2014-09-12 13:35:07 -07:00

11 lines
617 B

tests/cases/conformance/parser/ecmascript5/StrictMode/parserStrictMode5.ts(2,1): error TS1100: Invalid use of 'eval' in strict mode.
tests/cases/conformance/parser/ecmascript5/StrictMode/parserStrictMode5.ts(2,1): error TS2365: Operator '+=' cannot be applied to types '(x: string) => any' and 'number'.
==== tests/cases/conformance/parser/ecmascript5/StrictMode/parserStrictMode5.ts (2 errors) ====
"use strict";
eval += 1;
!!! error TS1100: Invalid use of 'eval' in strict mode.
!!! error TS2365: Operator '+=' cannot be applied to types '(x: string) => any' and 'number'.