
123 lines
5.2 KiB

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<Val><![CDATA[Document {0} read failed: {1}.]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[Error decoding sourcemap contents.]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[Error al descodificar el contenido del mapa de origen.]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[Invalid sourcemap url {0} for script {1}.]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[SourceMap {0} read failed: {1}.]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[Unsupported inline sourcemap format specified. SourceMap: {0}]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[Se especificó un formato de mapa de origen insertado no válido. Mapa de origen: {0}]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[Motor de depuración de TypeScript]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[© Microsoft Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados.]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[TypeScript Debug Engine]]></Val>
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<Val><![CDATA[Motor de depuración de TypeScript]]></Val>
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