
728 lines
31 KiB

/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\external\mocha.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\compiler\parser.ts" />
module ts {
function withChange(text: IScriptSnapshot, start: number, length: number, newText: string): { text: IScriptSnapshot; textChangeRange: TextChangeRange; } {
var contents = text.getText(0, text.getLength());
var newContents = contents.substr(0, start) + newText + contents.substring(start + length);
return { text: ScriptSnapshot.fromString(newContents), textChangeRange: createTextChangeRange(createTextSpan(start, length), newText.length) }
function withInsert(text: IScriptSnapshot, start: number, newText: string): { text: IScriptSnapshot; textChangeRange: TextChangeRange; } {
return withChange(text, start, 0, newText);
function withDelete(text: IScriptSnapshot, start: number, length: number): { text: IScriptSnapshot; textChangeRange: TextChangeRange; } {
return withChange(text, start, length, "");
function createTree(text: IScriptSnapshot, version: string) {
return createLanguageServiceSourceFile(/*fileName:*/ "", text, ScriptTarget.Latest, version, /*isOpen:*/ true, /*setNodeParents:*/ true)
// NOTE: 'reusedElements' is the expected count of elements reused from the old tree to the new
// tree. It may change as we tweak the parser. If the count increases then that should always
// be a good thing. If it decreases, that's not great (less reusability), but that may be
// unavoidable. If it does decrease an investigation should be done to make sure that things
// are still ok and we're still appropriately reusing most of the tree.
function compareTrees(oldText: IScriptSnapshot, newText: IScriptSnapshot, textChangeRange: TextChangeRange, expectedReusedElements: number, oldTree?: SourceFile): SourceFile {
oldTree = oldTree || createTree(oldText, /*version:*/ ".");
Utils.assertInvariants(oldTree, /*parent:*/ undefined);
// Create a tree for the new text, in a non-incremental fashion.
var newTree = createTree(newText, oldTree.version + ".");
Utils.assertInvariants(newTree, /*parent:*/ undefined);
// Create a tree for the new text, in an incremental fashion.
var incrementalNewTree = updateLanguageServiceSourceFile(oldTree, newText, oldTree.version + ".", /*isOpen:*/ true, textChangeRange);
Utils.assertInvariants(incrementalNewTree, /*parent:*/ undefined);
// We should get the same tree when doign a full or incremental parse.
assertStructuralEquals(newTree, incrementalNewTree);
// There should be no reused nodes between two trees that are fully parsed.
assert.isTrue(reusedElements(oldTree, newTree) === 0);
if (expectedReusedElements !== -1) {
var actualReusedCount = reusedElements(oldTree, incrementalNewTree);
assert.equal(actualReusedCount, expectedReusedElements, actualReusedCount + " !== " + expectedReusedElements);
return incrementalNewTree;
function assertStructuralEquals(node1: Node, node2: Node) {
if (node1 === node2) {
assert(node1, "node1");
assert(node2, "node2");
assert.equal(node1.pos, node2.pos, "node1.pos !== node2.pos");
assert.equal(node1.end, node2.end, "node1.end !== node2.end");
assert.equal(node1.kind, node2.kind, "node1.kind !== node2.kind");
assert.equal(node1.flags, node2.flags, "node1.flags !== node2.flags");
assert.equal(node1.parserContextFlags, node2.parserContextFlags, "node1.parserContextFlags !== node2.parserContextFlags");
child1 => {
var childName = findChildName(node1, child1);
var child2: Node = (<any>node2)[childName];
assertStructuralEquals(child1, child2);
(array1: NodeArray<Node>) => {
var childName = findChildName(node1, array1);
var array2: NodeArray<Node> = (<any>node2)[childName];
assertArrayStructuralEquals(array1, array2);
function assertArrayStructuralEquals(array1: NodeArray<Node>, array2: NodeArray<Node>) {
if (array1 === array2) {
assert(array1, "array1");
assert(array2, "array2");
assert.equal(array1.pos, array2.pos, "array1.pos !== array2.pos");
assert.equal(array1.end, array2.end, "array1.end !== array2.end");
assert.equal(array1.length, array2.length, "array1.length !== array2.length");
for (var i = 0, n = array1.length; i < n; i++) {
assertStructuralEquals(array1[i], array2[i]);
function findChildName(parent: any, child: any) {
for (var name in parent) {
if (parent.hasOwnProperty(name) && parent[name] === child) {
return name;
throw new Error("Could not find child in parent");
function reusedElements(oldNode: SourceFile, newNode: SourceFile): number {
var allOldElements = collectElements(oldNode);
var allNewElements = collectElements(newNode);
return filter(allOldElements, v => contains(allNewElements, v)).length;
function collectElements(node: Node) {
var result: Node[] = [];
return result;
function visit(node: Node) {
forEachChild(node, visit);
function deleteCode(source: string, index: number, toDelete: string) {
var repeat = toDelete.length;
var oldTree = createTree(ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source), /*version:*/ ".");
for (var i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, 1);
var newTree = compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, -1, oldTree);
source = newTextAndChange.text.getText(0, newTextAndChange.text.getLength());
oldTree = newTree;
function insertCode(source: string, index: number, toInsert: string) {
var repeat = toInsert.length;
var oldTree = createTree(ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source), /*version:*/ ".");
for (var i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index + i, toInsert.charAt(i));
var newTree = compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, -1, oldTree);
source = newTextAndChange.text.getText(0, newTextAndChange.text.getLength());
oldTree = newTree;
describe('Incremental',() => {
it('Inserting into method',() => {
var source = "class C {\r\n" +
" public foo1() { }\r\n" +
" public foo2() {\r\n" +
" return 1;\r\n" +
" }\r\n" +
" public foo3() { }\r\n" +
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var semicolonIndex = source.indexOf(";");
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, semicolonIndex, " + 1");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Deleting from method',() => {
var source = "class C {\r\n" +
" public foo1() { }\r\n" +
" public foo2() {\r\n" +
" return 1 + 1;\r\n" +
" }\r\n" +
" public foo3() { }\r\n" +
var index = source.indexOf("+ 1");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, "+ 1".length);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Regular expression 1',() => {
var source = "class C { public foo1() { /; } public foo2() { return 1;} public foo3() { } }";
var semicolonIndex = source.indexOf(";}");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, semicolonIndex, "/");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Regular expression 2',() => {
var source = "class C { public foo1() { ; } public foo2() { return 1/;} public foo3() { } }";
var semicolonIndex = source.indexOf(";");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, semicolonIndex, "/");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Comment 1',() => {
var source = "class C { public foo1() { /; } public foo2() { return 1; } public foo3() { } }";
var semicolonIndex = source.indexOf(";");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, semicolonIndex, "/");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Comment 2',() => {
var source = "class C { public foo1() { /; } public foo2() { return 1; } public foo3() { } }";
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, 0, "//");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Comment 3',() => {
var source = "//class C { public foo1() { /; } public foo2() { return 1; } public foo3() { } }";
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, 0, 2);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Comment 4',() => {
var source = "class C { public foo1() { /; } public foo2() { */ return 1; } public foo3() { } }";
var index = source.indexOf(";");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "*");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Parameter 1',() => {
// Should be able to reuse all the parameters.
var source = "class C {\r\n" +
" public foo2(a, b, c, d) {\r\n" +
" return 1;\r\n" +
" }\r\n" +
var semicolonIndex = source.indexOf(";");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, semicolonIndex, " + 1");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Type member 1',() => {
// Should be able to reuse most of the type members.
var source = "interface I { a: number; b: string; (c): d; new (e): f; g(): h }";
var index = source.indexOf(": string");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "?");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Enum element 1',() => {
// Should be able to reuse most of the enum elements.
var source = "enum E { a = 1, b = 1 << 1, c = 3, e = 4, f = 5, g = 7, h = 8, i = 9, j = 10 }";
var index = source.indexOf("<<");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withChange(oldText, index, 2, "+");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Strict mode 1',() => {
// In non-strict mode 'package' means nothing and can be reused. In strict mode though
// we'll have to reparse the nodes (and generate an error for 'package();'
// Note: in this test we don't actually add 'use strict'. This is so we can compare
// reuse with/without a strict mode change.
var source = "foo1();\r\nfoo1();\r\nfoo1();\r\package();";
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, 0, "'strict';\r\n");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Strict mode 2',() => {
// In non-strict mode 'package' means nothing and can be reused. In strict mode though
// we'll have to reparse the nodes (and generate an error for 'package();'
var source = "foo1();\r\nfoo1();\r\nfoo1();\r\package();";
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, 0, "'use strict';\r\n");
// Note the decreased reuse of nodes compared to 'Strict mode 1'
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Strict mode 3',() => {
// In non-strict mode 'package' means nothing and can be reused. In strict mode though
// we'll have to reparse the nodes (and generate an error for 'package();'
// Note: in this test we don't actually remove 'use strict'. This is so we can compare
// reuse with/without a strict mode change.
var source = "'strict';\r\nfoo1();\r\nfoo1();\r\nfoo1();\r\npackage();";
var index = source.indexOf('f');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, 0, index);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Strict mode 4',() => {
// In non-strict mode 'package' means nothing and can be reused. In strict mode though
// we'll have to reparse the nodes (and generate an error for 'package();'
var source = "'use strict';\r\nfoo1();\r\nfoo1();\r\nfoo1();\r\npackage();";
var index = source.indexOf('f');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, 0, index);
// Note the decreased reuse of nodes compared to testStrictMode3
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Strict mode 5',() => {
var source = "'use blahhh';\r\nfoo1();\r\nfoo2();\r\nfoo3();\r\nfoo4();\r\nfoo4();\r\nfoo6();\r\nfoo7();\r\nfoo8();\r\nfoo9();\r\n";
var index = source.indexOf('b');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withChange(oldText, index, 6, "strict");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Strict mode 6',() => {
var source = "'use strict';\r\nfoo1();\r\nfoo2();\r\nfoo3();\r\nfoo4();\r\nfoo4();\r\nfoo6();\r\nfoo7();\r\nfoo8();\r\nfoo9();\r\n";
var index = source.indexOf('s');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withChange(oldText, index, 6, "blahhh");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Strict mode 7',() => {
var source = "'use blahhh';\r\nfoo1();\r\nfoo2();\r\nfoo3();\r\nfoo4();\r\nfoo4();\r\nfoo6();\r\nfoo7();\r\nfoo8();\r\nfoo9();\r\n";
var index = source.indexOf('f');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, 0, index);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Parenthesized expression to arrow function 1',() => {
var source = "var v = (a, b, c, d, e)";
var index = source.indexOf('a');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index + 1, ":");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Parenthesized expression to arrow function 2',() => {
var source = "var v = (a, b) = c";
var index = source.indexOf("= c") + 1;
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, ">");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Arrow function to parenthesized expression 1',() => {
var source = "var v = (a:, b, c, d, e)";
var index = source.indexOf(':');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, 1);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Arrow function to parenthesized expression 2',() => {
var source = "var v = (a, b) => c";
var index = source.indexOf(">");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, 1);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Speculative generic lookahead 1',() => {
var source = "var v = F<b>e";
var index = source.indexOf('b');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index + 1, ",x");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, -1);
it('Speculative generic lookahead 2',() => {
var source = "var v = F<a,b>e";
var index = source.indexOf('b');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index + 1, ",x");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, -1);
it('Speculative generic lookahead 3',() => {
var source = "var v = F<a,b,c>e";
var index = source.indexOf('b');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index + 1, ",x");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, -1);
it('Speculative generic lookahead 4',() => {
var source = "var v = F<a,b,c,d>e";
var index = source.indexOf('b');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index + 1, ",x");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, -1);
it('Assertion to arrow function',() => {
var source = "var v = <T>(a);";
var index = source.indexOf(';');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, " => 1");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Arrow function to assertion',() => {
var source = "var v = <T>(a) => 1;";
var index = source.indexOf(' =>');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, " => 1".length);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Contextual shift to shift-equals',() => {
var source = "var v = 1 >> = 2";
var index = source.indexOf('>> =');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index + 2, 1);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Contextual shift-equals to shift',() => {
var source = "var v = 1 >>= 2";
var index = source.indexOf('>>=');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index + 2, " ");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Contextual shift to generic invocation',() => {
var source = "var v = T>>(2)";
var index = source.indexOf('T');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "Foo<Bar<");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Test generic invocation to contextual shift',() => {
var source = "var v = Foo<Bar<T>>(2)";
var index = source.indexOf('Foo<Bar<');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, "Foo<Bar<".length);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Contextual shift to generic type and initializer',() => {
var source = "var v = T>>=2;";
var index = source.indexOf('=');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withChange(oldText, index, "= ".length, ": Foo<Bar<");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Generic type and initializer to contextual shift',() => {
var source = "var v : Foo<Bar<T>>=2;";
var index = source.indexOf(':');
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withChange(oldText, index, ": Foo<Bar<".length, "= ");
// Note the decreased reuse of nodes compared to testStrictMode3
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Arithmetic operator to type argument list',() => {
var source = "var v = new Dictionary<A, B>0";
var index = source.indexOf("0");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withChange(oldText, index, 1, "()");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Type argument list to arithmetic operator',() => {
var source = "var v = new Dictionary<A, B>()";
var index = source.indexOf("()");
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, 2);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Yield context 1',() => {
// We're changing from a non-generator to a genarator. We can't reuse statement nodes.
var source = "function foo() {\r\nyield(foo1);\r\n}";
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = source.indexOf("foo");
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "*");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Yield context 2',() => {
// We're changing from a generator to a non-genarator. We can't reuse statement nodes.
var source = "function *foo() {\r\nyield(foo1);\r\n}";
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = source.indexOf("*");
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, "*".length);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Delete semicolon',() => {
var source = "export class Foo {\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport var foo = new Foo();\r\n\r\n export function test(foo: Foo) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n";
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = source.lastIndexOf(";");
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, 1);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Edit after empty type parameter list',() => {
var source = "class Dictionary<> { }\r\nvar y;\r\n";
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = source.length;
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "var x;");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Delete parameter after comment',() => {
var source = "function fn(/* comment! */ a: number, c) { }";
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = source.indexOf("a:");
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, "a: number,".length);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Modifier added to accessor',() => {
var source =
"class C {\
set Bar(bar:string) {}\
var o2 = { set Foo(val:number) { } };";
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = source.indexOf("set");
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "public ");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Insert parameter ahead of parameter',() => {
var source =
class OverloadedMonster {\
constructor(name) { }\
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = source.indexOf("100");
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "'1', ");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Insert declare modifier before module',() => {
var source =
"module mAmbient {\
module m3 { }\
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = 0;
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "declare ");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Insert function above arrow function with comment',() => {
var source =
() =>\
// do something\
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = 0;
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "function Foo() { }");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Finish incomplete regular expression',() => {
var source = "while (true) /3; return;"
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = source.length - 1;
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "/");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Regular expression to divide operation',() => {
var source = "return;\r\nwhile (true) /3/g;"
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = source.indexOf("while");
var newTextAndChange = withDelete(oldText, index, "while ".length);
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Divide operation to regular expression',() => {
var source = "return;\r\n(true) /3/g;"
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var index = source.indexOf("(");
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, index, "while ");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
it('Unterminated comment after keyword converted to identifier',() => {
// 'public' as a keyword should be incrementally unusable (because it has an
// unterminated comment). When we convert it to an identifier, that shouldn't
// change anything, and we should still get the same errors.
var source = "return; a.public /*"
var oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(source);
var newTextAndChange = withInsert(oldText, 0, "");
compareTrees(oldText, newTextAndChange.text, newTextAndChange.textChangeRange, 0);
// Simulated typing tests.
it('Type extends clause 1',() => {
var source = "interface IFoo<T> { }\r\ninterface Array<T> extends IFoo<T> { }";
var index = source.indexOf('extends');
deleteCode(source, index, "extends IFoo<T>");
it('Type after incomplete enum 1',() => {
var source = "function foo() {\r\n" +
" function getOccurrencesAtPosition() {\r\n" +
" switch (node) {\r\n" +
" enum \r\n" +
" }\r\n" +
" \r\n" +
" return undefined;\r\n" +
" \r\n" +
" function keywordToReferenceEntry() {\r\n" +
" }\r\n" +
" }\r\n" +
" \r\n" +
" return {\r\n" +
" getEmitOutput: (filename): Bar => null,\r\n" +
" };\r\n" +
" }";
var index = source.indexOf("enum ") + "enum ".length;
insertCode(source, index, "Fo");