2014-07-12 17:30:19 -07:00

27 lines
879 B

==== tests/cases/conformance/classes/members/inheritanceAndOverriding/derivedClassTransitivity.ts (1 errors) ====
// subclassing is not transitive when you can remove required parameters and add optional parameters
class C {
foo(x: number) { }
class D extends C {
foo() { } // ok to drop parameters
class E extends D {
foo(x?: string) { } // ok to add optional parameters
var c: C;
var d: D;
var e: E;
c = e;
!!! Type 'E' is not assignable to type 'C':
!!! Types of property 'foo' are incompatible:
!!! Type '(x?: string) => void' is not assignable to type '(x: number) => void':
!!! Types of parameters 'x' and 'x' are incompatible:
!!! Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
var r = c.foo(1);
var r2 = e.foo('');