2020-06-19 11:28:06 +08:00

3800 lines
206 KiB

namespace ts {
export function findConfigFile(searchPath: string, fileExists: (fileName: string) => boolean, configName = "tsconfig.json"): string | undefined {
return forEachAncestorDirectory(searchPath, ancestor => {
const fileName = combinePaths(ancestor, configName);
return fileExists(fileName) ? fileName : undefined;
export function resolveTripleslashReference(moduleName: string, containingFile: string): string {
const basePath = getDirectoryPath(containingFile);
const referencedFileName = isRootedDiskPath(moduleName) ? moduleName : combinePaths(basePath, moduleName);
return normalizePath(referencedFileName);
/* @internal */
export function computeCommonSourceDirectoryOfFilenames(fileNames: string[], currentDirectory: string, getCanonicalFileName: GetCanonicalFileName): string {
let commonPathComponents: string[] | undefined;
const failed = forEach(fileNames, sourceFile => {
// Each file contributes into common source file path
const sourcePathComponents = getNormalizedPathComponents(sourceFile, currentDirectory);
sourcePathComponents.pop(); // The base file name is not part of the common directory path
if (!commonPathComponents) {
// first file
commonPathComponents = sourcePathComponents;
const n = Math.min(commonPathComponents.length, sourcePathComponents.length);
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (getCanonicalFileName(commonPathComponents[i]) !== getCanonicalFileName(sourcePathComponents[i])) {
if (i === 0) {
// Failed to find any common path component
return true;
// New common path found that is 0 -> i-1
commonPathComponents.length = i;
// If the sourcePathComponents was shorter than the commonPathComponents, truncate to the sourcePathComponents
if (sourcePathComponents.length < commonPathComponents.length) {
commonPathComponents.length = sourcePathComponents.length;
// A common path can not be found when paths span multiple drives on windows, for example
if (failed) {
return "";
if (!commonPathComponents) { // Can happen when all input files are .d.ts files
return currentDirectory;
return getPathFromPathComponents(commonPathComponents);
interface OutputFingerprint {
hash: string;
byteOrderMark: boolean;
mtime: Date;
export function createCompilerHost(options: CompilerOptions, setParentNodes?: boolean): CompilerHost {
return createCompilerHostWorker(options, setParentNodes);
// TODO(shkamat): update this after reworking ts build API
export function createCompilerHostWorker(options: CompilerOptions, setParentNodes?: boolean, system = sys): CompilerHost {
const existingDirectories = createMap<boolean>();
const getCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName(system.useCaseSensitiveFileNames);
function getSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void): SourceFile | undefined {
let text: string | undefined;
try {
text = compilerHost.readFile(fileName);
performance.measure("I/O Read", "beforeIORead", "afterIORead");
catch (e) {
if (onError) {
text = "";
return text !== undefined ? createSourceFile(fileName, text, languageVersion, setParentNodes) : undefined;
function directoryExists(directoryPath: string): boolean {
if (existingDirectories.has(directoryPath)) {
return true;
if ((compilerHost.directoryExists || system.directoryExists)(directoryPath)) {
existingDirectories.set(directoryPath, true);
return true;
return false;
function writeFile(fileName: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean, onError?: (message: string) => void) {
try {
// NOTE: If patchWriteFileEnsuringDirectory has been called,
// the system.writeFile will do its own directory creation and
// the ensureDirectoriesExist call will always be redundant.
(path, data, writeByteOrderMark) => writeFileWorker(path, data, writeByteOrderMark),
path => (compilerHost.createDirectory || system.createDirectory)(path),
path => directoryExists(path));
performance.measure("I/O Write", "beforeIOWrite", "afterIOWrite");
catch (e) {
if (onError) {
let outputFingerprints: Map<OutputFingerprint>;
function writeFileWorker(fileName: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean) {
if (!isWatchSet(options) || !system.createHash || !system.getModifiedTime) {
system.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark);
if (!outputFingerprints) {
outputFingerprints = createMap<OutputFingerprint>();
const hash = system.createHash(data);
const mtimeBefore = system.getModifiedTime(fileName);
if (mtimeBefore) {
const fingerprint = outputFingerprints.get(fileName);
// If output has not been changed, and the file has no external modification
if (fingerprint &&
fingerprint.byteOrderMark === writeByteOrderMark &&
fingerprint.hash === hash &&
fingerprint.mtime.getTime() === mtimeBefore.getTime()) {
system.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark);
const mtimeAfter = system.getModifiedTime(fileName) || missingFileModifiedTime;
outputFingerprints.set(fileName, {
byteOrderMark: writeByteOrderMark,
mtime: mtimeAfter
function getDefaultLibLocation(): string {
return getDirectoryPath(normalizePath(system.getExecutingFilePath()));
const newLine = getNewLineCharacter(options, () => system.newLine);
const realpath = system.realpath && ((path: string) => system.realpath!(path));
const compilerHost: CompilerHost = {
getDefaultLibFileName: options => combinePaths(getDefaultLibLocation(), getDefaultLibFileName(options)),
getCurrentDirectory: memoize(() => system.getCurrentDirectory()),
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => system.useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
getNewLine: () => newLine,
fileExists: fileName => system.fileExists(fileName),
readFile: fileName => system.readFile(fileName),
trace: (s: string) => system.write(s + newLine),
directoryExists: directoryName => system.directoryExists(directoryName),
getEnvironmentVariable: name => system.getEnvironmentVariable ? system.getEnvironmentVariable(name) : "",
getDirectories: (path: string) => system.getDirectories(path),
readDirectory: (path, extensions, include, exclude, depth) => system.readDirectory(path, extensions, include, exclude, depth),
createDirectory: d => system.createDirectory(d),
createHash: maybeBind(system, system.createHash)
return compilerHost;
interface CompilerHostLikeForCache {
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean;
readFile(fileName: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined;
directoryExists?(directory: string): boolean;
createDirectory?(directory: string): void;
writeFile?: WriteFileCallback;
export function changeCompilerHostLikeToUseCache(
host: CompilerHostLikeForCache,
toPath: (fileName: string) => Path,
getSourceFile?: CompilerHost["getSourceFile"]
) {
const originalReadFile = host.readFile;
const originalFileExists = host.fileExists;
const originalDirectoryExists = host.directoryExists;
const originalCreateDirectory = host.createDirectory;
const originalWriteFile = host.writeFile;
const readFileCache = createMap<string | false>();
const fileExistsCache = createMap<boolean>();
const directoryExistsCache = createMap<boolean>();
const sourceFileCache = createMap<SourceFile>();
const readFileWithCache = (fileName: string): string | undefined => {
const key = toPath(fileName);
const value = readFileCache.get(key);
if (value !== undefined) return value !== false ? value : undefined;
return setReadFileCache(key, fileName);
const setReadFileCache = (key: Path, fileName: string) => {
const newValue = originalReadFile.call(host, fileName);
readFileCache.set(key, newValue !== undefined ? newValue : false);
return newValue;
host.readFile = fileName => {
const key = toPath(fileName);
const value = readFileCache.get(key);
if (value !== undefined) return value !== false ? value : undefined; // could be .d.ts from output
// Cache json or buildInfo
if (!fileExtensionIs(fileName, Extension.Json) && !isBuildInfoFile(fileName)) {
return originalReadFile.call(host, fileName);
return setReadFileCache(key, fileName);
const getSourceFileWithCache: CompilerHost["getSourceFile"] | undefined = getSourceFile ? (fileName, languageVersion, onError, shouldCreateNewSourceFile) => {
const key = toPath(fileName);
const value = sourceFileCache.get(key);
if (value) return value;
const sourceFile = getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError, shouldCreateNewSourceFile);
if (sourceFile && (isDeclarationFileName(fileName) || fileExtensionIs(fileName, Extension.Json))) {
sourceFileCache.set(key, sourceFile);
return sourceFile;
} : undefined;
// fileExists for any kind of extension
host.fileExists = fileName => {
const key = toPath(fileName);
const value = fileExistsCache.get(key);
if (value !== undefined) return value;
const newValue = originalFileExists.call(host, fileName);
fileExistsCache.set(key, !!newValue);
return newValue;
if (originalWriteFile) {
host.writeFile = (fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles) => {
const key = toPath(fileName);
const value = readFileCache.get(key);
if (value !== undefined && value !== data) {
else if (getSourceFileWithCache) {
const sourceFile = sourceFileCache.get(key);
if (sourceFile && sourceFile.text !== data) {
originalWriteFile.call(host, fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles);
// directoryExists
if (originalDirectoryExists && originalCreateDirectory) {
host.directoryExists = directory => {
const key = toPath(directory);
const value = directoryExistsCache.get(key);
if (value !== undefined) return value;
const newValue = originalDirectoryExists.call(host, directory);
directoryExistsCache.set(key, !!newValue);
return newValue;
host.createDirectory = directory => {
const key = toPath(directory);
originalCreateDirectory.call(host, directory);
return {
export function getPreEmitDiagnostics(program: Program, sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[];
/*@internal*/ export function getPreEmitDiagnostics(program: BuilderProgram, sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[]; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
export function getPreEmitDiagnostics(program: Program | BuilderProgram, sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[] {
let diagnostics: Diagnostic[] | undefined;
diagnostics = addRange(diagnostics, program.getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics());
diagnostics = addRange(diagnostics, program.getOptionsDiagnostics(cancellationToken));
diagnostics = addRange(diagnostics, program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken));
diagnostics = addRange(diagnostics, program.getGlobalDiagnostics(cancellationToken));
diagnostics = addRange(diagnostics, program.getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken));
if (getEmitDeclarations(program.getCompilerOptions())) {
diagnostics = addRange(diagnostics, program.getDeclarationDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken));
return sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(diagnostics || emptyArray);
export interface FormatDiagnosticsHost {
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string;
getNewLine(): string;
export function formatDiagnostics(diagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[], host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): string {
let output = "";
for (const diagnostic of diagnostics) {
output += formatDiagnostic(diagnostic, host);
return output;
export function formatDiagnostic(diagnostic: Diagnostic, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): string {
const errorMessage = `${diagnosticCategoryName(diagnostic)} TS${diagnostic.code}: ${flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, host.getNewLine())}${host.getNewLine()}`;
if (diagnostic.file) {
const { line, character } = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.file, diagnostic.start!); // TODO: GH#18217
const fileName = diagnostic.file.fileName;
const relativeFileName = convertToRelativePath(fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), fileName => host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName));
return `${relativeFileName}(${line + 1},${character + 1}): ` + errorMessage;
return errorMessage;
/** @internal */
export enum ForegroundColorEscapeSequences {
Grey = "\u001b[90m",
Red = "\u001b[91m",
Yellow = "\u001b[93m",
Blue = "\u001b[94m",
Cyan = "\u001b[96m"
const gutterStyleSequence = "\u001b[7m";
const gutterSeparator = " ";
const resetEscapeSequence = "\u001b[0m";
const ellipsis = "...";
const halfIndent = " ";
const indent = " ";
function getCategoryFormat(category: DiagnosticCategory): ForegroundColorEscapeSequences {
switch (category) {
case DiagnosticCategory.Error: return ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Red;
case DiagnosticCategory.Warning: return ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Yellow;
case DiagnosticCategory.Suggestion: return Debug.fail("Should never get an Info diagnostic on the command line.");
case DiagnosticCategory.Message: return ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Blue;
/** @internal */
export function formatColorAndReset(text: string, formatStyle: string) {
return formatStyle + text + resetEscapeSequence;
function formatCodeSpan(file: SourceFile, start: number, length: number, indent: string, squiggleColor: ForegroundColorEscapeSequences, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost) {
const { line: firstLine, character: firstLineChar } = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, start);
const { line: lastLine, character: lastLineChar } = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, start + length);
const lastLineInFile = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, file.text.length).line;
const hasMoreThanFiveLines = (lastLine - firstLine) >= 4;
let gutterWidth = (lastLine + 1 + "").length;
if (hasMoreThanFiveLines) {
gutterWidth = Math.max(ellipsis.length, gutterWidth);
let context = "";
for (let i = firstLine; i <= lastLine; i++) {
context += host.getNewLine();
// If the error spans over 5 lines, we'll only show the first 2 and last 2 lines,
// so we'll skip ahead to the second-to-last line.
if (hasMoreThanFiveLines && firstLine + 1 < i && i < lastLine - 1) {
context += indent + formatColorAndReset(padLeft(ellipsis, gutterWidth), gutterStyleSequence) + gutterSeparator + host.getNewLine();
i = lastLine - 1;
const lineStart = getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(file, i, 0);
const lineEnd = i < lastLineInFile ? getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(file, i + 1, 0) : file.text.length;
let lineContent = file.text.slice(lineStart, lineEnd);
lineContent = lineContent.replace(/\s+$/g, ""); // trim from end
lineContent = lineContent.replace("\t", " "); // convert tabs to single spaces
// Output the gutter and the actual contents of the line.
context += indent + formatColorAndReset(padLeft(i + 1 + "", gutterWidth), gutterStyleSequence) + gutterSeparator;
context += lineContent + host.getNewLine();
// Output the gutter and the error span for the line using tildes.
context += indent + formatColorAndReset(padLeft("", gutterWidth), gutterStyleSequence) + gutterSeparator;
context += squiggleColor;
if (i === firstLine) {
// If we're on the last line, then limit it to the last character of the last line.
// Otherwise, we'll just squiggle the rest of the line, giving 'slice' no end position.
const lastCharForLine = i === lastLine ? lastLineChar : undefined;
context += lineContent.slice(0, firstLineChar).replace(/\S/g, " ");
context += lineContent.slice(firstLineChar, lastCharForLine).replace(/./g, "~");
else if (i === lastLine) {
context += lineContent.slice(0, lastLineChar).replace(/./g, "~");
else {
// Squiggle the entire line.
context += lineContent.replace(/./g, "~");
context += resetEscapeSequence;
return context;
/* @internal */
export function formatLocation(file: SourceFile, start: number, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost, color = formatColorAndReset) {
const { line: firstLine, character: firstLineChar } = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, start); // TODO: GH#18217
const relativeFileName = host ? convertToRelativePath(file.fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), fileName => host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName)) : file.fileName;
let output = "";
output += color(relativeFileName, ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Cyan);
output += ":";
output += color(`${firstLine + 1}`, ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Yellow);
output += ":";
output += color(`${firstLineChar + 1}`, ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Yellow);
return output;
export function formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[], host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): string {
let output = "";
for (const diagnostic of diagnostics) {
if (diagnostic.file) {
const { file, start } = diagnostic;
output += formatLocation(file, start!, host); // TODO: GH#18217
output += " - ";
output += formatColorAndReset(diagnosticCategoryName(diagnostic), getCategoryFormat(diagnostic.category));
output += formatColorAndReset(` TS${diagnostic.code}: `, ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Grey);
output += flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, host.getNewLine());
if (diagnostic.file) {
output += host.getNewLine();
output += formatCodeSpan(diagnostic.file, diagnostic.start!, diagnostic.length!, "", getCategoryFormat(diagnostic.category), host); // TODO: GH#18217
if (diagnostic.relatedInformation) {
output += host.getNewLine();
for (const { file, start, length, messageText } of diagnostic.relatedInformation) {
if (file) {
output += host.getNewLine();
output += halfIndent + formatLocation(file, start!, host); // TODO: GH#18217
output += formatCodeSpan(file, start!, length!, indent, ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Cyan, host); // TODO: GH#18217
output += host.getNewLine();
output += indent + flattenDiagnosticMessageText(messageText, host.getNewLine());
output += host.getNewLine();
return output;
export function flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diag: string | DiagnosticMessageChain | undefined, newLine: string, indent = 0): string {
if (isString(diag)) {
return diag;
else if (diag === undefined) {
return "";
let result = "";
if (indent) {
result += newLine;
for (let i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
result += " ";
result += diag.messageText;
if (diag.next) {
for (const kid of diag.next) {
result += flattenDiagnosticMessageText(kid, newLine, indent);
return result;
/* @internal */
export function loadWithLocalCache<T>(names: string[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, loader: (name: string, containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined) => T): T[] {
if (names.length === 0) {
return [];
const resolutions: T[] = [];
const cache = createMap<T>();
for (const name of names) {
let result: T;
if (cache.has(name)) {
result = cache.get(name)!;
else {
cache.set(name, result = loader(name, containingFile, redirectedReference));
return resolutions;
/* @internal */
export const inferredTypesContainingFile = "__inferred type names__.ts";
interface DiagnosticCache<T extends Diagnostic> {
perFile?: Map<readonly T[]>;
allDiagnostics?: readonly T[];
interface RefFile extends TextRange {
kind: RefFileKind;
index: number;
file: SourceFile;
* Determines if program structure is upto date or needs to be recreated
/* @internal */
export function isProgramUptoDate(
program: Program | undefined,
rootFileNames: string[],
newOptions: CompilerOptions,
getSourceVersion: (path: Path, fileName: string) => string | undefined,
fileExists: (fileName: string) => boolean,
hasInvalidatedResolution: HasInvalidatedResolution,
hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames: HasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames | undefined,
projectReferences: readonly ProjectReference[] | undefined
): boolean {
// If we haven't created a program yet or have changed automatic type directives, then it is not up-to-date
if (!program || hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames?.()) {
return false;
// If root file names don't match
if (!arrayIsEqualTo(program.getRootFileNames(), rootFileNames)) {
return false;
let seenResolvedRefs: ResolvedProjectReference[] | undefined;
// If project references don't match
if (!arrayIsEqualTo(program.getProjectReferences(), projectReferences, projectReferenceUptoDate)) {
return false;
// If any file is not up-to-date, then the whole program is not up-to-date
if (program.getSourceFiles().some(sourceFileNotUptoDate)) {
return false;
// If any of the missing file paths are now created
if (program.getMissingFilePaths().some(fileExists)) {
return false;
const currentOptions = program.getCompilerOptions();
// If the compilation settings do no match, then the program is not up-to-date
if (!compareDataObjects(currentOptions, newOptions)) {
return false;
// If everything matches but the text of config file is changed,
// error locations can change for program options, so update the program
if (currentOptions.configFile && newOptions.configFile) {
return currentOptions.configFile.text === newOptions.configFile.text;
return true;
function sourceFileNotUptoDate(sourceFile: SourceFile) {
return !sourceFileVersionUptoDate(sourceFile) ||
function sourceFileVersionUptoDate(sourceFile: SourceFile) {
return sourceFile.version === getSourceVersion(sourceFile.resolvedPath, sourceFile.fileName);
function projectReferenceUptoDate(oldRef: ProjectReference, newRef: ProjectReference, index: number) {
if (!projectReferenceIsEqualTo(oldRef, newRef)) {
return false;
return resolvedProjectReferenceUptoDate(program!.getResolvedProjectReferences()![index], oldRef);
function resolvedProjectReferenceUptoDate(oldResolvedRef: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, oldRef: ProjectReference): boolean {
if (oldResolvedRef) {
if (contains(seenResolvedRefs, oldResolvedRef)) {
// Assume true
return true;
// If sourceFile for the oldResolvedRef existed, check the version for uptodate
if (!sourceFileVersionUptoDate(oldResolvedRef.sourceFile)) {
return false;
// Add to seen before checking the referenced paths of this config file
(seenResolvedRefs || (seenResolvedRefs = [])).push(oldResolvedRef);
// If child project references are upto date, this project reference is uptodate
return !forEach(oldResolvedRef.references, (childResolvedRef, index) =>
!resolvedProjectReferenceUptoDate(childResolvedRef, oldResolvedRef.commandLine.projectReferences![index]));
// In old program, not able to resolve project reference path,
// so if config file doesnt exist, it is uptodate.
return !fileExists(resolveProjectReferencePath(oldRef));
export function getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics(configFileParseResult: ParsedCommandLine): readonly Diagnostic[] {
return configFileParseResult.options.configFile ?
[...configFileParseResult.options.configFile.parseDiagnostics, ...configFileParseResult.errors] :
* Determine if source file needs to be re-created even if its text hasn't changed
function shouldProgramCreateNewSourceFiles(program: Program | undefined, newOptions: CompilerOptions): boolean {
if (!program) return false;
// If any compiler options change, we can't reuse old source file even if version match
// The change in options like these could result in change in syntax tree or `sourceFile.bindDiagnostics`.
const oldOptions = program.getCompilerOptions();
return !!sourceFileAffectingCompilerOptions.some(option =>
!isJsonEqual(getCompilerOptionValue(oldOptions, option), getCompilerOptionValue(newOptions, option)));
function createCreateProgramOptions(rootNames: readonly string[], options: CompilerOptions, host?: CompilerHost, oldProgram?: Program, configFileParsingDiagnostics?: readonly Diagnostic[]): CreateProgramOptions {
return {
* Create a new 'Program' instance. A Program is an immutable collection of 'SourceFile's and a 'CompilerOptions'
* that represent a compilation unit.
* Creating a program proceeds from a set of root files, expanding the set of inputs by following imports and
* triple-slash-reference-path directives transitively. '@types' and triple-slash-reference-types are also pulled in.
* @param createProgramOptions - The options for creating a program.
* @returns A 'Program' object.
export function createProgram(createProgramOptions: CreateProgramOptions): Program;
* Create a new 'Program' instance. A Program is an immutable collection of 'SourceFile's and a 'CompilerOptions'
* that represent a compilation unit.
* Creating a program proceeds from a set of root files, expanding the set of inputs by following imports and
* triple-slash-reference-path directives transitively. '@types' and triple-slash-reference-types are also pulled in.
* @param rootNames - A set of root files.
* @param options - The compiler options which should be used.
* @param host - The host interacts with the underlying file system.
* @param oldProgram - Reuses an old program structure.
* @param configFileParsingDiagnostics - error during config file parsing
* @returns A 'Program' object.
export function createProgram(rootNames: readonly string[], options: CompilerOptions, host?: CompilerHost, oldProgram?: Program, configFileParsingDiagnostics?: readonly Diagnostic[]): Program;
export function createProgram(rootNamesOrOptions: readonly string[] | CreateProgramOptions, _options?: CompilerOptions, _host?: CompilerHost, _oldProgram?: Program, _configFileParsingDiagnostics?: readonly Diagnostic[]): Program {
const createProgramOptions = isArray(rootNamesOrOptions) ? createCreateProgramOptions(rootNamesOrOptions, _options!, _host, _oldProgram, _configFileParsingDiagnostics) : rootNamesOrOptions; // TODO: GH#18217
const { rootNames, options, configFileParsingDiagnostics, projectReferences } = createProgramOptions;
let { oldProgram } = createProgramOptions;
let processingDefaultLibFiles: SourceFile[] | undefined;
let processingOtherFiles: SourceFile[] | undefined;
let files: SourceFile[];
let symlinks: ReadonlyMap<string> | undefined;
let commonSourceDirectory: string;
let diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker: TypeChecker;
let noDiagnosticsTypeChecker: TypeChecker;
let classifiableNames: UnderscoreEscapedMap<true>;
const ambientModuleNameToUnmodifiedFileName = createMap<string>();
// Todo:: Use this to report why file was included in --extendedDiagnostics
let refFileMap: MultiMap<ts.RefFile> | undefined;
const cachedBindAndCheckDiagnosticsForFile: DiagnosticCache<Diagnostic> = {};
const cachedDeclarationDiagnosticsForFile: DiagnosticCache<DiagnosticWithLocation> = {};
let resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives = createMap<ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined>();
let fileProcessingDiagnostics = createDiagnosticCollection();
// The below settings are to track if a .js file should be add to the program if loaded via searching under node_modules.
// This works as imported modules are discovered recursively in a depth first manner, specifically:
// - For each root file, findSourceFile is called.
// - This calls processImportedModules for each module imported in the source file.
// - This calls resolveModuleNames, and then calls findSourceFile for each resolved module.
// As all these operations happen - and are nested - within the createProgram call, they close over the below variables.
// The current resolution depth is tracked by incrementing/decrementing as the depth first search progresses.
const maxNodeModuleJsDepth = typeof options.maxNodeModuleJsDepth === "number" ? options.maxNodeModuleJsDepth : 0;
let currentNodeModulesDepth = 0;
// If a module has some of its imports skipped due to being at the depth limit under node_modules, then track
// this, as it may be imported at a shallower depth later, and then it will need its skipped imports processed.
const modulesWithElidedImports = createMap<boolean>();
// Track source files that are source files found by searching under node_modules, as these shouldn't be compiled.
const sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules = createMap<boolean>();
const host = createProgramOptions.host || createCompilerHost(options);
const configParsingHost = parseConfigHostFromCompilerHostLike(host);
let skipDefaultLib = options.noLib;
const getDefaultLibraryFileName = memoize(() => host.getDefaultLibFileName(options));
const defaultLibraryPath = host.getDefaultLibLocation ? host.getDefaultLibLocation() : getDirectoryPath(getDefaultLibraryFileName());
const programDiagnostics = createDiagnosticCollection();
const currentDirectory = host.getCurrentDirectory();
const supportedExtensions = getSupportedExtensions(options);
const supportedExtensionsWithJsonIfResolveJsonModule = getSuppoertedExtensionsWithJsonIfResolveJsonModule(options, supportedExtensions);
// Map storing if there is emit blocking diagnostics for given input
const hasEmitBlockingDiagnostics = createMap<boolean>();
let _compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax: ObjectLiteralExpression | null | undefined;
let moduleResolutionCache: ModuleResolutionCache | undefined;
let actualResolveModuleNamesWorker: (moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames?: string[], redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference) => ResolvedModuleFull[];
const hasInvalidatedResolution = host.hasInvalidatedResolution || returnFalse;
if (host.resolveModuleNames) {
actualResolveModuleNamesWorker = (moduleNames, containingFile, reusedNames, redirectedReference) => host.resolveModuleNames!(Debug.checkEachDefined(moduleNames), containingFile, reusedNames, redirectedReference, options).map(resolved => {
// An older host may have omitted extension, in which case we should infer it from the file extension of resolvedFileName.
if (!resolved || (resolved as ResolvedModuleFull).extension !== undefined) {
return resolved as ResolvedModuleFull;
const withExtension = clone(resolved) as ResolvedModuleFull;
withExtension.extension = extensionFromPath(resolved.resolvedFileName);
return withExtension;
else {
moduleResolutionCache = createModuleResolutionCache(currentDirectory, x => host.getCanonicalFileName(x), options);
const loader = (moduleName: string, containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined) => resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, options, host, moduleResolutionCache, redirectedReference).resolvedModule!; // TODO: GH#18217
actualResolveModuleNamesWorker = (moduleNames, containingFile, _reusedNames, redirectedReference) => loadWithLocalCache<ResolvedModuleFull>(Debug.checkEachDefined(moduleNames), containingFile, redirectedReference, loader);
let actualResolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker: (typeDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference) => (ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[];
if (host.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives) {
actualResolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker = (typeDirectiveNames, containingFile, redirectedReference) => host.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives!(Debug.checkEachDefined(typeDirectiveNames), containingFile, redirectedReference, options);
else {
const loader = (typesRef: string, containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined) => resolveTypeReferenceDirective(typesRef, containingFile, options, host, redirectedReference).resolvedTypeReferenceDirective!; // TODO: GH#18217
actualResolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker = (typeReferenceDirectiveNames, containingFile, redirectedReference) => loadWithLocalCache<ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective>(Debug.checkEachDefined(typeReferenceDirectiveNames), containingFile, redirectedReference, loader);
// Map from a stringified PackageId to the source file with that id.
// Only one source file may have a given packageId. Others become redirects (see createRedirectSourceFile).
// `packageIdToSourceFile` is only used while building the program, while `sourceFileToPackageName` and `isSourceFileTargetOfRedirect` are kept around.
const packageIdToSourceFile = createMap<SourceFile>();
// Maps from a SourceFile's `.path` to the name of the package it was imported with.
let sourceFileToPackageName = createMap<string>();
// Key is a file name. Value is the (non-empty, or undefined) list of files that redirect to it.
let redirectTargetsMap = createMultiMap<string>();
* map with
* - SourceFile if present
* - false if sourceFile missing for source of project reference redirect
* - undefined otherwise
const filesByName = createMap<SourceFile | false | undefined>();
let missingFilePaths: readonly Path[] | undefined;
// stores 'filename -> file association' ignoring case
// used to track cases when two file names differ only in casing
const filesByNameIgnoreCase = host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() ? createMap<SourceFile>() : undefined;
// A parallel array to projectReferences storing the results of reading in the referenced tsconfig files
let resolvedProjectReferences: readonly (ResolvedProjectReference | undefined)[] | undefined;
let projectReferenceRedirects: Map<ResolvedProjectReference | false> | undefined;
let mapFromFileToProjectReferenceRedirects: Map<Path> | undefined;
let mapFromToProjectReferenceRedirectSource: Map<SourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect> | undefined;
const useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect = !!host.useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect?.() &&
const { onProgramCreateComplete, fileExists } = updateHostForUseSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect({
compilerHost: host,
const shouldCreateNewSourceFile = shouldProgramCreateNewSourceFiles(oldProgram, options);
// We set `structuralIsReused` to `undefined` because `tryReuseStructureFromOldProgram` calls `tryReuseStructureFromOldProgram` which checks
// `structuralIsReused`, which would be a TDZ violation if it was not set in advance to `undefined`.
let structuralIsReused: StructureIsReused | undefined;
structuralIsReused = tryReuseStructureFromOldProgram(); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const
if (structuralIsReused !== StructureIsReused.Completely) {
processingDefaultLibFiles = [];
processingOtherFiles = [];
if (projectReferences) {
if (!resolvedProjectReferences) {
resolvedProjectReferences = projectReferences.map(parseProjectReferenceConfigFile);
if (rootNames.length) {
for (const parsedRef of resolvedProjectReferences) {
if (!parsedRef) continue;
const out = outFile(parsedRef.commandLine.options);
if (useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect) {
if (out || getEmitModuleKind(parsedRef.commandLine.options) === ModuleKind.None) {
for (const fileName of parsedRef.commandLine.fileNames) {
processSourceFile(fileName, /*isDefaultLib*/ false, /*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ false, /*packageId*/ undefined);
else {
if (out) {
processSourceFile(changeExtension(out, ".d.ts"), /*isDefaultLib*/ false, /*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ false, /*packageId*/ undefined);
else if (getEmitModuleKind(parsedRef.commandLine.options) === ModuleKind.None) {
for (const fileName of parsedRef.commandLine.fileNames) {
if (!fileExtensionIs(fileName, Extension.Dts) && !fileExtensionIs(fileName, Extension.Json)) {
processSourceFile(getOutputDeclarationFileName(fileName, parsedRef.commandLine, !host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames()), /*isDefaultLib*/ false, /*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ false, /*packageId*/ undefined);
forEach(rootNames, name => processRootFile(name, /*isDefaultLib*/ false, /*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ false));
// load type declarations specified via 'types' argument or implicitly from types/ and node_modules/@types folders
const typeReferences: string[] = rootNames.length ? getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(options, host) : emptyArray;
if (typeReferences.length) {
// This containingFilename needs to match with the one used in managed-side
const containingDirectory = options.configFilePath ? getDirectoryPath(options.configFilePath) : host.getCurrentDirectory();
const containingFilename = combinePaths(containingDirectory, inferredTypesContainingFile);
const resolutions = resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker(typeReferences, containingFilename);
for (let i = 0; i < typeReferences.length; i++) {
processTypeReferenceDirective(typeReferences[i], resolutions[i]);
// Do not process the default library if:
// - The '--noLib' flag is used.
// - A 'no-default-lib' reference comment is encountered in
// processing the root files.
if (rootNames.length && !skipDefaultLib) {
// If '--lib' is not specified, include default library file according to '--target'
// otherwise, using options specified in '--lib' instead of '--target' default library file
const defaultLibraryFileName = getDefaultLibraryFileName();
if (!options.lib && defaultLibraryFileName) {
processRootFile(defaultLibraryFileName, /*isDefaultLib*/ true, /*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ false);
else {
forEach(options.lib, libFileName => {
processRootFile(combinePaths(defaultLibraryPath, libFileName), /*isDefaultLib*/ true, /*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ false);
missingFilePaths = arrayFrom(mapDefinedIterator(filesByName.entries(), ([path, file]) => file === undefined ? path as Path : undefined));
files = stableSort(processingDefaultLibFiles, compareDefaultLibFiles).concat(processingOtherFiles);
processingDefaultLibFiles = undefined;
processingOtherFiles = undefined;
// Release any files we have acquired in the old program but are
// not part of the new program.
if (oldProgram && host.onReleaseOldSourceFile) {
const oldSourceFiles = oldProgram.getSourceFiles();
for (const oldSourceFile of oldSourceFiles) {
const newFile = getSourceFileByPath(oldSourceFile.resolvedPath);
if (shouldCreateNewSourceFile || !newFile ||
// old file wasnt redirect but new file is
(oldSourceFile.resolvedPath === oldSourceFile.path && newFile.resolvedPath !== oldSourceFile.path)) {
host.onReleaseOldSourceFile(oldSourceFile, oldProgram.getCompilerOptions(), !!getSourceFileByPath(oldSourceFile.path));
oldProgram.forEachResolvedProjectReference((resolvedProjectReference, resolvedProjectReferencePath) => {
if (resolvedProjectReference && !getResolvedProjectReferenceByPath(resolvedProjectReferencePath)) {
host.onReleaseOldSourceFile!(resolvedProjectReference.sourceFile, oldProgram!.getCompilerOptions(), /*hasSourceFileByPath*/ false);
// unconditionally set oldProgram to undefined to prevent it from being captured in closure
oldProgram = undefined;
const program: Program = {
getRootFileNames: () => rootNames,
getSourceFiles: () => files,
getMissingFilePaths: () => missingFilePaths!, // TODO: GH#18217
getRefFileMap: () => refFileMap,
getFilesByNameMap: () => filesByName,
getCompilerOptions: () => options,
getCurrentDirectory: () => currentDirectory,
getNodeCount: () => getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getNodeCount(),
getIdentifierCount: () => getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getIdentifierCount(),
getSymbolCount: () => getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getSymbolCount(),
getTypeCount: () => getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getTypeCount(),
getInstantiationCount: () => getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getInstantiationCount(),
getRelationCacheSizes: () => getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getRelationCacheSizes(),
getFileProcessingDiagnostics: () => fileProcessingDiagnostics,
getResolvedTypeReferenceDirectives: () => resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames(),
performance.measure("Program", "beforeProgram", "afterProgram");
return program;
function resolveModuleNamesWorker(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames?: string[], redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference) {
const result = actualResolveModuleNamesWorker(moduleNames, containingFile, reusedNames, redirectedReference);
performance.measure("ResolveModule", "beforeResolveModule", "afterResolveModule");
return result;
function resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker(typeDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference) {
const result = actualResolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker(typeDirectiveNames, containingFile, redirectedReference);
performance.measure("ResolveTypeReference", "beforeResolveTypeReference", "afterResolveTypeReference");
return result;
function compareDefaultLibFiles(a: SourceFile, b: SourceFile) {
return compareValues(getDefaultLibFilePriority(a), getDefaultLibFilePriority(b));
function getDefaultLibFilePriority(a: SourceFile) {
if (containsPath(defaultLibraryPath, a.fileName, /*ignoreCase*/ false)) {
const basename = getBaseFileName(a.fileName);
if (basename === "lib.d.ts" || basename === "lib.es6.d.ts") return 0;
const name = removeSuffix(removePrefix(basename, "lib."), ".d.ts");
const index = libs.indexOf(name);
if (index !== -1) return index + 1;
return libs.length + 2;
function getResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocationsFromCache(moduleName: string, containingFile: string): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations | undefined {
return moduleResolutionCache && resolveModuleNameFromCache(moduleName, containingFile, moduleResolutionCache);
function toPath(fileName: string): Path {
return ts.toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
function getCommonSourceDirectory() {
if (commonSourceDirectory === undefined) {
const emittedFiles = filter(files, file => sourceFileMayBeEmitted(file, program));
if (options.rootDir && checkSourceFilesBelongToPath(emittedFiles, options.rootDir)) {
// If a rootDir is specified use it as the commonSourceDirectory
commonSourceDirectory = getNormalizedAbsolutePath(options.rootDir, currentDirectory);
else if (options.composite && options.configFilePath) {
// Project compilations never infer their root from the input source paths
commonSourceDirectory = getDirectoryPath(normalizeSlashes(options.configFilePath));
checkSourceFilesBelongToPath(emittedFiles, commonSourceDirectory);
else {
commonSourceDirectory = computeCommonSourceDirectory(emittedFiles);
if (commonSourceDirectory && commonSourceDirectory[commonSourceDirectory.length - 1] !== directorySeparator) {
// Make sure directory path ends with directory separator so this string can directly
// used to replace with "" to get the relative path of the source file and the relative path doesn't
// start with / making it rooted path
commonSourceDirectory += directorySeparator;
return commonSourceDirectory;
function getClassifiableNames() {
if (!classifiableNames) {
// Initialize a checker so that all our files are bound.
classifiableNames = createUnderscoreEscapedMap<true>();
for (const sourceFile of files) {
copyEntries(sourceFile.classifiableNames!, classifiableNames);
return classifiableNames;
function resolveModuleNamesReusingOldState(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, file: SourceFile) {
if (structuralIsReused === StructureIsReused.Not && !file.ambientModuleNames.length) {
// If the old program state does not permit reusing resolutions and `file` does not contain locally defined ambient modules,
// the best we can do is fallback to the default logic.
return resolveModuleNamesWorker(moduleNames, containingFile, /*reusedNames*/ undefined, getResolvedProjectReferenceToRedirect(file.originalFileName));
const oldSourceFile = oldProgram && oldProgram.getSourceFile(containingFile);
if (oldSourceFile !== file && file.resolvedModules) {
// `file` was created for the new program.
// We only set `file.resolvedModules` via work from the current function,
// so it is defined iff we already called the current function on `file`.
// That call happened no later than the creation of the `file` object,
// which per above occurred during the current program creation.
// Since we assume the filesystem does not change during program creation,
// it is safe to reuse resolutions from the earlier call.
const result: ResolvedModuleFull[] = [];
for (const moduleName of moduleNames) {
const resolvedModule = file.resolvedModules.get(moduleName)!;
return result;
// At this point, we know at least one of the following hold:
// - file has local declarations for ambient modules
// - old program state is available
// With this information, we can infer some module resolutions without performing resolution.
/** An ordered list of module names for which we cannot recover the resolution. */
let unknownModuleNames: string[] | undefined;
* The indexing of elements in this list matches that of `moduleNames`.
* Before combining results, result[i] is in one of the following states:
* * undefined: needs to be recomputed,
* * predictedToResolveToAmbientModuleMarker: known to be an ambient module.
* Needs to be reset to undefined before returning,
* * ResolvedModuleFull instance: can be reused.
let result: ResolvedModuleFull[] | undefined;
let reusedNames: string[] | undefined;
/** A transient placeholder used to mark predicted resolution in the result list. */
const predictedToResolveToAmbientModuleMarker: ResolvedModuleFull = <any>{};
for (let i = 0; i < moduleNames.length; i++) {
const moduleName = moduleNames[i];
// If the source file is unchanged and doesnt have invalidated resolution, reuse the module resolutions
if (file === oldSourceFile && !hasInvalidatedResolution(oldSourceFile.path)) {
const oldResolvedModule = getResolvedModule(oldSourceFile, moduleName);
if (oldResolvedModule) {
if (isTraceEnabled(options, host)) {
trace(host, Diagnostics.Reusing_resolution_of_module_0_to_file_1_from_old_program, moduleName, containingFile);
(result || (result = new Array(moduleNames.length)))[i] = oldResolvedModule;
(reusedNames || (reusedNames = [])).push(moduleName);
// We know moduleName resolves to an ambient module provided that moduleName:
// - is in the list of ambient modules locally declared in the current source file.
// - resolved to an ambient module in the old program whose declaration is in an unmodified file
// (so the same module declaration will land in the new program)
let resolvesToAmbientModuleInNonModifiedFile = false;
if (contains(file.ambientModuleNames, moduleName)) {
resolvesToAmbientModuleInNonModifiedFile = true;
if (isTraceEnabled(options, host)) {
trace(host, Diagnostics.Module_0_was_resolved_as_locally_declared_ambient_module_in_file_1, moduleName, containingFile);
else {
resolvesToAmbientModuleInNonModifiedFile = moduleNameResolvesToAmbientModuleInNonModifiedFile(moduleName);
if (resolvesToAmbientModuleInNonModifiedFile) {
(result || (result = new Array(moduleNames.length)))[i] = predictedToResolveToAmbientModuleMarker;
else {
// Resolution failed in the old program, or resolved to an ambient module for which we can't reuse the result.
(unknownModuleNames || (unknownModuleNames = [])).push(moduleName);
const resolutions = unknownModuleNames && unknownModuleNames.length
? resolveModuleNamesWorker(unknownModuleNames, containingFile, reusedNames, getResolvedProjectReferenceToRedirect(file.originalFileName))
: emptyArray;
// Combine results of resolutions and predicted results
if (!result) {
// There were no unresolved/ambient resolutions.
Debug.assert(resolutions.length === moduleNames.length);
return resolutions;
let j = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
if (result[i]) {
// `result[i]` is either a `ResolvedModuleFull` or a marker.
// If it is the former, we can leave it as is.
if (result[i] === predictedToResolveToAmbientModuleMarker) {
result[i] = undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217
else {
result[i] = resolutions[j];
Debug.assert(j === resolutions.length);
return result;
// If we change our policy of rechecking failed lookups on each program create,
// we should adjust the value returned here.
function moduleNameResolvesToAmbientModuleInNonModifiedFile(moduleName: string): boolean {
const resolutionToFile = getResolvedModule(oldSourceFile, moduleName);
const resolvedFile = resolutionToFile && oldProgram!.getSourceFile(resolutionToFile.resolvedFileName);
if (resolutionToFile && resolvedFile) {
// In the old program, we resolved to an ambient module that was in the same
// place as we expected to find an actual module file.
// We actually need to return 'false' here even though this seems like a 'true' case
// because the normal module resolution algorithm will find this anyway.
return false;
// at least one of declarations should come from non-modified source file
const unmodifiedFile = ambientModuleNameToUnmodifiedFileName.get(moduleName);
if (!unmodifiedFile) {
return false;
if (isTraceEnabled(options, host)) {
trace(host, Diagnostics.Module_0_was_resolved_as_ambient_module_declared_in_1_since_this_file_was_not_modified, moduleName, unmodifiedFile);
return true;
function canReuseProjectReferences(): boolean {
return !forEachProjectReference(
(oldResolvedRef, index, parent) => {
const newRef = (parent ? parent.commandLine.projectReferences : projectReferences)![index];
const newResolvedRef = parseProjectReferenceConfigFile(newRef);
if (oldResolvedRef) {
// Resolved project reference has gone missing or changed
return !newResolvedRef || newResolvedRef.sourceFile !== oldResolvedRef.sourceFile;
else {
// A previously-unresolved reference may be resolved now
return newResolvedRef !== undefined;
(oldProjectReferences, parent) => {
// If array of references is changed, we cant resue old program
const newReferences = parent ? getResolvedProjectReferenceByPath(parent.sourceFile.path)!.commandLine.projectReferences : projectReferences;
return !arrayIsEqualTo(oldProjectReferences, newReferences, projectReferenceIsEqualTo);
function tryReuseStructureFromOldProgram(): StructureIsReused {
if (!oldProgram) {
return StructureIsReused.Not;
// check properties that can affect structure of the program or module resolution strategy
// if any of these properties has changed - structure cannot be reused
const oldOptions = oldProgram.getCompilerOptions();
if (changesAffectModuleResolution(oldOptions, options)) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Not;
Debug.assert(!(oldProgram.structureIsReused! & (StructureIsReused.Completely | StructureIsReused.SafeModules)));
// there is an old program, check if we can reuse its structure
const oldRootNames = oldProgram.getRootFileNames();
if (!arrayIsEqualTo(oldRootNames, rootNames)) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Not;
if (!arrayIsEqualTo(options.types, oldOptions.types)) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Not;
// Check if any referenced project tsconfig files are different
if (!canReuseProjectReferences()) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Not;
if (projectReferences) {
resolvedProjectReferences = projectReferences.map(parseProjectReferenceConfigFile);
// check if program source files has changed in the way that can affect structure of the program
const newSourceFiles: SourceFile[] = [];
const modifiedSourceFiles: { oldFile: SourceFile, newFile: SourceFile }[] = [];
oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Completely;
// If the missing file paths are now present, it can change the progam structure,
// and hence cant reuse the structure.
// This is same as how we dont reuse the structure if one of the file from old program is now missing
if (oldProgram.getMissingFilePaths().some(missingFilePath => host.fileExists(missingFilePath))) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Not;
const oldSourceFiles = oldProgram.getSourceFiles();
const enum SeenPackageName { Exists, Modified }
const seenPackageNames = createMap<SeenPackageName>();
for (const oldSourceFile of oldSourceFiles) {
let newSourceFile = host.getSourceFileByPath
? host.getSourceFileByPath(oldSourceFile.fileName, oldSourceFile.resolvedPath, options.target!, /*onError*/ undefined, shouldCreateNewSourceFile)
: host.getSourceFile(oldSourceFile.fileName, options.target!, /*onError*/ undefined, shouldCreateNewSourceFile); // TODO: GH#18217
if (!newSourceFile) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Not;
Debug.assert(!newSourceFile.redirectInfo, "Host should not return a redirect source file from `getSourceFile`");
let fileChanged: boolean;
if (oldSourceFile.redirectInfo) {
// We got `newSourceFile` by path, so it is actually for the unredirected file.
// This lets us know if the unredirected file has changed. If it has we should break the redirect.
if (newSourceFile !== oldSourceFile.redirectInfo.unredirected) {
// Underlying file has changed. Might not redirect anymore. Must rebuild program.
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Not;
fileChanged = false;
newSourceFile = oldSourceFile; // Use the redirect.
else if (oldProgram.redirectTargetsMap.has(oldSourceFile.path)) {
// If a redirected-to source file changes, the redirect may be broken.
if (newSourceFile !== oldSourceFile) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Not;
fileChanged = false;
else {
fileChanged = newSourceFile !== oldSourceFile;
// Since the project references havent changed, its right to set originalFileName and resolvedPath here
newSourceFile.path = oldSourceFile.path;
newSourceFile.originalFileName = oldSourceFile.originalFileName;
newSourceFile.resolvedPath = oldSourceFile.resolvedPath;
newSourceFile.fileName = oldSourceFile.fileName;
const packageName = oldProgram.sourceFileToPackageName.get(oldSourceFile.path);
if (packageName !== undefined) {
// If there are 2 different source files for the same package name and at least one of them changes,
// they might become redirects. So we must rebuild the program.
const prevKind = seenPackageNames.get(packageName);
const newKind = fileChanged ? SeenPackageName.Modified : SeenPackageName.Exists;
if ((prevKind !== undefined && newKind === SeenPackageName.Modified) || prevKind === SeenPackageName.Modified) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Not;
seenPackageNames.set(packageName, newKind);
if (fileChanged) {
// The `newSourceFile` object was created for the new program.
if (!arrayIsEqualTo(oldSourceFile.libReferenceDirectives, newSourceFile.libReferenceDirectives, fileReferenceIsEqualTo)) {
// 'lib' references has changed. Matches behavior in changesAffectModuleResolution
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Not;
if (oldSourceFile.hasNoDefaultLib !== newSourceFile.hasNoDefaultLib) {
// value of no-default-lib has changed
// this will affect if default library is injected into the list of files
oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.SafeModules;
// check tripleslash references
if (!arrayIsEqualTo(oldSourceFile.referencedFiles, newSourceFile.referencedFiles, fileReferenceIsEqualTo)) {
// tripleslash references has changed
oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.SafeModules;
// check imports and module augmentations
if (!arrayIsEqualTo(oldSourceFile.imports, newSourceFile.imports, moduleNameIsEqualTo)) {
// imports has changed
oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.SafeModules;
if (!arrayIsEqualTo(oldSourceFile.moduleAugmentations, newSourceFile.moduleAugmentations, moduleNameIsEqualTo)) {
// moduleAugmentations has changed
oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.SafeModules;
if ((oldSourceFile.flags & NodeFlags.PermanentlySetIncrementalFlags) !== (newSourceFile.flags & NodeFlags.PermanentlySetIncrementalFlags)) {
// dynamicImport has changed
oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.SafeModules;
if (!arrayIsEqualTo(oldSourceFile.typeReferenceDirectives, newSourceFile.typeReferenceDirectives, fileReferenceIsEqualTo)) {
// 'types' references has changed
oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.SafeModules;
// tentatively approve the file
modifiedSourceFiles.push({ oldFile: oldSourceFile, newFile: newSourceFile });
else if (hasInvalidatedResolution(oldSourceFile.path)) {
// 'module/types' references could have changed
oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.SafeModules;
// add file to the modified list so that we will resolve it later
modifiedSourceFiles.push({ oldFile: oldSourceFile, newFile: newSourceFile });
// if file has passed all checks it should be safe to reuse it
if (oldProgram.structureIsReused !== StructureIsReused.Completely) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused;
const modifiedFiles = modifiedSourceFiles.map(f => f.oldFile);
for (const oldFile of oldSourceFiles) {
if (!contains(modifiedFiles, oldFile)) {
for (const moduleName of oldFile.ambientModuleNames) {
ambientModuleNameToUnmodifiedFileName.set(moduleName, oldFile.fileName);
// try to verify results of module resolution
for (const { oldFile: oldSourceFile, newFile: newSourceFile } of modifiedSourceFiles) {
const newSourceFilePath = getNormalizedAbsolutePath(newSourceFile.originalFileName, currentDirectory);
const moduleNames = getModuleNames(newSourceFile);
const resolutions = resolveModuleNamesReusingOldState(moduleNames, newSourceFilePath, newSourceFile);
// ensure that module resolution results are still correct
const resolutionsChanged = hasChangesInResolutions(moduleNames, resolutions, oldSourceFile.resolvedModules, moduleResolutionIsEqualTo);
if (resolutionsChanged) {
oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.SafeModules;
newSourceFile.resolvedModules = zipToMap(moduleNames, resolutions);
else {
newSourceFile.resolvedModules = oldSourceFile.resolvedModules;
if (resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker) {
// We lower-case all type references because npm automatically lowercases all packages. See GH#9824.
const typesReferenceDirectives = map(newSourceFile.typeReferenceDirectives, ref => toFileNameLowerCase(ref.fileName));
const resolutions = resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker(typesReferenceDirectives, newSourceFilePath, getResolvedProjectReferenceToRedirect(newSourceFile.originalFileName));
// ensure that types resolutions are still correct
const resolutionsChanged = hasChangesInResolutions(typesReferenceDirectives, resolutions, oldSourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames, typeDirectiveIsEqualTo);
if (resolutionsChanged) {
oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.SafeModules;
newSourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames = zipToMap(typesReferenceDirectives, resolutions);
else {
newSourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames = oldSourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames;
if (oldProgram.structureIsReused !== StructureIsReused.Completely) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused;
if (host.hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames?.()) {
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.SafeModules;
missingFilePaths = oldProgram.getMissingFilePaths();
refFileMap = oldProgram.getRefFileMap();
// update fileName -> file mapping
Debug.assert(newSourceFiles.length === oldProgram.getSourceFiles().length);
for (const newSourceFile of newSourceFiles) {
filesByName.set(newSourceFile.path, newSourceFile);
const oldFilesByNameMap = oldProgram.getFilesByNameMap();
oldFilesByNameMap.forEach((oldFile, path) => {
if (!oldFile) {
filesByName.set(path, oldFile);
if (oldFile.path === path) {
// Set the file as found during node modules search if it was found that way in old progra,
if (oldProgram!.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(oldFile)) {
sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules.set(oldFile.path, true);
filesByName.set(path, filesByName.get(oldFile.path));
files = newSourceFiles;
fileProcessingDiagnostics = oldProgram.getFileProcessingDiagnostics();
for (const modifiedFile of modifiedSourceFiles) {
resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives = oldProgram.getResolvedTypeReferenceDirectives();
sourceFileToPackageName = oldProgram.sourceFileToPackageName;
redirectTargetsMap = oldProgram.redirectTargetsMap;
return oldProgram.structureIsReused = StructureIsReused.Completely;
function getEmitHost(writeFileCallback?: WriteFileCallback): EmitHost {
return {
getCommonSourceDirectory: program.getCommonSourceDirectory,
getCompilerOptions: program.getCompilerOptions,
getCurrentDirectory: () => currentDirectory,
getNewLine: () => host.getNewLine(),
getSourceFile: program.getSourceFile,
getSourceFileByPath: program.getSourceFileByPath,
getSourceFiles: program.getSourceFiles,
getLibFileFromReference: program.getLibFileFromReference,
writeFile: writeFileCallback || (
(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles) => host.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles)),
readFile: f => host.readFile(f),
fileExists: f => {
// Use local caches
const path = toPath(f);
if (getSourceFileByPath(path)) return true;
if (contains(missingFilePaths, path)) return false;
// Before falling back to the host
return host.fileExists(f);
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames(),
getProgramBuildInfo: () => program.getProgramBuildInfo && program.getProgramBuildInfo(),
getSourceFileFromReference: (file, ref) => program.getSourceFileFromReference(file, ref),
function emitBuildInfo(writeFileCallback?: WriteFileCallback): EmitResult {
const emitResult = emitFiles(
/*targetSourceFile*/ undefined,
/*transformers*/ noTransformers,
/*emitOnlyDtsFiles*/ false,
/*onlyBuildInfo*/ true
performance.measure("Emit", "beforeEmit", "afterEmit");
return emitResult;
function getResolvedProjectReferences() {
return resolvedProjectReferences;
function getProjectReferences() {
return projectReferences;
function getPrependNodes() {
return createPrependNodes(
(_ref, index) => resolvedProjectReferences![index]?.commandLine,
fileName => {
const path = toPath(fileName);
const sourceFile = getSourceFileByPath(path);
return sourceFile ? sourceFile.text : filesByName.has(path) ? undefined : host.readFile(path);
function isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(file: SourceFile): boolean {
return !!sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules.get(file.path);
function isSourceFileDefaultLibrary(file: SourceFile): boolean {
if (file.hasNoDefaultLib) {
return true;
if (!options.noLib) {
return false;
// If '--lib' is not specified, include default library file according to '--target'
// otherwise, using options specified in '--lib' instead of '--target' default library file
const equalityComparer = host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() ? equateStringsCaseSensitive : equateStringsCaseInsensitive;
if (!options.lib) {
return equalityComparer(file.fileName, getDefaultLibraryFileName());
else {
return some(options.lib, libFileName => equalityComparer(file.fileName, combinePaths(defaultLibraryPath, libFileName)));
function getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker() {
return diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker || (diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker = createTypeChecker(program, /*produceDiagnostics:*/ true));
function dropDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker() {
diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker = undefined!;
function getTypeChecker() {
return noDiagnosticsTypeChecker || (noDiagnosticsTypeChecker = createTypeChecker(program, /*produceDiagnostics:*/ false));
function emit(sourceFile?: SourceFile, writeFileCallback?: WriteFileCallback, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean, transformers?: CustomTransformers, forceDtsEmit?: boolean): EmitResult {
return runWithCancellationToken(() => emitWorker(program, sourceFile, writeFileCallback, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, transformers, forceDtsEmit));
function isEmitBlocked(emitFileName: string): boolean {
return hasEmitBlockingDiagnostics.has(toPath(emitFileName));
function emitWorker(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined, writeFileCallback: WriteFileCallback | undefined, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean, customTransformers?: CustomTransformers, forceDtsEmit?: boolean): EmitResult {
if (!forceDtsEmit) {
const result = handleNoEmitOptions(program, sourceFile, writeFileCallback, cancellationToken);
if (result) return result;
// Create the emit resolver outside of the "emitTime" tracking code below. That way
// any cost associated with it (like type checking) are appropriate associated with
// the type-checking counter.
// If the -out option is specified, we should not pass the source file to getEmitResolver.
// This is because in the -out scenario all files need to be emitted, and therefore all
// files need to be type checked. And the way to specify that all files need to be type
// checked is to not pass the file to getEmitResolver.
const emitResolver = getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getEmitResolver(outFile(options) ? undefined : sourceFile, cancellationToken);
const emitResult = emitFiles(
getTransformers(options, customTransformers, emitOnlyDtsFiles),
/*onlyBuildInfo*/ false,
performance.measure("Emit", "beforeEmit", "afterEmit");
return emitResult;
function getSourceFile(fileName: string): SourceFile | undefined {
return getSourceFileByPath(toPath(fileName));
function getSourceFileByPath(path: Path): SourceFile | undefined {
return filesByName.get(path) || undefined;
function getDiagnosticsHelper<T extends Diagnostic>(
sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined,
getDiagnostics: (sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined) => readonly T[],
cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined): readonly T[] {
if (sourceFile) {
return getDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
return sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(flatMap(program.getSourceFiles(), sourceFile => {
if (cancellationToken) {
return getDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
function getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[] {
return getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getSyntacticDiagnosticsForFile, cancellationToken);
function getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[] {
return getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getSemanticDiagnosticsForFile, cancellationToken);
function getBindAndCheckDiagnostics(sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[] {
return getBindAndCheckDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
function getProgramDiagnostics(sourceFile: SourceFile): readonly Diagnostic[] {
if (skipTypeChecking(sourceFile, options, program)) {
return emptyArray;
const fileProcessingDiagnosticsInFile = fileProcessingDiagnostics.getDiagnostics(sourceFile.fileName);
const programDiagnosticsInFile = programDiagnostics.getDiagnostics(sourceFile.fileName);
return getMergedProgramDiagnostics(sourceFile, fileProcessingDiagnosticsInFile, programDiagnosticsInFile);
function getMergedProgramDiagnostics(sourceFile: SourceFile, ...allDiagnostics: (readonly Diagnostic[] | undefined)[]) {
const flatDiagnostics = flatten(allDiagnostics);
if (!sourceFile.commentDirectives?.length) {
return flatDiagnostics;
return getDiagnosticsWithPrecedingDirectives(sourceFile, sourceFile.commentDirectives, flatDiagnostics).diagnostics;
function getDeclarationDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[] {
const options = program.getCompilerOptions();
// collect diagnostics from the program only once if either no source file was specified or out/outFile is set (bundled emit)
if (!sourceFile || outFile(options)) {
return getDeclarationDiagnosticsWorker(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
else {
return getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getDeclarationDiagnosticsForFile, cancellationToken);
function getSyntacticDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile: SourceFile): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[] {
// For JavaScript files, we report semantic errors for using TypeScript-only
// constructs from within a JavaScript file as syntactic errors.
if (isSourceFileJS(sourceFile)) {
if (!sourceFile.additionalSyntacticDiagnostics) {
sourceFile.additionalSyntacticDiagnostics = getJSSyntacticDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile);
return concatenate(sourceFile.additionalSyntacticDiagnostics, sourceFile.parseDiagnostics);
return sourceFile.parseDiagnostics;
function runWithCancellationToken<T>(func: () => T): T {
try {
return func();
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof OperationCanceledException) {
// We were canceled while performing the operation. Because our type checker
// might be a bad state, we need to throw it away.
// Note: we are overly aggressive here. We do not actually *have* to throw away
// the "noDiagnosticsTypeChecker". However, for simplicity, i'd like to keep
// the lifetimes of these two TypeCheckers the same. Also, we generally only
// cancel when the user has made a change anyways. And, in that case, we (the
// program instance) will get thrown away anyways. So trying to keep one of
// these type checkers alive doesn't serve much purpose.
noDiagnosticsTypeChecker = undefined!;
diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker = undefined!;
throw e;
function getSemanticDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined): readonly Diagnostic[] {
return concatenate(
filterSemanticDiagnotics(getBindAndCheckDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile, cancellationToken), options),
function getBindAndCheckDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined): readonly Diagnostic[] {
return getAndCacheDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken, cachedBindAndCheckDiagnosticsForFile, getBindAndCheckDiagnosticsForFileNoCache);
function getBindAndCheckDiagnosticsForFileNoCache(sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined): readonly Diagnostic[] {
return runWithCancellationToken(() => {
if (skipTypeChecking(sourceFile, options, program)) {
return emptyArray;
const typeChecker = getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker();
const isCheckJs = isCheckJsEnabledForFile(sourceFile, options);
const isTsNoCheck = !!sourceFile.checkJsDirective && sourceFile.checkJsDirective.enabled === false;
// By default, only type-check .ts, .tsx, 'Deferred' and 'External' files (external files are added by plugins)
const includeBindAndCheckDiagnostics = !isTsNoCheck && (sourceFile.scriptKind === ScriptKind.TS || sourceFile.scriptKind === ScriptKind.TSX ||
sourceFile.scriptKind === ScriptKind.External || isCheckJs || sourceFile.scriptKind === ScriptKind.Deferred);
const bindDiagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[] = includeBindAndCheckDiagnostics ? sourceFile.bindDiagnostics : emptyArray;
const checkDiagnostics = includeBindAndCheckDiagnostics ? typeChecker.getDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken) : emptyArray;
return getMergedBindAndCheckDiagnostics(sourceFile, bindDiagnostics, checkDiagnostics, isCheckJs ? sourceFile.jsDocDiagnostics : undefined);
function getMergedBindAndCheckDiagnostics(sourceFile: SourceFile, ...allDiagnostics: (readonly Diagnostic[] | undefined)[]) {
const flatDiagnostics = flatten(allDiagnostics);
if (!sourceFile.commentDirectives?.length) {
return flatDiagnostics;
const { diagnostics, directives } = getDiagnosticsWithPrecedingDirectives(sourceFile, sourceFile.commentDirectives, flatDiagnostics);
for (const errorExpectation of directives.getUnusedExpectations()) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForRange(sourceFile, errorExpectation.range, Diagnostics.Unused_ts_expect_error_directive));
return diagnostics;
* Creates a map of comment directives along with the diagnostics immediately preceded by one of them.
* Comments that match to any of those diagnostics are marked as used.
function getDiagnosticsWithPrecedingDirectives(sourceFile: SourceFile, commentDirectives: CommentDirective[], flatDiagnostics: Diagnostic[]) {
// Diagnostics are only reported if there is no comment directive preceding them
// This will modify the directives map by marking "used" ones with a corresponding diagnostic
const directives = createCommentDirectivesMap(sourceFile, commentDirectives);
const diagnostics = flatDiagnostics.filter(diagnostic => markPrecedingCommentDirectiveLine(diagnostic, directives) === -1);
return { diagnostics, directives };
function getSuggestionDiagnostics(sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken: CancellationToken): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[] {
return runWithCancellationToken(() => {
return getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getSuggestionDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
* @returns The line index marked as preceding the diagnostic, or -1 if none was.
function markPrecedingCommentDirectiveLine(diagnostic: Diagnostic, directives: CommentDirectivesMap) {
const { file, start } = diagnostic;
if (!file) {
return -1;
// Start out with the line just before the text
const lineStarts = getLineStarts(file);
let line = computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition(lineStarts, start!).line - 1; // TODO: GH#18217
while (line >= 0) {
// As soon as that line is known to have a comment directive, use that
if (directives.markUsed(line)) {
return line;
// Stop searching if the line is not empty and not a comment
const lineText = file.text.slice(lineStarts[line], lineStarts[line + 1]).trim();
if (lineText !== "" && !/^(\s*)\/\/(.*)$/.test(lineText)) {
return -1;
return -1;
function getJSSyntacticDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile: SourceFile): DiagnosticWithLocation[] {
return runWithCancellationToken(() => {
const diagnostics: DiagnosticWithLocation[] = [];
walk(sourceFile, sourceFile);
forEachChildRecursively(sourceFile, walk, walkArray);
return diagnostics;
function walk(node: Node, parent: Node) {
// Return directly from the case if the given node doesnt want to visit each child
// Otherwise break to visit each child
switch (parent.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.Parameter:
case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
if ((<ParameterDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration | MethodDeclaration>parent).questionToken === node) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics.The_0_modifier_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files, "?"));
return "skip";
// falls through
case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature:
case SyntaxKind.Constructor:
case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor:
case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor:
case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression:
case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction:
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
// type annotation
if ((<FunctionLikeDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | ParameterDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration>parent).type === node) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics.Type_annotations_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files));
return "skip";
switch (node.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ImportClause:
if ((node as ImportClause).isTypeOnly) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node.parent, Diagnostics._0_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files, "import type"));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration:
if ((node as ExportDeclaration).isTypeOnly) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics._0_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files, "export type"));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration:
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics.import_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment:
if ((<ExportAssignment>node).isExportEquals) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics.export_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.HeritageClause:
const heritageClause = <HeritageClause>node;
if (heritageClause.token === SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics.implements_clauses_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
const interfaceKeyword = tokenToString(SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword);
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics._0_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files, interfaceKeyword));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration:
const moduleKeyword = node.flags & NodeFlags.Namespace ? tokenToString(SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword) : tokenToString(SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword);
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics._0_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files, moduleKeyword));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration:
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics.Type_aliases_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
const enumKeyword = Debug.checkDefined(tokenToString(SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword));
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics._0_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files, enumKeyword));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression:
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics.Non_null_assertions_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.AsExpression:
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode((node as AsExpression).type, Diagnostics.Type_assertion_expressions_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.TypeAssertionExpression:
Debug.fail(); // Won't parse these in a JS file anyway, as they are interpreted as JSX.
function walkArray(nodes: NodeArray<Node>, parent: Node) {
if (parent.decorators === nodes && !options.experimentalDecorators) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(parent, Diagnostics.Experimental_support_for_decorators_is_a_feature_that_is_subject_to_change_in_a_future_release_Set_the_experimentalDecorators_option_in_your_tsconfig_or_jsconfig_to_remove_this_warning));
switch (parent.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.ClassExpression:
case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.Constructor:
case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor:
case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor:
case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression:
case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction:
// Check type parameters
if (nodes === (<DeclarationWithTypeParameterChildren>parent).typeParameters) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNodeArray(nodes, Diagnostics.Type_parameter_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files));
return "skip";
// falls through
case SyntaxKind.VariableStatement:
// Check modifiers
if (nodes === parent.modifiers) {
checkModifiers(parent.modifiers, parent.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableStatement);
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration:
// Check modifiers of property declaration
if (nodes === (<PropertyDeclaration>parent).modifiers) {
for (const modifier of <NodeArray<Modifier>>nodes) {
if (modifier.kind !== SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(modifier, Diagnostics.The_0_modifier_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files, tokenToString(modifier.kind)));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.Parameter:
// Check modifiers of parameter declaration
if (nodes === (<ParameterDeclaration>parent).modifiers) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNodeArray(nodes, Diagnostics.Parameter_modifiers_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files));
return "skip";
case SyntaxKind.CallExpression:
case SyntaxKind.NewExpression:
case SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments:
case SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement:
case SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningElement:
case SyntaxKind.TaggedTemplateExpression:
// Check type arguments
if (nodes === (<NodeWithTypeArguments>parent).typeArguments) {
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNodeArray(nodes, Diagnostics.Type_arguments_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files));
return "skip";
function checkModifiers(modifiers: NodeArray<Modifier>, isConstValid: boolean) {
for (const modifier of modifiers) {
switch (modifier.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword:
if (isConstValid) {
// to report error,
// falls through
case SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword:
case SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword:
case SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword:
case SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword:
case SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword:
case SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword:
diagnostics.push(createDiagnosticForNode(modifier, Diagnostics.The_0_modifier_can_only_be_used_in_TypeScript_files, tokenToString(modifier.kind)));
// These are all legal modifiers.
case SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword:
case SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword:
case SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword:
function createDiagnosticForNodeArray(nodes: NodeArray<Node>, message: DiagnosticMessage, arg0?: string | number, arg1?: string | number, arg2?: string | number): DiagnosticWithLocation {
const start = nodes.pos;
return createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, start, nodes.end - start, message, arg0, arg1, arg2);
// Since these are syntactic diagnostics, parent might not have been set
// this means the sourceFile cannot be infered from the node
function createDiagnosticForNode(node: Node, message: DiagnosticMessage, arg0?: string | number, arg1?: string | number, arg2?: string | number): DiagnosticWithLocation {
return createDiagnosticForNodeInSourceFile(sourceFile, node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2);
function getDeclarationDiagnosticsWorker(sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[] {
return getAndCacheDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken, cachedDeclarationDiagnosticsForFile, getDeclarationDiagnosticsForFileNoCache);
function getDeclarationDiagnosticsForFileNoCache(sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[] {
return runWithCancellationToken(() => {
const resolver = getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getEmitResolver(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
// Don't actually write any files since we're just getting diagnostics.
return ts.getDeclarationDiagnostics(getEmitHost(noop), resolver, sourceFile) || emptyArray;
function getAndCacheDiagnostics<T extends SourceFile | undefined, U extends Diagnostic>(
sourceFile: T,
cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined,
cache: DiagnosticCache<U>,
getDiagnostics: (sourceFile: T, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined) => readonly U[],
): readonly U[] {
const cachedResult = sourceFile
? cache.perFile && cache.perFile.get(sourceFile.path)
: cache.allDiagnostics;
if (cachedResult) {
return cachedResult;
const result = getDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
if (sourceFile) {
if (!cache.perFile) {
cache.perFile = createMap();
cache.perFile.set(sourceFile.path, result);
else {
cache.allDiagnostics = result;
return result;
function getDeclarationDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken: CancellationToken): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[] {
return sourceFile.isDeclarationFile ? [] : getDeclarationDiagnosticsWorker(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
function getOptionsDiagnostics(): SortedReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> {
return sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(concatenate(
function getOptionsDiagnosticsOfConfigFile() {
if (!options.configFile) { return emptyArray; }
let diagnostics = programDiagnostics.getDiagnostics(options.configFile.fileName);
forEachResolvedProjectReference(resolvedRef => {
if (resolvedRef) {
diagnostics = concatenate(diagnostics, programDiagnostics.getDiagnostics(resolvedRef.sourceFile.fileName));
return diagnostics;
function getGlobalDiagnostics(): SortedReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> {
return rootNames.length ? sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getGlobalDiagnostics().slice()) : emptyArray as any as SortedReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>;
function getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics(): readonly Diagnostic[] {
return configFileParsingDiagnostics || emptyArray;
function processRootFile(fileName: string, isDefaultLib: boolean, ignoreNoDefaultLib: boolean) {
processSourceFile(normalizePath(fileName), isDefaultLib, ignoreNoDefaultLib, /*packageId*/ undefined);
function fileReferenceIsEqualTo(a: FileReference, b: FileReference): boolean {
return a.fileName === b.fileName;
function moduleNameIsEqualTo(a: StringLiteralLike | Identifier, b: StringLiteralLike | Identifier): boolean {
return a.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier
? b.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier && a.escapedText === b.escapedText
: b.kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral && a.text === b.text;
function collectExternalModuleReferences(file: SourceFile): void {
if (file.imports) {
const isJavaScriptFile = isSourceFileJS(file);
const isExternalModuleFile = isExternalModule(file);
// file.imports may not be undefined if there exists dynamic import
let imports: StringLiteralLike[] | undefined;
let moduleAugmentations: (StringLiteral | Identifier)[] | undefined;
let ambientModules: string[] | undefined;
// If we are importing helpers, we need to add a synthetic reference to resolve the
// helpers library.
if (options.importHelpers
&& (options.isolatedModules || isExternalModuleFile)
&& !file.isDeclarationFile) {
// synthesize 'import "tslib"' declaration
const externalHelpersModuleReference = factory.createStringLiteral(externalHelpersModuleNameText);
const importDecl = factory.createImportDeclaration(/*decorators*/ undefined, /*modifiers*/ undefined, /*importClause*/ undefined, externalHelpersModuleReference);
addEmitFlags(importDecl, EmitFlags.NeverApplyImportHelper);
setParent(externalHelpersModuleReference, importDecl);
setParent(importDecl, file);
imports = [externalHelpersModuleReference];
for (const node of file.statements) {
collectModuleReferences(node, /*inAmbientModule*/ false);
if ((file.flags & NodeFlags.PossiblyContainsDynamicImport) || isJavaScriptFile) {
file.imports = imports || emptyArray;
file.moduleAugmentations = moduleAugmentations || emptyArray;
file.ambientModuleNames = ambientModules || emptyArray;
function collectModuleReferences(node: Statement, inAmbientModule: boolean): void {
if (isAnyImportOrReExport(node)) {
const moduleNameExpr = getExternalModuleName(node);
// TypeScript 1.0 spec (April 2014): 12.1.6
// An ExternalImportDeclaration in an AmbientExternalModuleDeclaration may reference other external modules
// only through top - level external module names. Relative external module names are not permitted.
if (moduleNameExpr && isStringLiteral(moduleNameExpr) && moduleNameExpr.text && (!inAmbientModule || !isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleNameExpr.text))) {
imports = append(imports, moduleNameExpr);
else if (isModuleDeclaration(node)) {
if (isAmbientModule(node) && (inAmbientModule || hasSyntacticModifier(node, ModifierFlags.Ambient) || file.isDeclarationFile)) {
const nameText = getTextOfIdentifierOrLiteral(node.name);
// Ambient module declarations can be interpreted as augmentations for some existing external modules.
// This will happen in two cases:
// - if current file is external module then module augmentation is a ambient module declaration defined in the top level scope
// - if current file is not external module then module augmentation is an ambient module declaration with non-relative module name
// immediately nested in top level ambient module declaration .
if (isExternalModuleFile || (inAmbientModule && !isExternalModuleNameRelative(nameText))) {
(moduleAugmentations || (moduleAugmentations = [])).push(node.name);
else if (!inAmbientModule) {
if (file.isDeclarationFile) {
// for global .d.ts files record name of ambient module
(ambientModules || (ambientModules = [])).push(nameText);
// An AmbientExternalModuleDeclaration declares an external module.
// This type of declaration is permitted only in the global module.
// The StringLiteral must specify a top - level external module name.
// Relative external module names are not permitted
// NOTE: body of ambient module is always a module block, if it exists
const body = <ModuleBlock>(<ModuleDeclaration>node).body;
if (body) {
for (const statement of body.statements) {
collectModuleReferences(statement, /*inAmbientModule*/ true);
function collectDynamicImportOrRequireCalls(file: SourceFile) {
const r = /import|require/g;
while (r.exec(file.text) !== null) { // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null
const node = getNodeAtPosition(file, r.lastIndex);
if (isRequireCall(node, /*checkArgumentIsStringLiteralLike*/ true)) {
imports = append(imports, node.arguments[0]);
// we have to check the argument list has length of 1. We will still have to process these even though we have parsing error.
else if (isImportCall(node) && node.arguments.length === 1 && isStringLiteralLike(node.arguments[0])) {
imports = append(imports, node.arguments[0] as StringLiteralLike);
else if (isLiteralImportTypeNode(node)) {
imports = append(imports, node.argument.literal);
/** Returns a token if position is in [start-of-leading-trivia, end), includes JSDoc only in JS files */
function getNodeAtPosition(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): Node {
let current: Node = sourceFile;
const getContainingChild = (child: Node) => {
if (child.pos <= position && (position < child.end || (position === child.end && (child.kind === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken)))) {
return child;
while (true) {
const child = isJavaScriptFile && hasJSDocNodes(current) && forEach(current.jsDoc, getContainingChild) || forEachChild(current, getContainingChild);
if (!child) {
return current;
current = child;
function getLibFileFromReference(ref: FileReference) {
const libName = toFileNameLowerCase(ref.fileName);
const libFileName = libMap.get(libName);
if (libFileName) {
return getSourceFile(combinePaths(defaultLibraryPath, libFileName));
/** This should have similar behavior to 'processSourceFile' without diagnostics or mutation. */
function getSourceFileFromReference(referencingFile: SourceFile | UnparsedSource, ref: FileReference): SourceFile | undefined {
return getSourceFileFromReferenceWorker(resolveTripleslashReference(ref.fileName, referencingFile.fileName), fileName => filesByName.get(toPath(fileName)) || undefined);
function getSourceFileFromReferenceWorker(
fileName: string,
getSourceFile: (fileName: string) => SourceFile | undefined,
fail?: (diagnostic: DiagnosticMessage, ...argument: string[]) => void,
refFile?: SourceFile): SourceFile | undefined {
if (hasExtension(fileName)) {
const canonicalFileName = host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName);
if (!options.allowNonTsExtensions && !forEach(supportedExtensionsWithJsonIfResolveJsonModule, extension => fileExtensionIs(canonicalFileName, extension))) {
if (fail) {
if (hasJSFileExtension(canonicalFileName)) {
fail(Diagnostics.File_0_is_a_JavaScript_file_Did_you_mean_to_enable_the_allowJs_option, fileName);
else {
fail(Diagnostics.File_0_has_an_unsupported_extension_The_only_supported_extensions_are_1, fileName, "'" + supportedExtensions.join("', '") + "'");
return undefined;
const sourceFile = getSourceFile(fileName);
if (fail) {
if (!sourceFile) {
const redirect = getProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName);
if (redirect) {
fail(Diagnostics.Output_file_0_has_not_been_built_from_source_file_1, redirect, fileName);
else {
fail(Diagnostics.File_0_not_found, fileName);
else if (refFile && canonicalFileName === host.getCanonicalFileName(refFile.fileName)) {
return sourceFile;
else {
const sourceFileNoExtension = options.allowNonTsExtensions && getSourceFile(fileName);
if (sourceFileNoExtension) return sourceFileNoExtension;
if (fail && options.allowNonTsExtensions) {
fail(Diagnostics.File_0_not_found, fileName);
return undefined;
const sourceFileWithAddedExtension = forEach(supportedExtensions, extension => getSourceFile(fileName + extension));
if (fail && !sourceFileWithAddedExtension) fail(Diagnostics.Could_not_resolve_the_path_0_with_the_extensions_Colon_1, fileName, "'" + supportedExtensions.join("', '") + "'");
return sourceFileWithAddedExtension;
/** This has side effects through `findSourceFile`. */
function processSourceFile(fileName: string, isDefaultLib: boolean, ignoreNoDefaultLib: boolean, packageId: PackageId | undefined, refFile?: RefFile): void {
fileName => findSourceFile(fileName, toPath(fileName), isDefaultLib, ignoreNoDefaultLib, refFile, packageId), // TODO: GH#18217
(diagnostic, ...args) => fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(
createRefFileDiagnostic(refFile, diagnostic, ...args)
refFile && refFile.file
function reportFileNamesDifferOnlyInCasingError(fileName: string, existingFile: SourceFile, refFile: RefFile | undefined): void {
const refs = !refFile ? refFileMap && refFileMap.get(existingFile.path) : undefined;
const refToReportErrorOn = refs && find(refs, ref => ref.referencedFileName === existingFile.fileName);
fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(refToReportErrorOn ?
) :
function createRedirectSourceFile(redirectTarget: SourceFile, unredirected: SourceFile, fileName: string, path: Path, resolvedPath: Path, originalFileName: string): SourceFile {
const redirect: SourceFile = Object.create(redirectTarget);
redirect.fileName = fileName;
redirect.path = path;
redirect.resolvedPath = resolvedPath;
redirect.originalFileName = originalFileName;
redirect.redirectInfo = { redirectTarget, unredirected };
sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules.set(path, currentNodeModulesDepth > 0);
Object.defineProperties(redirect, {
id: {
get(this: SourceFile) { return this.redirectInfo!.redirectTarget.id; },
set(this: SourceFile, value: SourceFile["id"]) { this.redirectInfo!.redirectTarget.id = value; },
symbol: {
get(this: SourceFile) { return this.redirectInfo!.redirectTarget.symbol; },
set(this: SourceFile, value: SourceFile["symbol"]) { this.redirectInfo!.redirectTarget.symbol = value; },
return redirect;
// Get source file from normalized fileName
function findSourceFile(fileName: string, path: Path, isDefaultLib: boolean, ignoreNoDefaultLib: boolean, refFile: RefFile | undefined, packageId: PackageId | undefined): SourceFile | undefined {
if (useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect) {
let source = getSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName);
// If preserveSymlinks is true, module resolution wont jump the symlink
// but the resolved real path may be the .d.ts from project reference
// Note:: Currently we try the real path only if the
// file is from node_modules to avoid having to run real path on all file paths
if (!source &&
host.realpath &&
options.preserveSymlinks &&
isDeclarationFileName(fileName) &&
stringContains(fileName, nodeModulesPathPart)) {
const realPath = host.realpath(fileName);
if (realPath !== fileName) source = getSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(realPath);
if (source) {
const file = isString(source) ?
findSourceFile(source, toPath(source), isDefaultLib, ignoreNoDefaultLib, refFile, packageId) :
if (file) addFileToFilesByName(file, path, /*redirectedPath*/ undefined);
return file;
const originalFileName = fileName;
if (filesByName.has(path)) {
const file = filesByName.get(path);
addFileToRefFileMap(fileName, file || undefined, refFile);
// try to check if we've already seen this file but with a different casing in path
// NOTE: this only makes sense for case-insensitive file systems, and only on files which are not redirected
if (file && options.forceConsistentCasingInFileNames) {
const checkedName = file.fileName;
const isRedirect = toPath(checkedName) !== toPath(fileName);
if (isRedirect) {
fileName = getProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName) || fileName;
// Check if it differs only in drive letters its ok to ignore that error:
const checkedAbsolutePath = getNormalizedAbsolutePathWithoutRoot(checkedName, currentDirectory);
const inputAbsolutePath = getNormalizedAbsolutePathWithoutRoot(fileName, currentDirectory);
if (checkedAbsolutePath !== inputAbsolutePath) {
reportFileNamesDifferOnlyInCasingError(fileName, file, refFile);
// If the file was previously found via a node_modules search, but is now being processed as a root file,
// then everything it sucks in may also be marked incorrectly, and needs to be checked again.
if (file && sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules.get(file.path) && currentNodeModulesDepth === 0) {
sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules.set(file.path, false);
if (!options.noResolve) {
processReferencedFiles(file, isDefaultLib);
if (!options.noLib) {
modulesWithElidedImports.set(file.path, false);
// See if we need to reprocess the imports due to prior skipped imports
else if (file && modulesWithElidedImports.get(file.path)) {
if (currentNodeModulesDepth < maxNodeModuleJsDepth) {
modulesWithElidedImports.set(file.path, false);
return file || undefined;
let redirectedPath: Path | undefined;
if (refFile && !useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect) {
const redirectProject = getProjectReferenceRedirectProject(fileName);
if (redirectProject) {
if (outFile(redirectProject.commandLine.options)) {
// Shouldnt create many to 1 mapping file in --out scenario
return undefined;
const redirect = getProjectReferenceOutputName(redirectProject, fileName);
fileName = redirect;
// Once we start redirecting to a file, we can potentially come back to it
// via a back-reference from another file in the .d.ts folder. If that happens we'll
// end up trying to add it to the program *again* because we were tracking it via its
// original (un-redirected) name. So we have to map both the original path and the redirected path
// to the source file we're about to find/create
redirectedPath = toPath(redirect);
// We haven't looked for this file, do so now and cache result
const file = host.getSourceFile(
hostErrorMessage => fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(createRefFileDiagnostic(
if (packageId) {
const packageIdKey = packageIdToString(packageId);
const fileFromPackageId = packageIdToSourceFile.get(packageIdKey);
if (fileFromPackageId) {
// Some other SourceFile already exists with this package name and version.
// Instead of creating a duplicate, just redirect to the existing one.
const dupFile = createRedirectSourceFile(fileFromPackageId, file!, fileName, path, toPath(fileName), originalFileName); // TODO: GH#18217
redirectTargetsMap.add(fileFromPackageId.path, fileName);
addFileToFilesByName(dupFile, path, redirectedPath);
sourceFileToPackageName.set(path, packageId.name);
return dupFile;
else if (file) {
// This is the first source file to have this packageId.
packageIdToSourceFile.set(packageIdKey, file);
sourceFileToPackageName.set(path, packageId.name);
addFileToFilesByName(file, path, redirectedPath);
if (file) {
sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules.set(path, currentNodeModulesDepth > 0);
file.fileName = fileName; // Ensure that source file has same name as what we were looking for
file.path = path;
file.resolvedPath = toPath(fileName);
file.originalFileName = originalFileName;
addFileToRefFileMap(fileName, file, refFile);
if (host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames()) {
const pathLowerCase = toFileNameLowerCase(path);
// for case-sensitive file systems check if we've already seen some file with similar filename ignoring case
const existingFile = filesByNameIgnoreCase!.get(pathLowerCase);
if (existingFile) {
reportFileNamesDifferOnlyInCasingError(fileName, existingFile, refFile);
else {
filesByNameIgnoreCase!.set(pathLowerCase, file);
skipDefaultLib = skipDefaultLib || (file.hasNoDefaultLib && !ignoreNoDefaultLib);
if (!options.noResolve) {
processReferencedFiles(file, isDefaultLib);
if (!options.noLib) {
// always process imported modules to record module name resolutions
if (isDefaultLib) {
else {
return file;
function addFileToRefFileMap(referencedFileName: string, file: SourceFile | undefined, refFile: RefFile | undefined) {
if (refFile && file) {
(refFileMap || (refFileMap = createMultiMap())).add(file.path, {
kind: refFile.kind,
index: refFile.index,
file: refFile.file.path
function addFileToFilesByName(file: SourceFile | undefined, path: Path, redirectedPath: Path | undefined) {
if (redirectedPath) {
filesByName.set(redirectedPath, file);
filesByName.set(path, file || false);
else {
filesByName.set(path, file);
function getProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string): string | undefined {
const referencedProject = getProjectReferenceRedirectProject(fileName);
return referencedProject && getProjectReferenceOutputName(referencedProject, fileName);
function getProjectReferenceRedirectProject(fileName: string) {
// Ignore dts or any json files
if (!resolvedProjectReferences || !resolvedProjectReferences.length || fileExtensionIs(fileName, Extension.Dts) || fileExtensionIs(fileName, Extension.Json)) {
return undefined;
// If this file is produced by a referenced project, we need to rewrite it to
// look in the output folder of the referenced project rather than the input
return getResolvedProjectReferenceToRedirect(fileName);
function getProjectReferenceOutputName(referencedProject: ResolvedProjectReference, fileName: string) {
const out = outFile(referencedProject.commandLine.options);
return out ?
changeExtension(out, Extension.Dts) :
getOutputDeclarationFileName(fileName, referencedProject.commandLine, !host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames());
* Get the referenced project if the file is input file from that reference project
function getResolvedProjectReferenceToRedirect(fileName: string) {
if (mapFromFileToProjectReferenceRedirects === undefined) {
mapFromFileToProjectReferenceRedirects = createMap();
forEachResolvedProjectReference((referencedProject, referenceProjectPath) => {
// not input file from the referenced project, ignore
if (referencedProject &&
toPath(options.configFilePath!) !== referenceProjectPath) {
referencedProject.commandLine.fileNames.forEach(f =>
mapFromFileToProjectReferenceRedirects!.set(toPath(f), referenceProjectPath));
const referencedProjectPath = mapFromFileToProjectReferenceRedirects.get(toPath(fileName));
return referencedProjectPath && getResolvedProjectReferenceByPath(referencedProjectPath);
function forEachResolvedProjectReference<T>(
cb: (resolvedProjectReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, resolvedProjectReferencePath: Path) => T | undefined
): T | undefined {
return forEachProjectReference(projectReferences, resolvedProjectReferences, (resolvedRef, index, parent) => {
const ref = (parent ? parent.commandLine.projectReferences : projectReferences)![index];
const resolvedRefPath = toPath(resolveProjectReferencePath(ref));
return cb(resolvedRef, resolvedRefPath);
function getSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(file: string) {
if (!isDeclarationFileName(file)) return undefined;
if (mapFromToProjectReferenceRedirectSource === undefined) {
mapFromToProjectReferenceRedirectSource = createMap();
forEachResolvedProjectReference(resolvedRef => {
if (resolvedRef) {
const out = outFile(resolvedRef.commandLine.options);
if (out) {
// Dont know which source file it means so return true?
const outputDts = changeExtension(out, Extension.Dts);
mapFromToProjectReferenceRedirectSource!.set(toPath(outputDts), true);
else {
forEach(resolvedRef.commandLine.fileNames, fileName => {
if (!fileExtensionIs(fileName, Extension.Dts) && !fileExtensionIs(fileName, Extension.Json)) {
const outputDts = getOutputDeclarationFileName(fileName, resolvedRef.commandLine, host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames());
mapFromToProjectReferenceRedirectSource!.set(toPath(outputDts), fileName);
return mapFromToProjectReferenceRedirectSource.get(toPath(file));
function isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string) {
return useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect && !!getResolvedProjectReferenceToRedirect(fileName);
function forEachProjectReference<T>(
projectReferences: readonly ProjectReference[] | undefined,
resolvedProjectReferences: readonly (ResolvedProjectReference | undefined)[] | undefined,
cbResolvedRef: (resolvedRef: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, index: number, parent: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined) => T | undefined,
cbRef?: (projectReferences: readonly ProjectReference[] | undefined, parent: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined) => T | undefined
): T | undefined {
let seenResolvedRefs: ResolvedProjectReference[] | undefined;
return worker(projectReferences, resolvedProjectReferences, /*parent*/ undefined, cbResolvedRef, cbRef);
function worker(
projectReferences: readonly ProjectReference[] | undefined,
resolvedProjectReferences: readonly (ResolvedProjectReference | undefined)[] | undefined,
parent: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined,
cbResolvedRef: (resolvedRef: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, index: number, parent: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined) => T | undefined,
cbRef?: (projectReferences: readonly ProjectReference[] | undefined, parent: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined) => T | undefined,
): T | undefined {
// Visit project references first
if (cbRef) {
const result = cbRef(projectReferences, parent);
if (result) { return result; }
return forEach(resolvedProjectReferences, (resolvedRef, index) => {
if (contains(seenResolvedRefs, resolvedRef)) {
// ignore recursives
return undefined;
const result = cbResolvedRef(resolvedRef, index, parent);
if (result) {
return result;
if (!resolvedRef) return undefined;
(seenResolvedRefs || (seenResolvedRefs = [])).push(resolvedRef);
return worker(resolvedRef.commandLine.projectReferences, resolvedRef.references, resolvedRef, cbResolvedRef, cbRef);
function getResolvedProjectReferenceByPath(projectReferencePath: Path): ResolvedProjectReference | undefined {
if (!projectReferenceRedirects) {
return undefined;
return projectReferenceRedirects.get(projectReferencePath) || undefined;
function processReferencedFiles(file: SourceFile, isDefaultLib: boolean) {
forEach(file.referencedFiles, (ref, index) => {
const referencedFileName = resolveTripleslashReference(ref.fileName, file.originalFileName);
/*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ false,
/*packageId*/ undefined,
kind: RefFileKind.ReferenceFile,
pos: ref.pos,
end: ref.end
function processTypeReferenceDirectives(file: SourceFile) {
// We lower-case all type references because npm automatically lowercases all packages. See GH#9824.
const typeDirectives = map(file.typeReferenceDirectives, ref => toFileNameLowerCase(ref.fileName));
if (!typeDirectives) {
const resolutions = resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker(typeDirectives, file.originalFileName, getResolvedProjectReferenceToRedirect(file.originalFileName));
for (let i = 0; i < typeDirectives.length; i++) {
const ref = file.typeReferenceDirectives[i];
const resolvedTypeReferenceDirective = resolutions[i];
// store resolved type directive on the file
const fileName = toFileNameLowerCase(ref.fileName);
setResolvedTypeReferenceDirective(file, fileName, resolvedTypeReferenceDirective);
kind: RefFileKind.TypeReferenceDirective,
index: i,
pos: ref.pos,
end: ref.end
function processTypeReferenceDirective(
typeReferenceDirective: string,
resolvedTypeReferenceDirective?: ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective,
refFile?: RefFile
): void {
// If we already found this library as a primary reference - nothing to do
const previousResolution = resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives.get(typeReferenceDirective);
if (previousResolution && previousResolution.primary) {
let saveResolution = true;
if (resolvedTypeReferenceDirective) {
if (resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.isExternalLibraryImport) currentNodeModulesDepth++;
if (resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.primary) {
// resolved from the primary path
processSourceFile(resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName!, /*isDefaultLib*/ false, /*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ false, resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.packageId, refFile); // TODO: GH#18217
else {
// If we already resolved to this file, it must have been a secondary reference. Check file contents
// for sameness and possibly issue an error
if (previousResolution) {
// Don't bother reading the file again if it's the same file.
if (resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName !== previousResolution.resolvedFileName) {
const otherFileText = host.readFile(resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName!);
const existingFile = getSourceFile(previousResolution.resolvedFileName!)!;
if (otherFileText !== existingFile.text) {
// Try looking up ref for original file
const refs = !refFile ? refFileMap && refFileMap.get(existingFile.path) : undefined;
const refToReportErrorOn = refs && find(refs, ref => ref.referencedFileName === existingFile.fileName);
refToReportErrorOn ?
) :
// don't overwrite previous resolution result
saveResolution = false;
else {
// First resolution of this library
processSourceFile(resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName!, /*isDefaultLib*/ false, /*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ false, resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.packageId, refFile);
if (resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.isExternalLibraryImport) currentNodeModulesDepth--;
else {
if (saveResolution) {
resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives.set(typeReferenceDirective, resolvedTypeReferenceDirective);
function processLibReferenceDirectives(file: SourceFile) {
forEach(file.libReferenceDirectives, libReference => {
const libName = toFileNameLowerCase(libReference.fileName);
const libFileName = libMap.get(libName);
if (libFileName) {
// we ignore any 'no-default-lib' reference set on this file.
processRootFile(combinePaths(defaultLibraryPath, libFileName), /*isDefaultLib*/ true, /*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ true);
else {
const unqualifiedLibName = removeSuffix(removePrefix(libName, "lib."), ".d.ts");
const suggestion = getSpellingSuggestion(unqualifiedLibName, libs, identity);
const message = suggestion ? Diagnostics.Cannot_find_lib_definition_for_0_Did_you_mean_1 : Diagnostics.Cannot_find_lib_definition_for_0;
libReference.end - libReference.pos,
function createRefFileDiagnostic(refFile: RefFile | undefined, message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: any[]): Diagnostic {
if (!refFile) {
return createCompilerDiagnostic(message, ...args);
else {
return createFileDiagnostic(refFile.file, refFile.pos, refFile.end - refFile.pos, message, ...args);
function getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string {
return host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName);
function processImportedModules(file: SourceFile) {
if (file.imports.length || file.moduleAugmentations.length) {
// Because global augmentation doesn't have string literal name, we can check for global augmentation as such.
const moduleNames = getModuleNames(file);
const resolutions = resolveModuleNamesReusingOldState(moduleNames, getNormalizedAbsolutePath(file.originalFileName, currentDirectory), file);
Debug.assert(resolutions.length === moduleNames.length);
for (let i = 0; i < moduleNames.length; i++) {
const resolution = resolutions[i];
setResolvedModule(file, moduleNames[i], resolution);
if (!resolution) {
const isFromNodeModulesSearch = resolution.isExternalLibraryImport;
const isJsFile = !resolutionExtensionIsTSOrJson(resolution.extension);
const isJsFileFromNodeModules = isFromNodeModulesSearch && isJsFile;
const resolvedFileName = resolution.resolvedFileName;
if (isFromNodeModulesSearch) {
// add file to program only if:
// - resolution was successful
// - noResolve is falsy
// - module name comes from the list of imports
// - it's not a top level JavaScript module that exceeded the search max
const elideImport = isJsFileFromNodeModules && currentNodeModulesDepth > maxNodeModuleJsDepth;
// Don't add the file if it has a bad extension (e.g. 'tsx' if we don't have '--allowJs')
// This may still end up being an untyped module -- the file won't be included but imports will be allowed.
const shouldAddFile = resolvedFileName
&& !getResolutionDiagnostic(options, resolution)
&& !options.noResolve
&& i < file.imports.length
&& !elideImport
&& !(isJsFile && !options.allowJs)
&& (isInJSFile(file.imports[i]) || !(file.imports[i].flags & NodeFlags.JSDoc));
if (elideImport) {
modulesWithElidedImports.set(file.path, true);
else if (shouldAddFile) {
const path = toPath(resolvedFileName);
const pos = skipTrivia(file.text, file.imports[i].pos);
/*isDefaultLib*/ false,
/*ignoreNoDefaultLib*/ false,
kind: RefFileKind.Import,
index: i,
end: file.imports[i].end
if (isFromNodeModulesSearch) {
else {
// no imports - drop cached module resolutions
file.resolvedModules = undefined;
function computeCommonSourceDirectory(sourceFiles: SourceFile[]): string {
const fileNames = mapDefined(sourceFiles, file => file.isDeclarationFile ? undefined : file.fileName);
return computeCommonSourceDirectoryOfFilenames(fileNames, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
function checkSourceFilesBelongToPath(sourceFiles: readonly SourceFile[], rootDirectory: string): boolean {
let allFilesBelongToPath = true;
const absoluteRootDirectoryPath = host.getCanonicalFileName(getNormalizedAbsolutePath(rootDirectory, currentDirectory));
let rootPaths: Map<true> | undefined;
for (const sourceFile of sourceFiles) {
if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
const absoluteSourceFilePath = host.getCanonicalFileName(getNormalizedAbsolutePath(sourceFile.fileName, currentDirectory));
if (absoluteSourceFilePath.indexOf(absoluteRootDirectoryPath) !== 0) {
if (!rootPaths) rootPaths = arrayToSet(rootNames, toPath);
allFilesBelongToPath = false;
return allFilesBelongToPath;
function parseProjectReferenceConfigFile(ref: ProjectReference): ResolvedProjectReference | undefined {
if (!projectReferenceRedirects) {
projectReferenceRedirects = createMap<ResolvedProjectReference | false>();
// The actual filename (i.e. add "/tsconfig.json" if necessary)
const refPath = resolveProjectReferencePath(ref);
const sourceFilePath = toPath(refPath);
const fromCache = projectReferenceRedirects.get(sourceFilePath);
if (fromCache !== undefined) {
return fromCache || undefined;
let commandLine: ParsedCommandLine | undefined;
let sourceFile: JsonSourceFile | undefined;
if (host.getParsedCommandLine) {
commandLine = host.getParsedCommandLine(refPath);
if (!commandLine) {
addFileToFilesByName(/*sourceFile*/ undefined, sourceFilePath, /*redirectedPath*/ undefined);
projectReferenceRedirects.set(sourceFilePath, false);
return undefined;
sourceFile = Debug.checkDefined(commandLine.options.configFile);
Debug.assert(!sourceFile.path || sourceFile.path === sourceFilePath);
addFileToFilesByName(sourceFile, sourceFilePath, /*redirectedPath*/ undefined);
else {
// An absolute path pointing to the containing directory of the config file
const basePath = getNormalizedAbsolutePath(getDirectoryPath(refPath), host.getCurrentDirectory());
sourceFile = host.getSourceFile(refPath, ScriptTarget.JSON) as JsonSourceFile | undefined;
addFileToFilesByName(sourceFile, sourceFilePath, /*redirectedPath*/ undefined);
if (sourceFile === undefined) {
projectReferenceRedirects.set(sourceFilePath, false);
return undefined;
commandLine = parseJsonSourceFileConfigFileContent(sourceFile, configParsingHost, basePath, /*existingOptions*/ undefined, refPath);
sourceFile.fileName = refPath;
sourceFile.path = sourceFilePath;
sourceFile.resolvedPath = sourceFilePath;
sourceFile.originalFileName = refPath;
const resolvedRef: ResolvedProjectReference = { commandLine, sourceFile };
projectReferenceRedirects.set(sourceFilePath, resolvedRef);
if (commandLine.projectReferences) {
resolvedRef.references = commandLine.projectReferences.map(parseProjectReferenceConfigFile);
return resolvedRef;
function verifyCompilerOptions() {
if (options.strictPropertyInitialization && !getStrictOptionValue(options, "strictNullChecks")) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1, "strictPropertyInitialization", "strictNullChecks");
if (options.isolatedModules) {
if (options.out) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "out", "isolatedModules");
if (options.outFile) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "outFile", "isolatedModules");
if (options.inlineSourceMap) {
if (options.sourceMap) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "sourceMap", "inlineSourceMap");
if (options.mapRoot) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "mapRoot", "inlineSourceMap");
if (options.paths && options.baseUrl === undefined) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_paths_cannot_be_used_without_specifying_baseUrl_option, "paths");
if (options.composite) {
if (options.declaration === false) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Composite_projects_may_not_disable_declaration_emit, "declaration");
if (options.incremental === false) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Composite_projects_may_not_disable_incremental_compilation, "declaration");
const outputFile = outFile(options);
if (options.tsBuildInfoFile) {
if (!isIncrementalCompilation(options)) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1_or_option_2, "tsBuildInfoFile", "incremental", "composite");
else if (options.incremental && !outputFile && !options.configFilePath) {
// List of collected files is complete; validate exhautiveness if this is a project with a file list
if (options.composite) {
const rootPaths = arrayToSet(rootNames, toPath);
for (const file of files) {
// Ignore file that is not emitted
if (sourceFileMayBeEmitted(file, program) && !rootPaths.has(file.path)) {
options.configFilePath || ""
if (options.paths) {
for (const key in options.paths) {
if (!hasProperty(options.paths, key)) {
if (!hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(key)) {
createDiagnosticForOptionPaths(/*onKey*/ true, key, Diagnostics.Pattern_0_can_have_at_most_one_Asterisk_character, key);
if (isArray(options.paths[key])) {
const len = options.paths[key].length;
if (len === 0) {
createDiagnosticForOptionPaths(/*onKey*/ false, key, Diagnostics.Substitutions_for_pattern_0_shouldn_t_be_an_empty_array, key);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const subst = options.paths[key][i];
const typeOfSubst = typeof subst;
if (typeOfSubst === "string") {
if (!hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(subst)) {
createDiagnosticForOptionPathKeyValue(key, i, Diagnostics.Substitution_0_in_pattern_1_can_have_at_most_one_Asterisk_character, subst, key);
else {
createDiagnosticForOptionPathKeyValue(key, i, Diagnostics.Substitution_0_for_pattern_1_has_incorrect_type_expected_string_got_2, subst, key, typeOfSubst);
else {
createDiagnosticForOptionPaths(/*onKey*/ false, key, Diagnostics.Substitutions_for_pattern_0_should_be_an_array, key);
if (!options.sourceMap && !options.inlineSourceMap) {
if (options.inlineSources) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_inlineSourceMap_or_option_sourceMap_is_provided, "inlineSources");
if (options.sourceRoot) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_inlineSourceMap_or_option_sourceMap_is_provided, "sourceRoot");
if (options.out && options.outFile) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "out", "outFile");
if (options.mapRoot && !(options.sourceMap || options.declarationMap)) {
// Error to specify --mapRoot without --sourcemap
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1_or_option_2, "mapRoot", "sourceMap", "declarationMap");
if (options.declarationDir) {
if (!getEmitDeclarations(options)) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1_or_option_2, "declarationDir", "declaration", "composite");
if (outputFile) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "declarationDir", options.out ? "out" : "outFile");
if (options.declarationMap && !getEmitDeclarations(options)) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1_or_option_2, "declarationMap", "declaration", "composite");
if (options.lib && options.noLib) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "lib", "noLib");
if (options.noImplicitUseStrict && getStrictOptionValue(options, "alwaysStrict")) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "noImplicitUseStrict", "alwaysStrict");
const languageVersion = options.target || ScriptTarget.ES3;
const firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile = find(files, f => isExternalModule(f) && !f.isDeclarationFile);
if (options.isolatedModules) {
if (options.module === ModuleKind.None && languageVersion < ScriptTarget.ES2015) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_isolatedModules_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_module_is_provided_or_option_target_is_ES2015_or_higher, "isolatedModules", "target");
const firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile = find(files, f => !isExternalModule(f) && !isSourceFileJS(f) && !f.isDeclarationFile && f.scriptKind !== ScriptKind.JSON);
if (firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile) {
const span = getErrorSpanForNode(firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile, firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile);
programDiagnostics.add(createFileDiagnostic(firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile, span.start, span.length, Diagnostics.All_files_must_be_modules_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided));
else if (firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile && languageVersion < ScriptTarget.ES2015 && options.module === ModuleKind.None) {
// We cannot use createDiagnosticFromNode because nodes do not have parents yet
const span = getErrorSpanForNode(firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile, firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile.externalModuleIndicator!);
programDiagnostics.add(createFileDiagnostic(firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile, span.start, span.length, Diagnostics.Cannot_use_imports_exports_or_module_augmentations_when_module_is_none));
// Cannot specify module gen that isn't amd or system with --out
if (outputFile && !options.emitDeclarationOnly) {
if (options.module && !(options.module === ModuleKind.AMD || options.module === ModuleKind.System)) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Only_amd_and_system_modules_are_supported_alongside_0, options.out ? "out" : "outFile", "module");
else if (options.module === undefined && firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile) {
const span = getErrorSpanForNode(firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile, firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile.externalModuleIndicator!);
programDiagnostics.add(createFileDiagnostic(firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile, span.start, span.length, Diagnostics.Cannot_compile_modules_using_option_0_unless_the_module_flag_is_amd_or_system, options.out ? "out" : "outFile"));
if (options.resolveJsonModule) {
if (getEmitModuleResolutionKind(options) !== ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_resolveJsonModule_cannot_be_specified_without_node_module_resolution_strategy, "resolveJsonModule");
// Any emit other than common js, amd, es2015 or esnext is error
else if (!hasJsonModuleEmitEnabled(options)) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_resolveJsonModule_can_only_be_specified_when_module_code_generation_is_commonjs_amd_es2015_or_esNext, "resolveJsonModule", "module");
// there has to be common source directory if user specified --outdir || --sourceRoot
// if user specified --mapRoot, there needs to be common source directory if there would be multiple files being emitted
if (options.outDir || // there is --outDir specified
options.sourceRoot || // there is --sourceRoot specified
options.mapRoot) { // there is --mapRoot specified
// Precalculate and cache the common source directory
const dir = getCommonSourceDirectory();
// If we failed to find a good common directory, but outDir is specified and at least one of our files is on a windows drive/URL/other resource, add a failure
if (options.outDir && dir === "" && files.some(file => getRootLength(file.fileName) > 1)) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Cannot_find_the_common_subdirectory_path_for_the_input_files, "outDir");
if (options.useDefineForClassFields && languageVersion === ScriptTarget.ES3) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_when_option_target_is_ES3, "useDefineForClassFields");
if (options.checkJs && !options.allowJs) {
programDiagnostics.add(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1, "checkJs", "allowJs"));
if (options.emitDeclarationOnly) {
if (!getEmitDeclarations(options)) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1_or_option_2, "emitDeclarationOnly", "declaration", "composite");
if (options.noEmit) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "emitDeclarationOnly", "noEmit");
if (options.emitDecoratorMetadata &&
!options.experimentalDecorators) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1, "emitDecoratorMetadata", "experimentalDecorators");
if (options.jsxFactory) {
if (options.reactNamespace) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "reactNamespace", "jsxFactory");
if (!parseIsolatedEntityName(options.jsxFactory, languageVersion)) {
createOptionValueDiagnostic("jsxFactory", Diagnostics.Invalid_value_for_jsxFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name, options.jsxFactory);
else if (options.reactNamespace && !isIdentifierText(options.reactNamespace, languageVersion)) {
createOptionValueDiagnostic("reactNamespace", Diagnostics.Invalid_value_for_reactNamespace_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier, options.reactNamespace);
if (options.jsxFragmentFactory) {
if (!options.jsxFactory) {
createDiagnosticForOptionName(Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1, "jsxFragmentFactory", "jsxFactory");
if (!parseIsolatedEntityName(options.jsxFragmentFactory, languageVersion)) {
createOptionValueDiagnostic("jsxFragmentFactory", Diagnostics.Invalid_value_for_jsxFragmentFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name, options.jsxFragmentFactory);
// If the emit is enabled make sure that every output file is unique and not overwriting any of the input files
if (!options.noEmit && !options.suppressOutputPathCheck) {
const emitHost = getEmitHost();
const emitFilesSeen = createMap<true>();
forEachEmittedFile(emitHost, (emitFileNames) => {
if (!options.emitDeclarationOnly) {
verifyEmitFilePath(emitFileNames.jsFilePath, emitFilesSeen);
verifyEmitFilePath(emitFileNames.declarationFilePath, emitFilesSeen);
// Verify that all the emit files are unique and don't overwrite input files
function verifyEmitFilePath(emitFileName: string | undefined, emitFilesSeen: Map<true>) {
if (emitFileName) {
const emitFilePath = toPath(emitFileName);
// Report error if the output overwrites input file
if (filesByName.has(emitFilePath)) {
let chain: DiagnosticMessageChain | undefined;
if (!options.configFilePath) {
// The program is from either an inferred project or an external project
chain = chainDiagnosticMessages(/*details*/ undefined, Diagnostics.Adding_a_tsconfig_json_file_will_help_organize_projects_that_contain_both_TypeScript_and_JavaScript_files_Learn_more_at_https_Colon_Slash_Slashaka_ms_Slashtsconfig);
chain = chainDiagnosticMessages(chain, Diagnostics.Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_would_overwrite_input_file, emitFileName);
blockEmittingOfFile(emitFileName, createCompilerDiagnosticFromMessageChain(chain));
const emitFileKey = !host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() ? toFileNameLowerCase(emitFilePath) : emitFilePath;
// Report error if multiple files write into same file
if (emitFilesSeen.has(emitFileKey)) {
// Already seen the same emit file - report error
blockEmittingOfFile(emitFileName, createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_would_be_overwritten_by_multiple_input_files, emitFileName));
else {
emitFilesSeen.set(emitFileKey, true);
function createFileDiagnosticAtReference(refPathToReportErrorOn: ts.RefFile, message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: (string | number | undefined)[]) {
const refFile = Debug.checkDefined(getSourceFileByPath(refPathToReportErrorOn.file));
const { kind, index } = refPathToReportErrorOn;
let pos: number, end: number;
switch (kind) {
case RefFileKind.Import:
pos = skipTrivia(refFile.text, refFile.imports[index].pos);
end = refFile.imports[index].end;
case RefFileKind.ReferenceFile:
({ pos, end } = refFile.referencedFiles[index]);
case RefFileKind.TypeReferenceDirective:
({ pos, end } = refFile.typeReferenceDirectives[index]);
return Debug.assertNever(kind);
return createFileDiagnostic(refFile, pos, end - pos, message, ...args);
function addProgramDiagnosticAtRefPath(file: SourceFile, rootPaths: Map<true>, message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: (string | number | undefined)[]) {
const refPaths = refFileMap && refFileMap.get(file.path);
const refPathToReportErrorOn = forEach(refPaths, refPath => rootPaths.has(refPath.file) ? refPath : undefined) ||
elementAt(refPaths, 0);
refPathToReportErrorOn ?
createFileDiagnosticAtReference(refPathToReportErrorOn, message, ...args) :
createCompilerDiagnostic(message, ...args)
function verifyProjectReferences() {
const buildInfoPath = !options.suppressOutputPathCheck ? getTsBuildInfoEmitOutputFilePath(options) : undefined;
forEachProjectReference(projectReferences, resolvedProjectReferences, (resolvedRef, index, parent) => {
const ref = (parent ? parent.commandLine.projectReferences : projectReferences)![index];
const parentFile = parent && parent.sourceFile as JsonSourceFile;
if (!resolvedRef) {
createDiagnosticForReference(parentFile, index, Diagnostics.File_0_not_found, ref.path);
const options = resolvedRef.commandLine.options;
if (!options.composite || options.noEmit) {
// ok to not have composite if the current program is container only
const inputs = parent ? parent.commandLine.fileNames : rootNames;
if (inputs.length) {
if (!options.composite) createDiagnosticForReference(parentFile, index, Diagnostics.Referenced_project_0_must_have_setting_composite_Colon_true, ref.path);
if (options.noEmit) createDiagnosticForReference(parentFile, index, Diagnostics.Referenced_project_0_may_not_disable_emit, ref.path);
if (ref.prepend) {
const out = outFile(options);
if (out) {
if (!host.fileExists(out)) {
createDiagnosticForReference(parentFile, index, Diagnostics.Output_file_0_from_project_1_does_not_exist, out, ref.path);
else {
createDiagnosticForReference(parentFile, index, Diagnostics.Cannot_prepend_project_0_because_it_does_not_have_outFile_set, ref.path);
if (!parent && buildInfoPath && buildInfoPath === getTsBuildInfoEmitOutputFilePath(options)) {
createDiagnosticForReference(parentFile, index, Diagnostics.Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_will_overwrite_tsbuildinfo_file_generated_by_referenced_project_1, buildInfoPath, ref.path);
hasEmitBlockingDiagnostics.set(toPath(buildInfoPath), true);
function createDiagnosticForOptionPathKeyValue(key: string, valueIndex: number, message: DiagnosticMessage, arg0: string | number, arg1: string | number, arg2?: string | number) {
let needCompilerDiagnostic = true;
const pathsSyntax = getOptionPathsSyntax();
for (const pathProp of pathsSyntax) {
if (isObjectLiteralExpression(pathProp.initializer)) {
for (const keyProps of getPropertyAssignment(pathProp.initializer, key)) {
const initializer = keyProps.initializer;
if (isArrayLiteralExpression(initializer) && initializer.elements.length > valueIndex) {
programDiagnostics.add(createDiagnosticForNodeInSourceFile(options.configFile!, initializer.elements[valueIndex], message, arg0, arg1, arg2));
needCompilerDiagnostic = false;
if (needCompilerDiagnostic) {
programDiagnostics.add(createCompilerDiagnostic(message, arg0, arg1, arg2));
function createDiagnosticForOptionPaths(onKey: boolean, key: string, message: DiagnosticMessage, arg0: string | number) {
let needCompilerDiagnostic = true;
const pathsSyntax = getOptionPathsSyntax();
for (const pathProp of pathsSyntax) {
if (isObjectLiteralExpression(pathProp.initializer) &&
pathProp.initializer, onKey, key, /*key2*/ undefined,
message, arg0)) {
needCompilerDiagnostic = false;
if (needCompilerDiagnostic) {
programDiagnostics.add(createCompilerDiagnostic(message, arg0));
function getOptionsSyntaxByName(name: string): object | undefined {
const compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax = getCompilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax();
if (compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax) {
return getPropertyAssignment(compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax, name);
return undefined;
function getOptionPathsSyntax(): PropertyAssignment[] {
return getOptionsSyntaxByName("paths") as PropertyAssignment[] || emptyArray;
function createDiagnosticForOptionName(message: DiagnosticMessage, option1: string, option2?: string, option3?: string) {
createDiagnosticForOption(/*onKey*/ true, option1, option2, message, option1, option2, option3);
function createOptionValueDiagnostic(option1: string, message: DiagnosticMessage, arg0: string) {
createDiagnosticForOption(/*onKey*/ false, option1, /*option2*/ undefined, message, arg0);
function createDiagnosticForReference(sourceFile: JsonSourceFile | undefined, index: number, message: DiagnosticMessage, arg0?: string | number, arg1?: string | number) {
const referencesSyntax = firstDefined(getTsConfigPropArray(sourceFile || options.configFile, "references"),
property => isArrayLiteralExpression(property.initializer) ? property.initializer : undefined);
if (referencesSyntax && referencesSyntax.elements.length > index) {
programDiagnostics.add(createDiagnosticForNodeInSourceFile(sourceFile || options.configFile!, referencesSyntax.elements[index], message, arg0, arg1));
else {
programDiagnostics.add(createCompilerDiagnostic(message, arg0, arg1));
function createDiagnosticForOption(onKey: boolean, option1: string, option2: string | undefined, message: DiagnosticMessage, arg0: string | number, arg1?: string | number, arg2?: string | number) {
const compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax = getCompilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax();
const needCompilerDiagnostic = !compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax ||
!createOptionDiagnosticInObjectLiteralSyntax(compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax, onKey, option1, option2, message, arg0, arg1, arg2);
if (needCompilerDiagnostic) {
programDiagnostics.add(createCompilerDiagnostic(message, arg0, arg1, arg2));
function getCompilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax() {
if (_compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax === undefined) {
_compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax = null; // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null
const jsonObjectLiteral = getTsConfigObjectLiteralExpression(options.configFile);
if (jsonObjectLiteral) {
for (const prop of getPropertyAssignment(jsonObjectLiteral, "compilerOptions")) {
if (isObjectLiteralExpression(prop.initializer)) {
_compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax = prop.initializer;
return _compilerOptionsObjectLiteralSyntax;
function createOptionDiagnosticInObjectLiteralSyntax(objectLiteral: ObjectLiteralExpression, onKey: boolean, key1: string, key2: string | undefined, message: DiagnosticMessage, arg0: string | number, arg1?: string | number, arg2?: string | number): boolean {
const props = getPropertyAssignment(objectLiteral, key1, key2);
for (const prop of props) {
programDiagnostics.add(createDiagnosticForNodeInSourceFile(options.configFile!, onKey ? prop.name : prop.initializer, message, arg0, arg1, arg2));
return !!props.length;
function blockEmittingOfFile(emitFileName: string, diag: Diagnostic) {
hasEmitBlockingDiagnostics.set(toPath(emitFileName), true);
function isEmittedFile(file: string): boolean {
if (options.noEmit) {
return false;
// If this is source file, its not emitted file
const filePath = toPath(file);
if (getSourceFileByPath(filePath)) {
return false;
// If options have --outFile or --out just check that
const out = outFile(options);
if (out) {
return isSameFile(filePath, out) || isSameFile(filePath, removeFileExtension(out) + Extension.Dts);
// If declarationDir is specified, return if its a file in that directory
if (options.declarationDir && containsPath(options.declarationDir, filePath, currentDirectory, !host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames())) {
return true;
// If --outDir, check if file is in that directory
if (options.outDir) {
return containsPath(options.outDir, filePath, currentDirectory, !host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames());
if (fileExtensionIsOneOf(filePath, supportedJSExtensions) || fileExtensionIs(filePath, Extension.Dts)) {
// Otherwise just check if sourceFile with the name exists
const filePathWithoutExtension = removeFileExtension(filePath);
return !!getSourceFileByPath((filePathWithoutExtension + Extension.Ts) as Path) ||
!!getSourceFileByPath((filePathWithoutExtension + Extension.Tsx) as Path);
return false;
function isSameFile(file1: string, file2: string) {
return comparePaths(file1, file2, currentDirectory, !host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames()) === Comparison.EqualTo;
function getProbableSymlinks(): ReadonlyMap<string> {
if (host.getSymlinks) {
return host.getSymlinks();
return symlinks || (symlinks = discoverProbableSymlinks(
interface SymlinkedDirectory {
real: string;
realPath: Path;
interface HostForUseSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect {
compilerHost: CompilerHost;
useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect: boolean;
toPath(fileName: string): Path;
getResolvedProjectReferences(): readonly (ResolvedProjectReference | undefined)[] | undefined;
getSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string): SourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect | undefined;
forEachResolvedProjectReference<T>(cb: (resolvedProjectReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, resolvedProjectReferencePath: Path) => T | undefined): T | undefined;
function updateHostForUseSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(host: HostForUseSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect) {
let mapOfDeclarationDirectories: Map<true> | undefined;
let symlinkedDirectories: Map<SymlinkedDirectory | false> | undefined;
let symlinkedFiles: Map<string> | undefined;
const originalFileExists = host.compilerHost.fileExists;
const originalDirectoryExists = host.compilerHost.directoryExists;
const originalGetDirectories = host.compilerHost.getDirectories;
const originalRealpath = host.compilerHost.realpath;
if (!host.useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect) return { onProgramCreateComplete: noop, fileExists };
host.compilerHost.fileExists = fileExists;
if (originalDirectoryExists) {
// This implementation of directoryExists checks if the directory being requested is
// directory of .d.ts file for the referenced Project.
// If it is it returns true irrespective of whether that directory exists on host
host.compilerHost.directoryExists = path => {
if (originalDirectoryExists.call(host.compilerHost, path)) {
return true;
if (!host.getResolvedProjectReferences()) return false;
if (!mapOfDeclarationDirectories) {
mapOfDeclarationDirectories = createMap();
host.forEachResolvedProjectReference(ref => {
if (!ref) return;
const out = outFile(ref.commandLine.options);
if (out) {
mapOfDeclarationDirectories!.set(getDirectoryPath(host.toPath(out)), true);
else {
// Set declaration's in different locations only, if they are next to source the directory present doesnt change
const declarationDir = ref.commandLine.options.declarationDir || ref.commandLine.options.outDir;
if (declarationDir) {
mapOfDeclarationDirectories!.set(host.toPath(declarationDir), true);
return fileOrDirectoryExistsUsingSource(path, /*isFile*/ false);
if (originalGetDirectories) {
// Call getDirectories only if directory actually present on the host
// This is needed to ensure that we arent getting directories that we fake about presence for
host.compilerHost.getDirectories = path =>
!host.getResolvedProjectReferences() || (originalDirectoryExists && originalDirectoryExists.call(host.compilerHost, path)) ?
originalGetDirectories.call(host.compilerHost, path) :
// This is something we keep for life time of the host
if (originalRealpath) {
host.compilerHost.realpath = s =>
symlinkedFiles?.get(host.toPath(s)) ||
originalRealpath.call(host.compilerHost, s);
return { onProgramCreateComplete, fileExists };
function onProgramCreateComplete() {
host.compilerHost.fileExists = originalFileExists;
host.compilerHost.directoryExists = originalDirectoryExists;
host.compilerHost.getDirectories = originalGetDirectories;
// DO not revert realpath as it could be used later
// This implementation of fileExists checks if the file being requested is
// .d.ts file for the referenced Project.
// If it is it returns true irrespective of whether that file exists on host
function fileExists(file: string) {
if (originalFileExists.call(host.compilerHost, file)) return true;
if (!host.getResolvedProjectReferences()) return false;
if (!isDeclarationFileName(file)) return false;
// Project references go to source file instead of .d.ts file
return fileOrDirectoryExistsUsingSource(file, /*isFile*/ true);
function fileExistsIfProjectReferenceDts(file: string) {
const source = host.getSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(file);
return source !== undefined ?
isString(source) ? originalFileExists.call(host.compilerHost, source) : true :
function directoryExistsIfProjectReferenceDeclDir(dir: string) {
const dirPath = host.toPath(dir);
const dirPathWithTrailingDirectorySeparator = `${dirPath}${directorySeparator}`;
return forEachKey(
declDirPath => dirPath === declDirPath ||
// Any parent directory of declaration dir
startsWith(declDirPath, dirPathWithTrailingDirectorySeparator) ||
// Any directory inside declaration dir
startsWith(dirPath, `${declDirPath}/`)
function handleDirectoryCouldBeSymlink(directory: string) {
if (!host.getResolvedProjectReferences()) return;
// Because we already watch node_modules, handle symlinks in there
if (!originalRealpath || !stringContains(directory, nodeModulesPathPart)) return;
if (!symlinkedDirectories) symlinkedDirectories = createMap();
const directoryPath = ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(host.toPath(directory));
if (symlinkedDirectories.has(directoryPath)) return;
const real = normalizePath(originalRealpath.call(host.compilerHost, directory));
let realPath: Path;
if (real === directory ||
(realPath = ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(host.toPath(real))) === directoryPath) {
// not symlinked
symlinkedDirectories.set(directoryPath, false);
symlinkedDirectories.set(directoryPath, {
real: ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(real),
function fileOrDirectoryExistsUsingSource(fileOrDirectory: string, isFile: boolean): boolean {
const fileOrDirectoryExistsUsingSource = isFile ?
(file: string) => fileExistsIfProjectReferenceDts(file) :
(dir: string) => directoryExistsIfProjectReferenceDeclDir(dir);
// Check current directory or file
const result = fileOrDirectoryExistsUsingSource(fileOrDirectory);
if (result !== undefined) return result;
if (!symlinkedDirectories) return false;
const fileOrDirectoryPath = host.toPath(fileOrDirectory);
if (!stringContains(fileOrDirectoryPath, nodeModulesPathPart)) return false;
if (isFile && symlinkedFiles && symlinkedFiles.has(fileOrDirectoryPath)) return true;
// If it contains node_modules check if its one of the symlinked path we know of
return firstDefinedIterator(
([directoryPath, symlinkedDirectory]) => {
if (!symlinkedDirectory || !startsWith(fileOrDirectoryPath, directoryPath)) return undefined;
const result = fileOrDirectoryExistsUsingSource(fileOrDirectoryPath.replace(directoryPath, symlinkedDirectory.realPath));
if (isFile && result) {
if (!symlinkedFiles) symlinkedFiles = createMap();
// Store the real path for the file'
const absolutePath = getNormalizedAbsolutePath(fileOrDirectory, host.compilerHost.getCurrentDirectory());
`${symlinkedDirectory.real}${absolutePath.replace(new RegExp(directoryPath, "i"), "")}`
return result;
) || false;
export const emitSkippedWithNoDiagnostics: EmitResult = { diagnostics: emptyArray, sourceMaps: undefined, emittedFiles: undefined, emitSkipped: true };
export function handleNoEmitOptions(
program: ProgramToEmitFilesAndReportErrors,
sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined,
writeFile: WriteFileCallback | undefined,
cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined
): EmitResult | undefined {
const options = program.getCompilerOptions();
if (options.noEmit) {
// Cache the semantic diagnostics
program.getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
return sourceFile || outFile(options) ?
emitSkippedWithNoDiagnostics :
program.emitBuildInfo(writeFile, cancellationToken);
// If the noEmitOnError flag is set, then check if we have any errors so far. If so,
// immediately bail out. Note that we pass 'undefined' for 'sourceFile' so that we
// get any preEmit diagnostics, not just the ones
if (!options.noEmitOnError) return undefined;
let diagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[] = [
...program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken),
...program.getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken)
if (diagnostics.length === 0 && getEmitDeclarations(program.getCompilerOptions())) {
diagnostics = program.getDeclarationDiagnostics(/*sourceFile*/ undefined, cancellationToken);
if (!diagnostics.length) return undefined;
let emittedFiles: string[] | undefined;
if (!sourceFile && !outFile(options)) {
const emitResult = program.emitBuildInfo(writeFile, cancellationToken);
if (emitResult.diagnostics) diagnostics = [...diagnostics, ...emitResult.diagnostics];
emittedFiles = emitResult.emittedFiles;
return { diagnostics, sourceMaps: undefined, emittedFiles, emitSkipped: true };
export function filterSemanticDiagnotics(diagnostic: readonly Diagnostic[], option: CompilerOptions): readonly Diagnostic[] {
return filter(diagnostic, d => !d.skippedOn || !option[d.skippedOn]);
interface CompilerHostLike {
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean;
readFile(fileName: string): string | undefined;
readDirectory?(rootDir: string, extensions: readonly string[], excludes: readonly string[] | undefined, includes: readonly string[], depth?: number): string[];
trace?(s: string): void;
onUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic?: DiagnosticReporter;
/* @internal */
export function parseConfigHostFromCompilerHostLike(host: CompilerHostLike, directoryStructureHost: DirectoryStructureHost = host): ParseConfigFileHost {
return {
fileExists: f => directoryStructureHost.fileExists(f),
readDirectory(root, extensions, excludes, includes, depth) {
Debug.assertIsDefined(directoryStructureHost.readDirectory, "'CompilerHost.readDirectory' must be implemented to correctly process 'projectReferences'");
return directoryStructureHost.readDirectory(root, extensions, excludes, includes, depth);
readFile: f => directoryStructureHost.readFile(f),
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames(),
getCurrentDirectory: () => host.getCurrentDirectory(),
onUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic: host.onUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic || returnUndefined,
trace: host.trace ? (s) => host.trace!(s) : undefined
// For backward compatibility
/** @deprecated */ export interface ResolveProjectReferencePathHost {
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean;
/* @internal */
export function createPrependNodes(projectReferences: readonly ProjectReference[] | undefined, getCommandLine: (ref: ProjectReference, index: number) => ParsedCommandLine | undefined, readFile: (path: string) => string | undefined) {
if (!projectReferences) return emptyArray;
let nodes: InputFiles[] | undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < projectReferences.length; i++) {
const ref = projectReferences[i];
const resolvedRefOpts = getCommandLine(ref, i);
if (ref.prepend && resolvedRefOpts && resolvedRefOpts.options) {
const out = outFile(resolvedRefOpts.options);
// Upstream project didn't have outFile set -- skip (error will have been issued earlier)
if (!out) continue;
const { jsFilePath, sourceMapFilePath, declarationFilePath, declarationMapPath, buildInfoPath } = getOutputPathsForBundle(resolvedRefOpts.options, /*forceDtsPaths*/ true);
const node = createInputFiles(readFile, jsFilePath!, sourceMapFilePath, declarationFilePath!, declarationMapPath, buildInfoPath);
(nodes || (nodes = [])).push(node);
return nodes || emptyArray;
* Returns the target config filename of a project reference.
* Note: The file might not exist.
export function resolveProjectReferencePath(ref: ProjectReference): ResolvedConfigFileName;
/** @deprecated */ export function resolveProjectReferencePath(host: ResolveProjectReferencePathHost, ref: ProjectReference): ResolvedConfigFileName;
export function resolveProjectReferencePath(hostOrRef: ResolveProjectReferencePathHost | ProjectReference, ref?: ProjectReference): ResolvedConfigFileName {
const passedInRef = ref ? ref : hostOrRef as ProjectReference;
return resolveConfigFileProjectName(passedInRef.path);
/* @internal */
* Returns a DiagnosticMessage if we won't include a resolved module due to its extension.
* The DiagnosticMessage's parameters are the imported module name, and the filename it resolved to.
* This returns a diagnostic even if the module will be an untyped module.
export function getResolutionDiagnostic(options: CompilerOptions, { extension }: ResolvedModuleFull): DiagnosticMessage | undefined {
switch (extension) {
case Extension.Ts:
case Extension.Dts:
// These are always allowed.
return undefined;
case Extension.Tsx:
return needJsx();
case Extension.Jsx:
return needJsx() || needAllowJs();
case Extension.Js:
return needAllowJs();
case Extension.Json:
return needResolveJsonModule();
function needJsx() {
return options.jsx ? undefined : Diagnostics.Module_0_was_resolved_to_1_but_jsx_is_not_set;
function needAllowJs() {
return options.allowJs || !getStrictOptionValue(options, "noImplicitAny") ? undefined : Diagnostics.Could_not_find_a_declaration_file_for_module_0_1_implicitly_has_an_any_type;
function needResolveJsonModule() {
return options.resolveJsonModule ? undefined : Diagnostics.Module_0_was_resolved_to_1_but_resolveJsonModule_is_not_used;
function getModuleNames({ imports, moduleAugmentations }: SourceFile): string[] {
const res = imports.map(i => i.text);
for (const aug of moduleAugmentations) {
if (aug.kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) {
// Do nothing if it's an Identifier; we don't need to do module resolution for `declare global`.
return res;