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namespace ts {
export interface ReadBuildProgramHost {
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
readFile(fileName: string): string | undefined;
export function readBuilderProgram(compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ReadBuildProgramHost) {
if (compilerOptions.out || compilerOptions.outFile) return undefined;
const buildInfoPath = getTsBuildInfoEmitOutputFilePath(compilerOptions);
if (!buildInfoPath) return undefined;
const content = host.readFile(buildInfoPath);
if (!content) return undefined;
const buildInfo = getBuildInfo(content);
if (buildInfo.version !== version) return undefined;
if (!buildInfo.program) return undefined;
return createBuildProgramUsingProgramBuildInfo(buildInfo.program, buildInfoPath, host);
export function createIncrementalCompilerHost(options: CompilerOptions, system = sys): CompilerHost {
const host = createCompilerHostWorker(options, /*setParentNodes*/ undefined, system);
host.createHash = maybeBind(system, system.createHash);
setGetSourceFileAsHashVersioned(host, system);
changeCompilerHostLikeToUseCache(host, fileName => toPath(fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), host.getCanonicalFileName));
return host;
export interface IncrementalProgramOptions<T extends BuilderProgram> {
rootNames: readonly string[];
options: CompilerOptions;
configFileParsingDiagnostics?: readonly Diagnostic[];
projectReferences?: readonly ProjectReference[];
host?: CompilerHost;
createProgram?: CreateProgram<T>;
export function createIncrementalProgram<T extends BuilderProgram = EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram>({
rootNames, options, configFileParsingDiagnostics, projectReferences, host, createProgram
}: IncrementalProgramOptions<T>): T {
host = host || createIncrementalCompilerHost(options);
createProgram = createProgram || createEmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram as any as CreateProgram<T>;
const oldProgram = readBuilderProgram(options, host) as any as T;
return createProgram(rootNames, options, host, oldProgram, configFileParsingDiagnostics, projectReferences);
export type WatchStatusReporter = (diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions, errorCount?: number) => void;
/** Create the program with rootNames and options, if they are undefined, oldProgram and new configFile diagnostics create new program */
export type CreateProgram<T extends BuilderProgram> = (rootNames: readonly string[] | undefined, options: CompilerOptions | undefined, host?: CompilerHost, oldProgram?: T, configFileParsingDiagnostics?: readonly Diagnostic[], projectReferences?: readonly ProjectReference[] | undefined) => T;
/** Host that has watch functionality used in --watch mode */
export interface WatchHost {
/** If provided, called with Diagnostic message that informs about change in watch status */
onWatchStatusChange?(diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions, errorCount?: number): void;
/** Used to watch changes in source files, missing files needed to update the program or config file */
watchFile(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval?: number, options?: CompilerOptions): FileWatcher;
/** Used to watch resolved module's failed lookup locations, config file specs, type roots where auto type reference directives are added */
watchDirectory(path: string, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive?: boolean, options?: CompilerOptions): FileWatcher;
/** If provided, will be used to set delayed compilation, so that multiple changes in short span are compiled together */
setTimeout?(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): any;
/** If provided, will be used to reset existing delayed compilation */
clearTimeout?(timeoutId: any): void;
export interface ProgramHost<T extends BuilderProgram> {
* Used to create the program when need for program creation or recreation detected
createProgram: CreateProgram<T>;
// Sub set of compiler host methods to read and generate new program
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean;
getNewLine(): string;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getDefaultLibFileName(options: CompilerOptions): string;
getDefaultLibLocation?(): string;
createHash?(data: string): string;
* Use to check file presence for source files and
* if resolveModuleNames is not provided (complier is in charge of module resolution) then module files as well
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
* Use to read file text for source files and
* if resolveModuleNames is not provided (complier is in charge of module resolution) then module files as well
readFile(path: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined;
/** If provided, used for module resolution as well as to handle directory structure */
directoryExists?(path: string): boolean;
/** If provided, used in resolutions as well as handling directory structure */
getDirectories?(path: string): string[];
/** If provided, used to cache and handle directory structure modifications */
readDirectory?(path: string, extensions?: readonly string[], exclude?: readonly string[], include?: readonly string[], depth?: number): string[];
/** Symbol links resolution */
realpath?(path: string): string;
/** If provided would be used to write log about compilation */
trace?(s: string): void;
/** If provided is used to get the environment variable */
getEnvironmentVariable?(name: string): string | undefined;
/** If provided, used to resolve the module names, otherwise typescript's default module resolution */
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames: string[] | undefined, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions): (ResolvedModule | undefined)[];
/** If provided, used to resolve type reference directives, otherwise typescript's default resolution */
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeReferenceDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions): (ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[];
/** Internal interface used to wire emit through same host */
export interface ProgramHost<T extends BuilderProgram> {
// TODO: GH#18217 Optional methods are frequently asserted
createDirectory?(path: string): void;
writeFile?(path: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean): void;
export interface WatchCompilerHost<T extends BuilderProgram> extends ProgramHost<T>, WatchHost {
/** Instead of using output d.ts file from project reference, use its source file */
useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect?(): boolean;
/** If provided, callback to invoke after every new program creation */
afterProgramCreate?(program: T): void;
* Host to create watch with root files and options
export interface WatchCompilerHostOfFilesAndCompilerOptions<T extends BuilderProgram> extends WatchCompilerHost<T> {
/** root files to use to generate program */
rootFiles: string[];
/** Compiler options */
options: CompilerOptions;
watchOptions?: WatchOptions;
/** Project References */
projectReferences?: readonly ProjectReference[];
* Host to create watch with config file
export interface WatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile<T extends BuilderProgram> extends WatchCompilerHost<T>, ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter {
/** Name of the config file to compile */
configFileName: string;
/** Options to extend */
optionsToExtend?: CompilerOptions;
watchOptionsToExtend?: WatchOptions;
extraFileExtensions?: readonly FileExtensionInfo[]
* Used to generate source file names from the config file and its include, exclude, files rules
* and also to cache the directory stucture
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: readonly string[], exclude?: readonly string[], include?: readonly string[], depth?: number): string[];
* Host to create watch with config file that is already parsed (from tsc)
export interface WatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile<T extends BuilderProgram> extends WatchCompilerHost<T> {
configFileParsingResult?: ParsedCommandLine;
export interface Watch<T> {
/** Synchronize with host and get updated program */
getProgram(): T;
/** Gets the existing program without synchronizing with changes on host */
getCurrentProgram(): T;
/** Closes the watch */
close(): void;
* Creates the watch what generates program using the config file
export interface WatchOfConfigFile<T> extends Watch<T> {
* Creates the watch that generates program using the root files and compiler options
export interface WatchOfFilesAndCompilerOptions<T> extends Watch<T> {
/** Updates the root files in the program, only if this is not config file compilation */
updateRootFileNames(fileNames: string[]): void;
* Create the watch compiler host for either configFile or fileNames and its options
export function createWatchCompilerHost<T extends BuilderProgram>(configFileName: string, optionsToExtend: CompilerOptions | undefined, system: System, createProgram?: CreateProgram<T>, reportDiagnostic?: DiagnosticReporter, reportWatchStatus?: WatchStatusReporter, watchOptionsToExtend?: WatchOptions, extraFileExtensions?: readonly FileExtensionInfo[]): WatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile<T>;
export function createWatchCompilerHost<T extends BuilderProgram>(rootFiles: string[], options: CompilerOptions, system: System, createProgram?: CreateProgram<T>, reportDiagnostic?: DiagnosticReporter, reportWatchStatus?: WatchStatusReporter, projectReferences?: readonly ProjectReference[], watchOptions?: WatchOptions): WatchCompilerHostOfFilesAndCompilerOptions<T>;
export function createWatchCompilerHost<T extends BuilderProgram>(rootFilesOrConfigFileName: string | string[], options: CompilerOptions | undefined, system: System, createProgram?: CreateProgram<T>, reportDiagnostic?: DiagnosticReporter, reportWatchStatus?: WatchStatusReporter, projectReferencesOrWatchOptionsToExtend?: readonly ProjectReference[] | WatchOptions, watchOptionsOrExtraFileExtensions?: WatchOptions | readonly FileExtensionInfo[]): WatchCompilerHostOfFilesAndCompilerOptions<T> | WatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile<T> {
if (isArray(rootFilesOrConfigFileName)) {
return createWatchCompilerHostOfFilesAndCompilerOptions({
rootFiles: rootFilesOrConfigFileName,
options: options!,
watchOptions: watchOptionsOrExtraFileExtensions as WatchOptions,
projectReferences: projectReferencesOrWatchOptionsToExtend as readonly ProjectReference[],
else {
return createWatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile({
configFileName: rootFilesOrConfigFileName,
optionsToExtend: options,
watchOptionsToExtend: projectReferencesOrWatchOptionsToExtend as WatchOptions,
extraFileExtensions: watchOptionsOrExtraFileExtensions as readonly FileExtensionInfo[],
* Creates the watch from the host for root files and compiler options
export function createWatchProgram<T extends BuilderProgram>(host: WatchCompilerHostOfFilesAndCompilerOptions<T>): WatchOfFilesAndCompilerOptions<T>;
* Creates the watch from the host for config file
export function createWatchProgram<T extends BuilderProgram>(host: WatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile<T>): WatchOfConfigFile<T>;
export function createWatchProgram<T extends BuilderProgram>(host: WatchCompilerHostOfFilesAndCompilerOptions<T> & WatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile<T>): WatchOfFilesAndCompilerOptions<T> | WatchOfConfigFile<T> {
interface FilePresentOnHost {
version: string;
sourceFile: SourceFile;
fileWatcher: FileWatcher;
type FileMissingOnHost = false;
interface FilePresenceUnknownOnHost {
version: false;
fileWatcher?: FileWatcher;
type FileMayBePresentOnHost = FilePresentOnHost | FilePresenceUnknownOnHost;
type HostFileInfo = FilePresentOnHost | FileMissingOnHost | FilePresenceUnknownOnHost;
let builderProgram: T;
let reloadLevel: ConfigFileProgramReloadLevel; // level to indicate if the program needs to be reloaded from config file/just filenames etc
let missingFilesMap: Map<FileWatcher>; // Map of file watchers for the missing files
let watchedWildcardDirectories: Map<WildcardDirectoryWatcher>; // map of watchers for the wild card directories in the config file
let timerToUpdateProgram: any; // timer callback to recompile the program
const sourceFilesCache = createMap<HostFileInfo>(); // Cache that stores the source file and version info
let missingFilePathsRequestedForRelease: Path[] | undefined; // These paths are held temparirly so that we can remove the entry from source file cache if the file is not tracked by missing files
let hasChangedCompilerOptions = false; // True if the compiler options have changed between compilations
let hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames = false; // True if the automatic type directives have changed
const useCaseSensitiveFileNames = host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames();
const currentDirectory = host.getCurrentDirectory();
const { configFileName, optionsToExtend: optionsToExtendForConfigFile = {}, watchOptionsToExtend, extraFileExtensions, createProgram } = host;
let { rootFiles: rootFileNames, options: compilerOptions, watchOptions, projectReferences } = host;
let configFileSpecs: ConfigFileSpecs;
let configFileParsingDiagnostics: Diagnostic[] | undefined;
let canConfigFileJsonReportNoInputFiles = false;
let hasChangedConfigFileParsingErrors = false;
const cachedDirectoryStructureHost = configFileName === undefined ? undefined : createCachedDirectoryStructureHost(host, currentDirectory, useCaseSensitiveFileNames);
const directoryStructureHost: DirectoryStructureHost = cachedDirectoryStructureHost || host;
const parseConfigFileHost = parseConfigHostFromCompilerHostLike(host, directoryStructureHost);
// From tsc we want to get already parsed result and hence check for rootFileNames
let newLine = updateNewLine();
if (configFileName && host.configFileParsingResult) {
newLine = updateNewLine();
if (configFileName && !host.configFileParsingResult) {
newLine = getNewLineCharacter(optionsToExtendForConfigFile, () => host.getNewLine());
newLine = updateNewLine();
const { watchFile, watchFilePath, watchDirectory, writeLog } = createWatchFactory<string>(host, compilerOptions);
const getCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName(useCaseSensitiveFileNames);
writeLog(`Current directory: ${currentDirectory} CaseSensitiveFileNames: ${useCaseSensitiveFileNames}`);
let configFileWatcher: FileWatcher | undefined;
if (configFileName) {
configFileWatcher = watchFile(host, configFileName, scheduleProgramReload, PollingInterval.High, watchOptions, WatchType.ConfigFile);
const compilerHost = createCompilerHostFromProgramHost(host, () => compilerOptions, directoryStructureHost) as CompilerHost & ResolutionCacheHost;
setGetSourceFileAsHashVersioned(compilerHost, host);
// Members for CompilerHost
const getNewSourceFile = compilerHost.getSourceFile;
compilerHost.getSourceFile = (fileName, ...args) => getVersionedSourceFileByPath(fileName, toPath(fileName), ...args);
compilerHost.getSourceFileByPath = getVersionedSourceFileByPath;
compilerHost.getNewLine = () => newLine;
compilerHost.fileExists = fileExists;
compilerHost.onReleaseOldSourceFile = onReleaseOldSourceFile;
// Members for ResolutionCacheHost
compilerHost.toPath = toPath;
compilerHost.getCompilationSettings = () => compilerOptions;
compilerHost.useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect = maybeBind(host, host.useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect);
compilerHost.watchDirectoryOfFailedLookupLocation = (dir, cb, flags) => watchDirectory(host, dir, cb, flags, watchOptions, WatchType.FailedLookupLocations);
compilerHost.watchTypeRootsDirectory = (dir, cb, flags) => watchDirectory(host, dir, cb, flags, watchOptions, WatchType.TypeRoots);
compilerHost.getCachedDirectoryStructureHost = () => cachedDirectoryStructureHost;
compilerHost.onInvalidatedResolution = scheduleProgramUpdate;
compilerHost.onChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames = () => {
hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames = true;
compilerHost.fileIsOpen = returnFalse;
compilerHost.getCurrentProgram = getCurrentProgram;
compilerHost.writeLog = writeLog;
// Cache for the module resolution
const resolutionCache = createResolutionCache(compilerHost,
configFileName ?
getDirectoryPath(getNormalizedAbsolutePath(configFileName, currentDirectory)) :
/*logChangesWhenResolvingModule*/ false
// Resolve module using host module resolution strategy if provided otherwise use resolution cache to resolve module names
compilerHost.resolveModuleNames = host.resolveModuleNames ?
((...args) => host.resolveModuleNames!(...args)) :
((moduleNames, containingFile, reusedNames, redirectedReference) => resolutionCache.resolveModuleNames(moduleNames, containingFile, reusedNames, redirectedReference));
compilerHost.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives = host.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives ?
((...args) => host.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives!(...args)) :
((typeDirectiveNames, containingFile, redirectedReference) => resolutionCache.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives(typeDirectiveNames, containingFile, redirectedReference));
const userProvidedResolution = !!host.resolveModuleNames || !!host.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives;
builderProgram = readBuilderProgram(compilerOptions, compilerHost) as any as T;
// Update the wild card directory watch
return configFileName ?
{ getCurrentProgram: getCurrentBuilderProgram, getProgram: updateProgram, close } :
{ getCurrentProgram: getCurrentBuilderProgram, getProgram: updateProgram, updateRootFileNames, close };
function close() {
clearMap(sourceFilesCache, value => {
if (value && value.fileWatcher) {
value.fileWatcher = undefined;
if (configFileWatcher) {
configFileWatcher = undefined;
if (watchedWildcardDirectories) {
clearMap(watchedWildcardDirectories, closeFileWatcherOf);
watchedWildcardDirectories = undefined!;
if (missingFilesMap) {
clearMap(missingFilesMap, closeFileWatcher);
missingFilesMap = undefined!;
function getCurrentBuilderProgram() {
return builderProgram;
function getCurrentProgram() {
return builderProgram && builderProgram.getProgramOrUndefined();
function synchronizeProgram() {
writeLog(`Synchronizing program`);
const program = getCurrentBuilderProgram();
if (hasChangedCompilerOptions) {
newLine = updateNewLine();
if (program && changesAffectModuleResolution(program.getCompilerOptions(), compilerOptions)) {
// All resolutions are invalid if user provided resolutions
const hasInvalidatedResolution = resolutionCache.createHasInvalidatedResolution(userProvidedResolution);
if (isProgramUptoDate(getCurrentProgram(), rootFileNames, compilerOptions, getSourceVersion, fileExists, hasInvalidatedResolution, hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames, projectReferences)) {
if (hasChangedConfigFileParsingErrors) {
builderProgram = createProgram(/*rootNames*/ undefined, /*options*/ undefined, compilerHost, builderProgram, configFileParsingDiagnostics, projectReferences);
hasChangedConfigFileParsingErrors = false;
else {
if (host.afterProgramCreate && program !== builderProgram) {
return builderProgram;
function createNewProgram(hasInvalidatedResolution: HasInvalidatedResolution) {
// Compile the program
writeLog(` roots: ${JSON.stringify(rootFileNames)}`);
writeLog(` options: ${JSON.stringify(compilerOptions)}`);
const needsUpdateInTypeRootWatch = hasChangedCompilerOptions || !getCurrentProgram();
hasChangedCompilerOptions = false;
hasChangedConfigFileParsingErrors = false;
compilerHost.hasInvalidatedResolution = hasInvalidatedResolution;
compilerHost.hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames = hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames;
hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames = false;
builderProgram = createProgram(rootFileNames, compilerOptions, compilerHost, builderProgram, configFileParsingDiagnostics, projectReferences);
// Update watches
updateMissingFilePathsWatch(builderProgram.getProgram(), missingFilesMap || (missingFilesMap = createMap()), watchMissingFilePath);
if (needsUpdateInTypeRootWatch) {
if (missingFilePathsRequestedForRelease) {
// These are the paths that program creater told us as not in use any more but were missing on the disk.
// We didnt remove the entry for them from sourceFiles cache so that we dont have to do File IO,
// if there is already watcher for it (for missing files)
// At this point our watches were updated, hence now we know that these paths are not tracked and need to be removed
// so that at later time we have correct result of their presence
for (const missingFilePath of missingFilePathsRequestedForRelease) {
if (!missingFilesMap.has(missingFilePath)) {
missingFilePathsRequestedForRelease = undefined;
function updateRootFileNames(files: string[]) {
Debug.assert(!configFileName, "Cannot update root file names with config file watch mode");
rootFileNames = files;
function updateNewLine() {
return getNewLineCharacter(compilerOptions || optionsToExtendForConfigFile, () => host.getNewLine());
function toPath(fileName: string) {
return ts.toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
function isFileMissingOnHost(hostSourceFile: HostFileInfo | undefined): hostSourceFile is FileMissingOnHost {
return typeof hostSourceFile === "boolean";
function isFilePresenceUnknownOnHost(hostSourceFile: FileMayBePresentOnHost): hostSourceFile is FilePresenceUnknownOnHost {
return typeof (hostSourceFile as FilePresenceUnknownOnHost).version === "boolean";
function fileExists(fileName: string) {
const path = toPath(fileName);
// If file is missing on host from cache, we can definitely say file doesnt exist
// otherwise we need to ensure from the disk
if (isFileMissingOnHost(sourceFilesCache.get(path))) {
return false;
return directoryStructureHost.fileExists(fileName);
function getVersionedSourceFileByPath(fileName: string, path: Path, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): SourceFile | undefined {
const hostSourceFile = sourceFilesCache.get(path);
// No source file on the host
if (isFileMissingOnHost(hostSourceFile)) {
return undefined;
// Create new source file if requested or the versions dont match
if (hostSourceFile === undefined || shouldCreateNewSourceFile || isFilePresenceUnknownOnHost(hostSourceFile)) {
const sourceFile = getNewSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError);
if (hostSourceFile) {
if (sourceFile) {
// Set the source file and create file watcher now that file was present on the disk
(hostSourceFile as FilePresentOnHost).sourceFile = sourceFile;
hostSourceFile.version = sourceFile.version;
if (!hostSourceFile.fileWatcher) {
hostSourceFile.fileWatcher = watchFilePath(host, fileName, onSourceFileChange, PollingInterval.Low, watchOptions, path, WatchType.SourceFile);
else {
// There is no source file on host any more, close the watch, missing file paths will track it
if (hostSourceFile.fileWatcher) {
sourceFilesCache.set(path, false);
else {
if (sourceFile) {
const fileWatcher = watchFilePath(host, fileName, onSourceFileChange, PollingInterval.Low, watchOptions, path, WatchType.SourceFile);
sourceFilesCache.set(path, { sourceFile, version: sourceFile.version, fileWatcher });
else {
sourceFilesCache.set(path, false);
return sourceFile;
return hostSourceFile.sourceFile;
function nextSourceFileVersion(path: Path) {
const hostSourceFile = sourceFilesCache.get(path);
if (hostSourceFile !== undefined) {
if (isFileMissingOnHost(hostSourceFile)) {
// The next version, lets set it as presence unknown file
sourceFilesCache.set(path, { version: false });
else {
(hostSourceFile as FilePresenceUnknownOnHost).version = false;
function getSourceVersion(path: Path): string | undefined {
const hostSourceFile = sourceFilesCache.get(path);
return !hostSourceFile || !hostSourceFile.version ? undefined : hostSourceFile.version;
function onReleaseOldSourceFile(oldSourceFile: SourceFile, _oldOptions: CompilerOptions, hasSourceFileByPath: boolean) {
const hostSourceFileInfo = sourceFilesCache.get(oldSourceFile.resolvedPath);
// If this is the source file thats in the cache and new program doesnt need it,
// remove the cached entry.
// Note we arent deleting entry if file became missing in new program or
// there was version update and new source file was created.
if (hostSourceFileInfo !== undefined) {
// record the missing file paths so they can be removed later if watchers arent tracking them
if (isFileMissingOnHost(hostSourceFileInfo)) {
(missingFilePathsRequestedForRelease || (missingFilePathsRequestedForRelease = [])).push(oldSourceFile.path);
else if ((hostSourceFileInfo as FilePresentOnHost).sourceFile === oldSourceFile) {
if (hostSourceFileInfo.fileWatcher) {
if (!hasSourceFileByPath) {
function reportWatchDiagnostic(message: DiagnosticMessage) {
if (host.onWatchStatusChange) {
host.onWatchStatusChange(createCompilerDiagnostic(message), newLine, compilerOptions || optionsToExtendForConfigFile);
// Upon detecting a file change, wait for 250ms and then perform a recompilation. This gives batch
// operations (such as saving all modified files in an editor) a chance to complete before we kick
// off a new compilation.
function scheduleProgramUpdate() {
if (!host.setTimeout || !host.clearTimeout) {
if (timerToUpdateProgram) {
writeLog("Scheduling update");
timerToUpdateProgram = host.setTimeout(updateProgramWithWatchStatus, 250);
function scheduleProgramReload() {
reloadLevel = ConfigFileProgramReloadLevel.Full;
function updateProgramWithWatchStatus() {
timerToUpdateProgram = undefined;
function updateProgram() {
switch (reloadLevel) {
case ConfigFileProgramReloadLevel.Partial:
case ConfigFileProgramReloadLevel.Full:
return getCurrentBuilderProgram();
function reloadFileNamesFromConfigFile() {
writeLog("Reloading new file names and options");
const result = getFileNamesFromConfigSpecs(configFileSpecs, getNormalizedAbsolutePath(getDirectoryPath(configFileName), currentDirectory), compilerOptions, parseConfigFileHost);
if (updateErrorForNoInputFiles(result, getNormalizedAbsolutePath(configFileName, currentDirectory), configFileSpecs, configFileParsingDiagnostics!, canConfigFileJsonReportNoInputFiles)) {
hasChangedConfigFileParsingErrors = true;
rootFileNames = result.fileNames;
// Update the program
function reloadConfigFile() {
writeLog(`Reloading config file: ${configFileName}`);
reloadLevel = ConfigFileProgramReloadLevel.None;
if (cachedDirectoryStructureHost) {
hasChangedCompilerOptions = true;
// Update the wild card directory watch
function parseConfigFile() {
setConfigFileParsingResult(getParsedCommandLineOfConfigFile(configFileName, optionsToExtendForConfigFile, parseConfigFileHost, /*extendedConfigCache*/ undefined, watchOptionsToExtend, extraFileExtensions)!); // TODO: GH#18217
function setConfigFileParsingResult(configFileParseResult: ParsedCommandLine) {
rootFileNames = configFileParseResult.fileNames;
compilerOptions = configFileParseResult.options;
watchOptions = configFileParseResult.watchOptions;
configFileSpecs = configFileParseResult.configFileSpecs!; // TODO: GH#18217
projectReferences = configFileParseResult.projectReferences;
configFileParsingDiagnostics = getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics(configFileParseResult).slice();
canConfigFileJsonReportNoInputFiles = canJsonReportNoInutFiles(configFileParseResult.raw);
hasChangedConfigFileParsingErrors = true;
function onSourceFileChange(fileName: string, eventKind: FileWatcherEventKind, path: Path) {
updateCachedSystemWithFile(fileName, path, eventKind);
// Update the source file cache
if (eventKind === FileWatcherEventKind.Deleted && sourceFilesCache.has(path)) {
// Update the program
function updateCachedSystemWithFile(fileName: string, path: Path, eventKind: FileWatcherEventKind) {
if (cachedDirectoryStructureHost) {
cachedDirectoryStructureHost.addOrDeleteFile(fileName, path, eventKind);
function watchMissingFilePath(missingFilePath: Path) {
return watchFilePath(host, missingFilePath, onMissingFileChange, PollingInterval.Medium, watchOptions, missingFilePath, WatchType.MissingFile);
function onMissingFileChange(fileName: string, eventKind: FileWatcherEventKind, missingFilePath: Path) {
updateCachedSystemWithFile(fileName, missingFilePath, eventKind);
if (eventKind === FileWatcherEventKind.Created && missingFilesMap.has(missingFilePath)) {
// Delete the entry in the source files cache so that new source file is created
// When a missing file is created, we should update the graph.
function watchConfigFileWildCardDirectories() {
if (configFileSpecs) {
watchedWildcardDirectories || (watchedWildcardDirectories = createMap()),
else if (watchedWildcardDirectories) {
clearMap(watchedWildcardDirectories, closeFileWatcherOf);
function watchWildcardDirectory(directory: string, flags: WatchDirectoryFlags) {
return watchDirectory(
fileOrDirectory => {
let fileOrDirectoryPath: Path | undefined = toPath(fileOrDirectory);
// Since the file existence changed, update the sourceFiles cache
if (cachedDirectoryStructureHost) {
cachedDirectoryStructureHost.addOrDeleteFileOrDirectory(fileOrDirectory, fileOrDirectoryPath);
fileOrDirectoryPath = removeIgnoredPath(fileOrDirectoryPath);
if (!fileOrDirectoryPath) return;
// If the the added or created file or directory is not supported file name, ignore the file
// But when watched directory is added/removed, we need to reload the file list
if (fileOrDirectoryPath !== directory && hasExtension(fileOrDirectoryPath) && !isSupportedSourceFileName(fileOrDirectory, compilerOptions)) {
writeLog(`Project: ${configFileName} Detected file add/remove of non supported extension: ${fileOrDirectory}`);
// Reload is pending, do the reload
if (reloadLevel !== ConfigFileProgramReloadLevel.Full) {
reloadLevel = ConfigFileProgramReloadLevel.Partial;
// Schedule Update the program