Nathan Shively-Sanders 13cddae3f7
Allow references to uninitialized ambient properties (#36112)
Previously these were incorrectly treated just like normal properties:

class Parent {
    a: any;
    constructor(arg: any) {
        this.a = arg;
class Child extends Parent {
    declare a: number;
    constructor(arg: number) {
        console.log(this.a);  // Property 'a' is used before being assigned. (2565)

Fixes #35327
2020-01-10 10:50:05 -08:00

83 lines
1.5 KiB

// @strict: true
class A {
property = 'x';
m() { return 1 }
class B extends A {
property: any; // error
class BD extends A {
declare property: any; // ok because it's implicitly initialised
class BDBang extends A {
declare property!: any; // ! is not allowed, this is an ambient declaration
class BOther extends A {
declare m() { return 2 } // not allowed on methods
declare nonce: any; // ok, even though it's not in the base
declare property = 'y' // initialiser not allowed with declare
class U {
declare nonce: any; // ok, even though there's no base
class C {
p: string;
class D extends C {
p: 'hi'; // error
class DD extends C {
declare p: 'bye'; // ok
declare class E {
p1: string
p2: string
class F extends E {
p1!: 'z'
declare p2: 'alpha'
class G extends E {
p1: 'z'
constructor() {
this.p1 = 'z'
abstract class H extends E {
abstract p1: 'a' | 'b' | 'c'
declare abstract p2: 'a' | 'b' | 'c'
interface I {
q: number
interface J extends I { }
class J {
r = 5
class K extends J {
q!: 1 | 2 | 3 // ok, extends a property from an interface
r!: 4 | 5 // error, from class
// #35327
class L {
a: any;
constructor(arg: any) {
this.a = arg;
class M extends L {
declare a: number;
constructor(arg: number) {
console.log(this.a); // should be OK, M.a is ambient