode." },
A_continue_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_statement: { code: 1104, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'continue' statement can only be used within an enclosing iteration statement." },
A_break_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_or_switch_statement: { code: 1105, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'break' statement can only be used within an enclosing iteration or switch statement." },
Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary: { code: 1107, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Jump target cannot cross function boundary." },
A_return_statement_can_only_be_used_within_a_function_body: { code: 1108, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'return' statement can only be used within a function body." },
Expression_expected: { code: 1109, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression expected." },
Type_expected: { code: 1110, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type expected." },
A_constructor_implementation_cannot_be_declared_in_an_ambient_context: { code: 1111, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A constructor implementation cannot be declared in an ambient context." },
A_class_member_cannot_be_declared_optional: { code: 1112, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class member cannot be declared optional." },
A_default_clause_cannot_appear_more_than_once_in_a_switch_statement: { code: 1113, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'default' clause cannot appear more than once in a 'switch' statement." },
Duplicate_label_0: { code: 1114, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate label '{0}'" },
A_continue_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_iteration_statement: { code: 1115, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'continue' statement can only jump to a label of an enclosing iteration statement." },
A_break_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_statement: { code: 1116, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'break' statement can only jump to a label of an enclosing statement." },
An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode: { code: 1117, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An object literal cannot have multiple properties with the same name in strict mode." },
An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name: { code: 1118, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An object literal cannot have multiple get/set accessors with the same name." },
An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name: { code: 1119, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An object literal cannot have property and accessor with the same name." },
An_export_assignment_cannot_have_modifiers: { code: 1120, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An export assignment cannot have modifiers." },
Octal_literals_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode: { code: 1121, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode." },
A_tuple_type_element_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1122, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A tuple type element list cannot be empty." },
Variable_declaration_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1123, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Variable declaration list cannot be empty." },
Digit_expected: { code: 1124, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Digit expected." },
Hexadecimal_digit_expected: { code: 1125, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Hexadecimal digit expected." },
Unexpected_end_of_text: { code: 1126, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected end of text." },
Invalid_character: { code: 1127, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid character." },
Declaration_or_statement_expected: { code: 1128, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Declaration or statement expected." },
Statement_expected: { code: 1129, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Statement expected." },
case_or_default_expected: { code: 1130, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'case' or 'default' expected." },
Property_or_signature_expected: { code: 1131, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property or signature expected." },
Enum_member_expected: { code: 1132, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum member expected." },
Type_reference_expected: { code: 1133, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type reference expected." },
Variable_declaration_expected: { code: 1134, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Variable declaration expected." },
Argument_expression_expected: { code: 1135, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument expression expected." },
Property_assignment_expected: { code: 1136, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property assignment expected." },
Expression_or_comma_expected: { code: 1137, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression or comma expected." },
Parameter_declaration_expected: { code: 1138, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter declaration expected." },
Type_parameter_declaration_expected: { code: 1139, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter declaration expected." },
Type_argument_expected: { code: 1140, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type argument expected." },
String_literal_expected: { code: 1141, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "String literal expected." },
Line_break_not_permitted_here: { code: 1142, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Line break not permitted here." },
catch_or_finally_expected: { code: 1143, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'catch' or 'finally' expected." },
Block_or_expected: { code: 1144, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Block or ';' expected." },
Modifiers_not_permitted_on_index_signature_members: { code: 1145, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Modifiers not permitted on index signature members." },
Declaration_expected: { code: 1146, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Declaration expected." },
Import_declarations_in_an_internal_module_cannot_reference_an_external_module: { code: 1147, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import declarations in an internal module cannot reference an external module." },
Cannot_compile_external_modules_unless_the_module_flag_is_provided: { code: 1148, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot compile external modules unless the '--module' flag is provided." },
Filename_0_differs_from_already_included_filename_1_only_in_casing: { code: 1149, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Filename '{0}' differs from already included filename '{1}' only in casing" },
new_T_cannot_be_used_to_create_an_array_Use_new_Array_T_instead: { code: 1150, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'new T[]' cannot be used to create an array. Use 'new Array<T>()' instead." },
var_let_or_const_expected: { code: 1152, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'var', 'let' or 'const' expected." },
let_declarations_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_and_higher: { code: 1153, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'let' declarations are only available when targeting ECMAScript 6 and higher." },
const_declarations_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_and_higher: { code: 1154, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' declarations are only available when targeting ECMAScript 6 and higher." },
const_declarations_must_be_initialized: { code: 1155, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' declarations must be initialized" },
const_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block: { code: 1156, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' declarations can only be declared inside a block." },
let_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block: { code: 1157, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'let' declarations can only be declared inside a block." },
Invalid_template_literal_expected: { code: 1158, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid template literal; expected '}'" },
Tagged_templates_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_and_higher: { code: 1159, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Tagged templates are only available when targeting ECMAScript 6 and higher." },
Unterminated_template_literal: { code: 1160, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated template literal." },
Unterminated_regular_expression_literal: { code: 1161, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated regular expression literal." },
An_object_member_cannot_be_declared_optional: { code: 1162, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An object member cannot be declared optional." },
Property_destructuring_pattern_expected: { code: 1163, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property destructuring pattern expected." },
Array_element_destructuring_pattern_expected: { code: 1164, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Array element destructuring pattern expected." },
A_destructuring_declaration_must_have_an_initializer: { code: 1165, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A destructuring declaration must have an initializer." },
Destructuring_declarations_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts: { code: 1166, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Destructuring declarations are not allowed in ambient contexts." },
Duplicate_identifier_0: { code: 2300, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier '{0}'." },
Initializer_of_instance_member_variable_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_in_the_constructor: { code: 2301, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Initializer of instance member variable '{0}' cannot reference identifier '{1}' declared in the constructor." },
Static_members_cannot_reference_class_type_parameters: { code: 2302, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Static members cannot reference class type parameters." },
Circular_definition_of_import_alias_0: { code: 2303, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Circular definition of import alias '{0}'." },
Cannot_find_name_0: { code: 2304, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot find name '{0}'." },
Module_0_has_no_exported_member_1: { code: 2305, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Module '{0}' has no exported member '{1}'." },
File_0_is_not_an_external_module: { code: 2306, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File '{0}' is not an external module." },
Cannot_find_external_module_0: { code: 2307, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot find external module '{0}'." },
A_module_cannot_have_more_than_one_export_assignment: { code: 2308, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A module cannot have more than one export assignment." },
An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_a_module_with_other_exported_elements: { code: 2309, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An export assignment cannot be used in a module with other exported elements." },
Type_0_recursively_references_itself_as_a_base_type: { code: 2310, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' recursively references itself as a base type." },
A_class_may_only_extend_another_class: { code: 2311, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class may only extend another class." },
An_interface_may_only_extend_a_class_or_another_interface: { code: 2312, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An interface may only extend a class or another interface." },
Constraint_of_a_type_parameter_cannot_reference_any_type_parameter_from_the_same_type_parameter_list: { code: 2313, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Constraint of a type parameter cannot reference any type parameter from the same type parameter list." },
Generic_type_0_requires_1_type_argument_s: { code: 2314, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Generic type '{0}' requires {1} type argument(s)." },
Type_0_is_not_generic: { code: 2315, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' is not generic." },
Global_type_0_must_be_a_class_or_interface_type: { code: 2316, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Global type '{0}' must be a class or interface type." },
Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s: { code: 2317, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Global type '{0}' must have {1} type parameter(s)." },
Cannot_find_global_type_0: { code: 2318, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot find global type '{0}'." },
Named_properties_0_of_types_1_and_2_are_not_identical: { code: 2319, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Named properties '{0}' of types '{1}' and '{2}' are not identical." },
Interface_0_cannot_simultaneously_extend_types_1_and_2: { code: 2320, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface '{0}' cannot simultaneously extend types '{1}' and '{2}'." },
Excessive_stack_depth_comparing_types_0_and_1: { code: 2321, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Excessive stack depth comparing types '{0}' and '{1}'." },
Type_0_is_not_assignable_to_type_1: { code: 2322, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' is not assignable to type '{1}'." },
Property_0_is_missing_in_type_1: { code: 2324, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is missing in type '{1}'." },
Property_0_is_private_in_type_1_but_not_in_type_2: { code: 2325, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is private in type '{1}' but not in type '{2}'." },
Types_of_property_0_are_incompatible: { code: 2326, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Types of property '{0}' are incompatible." },
Property_0_is_optional_in_type_1_but_required_in_type_2: { code: 2327, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is optional in type '{1}' but required in type '{2}'." },
Types_of_parameters_0_and_1_are_incompatible: { code: 2328, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Types of parameters '{0}' and '{1}' are incompatible." },
Index_signature_is_missing_in_type_0: { code: 2329, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Index signature is missing in type '{0}'." },
Index_signatures_are_incompatible: { code: 2330, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Index signatures are incompatible." },
this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_module_body: { code: 2331, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'this' cannot be referenced in a module body." },
this_cannot_be_referenced_in_current_location: { code: 2332, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'this' cannot be referenced in current location." },
this_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments: { code: 2333, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'this' cannot be referenced in constructor arguments." },
this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_static_property_initializer: { code: 2334, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'this' cannot be referenced in a static property initializer." },
super_can_only_be_referenced_in_a_derived_class: { code: 2335, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'super' can only be referenced in a derived class." },
super_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments: { code: 2336, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'super' cannot be referenced in constructor arguments." },
Super_calls_are_not_permitted_outside_constructors_or_in_nested_functions_inside_constructors: { code: 2337, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Super calls are not permitted outside constructors or in nested functions inside constructors" },
super_property_access_is_permitted_only_in_a_constructor_member_function_or_member_accessor_of_a_derived_class: { code: 2338, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'super' property access is permitted only in a constructor, member function, or member accessor of a derived class" },
Property_0_does_not_exist_on_type_1: { code: 2339, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' does not exist on type '{1}'." },
Only_public_and_protected_methods_of_the_base_class_are_accessible_via_the_super_keyword: { code: 2340, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only public and protected methods of the base class are accessible via the 'super' keyword" },
Property_0_is_private_and_only_accessible_within_class_1: { code: 2341, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is private and only accessible within class '{1}'." },
An_index_expression_argument_must_be_of_type_string_number_or_any: { code: 2342, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index expression argument must be of type 'string', 'number', or 'any'." },
Type_0_does_not_satisfy_the_constraint_1: { code: 2344, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' does not satisfy the constraint '{1}'." },
Argument_of_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_parameter_of_type_1: { code: 2345, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument of type '{0}' is not assignable to parameter of type '{1}'." },
Supplied_parameters_do_not_match_any_signature_of_call_target: { code: 2346, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target." },
Untyped_function_calls_may_not_accept_type_arguments: { code: 2347, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Untyped function calls may not accept type arguments." },
Value_of_type_0_is_not_callable_Did_you_mean_to_include_new: { code: 2348, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Value of type '{0}' is not callable. Did you mean to include 'new'?" },
Cannot_invoke_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_signature: { code: 2349, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature." },
Only_a_void_function_can_be_called_with_the_new_keyword: { code: 2350, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only a void function can be called with the 'new' keyword." },
Cannot_use_new_with_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_or_construct_signature: { code: 2351, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot use 'new' with an expression whose type lacks a call or construct signature." },
Neither_type_0_nor_type_1_is_assignable_to_the_other: { code: 2352, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Neither type '{0}' nor type '{1}' is assignable to the other." },
No_best_common_type_exists_among_return_expressions: { code: 2354, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "No best common type exists among return expressions." },
A_function_whose_declared_type_is_neither_void_nor_any_must_return_a_value_or_consist_of_a_single_throw_statement: { code: 2355, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A function whose declared type is neither 'void' nor 'any' must return a value or consist of a single 'throw' statement." },
An_arithmetic_operand_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type: { code: 2356, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An arithmetic operand must be of type 'any', 'number' or an enum type." },
The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_must_be_a_variable_property_or_indexer: { code: 2357, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The operand of an increment or decrement operator must be a variable, property or indexer." },
The_left_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter: { code: 2358, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of an 'instanceof' expression must be of type 'any', an object type or a type parameter." },
The_right_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_or_of_a_type_assignable_to_the_Function_interface_type: { code: 2359, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The right-hand side of an 'instanceof' expression must be of type 'any' or of a type assignable to the 'Function' interface type." },
The_left_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_types_any_string_or_number: { code: 2360, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of an 'in' expression must be of types 'any', 'string' or 'number'." },
The_right_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter: { code: 2361, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The right-hand side of an 'in' expression must be of type 'any', an object type or a type parameter" },
The_left_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type: { code: 2362, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number' or an enum type." },
The_right_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type: { code: 2363, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number' or an enum type." },
Invalid_left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression: { code: 2364, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid left-hand side of assignment expression." },
Operator_0_cannot_be_applied_to_types_1_and_2: { code: 2365, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Operator '{0}' cannot be applied to types '{1}' and '{2}'." },
Type_parameter_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2368, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter name cannot be '{0}'" },
A_parameter_property_is_only_allowed_in_a_constructor_implementation: { code: 2369, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A parameter property is only allowed in a constructor implementation." },
A_rest_parameter_must_be_of_an_array_type: { code: 2370, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A rest parameter must be of an array type." },
A_parameter_initializer_is_only_allowed_in_a_function_or_constructor_implementation: { code: 2371, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A parameter initializer is only allowed in a function or constructor implementation." },
Parameter_0_cannot_be_referenced_in_its_initializer: { code: 2372, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' cannot be referenced in its initializer." },
Initializer_of_parameter_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_after_it: { code: 2373, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Initializer of parameter '{0}' cannot reference identifier '{1}' declared after it." },
Duplicate_string_index_signature: { code: 2374, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate string index signature." },
Duplicate_number_index_signature: { code: 2375, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate number index signature." },
A_super_call_must_be_the_first_statement_in_the_constructor_when_a_class_contains_initialized_properties_or_has_parameter_properties: { code: 2376, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'super' call must be the first statement in the constructor when a class contains initialized properties or has parameter properties." },
Constructors_for_derived_classes_must_contain_a_super_call: { code: 2377, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Constructors for derived classes must contain a 'super' call." },
A_get_accessor_must_return_a_value_or_consist_of_a_single_throw_statement: { code: 2378, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'get' accessor must return a value or consist of a single 'throw' statement." },
Getter_and_setter_accessors_do_not_agree_in_visibility: { code: 2379, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Getter and setter accessors do not agree in visibility." },
get_and_set_accessor_must_have_the_same_type: { code: 2380, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'get' and 'set' accessor must have the same type." },
A_signature_with_an_implementation_cannot_use_a_string_literal_type: { code: 2381, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A signature with an implementation cannot use a string literal type." },
Specialized_overload_signature_is_not_assignable_to_any_non_specialized_signature: { code: 2382, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Specialized overload signature is not assignable to any non-specialized signature." },
Overload_signatures_must_all_be_exported_or_not_exported: { code: 2383, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload signatures must all be exported or not exported." },
Overload_signatures_must_all_be_ambient_or_non_ambient: { code: 2384, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload signatures must all be ambient or non-ambient." },
Overload_signatures_must_all_be_public_private_or_protected: { code: 2385, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload signatures must all be public, private or protected." },
Overload_signatures_must_all_be_optional_or_required: { code: 2386, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload signatures must all be optional or required." },
Function_overload_must_be_static: { code: 2387, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function overload must be static." },
Function_overload_must_not_be_static: { code: 2388, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function overload must not be static." },
Function_implementation_name_must_be_0: { code: 2389, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function implementation name must be '{0}'." },
Constructor_implementation_is_missing: { code: 2390, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Constructor implementation is missing." },
Function_implementation_is_missing_or_not_immediately_following_the_declaration: { code: 2391, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function implementation is missing or not immediately following the declaration." },
Multiple_constructor_implementations_are_not_allowed: { code: 2392, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Multiple constructor implementations are not allowed." },
Duplicate_function_implementation: { code: 2393, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate function implementation." },
Overload_signature_is_not_compatible_with_function_implementation: { code: 2394, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload signature is not compatible with function implementation." },
Individual_declarations_in_merged_declaration_0_must_be_all_exported_or_all_local: { code: 2395, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Individual declarations in merged declaration {0} must be all exported or all local." },
Duplicate_identifier_arguments_Compiler_uses_arguments_to_initialize_rest_parameters: { code: 2396, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier 'arguments'. Compiler uses 'arguments' to initialize rest parameters." },
Duplicate_identifier_i_Compiler_uses_i_to_initialize_rest_parameter: { code: 2397, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier '_i'. Compiler uses '_i' to initialize rest parameter." },
Expression_resolves_to_variable_declaration_i_that_compiler_uses_to_initialize_rest_parameter: { code: 2398, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression resolves to variable declaration '_i' that compiler uses to initialize rest parameter." },
Duplicate_identifier_this_Compiler_uses_variable_declaration_this_to_capture_this_reference: { code: 2399, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier '_this'. Compiler uses variable declaration '_this' to capture 'this' reference." },
Expression_resolves_to_variable_declaration_this_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_this_reference: { code: 2400, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression resolves to variable declaration '_this' that compiler uses to capture 'this' reference." },
Duplicate_identifier_super_Compiler_uses_super_to_capture_base_class_reference: { code: 2401, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier '_super'. Compiler uses '_super' to capture base class reference." },
Expression_resolves_to_super_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_base_class_reference: { code: 2402, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression resolves to '_super' that compiler uses to capture base class reference." },
Subsequent_variable_declarations_must_have_the_same_type_Variable_0_must_be_of_type_1_but_here_has_type_2: { code: 2403, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type. Variable '{0}' must be of type '{1}', but here has type '{2}'." },
The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation: { code: 2404, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of a 'for...in' statement cannot use a type annotation." },
The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_string_or_any: { code: 2405, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of a 'for...in' statement must be of type 'string' or 'any'." },
Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_in_statement: { code: 2406, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid left-hand side in 'for...in' statement." },
The_right_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter: { code: 2407, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The right-hand side of a 'for...in' statement must be of type 'any', an object type or a type parameter." },
Setters_cannot_return_a_value: { code: 2408, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Setters cannot return a value." },
Return_type_of_constructor_signature_must_be_assignable_to_the_instance_type_of_the_class: { code: 2409, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of constructor signature must be assignable to the instance type of the class" },
All_symbols_within_a_with_block_will_be_resolved_to_any: { code: 2410, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "All symbols within a 'with' block will be resolved to 'any'." },
Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_2: { code: 2411, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' of type '{1}' is not assignable to string index type '{2}'." },
Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_numeric_index_type_2: { code: 2412, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' of type '{1}' is not assignable to numeric index type '{2}'." },
Numeric_index_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_1: { code: 2413, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Numeric index type '{0}' is not assignable to string index type '{1}'." },
Class_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2414, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class name cannot be '{0}'" },
Class_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_1: { code: 2415, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' incorrectly extends base class '{1}'." },
Class_static_side_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_static_side_1: { code: 2417, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class static side '{0}' incorrectly extends base class static side '{1}'." },
Type_name_0_in_extends_clause_does_not_reference_constructor_function_for_0: { code: 2419, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type name '{0}' in extends clause does not reference constructor function for '{0}'." },
Class_0_incorrectly_implements_interface_1: { code: 2420, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' incorrectly implements interface '{1}'." },
A_class_may_only_implement_another_class_or_interface: { code: 2422, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class may only implement another class or interface." },
Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_accessor: { code: 2423, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' defines instance member function '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member accessor." },
Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_property: { code: 2424, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' defines instance member function '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member property." },
Class_0_defines_instance_member_property_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_function: { code: 2425, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' defines instance member property '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member function." },
Class_0_defines_instance_member_accessor_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_function: { code: 2426, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' defines instance member accessor '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member function." },
Interface_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2427, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface name cannot be '{0}'" },
All_declarations_of_an_interface_must_have_identical_type_parameters: { code: 2428, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "All declarations of an interface must have identical type parameters." },
Interface_0_incorrectly_extends_interface_1: { code: 2430, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface '{0}' incorrectly extends interface '{1}'." },
Enum_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2431, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum name cannot be '{0}'" },
In_an_enum_with_multiple_declarations_only_one_declaration_can_omit_an_initializer_for_its_first_enum_element: { code: 2432, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "In an enum with multiple declarations, only one declaration can omit an initializer for its first enum element." },
A_module_declaration_cannot_be_in_a_different_file_from_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged: { code: 2433, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A module declaration cannot be in a different file from a class or function with which it is merged" },
A_module_declaration_cannot_be_located_prior_to_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged: { code: 2434, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A module declaration cannot be located prior to a class or function with which it is merged" },
Ambient_external_modules_cannot_be_nested_in_other_modules: { code: 2435, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Ambient external modules cannot be nested in other modules." },
Ambient_external_module_declaration_cannot_specify_relative_module_name: { code: 2436, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Ambient external module declaration cannot specify relative module name." },
Module_0_is_hidden_by_a_local_declaration_with_the_same_name: { code: 2437, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Module '{0}' is hidden by a local declaration with the same name" },
Import_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2438, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import name cannot be '{0}'" },
Import_declaration_in_an_ambient_external_module_declaration_cannot_reference_external_module_through_relative_external_module_name: { code: 2439, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import declaration in an ambient external module declaration cannot reference external module through relative external module name." },
Import_declaration_conflicts_with_local_declaration_of_0: { code: 2440, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import declaration conflicts with local declaration of '{0}'" },
Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_reserves_name_1_in_top_level_scope_of_an_external_module: { code: 2441, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier '{0}'. Compiler reserves name '{1}' in top level scope of an external module." },
Types_have_separate_declarations_of_a_private_property_0: { code: 2442, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Types have separate declarations of a private property '{0}'." },
Property_0_is_protected_but_type_1_is_not_a_class_derived_from_2: { code: 2443, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is protected but type '{1}' is not a class derived from '{2}'." },
Property_0_is_protected_in_type_1_but_public_in_type_2: { code: 2444, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is protected in type '{1}' but public in type '{2}'." },
Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_within_class_1_and_its_subclasses: { code: 2445, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is protected and only accessible within class '{1}' and its subclasses." },
Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_through_an_instance_of_class_1: { code: 2446, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is protected and only accessible through an instance of class '{1}'." },
The_0_operator_is_not_allowed_for_boolean_types_Consider_using_1_instead: { code: 2447, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The '{0}' operator is not allowed for boolean types. Consider using '{1}' instead." },
Block_scoped_variable_0_used_before_its_declaration: { code: 2448, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Block-scoped variable '{0}' used before its declaration.", isEarly: true },
The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_cannot_be_a_constant: { code: 2449, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The operand of an increment or decrement operator cannot be a constant.", isEarly: true },
Left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression_cannot_be_a_constant: { code: 2450, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Left-hand side of assignment expression cannot be a constant.", isEarly: true },
Cannot_redeclare_block_scoped_variable_0: { code: 2451, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable '{0}'.", isEarly: true },
An_enum_member_cannot_have_a_numeric_name: { code: 2452, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An enum member cannot have a numeric name." },
The_type_argument_for_type_parameter_0_cannot_be_inferred_from_the_usage_Consider_specifying_the_type_arguments_explicitly: { code: 2453, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The type argument for type parameter '{0}' cannot be inferred from the usage. Consider specifying the type arguments explicitly." },
Type_argument_candidate_1_is_not_a_valid_type_argument_because_it_is_not_a_supertype_of_candidate_0: { code: 2455, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type argument candidate '{1}' is not a valid type argument because it is not a supertype of candidate '{0}'." },
Type_alias_0_circularly_references_itself: { code: 2456, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type alias '{0}' circularly references itself." },
Type_alias_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2457, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type alias name cannot be '{0}'" },
An_AMD_module_cannot_have_multiple_name_assignments: { code: 2458, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An AMD module cannot have multiple name assignments." },
Type_0_has_no_property_1_and_no_string_index_signature: { code: 2459, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' has no property '{1}' and no string index signature." },
Type_0_has_no_property_1: { code: 2460, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' has no property '{1}'." },
Type_0_has_no_numeric_index_signature: { code: 2461, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' has no numeric index signature." },
Import_declaration_0_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4000, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import declaration '{0}' is using private name '{1}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4001, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4002, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4003, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4004, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4005, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4006, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4007, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of call signature from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4008, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4009, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4010, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4011, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4012, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4013, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of method from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4014, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of method from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4015, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Type_parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4016, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Implements_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4017, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Implements clause of exported class '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Extends_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4018, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Extends clause of exported class '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Implements_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4019, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Implements clause of exported class '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Extends_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4020, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Extends clause of exported class '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Extends_clause_of_exported_interface_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4021, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Extends clause of exported interface '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Extends_clause_of_exported_interface_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4022, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Extends clause of exported interface '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4023, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported variable '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4024, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported variable '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4025, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported variable '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4026, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public static property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4027, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public static property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4028, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public static property '{0}' of exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4029, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4030, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4031, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public property '{0}' of exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4032, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' of exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4033, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' of exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4034, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public static property setter from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4035, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public static property setter from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4036, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public property setter from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4037, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public property setter from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4038, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." },
Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4039, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4040, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." },
Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4041, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." },
Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4042, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4043, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." },
Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4044, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4045, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." },
Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4046, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of call signature from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4047, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." },
Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4048, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of index signature from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4049, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of index signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." },
Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4050, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." },
Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4051, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4052, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." },
Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4053, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." },
Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4054, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4055, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public method from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." },
Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4056, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of method from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4057, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of method from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." },
Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4058, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of exported function has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." },
Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4059, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of exported function has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4060, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of exported function has or is using private name '{0}'." },
Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4061, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4062, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4063, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4064, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4065, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4066, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of call signature from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4067, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4068, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4069, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4070, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4071, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4072, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4073, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4074, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of method from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4075, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of method from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4076, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4077, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4078, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Exported_type_alias_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4079, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported type alias '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
Exported_type_alias_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4080, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported type alias '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
Exported_type_alias_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4081, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported type alias '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." },
Enum_declarations_must_all_be_const_or_non_const: { code: 4082, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum declarations must all be const or non-const." },
In_const_enum_declarations_member_initializer_must_be_constant_expression: { code: 4083, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "In 'const' enum declarations member initializer must be constant expression.", isEarly: true },
const_enums_can_only_be_used_in_property_or_index_access_expressions_or_the_right_hand_side_of_an_import_declaration_or_export_assignment: { code: 4084, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' enums can only be used in property or index access expressions or the right hand side of an import declaration or export assignment." },
Index_expression_arguments_in_const_enums_must_be_of_type_string: { code: 4085, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Index expression arguments in 'const' enums must be of type 'string'." },
const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_a_non_finite_value: { code: 4086, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' enum member initializer was evaluated to a non-finite value." },
const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_disallowed_value_NaN: { code: 4087, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' enum member initializer was evaluated to disallowed value 'NaN'." },
The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option: { code: 5001, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The current host does not support the '{0}' option." },
Cannot_find_the_common_subdirectory_path_for_the_input_files: { code: 5009, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot find the common subdirectory path for the input files." },
Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1: { code: 5012, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot read file '{0}': {1}" },
Unsupported_file_encoding: { code: 5013, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unsupported file encoding." },
Unknown_compiler_option_0: { code: 5023, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unknown compiler option '{0}'." },
Could_not_write_file_0_Colon_1: { code: 5033, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Could not write file '{0}': {1}" },
Option_mapRoot_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_sourcemap_option: { code: 5038, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option mapRoot cannot be specified without specifying sourcemap option." },
Option_sourceRoot_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_sourcemap_option: { code: 5039, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option sourceRoot cannot be specified without specifying sourcemap option." },
Concatenate_and_emit_output_to_single_file: { code: 6001, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Concatenate and emit output to single file." },
Generates_corresponding_d_ts_file: { code: 6002, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file." },
Specifies_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations: { code: 6003, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations." },
Specifies_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations: { code: 6004, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations." },
Watch_input_files: { code: 6005, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Watch input files." },
Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory: { code: 6006, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Redirect output structure to the directory." },
Do_not_erase_const_enum_declarations_in_generated_code: { code: 6007, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code." },
Do_not_emit_outputs_if_any_type_checking_errors_were_reported: { code: 6008, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do not emit outputs if any type checking errors were reported." },
Do_not_emit_comments_to_output: { code: 6009, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do not emit comments to output." },
Specify_ECMAScript_target_version_Colon_ES3_default_ES5_or_ES6_experimental: { code: 6015, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', or 'ES6' (experimental)" },
Specify_module_code_generation_Colon_commonjs_or_amd: { code: 6016, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify module code generation: 'commonjs' or 'amd'" },
Print_this_message: { code: 6017, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Print this message." },
Print_the_compiler_s_version: { code: 6019, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Print the compiler's version." },
Syntax_Colon_0: { code: 6023, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Syntax: {0}" },
options: { code: 6024, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "options" },
file: { code: 6025, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "file" },
Examples_Colon_0: { code: 6026, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Examples: {0}" },
Options_Colon: { code: 6027, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Options:" },
Version_0: { code: 6029, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Version {0}" },
Insert_command_line_options_and_files_from_a_file: { code: 6030, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Insert command line options and files from a file." },
File_change_detected_Compiling: { code: 6032, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "File change detected. Compiling..." },
KIND: { code: 6034, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "KIND" },
FILE: { code: 6035, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "FILE" },
VERSION: { code: 6036, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "VERSION" },
LOCATION: { code: 6037, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "LOCATION" },
DIRECTORY: { code: 6038, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "DIRECTORY" },
Compilation_complete_Watching_for_file_changes: { code: 6042, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Compilation complete. Watching for file changes." },
Generates_corresponding_map_file: { code: 6043, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Generates corresponding '.map' file." },
Compiler_option_0_expects_an_argument: { code: 6044, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Compiler option '{0}' expects an argument." },
Unterminated_quoted_string_in_response_file_0: { code: 6045, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated quoted string in response file '{0}'." },
Argument_for_module_option_must_be_commonjs_or_amd: { code: 6046, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument for '--module' option must be 'commonjs' or 'amd'." },
Argument_for_target_option_must_be_es3_es5_or_es6: { code: 6047, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument for '--target' option must be 'es3', 'es5', or 'es6'." },
Locale_must_be_of_the_form_language_or_language_territory_For_example_0_or_1: { code: 6048, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Locale must be of the form <language> or <language>-<territory>. For example '{0}' or '{1}'." },
Unsupported_locale_0: { code: 6049, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unsupported locale '{0}'." },
Unable_to_open_file_0: { code: 6050, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unable to open file '{0}'." },
Corrupted_locale_file_0: { code: 6051, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Corrupted locale file {0}." },
Warn_on_expressions_and_declarations_with_an_implied_any_type: { code: 6052, category: DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Warn on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type." },
File_0_not_found: { code: 6053, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File '{0}' not found." },
File_0_must_have_extension_ts_or_d_ts: { code: 6054, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File '{0}' must have extension '.ts' or '.d.ts'." },
Variable_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7005, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Variable '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." },
Parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7006, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." },
Member_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7008, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Member '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." },
new_expression_whose_target_lacks_a_construct_signature_implicitly_has_an_any_type: { code: 7009, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'new' expression, whose target lacks a construct signature, implicitly has an 'any' type." },
_0_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_1_return_type: { code: 7010, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an '{1}' return type." },
Function_expression_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_0_return_type: { code: 7011, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function expression, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an '{0}' return type." },
Construct_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type: { code: 7013, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Construct signature, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' return type." },
Property_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_its_set_accessor_lacks_a_type_annotation: { code: 7016, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' implicitly has type 'any', because its 'set' accessor lacks a type annotation." },
Index_signature_of_object_type_implicitly_has_an_any_type: { code: 7017, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Index signature of object type implicitly has an 'any' type." },
Object_literal_s_property_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7018, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Object literal's property '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." },
Rest_parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_any_type: { code: 7019, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Rest parameter '{0}' implicitly has an 'any[]' type." },
Call_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type: { code: 7020, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Call signature, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' return type." },
_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation: { code: 7021, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' implicitly has type 'any' because it is referenced directly or indirectly in its own type annotation." },
_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_is_does_not_have_a_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_initializer: { code: 7022, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' implicitly has type 'any' because it is does not have a type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in its own initializer." },
_0_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions: { code: 7023, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions." },
Function_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions: { code: 7024, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions." },
You_cannot_rename_this_element: { code: 8000, category: DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "You cannot rename this element." },