2021-08-29 16:19:05 -07:00

104 lines
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=== tests/cases/compiler/checkOrderDependenceGenericAssignability.ts ===
// Repro from #44572 with interface types
interface Parent1<A> {
child: Child1<A>;
>child : Child1<A, unknown>
parent: Parent1<A>;
>parent : Parent1<A>
interface Child1<A, B = unknown> extends Parent1<A> {
readonly a: A;
>a : A
// This field isn't necessary to the repro, but the
// type parameter is, so including it
readonly b: B;
>b : B
function fn1<A>(inp: Child1<A>) {
>fn1 : <A>(inp: Child1<A>) => void
>inp : Child1<A, unknown>
// This assignability check defeats the later one
const a: Child1<unknown> = inp;
>a : Child1<unknown, unknown>
>inp : Child1<A, unknown>
declare let pu1: Parent1<unknown>;
>pu1 : Parent1<unknown>
declare let ps1: Parent1<string>;
>ps1 : Parent1<string>
pu1 = ps1; // Ok
>pu1 = ps1 : Parent1<string>
>pu1 : Parent1<unknown>
>ps1 : Parent1<string>
ps1 = pu1; // Error expected
>ps1 = pu1 : Parent1<unknown>
>ps1 : Parent1<string>
>pu1 : Parent1<unknown>
// Repro from #44572 with aliased object types
type Parent2<A> = {
>Parent2 : Parent2<A>
child: Child2<A>;
>child : Child2<A, unknown>
parent: Parent2<A>;
>parent : Parent2<A>
type Child2<A, B = unknown> = {
>Child2 : Child2<A, B>
child: Child2<A>;
>child : Child2<A, unknown>
parent: Parent2<A>;
>parent : Parent2<A>
readonly a: A;
>a : A
// This field isn't necessary to the repro, but the
// type parameter is, so including it
readonly b: B;
>b : B
function fn2<A>(inp: Child2<A>) {
>fn2 : <A>(inp: Child2<A>) => void
>inp : Child2<A, unknown>
// This assignability check defeats the later one
const a: Child2<unknown> = inp;
>a : Child2<unknown, unknown>
>inp : Child2<A, unknown>
declare let pu2: Parent2<unknown>;
>pu2 : Parent2<unknown>
declare let ps2: Parent2<string>;
>ps2 : Parent2<string>
pu2 = ps2; // Ok
>pu2 = ps2 : Parent2<string>
>pu2 : Parent2<unknown>
>ps2 : Parent2<string>
ps2 = pu2; // Error expected
>ps2 = pu2 : Parent2<unknown>
>ps2 : Parent2<string>
>pu2 : Parent2<unknown>