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2014-07-07 17:08:16 -07:00
README.md Initial commit 2014-07-07 17:08:16 -07:00


Scalable JavaScript development with types, classes and modules.


npm install -g typescript


tsc hello.ts


  1. Install Node if you haven't already (http://nodejs.org/)
  2. Install Jake, the tool we use to build our compiler (https://github.com/mde/jake). To do this, run "npm install -g jake".
  3. To use jake, run one of the following commands:
    • jake local - This builds the compiler. The output is in built/local in the public directory
    • jake clean - deletes the build compiler
    • jake LKG - This replaces the LKG (last known good) version of the compiler with the built one.
      • This is a bootstrapping step to be executed whenever the built compiler reaches a stable state.
    • jake tests - This builds the test infrastructure, using the built compiler.
    • jake runtests - This runs the tests, using the built compiler and built test infrastructure.
      • You can also override the host or specify a test for this command. Use host= or tests=.
    • jake baseline-accept - This replaces the baseline test results with the results obtained from jake runtests.
    • jake -T lists the above commands.