Nathan Shively-Sanders 93ccc17658
Node-based @deprecated checks (#39323)
* Node-based @deprecated checks

Switch the checker to syntactic checks for `@deprecated` on
declarations. This requires a bit more checking of declarations in the
checker at times, but it

1. Gets rid of work, and a symbol flag, in the binder.
2. Skips work in the checker unless there is a `@deprecated` tag.
3. Makes it fairly simple to only issue errors on particular signatures
   of overloaded functions.

* remove in-progress comment

* remove unused isTypeDeclaration

* ❤️ lint

* support jsx and tagged template functions

* Support decorators too
2020-07-02 14:09:59 -07:00

8037 lines
389 KiB

namespace ts {
// branded string type used to store absolute, normalized and canonicalized paths
// arbitrary file name can be converted to Path via toPath function
export type Path = string & { __pathBrand: any };
/* @internal */
export type MatchingKeys<TRecord, TMatch, K extends keyof TRecord = keyof TRecord> = K extends (TRecord[K] extends TMatch ? K : never) ? K : never;
export interface TextRange {
pos: number;
end: number;
export interface ReadonlyTextRange {
readonly pos: number;
readonly end: number;
// token > SyntaxKind.Identifier => token is a keyword
// Also, If you add a new SyntaxKind be sure to keep the `Markers` section at the bottom in sync
export const enum SyntaxKind {
// We detect and preserve #! on the first line
// We detect and provide better error recovery when we encounter a git merge marker. This
// allows us to edit files with git-conflict markers in them in a much more pleasant manner.
// Literals
// Pseudo-literals
// Punctuation
/** Only the JSDoc scanner produces BacktickToken. The normal scanner produces NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral and related kinds. */
// Assignments
// Identifiers and PrivateIdentifiers
// Reserved words
// Strict mode reserved words
// Contextual keywords
OfKeyword, // LastKeyword and LastToken and LastContextualKeyword
// Parse tree nodes
// Names
// Signature elements
// TypeMember
// Type
// Binding patterns
// Expression
// Misc
// Element
// Module references
// JSX
// Clauses
// Property assignments
// Enum
// Unparsed
// Top-level nodes
// JSDoc nodes
// The * type
// The ? type
// https://jsdoc.app/about-namepaths.html
// Synthesized list
// Transformation nodes
// Enum value count
// Markers
FirstAssignment = EqualsToken,
LastAssignment = CaretEqualsToken,
FirstCompoundAssignment = PlusEqualsToken,
LastCompoundAssignment = CaretEqualsToken,
FirstReservedWord = BreakKeyword,
LastReservedWord = WithKeyword,
FirstKeyword = BreakKeyword,
LastKeyword = OfKeyword,
FirstFutureReservedWord = ImplementsKeyword,
LastFutureReservedWord = YieldKeyword,
FirstTypeNode = TypePredicate,
LastTypeNode = ImportType,
FirstPunctuation = OpenBraceToken,
LastPunctuation = CaretEqualsToken,
FirstToken = Unknown,
LastToken = LastKeyword,
FirstTriviaToken = SingleLineCommentTrivia,
LastTriviaToken = ConflictMarkerTrivia,
FirstLiteralToken = NumericLiteral,
LastLiteralToken = NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral,
FirstTemplateToken = NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral,
LastTemplateToken = TemplateTail,
FirstBinaryOperator = LessThanToken,
LastBinaryOperator = CaretEqualsToken,
FirstStatement = VariableStatement,
LastStatement = DebuggerStatement,
FirstNode = QualifiedName,
FirstJSDocNode = JSDocTypeExpression,
LastJSDocNode = JSDocPropertyTag,
FirstJSDocTagNode = JSDocTag,
LastJSDocTagNode = JSDocPropertyTag,
/* @internal */ FirstContextualKeyword = AbstractKeyword,
/* @internal */ LastContextualKeyword = OfKeyword,
export type TriviaSyntaxKind =
| SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia
| SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia
| SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia
| SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia
| SyntaxKind.ShebangTrivia
| SyntaxKind.ConflictMarkerTrivia
export type LiteralSyntaxKind =
| SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral
| SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral
| SyntaxKind.StringLiteral
| SyntaxKind.JsxText
| SyntaxKind.JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces
| SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral
| SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral
export type PseudoLiteralSyntaxKind =
| SyntaxKind.TemplateHead
| SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle
| SyntaxKind.TemplateTail
export type PunctuationSyntaxKind =
| SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken
| SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken
| SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken
| SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken
| SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken
| SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken
| SyntaxKind.DotToken
| SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken
| SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken
| SyntaxKind.CommaToken
| SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken
| SyntaxKind.LessThanToken
| SyntaxKind.LessThanSlashToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken
| SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken
| SyntaxKind.PlusToken
| SyntaxKind.MinusToken
| SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken
| SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken
| SyntaxKind.SlashToken
| SyntaxKind.PercentToken
| SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken
| SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken
| SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken
| SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken
| SyntaxKind.BarToken
| SyntaxKind.CaretToken
| SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken
| SyntaxKind.TildeToken
| SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken
| SyntaxKind.BarBarToken
| SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken
| SyntaxKind.QuestionToken
| SyntaxKind.ColonToken
| SyntaxKind.AtToken
| SyntaxKind.BacktickToken
| SyntaxKind.EqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.PlusEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.MinusEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.AsteriskEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.PercentEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.AmpersandEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.BarEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.CaretEqualsToken
export type KeywordSyntaxKind =
| SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword
| SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword
| SyntaxKind.AsKeyword
| SyntaxKind.AssertsKeyword
| SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword
| SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword
| SyntaxKind.BigIntKeyword
| SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword
| SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword
| SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword
| SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ContinueKeyword
| SyntaxKind.DebuggerKeyword
| SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword
| SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword
| SyntaxKind.DeleteKeyword
| SyntaxKind.DoKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ElseKeyword
| SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword
| SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword
| SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ForKeyword
| SyntaxKind.FromKeyword
| SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword
| SyntaxKind.GetKeyword
| SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword
| SyntaxKind.IfKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword
| SyntaxKind.InferKeyword
| SyntaxKind.InKeyword
| SyntaxKind.InstanceOfKeyword
| SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword
| SyntaxKind.IsKeyword
| SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword
| SyntaxKind.LetKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword
| SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword
| SyntaxKind.NeverKeyword
| SyntaxKind.NewKeyword
| SyntaxKind.NullKeyword
| SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword
| SyntaxKind.OfKeyword
| SyntaxKind.PackageKeyword
| SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword
| SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword
| SyntaxKind.RequireKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword
| SyntaxKind.SetKeyword
| SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword
| SyntaxKind.StringKeyword
| SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword
| SyntaxKind.SwitchKeyword
| SyntaxKind.SymbolKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ThrowKeyword
| SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword
| SyntaxKind.TryKeyword
| SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword
| SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword
| SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword
| SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword
| SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword
| SyntaxKind.VarKeyword
| SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword
| SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword
| SyntaxKind.WithKeyword
| SyntaxKind.YieldKeyword
export type ModifierSyntaxKind =
| SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword
| SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword
| SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword
| SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword
| SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword
| SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword
| SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword
export type KeywordTypeSyntaxKind =
| SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword
| SyntaxKind.BigIntKeyword
| SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword
| SyntaxKind.NeverKeyword
| SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword
| SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword
| SyntaxKind.StringKeyword
| SyntaxKind.SymbolKeyword
| SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword
| SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword
| SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword
/* @internal */
export type TypeNodeSyntaxKind =
| KeywordTypeSyntaxKind
| SyntaxKind.TypePredicate
| SyntaxKind.TypeReference
| SyntaxKind.FunctionType
| SyntaxKind.ConstructorType
| SyntaxKind.TypeQuery
| SyntaxKind.TypeLiteral
| SyntaxKind.ArrayType
| SyntaxKind.TupleType
| SyntaxKind.NamedTupleMember
| SyntaxKind.OptionalType
| SyntaxKind.RestType
| SyntaxKind.UnionType
| SyntaxKind.IntersectionType
| SyntaxKind.ConditionalType
| SyntaxKind.InferType
| SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedType
| SyntaxKind.ThisType
| SyntaxKind.TypeOperator
| SyntaxKind.IndexedAccessType
| SyntaxKind.MappedType
| SyntaxKind.LiteralType
| SyntaxKind.ImportType
| SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments
| SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeExpression
| SyntaxKind.JSDocAllType
| SyntaxKind.JSDocUnknownType
| SyntaxKind.JSDocNonNullableType
| SyntaxKind.JSDocNullableType
| SyntaxKind.JSDocOptionalType
| SyntaxKind.JSDocFunctionType
| SyntaxKind.JSDocVariadicType
| SyntaxKind.JSDocNamepathType
| SyntaxKind.JSDocSignature
| SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeLiteral
export type TokenSyntaxKind =
| SyntaxKind.Unknown
| SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken
| TriviaSyntaxKind
| LiteralSyntaxKind
| PseudoLiteralSyntaxKind
| PunctuationSyntaxKind
| SyntaxKind.Identifier
| KeywordSyntaxKind
export type JsxTokenSyntaxKind =
| SyntaxKind.LessThanSlashToken
| SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken
| SyntaxKind.ConflictMarkerTrivia
| SyntaxKind.JsxText
| SyntaxKind.JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces
| SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken
| SyntaxKind.LessThanToken
export type JSDocSyntaxKind =
| SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken
| SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia
| SyntaxKind.AtToken
| SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia
| SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken
| SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken
| SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken
| SyntaxKind.LessThanToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken
| SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken
| SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken
| SyntaxKind.EqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.CommaToken
| SyntaxKind.DotToken
| SyntaxKind.Identifier
| SyntaxKind.BacktickToken
| SyntaxKind.Unknown
| KeywordSyntaxKind
export const enum NodeFlags {
None = 0,
Let = 1 << 0, // Variable declaration
Const = 1 << 1, // Variable declaration
NestedNamespace = 1 << 2, // Namespace declaration
Synthesized = 1 << 3, // Node was synthesized during transformation
Namespace = 1 << 4, // Namespace declaration
OptionalChain = 1 << 5, // Chained MemberExpression rooted to a pseudo-OptionalExpression
ExportContext = 1 << 6, // Export context (initialized by binding)
ContainsThis = 1 << 7, // Interface contains references to "this"
HasImplicitReturn = 1 << 8, // If function implicitly returns on one of codepaths (initialized by binding)
HasExplicitReturn = 1 << 9, // If function has explicit reachable return on one of codepaths (initialized by binding)
GlobalAugmentation = 1 << 10, // Set if module declaration is an augmentation for the global scope
HasAsyncFunctions = 1 << 11, // If the file has async functions (initialized by binding)
DisallowInContext = 1 << 12, // If node was parsed in a context where 'in-expressions' are not allowed
YieldContext = 1 << 13, // If node was parsed in the 'yield' context created when parsing a generator
DecoratorContext = 1 << 14, // If node was parsed as part of a decorator
AwaitContext = 1 << 15, // If node was parsed in the 'await' context created when parsing an async function
ThisNodeHasError = 1 << 16, // If the parser encountered an error when parsing the code that created this node
JavaScriptFile = 1 << 17, // If node was parsed in a JavaScript
ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError = 1 << 18, // If this node or any of its children had an error
HasAggregatedChildData = 1 << 19, // If we've computed data from children and cached it in this node
// These flags will be set when the parser encounters a dynamic import expression or 'import.meta' to avoid
// walking the tree if the flags are not set. However, these flags are just a approximation
// (hence why it's named "PossiblyContainsDynamicImport") because once set, the flags never get cleared.
// During editing, if a dynamic import is removed, incremental parsing will *NOT* clear this flag.
// This means that the tree will always be traversed during module resolution, or when looking for external module indicators.
// However, the removal operation should not occur often and in the case of the
// removal, it is likely that users will add the import anyway.
// The advantage of this approach is its simplicity. For the case of batch compilation,
// we guarantee that users won't have to pay the price of walking the tree if a dynamic import isn't used.
/* @internal */ PossiblyContainsDynamicImport = 1 << 20,
/* @internal */ PossiblyContainsImportMeta = 1 << 21,
JSDoc = 1 << 22, // If node was parsed inside jsdoc
/* @internal */ Ambient = 1 << 23, // If node was inside an ambient context -- a declaration file, or inside something with the `declare` modifier.
/* @internal */ InWithStatement = 1 << 24, // If any ancestor of node was the `statement` of a WithStatement (not the `expression`)
JsonFile = 1 << 25, // If node was parsed in a Json
/* @internal */ TypeCached = 1 << 26, // If a type was cached for node at any point
/* @internal */ Deprecated = 1 << 27, // If has '@deprecated' JSDoc tag
BlockScoped = Let | Const,
ReachabilityCheckFlags = HasImplicitReturn | HasExplicitReturn,
ReachabilityAndEmitFlags = ReachabilityCheckFlags | HasAsyncFunctions,
// Parsing context flags
ContextFlags = DisallowInContext | YieldContext | DecoratorContext | AwaitContext | JavaScriptFile | InWithStatement | Ambient,
// Exclude these flags when parsing a Type
TypeExcludesFlags = YieldContext | AwaitContext,
// Represents all flags that are potentially set once and
// never cleared on SourceFiles which get re-used in between incremental parses.
// See the comment above on `PossiblyContainsDynamicImport` and `PossiblyContainsImportMeta`.
/* @internal */ PermanentlySetIncrementalFlags = PossiblyContainsDynamicImport | PossiblyContainsImportMeta,
export const enum ModifierFlags {
None = 0,
Export = 1 << 0, // Declarations
Ambient = 1 << 1, // Declarations
Public = 1 << 2, // Property/Method
Private = 1 << 3, // Property/Method
Protected = 1 << 4, // Property/Method
Static = 1 << 5, // Property/Method
Readonly = 1 << 6, // Property/Method
Abstract = 1 << 7, // Class/Method/ConstructSignature
Async = 1 << 8, // Property/Method/Function
Default = 1 << 9, // Function/Class (export default declaration)
Const = 1 << 11, // Const enum
HasComputedJSDocModifiers = 1 << 12, // Indicates the computed modifier flags include modifiers from JSDoc.
Deprecated = 1 << 13, // Deprecated tag.
HasComputedFlags = 1 << 29, // Modifier flags have been computed
AccessibilityModifier = Public | Private | Protected,
// Accessibility modifiers and 'readonly' can be attached to a parameter in a constructor to make it a property.
ParameterPropertyModifier = AccessibilityModifier | Readonly,
NonPublicAccessibilityModifier = Private | Protected,
TypeScriptModifier = Ambient | Public | Private | Protected | Readonly | Abstract | Const,
ExportDefault = Export | Default,
All = Export | Ambient | Public | Private | Protected | Static | Readonly | Abstract | Async | Default | Const | Deprecated
export const enum JsxFlags {
None = 0,
/** An element from a named property of the JSX.IntrinsicElements interface */
IntrinsicNamedElement = 1 << 0,
/** An element inferred from the string index signature of the JSX.IntrinsicElements interface */
IntrinsicIndexedElement = 1 << 1,
IntrinsicElement = IntrinsicNamedElement | IntrinsicIndexedElement,
/* @internal */
export const enum RelationComparisonResult {
Succeeded = 1 << 0, // Should be truthy
Failed = 1 << 1,
Reported = 1 << 2,
ReportsUnmeasurable = 1 << 3,
ReportsUnreliable = 1 << 4,
ReportsMask = ReportsUnmeasurable | ReportsUnreliable
export interface Node extends ReadonlyTextRange {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind;
readonly flags: NodeFlags;
/* @internal */ modifierFlagsCache: ModifierFlags;
/* @internal */ readonly transformFlags: TransformFlags; // Flags for transforms
readonly decorators?: NodeArray<Decorator>; // Array of decorators (in document order)
readonly modifiers?: ModifiersArray; // Array of modifiers
/* @internal */ id?: number; // Unique id (used to look up NodeLinks)
readonly parent: Node; // Parent node (initialized by binding)
/* @internal */ original?: Node; // The original node if this is an updated node.
/* @internal */ symbol: Symbol; // Symbol declared by node (initialized by binding)
/* @internal */ locals?: SymbolTable; // Locals associated with node (initialized by binding)
/* @internal */ nextContainer?: Node; // Next container in declaration order (initialized by binding)
/* @internal */ localSymbol?: Symbol; // Local symbol declared by node (initialized by binding only for exported nodes)
/* @internal */ flowNode?: FlowNode; // Associated FlowNode (initialized by binding)
/* @internal */ emitNode?: EmitNode; // Associated EmitNode (initialized by transforms)
/* @internal */ contextualType?: Type; // Used to temporarily assign a contextual type during overload resolution
/* @internal */ inferenceContext?: InferenceContext; // Inference context for contextual type
export interface JSDocContainer {
/* @internal */ jsDoc?: JSDoc[]; // JSDoc that directly precedes this node
/* @internal */ jsDocCache?: readonly JSDocTag[]; // Cache for getJSDocTags
export type HasJSDoc =
| ParameterDeclaration
| CallSignatureDeclaration
| ConstructSignatureDeclaration
| MethodSignature
| PropertySignature
| ArrowFunction
| ParenthesizedExpression
| SpreadAssignment
| ShorthandPropertyAssignment
| PropertyAssignment
| FunctionExpression
| LabeledStatement
| ExpressionStatement
| VariableStatement
| FunctionDeclaration
| ConstructorDeclaration
| MethodDeclaration
| PropertyDeclaration
| AccessorDeclaration
| ClassLikeDeclaration
| InterfaceDeclaration
| TypeAliasDeclaration
| EnumMember
| EnumDeclaration
| ModuleDeclaration
| ImportEqualsDeclaration
| ImportDeclaration
| NamespaceExportDeclaration
| ExportAssignment
| IndexSignatureDeclaration
| FunctionTypeNode
| ConstructorTypeNode
| JSDocFunctionType
| ExportDeclaration
| NamedTupleMember
| EndOfFileToken
export type HasType =
| SignatureDeclaration
| VariableDeclaration
| ParameterDeclaration
| PropertySignature
| PropertyDeclaration
| TypePredicateNode
| ParenthesizedTypeNode
| TypeOperatorNode
| MappedTypeNode
| AssertionExpression
| TypeAliasDeclaration
| JSDocTypeExpression
| JSDocNonNullableType
| JSDocNullableType
| JSDocOptionalType
| JSDocVariadicType
export type HasTypeArguments =
| CallExpression
| NewExpression
| TaggedTemplateExpression
| JsxOpeningElement
| JsxSelfClosingElement;
export type HasInitializer =
| HasExpressionInitializer
| ForStatement
| ForInStatement
| ForOfStatement
| JsxAttribute
export type HasExpressionInitializer =
| VariableDeclaration
| ParameterDeclaration
| BindingElement
| PropertySignature
| PropertyDeclaration
| PropertyAssignment
| EnumMember
// NOTE: Changing this list requires changes to `canHaveModifiers` in factory/utilities.ts and `updateModifiers` in factory/nodeFactory.ts
/* @internal */
export type HasModifiers =
| ParameterDeclaration
| PropertySignature
| PropertyDeclaration
| MethodSignature
| MethodDeclaration
| ConstructorDeclaration
| GetAccessorDeclaration
| SetAccessorDeclaration
| IndexSignatureDeclaration
| FunctionExpression
| ArrowFunction
| ClassExpression
| VariableStatement
| FunctionDeclaration
| ClassDeclaration
| InterfaceDeclaration
| TypeAliasDeclaration
| EnumDeclaration
| ModuleDeclaration
| ImportEqualsDeclaration
| ImportDeclaration
| ExportAssignment
| ExportDeclaration
/* @internal */
export type MutableNodeArray<T extends Node> = NodeArray<T> & T[];
export interface NodeArray<T extends Node> extends ReadonlyArray<T>, ReadonlyTextRange {
hasTrailingComma?: boolean;
/* @internal */ transformFlags: TransformFlags; // Flags for transforms, possibly undefined
// TODO(rbuckton): Constraint 'TKind' to 'TokenSyntaxKind'
export interface Token<TKind extends SyntaxKind> extends Node {
readonly kind: TKind;
export type EndOfFileToken = Token<SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken> & JSDocContainer;
// Punctuation
export interface PunctuationToken<TKind extends PunctuationSyntaxKind> extends Token<TKind> {
export type DotToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.DotToken>;
export type DotDotDotToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken>;
export type QuestionToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.QuestionToken>;
export type ExclamationToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken>;
export type ColonToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.ColonToken>;
export type EqualsToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.EqualsToken>;
export type AsteriskToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken>;
export type EqualsGreaterThanToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken>;
export type PlusToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.PlusToken>;
export type MinusToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.MinusToken>;
export type QuestionDotToken = PunctuationToken<SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken>;
// Keywords
export interface KeywordToken<TKind extends KeywordSyntaxKind> extends Token<TKind> {
export type AssertsKeyword = KeywordToken<SyntaxKind.AssertsKeyword>;
export type AwaitKeyword = KeywordToken<SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword>;
/** @deprecated Use `AwaitKeyword` instead. */
export type AwaitKeywordToken = AwaitKeyword;
/** @deprecated Use `AssertsKeyword` instead. */
export type AssertsToken = AssertsKeyword;
export interface ModifierToken<TKind extends ModifierSyntaxKind> extends KeywordToken<TKind> {
export type AbstractKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword>;
export type AsyncKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword>;
export type ConstKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword>;
export type DeclareKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword>;
export type DefaultKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword>;
export type ExportKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword>;
export type PrivateKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword>;
export type ProtectedKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword>;
export type PublicKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword>;
export type ReadonlyKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword>;
export type StaticKeyword = ModifierToken<SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword>;
/** @deprecated Use `ReadonlyKeyword` instead. */
export type ReadonlyToken = ReadonlyKeyword;
export type Modifier =
| AbstractKeyword
| AsyncKeyword
| ConstKeyword
| DeclareKeyword
| DefaultKeyword
| ExportKeyword
| PrivateKeyword
| ProtectedKeyword
| PublicKeyword
| ReadonlyKeyword
| StaticKeyword
export type AccessibilityModifier =
| PublicKeyword
| PrivateKeyword
| ProtectedKeyword
export type ParameterPropertyModifier =
| AccessibilityModifier
| ReadonlyKeyword
export type ClassMemberModifier =
| AccessibilityModifier
| ReadonlyKeyword
| StaticKeyword
export type ModifiersArray = NodeArray<Modifier>;
export const enum GeneratedIdentifierFlags {
// Kinds
None = 0, // Not automatically generated.
/*@internal*/ Auto = 1, // Automatically generated identifier.
/*@internal*/ Loop = 2, // Automatically generated identifier with a preference for '_i'.
/*@internal*/ Unique = 3, // Unique name based on the 'text' property.
/*@internal*/ Node = 4, // Unique name based on the node in the 'original' property.
/*@internal*/ KindMask = 7, // Mask to extract the kind of identifier from its flags.
// Flags
ReservedInNestedScopes = 1 << 3, // Reserve the generated name in nested scopes
Optimistic = 1 << 4, // First instance won't use '_#' if there's no conflict
FileLevel = 1 << 5, // Use only the file identifiers list and not generated names to search for conflicts
export interface Identifier extends PrimaryExpression, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.Identifier;
* Prefer to use `id.unescapedText`. (Note: This is available only in services, not internally to the TypeScript compiler.)
* Text of identifier, but if the identifier begins with two underscores, this will begin with three.
readonly escapedText: __String;
readonly originalKeywordKind?: SyntaxKind; // Original syntaxKind which get set so that we can report an error later
/*@internal*/ readonly autoGenerateFlags?: GeneratedIdentifierFlags; // Specifies whether to auto-generate the text for an identifier.
/*@internal*/ readonly autoGenerateId?: number; // Ensures unique generated identifiers get unique names, but clones get the same name.
isInJSDocNamespace?: boolean; // if the node is a member in a JSDoc namespace
/*@internal*/ typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode | TypeParameterDeclaration>; // Only defined on synthesized nodes. Though not syntactically valid, used in emitting diagnostics, quickinfo, and signature help.
/*@internal*/ jsdocDotPos?: number; // Identifier occurs in JSDoc-style generic: Id.<T>
// Transient identifier node (marked by id === -1)
export interface TransientIdentifier extends Identifier {
resolvedSymbol: Symbol;
export interface GeneratedIdentifier extends Identifier {
autoGenerateFlags: GeneratedIdentifierFlags;
export interface QualifiedName extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.QualifiedName;
readonly left: EntityName;
readonly right: Identifier;
/*@internal*/ jsdocDotPos?: number; // QualifiedName occurs in JSDoc-style generic: Id1.Id2.<T>
export type EntityName = Identifier | QualifiedName;
export type PropertyName = Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | ComputedPropertyName | PrivateIdentifier;
export type DeclarationName =
| Identifier
| PrivateIdentifier
| StringLiteralLike
| NumericLiteral
| ComputedPropertyName
| ElementAccessExpression
| BindingPattern
| EntityNameExpression;
export interface Declaration extends Node {
_declarationBrand: any;
export interface NamedDeclaration extends Declaration {
readonly name?: DeclarationName;
/* @internal */
export interface DynamicNamedDeclaration extends NamedDeclaration {
readonly name: ComputedPropertyName;
/* @internal */
export interface DynamicNamedBinaryExpression extends BinaryExpression {
readonly left: ElementAccessExpression;
/* @internal */
// A declaration that supports late-binding (used in checker)
export interface LateBoundDeclaration extends DynamicNamedDeclaration {
readonly name: LateBoundName;
/* @internal */
export interface LateBoundBinaryExpressionDeclaration extends DynamicNamedBinaryExpression {
readonly left: LateBoundElementAccessExpression;
/* @internal */
export interface LateBoundElementAccessExpression extends ElementAccessExpression {
readonly argumentExpression: EntityNameExpression;
export interface DeclarationStatement extends NamedDeclaration, Statement {
readonly name?: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral;
export interface ComputedPropertyName extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName;
readonly parent: Declaration;
readonly expression: Expression;
export interface PrivateIdentifier extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier;
// escaping not strictly necessary
// avoids gotchas in transforms and utils
readonly escapedText: __String;
/* @internal */
// A name that supports late-binding (used in checker)
export interface LateBoundName extends ComputedPropertyName {
readonly expression: EntityNameExpression;
export interface Decorator extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.Decorator;
readonly parent: NamedDeclaration;
readonly expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
export interface TypeParameterDeclaration extends NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TypeParameter;
readonly parent: DeclarationWithTypeParameterChildren | InferTypeNode;
readonly name: Identifier;
/** Note: Consider calling `getEffectiveConstraintOfTypeParameter` */
readonly constraint?: TypeNode;
readonly default?: TypeNode;
// For error recovery purposes.
expression?: Expression;
export interface SignatureDeclarationBase extends NamedDeclaration, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SignatureDeclaration["kind"];
readonly name?: PropertyName;
readonly typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
readonly parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>;
readonly type?: TypeNode;
/* @internal */ typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>; // Used for quick info, replaces typeParameters for instantiated signatures
export type SignatureDeclaration =
| CallSignatureDeclaration
| ConstructSignatureDeclaration
| MethodSignature
| IndexSignatureDeclaration
| FunctionTypeNode
| ConstructorTypeNode
| JSDocFunctionType
| FunctionDeclaration
| MethodDeclaration
| ConstructorDeclaration
| AccessorDeclaration
| FunctionExpression
| ArrowFunction;
export interface CallSignatureDeclaration extends SignatureDeclarationBase, TypeElement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.CallSignature;
export interface ConstructSignatureDeclaration extends SignatureDeclarationBase, TypeElement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature;
export type BindingName = Identifier | BindingPattern;
export interface VariableDeclaration extends NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration;
readonly parent: VariableDeclarationList | CatchClause;
readonly name: BindingName; // Declared variable name
readonly exclamationToken?: ExclamationToken; // Optional definite assignment assertion
readonly type?: TypeNode; // Optional type annotation
readonly initializer?: Expression; // Optional initializer
/* @internal */
export type InitializedVariableDeclaration = VariableDeclaration & { readonly initializer: Expression };
export interface VariableDeclarationList extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarationList;
readonly parent: VariableStatement | ForStatement | ForOfStatement | ForInStatement;
readonly declarations: NodeArray<VariableDeclaration>;
export interface ParameterDeclaration extends NamedDeclaration, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.Parameter;
readonly parent: SignatureDeclaration;
readonly dotDotDotToken?: DotDotDotToken; // Present on rest parameter
readonly name: BindingName; // Declared parameter name.
readonly questionToken?: QuestionToken; // Present on optional parameter
readonly type?: TypeNode; // Optional type annotation
readonly initializer?: Expression; // Optional initializer
export interface BindingElement extends NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.BindingElement;
readonly parent: BindingPattern;
readonly propertyName?: PropertyName; // Binding property name (in object binding pattern)
readonly dotDotDotToken?: DotDotDotToken; // Present on rest element (in object binding pattern)
readonly name: BindingName; // Declared binding element name
readonly initializer?: Expression; // Optional initializer
export type BindingElementGrandparent = BindingElement["parent"]["parent"];
export interface PropertySignature extends TypeElement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.PropertySignature;
readonly name: PropertyName; // Declared property name
readonly questionToken?: QuestionToken; // Present on optional property
readonly type?: TypeNode; // Optional type annotation
initializer?: Expression; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
export interface PropertyDeclaration extends ClassElement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration;
readonly parent: ClassLikeDeclaration;
readonly name: PropertyName;
readonly questionToken?: QuestionToken; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
readonly exclamationToken?: ExclamationToken;
readonly type?: TypeNode;
readonly initializer?: Expression; // Optional initializer
export interface PrivateIdentifierPropertyDeclaration extends PropertyDeclaration {
name: PrivateIdentifier;
/* @internal */
export type InitializedPropertyDeclaration = PropertyDeclaration & { readonly initializer: Expression };
export interface ObjectLiteralElement extends NamedDeclaration {
_objectLiteralBrand: any;
readonly name?: PropertyName;
/** Unlike ObjectLiteralElement, excludes JSXAttribute and JSXSpreadAttribute. */
export type ObjectLiteralElementLike
= PropertyAssignment
| ShorthandPropertyAssignment
| SpreadAssignment
| MethodDeclaration
| AccessorDeclaration
export interface PropertyAssignment extends ObjectLiteralElement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment;
readonly parent: ObjectLiteralExpression;
readonly name: PropertyName;
readonly questionToken?: QuestionToken; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
readonly exclamationToken?: ExclamationToken; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
readonly initializer: Expression;
export interface ShorthandPropertyAssignment extends ObjectLiteralElement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment;
readonly parent: ObjectLiteralExpression;
readonly name: Identifier;
readonly questionToken?: QuestionToken;
readonly exclamationToken?: ExclamationToken;
// used when ObjectLiteralExpression is used in ObjectAssignmentPattern
// it is a grammar error to appear in actual object initializer:
readonly equalsToken?: EqualsToken;
readonly objectAssignmentInitializer?: Expression;
export interface SpreadAssignment extends ObjectLiteralElement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.SpreadAssignment;
readonly parent: ObjectLiteralExpression;
readonly expression: Expression;
export type VariableLikeDeclaration =
| VariableDeclaration
| ParameterDeclaration
| BindingElement
| PropertyDeclaration
| PropertyAssignment
| PropertySignature
| JsxAttribute
| ShorthandPropertyAssignment
| EnumMember
| JSDocPropertyTag
| JSDocParameterTag;
export interface PropertyLikeDeclaration extends NamedDeclaration {
readonly name: PropertyName;
export interface ObjectBindingPattern extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern;
readonly parent: VariableDeclaration | ParameterDeclaration | BindingElement;
readonly elements: NodeArray<BindingElement>;
export interface ArrayBindingPattern extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern;
readonly parent: VariableDeclaration | ParameterDeclaration | BindingElement;
readonly elements: NodeArray<ArrayBindingElement>;
export type BindingPattern = ObjectBindingPattern | ArrayBindingPattern;
export type ArrayBindingElement = BindingElement | OmittedExpression;
* Several node kinds share function-like features such as a signature,
* a name, and a body. These nodes should extend FunctionLikeDeclarationBase.
* Examples:
* - FunctionDeclaration
* - MethodDeclaration
* - AccessorDeclaration
export interface FunctionLikeDeclarationBase extends SignatureDeclarationBase {
_functionLikeDeclarationBrand: any;
readonly asteriskToken?: AsteriskToken;
readonly questionToken?: QuestionToken;
readonly exclamationToken?: ExclamationToken;
readonly body?: Block | Expression;
/* @internal */ endFlowNode?: FlowNode;
/* @internal */ returnFlowNode?: FlowNode;
export type FunctionLikeDeclaration =
| FunctionDeclaration
| MethodDeclaration
| GetAccessorDeclaration
| SetAccessorDeclaration
| ConstructorDeclaration
| FunctionExpression
| ArrowFunction;
/** @deprecated Use SignatureDeclaration */
export type FunctionLike = SignatureDeclaration;
export interface FunctionDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclarationBase, DeclarationStatement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration;
readonly name?: Identifier;
readonly body?: FunctionBody;
export interface MethodSignature extends SignatureDeclarationBase, TypeElement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.MethodSignature;
readonly parent: ObjectTypeDeclaration;
readonly name: PropertyName;
// Note that a MethodDeclaration is considered both a ClassElement and an ObjectLiteralElement.
// Both the grammars for ClassDeclaration and ObjectLiteralExpression allow for MethodDeclarations
// as child elements, and so a MethodDeclaration satisfies both interfaces. This avoids the
// alternative where we would need separate kinds/types for ClassMethodDeclaration and
// ObjectLiteralMethodDeclaration, which would look identical.
// Because of this, it may be necessary to determine what sort of MethodDeclaration you have
// at later stages of the compiler pipeline. In that case, you can either check the parent kind
// of the method, or use helpers like isObjectLiteralMethodDeclaration
export interface MethodDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclarationBase, ClassElement, ObjectLiteralElement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration;
readonly parent: ClassLikeDeclaration | ObjectLiteralExpression;
readonly name: PropertyName;
readonly body?: FunctionBody;
/* @internal*/ exclamationToken?: ExclamationToken; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
export interface ConstructorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclarationBase, ClassElement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.Constructor;
readonly parent: ClassLikeDeclaration;
readonly body?: FunctionBody;
/* @internal */ typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
/* @internal */ type?: TypeNode; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
/** For when we encounter a semicolon in a class declaration. ES6 allows these as class elements. */
export interface SemicolonClassElement extends ClassElement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.SemicolonClassElement;
readonly parent: ClassLikeDeclaration;
// See the comment on MethodDeclaration for the intuition behind GetAccessorDeclaration being a
// ClassElement and an ObjectLiteralElement.
export interface GetAccessorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclarationBase, ClassElement, ObjectLiteralElement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.GetAccessor;
readonly parent: ClassLikeDeclaration | ObjectLiteralExpression;
readonly name: PropertyName;
readonly body?: FunctionBody;
/* @internal */ typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
// See the comment on MethodDeclaration for the intuition behind SetAccessorDeclaration being a
// ClassElement and an ObjectLiteralElement.
export interface SetAccessorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclarationBase, ClassElement, ObjectLiteralElement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.SetAccessor;
readonly parent: ClassLikeDeclaration | ObjectLiteralExpression;
readonly name: PropertyName;
readonly body?: FunctionBody;
/* @internal */ typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
/* @internal */ type?: TypeNode; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
export type AccessorDeclaration = GetAccessorDeclaration | SetAccessorDeclaration;
export interface IndexSignatureDeclaration extends SignatureDeclarationBase, ClassElement, TypeElement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.IndexSignature;
readonly parent: ObjectTypeDeclaration;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface TypeNode extends Node {
_typeNodeBrand: any;
/* @internal */
export interface TypeNode extends Node {
readonly kind: TypeNodeSyntaxKind;
export interface KeywordTypeNode<TKind extends KeywordTypeSyntaxKind = KeywordTypeSyntaxKind> extends KeywordToken<TKind>, TypeNode {
readonly kind: TKind;
export interface ImportTypeNode extends NodeWithTypeArguments {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ImportType;
readonly isTypeOf: boolean;
readonly argument: TypeNode;
readonly qualifier?: EntityName;
/* @internal */
export type LiteralImportTypeNode = ImportTypeNode & { readonly argument: LiteralTypeNode & { readonly literal: StringLiteral } };
export interface ThisTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ThisType;
export type FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode = FunctionTypeNode | ConstructorTypeNode;
export interface FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase extends TypeNode, SignatureDeclarationBase {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.FunctionType | SyntaxKind.ConstructorType;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface FunctionTypeNode extends FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.FunctionType;
export interface ConstructorTypeNode extends FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ConstructorType;
export interface NodeWithTypeArguments extends TypeNode {
readonly typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
export type TypeReferenceType = TypeReferenceNode | ExpressionWithTypeArguments;
export interface TypeReferenceNode extends NodeWithTypeArguments {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TypeReference;
readonly typeName: EntityName;
export interface TypePredicateNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TypePredicate;
readonly parent: SignatureDeclaration | JSDocTypeExpression;
readonly assertsModifier?: AssertsToken;
readonly parameterName: Identifier | ThisTypeNode;
readonly type?: TypeNode;
export interface TypeQueryNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TypeQuery;
readonly exprName: EntityName;
// A TypeLiteral is the declaration node for an anonymous symbol.
export interface TypeLiteralNode extends TypeNode, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TypeLiteral;
readonly members: NodeArray<TypeElement>;
export interface ArrayTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ArrayType;
readonly elementType: TypeNode;
export interface TupleTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TupleType;
readonly elements: NodeArray<TypeNode | NamedTupleMember>;
export interface NamedTupleMember extends TypeNode, JSDocContainer, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NamedTupleMember;
readonly dotDotDotToken?: Token<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken>;
readonly name: Identifier;
readonly questionToken?: Token<SyntaxKind.QuestionToken>;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface OptionalTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.OptionalType;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface RestTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.RestType;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export type UnionOrIntersectionTypeNode = UnionTypeNode | IntersectionTypeNode;
export interface UnionTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.UnionType;
readonly types: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
export interface IntersectionTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.IntersectionType;
readonly types: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
export interface ConditionalTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ConditionalType;
readonly checkType: TypeNode;
readonly extendsType: TypeNode;
readonly trueType: TypeNode;
readonly falseType: TypeNode;
export interface InferTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.InferType;
readonly typeParameter: TypeParameterDeclaration;
export interface ParenthesizedTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedType;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface TypeOperatorNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TypeOperator;
readonly operator: SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword | SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword | SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword;
readonly type: TypeNode;
/* @internal */
export interface UniqueTypeOperatorNode extends TypeOperatorNode {
readonly operator: SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword;
export interface IndexedAccessTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.IndexedAccessType;
readonly objectType: TypeNode;
readonly indexType: TypeNode;
export interface MappedTypeNode extends TypeNode, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.MappedType;
readonly readonlyToken?: ReadonlyToken | PlusToken | MinusToken;
readonly typeParameter: TypeParameterDeclaration;
readonly questionToken?: QuestionToken | PlusToken | MinusToken;
readonly type?: TypeNode;
export interface LiteralTypeNode extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.LiteralType;
readonly literal: NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | LiteralExpression | PrefixUnaryExpression;
export interface StringLiteral extends LiteralExpression, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.StringLiteral;
/* @internal */ readonly textSourceNode?: Identifier | StringLiteralLike | NumericLiteral; // Allows a StringLiteral to get its text from another node (used by transforms).
/** Note: this is only set when synthesizing a node, not during parsing. */
/* @internal */ readonly singleQuote?: boolean;
export type StringLiteralLike = StringLiteral | NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral;
export type PropertyNameLiteral = Identifier | StringLiteralLike | NumericLiteral;
// Note: 'brands' in our syntax nodes serve to give us a small amount of nominal typing.
// Consider 'Expression'. Without the brand, 'Expression' is actually no different
// (structurally) than 'Node'. Because of this you can pass any Node to a function that
// takes an Expression without any error. By using the 'brands' we ensure that the type
// checker actually thinks you have something of the right type. Note: the brands are
// never actually given values. At runtime they have zero cost.
export interface Expression extends Node {
_expressionBrand: any;
export interface OmittedExpression extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.OmittedExpression;
// Represents an expression that is elided as part of a transformation to emit comments on a
// not-emitted node. The 'expression' property of a PartiallyEmittedExpression should be emitted.
export interface PartiallyEmittedExpression extends LeftHandSideExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.PartiallyEmittedExpression;
readonly expression: Expression;
export interface UnaryExpression extends Expression {
_unaryExpressionBrand: any;
/** Deprecated, please use UpdateExpression */
export type IncrementExpression = UpdateExpression;
export interface UpdateExpression extends UnaryExpression {
_updateExpressionBrand: any;
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-UpdateExpression
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-UnaryExpression
export type PrefixUnaryOperator
= SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken
| SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken
| SyntaxKind.PlusToken
| SyntaxKind.MinusToken
| SyntaxKind.TildeToken
| SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken;
export interface PrefixUnaryExpression extends UpdateExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression;
readonly operator: PrefixUnaryOperator;
readonly operand: UnaryExpression;
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-UpdateExpression
export type PostfixUnaryOperator
= SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken
| SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken
export interface PostfixUnaryExpression extends UpdateExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.PostfixUnaryExpression;
readonly operand: LeftHandSideExpression;
readonly operator: PostfixUnaryOperator;
export interface LeftHandSideExpression extends UpdateExpression {
_leftHandSideExpressionBrand: any;
export interface MemberExpression extends LeftHandSideExpression {
_memberExpressionBrand: any;
export interface PrimaryExpression extends MemberExpression {
_primaryExpressionBrand: any;
export interface NullLiteral extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NullKeyword;
export interface TrueLiteral extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword;
export interface FalseLiteral extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword;
export type BooleanLiteral = TrueLiteral | FalseLiteral;
export interface ThisExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword;
export interface SuperExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword;
export interface ImportExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword;
export interface DeleteExpression extends UnaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.DeleteExpression;
readonly expression: UnaryExpression;
export interface TypeOfExpression extends UnaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TypeOfExpression;
readonly expression: UnaryExpression;
export interface VoidExpression extends UnaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.VoidExpression;
readonly expression: UnaryExpression;
export interface AwaitExpression extends UnaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.AwaitExpression;
readonly expression: UnaryExpression;
export interface YieldExpression extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.YieldExpression;
readonly asteriskToken?: AsteriskToken;
readonly expression?: Expression;
export interface SyntheticExpression extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.SyntheticExpression;
readonly isSpread: boolean;
readonly type: Type;
readonly tupleNameSource?: ParameterDeclaration | NamedTupleMember;
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-ExponentiationExpression
export type ExponentiationOperator =
| SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-MultiplicativeOperator
export type MultiplicativeOperator =
| SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken
| SyntaxKind.SlashToken
| SyntaxKind.PercentToken
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-MultiplicativeExpression
export type MultiplicativeOperatorOrHigher =
| ExponentiationOperator
| MultiplicativeOperator
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-AdditiveExpression
export type AdditiveOperator =
| SyntaxKind.PlusToken
| SyntaxKind.MinusToken
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-AdditiveExpression
export type AdditiveOperatorOrHigher =
| MultiplicativeOperatorOrHigher
| AdditiveOperator
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-ShiftExpression
export type ShiftOperator =
| SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-ShiftExpression
export type ShiftOperatorOrHigher =
| AdditiveOperatorOrHigher
| ShiftOperator
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-RelationalExpression
export type RelationalOperator =
| SyntaxKind.LessThanToken
| SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.InstanceOfKeyword
| SyntaxKind.InKeyword
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-RelationalExpression
export type RelationalOperatorOrHigher =
| ShiftOperatorOrHigher
| RelationalOperator
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-EqualityExpression
export type EqualityOperator =
| SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-EqualityExpression
export type EqualityOperatorOrHigher =
| RelationalOperatorOrHigher
| EqualityOperator;
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-BitwiseANDExpression
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-BitwiseXORExpression
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-BitwiseORExpression
export type BitwiseOperator =
| SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken
| SyntaxKind.BarToken
| SyntaxKind.CaretToken
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-BitwiseANDExpression
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-BitwiseXORExpression
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-BitwiseORExpression
export type BitwiseOperatorOrHigher =
| EqualityOperatorOrHigher
| BitwiseOperator
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-LogicalANDExpression
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-LogicalORExpression
export type LogicalOperator =
| SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken
| SyntaxKind.BarBarToken
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-LogicalANDExpression
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-LogicalORExpression
export type LogicalOperatorOrHigher =
| BitwiseOperatorOrHigher
| LogicalOperator
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-AssignmentOperator
export type CompoundAssignmentOperator =
| SyntaxKind.PlusEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.MinusEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.AsteriskEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.PercentEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.AmpersandEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.BarEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.CaretEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.BarBarEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionEqualsToken
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-AssignmentExpression
export type AssignmentOperator =
| SyntaxKind.EqualsToken
| CompoundAssignmentOperator
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-AssignmentExpression
export type AssignmentOperatorOrHigher =
| SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken
| LogicalOperatorOrHigher
| AssignmentOperator
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-Expression
export type BinaryOperator =
| AssignmentOperatorOrHigher
| SyntaxKind.CommaToken
export type LogicalOrCoalescingAssignmentOperator
= SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.BarBarEqualsToken
| SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionEqualsToken
export type BinaryOperatorToken = Token<BinaryOperator>;
export interface BinaryExpression extends Expression, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression;
readonly left: Expression;
readonly operatorToken: BinaryOperatorToken;
readonly right: Expression;
export type AssignmentOperatorToken = Token<AssignmentOperator>;
export interface AssignmentExpression<TOperator extends AssignmentOperatorToken> extends BinaryExpression {
readonly left: LeftHandSideExpression;
readonly operatorToken: TOperator;
export interface ObjectDestructuringAssignment extends AssignmentExpression<EqualsToken> {
readonly left: ObjectLiteralExpression;
export interface ArrayDestructuringAssignment extends AssignmentExpression<EqualsToken> {
readonly left: ArrayLiteralExpression;
export type DestructuringAssignment =
| ObjectDestructuringAssignment
| ArrayDestructuringAssignment
export type BindingOrAssignmentElement =
| VariableDeclaration
| ParameterDeclaration
| ObjectBindingOrAssignmentElement
| ArrayBindingOrAssignmentElement
export type ObjectBindingOrAssignmentElement =
| BindingElement
| PropertyAssignment // AssignmentProperty
| ShorthandPropertyAssignment // AssignmentProperty
| SpreadAssignment // AssignmentRestProperty
export type ArrayBindingOrAssignmentElement =
| BindingElement
| OmittedExpression // Elision
| SpreadElement // AssignmentRestElement
| ArrayLiteralExpression // ArrayAssignmentPattern
| ObjectLiteralExpression // ObjectAssignmentPattern
| AssignmentExpression<EqualsToken> // AssignmentElement
| Identifier // DestructuringAssignmentTarget
| PropertyAccessExpression // DestructuringAssignmentTarget
| ElementAccessExpression // DestructuringAssignmentTarget
export type BindingOrAssignmentElementRestIndicator =
| DotDotDotToken // from BindingElement
| SpreadElement // AssignmentRestElement
| SpreadAssignment // AssignmentRestProperty
export type BindingOrAssignmentElementTarget =
| BindingOrAssignmentPattern
| Identifier
| PropertyAccessExpression
| ElementAccessExpression
| OmittedExpression;
export type ObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern =
| ObjectBindingPattern
| ObjectLiteralExpression // ObjectAssignmentPattern
export type ArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern =
| ArrayBindingPattern
| ArrayLiteralExpression // ArrayAssignmentPattern
export type AssignmentPattern = ObjectLiteralExpression | ArrayLiteralExpression;
export type BindingOrAssignmentPattern = ObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern | ArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern;
export interface ConditionalExpression extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression;
readonly condition: Expression;
readonly questionToken: QuestionToken;
readonly whenTrue: Expression;
readonly colonToken: ColonToken;
readonly whenFalse: Expression;
export type FunctionBody = Block;
export type ConciseBody = FunctionBody | Expression;
export interface FunctionExpression extends PrimaryExpression, FunctionLikeDeclarationBase, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression;
readonly name?: Identifier;
readonly body: FunctionBody; // Required, whereas the member inherited from FunctionDeclaration is optional
export interface ArrowFunction extends Expression, FunctionLikeDeclarationBase, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction;
readonly equalsGreaterThanToken: EqualsGreaterThanToken;
readonly body: ConciseBody;
readonly name: never;
// The text property of a LiteralExpression stores the interpreted value of the literal in text form. For a StringLiteral,
// or any literal of a template, this means quotes have been removed and escapes have been converted to actual characters.
// For a NumericLiteral, the stored value is the toString() representation of the number. For example 1, 1.00, and 1e0 are all stored as just "1".
export interface LiteralLikeNode extends Node {
text: string;
isUnterminated?: boolean;
hasExtendedUnicodeEscape?: boolean;
export interface TemplateLiteralLikeNode extends LiteralLikeNode {
rawText?: string;
/* @internal */
templateFlags?: TokenFlags;
// The text property of a LiteralExpression stores the interpreted value of the literal in text form. For a StringLiteral,
// or any literal of a template, this means quotes have been removed and escapes have been converted to actual characters.
// For a NumericLiteral, the stored value is the toString() representation of the number. For example 1, 1.00, and 1e0 are all stored as just "1".
export interface LiteralExpression extends LiteralLikeNode, PrimaryExpression {
_literalExpressionBrand: any;
export interface RegularExpressionLiteral extends LiteralExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral;
export interface NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral extends LiteralExpression, TemplateLiteralLikeNode, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral;
/* @internal */
templateFlags?: TokenFlags;
export const enum TokenFlags {
None = 0,
/* @internal */
PrecedingLineBreak = 1 << 0,
/* @internal */
PrecedingJSDocComment = 1 << 1,
/* @internal */
Unterminated = 1 << 2,
/* @internal */
ExtendedUnicodeEscape = 1 << 3,
Scientific = 1 << 4, // e.g. `10e2`
Octal = 1 << 5, // e.g. `0777`
HexSpecifier = 1 << 6, // e.g. `0x00000000`
BinarySpecifier = 1 << 7, // e.g. `0b0110010000000000`
OctalSpecifier = 1 << 8, // e.g. `0o777`
/* @internal */
ContainsSeparator = 1 << 9, // e.g. `0b1100_0101`
/* @internal */
UnicodeEscape = 1 << 10,
/* @internal */
ContainsInvalidEscape = 1 << 11, // e.g. `\uhello`
/* @internal */
BinaryOrOctalSpecifier = BinarySpecifier | OctalSpecifier,
/* @internal */
NumericLiteralFlags = Scientific | Octal | HexSpecifier | BinaryOrOctalSpecifier | ContainsSeparator,
/* @internal */
TemplateLiteralLikeFlags = ContainsInvalidEscape,
export interface NumericLiteral extends LiteralExpression, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral;
/* @internal */
readonly numericLiteralFlags: TokenFlags;
export interface BigIntLiteral extends LiteralExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral;
export type LiteralToken =
| NumericLiteral
| BigIntLiteral
| StringLiteral
| JsxText
| RegularExpressionLiteral
| NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral
export interface TemplateHead extends TemplateLiteralLikeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TemplateHead;
readonly parent: TemplateExpression;
/* @internal */
templateFlags?: TokenFlags;
export interface TemplateMiddle extends TemplateLiteralLikeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle;
readonly parent: TemplateSpan;
/* @internal */
templateFlags?: TokenFlags;
export interface TemplateTail extends TemplateLiteralLikeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TemplateTail;
readonly parent: TemplateSpan;
/* @internal */
templateFlags?: TokenFlags;
export type PseudoLiteralToken =
| TemplateHead
| TemplateMiddle
| TemplateTail
export type TemplateLiteralToken =
| NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral
| PseudoLiteralToken
export interface TemplateExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TemplateExpression;
readonly head: TemplateHead;
readonly templateSpans: NodeArray<TemplateSpan>;
export type TemplateLiteral =
| TemplateExpression
| NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral
// Each of these corresponds to a substitution expression and a template literal, in that order.
// The template literal must have kind TemplateMiddleLiteral or TemplateTailLiteral.
export interface TemplateSpan extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TemplateSpan;
readonly parent: TemplateExpression;
readonly expression: Expression;
readonly literal: TemplateMiddle | TemplateTail;
export interface ParenthesizedExpression extends PrimaryExpression, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression;
readonly expression: Expression;
export interface ArrayLiteralExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression;
readonly elements: NodeArray<Expression>;
/* @internal */
multiLine?: boolean;
export interface SpreadElement extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.SpreadElement;
readonly parent: ArrayLiteralExpression | CallExpression | NewExpression;
readonly expression: Expression;
* This interface is a base interface for ObjectLiteralExpression and JSXAttributes to extend from. JSXAttributes is similar to
* ObjectLiteralExpression in that it contains array of properties; however, JSXAttributes' properties can only be
* JSXAttribute or JSXSpreadAttribute. ObjectLiteralExpression, on the other hand, can only have properties of type
* ObjectLiteralElement (e.g. PropertyAssignment, ShorthandPropertyAssignment etc.)
export interface ObjectLiteralExpressionBase<T extends ObjectLiteralElement> extends PrimaryExpression, Declaration {
readonly properties: NodeArray<T>;
// An ObjectLiteralExpression is the declaration node for an anonymous symbol.
export interface ObjectLiteralExpression extends ObjectLiteralExpressionBase<ObjectLiteralElementLike> {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression;
/* @internal */
multiLine?: boolean;
export type EntityNameExpression = Identifier | PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression;
export type EntityNameOrEntityNameExpression = EntityName | EntityNameExpression;
export type AccessExpression = PropertyAccessExpression | ElementAccessExpression;
export interface PropertyAccessExpression extends MemberExpression, NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression;
readonly expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
readonly questionDotToken?: QuestionDotToken;
readonly name: Identifier | PrivateIdentifier;
export interface PrivateIdentifierPropertyAccessExpression extends PropertyAccessExpression {
readonly name: PrivateIdentifier;
export interface PropertyAccessChain extends PropertyAccessExpression {
_optionalChainBrand: any;
readonly name: Identifier | PrivateIdentifier;
/* @internal */
export interface PropertyAccessChainRoot extends PropertyAccessChain {
readonly questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken;
export interface SuperPropertyAccessExpression extends PropertyAccessExpression {
readonly expression: SuperExpression;
/** Brand for a PropertyAccessExpression which, like a QualifiedName, consists of a sequence of identifiers separated by dots. */
export interface PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression extends PropertyAccessExpression {
_propertyAccessExpressionLikeQualifiedNameBrand?: any;
readonly expression: EntityNameExpression;
readonly name: Identifier;
export interface ElementAccessExpression extends MemberExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression;
readonly expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
readonly questionDotToken?: QuestionDotToken;
readonly argumentExpression: Expression;
export interface ElementAccessChain extends ElementAccessExpression {
_optionalChainBrand: any;
/* @internal */
export interface ElementAccessChainRoot extends ElementAccessChain {
readonly questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken;
export interface SuperElementAccessExpression extends ElementAccessExpression {
readonly expression: SuperExpression;
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-SuperProperty
export type SuperProperty = SuperPropertyAccessExpression | SuperElementAccessExpression;
export interface CallExpression extends LeftHandSideExpression, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.CallExpression;
readonly expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
readonly questionDotToken?: QuestionDotToken;
readonly typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
readonly arguments: NodeArray<Expression>;
export interface CallChain extends CallExpression {
_optionalChainBrand: any;
/* @internal */
export interface CallChainRoot extends CallChain {
readonly questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken;
export type OptionalChain =
| PropertyAccessChain
| ElementAccessChain
| CallChain
| NonNullChain
/* @internal */
export type OptionalChainRoot =
| PropertyAccessChainRoot
| ElementAccessChainRoot
| CallChainRoot
/** @internal */
export interface WellKnownSymbolExpression extends PropertyAccessExpression {
readonly expression: Identifier & { readonly escapedText: __String & "Symbol" };
readonly name: Identifier;
/** @internal */
export type BindableObjectDefinePropertyCall = CallExpression & {
readonly arguments: readonly [BindableStaticNameExpression, StringLiteralLike | NumericLiteral, ObjectLiteralExpression] & Readonly<TextRange>;
/** @internal */
export type BindableStaticNameExpression =
| EntityNameExpression
| BindableStaticElementAccessExpression
/** @internal */
export type LiteralLikeElementAccessExpression = ElementAccessExpression & Declaration & {
readonly argumentExpression: StringLiteralLike | NumericLiteral | WellKnownSymbolExpression;
/** @internal */
export type BindableStaticElementAccessExpression = LiteralLikeElementAccessExpression & {
readonly expression: BindableStaticNameExpression;
/** @internal */
export type BindableElementAccessExpression = ElementAccessExpression & {
readonly expression: BindableStaticNameExpression;
/** @internal */
export type BindableStaticAccessExpression =
| PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression
| BindableStaticElementAccessExpression
/** @internal */
export type BindableAccessExpression =
| PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression
| BindableElementAccessExpression
/** @internal */
export interface BindableStaticPropertyAssignmentExpression extends BinaryExpression {
readonly left: BindableStaticAccessExpression;
/** @internal */
export interface BindablePropertyAssignmentExpression extends BinaryExpression {
readonly left: BindableAccessExpression;
// see: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#prod-SuperCall
export interface SuperCall extends CallExpression {
readonly expression: SuperExpression;
export interface ImportCall extends CallExpression {
readonly expression: ImportExpression;
export interface ExpressionWithTypeArguments extends NodeWithTypeArguments {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments;
readonly parent: HeritageClause | JSDocAugmentsTag | JSDocImplementsTag;
readonly expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
export interface NewExpression extends PrimaryExpression, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NewExpression;
readonly expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
readonly typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
readonly arguments?: NodeArray<Expression>;
export interface TaggedTemplateExpression extends MemberExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TaggedTemplateExpression;
readonly tag: LeftHandSideExpression;
readonly typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
readonly template: TemplateLiteral;
/*@internal*/ questionDotToken?: QuestionDotToken; // NOTE: Invalid syntax, only used to report a grammar error.
export type CallLikeExpression =
| CallExpression
| NewExpression
| TaggedTemplateExpression
| Decorator
| JsxOpeningLikeElement
export interface AsExpression extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.AsExpression;
readonly expression: Expression;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface TypeAssertion extends UnaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TypeAssertionExpression;
readonly type: TypeNode;
readonly expression: UnaryExpression;
export type AssertionExpression =
| TypeAssertion
| AsExpression
export interface NonNullExpression extends LeftHandSideExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression;
readonly expression: Expression;
export interface NonNullChain extends NonNullExpression {
_optionalChainBrand: any;
// NOTE: MetaProperty is really a MemberExpression, but we consider it a PrimaryExpression
// for the same reasons we treat NewExpression as a PrimaryExpression.
export interface MetaProperty extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.MetaProperty;
readonly keywordToken: SyntaxKind.NewKeyword | SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword;
readonly name: Identifier;
/* @internal */
export interface ImportMetaProperty extends MetaProperty {
readonly keywordToken: SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword;
readonly name: Identifier & { readonly escapedText: __String & "meta" };
/// A JSX expression of the form <TagName attrs>...</TagName>
export interface JsxElement extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxElement;
readonly openingElement: JsxOpeningElement;
readonly children: NodeArray<JsxChild>;
readonly closingElement: JsxClosingElement;
/// Either the opening tag in a <Tag>...</Tag> pair or the lone <Tag /> in a self-closing form
export type JsxOpeningLikeElement =
| JsxSelfClosingElement
| JsxOpeningElement
export type JsxAttributeLike =
| JsxAttribute
| JsxSpreadAttribute
export type JsxTagNameExpression =
| Identifier
| ThisExpression
| JsxTagNamePropertyAccess
export interface JsxTagNamePropertyAccess extends PropertyAccessExpression {
readonly expression: JsxTagNameExpression;
export interface JsxAttributes extends ObjectLiteralExpressionBase<JsxAttributeLike> {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxAttributes;
readonly parent: JsxOpeningLikeElement;
/// The opening element of a <Tag>...</Tag> JsxElement
export interface JsxOpeningElement extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningElement;
readonly parent: JsxElement;
readonly tagName: JsxTagNameExpression;
readonly typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
readonly attributes: JsxAttributes;
/// A JSX expression of the form <TagName attrs />
export interface JsxSelfClosingElement extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement;
readonly tagName: JsxTagNameExpression;
readonly typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>;
readonly attributes: JsxAttributes;
/// A JSX expression of the form <>...</>
export interface JsxFragment extends PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxFragment;
readonly openingFragment: JsxOpeningFragment;
readonly children: NodeArray<JsxChild>;
readonly closingFragment: JsxClosingFragment;
/// The opening element of a <>...</> JsxFragment
export interface JsxOpeningFragment extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningFragment;
readonly parent: JsxFragment;
/// The closing element of a <>...</> JsxFragment
export interface JsxClosingFragment extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxClosingFragment;
readonly parent: JsxFragment;
export interface JsxAttribute extends ObjectLiteralElement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute;
readonly parent: JsxAttributes;
readonly name: Identifier;
/// JSX attribute initializers are optional; <X y /> is sugar for <X y={true} />
readonly initializer?: StringLiteral | JsxExpression;
export interface JsxSpreadAttribute extends ObjectLiteralElement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxSpreadAttribute;
readonly parent: JsxAttributes;
readonly expression: Expression;
export interface JsxClosingElement extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxClosingElement;
readonly parent: JsxElement;
readonly tagName: JsxTagNameExpression;
export interface JsxExpression extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxExpression;
readonly parent: JsxElement | JsxAttributeLike;
readonly dotDotDotToken?: Token<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken>;
readonly expression?: Expression;
export interface JsxText extends LiteralLikeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JsxText;
readonly parent: JsxElement;
readonly containsOnlyTriviaWhiteSpaces: boolean;
export type JsxChild =
| JsxText
| JsxExpression
| JsxElement
| JsxSelfClosingElement
| JsxFragment
export interface Statement extends Node {
_statementBrand: any;
// Represents a statement that is elided as part of a transformation to emit comments on a
// not-emitted node.
export interface NotEmittedStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NotEmittedStatement;
* Marks the end of transformed declaration to properly emit exports.
/* @internal */
export interface EndOfDeclarationMarker extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.EndOfDeclarationMarker;
* A list of comma-separated expressions. This node is only created by transformations.
export interface CommaListExpression extends Expression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.CommaListExpression;
readonly elements: NodeArray<Expression>;
* Marks the beginning of a merged transformed declaration.
/* @internal */
export interface MergeDeclarationMarker extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.MergeDeclarationMarker;
/* @internal */
export interface SyntheticReferenceExpression extends LeftHandSideExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.SyntheticReferenceExpression;
readonly expression: Expression;
readonly thisArg: Expression;
export interface EmptyStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.EmptyStatement;
export interface DebuggerStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.DebuggerStatement;
export interface MissingDeclaration extends DeclarationStatement {
/*@internal*/ decorators?: NodeArray<Decorator>; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
/*@internal*/ modifiers?: ModifiersArray; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.MissingDeclaration;
readonly name?: Identifier;
export type BlockLike =
| SourceFile
| Block
| ModuleBlock
| CaseOrDefaultClause
export interface Block extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.Block;
readonly statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
/*@internal*/ multiLine?: boolean;
export interface VariableStatement extends Statement, JSDocContainer {
/* @internal*/ decorators?: NodeArray<Decorator>; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.VariableStatement;
readonly declarationList: VariableDeclarationList;
export interface ExpressionStatement extends Statement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement;
readonly expression: Expression;
/* @internal */
export interface PrologueDirective extends ExpressionStatement {
readonly expression: StringLiteral;
export interface IfStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.IfStatement;
readonly expression: Expression;
readonly thenStatement: Statement;
readonly elseStatement?: Statement;
export interface IterationStatement extends Statement {
readonly statement: Statement;
export interface DoStatement extends IterationStatement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.DoStatement;
readonly expression: Expression;
export interface WhileStatement extends IterationStatement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.WhileStatement;
readonly expression: Expression;
export type ForInitializer =
| VariableDeclarationList
| Expression
export interface ForStatement extends IterationStatement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ForStatement;
readonly initializer?: ForInitializer;
readonly condition?: Expression;
readonly incrementor?: Expression;
export type ForInOrOfStatement =
| ForInStatement
| ForOfStatement
export interface ForInStatement extends IterationStatement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ForInStatement;
readonly initializer: ForInitializer;
readonly expression: Expression;
export interface ForOfStatement extends IterationStatement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement;
readonly awaitModifier?: AwaitKeywordToken;
readonly initializer: ForInitializer;
readonly expression: Expression;
export interface BreakStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.BreakStatement;
readonly label?: Identifier;
export interface ContinueStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement;
readonly label?: Identifier;
export type BreakOrContinueStatement =
| BreakStatement
| ContinueStatement
export interface ReturnStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement;
readonly expression?: Expression;
export interface WithStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.WithStatement;
readonly expression: Expression;
readonly statement: Statement;
export interface SwitchStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement;
readonly expression: Expression;
readonly caseBlock: CaseBlock;
possiblyExhaustive?: boolean; // initialized by binding
export interface CaseBlock extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.CaseBlock;
readonly parent: SwitchStatement;
readonly clauses: NodeArray<CaseOrDefaultClause>;
export interface CaseClause extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.CaseClause;
readonly parent: CaseBlock;
readonly expression: Expression;
readonly statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
/* @internal */ fallthroughFlowNode?: FlowNode;
export interface DefaultClause extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.DefaultClause;
readonly parent: CaseBlock;
readonly statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
/* @internal */ fallthroughFlowNode?: FlowNode;
export type CaseOrDefaultClause =
| CaseClause
| DefaultClause
export interface LabeledStatement extends Statement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement;
readonly label: Identifier;
readonly statement: Statement;
export interface ThrowStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ThrowStatement;
readonly expression: Expression;
export interface TryStatement extends Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TryStatement;
readonly tryBlock: Block;
readonly catchClause?: CatchClause;
readonly finallyBlock?: Block;
export interface CatchClause extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.CatchClause;
readonly parent: TryStatement;
readonly variableDeclaration?: VariableDeclaration;
readonly block: Block;
export type ObjectTypeDeclaration =
| ClassLikeDeclaration
| InterfaceDeclaration
| TypeLiteralNode
export type DeclarationWithTypeParameters =
| DeclarationWithTypeParameterChildren
| JSDocTypedefTag
| JSDocCallbackTag
| JSDocSignature
export type DeclarationWithTypeParameterChildren =
| SignatureDeclaration
| ClassLikeDeclaration
| InterfaceDeclaration
| TypeAliasDeclaration
| JSDocTemplateTag
export interface ClassLikeDeclarationBase extends NamedDeclaration, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration | SyntaxKind.ClassExpression;
readonly name?: Identifier;
readonly typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
readonly heritageClauses?: NodeArray<HeritageClause>;
readonly members: NodeArray<ClassElement>;
export interface ClassDeclaration extends ClassLikeDeclarationBase, DeclarationStatement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration;
/** May be undefined in `export default class { ... }`. */
readonly name?: Identifier;
export interface ClassExpression extends ClassLikeDeclarationBase, PrimaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ClassExpression;
export type ClassLikeDeclaration =
| ClassDeclaration
| ClassExpression
export interface ClassElement extends NamedDeclaration {
_classElementBrand: any;
readonly name?: PropertyName;
export interface TypeElement extends NamedDeclaration {
_typeElementBrand: any;
readonly name?: PropertyName;
readonly questionToken?: QuestionToken;
export interface InterfaceDeclaration extends DeclarationStatement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration;
readonly name: Identifier;
readonly typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
readonly heritageClauses?: NodeArray<HeritageClause>;
readonly members: NodeArray<TypeElement>;
export interface HeritageClause extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.HeritageClause;
readonly parent: InterfaceDeclaration | ClassLikeDeclaration;
readonly token: SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword | SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword;
readonly types: NodeArray<ExpressionWithTypeArguments>;
export interface TypeAliasDeclaration extends DeclarationStatement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration;
readonly name: Identifier;
readonly typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface EnumMember extends NamedDeclaration, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.EnumMember;
readonly parent: EnumDeclaration;
// This does include ComputedPropertyName, but the parser will give an error
// if it parses a ComputedPropertyName in an EnumMember
readonly name: PropertyName;
readonly initializer?: Expression;
export interface EnumDeclaration extends DeclarationStatement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration;
readonly name: Identifier;
readonly members: NodeArray<EnumMember>;
export type ModuleName =
| Identifier
| StringLiteral
export type ModuleBody =
| NamespaceBody
| JSDocNamespaceBody
/* @internal */
export interface AmbientModuleDeclaration extends ModuleDeclaration {
readonly body?: ModuleBlock;
export interface ModuleDeclaration extends DeclarationStatement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration;
readonly parent: ModuleBody | SourceFile;
readonly name: ModuleName;
readonly body?: ModuleBody | JSDocNamespaceDeclaration;
export type NamespaceBody =
| ModuleBlock
| NamespaceDeclaration
export interface NamespaceDeclaration extends ModuleDeclaration {
readonly name: Identifier;
readonly body: NamespaceBody;
export type JSDocNamespaceBody =
| Identifier
| JSDocNamespaceDeclaration
export interface JSDocNamespaceDeclaration extends ModuleDeclaration {
readonly name: Identifier;
readonly body?: JSDocNamespaceBody;
export interface ModuleBlock extends Node, Statement {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock;
readonly parent: ModuleDeclaration;
readonly statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
export type ModuleReference =
| EntityName
| ExternalModuleReference
* One of:
* - import x = require("mod");
* - import x = M.x;
export interface ImportEqualsDeclaration extends DeclarationStatement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration;
readonly parent: SourceFile | ModuleBlock;
readonly name: Identifier;
// 'EntityName' for an internal module reference, 'ExternalModuleReference' for an external
// module reference.
readonly moduleReference: ModuleReference;
export interface ExternalModuleReference extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ExternalModuleReference;
readonly parent: ImportEqualsDeclaration;
readonly expression: Expression;
// In case of:
// import "mod" => importClause = undefined, moduleSpecifier = "mod"
// In rest of the cases, module specifier is string literal corresponding to module
// ImportClause information is shown at its declaration below.
export interface ImportDeclaration extends Statement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration;
readonly parent: SourceFile | ModuleBlock;
readonly importClause?: ImportClause;
/** If this is not a StringLiteral it will be a grammar error. */
readonly moduleSpecifier: Expression;
export type NamedImportBindings =
| NamespaceImport
| NamedImports
export type NamedExportBindings =
| NamespaceExport
| NamedExports
// In case of:
// import d from "mod" => name = d, namedBinding = undefined
// import * as ns from "mod" => name = undefined, namedBinding: NamespaceImport = { name: ns }
// import d, * as ns from "mod" => name = d, namedBinding: NamespaceImport = { name: ns }
// import { a, b as x } from "mod" => name = undefined, namedBinding: NamedImports = { elements: [{ name: a }, { name: x, propertyName: b}]}
// import d, { a, b as x } from "mod" => name = d, namedBinding: NamedImports = { elements: [{ name: a }, { name: x, propertyName: b}]}
export interface ImportClause extends NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ImportClause;
readonly parent: ImportDeclaration;
readonly isTypeOnly: boolean;
readonly name?: Identifier; // Default binding
readonly namedBindings?: NamedImportBindings;
export interface NamespaceImport extends NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport;
readonly parent: ImportClause;
readonly name: Identifier;
export interface NamespaceExport extends NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NamespaceExport;
readonly parent: ExportDeclaration;
readonly name: Identifier
export interface NamespaceExportDeclaration extends DeclarationStatement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration;
readonly name: Identifier;
/* @internal */ decorators?: NodeArray<Decorator>; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
/* @internal */ modifiers?: ModifiersArray; // Present for use with reporting a grammar error
export interface ExportDeclaration extends DeclarationStatement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration;
readonly parent: SourceFile | ModuleBlock;
readonly isTypeOnly: boolean;
/** Will not be assigned in the case of `export * from "foo";` */
readonly exportClause?: NamedExportBindings;
/** If this is not a StringLiteral it will be a grammar error. */
readonly moduleSpecifier?: Expression;
export interface NamedImports extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NamedImports;
readonly parent: ImportClause;
readonly elements: NodeArray<ImportSpecifier>;
export interface NamedExports extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.NamedExports;
readonly parent: ExportDeclaration;
readonly elements: NodeArray<ExportSpecifier>;
export type NamedImportsOrExports = NamedImports | NamedExports;
export interface ImportSpecifier extends NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier;
readonly parent: NamedImports;
readonly propertyName?: Identifier; // Name preceding "as" keyword (or undefined when "as" is absent)
readonly name: Identifier; // Declared name
export interface ExportSpecifier extends NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier;
readonly parent: NamedExports;
readonly propertyName?: Identifier; // Name preceding "as" keyword (or undefined when "as" is absent)
readonly name: Identifier; // Declared name
export type ImportOrExportSpecifier =
| ImportSpecifier
| ExportSpecifier
export type TypeOnlyCompatibleAliasDeclaration =
| ImportClause
| NamespaceImport
| ImportOrExportSpecifier
* This is either an `export =` or an `export default` declaration.
* Unless `isExportEquals` is set, this node was parsed as an `export default`.
export interface ExportAssignment extends DeclarationStatement, JSDocContainer {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment;
readonly parent: SourceFile;
readonly isExportEquals?: boolean;
readonly expression: Expression;
export interface FileReference extends TextRange {
fileName: string;
export interface CheckJsDirective extends TextRange {
enabled: boolean;
export type CommentKind = SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia | SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia;
export interface CommentRange extends TextRange {
hasTrailingNewLine?: boolean;
kind: CommentKind;
export interface SynthesizedComment extends CommentRange {
text: string;
pos: -1;
end: -1;
hasLeadingNewline?: boolean;
// represents a top level: { type } expression in a JSDoc comment.
export interface JSDocTypeExpression extends TypeNode {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeExpression;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface JSDocType extends TypeNode {
_jsDocTypeBrand: any;
export interface JSDocAllType extends JSDocType {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocAllType;
export interface JSDocUnknownType extends JSDocType {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocUnknownType;
export interface JSDocNonNullableType extends JSDocType {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocNonNullableType;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface JSDocNullableType extends JSDocType {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocNullableType;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface JSDocOptionalType extends JSDocType {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocOptionalType;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface JSDocFunctionType extends JSDocType, SignatureDeclarationBase {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocFunctionType;
export interface JSDocVariadicType extends JSDocType {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocVariadicType;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export interface JSDocNamepathType extends JSDocType {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocNamepathType;
readonly type: TypeNode;
export type JSDocTypeReferencingNode =
| JSDocVariadicType
| JSDocOptionalType
| JSDocNullableType
| JSDocNonNullableType
export interface JSDoc extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocComment;
readonly parent: HasJSDoc;
readonly tags?: NodeArray<JSDocTag>;
readonly comment?: string;
export interface JSDocTag extends Node {
readonly parent: JSDoc | JSDocTypeLiteral;
readonly tagName: Identifier;
readonly comment?: string;
export interface JSDocUnknownTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTag;
* Note that `@extends` is a synonym of `@augments`.
* Both tags are represented by this interface.
export interface JSDocAugmentsTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocAugmentsTag;
readonly class: ExpressionWithTypeArguments & { readonly expression: Identifier | PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression };
export interface JSDocImplementsTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocImplementsTag;
readonly class: ExpressionWithTypeArguments & { readonly expression: Identifier | PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression };
export interface JSDocAuthorTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocAuthorTag;
export interface JSDocDeprecatedTag extends JSDocTag {
kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocDeprecatedTag;
export interface JSDocClassTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocClassTag;
export interface JSDocPublicTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocPublicTag;
export interface JSDocPrivateTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocPrivateTag;
export interface JSDocProtectedTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocProtectedTag;
export interface JSDocReadonlyTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocReadonlyTag;
export interface JSDocEnumTag extends JSDocTag, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocEnumTag;
readonly parent: JSDoc;
readonly typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression;
export interface JSDocThisTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocThisTag;
readonly typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression;
export interface JSDocTemplateTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTemplateTag;
readonly constraint: JSDocTypeExpression | undefined;
readonly typeParameters: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
export interface JSDocReturnTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocReturnTag;
readonly typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression;
export interface JSDocTypeTag extends JSDocTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeTag;
readonly typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression;
export interface JSDocTypedefTag extends JSDocTag, NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag;
readonly parent: JSDoc;
readonly fullName?: JSDocNamespaceDeclaration | Identifier;
readonly name?: Identifier;
readonly typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression | JSDocTypeLiteral;
export interface JSDocCallbackTag extends JSDocTag, NamedDeclaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocCallbackTag;
readonly parent: JSDoc;
readonly fullName?: JSDocNamespaceDeclaration | Identifier;
readonly name?: Identifier;
readonly typeExpression: JSDocSignature;
export interface JSDocSignature extends JSDocType, Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocSignature;
readonly typeParameters?: readonly JSDocTemplateTag[];
readonly parameters: readonly JSDocParameterTag[];
readonly type: JSDocReturnTag | undefined;
export interface JSDocPropertyLikeTag extends JSDocTag, Declaration {
readonly parent: JSDoc;
readonly name: EntityName;
readonly typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression;
/** Whether the property name came before the type -- non-standard for JSDoc, but Typescript-like */
readonly isNameFirst: boolean;
readonly isBracketed: boolean;
export interface JSDocPropertyTag extends JSDocPropertyLikeTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag;
export interface JSDocParameterTag extends JSDocPropertyLikeTag {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag;
export interface JSDocTypeLiteral extends JSDocType {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeLiteral;
readonly jsDocPropertyTags?: readonly JSDocPropertyLikeTag[];
/** If true, then this type literal represents an *array* of its type. */
readonly isArrayType: boolean;
// NOTE: Ensure this is up-to-date with src/debug/debug.ts
export const enum FlowFlags {
Unreachable = 1 << 0, // Unreachable code
Start = 1 << 1, // Start of flow graph
BranchLabel = 1 << 2, // Non-looping junction
LoopLabel = 1 << 3, // Looping junction
Assignment = 1 << 4, // Assignment
TrueCondition = 1 << 5, // Condition known to be true
FalseCondition = 1 << 6, // Condition known to be false
SwitchClause = 1 << 7, // Switch statement clause
ArrayMutation = 1 << 8, // Potential array mutation
Call = 1 << 9, // Potential assertion call
ReduceLabel = 1 << 10, // Temporarily reduce antecedents of label
Referenced = 1 << 11, // Referenced as antecedent once
Shared = 1 << 12, // Referenced as antecedent more than once
Label = BranchLabel | LoopLabel,
Condition = TrueCondition | FalseCondition,
export type FlowNode =
| FlowStart
| FlowLabel
| FlowAssignment
| FlowCall
| FlowCondition
| FlowSwitchClause
| FlowArrayMutation
| FlowCall
| FlowReduceLabel;
export interface FlowNodeBase {
flags: FlowFlags;
id?: number; // Node id used by flow type cache in checker
// FlowStart represents the start of a control flow. For a function expression or arrow
// function, the node property references the function (which in turn has a flowNode
// property for the containing control flow).
export interface FlowStart extends FlowNodeBase {
node?: FunctionExpression | ArrowFunction | MethodDeclaration;
// FlowLabel represents a junction with multiple possible preceding control flows.
export interface FlowLabel extends FlowNodeBase {
antecedents: FlowNode[] | undefined;
// FlowAssignment represents a node that assigns a value to a narrowable reference,
// i.e. an identifier or a dotted name that starts with an identifier or 'this'.
export interface FlowAssignment extends FlowNodeBase {
node: Expression | VariableDeclaration | BindingElement;
antecedent: FlowNode;
export interface FlowCall extends FlowNodeBase {
node: CallExpression;
antecedent: FlowNode;
// FlowCondition represents a condition that is known to be true or false at the
// node's location in the control flow.
export interface FlowCondition extends FlowNodeBase {
node: Expression;
antecedent: FlowNode;
export interface FlowSwitchClause extends FlowNodeBase {
switchStatement: SwitchStatement;
clauseStart: number; // Start index of case/default clause range
clauseEnd: number; // End index of case/default clause range
antecedent: FlowNode;
// FlowArrayMutation represents a node potentially mutates an array, i.e. an
// operation of the form 'x.push(value)', 'x.unshift(value)' or 'x[n] = value'.
export interface FlowArrayMutation extends FlowNodeBase {
node: CallExpression | BinaryExpression;
antecedent: FlowNode;
export interface FlowReduceLabel extends FlowNodeBase {
target: FlowLabel;
antecedents: FlowNode[];
antecedent: FlowNode;
export type FlowType = Type | IncompleteType;
// Incomplete types occur during control flow analysis of loops. An IncompleteType
// is distinguished from a regular type by a flags value of zero. Incomplete type
// objects are internal to the getFlowTypeOfReference function and never escape it.
export interface IncompleteType {
flags: TypeFlags; // No flags set
type: Type; // The type marked incomplete
export interface AmdDependency {
path: string;
name?: string;
/* @internal */
* Subset of properties from SourceFile that are used in multiple utility functions
export interface SourceFileLike {
readonly text: string;
lineMap?: readonly number[];
/* @internal */
getPositionOfLineAndCharacter?(line: number, character: number, allowEdits?: true): number;
/* @internal */
export interface RedirectInfo {
/** Source file this redirects to. */
readonly redirectTarget: SourceFile;
* Source file for the duplicate package. This will not be used by the Program,
* but we need to keep this around so we can watch for changes in underlying.
readonly unredirected: SourceFile;
// Source files are declarations when they are external modules.
export interface SourceFile extends Declaration {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.SourceFile;
readonly statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
readonly endOfFileToken: Token<SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken>;
fileName: string;
/* @internal */ path: Path;
text: string;
/** Resolved path can be different from path property,
* when file is included through project reference is mapped to its output instead of source
* in that case resolvedPath = path to output file
* path = input file's path
/* @internal */ resolvedPath: Path;
/** Original file name that can be different from fileName,
* when file is included through project reference is mapped to its output instead of source
* in that case originalFileName = name of input file
* fileName = output file's name
/* @internal */ originalFileName: string;
* If two source files are for the same version of the same package, one will redirect to the other.
* (See `createRedirectSourceFile` in program.ts.)
* The redirect will have this set. The redirected-to source file will be in `redirectTargetsMap`.
/* @internal */ redirectInfo?: RedirectInfo;
amdDependencies: readonly AmdDependency[];
moduleName?: string;
referencedFiles: readonly FileReference[];
typeReferenceDirectives: readonly FileReference[];
libReferenceDirectives: readonly FileReference[];
languageVariant: LanguageVariant;
isDeclarationFile: boolean;
// this map is used by transpiler to supply alternative names for dependencies (i.e. in case of bundling)
/* @internal */
renamedDependencies?: ReadonlyESMap<string, string>;
* lib.d.ts should have a reference comment like
* /// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
* If any other file has this comment, it signals not to include lib.d.ts
* because this containing file is intended to act as a default library.
hasNoDefaultLib: boolean;
languageVersion: ScriptTarget;
/* @internal */ scriptKind: ScriptKind;
* The first "most obvious" node that makes a file an external module.
* This is intended to be the first top-level import/export,
* but could be arbitrarily nested (e.g. `import.meta`).
/* @internal */ externalModuleIndicator?: Node;
// The first node that causes this file to be a CommonJS module
/* @internal */ commonJsModuleIndicator?: Node;
// JS identifier-declarations that are intended to merge with globals
/* @internal */ jsGlobalAugmentations?: SymbolTable;
/* @internal */ identifiers: ESMap<string, string>; // Map from a string to an interned string
/* @internal */ nodeCount: number;
/* @internal */ identifierCount: number;
/* @internal */ symbolCount: number;
// File-level diagnostics reported by the parser (includes diagnostics about /// references
// as well as code diagnostics).
/* @internal */ parseDiagnostics: DiagnosticWithLocation[];
// File-level diagnostics reported by the binder.
/* @internal */ bindDiagnostics: DiagnosticWithLocation[];
/* @internal */ bindSuggestionDiagnostics?: DiagnosticWithLocation[];
// File-level JSDoc diagnostics reported by the JSDoc parser
/* @internal */ jsDocDiagnostics?: DiagnosticWithLocation[];
// Stores additional file-level diagnostics reported by the program
/* @internal */ additionalSyntacticDiagnostics?: readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[];
// Stores a line map for the file.
// This field should never be used directly to obtain line map, use getLineMap function instead.
/* @internal */ lineMap: readonly number[];
/* @internal */ classifiableNames?: ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap<true>;
// Comments containing @ts-* directives, in order.
/* @internal */ commentDirectives?: CommentDirective[];
// Stores a mapping 'external module reference text' -> 'resolved file name' | undefined
// It is used to resolve module names in the checker.
// Content of this field should never be used directly - use getResolvedModuleFileName/setResolvedModuleFileName functions instead
/* @internal */ resolvedModules?: ESMap<string, ResolvedModuleFull | undefined>;
/* @internal */ resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames: ESMap<string, ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined>;
/* @internal */ imports: readonly StringLiteralLike[];
// Identifier only if `declare global`
/* @internal */ moduleAugmentations: readonly (StringLiteral | Identifier)[];
/* @internal */ patternAmbientModules?: PatternAmbientModule[];
/* @internal */ ambientModuleNames: readonly string[];
/* @internal */ checkJsDirective?: CheckJsDirective;
/* @internal */ version: string;
/* @internal */ pragmas: ReadonlyPragmaMap;
/* @internal */ localJsxNamespace?: __String;
/* @internal */ localJsxFragmentNamespace?: __String;
/* @internal */ localJsxFactory?: EntityName;
/* @internal */ localJsxFragmentFactory?: EntityName;
/* @internal */ exportedModulesFromDeclarationEmit?: ExportedModulesFromDeclarationEmit;
/* @internal */
export interface CommentDirective {
range: TextRange;
type: CommentDirectiveType,
/* @internal */
export const enum CommentDirectiveType {
export type ExportedModulesFromDeclarationEmit = readonly Symbol[];
export interface Bundle extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.Bundle;
readonly prepends: readonly (InputFiles | UnparsedSource)[];
readonly sourceFiles: readonly SourceFile[];
/* @internal */ syntheticFileReferences?: readonly FileReference[];
/* @internal */ syntheticTypeReferences?: readonly FileReference[];
/* @internal */ syntheticLibReferences?: readonly FileReference[];
/* @internal */ hasNoDefaultLib?: boolean;
export interface InputFiles extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.InputFiles;
javascriptPath?: string;
javascriptText: string;
javascriptMapPath?: string;
javascriptMapText?: string;
declarationPath?: string;
declarationText: string;
declarationMapPath?: string;
declarationMapText?: string;
/*@internal*/ buildInfoPath?: string;
/*@internal*/ buildInfo?: BuildInfo;
/*@internal*/ oldFileOfCurrentEmit?: boolean;
export interface UnparsedSource extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.UnparsedSource;
fileName: string;
text: string;
readonly prologues: readonly UnparsedPrologue[];
helpers: readonly UnscopedEmitHelper[] | undefined;
// References and noDefaultLibAre Dts only
referencedFiles: readonly FileReference[];
typeReferenceDirectives: readonly string[] | undefined;
libReferenceDirectives: readonly FileReference[];
hasNoDefaultLib?: boolean;
sourceMapPath?: string;
sourceMapText?: string;
readonly syntheticReferences?: readonly UnparsedSyntheticReference[];
readonly texts: readonly UnparsedSourceText[];
/*@internal*/ oldFileOfCurrentEmit?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ parsedSourceMap?: RawSourceMap | false | undefined;
// Adding this to satisfy services, fix later
getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(pos: number): LineAndCharacter;
export type UnparsedSourceText =
| UnparsedPrepend
| UnparsedTextLike
export type UnparsedNode =
| UnparsedPrologue
| UnparsedSourceText
| UnparsedSyntheticReference
export interface UnparsedSection extends Node {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind;
readonly parent: UnparsedSource;
readonly data?: string;
export interface UnparsedPrologue extends UnparsedSection {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.UnparsedPrologue;
readonly parent: UnparsedSource;
readonly data: string;
export interface UnparsedPrepend extends UnparsedSection {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.UnparsedPrepend;
readonly parent: UnparsedSource;
readonly data: string;
readonly texts: readonly UnparsedTextLike[];
export interface UnparsedTextLike extends UnparsedSection {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.UnparsedText | SyntaxKind.UnparsedInternalText;
readonly parent: UnparsedSource;
export interface UnparsedSyntheticReference extends UnparsedSection {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.UnparsedSyntheticReference;
readonly parent: UnparsedSource;
/*@internal*/ readonly section: BundleFileHasNoDefaultLib | BundleFileReference;
export interface JsonSourceFile extends SourceFile {
readonly statements: NodeArray<JsonObjectExpressionStatement>;
export interface TsConfigSourceFile extends JsonSourceFile {
extendedSourceFiles?: string[];
export interface JsonMinusNumericLiteral extends PrefixUnaryExpression {
readonly kind: SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression;
readonly operator: SyntaxKind.MinusToken;
readonly operand: NumericLiteral;
export type JsonObjectExpression =
| ObjectLiteralExpression
| ArrayLiteralExpression
| JsonMinusNumericLiteral
| NumericLiteral
| StringLiteral
| BooleanLiteral
| NullLiteral
export interface JsonObjectExpressionStatement extends ExpressionStatement {
readonly expression: JsonObjectExpression;
export interface ScriptReferenceHost {
getCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions;
getSourceFile(fileName: string): SourceFile | undefined;
getSourceFileByPath(path: Path): SourceFile | undefined;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
export interface ParseConfigHost {
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean;
readDirectory(rootDir: string, extensions: readonly string[], excludes: readonly string[] | undefined, includes: readonly string[], depth?: number): readonly string[];
* Gets a value indicating whether the specified path exists and is a file.
* @param path The path to test.
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
readFile(path: string): string | undefined;
trace?(s: string): void;
* Branded string for keeping track of when we've turned an ambiguous path
* specified like "./blah" to an absolute path to an actual
* tsconfig file, e.g. "/root/blah/tsconfig.json"
export type ResolvedConfigFileName = string & { _isResolvedConfigFileName: never };
export type WriteFileCallback = (
fileName: string,
data: string,
writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
onError?: (message: string) => void,
sourceFiles?: readonly SourceFile[],
) => void;
export class OperationCanceledException { }
export interface CancellationToken {
isCancellationRequested(): boolean;
/** @throws OperationCanceledException if isCancellationRequested is true */
throwIfCancellationRequested(): void;
export enum RefFileKind {
export interface RefFile {
referencedFileName: string;
kind: RefFileKind;
index: number;
file: Path;
export interface Program extends ScriptReferenceHost {
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
* Get a list of root file names that were passed to a 'createProgram'
getRootFileNames(): readonly string[];
* Get a list of files in the program
getSourceFiles(): readonly SourceFile[];
* Get a list of file names that were passed to 'createProgram' or referenced in a
* program source file but could not be located.
/* @internal */
getMissingFilePaths(): readonly Path[];
/* @internal */
getRefFileMap(): MultiMap<Path, RefFile> | undefined;
/* @internal */
getFilesByNameMap(): ESMap<string, SourceFile | false | undefined>;
* Emits the JavaScript and declaration files. If targetSourceFile is not specified, then
* the JavaScript and declaration files will be produced for all the files in this program.
* If targetSourceFile is specified, then only the JavaScript and declaration for that
* specific file will be generated.
* If writeFile is not specified then the writeFile callback from the compiler host will be
* used for writing the JavaScript and declaration files. Otherwise, the writeFile parameter
* will be invoked when writing the JavaScript and declaration files.
emit(targetSourceFile?: SourceFile, writeFile?: WriteFileCallback, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean, customTransformers?: CustomTransformers): EmitResult;
emit(targetSourceFile?: SourceFile, writeFile?: WriteFileCallback, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean, customTransformers?: CustomTransformers, forceDtsEmit?: boolean): EmitResult; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
getOptionsDiagnostics(cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[];
getGlobalDiagnostics(cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[];
getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[];
/** The first time this is called, it will return global diagnostics (no location). */
getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[];
getDeclarationDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[];
getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics(): readonly Diagnostic[];
/* @internal */ getSuggestionDiagnostics(sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[];
/* @internal */ getBindAndCheckDiagnostics(sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[];
/* @internal */ getProgramDiagnostics(sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[];
* Gets a type checker that can be used to semantically analyze source files in the program.
getTypeChecker(): TypeChecker;
/* @internal */ getCommonSourceDirectory(): string;
// For testing purposes only. Should not be used by any other consumers (including the
// language service).
/* @internal */ getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker(): TypeChecker;
/* @internal */ dropDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker(): void;
/* @internal */ getClassifiableNames(): UnderscoreEscapedMap<true>;
getNodeCount(): number;
getIdentifierCount(): number;
getSymbolCount(): number;
getTypeCount(): number;
getInstantiationCount(): number;
getRelationCacheSizes(): { assignable: number, identity: number, subtype: number, strictSubtype: number };
/* @internal */ getFileProcessingDiagnostics(): DiagnosticCollection;
/* @internal */ getResolvedTypeReferenceDirectives(): ESMap<string, ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined>;
isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(file: SourceFile): boolean;
isSourceFileDefaultLibrary(file: SourceFile): boolean;
// For testing purposes only.
/* @internal */ structureIsReused?: StructureIsReused;
/* @internal */ getSourceFileFromReference(referencingFile: SourceFile | UnparsedSource, ref: FileReference): SourceFile | undefined;
/* @internal */ getLibFileFromReference(ref: FileReference): SourceFile | undefined;
/** Given a source file, get the name of the package it was imported from. */
/* @internal */ sourceFileToPackageName: ESMap<string, string>;
/** Set of all source files that some other source file redirects to. */
/* @internal */ redirectTargetsMap: MultiMap<string, string>;
/** Is the file emitted file */
/* @internal */ isEmittedFile(file: string): boolean;
/* @internal */ getResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocationsFromCache(moduleName: string, containingFile: string): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations | undefined;
getProjectReferences(): readonly ProjectReference[] | undefined;
getResolvedProjectReferences(): readonly (ResolvedProjectReference | undefined)[] | undefined;
/*@internal*/ getProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string): string | undefined;
/*@internal*/ getResolvedProjectReferenceToRedirect(fileName: string): ResolvedProjectReference | undefined;
/*@internal*/ forEachResolvedProjectReference<T>(cb: (resolvedProjectReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, resolvedProjectReferencePath: Path) => T | undefined): T | undefined;
/*@internal*/ getResolvedProjectReferenceByPath(projectReferencePath: Path): ResolvedProjectReference | undefined;
/*@internal*/ isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string): boolean;
/*@internal*/ getProgramBuildInfo?(): ProgramBuildInfo | undefined;
/*@internal*/ emitBuildInfo(writeFile?: WriteFileCallback, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): EmitResult;
/*@internal*/ getProbableSymlinks(): ReadonlyESMap<string, string>;
* This implementation handles file exists to be true if file is source of project reference redirect when program is created using useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect
/*@internal*/ fileExists(fileName: string): boolean;
export interface Program extends TypeCheckerHost, ModuleSpecifierResolutionHost {
/* @internal */
export type RedirectTargetsMap = ReadonlyESMap<string, readonly string[]>;
export interface ResolvedProjectReference {
commandLine: ParsedCommandLine;
sourceFile: SourceFile;
references?: readonly (ResolvedProjectReference | undefined)[];
/* @internal */
export const enum StructureIsReused {
Not = 0,
SafeModules = 1 << 0,
Completely = 1 << 1,
export type CustomTransformerFactory = (context: TransformationContext) => CustomTransformer;
export interface CustomTransformer {
transformSourceFile(node: SourceFile): SourceFile;
transformBundle(node: Bundle): Bundle;
export interface CustomTransformers {
/** Custom transformers to evaluate before built-in .js transformations. */
before?: (TransformerFactory<SourceFile> | CustomTransformerFactory)[];
/** Custom transformers to evaluate after built-in .js transformations. */
after?: (TransformerFactory<SourceFile> | CustomTransformerFactory)[];
/** Custom transformers to evaluate after built-in .d.ts transformations. */
afterDeclarations?: (TransformerFactory<Bundle | SourceFile> | CustomTransformerFactory)[];
export interface EmitTransformers {
scriptTransformers: readonly TransformerFactory<SourceFile | Bundle>[];
declarationTransformers: readonly TransformerFactory<SourceFile | Bundle>[];
export interface SourceMapSpan {
/** Line number in the .js file. */
emittedLine: number;
/** Column number in the .js file. */
emittedColumn: number;
/** Line number in the .ts file. */
sourceLine: number;
/** Column number in the .ts file. */
sourceColumn: number;
/** Optional name (index into names array) associated with this span. */
nameIndex?: number;
/** .ts file (index into sources array) associated with this span */
sourceIndex: number;
/* @internal */
export interface SourceMapEmitResult {
inputSourceFileNames: readonly string[]; // Input source file (which one can use on program to get the file), 1:1 mapping with the sourceMap.sources list
sourceMap: RawSourceMap;
/** Return code used by getEmitOutput function to indicate status of the function */
export enum ExitStatus {
// Compiler ran successfully. Either this was a simple do-nothing compilation (for example,
// when -version or -help was provided, or this was a normal compilation, no diagnostics
// were produced, and all outputs were generated successfully.
Success = 0,
// Diagnostics were produced and because of them no code was generated.
DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped = 1,
// Diagnostics were produced and outputs were generated in spite of them.
DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated = 2,
// When build skipped because passed in project is invalid
InvalidProject_OutputsSkipped = 3,
// When build is skipped because project references form cycle
ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkipped = 4,
/** @deprecated Use ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkipped instead. */
ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkupped = 4,
export interface EmitResult {
emitSkipped: boolean;
/** Contains declaration emit diagnostics */
diagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[];
emittedFiles?: string[]; // Array of files the compiler wrote to disk
/* @internal */ sourceMaps?: SourceMapEmitResult[]; // Array of sourceMapData if compiler emitted sourcemaps
/* @internal */ exportedModulesFromDeclarationEmit?: ExportedModulesFromDeclarationEmit;
/* @internal */
export interface TypeCheckerHost extends ModuleSpecifierResolutionHost {
getCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions;
getSourceFiles(): readonly SourceFile[];
getSourceFile(fileName: string): SourceFile | undefined;
getResolvedTypeReferenceDirectives(): ReadonlyESMap<string, ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined>;
getProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string): string | undefined;
isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string): boolean;
readonly redirectTargetsMap: RedirectTargetsMap;
export interface TypeChecker {
getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol: Symbol, node: Node): Type;
getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Type;
getPropertiesOfType(type: Type): Symbol[];
getPropertyOfType(type: Type, propertyName: string): Symbol | undefined;
getPrivateIdentifierPropertyOfType(leftType: Type, name: string, location: Node): Symbol | undefined;
/* @internal */ getTypeOfPropertyOfType(type: Type, propertyName: string): Type | undefined;
getIndexInfoOfType(type: Type, kind: IndexKind): IndexInfo | undefined;
getSignaturesOfType(type: Type, kind: SignatureKind): readonly Signature[];
getIndexTypeOfType(type: Type, kind: IndexKind): Type | undefined;
getBaseTypes(type: InterfaceType): BaseType[];
getBaseTypeOfLiteralType(type: Type): Type;
getWidenedType(type: Type): Type;
/* @internal */
getPromisedTypeOfPromise(promise: Type, errorNode?: Node): Type | undefined;
/* @internal */
getAwaitedType(type: Type): Type | undefined;
getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature: Signature): Type;
* Gets the type of a parameter at a given position in a signature.
* Returns `any` if the index is not valid.
/* @internal */ getParameterType(signature: Signature, parameterIndex: number): Type;
getNullableType(type: Type, flags: TypeFlags): Type;
getNonNullableType(type: Type): Type;
/* @internal */ getNonOptionalType(type: Type): Type;
/* @internal */ isNullableType(type: Type): boolean;
getTypeArguments(type: TypeReference): readonly Type[];
// TODO: GH#18217 `xToDeclaration` calls are frequently asserted as defined.
/** Note that the resulting nodes cannot be checked. */
typeToTypeNode(type: Type, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined): TypeNode | undefined;
/* @internal */ typeToTypeNode(type: Type, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined, tracker?: SymbolTracker): TypeNode | undefined; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
/** Note that the resulting nodes cannot be checked. */
signatureToSignatureDeclaration(signature: Signature, kind: SyntaxKind, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined): SignatureDeclaration & {typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>} | undefined;
/* @internal */ signatureToSignatureDeclaration(signature: Signature, kind: SyntaxKind, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined, tracker?: SymbolTracker): SignatureDeclaration & {typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>} | undefined; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
/** Note that the resulting nodes cannot be checked. */
indexInfoToIndexSignatureDeclaration(indexInfo: IndexInfo, kind: IndexKind, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined): IndexSignatureDeclaration | undefined;
/* @internal */ indexInfoToIndexSignatureDeclaration(indexInfo: IndexInfo, kind: IndexKind, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined, tracker?: SymbolTracker): IndexSignatureDeclaration | undefined; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
/** Note that the resulting nodes cannot be checked. */
symbolToEntityName(symbol: Symbol, meaning: SymbolFlags, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined): EntityName | undefined;
/** Note that the resulting nodes cannot be checked. */
symbolToExpression(symbol: Symbol, meaning: SymbolFlags, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined): Expression | undefined;
/** Note that the resulting nodes cannot be checked. */
symbolToTypeParameterDeclarations(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined): NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration> | undefined;
/** Note that the resulting nodes cannot be checked. */
symbolToParameterDeclaration(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined): ParameterDeclaration | undefined;
/** Note that the resulting nodes cannot be checked. */
typeParameterToDeclaration(parameter: TypeParameter, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, flags: NodeBuilderFlags | undefined): TypeParameterDeclaration | undefined;
getSymbolsInScope(location: Node, meaning: SymbolFlags): Symbol[];
getSymbolAtLocation(node: Node): Symbol | undefined;
getSymbolsOfParameterPropertyDeclaration(parameter: ParameterDeclaration, parameterName: string): Symbol[];
* The function returns the value (local variable) symbol of an identifier in the short-hand property assignment.
* This is necessary as an identifier in short-hand property assignment can contains two meaning: property name and property value.
getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(location: Node): Symbol | undefined;
getExportSpecifierLocalTargetSymbol(location: ExportSpecifier): Symbol | undefined;
* If a symbol is a local symbol with an associated exported symbol, returns the exported symbol.
* Otherwise returns its input.
* For example, at `export type T = number;`:
* - `getSymbolAtLocation` at the location `T` will return the exported symbol for `T`.
* - But the result of `getSymbolsInScope` will contain the *local* symbol for `T`, not the exported symbol.
* - Calling `getExportSymbolOfSymbol` on that local symbol will return the exported symbol.
getExportSymbolOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Symbol;
getPropertySymbolOfDestructuringAssignment(location: Identifier): Symbol | undefined;
getTypeOfAssignmentPattern(pattern: AssignmentPattern): Type;
getTypeAtLocation(node: Node): Type;
getTypeFromTypeNode(node: TypeNode): Type;
signatureToString(signature: Signature, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags, kind?: SignatureKind): string;
typeToString(type: Type, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): string;
symbolToString(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, meaning?: SymbolFlags, flags?: SymbolFormatFlags): string;
typePredicateToString(predicate: TypePredicate, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): string;
/* @internal */ writeSignature(signature: Signature, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags, kind?: SignatureKind, writer?: EmitTextWriter): string;
/* @internal */ writeType(type: Type, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags, writer?: EmitTextWriter): string;
/* @internal */ writeSymbol(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, meaning?: SymbolFlags, flags?: SymbolFormatFlags, writer?: EmitTextWriter): string;
/* @internal */ writeTypePredicate(predicate: TypePredicate, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags, writer?: EmitTextWriter): string;
getFullyQualifiedName(symbol: Symbol): string;
getAugmentedPropertiesOfType(type: Type): Symbol[];
getRootSymbols(symbol: Symbol): readonly Symbol[];
getContextualType(node: Expression): Type | undefined;
/* @internal */ getContextualType(node: Expression, contextFlags?: ContextFlags): Type | undefined; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
/* @internal */ getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralElement(element: ObjectLiteralElementLike): Type | undefined;
/* @internal */ getContextualTypeForArgumentAtIndex(call: CallLikeExpression, argIndex: number): Type | undefined;
/* @internal */ getContextualTypeForJsxAttribute(attribute: JsxAttribute | JsxSpreadAttribute): Type | undefined;
/* @internal */ isContextSensitive(node: Expression | MethodDeclaration | ObjectLiteralElementLike | JsxAttributeLike): boolean;
* returns unknownSignature in the case of an error.
* returns undefined if the node is not valid.
* @param argumentCount Apparent number of arguments, passed in case of a possibly incomplete call. This should come from an ArgumentListInfo. See `signatureHelp.ts`.
getResolvedSignature(node: CallLikeExpression, candidatesOutArray?: Signature[], argumentCount?: number): Signature | undefined;
/* @internal */ getResolvedSignatureForSignatureHelp(node: CallLikeExpression, candidatesOutArray?: Signature[], argumentCount?: number): Signature | undefined;
/* @internal */ getExpandedParameters(sig: Signature): readonly (readonly Symbol[])[];
/* @internal */ hasEffectiveRestParameter(sig: Signature): boolean;
getSignatureFromDeclaration(declaration: SignatureDeclaration): Signature | undefined;
isImplementationOfOverload(node: SignatureDeclaration): boolean | undefined;
isUndefinedSymbol(symbol: Symbol): boolean;
isArgumentsSymbol(symbol: Symbol): boolean;
isUnknownSymbol(symbol: Symbol): boolean;
/* @internal */ getMergedSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Symbol;
getConstantValue(node: EnumMember | PropertyAccessExpression | ElementAccessExpression): string | number | undefined;
isValidPropertyAccess(node: PropertyAccessExpression | QualifiedName | ImportTypeNode, propertyName: string): boolean;
/** Exclude accesses to private properties or methods with a `this` parameter that `type` doesn't satisfy. */
/* @internal */ isValidPropertyAccessForCompletions(node: PropertyAccessExpression | ImportTypeNode | QualifiedName, type: Type, property: Symbol): boolean;
/** Follow all aliases to get the original symbol. */
getAliasedSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Symbol;
/** Follow a *single* alias to get the immediately aliased symbol. */
/* @internal */ getImmediateAliasedSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Symbol | undefined;
getExportsOfModule(moduleSymbol: Symbol): Symbol[];
/** Unlike `getExportsOfModule`, this includes properties of an `export =` value. */
/* @internal */ getExportsAndPropertiesOfModule(moduleSymbol: Symbol): Symbol[];
getJsxIntrinsicTagNamesAt(location: Node): Symbol[];
isOptionalParameter(node: ParameterDeclaration): boolean;
getAmbientModules(): Symbol[];
tryGetMemberInModuleExports(memberName: string, moduleSymbol: Symbol): Symbol | undefined;
* Unlike `tryGetMemberInModuleExports`, this includes properties of an `export =` value.
* Does *not* return properties of primitive types.
/* @internal */ tryGetMemberInModuleExportsAndProperties(memberName: string, moduleSymbol: Symbol): Symbol | undefined;
getApparentType(type: Type): Type;
/* @internal */ getSuggestedSymbolForNonexistentProperty(name: Identifier | PrivateIdentifier | string, containingType: Type): Symbol | undefined;
/* @internal */ getSuggestedSymbolForNonexistentJSXAttribute(name: Identifier | string, containingType: Type): Symbol | undefined;
/* @internal */ getSuggestionForNonexistentProperty(name: Identifier | PrivateIdentifier | string, containingType: Type): string | undefined;
/* @internal */ getSuggestedSymbolForNonexistentSymbol(location: Node, name: string, meaning: SymbolFlags): Symbol | undefined;
/* @internal */ getSuggestionForNonexistentSymbol(location: Node, name: string, meaning: SymbolFlags): string | undefined;
/* @internal */ getSuggestedSymbolForNonexistentModule(node: Identifier, target: Symbol): Symbol | undefined;
/* @internal */ getSuggestionForNonexistentExport(node: Identifier, target: Symbol): string | undefined;
getBaseConstraintOfType(type: Type): Type | undefined;
getDefaultFromTypeParameter(type: Type): Type | undefined;
/* @internal */ getAnyType(): Type;
/* @internal */ getStringType(): Type;
/* @internal */ getNumberType(): Type;
/* @internal */ getBooleanType(): Type;
/* @internal */ getFalseType(fresh?: boolean): Type;
/* @internal */ getTrueType(fresh?: boolean): Type;
/* @internal */ getVoidType(): Type;
/* @internal */ getUndefinedType(): Type;
/* @internal */ getNullType(): Type;
/* @internal */ getESSymbolType(): Type;
/* @internal */ getNeverType(): Type;
/* @internal */ getOptionalType(): Type;
/* @internal */ getUnionType(types: Type[], subtypeReduction?: UnionReduction): Type;
/* @internal */ createArrayType(elementType: Type): Type;
/* @internal */ getElementTypeOfArrayType(arrayType: Type): Type | undefined;
/* @internal */ createPromiseType(type: Type): Type;
/* @internal */ isTypeAssignableTo(source: Type, target: Type): boolean;
/* @internal */ createAnonymousType(symbol: Symbol | undefined, members: SymbolTable, callSignatures: Signature[], constructSignatures: Signature[], stringIndexInfo: IndexInfo | undefined, numberIndexInfo: IndexInfo | undefined): Type;
/* @internal */ createSignature(
declaration: SignatureDeclaration,
typeParameters: readonly TypeParameter[] | undefined,
thisParameter: Symbol | undefined,
parameters: readonly Symbol[],
resolvedReturnType: Type,
typePredicate: TypePredicate | undefined,
minArgumentCount: number,
flags: SignatureFlags
): Signature;
/* @internal */ createSymbol(flags: SymbolFlags, name: __String): TransientSymbol;
/* @internal */ createIndexInfo(type: Type, isReadonly: boolean, declaration?: SignatureDeclaration): IndexInfo;
/* @internal */ isSymbolAccessible(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, meaning: SymbolFlags, shouldComputeAliasToMarkVisible: boolean): SymbolAccessibilityResult;
/* @internal */ tryFindAmbientModuleWithoutAugmentations(moduleName: string): Symbol | undefined;
/* @internal */ getSymbolWalker(accept?: (symbol: Symbol) => boolean): SymbolWalker;
// Should not be called directly. Should only be accessed through the Program instance.
/* @internal */ getDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): Diagnostic[];
/* @internal */ getGlobalDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
/* @internal */ getEmitResolver(sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): EmitResolver;
/* @internal */ getNodeCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getIdentifierCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getSymbolCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getTypeCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getInstantiationCount(): number;
/* @internal */ getRelationCacheSizes(): { assignable: number, identity: number, subtype: number, strictSubtype: number };
/* @internal */ isArrayType(type: Type): boolean;
/* @internal */ isTupleType(type: Type): boolean;
/* @internal */ isArrayLikeType(type: Type): boolean;
* True if `contextualType` should not be considered for completions because
* e.g. it specifies `kind: "a"` and obj has `kind: "b"`.
/* @internal */ isTypeInvalidDueToUnionDiscriminant(contextualType: Type, obj: ObjectLiteralExpression | JsxAttributes): boolean;
* For a union, will include a property if it's defined in *any* of the member types.
* So for `{ a } | { b }`, this will include both `a` and `b`.
* Does not include properties of primitive types.
/* @internal */ getAllPossiblePropertiesOfTypes(type: readonly Type[]): Symbol[];
/* @internal */ resolveName(name: string, location: Node | undefined, meaning: SymbolFlags, excludeGlobals: boolean): Symbol | undefined;
/* @internal */ getJsxNamespace(location?: Node): string;
* Note that this will return undefined in the following case:
* // a.ts
* export namespace N { export class C { } }
* // b.ts
* <<enclosingDeclaration>>
* Where `C` is the symbol we're looking for.
* This should be called in a loop climbing parents of the symbol, so we'll get `N`.
/* @internal */ getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, meaning: SymbolFlags, useOnlyExternalAliasing: boolean): Symbol[] | undefined;
/* @internal */ getTypePredicateOfSignature(signature: Signature): TypePredicate | undefined;
/* @internal */ resolveExternalModuleName(moduleSpecifier: Expression): Symbol | undefined;
* An external module with an 'export =' declaration resolves to the target of the 'export =' declaration,
* and an external module with no 'export =' declaration resolves to the module itself.
/* @internal */ resolveExternalModuleSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Symbol;
/** @param node A location where we might consider accessing `this`. Not necessarily a ThisExpression. */
/* @internal */ tryGetThisTypeAt(node: Node, includeGlobalThis?: boolean): Type | undefined;
/* @internal */ getTypeArgumentConstraint(node: TypeNode): Type | undefined;
* Does *not* get *all* suggestion diagnostics, just the ones that were convenient to report in the checker.
* Others are added in computeSuggestionDiagnostics.
/* @internal */ getSuggestionDiagnostics(file: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[];
* Depending on the operation performed, it may be appropriate to throw away the checker
* if the cancellation token is triggered. Typically, if it is used for error checking
* and the operation is cancelled, then it should be discarded, otherwise it is safe to keep.
runWithCancellationToken<T>(token: CancellationToken, cb: (checker: TypeChecker) => T): T;
/* @internal */ getLocalTypeParametersOfClassOrInterfaceOrTypeAlias(symbol: Symbol): readonly TypeParameter[] | undefined;
/* @internal */ isDeclarationVisible(node: Declaration | AnyImportSyntax): boolean;
/* @internal */
export const enum UnionReduction {
None = 0,
/* @internal */
export const enum ContextFlags {
None = 0,
Signature = 1 << 0, // Obtaining contextual signature
NoConstraints = 1 << 1, // Don't obtain type variable constraints
Completions = 1 << 2, // Ignore inference to current node and parent nodes out to the containing call for completions
SkipBindingPatterns = 1 << 3, // Ignore contextual types applied by binding patterns
// NOTE: If modifying this enum, must modify `TypeFormatFlags` too!
export const enum NodeBuilderFlags {
None = 0,
// Options
NoTruncation = 1 << 0, // Don't truncate result
WriteArrayAsGenericType = 1 << 1, // Write Array<T> instead T[]
GenerateNamesForShadowedTypeParams = 1 << 2, // When a type parameter T is shadowing another T, generate a name for it so it can still be referenced
UseStructuralFallback = 1 << 3, // When an alias cannot be named by its symbol, rather than report an error, fallback to a structural printout if possible
ForbidIndexedAccessSymbolReferences = 1 << 4, // Forbid references like `I["a"]["b"]` - print `typeof I.a<x>.b<y>` instead
WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature = 1 << 5, // Write the type arguments instead of type parameters of the signature
UseFullyQualifiedType = 1 << 6, // Write out the fully qualified type name (eg. Module.Type, instead of Type)
UseOnlyExternalAliasing = 1 << 7, // Only use external aliases for a symbol
SuppressAnyReturnType = 1 << 8, // If the return type is any-like and can be elided, don't offer a return type.
WriteTypeParametersInQualifiedName = 1 << 9,
MultilineObjectLiterals = 1 << 10, // Always write object literals across multiple lines
WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral = 1 << 11, // Write class {} as { new(): {} } - used for mixin declaration emit
UseTypeOfFunction = 1 << 12, // Build using typeof instead of function type literal
OmitParameterModifiers = 1 << 13, // Omit modifiers on parameters
UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope = 1 << 14, // Allow non-visible aliases
UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType = 1 << 28, // Use single quotes for string literal type
NoTypeReduction = 1 << 29, // Don't call getReducedType
// Error handling
AllowThisInObjectLiteral = 1 << 15,
AllowQualifedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier = 1 << 16,
AllowAnonymousIdentifier = 1 << 17,
AllowEmptyUnionOrIntersection = 1 << 18,
AllowEmptyTuple = 1 << 19,
AllowUniqueESSymbolType = 1 << 20,
AllowEmptyIndexInfoType = 1 << 21,
// Errors (cont.)
AllowNodeModulesRelativePaths = 1 << 26,
/* @internal */ DoNotIncludeSymbolChain = 1 << 27, // Skip looking up and printing an accessible symbol chain
IgnoreErrors = AllowThisInObjectLiteral | AllowQualifedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier | AllowAnonymousIdentifier | AllowEmptyUnionOrIntersection | AllowEmptyTuple | AllowEmptyIndexInfoType | AllowNodeModulesRelativePaths,
// State
InObjectTypeLiteral = 1 << 22,
InTypeAlias = 1 << 23, // Writing type in type alias declaration
InInitialEntityName = 1 << 24, // Set when writing the LHS of an entity name or entity name expression
InReverseMappedType = 1 << 25,
// Ensure the shared flags between this and `NodeBuilderFlags` stay in alignment
export const enum TypeFormatFlags {
None = 0,
NoTruncation = 1 << 0, // Don't truncate typeToString result
WriteArrayAsGenericType = 1 << 1, // Write Array<T> instead T[]
// hole because there's a hole in node builder flags
UseStructuralFallback = 1 << 3, // When an alias cannot be named by its symbol, rather than report an error, fallback to a structural printout if possible
// hole because there's a hole in node builder flags
WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature = 1 << 5, // Write the type arguments instead of type parameters of the signature
UseFullyQualifiedType = 1 << 6, // Write out the fully qualified type name (eg. Module.Type, instead of Type)
// hole because `UseOnlyExternalAliasing` is here in node builder flags, but functions which take old flags use `SymbolFormatFlags` instead
SuppressAnyReturnType = 1 << 8, // If the return type is any-like, don't offer a return type.
// hole because `WriteTypeParametersInQualifiedName` is here in node builder flags, but functions which take old flags use `SymbolFormatFlags` for this instead
MultilineObjectLiterals = 1 << 10, // Always print object literals across multiple lines (only used to map into node builder flags)
WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral = 1 << 11, // Write a type literal instead of (Anonymous class)
UseTypeOfFunction = 1 << 12, // Write typeof instead of function type literal
OmitParameterModifiers = 1 << 13, // Omit modifiers on parameters
UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope = 1 << 14, // For a `type T = ... ` defined in a different file, write `T` instead of its value, even though `T` can't be accessed in the current scope.
UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType = 1 << 28, // Use single quotes for string literal type
NoTypeReduction = 1 << 29, // Don't call getReducedType
// Error Handling
AllowUniqueESSymbolType = 1 << 20, // This is bit 20 to align with the same bit in `NodeBuilderFlags`
// TypeFormatFlags exclusive
AddUndefined = 1 << 17, // Add undefined to types of initialized, non-optional parameters
WriteArrowStyleSignature = 1 << 18, // Write arrow style signature
// State
InArrayType = 1 << 19, // Writing an array element type
InElementType = 1 << 21, // Writing an array or union element type
InFirstTypeArgument = 1 << 22, // Writing first type argument of the instantiated type
InTypeAlias = 1 << 23, // Writing type in type alias declaration
/** @deprecated */ WriteOwnNameForAnyLike = 0, // Does nothing
NodeBuilderFlagsMask = NoTruncation | WriteArrayAsGenericType | UseStructuralFallback | WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature |
UseFullyQualifiedType | SuppressAnyReturnType | MultilineObjectLiterals | WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral |
UseTypeOfFunction | OmitParameterModifiers | UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope | AllowUniqueESSymbolType | InTypeAlias |
UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType | NoTypeReduction,
export const enum SymbolFormatFlags {
None = 0x00000000,
// Write symbols's type argument if it is instantiated symbol
// eg. class C<T> { p: T } <-- Show p as C<T>.p here
// var a: C<number>;
// var p = a.p; <--- Here p is property of C<number> so show it as C<number>.p instead of just C.p
WriteTypeParametersOrArguments = 0x00000001,
// Use only external alias information to get the symbol name in the given context
// eg. module m { export class c { } } import x = m.c;
// When this flag is specified m.c will be used to refer to the class instead of alias symbol x
UseOnlyExternalAliasing = 0x00000002,
// Build symbol name using any nodes needed, instead of just components of an entity name
AllowAnyNodeKind = 0x00000004,
// Prefer aliases which are not directly visible
UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope = 0x00000008,
// Skip building an accessible symbol chain
/* @internal */ DoNotIncludeSymbolChain = 0x00000010,
/* @internal */
export interface SymbolWalker {
/** Note: Return values are not ordered. */
walkType(root: Type): { visitedTypes: readonly Type[], visitedSymbols: readonly Symbol[] };
/** Note: Return values are not ordered. */
walkSymbol(root: Symbol): { visitedTypes: readonly Type[], visitedSymbols: readonly Symbol[] };
// This was previously deprecated in our public API, but is still used internally
/* @internal */
interface SymbolWriter extends SymbolTracker {
writeKeyword(text: string): void;
writeOperator(text: string): void;
writePunctuation(text: string): void;
writeSpace(text: string): void;
writeStringLiteral(text: string): void;
writeParameter(text: string): void;
writeProperty(text: string): void;
writeSymbol(text: string, symbol: Symbol): void;
writeLine(force?: boolean): void;
increaseIndent(): void;
decreaseIndent(): void;
clear(): void;
/* @internal */
export const enum SymbolAccessibility {
/* @internal */
export const enum SyntheticSymbolKind {
export const enum TypePredicateKind {
export interface TypePredicateBase {
kind: TypePredicateKind;
type: Type | undefined;
export interface ThisTypePredicate extends TypePredicateBase {
kind: TypePredicateKind.This;
parameterName: undefined;
parameterIndex: undefined;
type: Type;
export interface IdentifierTypePredicate extends TypePredicateBase {
kind: TypePredicateKind.Identifier;
parameterName: string;
parameterIndex: number;
type: Type;
export interface AssertsThisTypePredicate extends TypePredicateBase {
kind: TypePredicateKind.AssertsThis;
parameterName: undefined;
parameterIndex: undefined;
type: Type | undefined;
export interface AssertsIdentifierTypePredicate extends TypePredicateBase {
kind: TypePredicateKind.AssertsIdentifier;
parameterName: string;
parameterIndex: number;
type: Type | undefined;
export type TypePredicate = ThisTypePredicate | IdentifierTypePredicate | AssertsThisTypePredicate | AssertsIdentifierTypePredicate;
/* @internal */
export type AnyImportSyntax = ImportDeclaration | ImportEqualsDeclaration;
/* @internal */
export type AnyImportOrRequire = AnyImportSyntax | RequireVariableDeclaration;
/* @internal */
export type AnyImportOrReExport = AnyImportSyntax | ExportDeclaration;
/* @internal */
export interface ValidImportTypeNode extends ImportTypeNode {
argument: LiteralTypeNode & { literal: StringLiteral };
/* @internal */
export type AnyValidImportOrReExport =
| (ImportDeclaration | ExportDeclaration) & { moduleSpecifier: StringLiteral }
| ImportEqualsDeclaration & { moduleReference: ExternalModuleReference & { expression: StringLiteral } }
| RequireOrImportCall
| ValidImportTypeNode;
/* @internal */
export type RequireOrImportCall = CallExpression & { expression: Identifier, arguments: [StringLiteralLike] };
/* @internal */
export interface RequireVariableDeclaration extends VariableDeclaration {
initializer: RequireOrImportCall;
/* @internal */
export type LateVisibilityPaintedStatement =
| AnyImportSyntax
| VariableStatement
| ClassDeclaration
| FunctionDeclaration
| ModuleDeclaration
| TypeAliasDeclaration
| InterfaceDeclaration
| EnumDeclaration;
/* @internal */
export interface SymbolVisibilityResult {
accessibility: SymbolAccessibility;
aliasesToMakeVisible?: LateVisibilityPaintedStatement[]; // aliases that need to have this symbol visible
errorSymbolName?: string; // Optional symbol name that results in error
errorNode?: Node; // optional node that results in error
/* @internal */
export interface SymbolAccessibilityResult extends SymbolVisibilityResult {
errorModuleName?: string; // If the symbol is not visible from module, module's name
/* @internal */
export interface AllAccessorDeclarations {
firstAccessor: AccessorDeclaration;
secondAccessor: AccessorDeclaration | undefined;
getAccessor: GetAccessorDeclaration | undefined;
setAccessor: SetAccessorDeclaration | undefined;
/** Indicates how to serialize the name for a TypeReferenceNode when emitting decorator metadata */
/* @internal */
export enum TypeReferenceSerializationKind {
// The TypeReferenceNode could not be resolved.
// The type name should be emitted using a safe fallback.
// The TypeReferenceNode resolves to a type with a constructor
// function that can be reached at runtime (e.g. a `class`
// declaration or a `var` declaration for the static side
// of a type, such as the global `Promise` type in lib.d.ts).
// The TypeReferenceNode resolves to a Void-like, Nullable, or Never type.
// The TypeReferenceNode resolves to a Number-like type.
// The TypeReferenceNode resolves to a BigInt-like type.
// The TypeReferenceNode resolves to a String-like type.
// The TypeReferenceNode resolves to a Boolean-like type.
// The TypeReferenceNode resolves to an Array-like type.
// The TypeReferenceNode resolves to the ESSymbol type.
// The TypeReferenceNode resolved to the global Promise constructor symbol.
// The TypeReferenceNode resolves to a Function type or a type with call signatures.
// The TypeReferenceNode resolves to any other type.
/* @internal */
export interface EmitResolver {
hasGlobalName(name: string): boolean;
getReferencedExportContainer(node: Identifier, prefixLocals?: boolean): SourceFile | ModuleDeclaration | EnumDeclaration | undefined;
getReferencedImportDeclaration(node: Identifier): Declaration | undefined;
getReferencedDeclarationWithCollidingName(node: Identifier): Declaration | undefined;
isDeclarationWithCollidingName(node: Declaration): boolean;
isValueAliasDeclaration(node: Node): boolean;
isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node: Node, checkChildren?: boolean): boolean;
isTopLevelValueImportEqualsWithEntityName(node: ImportEqualsDeclaration): boolean;
getNodeCheckFlags(node: Node): NodeCheckFlags;
isDeclarationVisible(node: Declaration | AnyImportSyntax): boolean;
isLateBound(node: Declaration): node is LateBoundDeclaration;
collectLinkedAliases(node: Identifier, setVisibility?: boolean): Node[] | undefined;
isImplementationOfOverload(node: FunctionLike): boolean | undefined;
isRequiredInitializedParameter(node: ParameterDeclaration): boolean;
isOptionalUninitializedParameterProperty(node: ParameterDeclaration): boolean;
isExpandoFunctionDeclaration(node: FunctionDeclaration): boolean;
getPropertiesOfContainerFunction(node: Declaration): Symbol[];
createTypeOfDeclaration(declaration: AccessorDeclaration | VariableLikeDeclaration | PropertyAccessExpression, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: NodeBuilderFlags, tracker: SymbolTracker, addUndefined?: boolean): TypeNode | undefined;
createReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration(signatureDeclaration: SignatureDeclaration, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: NodeBuilderFlags, tracker: SymbolTracker): TypeNode | undefined;
createTypeOfExpression(expr: Expression, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: NodeBuilderFlags, tracker: SymbolTracker): TypeNode | undefined;
createLiteralConstValue(node: VariableDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration | PropertySignature | ParameterDeclaration, tracker: SymbolTracker): Expression;
isSymbolAccessible(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, meaning: SymbolFlags | undefined, shouldComputeAliasToMarkVisible: boolean): SymbolAccessibilityResult;
isEntityNameVisible(entityName: EntityNameOrEntityNameExpression, enclosingDeclaration: Node): SymbolVisibilityResult;
// Returns the constant value this property access resolves to, or 'undefined' for a non-constant
getConstantValue(node: EnumMember | PropertyAccessExpression | ElementAccessExpression): string | number | undefined;
getReferencedValueDeclaration(reference: Identifier): Declaration | undefined;
getTypeReferenceSerializationKind(typeName: EntityName, location?: Node): TypeReferenceSerializationKind;
isOptionalParameter(node: ParameterDeclaration): boolean;
moduleExportsSomeValue(moduleReferenceExpression: Expression): boolean;
isArgumentsLocalBinding(node: Identifier): boolean;
getExternalModuleFileFromDeclaration(declaration: ImportEqualsDeclaration | ImportDeclaration | ExportDeclaration | ModuleDeclaration | ImportTypeNode): SourceFile | undefined;
getTypeReferenceDirectivesForEntityName(name: EntityNameOrEntityNameExpression): string[] | undefined;
getTypeReferenceDirectivesForSymbol(symbol: Symbol, meaning?: SymbolFlags): string[] | undefined;
isLiteralConstDeclaration(node: VariableDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration | PropertySignature | ParameterDeclaration): boolean;
getJsxFactoryEntity(location?: Node): EntityName | undefined;
getJsxFragmentFactoryEntity(location?: Node): EntityName | undefined;
getAllAccessorDeclarations(declaration: AccessorDeclaration): AllAccessorDeclarations;
getSymbolOfExternalModuleSpecifier(node: StringLiteralLike): Symbol | undefined;
isBindingCapturedByNode(node: Node, decl: VariableDeclaration | BindingElement): boolean;
getDeclarationStatementsForSourceFile(node: SourceFile, flags: NodeBuilderFlags, tracker: SymbolTracker, bundled?: boolean): Statement[] | undefined;
isImportRequiredByAugmentation(decl: ImportDeclaration): boolean;
export const enum SymbolFlags {
None = 0,
FunctionScopedVariable = 1 << 0, // Variable (var) or parameter
BlockScopedVariable = 1 << 1, // A block-scoped variable (let or const)
Property = 1 << 2, // Property or enum member
EnumMember = 1 << 3, // Enum member
Function = 1 << 4, // Function
Class = 1 << 5, // Class
Interface = 1 << 6, // Interface
ConstEnum = 1 << 7, // Const enum
RegularEnum = 1 << 8, // Enum
ValueModule = 1 << 9, // Instantiated module
NamespaceModule = 1 << 10, // Uninstantiated module
TypeLiteral = 1 << 11, // Type Literal or mapped type
ObjectLiteral = 1 << 12, // Object Literal
Method = 1 << 13, // Method
Constructor = 1 << 14, // Constructor
GetAccessor = 1 << 15, // Get accessor
SetAccessor = 1 << 16, // Set accessor
Signature = 1 << 17, // Call, construct, or index signature
TypeParameter = 1 << 18, // Type parameter
TypeAlias = 1 << 19, // Type alias
ExportValue = 1 << 20, // Exported value marker (see comment in declareModuleMember in binder)
Alias = 1 << 21, // An alias for another symbol (see comment in isAliasSymbolDeclaration in checker)
Prototype = 1 << 22, // Prototype property (no source representation)
ExportStar = 1 << 23, // Export * declaration
Optional = 1 << 24, // Optional property
Transient = 1 << 25, // Transient symbol (created during type check)
Assignment = 1 << 26, // Assignment treated as declaration (eg `this.prop = 1`)
ModuleExports = 1 << 27, // Symbol for CommonJS `module` of `module.exports`
/* @internal */
All = FunctionScopedVariable | BlockScopedVariable | Property | EnumMember | Function | Class | Interface | ConstEnum | RegularEnum | ValueModule | NamespaceModule | TypeLiteral
| ObjectLiteral | Method | Constructor | GetAccessor | SetAccessor | Signature | TypeParameter | TypeAlias | ExportValue | Alias | Prototype | ExportStar | Optional | Transient,
Enum = RegularEnum | ConstEnum,
Variable = FunctionScopedVariable | BlockScopedVariable,
Value = Variable | Property | EnumMember | ObjectLiteral | Function | Class | Enum | ValueModule | Method | GetAccessor | SetAccessor,
Type = Class | Interface | Enum | EnumMember | TypeLiteral | TypeParameter | TypeAlias,
Namespace = ValueModule | NamespaceModule | Enum,
Module = ValueModule | NamespaceModule,
Accessor = GetAccessor | SetAccessor,
// Variables can be redeclared, but can not redeclare a block-scoped declaration with the
// same name, or any other value that is not a variable, e.g. ValueModule or Class
FunctionScopedVariableExcludes = Value & ~FunctionScopedVariable,
// Block-scoped declarations are not allowed to be re-declared
// they can not merge with anything in the value space
BlockScopedVariableExcludes = Value,
ParameterExcludes = Value,
PropertyExcludes = None,
EnumMemberExcludes = Value | Type,
FunctionExcludes = Value & ~(Function | ValueModule | Class),
ClassExcludes = (Value | Type) & ~(ValueModule | Interface | Function), // class-interface mergability done in checker.ts
InterfaceExcludes = Type & ~(Interface | Class),
RegularEnumExcludes = (Value | Type) & ~(RegularEnum | ValueModule), // regular enums merge only with regular enums and modules
ConstEnumExcludes = (Value | Type) & ~ConstEnum, // const enums merge only with const enums
ValueModuleExcludes = Value & ~(Function | Class | RegularEnum | ValueModule),
NamespaceModuleExcludes = 0,
MethodExcludes = Value & ~Method,
GetAccessorExcludes = Value & ~SetAccessor,
SetAccessorExcludes = Value & ~GetAccessor,
TypeParameterExcludes = Type & ~TypeParameter,
TypeAliasExcludes = Type,
AliasExcludes = Alias,
ModuleMember = Variable | Function | Class | Interface | Enum | Module | TypeAlias | Alias,
ExportHasLocal = Function | Class | Enum | ValueModule,
BlockScoped = BlockScopedVariable | Class | Enum,
PropertyOrAccessor = Property | Accessor,
ClassMember = Method | Accessor | Property,
/* @internal */
ExportSupportsDefaultModifier = Class | Function | Interface,
/* @internal */
ExportDoesNotSupportDefaultModifier = ~ExportSupportsDefaultModifier,
/* @internal */
// The set of things we consider semantically classifiable. Used to speed up the LS during
// classification.
Classifiable = Class | Enum | TypeAlias | Interface | TypeParameter | Module | Alias,
/* @internal */
LateBindingContainer = Class | Interface | TypeLiteral | ObjectLiteral | Function,
export interface Symbol {
flags: SymbolFlags; // Symbol flags
escapedName: __String; // Name of symbol
declarations: Declaration[]; // Declarations associated with this symbol
valueDeclaration: Declaration; // First value declaration of the symbol
members?: SymbolTable; // Class, interface or object literal instance members
exports?: SymbolTable; // Module exports
globalExports?: SymbolTable; // Conditional global UMD exports
/* @internal */ id?: number; // Unique id (used to look up SymbolLinks)
/* @internal */ mergeId?: number; // Merge id (used to look up merged symbol)
/* @internal */ parent?: Symbol; // Parent symbol
/* @internal */ exportSymbol?: Symbol; // Exported symbol associated with this symbol
/* @internal */ constEnumOnlyModule?: boolean; // True if module contains only const enums or other modules with only const enums
/* @internal */ isReferenced?: SymbolFlags; // True if the symbol is referenced elsewhere. Keeps track of the meaning of a reference in case a symbol is both a type parameter and parameter.
/* @internal */ isReplaceableByMethod?: boolean; // Can this Javascript class property be replaced by a method symbol?
/* @internal */ isAssigned?: boolean; // True if the symbol is a parameter with assignments
/* @internal */ assignmentDeclarationMembers?: ESMap<number, Declaration>; // detected late-bound assignment declarations associated with the symbol
/* @internal */
export interface SymbolLinks {
immediateTarget?: Symbol; // Immediate target of an alias. May be another alias. Do not access directly, use `checker.getImmediateAliasedSymbol` instead.
target?: Symbol; // Resolved (non-alias) target of an alias
type?: Type; // Type of value symbol
nameType?: Type; // Type associated with a late-bound symbol
uniqueESSymbolType?: Type; // UniqueESSymbol type for a symbol
declaredType?: Type; // Type of class, interface, enum, type alias, or type parameter
typeParameters?: TypeParameter[]; // Type parameters of type alias (undefined if non-generic)
outerTypeParameters?: TypeParameter[]; // Outer type parameters of anonymous object type
instantiations?: ESMap<string, Type>; // Instantiations of generic type alias (undefined if non-generic)
inferredClassSymbol?: ESMap<string, TransientSymbol>; // Symbol of an inferred ES5 constructor function
mapper?: TypeMapper; // Type mapper for instantiation alias
referenced?: boolean; // True if alias symbol has been referenced as a value that can be emitted
constEnumReferenced?: boolean; // True if alias symbol resolves to a const enum and is referenced as a value ('referenced' will be false)
containingType?: UnionOrIntersectionType; // Containing union or intersection type for synthetic property
leftSpread?: Symbol; // Left source for synthetic spread property
rightSpread?: Symbol; // Right source for synthetic spread property
syntheticOrigin?: Symbol; // For a property on a mapped or spread type, points back to the original property
isDiscriminantProperty?: boolean; // True if discriminant synthetic property
resolvedExports?: SymbolTable; // Resolved exports of module or combined early- and late-bound static members of a class.
resolvedMembers?: SymbolTable; // Combined early- and late-bound members of a symbol
exportsChecked?: boolean; // True if exports of external module have been checked
typeParametersChecked?: boolean; // True if type parameters of merged class and interface declarations have been checked.
isDeclarationWithCollidingName?: boolean; // True if symbol is block scoped redeclaration
bindingElement?: BindingElement; // Binding element associated with property symbol
exportsSomeValue?: boolean; // True if module exports some value (not just types)
enumKind?: EnumKind; // Enum declaration classification
originatingImport?: ImportDeclaration | ImportCall; // Import declaration which produced the symbol, present if the symbol is marked as uncallable but had call signatures in `resolveESModuleSymbol`
lateSymbol?: Symbol; // Late-bound symbol for a computed property
specifierCache?: ESMap<string, string>; // For symbols corresponding to external modules, a cache of incoming path -> module specifier name mappings
extendedContainers?: Symbol[]; // Containers (other than the parent) which this symbol is aliased in
extendedContainersByFile?: ESMap<string, Symbol[]>; // Containers (other than the parent) which this symbol is aliased in
variances?: VarianceFlags[]; // Alias symbol type argument variance cache
deferralConstituents?: Type[]; // Calculated list of constituents for a deferred type
deferralParent?: Type; // Source union/intersection of a deferred type
cjsExportMerged?: Symbol; // Version of the symbol with all non export= exports merged with the export= target
typeOnlyDeclaration?: TypeOnlyCompatibleAliasDeclaration | false; // First resolved alias declaration that makes the symbol only usable in type constructs
isConstructorDeclaredProperty?: boolean; // Property declared through 'this.x = ...' assignment in constructor
tupleLabelDeclaration?: NamedTupleMember | ParameterDeclaration; // Declaration associated with the tuple's label
/* @internal */
export const enum EnumKind {
Numeric, // Numeric enum (each member has a TypeFlags.Enum type)
Literal // Literal enum (each member has a TypeFlags.EnumLiteral type)
/* @internal */
export const enum CheckFlags {
Instantiated = 1 << 0, // Instantiated symbol
SyntheticProperty = 1 << 1, // Property in union or intersection type
SyntheticMethod = 1 << 2, // Method in union or intersection type
Readonly = 1 << 3, // Readonly transient symbol
ReadPartial = 1 << 4, // Synthetic property present in some but not all constituents
WritePartial = 1 << 5, // Synthetic property present in some but only satisfied by an index signature in others
HasNonUniformType = 1 << 6, // Synthetic property with non-uniform type in constituents
HasLiteralType = 1 << 7, // Synthetic property with at least one literal type in constituents
ContainsPublic = 1 << 8, // Synthetic property with public constituent(s)
ContainsProtected = 1 << 9, // Synthetic property with protected constituent(s)
ContainsPrivate = 1 << 10, // Synthetic property with private constituent(s)
ContainsStatic = 1 << 11, // Synthetic property with static constituent(s)
Late = 1 << 12, // Late-bound symbol for a computed property with a dynamic name
ReverseMapped = 1 << 13, // Property of reverse-inferred homomorphic mapped type
OptionalParameter = 1 << 14, // Optional parameter
RestParameter = 1 << 15, // Rest parameter
DeferredType = 1 << 16, // Calculation of the type of this symbol is deferred due to processing costs, should be fetched with `getTypeOfSymbolWithDeferredType`
HasNeverType = 1 << 17, // Synthetic property with at least one never type in constituents
Mapped = 1 << 18, // Property of mapped type
StripOptional = 1 << 19, // Strip optionality in mapped property
Synthetic = SyntheticProperty | SyntheticMethod,
Discriminant = HasNonUniformType | HasLiteralType,
Partial = ReadPartial | WritePartial
/* @internal */
export interface TransientSymbol extends Symbol, SymbolLinks {
checkFlags: CheckFlags;
/* @internal */
export interface MappedSymbol extends TransientSymbol {
mappedType: MappedType;
mapper: TypeMapper;
/* @internal */
export interface ReverseMappedSymbol extends TransientSymbol {
propertyType: Type;
mappedType: MappedType;
constraintType: IndexType;
export const enum InternalSymbolName {
Call = "__call", // Call signatures
Constructor = "__constructor", // Constructor implementations
New = "__new", // Constructor signatures
Index = "__index", // Index signatures
ExportStar = "__export", // Module export * declarations
Global = "__global", // Global self-reference
Missing = "__missing", // Indicates missing symbol
Type = "__type", // Anonymous type literal symbol
Object = "__object", // Anonymous object literal declaration
JSXAttributes = "__jsxAttributes", // Anonymous JSX attributes object literal declaration
Class = "__class", // Unnamed class expression
Function = "__function", // Unnamed function expression
Computed = "__computed", // Computed property name declaration with dynamic name
Resolving = "__resolving__", // Indicator symbol used to mark partially resolved type aliases
ExportEquals = "export=", // Export assignment symbol
Default = "default", // Default export symbol (technically not wholly internal, but included here for usability)
This = "this",
* This represents a string whose leading underscore have been escaped by adding extra leading underscores.
* The shape of this brand is rather unique compared to others we've used.
* Instead of just an intersection of a string and an object, it is that union-ed
* with an intersection of void and an object. This makes it wholly incompatible
* with a normal string (which is good, it cannot be misused on assignment or on usage),
* while still being comparable with a normal string via === (also good) and castable from a string.
export type __String = (string & { __escapedIdentifier: void }) | (void & { __escapedIdentifier: void }) | InternalSymbolName;
/** ReadonlyMap where keys are `__String`s. */
export interface ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap<T> extends ReadonlyESMap<__String, T> {
/** Map where keys are `__String`s. */
export interface UnderscoreEscapedMap<T> extends ESMap<__String, T>, ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap<T> {
/** SymbolTable based on ES6 Map interface. */
export type SymbolTable = UnderscoreEscapedMap<Symbol>;
/** Used to track a `declare module "foo*"`-like declaration. */
/* @internal */
export interface PatternAmbientModule {
pattern: Pattern;
symbol: Symbol;
/* @internal */
export const enum NodeCheckFlags {
TypeChecked = 0x00000001, // Node has been type checked
LexicalThis = 0x00000002, // Lexical 'this' reference
CaptureThis = 0x00000004, // Lexical 'this' used in body
CaptureNewTarget = 0x00000008, // Lexical 'new.target' used in body
SuperInstance = 0x00000100, // Instance 'super' reference
SuperStatic = 0x00000200, // Static 'super' reference
ContextChecked = 0x00000400, // Contextual types have been assigned
AsyncMethodWithSuper = 0x00000800, // An async method that reads a value from a member of 'super'.
AsyncMethodWithSuperBinding = 0x00001000, // An async method that assigns a value to a member of 'super'.
CaptureArguments = 0x00002000, // Lexical 'arguments' used in body
EnumValuesComputed = 0x00004000, // Values for enum members have been computed, and any errors have been reported for them.
LexicalModuleMergesWithClass = 0x00008000, // Instantiated lexical module declaration is merged with a previous class declaration.
LoopWithCapturedBlockScopedBinding = 0x00010000, // Loop that contains block scoped variable captured in closure
ContainsCapturedBlockScopeBinding = 0x00020000, // Part of a loop that contains block scoped variable captured in closure
CapturedBlockScopedBinding = 0x00040000, // Block-scoped binding that is captured in some function
BlockScopedBindingInLoop = 0x00080000, // Block-scoped binding with declaration nested inside iteration statement
ClassWithBodyScopedClassBinding = 0x00100000, // Decorated class that contains a binding to itself inside of the class body.
BodyScopedClassBinding = 0x00200000, // Binding to a decorated class inside of the class's body.
NeedsLoopOutParameter = 0x00400000, // Block scoped binding whose value should be explicitly copied outside of the converted loop
AssignmentsMarked = 0x00800000, // Parameter assignments have been marked
ClassWithConstructorReference = 0x01000000, // Class that contains a binding to its constructor inside of the class body.
ConstructorReferenceInClass = 0x02000000, // Binding to a class constructor inside of the class's body.
ContainsClassWithPrivateIdentifiers = 0x04000000, // Marked on all block-scoped containers containing a class with private identifiers.
/* @internal */
export interface NodeLinks {
flags: NodeCheckFlags; // Set of flags specific to Node
resolvedType?: Type; // Cached type of type node
resolvedEnumType?: Type; // Cached constraint type from enum jsdoc tag
resolvedSignature?: Signature; // Cached signature of signature node or call expression
resolvedSymbol?: Symbol; // Cached name resolution result
resolvedIndexInfo?: IndexInfo; // Cached indexing info resolution result
effectsSignature?: Signature; // Signature with possible control flow effects
enumMemberValue?: string | number; // Constant value of enum member
isVisible?: boolean; // Is this node visible
containsArgumentsReference?: boolean; // Whether a function-like declaration contains an 'arguments' reference
hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext?: boolean; // Cache boolean if we report statements in ambient context
jsxFlags: JsxFlags; // flags for knowing what kind of element/attributes we're dealing with
resolvedJsxElementAttributesType?: Type; // resolved element attributes type of a JSX openinglike element
resolvedJsxElementAllAttributesType?: Type; // resolved all element attributes type of a JSX openinglike element
resolvedJSDocType?: Type; // Resolved type of a JSDoc type reference
switchTypes?: Type[]; // Cached array of switch case expression types
jsxNamespace?: Symbol | false; // Resolved jsx namespace symbol for this node
contextFreeType?: Type; // Cached context-free type used by the first pass of inference; used when a function's return is partially contextually sensitive
deferredNodes?: ESMap<string, Node>; // Set of nodes whose checking has been deferred
capturedBlockScopeBindings?: Symbol[]; // Block-scoped bindings captured beneath this part of an IterationStatement
outerTypeParameters?: TypeParameter[]; // Outer type parameters of anonymous object type
instantiations?: ESMap<string, Type>; // Instantiations of generic type alias (undefined if non-generic)
isExhaustive?: boolean; // Is node an exhaustive switch statement
skipDirectInference?: true; // Flag set by the API `getContextualType` call on a node when `Completions` is passed to force the checker to skip making inferences to a node's type
declarationRequiresScopeChange?: boolean; // Set by `useOuterVariableScopeInParameter` in checker when downlevel emit would change the name resolution scope inside of a parameter.
export const enum TypeFlags {
Any = 1 << 0,
Unknown = 1 << 1,
String = 1 << 2,
Number = 1 << 3,
Boolean = 1 << 4,
Enum = 1 << 5,
BigInt = 1 << 6,
StringLiteral = 1 << 7,
NumberLiteral = 1 << 8,
BooleanLiteral = 1 << 9,
EnumLiteral = 1 << 10, // Always combined with StringLiteral, NumberLiteral, or Union
BigIntLiteral = 1 << 11,
ESSymbol = 1 << 12, // Type of symbol primitive introduced in ES6
UniqueESSymbol = 1 << 13, // unique symbol
Void = 1 << 14,
Undefined = 1 << 15,
Null = 1 << 16,
Never = 1 << 17, // Never type
TypeParameter = 1 << 18, // Type parameter
Object = 1 << 19, // Object type
Union = 1 << 20, // Union (T | U)
Intersection = 1 << 21, // Intersection (T & U)
Index = 1 << 22, // keyof T
IndexedAccess = 1 << 23, // T[K]
Conditional = 1 << 24, // T extends U ? X : Y
Substitution = 1 << 25, // Type parameter substitution
NonPrimitive = 1 << 26, // intrinsic object type
/* @internal */
AnyOrUnknown = Any | Unknown,
/* @internal */
Nullable = Undefined | Null,
Literal = StringLiteral | NumberLiteral | BigIntLiteral | BooleanLiteral,
Unit = Literal | UniqueESSymbol | Nullable,
StringOrNumberLiteral = StringLiteral | NumberLiteral,
/* @internal */
StringOrNumberLiteralOrUnique = StringLiteral | NumberLiteral | UniqueESSymbol,
/* @internal */
DefinitelyFalsy = StringLiteral | NumberLiteral | BigIntLiteral | BooleanLiteral | Void | Undefined | Null,
PossiblyFalsy = DefinitelyFalsy | String | Number | BigInt | Boolean,
/* @internal */
Intrinsic = Any | Unknown | String | Number | BigInt | Boolean | BooleanLiteral | ESSymbol | Void | Undefined | Null | Never | NonPrimitive,
/* @internal */
Primitive = String | Number | BigInt | Boolean | Enum | EnumLiteral | ESSymbol | Void | Undefined | Null | Literal | UniqueESSymbol,
StringLike = String | StringLiteral,
NumberLike = Number | NumberLiteral | Enum,
BigIntLike = BigInt | BigIntLiteral,
BooleanLike = Boolean | BooleanLiteral,
EnumLike = Enum | EnumLiteral,
ESSymbolLike = ESSymbol | UniqueESSymbol,
VoidLike = Void | Undefined,
/* @internal */
DisjointDomains = NonPrimitive | StringLike | NumberLike | BigIntLike | BooleanLike | ESSymbolLike | VoidLike | Null,
UnionOrIntersection = Union | Intersection,
StructuredType = Object | Union | Intersection,
TypeVariable = TypeParameter | IndexedAccess,
InstantiableNonPrimitive = TypeVariable | Conditional | Substitution,
InstantiablePrimitive = Index,
Instantiable = InstantiableNonPrimitive | InstantiablePrimitive,
StructuredOrInstantiable = StructuredType | Instantiable,
/* @internal */
ObjectFlagsType = Any | Nullable | Never | Object | Union | Intersection,
/* @internal */
Simplifiable = IndexedAccess | Conditional,
/* @internal */
Substructure = Object | Union | Intersection | Index | IndexedAccess | Conditional | Substitution,
// 'Narrowable' types are types where narrowing actually narrows.
// This *should* be every type other than null, undefined, void, and never
Narrowable = Any | Unknown | StructuredOrInstantiable | StringLike | NumberLike | BigIntLike | BooleanLike | ESSymbol | UniqueESSymbol | NonPrimitive,
/* @internal */
NotPrimitiveUnion = Any | Unknown | Enum | Void | Never | StructuredOrInstantiable,
// The following flags are aggregated during union and intersection type construction
/* @internal */
IncludesMask = Any | Unknown | Primitive | Never | Object | Union | Intersection | NonPrimitive,
// The following flags are used for different purposes during union and intersection type construction
/* @internal */
IncludesStructuredOrInstantiable = TypeParameter,
/* @internal */
IncludesNonWideningType = Index,
/* @internal */
IncludesWildcard = IndexedAccess,
/* @internal */
IncludesEmptyObject = Conditional,
export type DestructuringPattern = BindingPattern | ObjectLiteralExpression | ArrayLiteralExpression;
// Properties common to all types
export interface Type {
flags: TypeFlags; // Flags
/* @internal */ id: number; // Unique ID
/* @internal */ checker: TypeChecker;
symbol: Symbol; // Symbol associated with type (if any)
pattern?: DestructuringPattern; // Destructuring pattern represented by type (if any)
aliasSymbol?: Symbol; // Alias associated with type
aliasTypeArguments?: readonly Type[]; // Alias type arguments (if any)
/* @internal */ aliasTypeArgumentsContainsMarker?: boolean; // Alias type arguments (if any)
/* @internal */
permissiveInstantiation?: Type; // Instantiation with type parameters mapped to wildcard type
/* @internal */
restrictiveInstantiation?: Type; // Instantiation with type parameters mapped to unconstrained form
/* @internal */
immediateBaseConstraint?: Type; // Immediate base constraint cache
/* @internal */
widened?: Type; // Cached widened form of the type
/* @internal */
// Intrinsic types (TypeFlags.Intrinsic)
export interface IntrinsicType extends Type {
intrinsicName: string; // Name of intrinsic type
objectFlags: ObjectFlags;
/* @internal */
export interface NullableType extends IntrinsicType {
objectFlags: ObjectFlags;
/* @internal */
export interface FreshableIntrinsicType extends IntrinsicType {
freshType: IntrinsicType; // Fresh version of type
regularType: IntrinsicType; // Regular version of type
/* @internal */
export type FreshableType = LiteralType | FreshableIntrinsicType;
// String literal types (TypeFlags.StringLiteral)
// Numeric literal types (TypeFlags.NumberLiteral)
// BigInt literal types (TypeFlags.BigIntLiteral)
export interface LiteralType extends Type {
value: string | number | PseudoBigInt; // Value of literal
freshType: LiteralType; // Fresh version of type
regularType: LiteralType; // Regular version of type
// Unique symbol types (TypeFlags.UniqueESSymbol)
export interface UniqueESSymbolType extends Type {
symbol: Symbol;
escapedName: __String;
export interface StringLiteralType extends LiteralType {
value: string;
export interface NumberLiteralType extends LiteralType {
value: number;
export interface BigIntLiteralType extends LiteralType {
value: PseudoBigInt;
// Enum types (TypeFlags.Enum)
export interface EnumType extends Type {
export const enum ObjectFlags {
Class = 1 << 0, // Class
Interface = 1 << 1, // Interface
Reference = 1 << 2, // Generic type reference
Tuple = 1 << 3, // Synthesized generic tuple type
Anonymous = 1 << 4, // Anonymous
Mapped = 1 << 5, // Mapped
Instantiated = 1 << 6, // Instantiated anonymous or mapped type
ObjectLiteral = 1 << 7, // Originates in an object literal
EvolvingArray = 1 << 8, // Evolving array type
ObjectLiteralPatternWithComputedProperties = 1 << 9, // Object literal pattern with computed properties
ContainsSpread = 1 << 10, // Object literal contains spread operation
ReverseMapped = 1 << 11, // Object contains a property from a reverse-mapped type
JsxAttributes = 1 << 12, // Jsx attributes type
MarkerType = 1 << 13, // Marker type used for variance probing
JSLiteral = 1 << 14, // Object type declared in JS - disables errors on read/write of nonexisting members
FreshLiteral = 1 << 15, // Fresh object literal
ArrayLiteral = 1 << 16, // Originates in an array literal
ObjectRestType = 1 << 17, // Originates in object rest declaration
/* @internal */
PrimitiveUnion = 1 << 18, // Union of only primitive types
/* @internal */
ContainsWideningType = 1 << 19, // Type is or contains undefined or null widening type
/* @internal */
ContainsObjectOrArrayLiteral = 1 << 20, // Type is or contains object literal type
/* @internal */
NonInferrableType = 1 << 21, // Type is or contains anyFunctionType or silentNeverType
/* @internal */
IsGenericObjectTypeComputed = 1 << 22, // IsGenericObjectType flag has been computed
/* @internal */
IsGenericObjectType = 1 << 23, // Union or intersection contains generic object type
/* @internal */
IsGenericIndexTypeComputed = 1 << 24, // IsGenericIndexType flag has been computed
/* @internal */
IsGenericIndexType = 1 << 25, // Union or intersection contains generic index type
/* @internal */
CouldContainTypeVariablesComputed = 1 << 26, // CouldContainTypeVariables flag has been computed
/* @internal */
CouldContainTypeVariables = 1 << 27, // Type could contain a type variable
/* @internal */
ContainsIntersections = 1 << 28, // Union contains intersections
/* @internal */
IsNeverIntersectionComputed = 1 << 28, // IsNeverLike flag has been computed
/* @internal */
IsNeverIntersection = 1 << 29, // Intersection reduces to never
ClassOrInterface = Class | Interface,
/* @internal */
RequiresWidening = ContainsWideningType | ContainsObjectOrArrayLiteral,
/* @internal */
PropagatingFlags = ContainsWideningType | ContainsObjectOrArrayLiteral | NonInferrableType
/* @internal */
export type ObjectFlagsType = NullableType | ObjectType | UnionType | IntersectionType;
// Object types (TypeFlags.ObjectType)
export interface ObjectType extends Type {
objectFlags: ObjectFlags;
/* @internal */ members?: SymbolTable; // Properties by name
/* @internal */ properties?: Symbol[]; // Properties
/* @internal */ callSignatures?: readonly Signature[]; // Call signatures of type
/* @internal */ constructSignatures?: readonly Signature[]; // Construct signatures of type
/* @internal */ stringIndexInfo?: IndexInfo; // String indexing info
/* @internal */ numberIndexInfo?: IndexInfo; // Numeric indexing info
/** Class and interface types (ObjectFlags.Class and ObjectFlags.Interface). */
export interface InterfaceType extends ObjectType {
typeParameters: TypeParameter[] | undefined; // Type parameters (undefined if non-generic)
outerTypeParameters: TypeParameter[] | undefined; // Outer type parameters (undefined if none)
localTypeParameters: TypeParameter[] | undefined; // Local type parameters (undefined if none)
thisType: TypeParameter | undefined; // The "this" type (undefined if none)
/* @internal */
resolvedBaseConstructorType?: Type; // Resolved base constructor type of class
/* @internal */
resolvedBaseTypes: BaseType[]; // Resolved base types
// Object type or intersection of object types
export type BaseType = ObjectType | IntersectionType | TypeVariable; // Also `any` and `object`
export interface InterfaceTypeWithDeclaredMembers extends InterfaceType {
declaredProperties: Symbol[]; // Declared members
declaredCallSignatures: Signature[]; // Declared call signatures
declaredConstructSignatures: Signature[]; // Declared construct signatures
declaredStringIndexInfo?: IndexInfo; // Declared string indexing info
declaredNumberIndexInfo?: IndexInfo; // Declared numeric indexing info
* Type references (ObjectFlags.Reference). When a class or interface has type parameters or
* a "this" type, references to the class or interface are made using type references. The
* typeArguments property specifies the types to substitute for the type parameters of the
* class or interface and optionally includes an extra element that specifies the type to
* substitute for "this" in the resulting instantiation. When no extra argument is present,
* the type reference itself is substituted for "this". The typeArguments property is undefined
* if the class or interface has no type parameters and the reference isn't specifying an
* explicit "this" argument.
export interface TypeReference extends ObjectType {
target: GenericType; // Type reference target
node?: TypeReferenceNode | ArrayTypeNode | TupleTypeNode;
/* @internal */
mapper?: TypeMapper;
/* @internal */
resolvedTypeArguments?: readonly Type[]; // Resolved type reference type arguments
/* @internal */
literalType?: TypeReference; // Clone of type with ObjectFlags.ArrayLiteral set
export interface DeferredTypeReference extends TypeReference {
/* @internal */
node: TypeReferenceNode | ArrayTypeNode | TupleTypeNode;
/* @internal */
mapper?: TypeMapper;
/* @internal */
export const enum VarianceFlags {
Invariant = 0, // Neither covariant nor contravariant
Covariant = 1 << 0, // Covariant
Contravariant = 1 << 1, // Contravariant
Bivariant = Covariant | Contravariant, // Both covariant and contravariant
Independent = 1 << 2, // Unwitnessed type parameter
VarianceMask = Invariant | Covariant | Contravariant | Independent, // Mask containing all measured variances without the unmeasurable flag
Unmeasurable = 1 << 3, // Variance result is unusable - relationship relies on structural comparisons which are not reflected in generic relationships
Unreliable = 1 << 4, // Variance result is unreliable - checking may produce false negatives, but not false positives
AllowsStructuralFallback = Unmeasurable | Unreliable,
// Generic class and interface types
export interface GenericType extends InterfaceType, TypeReference {
/* @internal */
instantiations: ESMap<string, TypeReference>; // Generic instantiation cache
/* @internal */
variances?: VarianceFlags[]; // Variance of each type parameter
export const enum ElementFlags {
Required = 1 << 0, // T
Optional = 1 << 1, // T?
Rest = 1 << 2, // ...T[]
Variadic = 1 << 3, // ...T
Variable = Rest | Variadic,
export interface TupleType extends GenericType {
elementFlags: readonly ElementFlags[];
minLength: number;
fixedLength: number;
hasRestElement: boolean;
combinedFlags: ElementFlags;
readonly: boolean;
labeledElementDeclarations?: readonly (NamedTupleMember | ParameterDeclaration)[];
export interface TupleTypeReference extends TypeReference {
target: TupleType;
export interface UnionOrIntersectionType extends Type {
types: Type[]; // Constituent types
/* @internal */
objectFlags: ObjectFlags;
/* @internal */
propertyCache: SymbolTable; // Cache of resolved properties
/* @internal */
resolvedProperties: Symbol[];
/* @internal */
resolvedIndexType: IndexType;
/* @internal */
resolvedStringIndexType: IndexType;
/* @internal */
resolvedBaseConstraint: Type;
export interface UnionType extends UnionOrIntersectionType {
/* @internal */
resolvedReducedType: Type;
/* @internal */
regularType: UnionType;
export interface IntersectionType extends UnionOrIntersectionType {
/* @internal */
resolvedApparentType: Type;
export type StructuredType = ObjectType | UnionType | IntersectionType;
/* @internal */
// An instantiated anonymous type has a target and a mapper
export interface AnonymousType extends ObjectType {
target?: AnonymousType; // Instantiation target
mapper?: TypeMapper; // Instantiation mapper
/* @internal */
export interface MappedType extends AnonymousType {
declaration: MappedTypeNode;
typeParameter?: TypeParameter;
constraintType?: Type;
templateType?: Type;
modifiersType?: Type;
resolvedApparentType?: Type;
export interface EvolvingArrayType extends ObjectType {
elementType: Type; // Element expressions of evolving array type
finalArrayType?: Type; // Final array type of evolving array type
/* @internal */
export interface ReverseMappedType extends ObjectType {
source: Type;
mappedType: MappedType;
constraintType: IndexType;
/* @internal */
// Resolved object, union, or intersection type
export interface ResolvedType extends ObjectType, UnionOrIntersectionType {
members: SymbolTable; // Properties by name
properties: Symbol[]; // Properties
callSignatures: readonly Signature[]; // Call signatures of type
constructSignatures: readonly Signature[]; // Construct signatures of type
/* @internal */
// Object literals are initially marked fresh. Freshness disappears following an assignment,
// before a type assertion, or when an object literal's type is widened. The regular
// version of a fresh type is identical except for the TypeFlags.FreshObjectLiteral flag.
export interface FreshObjectLiteralType extends ResolvedType {
regularType: ResolvedType; // Regular version of fresh type
/* @internal */
export interface IterationTypes {
readonly yieldType: Type;
readonly returnType: Type;
readonly nextType: Type;
// Just a place to cache element types of iterables and iterators
/* @internal */
export interface IterableOrIteratorType extends ObjectType, UnionType {
iterationTypesOfGeneratorReturnType?: IterationTypes;
iterationTypesOfAsyncGeneratorReturnType?: IterationTypes;
iterationTypesOfIterable?: IterationTypes;
iterationTypesOfIterator?: IterationTypes;
iterationTypesOfAsyncIterable?: IterationTypes;
iterationTypesOfAsyncIterator?: IterationTypes;
iterationTypesOfIteratorResult?: IterationTypes;
/* @internal */
export interface PromiseOrAwaitableType extends ObjectType, UnionType {
promiseTypeOfPromiseConstructor?: Type;
promisedTypeOfPromise?: Type;
awaitedTypeOfType?: Type;
/* @internal */
export interface SyntheticDefaultModuleType extends Type {
syntheticType?: Type;
export interface InstantiableType extends Type {
/* @internal */
resolvedBaseConstraint?: Type;
/* @internal */
resolvedIndexType?: IndexType;
/* @internal */
resolvedStringIndexType?: IndexType;
// Type parameters (TypeFlags.TypeParameter)
export interface TypeParameter extends InstantiableType {
/** Retrieve using getConstraintFromTypeParameter */
/* @internal */
constraint?: Type; // Constraint
/* @internal */
default?: Type;
/* @internal */
target?: TypeParameter; // Instantiation target
/* @internal */
mapper?: TypeMapper; // Instantiation mapper
/* @internal */
isThisType?: boolean;
/* @internal */
resolvedDefaultType?: Type;
// Indexed access types (TypeFlags.IndexedAccess)
// Possible forms are T[xxx], xxx[T], or xxx[keyof T], where T is a type variable
export interface IndexedAccessType extends InstantiableType {
objectType: Type;
indexType: Type;
constraint?: Type;
simplifiedForReading?: Type;
simplifiedForWriting?: Type;
export type TypeVariable = TypeParameter | IndexedAccessType;
// keyof T types (TypeFlags.Index)
export interface IndexType extends InstantiableType {
type: InstantiableType | UnionOrIntersectionType;
/* @internal */
stringsOnly: boolean;
export interface ConditionalRoot {
node: ConditionalTypeNode;
checkType: Type;
extendsType: Type;
trueType: Type;
falseType: Type;
isDistributive: boolean;
inferTypeParameters?: TypeParameter[];
outerTypeParameters?: TypeParameter[];
instantiations?: Map<Type>;
aliasSymbol?: Symbol;
aliasTypeArguments?: Type[];
// T extends U ? X : Y (TypeFlags.Conditional)
export interface ConditionalType extends InstantiableType {
root: ConditionalRoot;
checkType: Type;
extendsType: Type;
resolvedTrueType: Type;
resolvedFalseType: Type;
/* @internal */
resolvedInferredTrueType?: Type; // The `trueType` instantiated with the `combinedMapper`, if present
/* @internal */
resolvedDefaultConstraint?: Type;
/* @internal */
mapper?: TypeMapper;
/* @internal */
combinedMapper?: TypeMapper;
// Type parameter substitution (TypeFlags.Substitution)
// Substitution types are created for type parameters or indexed access types that occur in the
// true branch of a conditional type. For example, in 'T extends string ? Foo<T> : Bar<T>', the
// reference to T in Foo<T> is resolved as a substitution type that substitutes 'string & T' for T.
// Thus, if Foo has a 'string' constraint on its type parameter, T will satisfy it. Substitution
// types disappear upon instantiation (just like type parameters).
export interface SubstitutionType extends InstantiableType {
baseType: Type; // Target type
substitute: Type; // Type to substitute for type parameter
/* @internal */
export const enum JsxReferenceKind {
export const enum SignatureKind {
/* @internal */
export const enum SignatureFlags {
None = 0,
HasRestParameter = 1 << 0, // Indicates last parameter is rest parameter
HasLiteralTypes = 1 << 1, // Indicates signature is specialized
IsInnerCallChain = 1 << 2, // Indicates signature comes from a CallChain nested in an outer OptionalChain
IsOuterCallChain = 1 << 3, // Indicates signature comes from a CallChain that is the outermost chain of an optional expression
IsUntypedSignatureInJSFile = 1 << 4, // Indicates signature is from a js file and has no types
// We do not propagate `IsInnerCallChain` to instantiated signatures, as that would result in us
// attempting to add `| undefined` on each recursive call to `getReturnTypeOfSignature` when
// instantiating the return type.
PropagatingFlags = HasRestParameter | HasLiteralTypes,
CallChainFlags = IsInnerCallChain | IsOuterCallChain,
export interface Signature {
/* @internal */ flags: SignatureFlags;
/* @internal */ checker?: TypeChecker;
declaration?: SignatureDeclaration | JSDocSignature; // Originating declaration
typeParameters?: readonly TypeParameter[]; // Type parameters (undefined if non-generic)
parameters: readonly Symbol[]; // Parameters
/* @internal */
thisParameter?: Symbol; // symbol of this-type parameter
/* @internal */
// See comment in `instantiateSignature` for why these are set lazily.
resolvedReturnType?: Type; // Lazily set by `getReturnTypeOfSignature`.
/* @internal */
// Lazily set by `getTypePredicateOfSignature`.
// `undefined` indicates a type predicate that has not yet been computed.
// Uses a special `noTypePredicate` sentinel value to indicate that there is no type predicate. This looks like a TypePredicate at runtime to avoid polymorphism.
resolvedTypePredicate?: TypePredicate;
/* @internal */
minArgumentCount: number; // Number of non-optional parameters
/* @internal */
target?: Signature; // Instantiation target
/* @internal */
mapper?: TypeMapper; // Instantiation mapper
/* @internal */
unionSignatures?: Signature[]; // Underlying signatures of a union signature
/* @internal */
erasedSignatureCache?: Signature; // Erased version of signature (deferred)
/* @internal */
canonicalSignatureCache?: Signature; // Canonical version of signature (deferred)
/* @internal */
optionalCallSignatureCache?: { inner?: Signature, outer?: Signature }; // Optional chained call version of signature (deferred)
/* @internal */
isolatedSignatureType?: ObjectType; // A manufactured type that just contains the signature for purposes of signature comparison
/* @internal */
instantiations?: ESMap<string, Signature>; // Generic signature instantiation cache
export const enum IndexKind {
export interface IndexInfo {
type: Type;
isReadonly: boolean;
declaration?: IndexSignatureDeclaration;
/* @internal */
export const enum TypeMapKind {
/* @internal */
export type TypeMapper =
| { kind: TypeMapKind.Simple, source: Type, target: Type }
| { kind: TypeMapKind.Array, sources: readonly Type[], targets: readonly Type[] | undefined }
| { kind: TypeMapKind.Function, func: (t: Type) => Type }
| { kind: TypeMapKind.Composite | TypeMapKind.Merged, mapper1: TypeMapper, mapper2: TypeMapper };
export const enum InferencePriority {
NakedTypeVariable = 1 << 0, // Naked type variable in union or intersection type
HomomorphicMappedType = 1 << 1, // Reverse inference for homomorphic mapped type
PartialHomomorphicMappedType = 1 << 2, // Partial reverse inference for homomorphic mapped type
MappedTypeConstraint = 1 << 3, // Reverse inference for mapped type
ContravariantConditional = 1 << 4, // Conditional type in contravariant position
ReturnType = 1 << 5, // Inference made from return type of generic function
LiteralKeyof = 1 << 6, // Inference made from a string literal to a keyof T
NoConstraints = 1 << 7, // Don't infer from constraints of instantiable types
AlwaysStrict = 1 << 8, // Always use strict rules for contravariant inferences
MaxValue = 1 << 9, // Seed for inference priority tracking
PriorityImpliesCombination = ReturnType | MappedTypeConstraint | LiteralKeyof, // These priorities imply that the resulting type should be a combination of all candidates
Circularity = -1, // Inference circularity (value less than all other priorities)
/* @internal */
export interface InferenceInfo {
typeParameter: TypeParameter; // Type parameter for which inferences are being made
candidates: Type[] | undefined; // Candidates in covariant positions (or undefined)
contraCandidates: Type[] | undefined; // Candidates in contravariant positions (or undefined)
inferredType?: Type; // Cache for resolved inferred type
priority?: InferencePriority; // Priority of current inference set
topLevel: boolean; // True if all inferences are to top level occurrences
isFixed: boolean; // True if inferences are fixed
impliedArity?: number;
/* @internal */
export const enum InferenceFlags {
None = 0, // No special inference behaviors
NoDefault = 1 << 0, // Infer unknownType for no inferences (otherwise anyType or emptyObjectType)
AnyDefault = 1 << 1, // Infer anyType for no inferences (otherwise emptyObjectType)
SkippedGenericFunction = 1 << 2, // A generic function was skipped during inference
* Ternary values are defined such that
* x & y is False if either x or y is False.
* x & y is Maybe if either x or y is Maybe, but neither x or y is False.
* x & y is True if both x and y are True.
* x | y is False if both x and y are False.
* x | y is Maybe if either x or y is Maybe, but neither x or y is True.
* x | y is True if either x or y is True.
/* @internal */
export const enum Ternary {
False = 0,
Maybe = 1,
True = -1
/* @internal */
export type TypeComparer = (s: Type, t: Type, reportErrors?: boolean) => Ternary;
/* @internal */
export interface InferenceContext {
inferences: InferenceInfo[]; // Inferences made for each type parameter
signature?: Signature; // Generic signature for which inferences are made (if any)
flags: InferenceFlags; // Inference flags
compareTypes: TypeComparer; // Type comparer function
mapper: TypeMapper; // Mapper that fixes inferences
nonFixingMapper: TypeMapper; // Mapper that doesn't fix inferences
returnMapper?: TypeMapper; // Type mapper for inferences from return types (if any)
inferredTypeParameters?: readonly TypeParameter[]; // Inferred type parameters for function result
/* @internal */
export interface WideningContext {
parent?: WideningContext; // Parent context
propertyName?: __String; // Name of property in parent
siblings?: Type[]; // Types of siblings
resolvedProperties?: Symbol[]; // Properties occurring in sibling object literals
/* @internal */
export const enum AssignmentDeclarationKind {
/// exports.name = expr
/// module.exports = expr
/// className.prototype.name = expr
/// this.name = expr
// F.name = expr
// F.prototype = { ... }
// Object.defineProperty(x, 'name', { value: any, writable?: boolean (false by default) });
// Object.defineProperty(x, 'name', { get: Function, set: Function });
// Object.defineProperty(x, 'name', { get: Function });
// Object.defineProperty(x, 'name', { set: Function });
// Object.defineProperty(exports || module.exports, 'name', ...);
// Object.defineProperty(Foo.prototype, 'name', ...);
/** @deprecated Use FileExtensionInfo instead. */
export type JsFileExtensionInfo = FileExtensionInfo;
export interface FileExtensionInfo {
extension: string;
isMixedContent: boolean;
scriptKind?: ScriptKind;
export interface DiagnosticMessage {
key: string;
category: DiagnosticCategory;
code: number;
message: string;
reportsUnnecessary?: {};
reportsDeprecated?: {};
/* @internal */
elidedInCompatabilityPyramid?: boolean;
* A linked list of formatted diagnostic messages to be used as part of a multiline message.
* It is built from the bottom up, leaving the head to be the "main" diagnostic.
* While it seems that DiagnosticMessageChain is structurally similar to DiagnosticMessage,
* the difference is that messages are all preformatted in DMC.
export interface DiagnosticMessageChain {
messageText: string;
category: DiagnosticCategory;
code: number;
next?: DiagnosticMessageChain[];
export interface Diagnostic extends DiagnosticRelatedInformation {
/** May store more in future. For now, this will simply be `true` to indicate when a diagnostic is an unused-identifier diagnostic. */
reportsUnnecessary?: {};
reportsDeprecated?: {}
source?: string;
relatedInformation?: DiagnosticRelatedInformation[];
/* @internal */ skippedOn?: keyof CompilerOptions;
export interface DiagnosticRelatedInformation {
category: DiagnosticCategory;
code: number;
file: SourceFile | undefined;
start: number | undefined;
length: number | undefined;
messageText: string | DiagnosticMessageChain;
export interface DiagnosticWithLocation extends Diagnostic {
file: SourceFile;
start: number;
length: number;
/* @internal*/
export interface DiagnosticWithDetachedLocation extends Diagnostic {
file: undefined;
fileName: string;
start: number;
length: number;
export enum DiagnosticCategory {
/* @internal */
export function diagnosticCategoryName(d: { category: DiagnosticCategory }, lowerCase = true): string {
const name = DiagnosticCategory[d.category];
return lowerCase ? name.toLowerCase() : name;
export enum ModuleResolutionKind {
Classic = 1,
NodeJs = 2
export interface PluginImport {
name: string;
export interface ProjectReference {
/** A normalized path on disk */
path: string;
/** The path as the user originally wrote it */
originalPath?: string;
/** True if the output of this reference should be prepended to the output of this project. Only valid for --outFile compilations */
prepend?: boolean;
/** True if it is intended that this reference form a circularity */
circular?: boolean;
export enum WatchFileKind {
export enum WatchDirectoryKind {
export enum PollingWatchKind {
export type CompilerOptionsValue = string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | string[] | MapLike<string[]> | PluginImport[] | ProjectReference[] | null | undefined;
export interface CompilerOptions {
/*@internal*/ all?: boolean;
allowJs?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ allowNonTsExtensions?: boolean;
allowSyntheticDefaultImports?: boolean;
allowUmdGlobalAccess?: boolean;
allowUnreachableCode?: boolean;
allowUnusedLabels?: boolean;
alwaysStrict?: boolean; // Always combine with strict property
baseUrl?: string;
/** An error if set - this should only go through the -b pipeline and not actually be observed */
build?: boolean;
charset?: string;
checkJs?: boolean;
/* @internal */ configFilePath?: string;
/** configFile is set as non enumerable property so as to avoid checking of json source files */
/* @internal */ readonly configFile?: TsConfigSourceFile;
declaration?: boolean;
declarationMap?: boolean;
emitDeclarationOnly?: boolean;
declarationDir?: string;
/* @internal */ diagnostics?: boolean;
/* @internal */ extendedDiagnostics?: boolean;
disableSizeLimit?: boolean;
disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect?: boolean;
disableSolutionSearching?: boolean;
downlevelIteration?: boolean;
emitBOM?: boolean;
emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean;
experimentalDecorators?: boolean;
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames?: boolean;
/*@internal*/generateCpuProfile?: string;
/*@internal*/help?: boolean;
importHelpers?: boolean;
importsNotUsedAsValues?: ImportsNotUsedAsValues;
/*@internal*/init?: boolean;
inlineSourceMap?: boolean;
inlineSources?: boolean;
isolatedModules?: boolean;
jsx?: JsxEmit;
keyofStringsOnly?: boolean;
lib?: string[];
/*@internal*/listEmittedFiles?: boolean;
/*@internal*/listFiles?: boolean;
/*@internal*/listFilesOnly?: boolean;
locale?: string;
mapRoot?: string;
maxNodeModuleJsDepth?: number;
module?: ModuleKind;
moduleResolution?: ModuleResolutionKind;
newLine?: NewLineKind;
noEmit?: boolean;
/*@internal*/noEmitForJsFiles?: boolean;
noEmitHelpers?: boolean;
noEmitOnError?: boolean;
noErrorTruncation?: boolean;
noFallthroughCasesInSwitch?: boolean;
noImplicitAny?: boolean; // Always combine with strict property
noImplicitReturns?: boolean;
noImplicitThis?: boolean; // Always combine with strict property
noStrictGenericChecks?: boolean;
noUnusedLocals?: boolean;
noUnusedParameters?: boolean;
noImplicitUseStrict?: boolean;
assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies?: boolean;
noLib?: boolean;
noResolve?: boolean;
out?: string;
outDir?: string;
outFile?: string;
paths?: MapLike<string[]>;
/*@internal*/ plugins?: PluginImport[];
preserveConstEnums?: boolean;
preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
/* @internal */ preserveWatchOutput?: boolean;
project?: string;
/* @internal */ pretty?: boolean;
reactNamespace?: string;
jsxFactory?: string;
jsxFragmentFactory?: string;
composite?: boolean;
incremental?: boolean;
tsBuildInfoFile?: string;
removeComments?: boolean;
rootDir?: string;
rootDirs?: string[];
skipLibCheck?: boolean;
skipDefaultLibCheck?: boolean;
sourceMap?: boolean;
sourceRoot?: string;
strict?: boolean;
strictFunctionTypes?: boolean; // Always combine with strict property
strictBindCallApply?: boolean; // Always combine with strict property
strictNullChecks?: boolean; // Always combine with strict property
strictPropertyInitialization?: boolean; // Always combine with strict property
stripInternal?: boolean;
suppressExcessPropertyErrors?: boolean;
suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors?: boolean;
/* @internal */ suppressOutputPathCheck?: boolean;
target?: ScriptTarget; // TODO: GH#18217 frequently asserted as defined
traceResolution?: boolean;
resolveJsonModule?: boolean;
types?: string[];
/** Paths used to compute primary types search locations */
typeRoots?: string[];
/*@internal*/ version?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ watch?: boolean;
esModuleInterop?: boolean;
/* @internal */ showConfig?: boolean;
useDefineForClassFields?: boolean;
[option: string]: CompilerOptionsValue | TsConfigSourceFile | undefined;
export interface WatchOptions {
watchFile?: WatchFileKind;
watchDirectory?: WatchDirectoryKind;
fallbackPolling?: PollingWatchKind;
synchronousWatchDirectory?: boolean;
[option: string]: CompilerOptionsValue | undefined;
export interface TypeAcquisition {
* @deprecated typingOptions.enableAutoDiscovery
* Use typeAcquisition.enable instead.
enableAutoDiscovery?: boolean;
enable?: boolean;
include?: string[];
exclude?: string[];
[option: string]: string[] | boolean | undefined;
export enum ModuleKind {
None = 0,
CommonJS = 1,
AMD = 2,
UMD = 3,
System = 4,
// NOTE: ES module kinds should be contiguous to more easily check whether a module kind is *any* ES module kind.
// Non-ES module kinds should not come between ES2015 (the earliest ES module kind) and ESNext (the last ES
// module kind).
ES2015 = 5,
ES2020 = 6,
ESNext = 99
export const enum JsxEmit {
None = 0,
Preserve = 1,
React = 2,
ReactNative = 3
export const enum ImportsNotUsedAsValues {
export const enum NewLineKind {
CarriageReturnLineFeed = 0,
LineFeed = 1
export interface LineAndCharacter {
/** 0-based. */
line: number;
* 0-based. This value denotes the character position in line and is different from the 'column' because of tab characters.
character: number;
export const enum ScriptKind {
Unknown = 0,
JS = 1,
JSX = 2,
TS = 3,
TSX = 4,
External = 5,
JSON = 6,
* Used on extensions that doesn't define the ScriptKind but the content defines it.
* Deferred extensions are going to be included in all project contexts.
Deferred = 7
export const enum ScriptTarget {
ES3 = 0,
ES5 = 1,
ES2015 = 2,
ES2016 = 3,
ES2017 = 4,
ES2018 = 5,
ES2019 = 6,
ES2020 = 7,
ESNext = 99,
JSON = 100,
Latest = ESNext,
export const enum LanguageVariant {
/** Either a parsed command line or a parsed tsconfig.json */
export interface ParsedCommandLine {
options: CompilerOptions;
typeAcquisition?: TypeAcquisition;
fileNames: string[];
projectReferences?: readonly ProjectReference[];
watchOptions?: WatchOptions;
raw?: any;
errors: Diagnostic[];
wildcardDirectories?: MapLike<WatchDirectoryFlags>;
compileOnSave?: boolean;
/* @internal */ configFileSpecs?: ConfigFileSpecs;
export const enum WatchDirectoryFlags {
None = 0,
Recursive = 1 << 0,
/* @internal */
export interface ConfigFileSpecs {
filesSpecs: readonly string[] | undefined;
* Present to report errors (user specified specs), validatedIncludeSpecs are used for file name matching
includeSpecs?: readonly string[];
* Present to report errors (user specified specs), validatedExcludeSpecs are used for file name matching
excludeSpecs?: readonly string[];
validatedIncludeSpecs?: readonly string[];
validatedExcludeSpecs?: readonly string[];
wildcardDirectories: MapLike<WatchDirectoryFlags>;
export interface ExpandResult {
fileNames: string[];
wildcardDirectories: MapLike<WatchDirectoryFlags>;
/* @internal */ spec: ConfigFileSpecs;
/* @internal */
export type RequireResult<T = {}> =
| { module: T, modulePath?: string, error: undefined }
| { module: undefined, modulePath?: undefined, error: { stack?: string, message?: string } };
export interface CreateProgramOptions {
rootNames: readonly string[];
options: CompilerOptions;
projectReferences?: readonly ProjectReference[];
host?: CompilerHost;
oldProgram?: Program;
configFileParsingDiagnostics?: readonly Diagnostic[];
/* @internal */
export interface CommandLineOptionBase {
name: string;
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "object" | "list" | ESMap<string, number | string>; // a value of a primitive type, or an object literal mapping named values to actual values
isFilePath?: boolean; // True if option value is a path or fileName
shortName?: string; // A short mnemonic for convenience - for instance, 'h' can be used in place of 'help'
description?: DiagnosticMessage; // The message describing what the command line switch does
paramType?: DiagnosticMessage; // The name to be used for a non-boolean option's parameter
isTSConfigOnly?: boolean; // True if option can only be specified via tsconfig.json file
isCommandLineOnly?: boolean;
showInSimplifiedHelpView?: boolean;
category?: DiagnosticMessage;
strictFlag?: true; // true if the option is one of the flag under strict
affectsSourceFile?: true; // true if we should recreate SourceFiles after this option changes
affectsModuleResolution?: true; // currently same effect as `affectsSourceFile`
affectsBindDiagnostics?: true; // true if this affects binding (currently same effect as `affectsSourceFile`)
affectsSemanticDiagnostics?: true; // true if option affects semantic diagnostics
affectsEmit?: true; // true if the options affects emit
transpileOptionValue?: boolean | undefined; // If set this means that the option should be set to this value when transpiling
/* @internal */
export interface CommandLineOptionOfPrimitiveType extends CommandLineOptionBase {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
/* @internal */
export interface CommandLineOptionOfCustomType extends CommandLineOptionBase {
type: ESMap<string, number | string>; // an object literal mapping named values to actual values
/* @internal */
export interface DidYouMeanOptionsDiagnostics {
optionDeclarations: CommandLineOption[];
unknownOptionDiagnostic: DiagnosticMessage,
unknownDidYouMeanDiagnostic: DiagnosticMessage,
/* @internal */
export interface TsConfigOnlyOption extends CommandLineOptionBase {
type: "object";
elementOptions?: ESMap<string, CommandLineOption>;
extraKeyDiagnostics?: DidYouMeanOptionsDiagnostics;
/* @internal */
export interface CommandLineOptionOfListType extends CommandLineOptionBase {
type: "list";
element: CommandLineOptionOfCustomType | CommandLineOptionOfPrimitiveType | TsConfigOnlyOption;
/* @internal */
export type CommandLineOption = CommandLineOptionOfCustomType | CommandLineOptionOfPrimitiveType | TsConfigOnlyOption | CommandLineOptionOfListType;
/* @internal */
export const enum CharacterCodes {
nullCharacter = 0,
maxAsciiCharacter = 0x7F,
lineFeed = 0x0A, // \n
carriageReturn = 0x0D, // \r
lineSeparator = 0x2028,
paragraphSeparator = 0x2029,
nextLine = 0x0085,
// Unicode 3.0 space characters
space = 0x0020, // " "
nonBreakingSpace = 0x00A0, //
enQuad = 0x2000,
emQuad = 0x2001,
enSpace = 0x2002,
emSpace = 0x2003,
threePerEmSpace = 0x2004,
fourPerEmSpace = 0x2005,
sixPerEmSpace = 0x2006,
figureSpace = 0x2007,
punctuationSpace = 0x2008,
thinSpace = 0x2009,
hairSpace = 0x200A,
zeroWidthSpace = 0x200B,
narrowNoBreakSpace = 0x202F,
ideographicSpace = 0x3000,
mathematicalSpace = 0x205F,
ogham = 0x1680,
_ = 0x5F,
$ = 0x24,
_0 = 0x30,
_1 = 0x31,
_2 = 0x32,
_3 = 0x33,
_4 = 0x34,
_5 = 0x35,
_6 = 0x36,
_7 = 0x37,
_8 = 0x38,
_9 = 0x39,
a = 0x61,
b = 0x62,
c = 0x63,
d = 0x64,
e = 0x65,
f = 0x66,
g = 0x67,
h = 0x68,
i = 0x69,
j = 0x6A,
k = 0x6B,
l = 0x6C,
m = 0x6D,
n = 0x6E,
o = 0x6F,
p = 0x70,
q = 0x71,
r = 0x72,
s = 0x73,
t = 0x74,
u = 0x75,
v = 0x76,
w = 0x77,
x = 0x78,
y = 0x79,
z = 0x7A,
A = 0x41,
B = 0x42,
C = 0x43,
D = 0x44,
E = 0x45,
F = 0x46,
G = 0x47,
H = 0x48,
I = 0x49,
J = 0x4A,
K = 0x4B,
L = 0x4C,
M = 0x4D,
N = 0x4E,
O = 0x4F,
P = 0x50,
Q = 0x51,
R = 0x52,
S = 0x53,
T = 0x54,
U = 0x55,
V = 0x56,
W = 0x57,
X = 0x58,
Y = 0x59,
Z = 0x5a,
ampersand = 0x26, // &
asterisk = 0x2A, // *
at = 0x40, // @
backslash = 0x5C, // \
backtick = 0x60, // `
bar = 0x7C, // |
caret = 0x5E, // ^
closeBrace = 0x7D, // }
closeBracket = 0x5D, // ]
closeParen = 0x29, // )
colon = 0x3A, // :
comma = 0x2C, // ,
dot = 0x2E, // .
doubleQuote = 0x22, // "
equals = 0x3D, // =
exclamation = 0x21, // !
greaterThan = 0x3E, // >
hash = 0x23, // #
lessThan = 0x3C, // <
minus = 0x2D, // -
openBrace = 0x7B, // {
openBracket = 0x5B, // [
openParen = 0x28, // (
percent = 0x25, // %
plus = 0x2B, // +
question = 0x3F, // ?
semicolon = 0x3B, // ;
singleQuote = 0x27, // '
slash = 0x2F, // /
tilde = 0x7E, // ~
backspace = 0x08, // \b
formFeed = 0x0C, // \f
byteOrderMark = 0xFEFF,
tab = 0x09, // \t
verticalTab = 0x0B, // \v
export interface ModuleResolutionHost {
// TODO: GH#18217 Optional methods frequently used as non-optional
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean;
// readFile function is used to read arbitrary text files on disk, i.e. when resolution procedure needs the content of 'package.json'
// to determine location of bundled typings for node module
readFile(fileName: string): string | undefined;
trace?(s: string): void;
directoryExists?(directoryName: string): boolean;
* Resolve a symbolic link.
* @see https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_realpathsync_path_options
realpath?(path: string): string;
getCurrentDirectory?(): string;
getDirectories?(path: string): string[];
* Represents the result of module resolution.
* Module resolution will pick up tsx/jsx/js files even if '--jsx' and '--allowJs' are turned off.
* The Program will then filter results based on these flags.
* Prefer to return a `ResolvedModuleFull` so that the file type does not have to be inferred.
export interface ResolvedModule {
/** Path of the file the module was resolved to. */
resolvedFileName: string;
/** True if `resolvedFileName` comes from `node_modules`. */
isExternalLibraryImport?: boolean;
* ResolvedModule with an explicitly provided `extension` property.
* Prefer this over `ResolvedModule`.
* If changing this, remember to change `moduleResolutionIsEqualTo`.
export interface ResolvedModuleFull extends ResolvedModule {
/* @internal */
readonly originalPath?: string;
* Extension of resolvedFileName. This must match what's at the end of resolvedFileName.
* This is optional for backwards-compatibility, but will be added if not provided.
extension: Extension;
packageId?: PackageId;
* Unique identifier with a package name and version.
* If changing this, remember to change `packageIdIsEqual`.
export interface PackageId {
* Name of the package.
* Should not include `@types`.
* If accessing a non-index file, this should include its name e.g. "foo/bar".
name: string;
* Name of a submodule within this package.
* May be "".
subModuleName: string;
/** Version of the package, e.g. "1.2.3" */
version: string;
export const enum Extension {
Ts = ".ts",
Tsx = ".tsx",
Dts = ".d.ts",
Js = ".js",
Jsx = ".jsx",
Json = ".json",
TsBuildInfo = ".tsbuildinfo"
export interface ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations {
readonly resolvedModule: ResolvedModuleFull | undefined;
/* @internal */
readonly failedLookupLocations: string[];
export interface ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective {
// True if the type declaration file was found in a primary lookup location
primary: boolean;
// The location of the .d.ts file we located, or undefined if resolution failed
resolvedFileName: string | undefined;
packageId?: PackageId;
/** True if `resolvedFileName` comes from `node_modules`. */
isExternalLibraryImport?: boolean;
export interface ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations {
readonly resolvedTypeReferenceDirective: ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined;
readonly failedLookupLocations: string[];
/* @internal */
export type HasInvalidatedResolution = (sourceFile: Path) => boolean;
/* @internal */
export type HasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames = () => boolean;
export interface CompilerHost extends ModuleResolutionHost {
getSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): SourceFile | undefined;
getSourceFileByPath?(fileName: string, path: Path, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): SourceFile | undefined;
getCancellationToken?(): CancellationToken;
getDefaultLibFileName(options: CompilerOptions): string;
getDefaultLibLocation?(): string;
writeFile: WriteFileCallback;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean;
getNewLine(): string;
readDirectory?(rootDir: string, extensions: readonly string[], excludes: readonly string[] | undefined, includes: readonly string[], depth?: number): string[];
* CompilerHost must either implement resolveModuleNames (in case if it wants to be completely in charge of
* module name resolution) or provide implementation for methods from ModuleResolutionHost (in this case compiler
* will apply built-in module resolution logic and use members of ModuleResolutionHost to ask host specific questions).
* If resolveModuleNames is implemented then implementation for members from ModuleResolutionHost can be just
* 'throw new Error("NotImplemented")'
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames: string[] | undefined, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions): (ResolvedModule | undefined)[];
* This method is a companion for 'resolveModuleNames' and is used to resolve 'types' references to actual type declaration files
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeReferenceDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions): (ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[];
getEnvironmentVariable?(name: string): string | undefined;
/* @internal */ onReleaseOldSourceFile?(oldSourceFile: SourceFile, oldOptions: CompilerOptions, hasSourceFileByPath: boolean): void;
/* @internal */ hasInvalidatedResolution?: HasInvalidatedResolution;
/* @internal */ hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames?: HasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames;
createHash?(data: string): string;
getParsedCommandLine?(fileName: string): ParsedCommandLine | undefined;
/* @internal */ useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect?(): boolean;
// TODO: later handle this in better way in builder host instead once the api for tsbuild finalizes and doesn't use compilerHost as base
/*@internal*/createDirectory?(directory: string): void;
/*@internal*/getSymlinks?(): ReadonlyESMap<string, string>;
/** true if --out otherwise source file name */
export type SourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect = string | true;
export interface ResolvedProjectReferenceCallbacks {
getSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string): SourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect | undefined;
forEachResolvedProjectReference<T>(cb: (resolvedProjectReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, resolvedProjectReferencePath: Path) => T | undefined): T | undefined;
/* @internal */
export const enum TransformFlags {
None = 0,
// Facts
// - Flags used to indicate that a node or subtree contains syntax that requires transformation.
ContainsTypeScript = 1 << 0,
ContainsJsx = 1 << 1,
ContainsESNext = 1 << 2,
ContainsES2020 = 1 << 3,
ContainsES2019 = 1 << 4,
ContainsES2018 = 1 << 5,
ContainsES2017 = 1 << 6,
ContainsES2016 = 1 << 7,
ContainsES2015 = 1 << 8,
ContainsGenerator = 1 << 9,
ContainsDestructuringAssignment = 1 << 10,
// Markers
// - Flags used to indicate that a subtree contains a specific transformation.
ContainsTypeScriptClassSyntax = 1 << 11, // Decorators, Property Initializers, Parameter Property Initializers
ContainsLexicalThis = 1 << 12,
ContainsRestOrSpread = 1 << 13,
ContainsObjectRestOrSpread = 1 << 14,
ContainsComputedPropertyName = 1 << 15,
ContainsBlockScopedBinding = 1 << 16,
ContainsBindingPattern = 1 << 17,
ContainsYield = 1 << 18,
ContainsAwait = 1 << 19,
ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion = 1 << 20,
ContainsDynamicImport = 1 << 21,
ContainsClassFields = 1 << 22,
ContainsPossibleTopLevelAwait = 1 << 23,
// Please leave this as 1 << 29.
// It is the maximum bit we can set before we outgrow the size of a v8 small integer (SMI) on an x86 system.
// It is a good reminder of how much room we have left
HasComputedFlags = 1 << 29, // Transform flags have been computed.
// Assertions
// - Bitmasks that are used to assert facts about the syntax of a node and its subtree.
AssertTypeScript = ContainsTypeScript,
AssertJsx = ContainsJsx,
AssertESNext = ContainsESNext,
AssertES2020 = ContainsES2020,
AssertES2019 = ContainsES2019,
AssertES2018 = ContainsES2018,
AssertES2017 = ContainsES2017,
AssertES2016 = ContainsES2016,
AssertES2015 = ContainsES2015,
AssertGenerator = ContainsGenerator,
AssertDestructuringAssignment = ContainsDestructuringAssignment,
// Scope Exclusions
// - Bitmasks that exclude flags from propagating out of a specific context
// into the subtree flags of their container.
OuterExpressionExcludes = HasComputedFlags,
PropertyAccessExcludes = OuterExpressionExcludes,
NodeExcludes = PropertyAccessExcludes,
ArrowFunctionExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsTypeScriptClassSyntax | ContainsBlockScopedBinding | ContainsYield | ContainsAwait | ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion | ContainsBindingPattern | ContainsObjectRestOrSpread | ContainsPossibleTopLevelAwait,
FunctionExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsTypeScriptClassSyntax | ContainsLexicalThis | ContainsBlockScopedBinding | ContainsYield | ContainsAwait | ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion | ContainsBindingPattern | ContainsObjectRestOrSpread | ContainsPossibleTopLevelAwait,
ConstructorExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsLexicalThis | ContainsBlockScopedBinding | ContainsYield | ContainsAwait | ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion | ContainsBindingPattern | ContainsObjectRestOrSpread | ContainsPossibleTopLevelAwait,
MethodOrAccessorExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsLexicalThis | ContainsBlockScopedBinding | ContainsYield | ContainsAwait | ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion | ContainsBindingPattern | ContainsObjectRestOrSpread,
PropertyExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsLexicalThis,
ClassExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsTypeScriptClassSyntax | ContainsComputedPropertyName,
ModuleExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsTypeScriptClassSyntax | ContainsLexicalThis | ContainsBlockScopedBinding | ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion | ContainsPossibleTopLevelAwait,
TypeExcludes = ~ContainsTypeScript,
ObjectLiteralExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsTypeScriptClassSyntax | ContainsComputedPropertyName | ContainsObjectRestOrSpread,
ArrayLiteralOrCallOrNewExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsRestOrSpread,
VariableDeclarationListExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsBindingPattern | ContainsObjectRestOrSpread,
ParameterExcludes = NodeExcludes,
CatchClauseExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsObjectRestOrSpread,
BindingPatternExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsRestOrSpread,
// Propagating flags
// - Bitmasks for flags that should propagate from a child
PropertyNamePropagatingFlags = ContainsLexicalThis,
// Masks
// - Additional bitmasks
export interface SourceMapRange extends TextRange {
source?: SourceMapSource;
export interface SourceMapSource {
fileName: string;
text: string;
/* @internal */ lineMap: readonly number[];
skipTrivia?: (pos: number) => number;
/* @internal */
export interface EmitNode {
annotatedNodes?: Node[]; // Tracks Parse-tree nodes with EmitNodes for eventual cleanup.
flags: EmitFlags; // Flags that customize emit
leadingComments?: SynthesizedComment[]; // Synthesized leading comments
trailingComments?: SynthesizedComment[]; // Synthesized trailing comments
commentRange?: TextRange; // The text range to use when emitting leading or trailing comments
sourceMapRange?: SourceMapRange; // The text range to use when emitting leading or trailing source mappings
tokenSourceMapRanges?: (SourceMapRange | undefined)[]; // The text range to use when emitting source mappings for tokens
constantValue?: string | number; // The constant value of an expression
externalHelpersModuleName?: Identifier; // The local name for an imported helpers module
externalHelpers?: boolean;
helpers?: EmitHelper[]; // Emit helpers for the node
startsOnNewLine?: boolean; // If the node should begin on a new line
export const enum EmitFlags {
None = 0,
SingleLine = 1 << 0, // The contents of this node should be emitted on a single line.
AdviseOnEmitNode = 1 << 1, // The printer should invoke the onEmitNode callback when printing this node.
NoSubstitution = 1 << 2, // Disables further substitution of an expression.
CapturesThis = 1 << 3, // The function captures a lexical `this`
NoLeadingSourceMap = 1 << 4, // Do not emit a leading source map location for this node.
NoTrailingSourceMap = 1 << 5, // Do not emit a trailing source map location for this node.
NoSourceMap = NoLeadingSourceMap | NoTrailingSourceMap, // Do not emit a source map location for this node.
NoNestedSourceMaps = 1 << 6, // Do not emit source map locations for children of this node.
NoTokenLeadingSourceMaps = 1 << 7, // Do not emit leading source map location for token nodes.
NoTokenTrailingSourceMaps = 1 << 8, // Do not emit trailing source map location for token nodes.
NoTokenSourceMaps = NoTokenLeadingSourceMaps | NoTokenTrailingSourceMaps, // Do not emit source map locations for tokens of this node.
NoLeadingComments = 1 << 9, // Do not emit leading comments for this node.
NoTrailingComments = 1 << 10, // Do not emit trailing comments for this node.
NoComments = NoLeadingComments | NoTrailingComments, // Do not emit comments for this node.
NoNestedComments = 1 << 11,
HelperName = 1 << 12, // The Identifier refers to an *unscoped* emit helper (one that is emitted at the top of the file)
ExportName = 1 << 13, // Ensure an export prefix is added for an identifier that points to an exported declaration with a local name (see SymbolFlags.ExportHasLocal).
LocalName = 1 << 14, // Ensure an export prefix is not added for an identifier that points to an exported declaration.
InternalName = 1 << 15, // The name is internal to an ES5 class body function.
Indented = 1 << 16, // Adds an explicit extra indentation level for class and function bodies when printing (used to match old emitter).
NoIndentation = 1 << 17, // Do not indent the node.
AsyncFunctionBody = 1 << 18,
ReuseTempVariableScope = 1 << 19, // Reuse the existing temp variable scope during emit.
CustomPrologue = 1 << 20, // Treat the statement as if it were a prologue directive (NOTE: Prologue directives are *not* transformed).
NoHoisting = 1 << 21, // Do not hoist this declaration in --module system
HasEndOfDeclarationMarker = 1 << 22, // Declaration has an associated NotEmittedStatement to mark the end of the declaration
Iterator = 1 << 23, // The expression to a `yield*` should be treated as an Iterator when down-leveling, not an Iterable.
NoAsciiEscaping = 1 << 24, // When synthesizing nodes that lack an original node or textSourceNode, we want to write the text on the node with ASCII escaping substitutions.
/*@internal*/ TypeScriptClassWrapper = 1 << 25, // The node is an IIFE class wrapper created by the ts transform.
/*@internal*/ NeverApplyImportHelper = 1 << 26, // Indicates the node should never be wrapped with an import star helper (because, for example, it imports tslib itself)
/*@internal*/ IgnoreSourceNewlines = 1 << 27, // Overrides `printerOptions.preserveSourceNewlines` to print this node (and all descendants) with default whitespace.
export interface EmitHelper {
readonly name: string; // A unique name for this helper.
readonly scoped: boolean; // Indicates whether the helper MUST be emitted in the current scope.
readonly text: string | ((node: EmitHelperUniqueNameCallback) => string); // ES3-compatible raw script text, or a function yielding such a string
readonly priority?: number; // Helpers with a higher priority are emitted earlier than other helpers on the node.
readonly dependencies?: EmitHelper[]
export interface UnscopedEmitHelper extends EmitHelper {
readonly scoped: false; // Indicates whether the helper MUST be emitted in the current scope.
/* @internal */
readonly importName?: string; // The name of the helper to use when importing via `--importHelpers`.
readonly text: string; // ES3-compatible raw script text, or a function yielding such a string
/* @internal */
export type UniqueNameHandler = (baseName: string, checkFn?: (name: string) => boolean, optimistic?: boolean) => string;
export type EmitHelperUniqueNameCallback = (name: string) => string;
* Used by the checker, this enum keeps track of external emit helpers that should be type
* checked.
/* @internal */
export const enum ExternalEmitHelpers {
Extends = 1 << 0, // __extends (used by the ES2015 class transformation)
Assign = 1 << 1, // __assign (used by Jsx and ESNext object spread transformations)
Rest = 1 << 2, // __rest (used by ESNext object rest transformation)
Decorate = 1 << 3, // __decorate (used by TypeScript decorators transformation)
Metadata = 1 << 4, // __metadata (used by TypeScript decorators transformation)
Param = 1 << 5, // __param (used by TypeScript decorators transformation)
Awaiter = 1 << 6, // __awaiter (used by ES2017 async functions transformation)
Generator = 1 << 7, // __generator (used by ES2015 generator transformation)
Values = 1 << 8, // __values (used by ES2015 for..of and yield* transformations)
Read = 1 << 9, // __read (used by ES2015 iterator destructuring transformation)
Spread = 1 << 10, // __spread (used by ES2015 array spread and argument list spread transformations)
SpreadArrays = 1 << 11, // __spreadArrays (used by ES2015 array spread and argument list spread transformations)
Await = 1 << 12, // __await (used by ES2017 async generator transformation)
AsyncGenerator = 1 << 13, // __asyncGenerator (used by ES2017 async generator transformation)
AsyncDelegator = 1 << 14, // __asyncDelegator (used by ES2017 async generator yield* transformation)
AsyncValues = 1 << 15, // __asyncValues (used by ES2017 for..await..of transformation)
ExportStar = 1 << 16, // __exportStar (used by CommonJS/AMD/UMD module transformation)
MakeTemplateObject = 1 << 17, // __makeTemplateObject (used for constructing template string array objects)
ClassPrivateFieldGet = 1 << 18, // __classPrivateFieldGet (used by the class private field transformation)
ClassPrivateFieldSet = 1 << 19, // __classPrivateFieldSet (used by the class private field transformation)
CreateBinding = 1 << 20, // __createBinding (use by the module transform for (re)exports and namespace imports)
FirstEmitHelper = Extends,
LastEmitHelper = CreateBinding,
// Helpers included by ES2015 for..of
ForOfIncludes = Values,
// Helpers included by ES2017 for..await..of
ForAwaitOfIncludes = AsyncValues,
// Helpers included by ES2017 async generators
AsyncGeneratorIncludes = Await | AsyncGenerator,
// Helpers included by yield* in ES2017 async generators
AsyncDelegatorIncludes = Await | AsyncDelegator | AsyncValues,
// Helpers included by ES2015 spread
SpreadIncludes = Read | Spread,
export const enum EmitHint {
SourceFile, // Emitting a SourceFile
Expression, // Emitting an Expression
IdentifierName, // Emitting an IdentifierName
MappedTypeParameter, // Emitting a TypeParameterDeclaration inside of a MappedTypeNode
Unspecified, // Emitting an otherwise unspecified node
EmbeddedStatement, // Emitting an embedded statement
JsxAttributeValue, // Emitting a JSX attribute value
/* @internal */
export interface SourceFileMayBeEmittedHost {
getCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions;
isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(file: SourceFile): boolean;
getResolvedProjectReferenceToRedirect(fileName: string): ResolvedProjectReference | undefined;
isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string): boolean;
/* @internal */
export interface EmitHost extends ScriptReferenceHost, ModuleSpecifierResolutionHost, SourceFileMayBeEmittedHost {
getSourceFiles(): readonly SourceFile[];
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getLibFileFromReference(ref: FileReference): SourceFile | undefined;
getCommonSourceDirectory(): string;
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string;
getNewLine(): string;
isEmitBlocked(emitFileName: string): boolean;
getPrependNodes(): readonly (InputFiles | UnparsedSource)[];
writeFile: WriteFileCallback;
getProgramBuildInfo(): ProgramBuildInfo | undefined;
getSourceFileFromReference: Program["getSourceFileFromReference"];
readonly redirectTargetsMap: RedirectTargetsMap;
/* @internal */
export interface PropertyDescriptorAttributes {
enumerable?: boolean | Expression;
configurable?: boolean | Expression;
writable?: boolean | Expression;
value?: Expression;
get?: Expression;
set?: Expression;
export const enum OuterExpressionKinds {
Parentheses = 1 << 0,
TypeAssertions = 1 << 1,
NonNullAssertions = 1 << 2,
PartiallyEmittedExpressions = 1 << 3,
Assertions = TypeAssertions | NonNullAssertions,
All = Parentheses | Assertions | PartiallyEmittedExpressions
/* @internal */
export type OuterExpression =
| ParenthesizedExpression
| TypeAssertion
| AsExpression
| NonNullExpression
| PartiallyEmittedExpression;
export type TypeOfTag = "undefined" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "string" | "symbol" | "object" | "function";
/* @internal */
export interface CallBinding {
target: LeftHandSideExpression;
thisArg: Expression;
/* @internal */
export interface ParenthesizerRules {
parenthesizeLeftSideOfBinary(binaryOperator: SyntaxKind, leftSide: Expression): Expression;
parenthesizeRightSideOfBinary(binaryOperator: SyntaxKind, leftSide: Expression | undefined, rightSide: Expression): Expression;
parenthesizeExpressionOfComputedPropertyName(expression: Expression): Expression;
parenthesizeConditionOfConditionalExpression(condition: Expression): Expression;
parenthesizeBranchOfConditionalExpression(branch: Expression): Expression;
parenthesizeExpressionOfExportDefault(expression: Expression): Expression;
parenthesizeExpressionOfNew(expression: Expression): LeftHandSideExpression;
parenthesizeLeftSideOfAccess(expression: Expression): LeftHandSideExpression;
parenthesizeOperandOfPostfixUnary(operand: Expression): LeftHandSideExpression;
parenthesizeOperandOfPrefixUnary(operand: Expression): UnaryExpression;
parenthesizeExpressionsOfCommaDelimitedList(elements: readonly Expression[]): NodeArray<Expression>;
parenthesizeExpressionForDisallowedComma(expression: Expression): Expression;
parenthesizeExpressionOfExpressionStatement(expression: Expression): Expression;
parenthesizeConciseBodyOfArrowFunction(body: ConciseBody): ConciseBody;
parenthesizeMemberOfConditionalType(member: TypeNode): TypeNode;
parenthesizeMemberOfElementType(member: TypeNode): TypeNode;
parenthesizeElementTypeOfArrayType(member: TypeNode): TypeNode;
parenthesizeConstituentTypesOfUnionOrIntersectionType(members: readonly TypeNode[]): NodeArray<TypeNode>;
parenthesizeTypeArguments(typeParameters: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined): NodeArray<TypeNode> | undefined;
/* @internal */
export interface NodeConverters {
convertToFunctionBlock(node: ConciseBody, multiLine?: boolean): Block;
convertToFunctionExpression(node: FunctionDeclaration): FunctionExpression;
convertToArrayAssignmentElement(element: ArrayBindingOrAssignmentElement): Expression;
convertToObjectAssignmentElement(element: ObjectBindingOrAssignmentElement): ObjectLiteralElementLike;
convertToAssignmentPattern(node: BindingOrAssignmentPattern): AssignmentPattern;
convertToObjectAssignmentPattern(node: ObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern): ObjectLiteralExpression;
convertToArrayAssignmentPattern(node: ArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern): ArrayLiteralExpression;
convertToAssignmentElementTarget(node: BindingOrAssignmentElementTarget): Expression;
export interface NodeFactory {
/* @internal */ readonly parenthesizer: ParenthesizerRules;
/* @internal */ readonly converters: NodeConverters;
createNodeArray<T extends Node>(elements?: readonly T[], hasTrailingComma?: boolean): NodeArray<T>;
// Literals
createNumericLiteral(value: string | number, numericLiteralFlags?: TokenFlags): NumericLiteral;
createBigIntLiteral(value: string | PseudoBigInt): BigIntLiteral;
createStringLiteral(text: string, isSingleQuote?: boolean): StringLiteral;
/* @internal*/ createStringLiteral(text: string, isSingleQuote?: boolean, hasExtendedUnicodeEscape?: boolean): StringLiteral; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
createStringLiteralFromNode(sourceNode: PropertyNameLiteral, isSingleQuote?: boolean): StringLiteral;
createRegularExpressionLiteral(text: string): RegularExpressionLiteral;
// Identifiers
createIdentifier(text: string): Identifier;
/* @internal */ createIdentifier(text: string, typeArguments?: readonly (TypeNode | TypeParameterDeclaration)[], originalKeywordKind?: SyntaxKind): Identifier; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
/* @internal */ updateIdentifier(node: Identifier, typeArguments: NodeArray<TypeNode | TypeParameterDeclaration> | undefined): Identifier;
/** Create a unique temporary variable. */
createTempVariable(recordTempVariable: ((node: Identifier) => void) | undefined): Identifier;
/* @internal */ createTempVariable(recordTempVariable: ((node: Identifier) => void) | undefined, reservedInNestedScopes?: boolean): Identifier; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
/** Create a unique temporary variable for use in a loop. */
createLoopVariable(): Identifier;
/** Create a unique name based on the supplied text. */
createUniqueName(text: string, flags?: GeneratedIdentifierFlags): Identifier;
/** Create a unique name generated for a node. */
getGeneratedNameForNode(node: Node | undefined): Identifier;
/* @internal */ getGeneratedNameForNode(node: Node | undefined, flags?: GeneratedIdentifierFlags): Identifier; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
createPrivateIdentifier(text: string): PrivateIdentifier
// Punctuation
createToken(token: SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword): SuperExpression;
createToken(token: SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword): ThisExpression;
createToken(token: SyntaxKind.NullKeyword): NullLiteral;
createToken(token: SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword): TrueLiteral;
createToken(token: SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword): FalseLiteral;
createToken<TKind extends PunctuationSyntaxKind>(token: TKind): PunctuationToken<TKind>;
createToken<TKind extends KeywordTypeSyntaxKind>(token: TKind): KeywordTypeNode<TKind>;
createToken<TKind extends ModifierSyntaxKind>(token: TKind): ModifierToken<TKind>;
createToken<TKind extends KeywordSyntaxKind>(token: TKind): KeywordToken<TKind>;
createToken<TKind extends SyntaxKind.Unknown | SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken>(token: TKind): Token<TKind>;
/*@internal*/ createToken<TKind extends SyntaxKind>(token: TKind): Token<TKind>;
// Reserved words
createSuper(): SuperExpression;
createThis(): ThisExpression;
createNull(): NullLiteral;
createTrue(): TrueLiteral;
createFalse(): FalseLiteral;
// Modifiers
createModifier<T extends ModifierSyntaxKind>(kind: T): ModifierToken<T>;
createModifiersFromModifierFlags(flags: ModifierFlags): Modifier[];
// Names
createQualifiedName(left: EntityName, right: string | Identifier): QualifiedName;
updateQualifiedName(node: QualifiedName, left: EntityName, right: Identifier): QualifiedName;
createComputedPropertyName(expression: Expression): ComputedPropertyName;
updateComputedPropertyName(node: ComputedPropertyName, expression: Expression): ComputedPropertyName;
// Signature elements
createTypeParameterDeclaration(name: string | Identifier, constraint?: TypeNode, defaultType?: TypeNode): TypeParameterDeclaration;
updateTypeParameterDeclaration(node: TypeParameterDeclaration, name: Identifier, constraint: TypeNode | undefined, defaultType: TypeNode | undefined): TypeParameterDeclaration;
createParameterDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined, name: string | BindingName, questionToken?: QuestionToken, type?: TypeNode, initializer?: Expression): ParameterDeclaration;
updateParameterDeclaration(node: ParameterDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined, name: string | BindingName, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined, initializer: Expression | undefined): ParameterDeclaration;
createDecorator(expression: Expression): Decorator;
updateDecorator(node: Decorator, expression: Expression): Decorator;
// Type Elements
createPropertySignature(modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: PropertyName | string, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined): PropertySignature;
updatePropertySignature(node: PropertySignature, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: PropertyName, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined): PropertySignature;
createPropertyDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | PropertyName, questionOrExclamationToken: QuestionToken | ExclamationToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined, initializer: Expression | undefined): PropertyDeclaration;
updatePropertyDeclaration(node: PropertyDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | PropertyName, questionOrExclamationToken: QuestionToken | ExclamationToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined, initializer: Expression | undefined): PropertyDeclaration;
createMethodSignature(modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | PropertyName, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined): MethodSignature;
updateMethodSignature(node: MethodSignature, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: PropertyName, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, typeParameters: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration> | undefined, parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>, type: TypeNode | undefined): MethodSignature;
createMethodDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined, name: string | PropertyName, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, body: Block | undefined): MethodDeclaration;
updateMethodDeclaration(node: MethodDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined, name: PropertyName, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, body: Block | undefined): MethodDeclaration;
createConstructorDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], body: Block | undefined): ConstructorDeclaration;
updateConstructorDeclaration(node: ConstructorDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], body: Block | undefined): ConstructorDeclaration;
createGetAccessorDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | PropertyName, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, body: Block | undefined): GetAccessorDeclaration;
updateGetAccessorDeclaration(node: GetAccessorDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: PropertyName, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, body: Block | undefined): GetAccessorDeclaration;
createSetAccessorDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | PropertyName, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], body: Block | undefined): SetAccessorDeclaration;
updateSetAccessorDeclaration(node: SetAccessorDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: PropertyName, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], body: Block | undefined): SetAccessorDeclaration;
createCallSignature(typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined): CallSignatureDeclaration;
updateCallSignature(node: CallSignatureDeclaration, typeParameters: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration> | undefined, parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>, type: TypeNode | undefined): CallSignatureDeclaration;
createConstructSignature(typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined): ConstructSignatureDeclaration;
updateConstructSignature(node: ConstructSignatureDeclaration, typeParameters: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration> | undefined, parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>, type: TypeNode | undefined): ConstructSignatureDeclaration;
createIndexSignature(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode): IndexSignatureDeclaration;
/* @internal */ createIndexSignature(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined): IndexSignatureDeclaration; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
updateIndexSignature(node: IndexSignatureDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode): IndexSignatureDeclaration;
// Types
createKeywordTypeNode<TKind extends KeywordTypeSyntaxKind>(kind: TKind): KeywordTypeNode<TKind>;
createTypePredicateNode(assertsModifier: AssertsKeyword | undefined, parameterName: Identifier | ThisTypeNode | string, type: TypeNode | undefined): TypePredicateNode;
updateTypePredicateNode(node: TypePredicateNode, assertsModifier: AssertsKeyword | undefined, parameterName: Identifier | ThisTypeNode, type: TypeNode | undefined): TypePredicateNode;
createTypeReferenceNode(typeName: string | EntityName, typeArguments?: readonly TypeNode[]): TypeReferenceNode;
updateTypeReferenceNode(node: TypeReferenceNode, typeName: EntityName, typeArguments: NodeArray<TypeNode> | undefined): TypeReferenceNode;
createFunctionTypeNode(typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode): FunctionTypeNode;
updateFunctionTypeNode(node: FunctionTypeNode, typeParameters: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration> | undefined, parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>, type: TypeNode): FunctionTypeNode;
createConstructorTypeNode(typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode): ConstructorTypeNode;
updateConstructorTypeNode(node: ConstructorTypeNode, typeParameters: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration> | undefined, parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>, type: TypeNode): ConstructorTypeNode;
createTypeQueryNode(exprName: EntityName): TypeQueryNode;
updateTypeQueryNode(node: TypeQueryNode, exprName: EntityName): TypeQueryNode;
createTypeLiteralNode(members: readonly TypeElement[] | undefined): TypeLiteralNode;
updateTypeLiteralNode(node: TypeLiteralNode, members: NodeArray<TypeElement>): TypeLiteralNode;
createArrayTypeNode(elementType: TypeNode): ArrayTypeNode;
updateArrayTypeNode(node: ArrayTypeNode, elementType: TypeNode): ArrayTypeNode;
createTupleTypeNode(elements: readonly (TypeNode | NamedTupleMember)[]): TupleTypeNode;
updateTupleTypeNode(node: TupleTypeNode, elements: readonly (TypeNode | NamedTupleMember)[]): TupleTypeNode;
createNamedTupleMember(dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined, name: Identifier, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, type: TypeNode): NamedTupleMember;
updateNamedTupleMember(node: NamedTupleMember, dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined, name: Identifier, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, type: TypeNode): NamedTupleMember;
createOptionalTypeNode(type: TypeNode): OptionalTypeNode;
updateOptionalTypeNode(node: OptionalTypeNode, type: TypeNode): OptionalTypeNode;
createRestTypeNode(type: TypeNode): RestTypeNode;
updateRestTypeNode(node: RestTypeNode, type: TypeNode): RestTypeNode;
createUnionTypeNode(types: readonly TypeNode[]): UnionTypeNode;
updateUnionTypeNode(node: UnionTypeNode, types: NodeArray<TypeNode>): UnionTypeNode;
createIntersectionTypeNode(types: readonly TypeNode[]): IntersectionTypeNode;
updateIntersectionTypeNode(node: IntersectionTypeNode, types: NodeArray<TypeNode>): IntersectionTypeNode;
createConditionalTypeNode(checkType: TypeNode, extendsType: TypeNode, trueType: TypeNode, falseType: TypeNode): ConditionalTypeNode;
updateConditionalTypeNode(node: ConditionalTypeNode, checkType: TypeNode, extendsType: TypeNode, trueType: TypeNode, falseType: TypeNode): ConditionalTypeNode;
createInferTypeNode(typeParameter: TypeParameterDeclaration): InferTypeNode;
updateInferTypeNode(node: InferTypeNode, typeParameter: TypeParameterDeclaration): InferTypeNode;
createImportTypeNode(argument: TypeNode, qualifier?: EntityName, typeArguments?: readonly TypeNode[], isTypeOf?: boolean): ImportTypeNode;
updateImportTypeNode(node: ImportTypeNode, argument: TypeNode, qualifier: EntityName | undefined, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, isTypeOf?: boolean): ImportTypeNode;
createParenthesizedType(type: TypeNode): ParenthesizedTypeNode;
updateParenthesizedType(node: ParenthesizedTypeNode, type: TypeNode): ParenthesizedTypeNode;
createThisTypeNode(): ThisTypeNode;
createTypeOperatorNode(operator: SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword | SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword | SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword, type: TypeNode): TypeOperatorNode;
updateTypeOperatorNode(node: TypeOperatorNode, type: TypeNode): TypeOperatorNode;
createIndexedAccessTypeNode(objectType: TypeNode, indexType: TypeNode): IndexedAccessTypeNode;
updateIndexedAccessTypeNode(node: IndexedAccessTypeNode, objectType: TypeNode, indexType: TypeNode): IndexedAccessTypeNode;
createMappedTypeNode(readonlyToken: ReadonlyKeyword | PlusToken | MinusToken | undefined, typeParameter: TypeParameterDeclaration, questionToken: QuestionToken | PlusToken | MinusToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined): MappedTypeNode;
updateMappedTypeNode(node: MappedTypeNode, readonlyToken: ReadonlyKeyword | PlusToken | MinusToken | undefined, typeParameter: TypeParameterDeclaration, questionToken: QuestionToken | PlusToken | MinusToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined): MappedTypeNode;
createLiteralTypeNode(literal: LiteralTypeNode["literal"]): LiteralTypeNode;
updateLiteralTypeNode(node: LiteralTypeNode, literal: LiteralTypeNode["literal"]): LiteralTypeNode;
// Binding Patterns
createObjectBindingPattern(elements: readonly BindingElement[]): ObjectBindingPattern;
updateObjectBindingPattern(node: ObjectBindingPattern, elements: readonly BindingElement[]): ObjectBindingPattern;
createArrayBindingPattern(elements: readonly ArrayBindingElement[]): ArrayBindingPattern;
updateArrayBindingPattern(node: ArrayBindingPattern, elements: readonly ArrayBindingElement[]): ArrayBindingPattern;
createBindingElement(dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined, propertyName: string | PropertyName | undefined, name: string | BindingName, initializer?: Expression): BindingElement;
updateBindingElement(node: BindingElement, dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined, propertyName: PropertyName | undefined, name: BindingName, initializer: Expression | undefined): BindingElement;
// Expression
createArrayLiteralExpression(elements?: readonly Expression[], multiLine?: boolean): ArrayLiteralExpression;
updateArrayLiteralExpression(node: ArrayLiteralExpression, elements: readonly Expression[]): ArrayLiteralExpression;
createObjectLiteralExpression(properties?: readonly ObjectLiteralElementLike[], multiLine?: boolean): ObjectLiteralExpression;
updateObjectLiteralExpression(node: ObjectLiteralExpression, properties: readonly ObjectLiteralElementLike[]): ObjectLiteralExpression;
createPropertyAccessExpression(expression: Expression, name: string | Identifier | PrivateIdentifier): PropertyAccessExpression;
updatePropertyAccessExpression(node: PropertyAccessExpression, expression: Expression, name: Identifier | PrivateIdentifier): PropertyAccessExpression;
createPropertyAccessChain(expression: Expression, questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken | undefined, name: string | Identifier | PrivateIdentifier): PropertyAccessChain;
updatePropertyAccessChain(node: PropertyAccessChain, expression: Expression, questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken | undefined, name: Identifier | PrivateIdentifier): PropertyAccessChain;
createElementAccessExpression(expression: Expression, index: number | Expression): ElementAccessExpression;
updateElementAccessExpression(node: ElementAccessExpression, expression: Expression, argumentExpression: Expression): ElementAccessExpression;
createElementAccessChain(expression: Expression, questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken | undefined, index: number | Expression): ElementAccessChain;
updateElementAccessChain(node: ElementAccessChain, expression: Expression, questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken | undefined, argumentExpression: Expression): ElementAccessChain;
createCallExpression(expression: Expression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, argumentsArray: readonly Expression[] | undefined): CallExpression;
updateCallExpression(node: CallExpression, expression: Expression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, argumentsArray: readonly Expression[]): CallExpression;
createCallChain(expression: Expression, questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken | undefined, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, argumentsArray: readonly Expression[] | undefined): CallChain;
updateCallChain(node: CallChain, expression: Expression, questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken | undefined, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, argumentsArray: readonly Expression[]): CallChain;
createNewExpression(expression: Expression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, argumentsArray: readonly Expression[] | undefined): NewExpression;
updateNewExpression(node: NewExpression, expression: Expression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, argumentsArray: readonly Expression[] | undefined): NewExpression;
createTaggedTemplateExpression(tag: Expression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, template: TemplateLiteral): TaggedTemplateExpression;
updateTaggedTemplateExpression(node: TaggedTemplateExpression, tag: Expression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, template: TemplateLiteral): TaggedTemplateExpression;
createTypeAssertion(type: TypeNode, expression: Expression): TypeAssertion;
updateTypeAssertion(node: TypeAssertion, type: TypeNode, expression: Expression): TypeAssertion;
createParenthesizedExpression(expression: Expression): ParenthesizedExpression;
updateParenthesizedExpression(node: ParenthesizedExpression, expression: Expression): ParenthesizedExpression;
createFunctionExpression(modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined, name: string | Identifier | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined, body: Block): FunctionExpression;
updateFunctionExpression(node: FunctionExpression, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined, name: Identifier | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, body: Block): FunctionExpression;
createArrowFunction(modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, equalsGreaterThanToken: EqualsGreaterThanToken | undefined, body: ConciseBody): ArrowFunction;
updateArrowFunction(node: ArrowFunction, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, equalsGreaterThanToken: EqualsGreaterThanToken, body: ConciseBody): ArrowFunction;
createDeleteExpression(expression: Expression): DeleteExpression;
updateDeleteExpression(node: DeleteExpression, expression: Expression): DeleteExpression;
createTypeOfExpression(expression: Expression): TypeOfExpression;
updateTypeOfExpression(node: TypeOfExpression, expression: Expression): TypeOfExpression;
createVoidExpression(expression: Expression): VoidExpression;
updateVoidExpression(node: VoidExpression, expression: Expression): VoidExpression;
createAwaitExpression(expression: Expression): AwaitExpression;
updateAwaitExpression(node: AwaitExpression, expression: Expression): AwaitExpression;
createPrefixUnaryExpression(operator: PrefixUnaryOperator, operand: Expression): PrefixUnaryExpression;
updatePrefixUnaryExpression(node: PrefixUnaryExpression, operand: Expression): PrefixUnaryExpression;
createPostfixUnaryExpression(operand: Expression, operator: PostfixUnaryOperator): PostfixUnaryExpression;
updatePostfixUnaryExpression(node: PostfixUnaryExpression, operand: Expression): PostfixUnaryExpression;
createBinaryExpression(left: Expression, operator: BinaryOperator | BinaryOperatorToken, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
updateBinaryExpression(node: BinaryExpression, left: Expression, operator: BinaryOperator | BinaryOperatorToken, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createConditionalExpression(condition: Expression, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, whenTrue: Expression, colonToken: ColonToken | undefined, whenFalse: Expression): ConditionalExpression;
updateConditionalExpression(node: ConditionalExpression, condition: Expression, questionToken: QuestionToken, whenTrue: Expression, colonToken: ColonToken, whenFalse: Expression): ConditionalExpression;
createTemplateExpression(head: TemplateHead, templateSpans: readonly TemplateSpan[]): TemplateExpression;
updateTemplateExpression(node: TemplateExpression, head: TemplateHead, templateSpans: readonly TemplateSpan[]): TemplateExpression;
createTemplateHead(text: string, rawText?: string, templateFlags?: TokenFlags): TemplateHead;
createTemplateHead(text: string | undefined, rawText: string, templateFlags?: TokenFlags): TemplateHead;
createTemplateMiddle(text: string, rawText?: string, templateFlags?: TokenFlags): TemplateMiddle;
createTemplateMiddle(text: string | undefined, rawText: string, templateFlags?: TokenFlags): TemplateMiddle;
createTemplateTail(text: string, rawText?: string, templateFlags?: TokenFlags): TemplateTail;
createTemplateTail(text: string | undefined, rawText: string, templateFlags?: TokenFlags): TemplateTail;
createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(text: string, rawText?: string): NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral;
createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(text: string | undefined, rawText: string): NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral;
/* @internal */ createLiteralLikeNode(kind: LiteralToken["kind"] | SyntaxKind.JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces, text: string): LiteralToken;
/* @internal */ createTemplateLiteralLikeNode(kind: TemplateLiteralToken["kind"], text: string, rawText: string, templateFlags: TokenFlags | undefined): TemplateLiteralLikeNode;
createYieldExpression(asteriskToken: AsteriskToken, expression: Expression): YieldExpression;
createYieldExpression(asteriskToken: undefined, expression: Expression | undefined): YieldExpression;
/* @internal */ createYieldExpression(asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined, expression: Expression | undefined): YieldExpression; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
updateYieldExpression(node: YieldExpression, asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined, expression: Expression | undefined): YieldExpression;
createSpreadElement(expression: Expression): SpreadElement;
updateSpreadElement(node: SpreadElement, expression: Expression): SpreadElement;
createClassExpression(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | Identifier | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, heritageClauses: readonly HeritageClause[] | undefined, members: readonly ClassElement[]): ClassExpression;
updateClassExpression(node: ClassExpression, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: Identifier | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, heritageClauses: readonly HeritageClause[] | undefined, members: readonly ClassElement[]): ClassExpression;
createOmittedExpression(): OmittedExpression;
createExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression: Expression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined): ExpressionWithTypeArguments;
updateExpressionWithTypeArguments(node: ExpressionWithTypeArguments, expression: Expression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined): ExpressionWithTypeArguments;
createAsExpression(expression: Expression, type: TypeNode): AsExpression;
updateAsExpression(node: AsExpression, expression: Expression, type: TypeNode): AsExpression;
createNonNullExpression(expression: Expression): NonNullExpression;
updateNonNullExpression(node: NonNullExpression, expression: Expression): NonNullExpression;
createNonNullChain(expression: Expression): NonNullChain;
updateNonNullChain(node: NonNullChain, expression: Expression): NonNullChain;
createMetaProperty(keywordToken: MetaProperty["keywordToken"], name: Identifier): MetaProperty;
updateMetaProperty(node: MetaProperty, name: Identifier): MetaProperty;
// Misc
createTemplateSpan(expression: Expression, literal: TemplateMiddle | TemplateTail): TemplateSpan;
updateTemplateSpan(node: TemplateSpan, expression: Expression, literal: TemplateMiddle | TemplateTail): TemplateSpan;
createSemicolonClassElement(): SemicolonClassElement;
// Element
createBlock(statements: readonly Statement[], multiLine?: boolean): Block;
updateBlock(node: Block, statements: readonly Statement[]): Block;
createVariableStatement(modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, declarationList: VariableDeclarationList | readonly VariableDeclaration[]): VariableStatement;
updateVariableStatement(node: VariableStatement, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, declarationList: VariableDeclarationList): VariableStatement;
createEmptyStatement(): EmptyStatement;
createExpressionStatement(expression: Expression): ExpressionStatement;
updateExpressionStatement(node: ExpressionStatement, expression: Expression): ExpressionStatement;
createIfStatement(expression: Expression, thenStatement: Statement, elseStatement?: Statement): IfStatement;
updateIfStatement(node: IfStatement, expression: Expression, thenStatement: Statement, elseStatement: Statement | undefined): IfStatement;
createDoStatement(statement: Statement, expression: Expression): DoStatement;
updateDoStatement(node: DoStatement, statement: Statement, expression: Expression): DoStatement;
createWhileStatement(expression: Expression, statement: Statement): WhileStatement;
updateWhileStatement(node: WhileStatement, expression: Expression, statement: Statement): WhileStatement;
createForStatement(initializer: ForInitializer | undefined, condition: Expression | undefined, incrementor: Expression | undefined, statement: Statement): ForStatement;
updateForStatement(node: ForStatement, initializer: ForInitializer | undefined, condition: Expression | undefined, incrementor: Expression | undefined, statement: Statement): ForStatement;
createForInStatement(initializer: ForInitializer, expression: Expression, statement: Statement): ForInStatement;
updateForInStatement(node: ForInStatement, initializer: ForInitializer, expression: Expression, statement: Statement): ForInStatement;
createForOfStatement(awaitModifier: AwaitKeyword | undefined, initializer: ForInitializer, expression: Expression, statement: Statement): ForOfStatement;
updateForOfStatement(node: ForOfStatement, awaitModifier: AwaitKeyword | undefined, initializer: ForInitializer, expression: Expression, statement: Statement): ForOfStatement;
createContinueStatement(label?: string | Identifier): ContinueStatement;
updateContinueStatement(node: ContinueStatement, label: Identifier | undefined): ContinueStatement;
createBreakStatement(label?: string | Identifier): BreakStatement;
updateBreakStatement(node: BreakStatement, label: Identifier | undefined): BreakStatement;
createReturnStatement(expression?: Expression): ReturnStatement;
updateReturnStatement(node: ReturnStatement, expression: Expression | undefined): ReturnStatement;
createWithStatement(expression: Expression, statement: Statement): WithStatement;
updateWithStatement(node: WithStatement, expression: Expression, statement: Statement): WithStatement;
createSwitchStatement(expression: Expression, caseBlock: CaseBlock): SwitchStatement;
updateSwitchStatement(node: SwitchStatement, expression: Expression, caseBlock: CaseBlock): SwitchStatement;
createLabeledStatement(label: string | Identifier, statement: Statement): LabeledStatement;
updateLabeledStatement(node: LabeledStatement, label: Identifier, statement: Statement): LabeledStatement;
createThrowStatement(expression: Expression): ThrowStatement;
updateThrowStatement(node: ThrowStatement, expression: Expression): ThrowStatement;
createTryStatement(tryBlock: Block, catchClause: CatchClause | undefined, finallyBlock: Block | undefined): TryStatement;
updateTryStatement(node: TryStatement, tryBlock: Block, catchClause: CatchClause | undefined, finallyBlock: Block | undefined): TryStatement;
createDebuggerStatement(): DebuggerStatement;
createVariableDeclaration(name: string | BindingName, exclamationToken?: ExclamationToken, type?: TypeNode, initializer?: Expression): VariableDeclaration;
updateVariableDeclaration(node: VariableDeclaration, name: BindingName, exclamationToken: ExclamationToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined, initializer: Expression | undefined): VariableDeclaration;
createVariableDeclarationList(declarations: readonly VariableDeclaration[], flags?: NodeFlags): VariableDeclarationList;
updateVariableDeclarationList(node: VariableDeclarationList, declarations: readonly VariableDeclaration[]): VariableDeclarationList;
createFunctionDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined, name: string | Identifier | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, body: Block | undefined): FunctionDeclaration;
updateFunctionDeclaration(node: FunctionDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined, name: Identifier | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, body: Block | undefined): FunctionDeclaration;
createClassDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | Identifier | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, heritageClauses: readonly HeritageClause[] | undefined, members: readonly ClassElement[]): ClassDeclaration;
updateClassDeclaration(node: ClassDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: Identifier | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, heritageClauses: readonly HeritageClause[] | undefined, members: readonly ClassElement[]): ClassDeclaration;
createInterfaceDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | Identifier, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, heritageClauses: readonly HeritageClause[] | undefined, members: readonly TypeElement[]): InterfaceDeclaration;
updateInterfaceDeclaration(node: InterfaceDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: Identifier, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, heritageClauses: readonly HeritageClause[] | undefined, members: readonly TypeElement[]): InterfaceDeclaration;
createTypeAliasDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | Identifier, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, type: TypeNode): TypeAliasDeclaration;
updateTypeAliasDeclaration(node: TypeAliasDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: Identifier, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, type: TypeNode): TypeAliasDeclaration;
createEnumDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | Identifier, members: readonly EnumMember[]): EnumDeclaration;
updateEnumDeclaration(node: EnumDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: Identifier, members: readonly EnumMember[]): EnumDeclaration;
createModuleDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: ModuleName, body: ModuleBody | undefined, flags?: NodeFlags): ModuleDeclaration;
updateModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: ModuleName, body: ModuleBody | undefined): ModuleDeclaration;
createModuleBlock(statements: readonly Statement[]): ModuleBlock;
updateModuleBlock(node: ModuleBlock, statements: readonly Statement[]): ModuleBlock;
createCaseBlock(clauses: readonly CaseOrDefaultClause[]): CaseBlock;
updateCaseBlock(node: CaseBlock, clauses: readonly CaseOrDefaultClause[]): CaseBlock;
createNamespaceExportDeclaration(name: string | Identifier): NamespaceExportDeclaration;
updateNamespaceExportDeclaration(node: NamespaceExportDeclaration, name: Identifier): NamespaceExportDeclaration;
createImportEqualsDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | Identifier, moduleReference: ModuleReference): ImportEqualsDeclaration;
updateImportEqualsDeclaration(node: ImportEqualsDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: Identifier, moduleReference: ModuleReference): ImportEqualsDeclaration;
createImportDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, importClause: ImportClause | undefined, moduleSpecifier: Expression): ImportDeclaration;
updateImportDeclaration(node: ImportDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, importClause: ImportClause | undefined, moduleSpecifier: Expression): ImportDeclaration;
createImportClause(isTypeOnly: boolean, name: Identifier | undefined, namedBindings: NamedImportBindings | undefined): ImportClause;
updateImportClause(node: ImportClause, isTypeOnly: boolean, name: Identifier | undefined, namedBindings: NamedImportBindings | undefined): ImportClause;
createNamespaceImport(name: Identifier): NamespaceImport;
updateNamespaceImport(node: NamespaceImport, name: Identifier): NamespaceImport;
createNamespaceExport(name: Identifier): NamespaceExport;
updateNamespaceExport(node: NamespaceExport, name: Identifier): NamespaceExport;
createNamedImports(elements: readonly ImportSpecifier[]): NamedImports;
updateNamedImports(node: NamedImports, elements: readonly ImportSpecifier[]): NamedImports;
createImportSpecifier(propertyName: Identifier | undefined, name: Identifier): ImportSpecifier;
updateImportSpecifier(node: ImportSpecifier, propertyName: Identifier | undefined, name: Identifier): ImportSpecifier;
createExportAssignment(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, isExportEquals: boolean | undefined, expression: Expression): ExportAssignment;
updateExportAssignment(node: ExportAssignment, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, expression: Expression): ExportAssignment;
createExportDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, isTypeOnly: boolean, exportClause: NamedExportBindings | undefined, moduleSpecifier?: Expression): ExportDeclaration;
updateExportDeclaration(node: ExportDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, isTypeOnly: boolean, exportClause: NamedExportBindings | undefined, moduleSpecifier: Expression | undefined): ExportDeclaration;
createNamedExports(elements: readonly ExportSpecifier[]): NamedExports;
updateNamedExports(node: NamedExports, elements: readonly ExportSpecifier[]): NamedExports;
createExportSpecifier(propertyName: string | Identifier | undefined, name: string | Identifier): ExportSpecifier;
updateExportSpecifier(node: ExportSpecifier, propertyName: Identifier | undefined, name: Identifier): ExportSpecifier;
/* @internal*/ createMissingDeclaration(): MissingDeclaration;
// Module references
createExternalModuleReference(expression: Expression): ExternalModuleReference;
updateExternalModuleReference(node: ExternalModuleReference, expression: Expression): ExternalModuleReference;
// JSDoc
createJSDocAllType(): JSDocAllType;
createJSDocUnknownType(): JSDocUnknownType;
createJSDocNonNullableType(type: TypeNode): JSDocNonNullableType;
updateJSDocNonNullableType(node: JSDocNonNullableType, type: TypeNode): JSDocNonNullableType;
createJSDocNullableType(type: TypeNode): JSDocNullableType;
updateJSDocNullableType(node: JSDocNullableType, type: TypeNode): JSDocNullableType;
createJSDocOptionalType(type: TypeNode): JSDocOptionalType;
updateJSDocOptionalType(node: JSDocOptionalType, type: TypeNode): JSDocOptionalType;
createJSDocFunctionType(parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined): JSDocFunctionType;
updateJSDocFunctionType(node: JSDocFunctionType, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined): JSDocFunctionType;
createJSDocVariadicType(type: TypeNode): JSDocVariadicType;
updateJSDocVariadicType(node: JSDocVariadicType, type: TypeNode): JSDocVariadicType;
createJSDocNamepathType(type: TypeNode): JSDocNamepathType;
updateJSDocNamepathType(node: JSDocNamepathType, type: TypeNode): JSDocNamepathType;
createJSDocTypeExpression(type: TypeNode): JSDocTypeExpression;
updateJSDocTypeExpression(node: JSDocTypeExpression, type: TypeNode): JSDocTypeExpression;
createJSDocTypeLiteral(jsDocPropertyTags?: readonly JSDocPropertyLikeTag[], isArrayType?: boolean): JSDocTypeLiteral;
updateJSDocTypeLiteral(node: JSDocTypeLiteral, jsDocPropertyTags: readonly JSDocPropertyLikeTag[] | undefined, isArrayType: boolean | undefined): JSDocTypeLiteral;
createJSDocSignature(typeParameters: readonly JSDocTemplateTag[] | undefined, parameters: readonly JSDocParameterTag[], type?: JSDocReturnTag): JSDocSignature;
updateJSDocSignature(node: JSDocSignature, typeParameters: readonly JSDocTemplateTag[] | undefined, parameters: readonly JSDocParameterTag[], type: JSDocReturnTag | undefined): JSDocSignature;
createJSDocTemplateTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, constraint: JSDocTypeExpression | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[], comment?: string): JSDocTemplateTag;
updateJSDocTemplateTag(node: JSDocTemplateTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, constraint: JSDocTypeExpression | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[], comment: string | undefined): JSDocTemplateTag;
createJSDocTypedefTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression | JSDocTypeLiteral, fullName?: Identifier | JSDocNamespaceDeclaration, comment?: string): JSDocTypedefTag;
updateJSDocTypedefTag(node: JSDocTypedefTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression | JSDocTypeLiteral | undefined, fullName: Identifier | JSDocNamespaceDeclaration | undefined, comment: string | undefined): JSDocTypedefTag;
createJSDocParameterTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, name: EntityName, isBracketed: boolean, typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression, isNameFirst?: boolean, comment?: string): JSDocParameterTag;
updateJSDocParameterTag(node: JSDocParameterTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, name: EntityName, isBracketed: boolean, typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression | undefined, isNameFirst: boolean, comment: string | undefined): JSDocParameterTag;
createJSDocPropertyTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, name: EntityName, isBracketed: boolean, typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression, isNameFirst?: boolean, comment?: string): JSDocPropertyTag;
updateJSDocPropertyTag(node: JSDocPropertyTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, name: EntityName, isBracketed: boolean, typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression | undefined, isNameFirst: boolean, comment: string | undefined): JSDocPropertyTag;
createJSDocTypeTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression, comment?: string): JSDocTypeTag;
updateJSDocTypeTag(node: JSDocTypeTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression, comment: string | undefined): JSDocTypeTag;
createJSDocReturnTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression, comment?: string): JSDocReturnTag;
updateJSDocReturnTag(node: JSDocReturnTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression | undefined, comment: string | undefined): JSDocReturnTag;
createJSDocThisTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression, comment?: string): JSDocThisTag;
updateJSDocThisTag(node: JSDocThisTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression | undefined, comment: string | undefined): JSDocThisTag;
createJSDocEnumTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression, comment?: string): JSDocEnumTag;
updateJSDocEnumTag(node: JSDocEnumTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression, comment: string | undefined): JSDocEnumTag;
createJSDocCallbackTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression: JSDocSignature, fullName?: Identifier | JSDocNamespaceDeclaration, comment?: string): JSDocCallbackTag;
updateJSDocCallbackTag(node: JSDocCallbackTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, typeExpression: JSDocSignature, fullName: Identifier | JSDocNamespaceDeclaration | undefined, comment: string | undefined): JSDocCallbackTag;
createJSDocAugmentsTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, className: JSDocAugmentsTag["class"], comment?: string): JSDocAugmentsTag;
updateJSDocAugmentsTag(node: JSDocAugmentsTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, className: JSDocAugmentsTag["class"], comment: string | undefined): JSDocAugmentsTag;
createJSDocImplementsTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, className: JSDocImplementsTag["class"], comment?: string): JSDocImplementsTag;
updateJSDocImplementsTag(node: JSDocImplementsTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, className: JSDocImplementsTag["class"], comment: string | undefined): JSDocImplementsTag;
createJSDocAuthorTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment?: string): JSDocAuthorTag;
updateJSDocAuthorTag(node: JSDocAuthorTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment: string | undefined): JSDocAuthorTag;
createJSDocClassTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment?: string): JSDocClassTag;
updateJSDocClassTag(node: JSDocClassTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment: string | undefined): JSDocClassTag;
createJSDocPublicTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment?: string): JSDocPublicTag;
updateJSDocPublicTag(node: JSDocPublicTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment: string | undefined): JSDocPublicTag;
createJSDocPrivateTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment?: string): JSDocPrivateTag;
updateJSDocPrivateTag(node: JSDocPrivateTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment: string | undefined): JSDocPrivateTag;
createJSDocProtectedTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment?: string): JSDocProtectedTag;
updateJSDocProtectedTag(node: JSDocProtectedTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment: string | undefined): JSDocProtectedTag;
createJSDocReadonlyTag(tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment?: string): JSDocReadonlyTag;
updateJSDocReadonlyTag(node: JSDocReadonlyTag, tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment: string | undefined): JSDocReadonlyTag;
createJSDocUnknownTag(tagName: Identifier, comment?: string): JSDocUnknownTag;
updateJSDocUnknownTag(node: JSDocUnknownTag, tagName: Identifier, comment: string | undefined): JSDocUnknownTag;
createJSDocDeprecatedTag(tagName: Identifier, comment?: string): JSDocDeprecatedTag;
updateJSDocDeprecatedTag(node: JSDocDeprecatedTag, tagName: Identifier, comment?: string): JSDocDeprecatedTag;
createJSDocComment(comment?: string | undefined, tags?: readonly JSDocTag[] | undefined): JSDoc;
updateJSDocComment(node: JSDoc, comment: string | undefined, tags: readonly JSDocTag[] | undefined): JSDoc;
// JSX
createJsxElement(openingElement: JsxOpeningElement, children: readonly JsxChild[], closingElement: JsxClosingElement): JsxElement;
updateJsxElement(node: JsxElement, openingElement: JsxOpeningElement, children: readonly JsxChild[], closingElement: JsxClosingElement): JsxElement;
createJsxSelfClosingElement(tagName: JsxTagNameExpression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, attributes: JsxAttributes): JsxSelfClosingElement;
updateJsxSelfClosingElement(node: JsxSelfClosingElement, tagName: JsxTagNameExpression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, attributes: JsxAttributes): JsxSelfClosingElement;
createJsxOpeningElement(tagName: JsxTagNameExpression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, attributes: JsxAttributes): JsxOpeningElement;
updateJsxOpeningElement(node: JsxOpeningElement, tagName: JsxTagNameExpression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, attributes: JsxAttributes): JsxOpeningElement;
createJsxClosingElement(tagName: JsxTagNameExpression): JsxClosingElement;
updateJsxClosingElement(node: JsxClosingElement, tagName: JsxTagNameExpression): JsxClosingElement;
createJsxFragment(openingFragment: JsxOpeningFragment, children: readonly JsxChild[], closingFragment: JsxClosingFragment): JsxFragment;
createJsxText(text: string, containsOnlyTriviaWhiteSpaces?: boolean): JsxText;
updateJsxText(node: JsxText, text: string, containsOnlyTriviaWhiteSpaces?: boolean): JsxText;
createJsxOpeningFragment(): JsxOpeningFragment;
createJsxJsxClosingFragment(): JsxClosingFragment;
updateJsxFragment(node: JsxFragment, openingFragment: JsxOpeningFragment, children: readonly JsxChild[], closingFragment: JsxClosingFragment): JsxFragment;
createJsxAttribute(name: Identifier, initializer: StringLiteral | JsxExpression | undefined): JsxAttribute;
updateJsxAttribute(node: JsxAttribute, name: Identifier, initializer: StringLiteral | JsxExpression | undefined): JsxAttribute;
createJsxAttributes(properties: readonly JsxAttributeLike[]): JsxAttributes;
updateJsxAttributes(node: JsxAttributes, properties: readonly JsxAttributeLike[]): JsxAttributes;
createJsxSpreadAttribute(expression: Expression): JsxSpreadAttribute;
updateJsxSpreadAttribute(node: JsxSpreadAttribute, expression: Expression): JsxSpreadAttribute;
createJsxExpression(dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined, expression: Expression | undefined): JsxExpression;
updateJsxExpression(node: JsxExpression, expression: Expression | undefined): JsxExpression;
// Clauses
createCaseClause(expression: Expression, statements: readonly Statement[]): CaseClause;
updateCaseClause(node: CaseClause, expression: Expression, statements: readonly Statement[]): CaseClause;
createDefaultClause(statements: readonly Statement[]): DefaultClause;
updateDefaultClause(node: DefaultClause, statements: readonly Statement[]): DefaultClause;
createHeritageClause(token: HeritageClause["token"], types: readonly ExpressionWithTypeArguments[]): HeritageClause;
updateHeritageClause(node: HeritageClause, types: readonly ExpressionWithTypeArguments[]): HeritageClause;
createCatchClause(variableDeclaration: string | VariableDeclaration | undefined, block: Block): CatchClause;
updateCatchClause(node: CatchClause, variableDeclaration: VariableDeclaration | undefined, block: Block): CatchClause;
// Property assignments
createPropertyAssignment(name: string | PropertyName, initializer: Expression): PropertyAssignment;
updatePropertyAssignment(node: PropertyAssignment, name: PropertyName, initializer: Expression): PropertyAssignment;
createShorthandPropertyAssignment(name: string | Identifier, objectAssignmentInitializer?: Expression): ShorthandPropertyAssignment;
updateShorthandPropertyAssignment(node: ShorthandPropertyAssignment, name: Identifier, objectAssignmentInitializer: Expression | undefined): ShorthandPropertyAssignment;
createSpreadAssignment(expression: Expression): SpreadAssignment;
updateSpreadAssignment(node: SpreadAssignment, expression: Expression): SpreadAssignment;
// Enum
createEnumMember(name: string | PropertyName, initializer?: Expression): EnumMember;
updateEnumMember(node: EnumMember, name: PropertyName, initializer: Expression | undefined): EnumMember;
// Top-level nodes
createSourceFile(statements: readonly Statement[], endOfFileToken: EndOfFileToken, flags: NodeFlags): SourceFile;
updateSourceFile(node: SourceFile, statements: readonly Statement[], isDeclarationFile?: boolean, referencedFiles?: readonly FileReference[], typeReferences?: readonly FileReference[], hasNoDefaultLib?: boolean, libReferences?: readonly FileReference[]): SourceFile;
/* @internal */ createUnparsedSource(prologues: readonly UnparsedPrologue[], syntheticReferences: readonly UnparsedSyntheticReference[] | undefined, texts: readonly UnparsedSourceText[]): UnparsedSource;
/* @internal */ createUnparsedPrologue(data?: string): UnparsedPrologue;
/* @internal */ createUnparsedPrepend(data: string | undefined, texts: readonly UnparsedSourceText[]): UnparsedPrepend;
/* @internal */ createUnparsedTextLike(data: string | undefined, internal: boolean): UnparsedTextLike;
/* @internal */ createUnparsedSyntheticReference(section: BundleFileHasNoDefaultLib | BundleFileReference): UnparsedSyntheticReference;
/* @internal */ createInputFiles(): InputFiles;
// Synthetic Nodes
/* @internal */ createSyntheticExpression(type: Type, isSpread?: boolean, tupleNameSource?: ParameterDeclaration | NamedTupleMember): SyntheticExpression;
/* @internal */ createSyntaxList(children: Node[]): SyntaxList;
// Transformation nodes
createNotEmittedStatement(original: Node): NotEmittedStatement;
/* @internal */ createEndOfDeclarationMarker(original: Node): EndOfDeclarationMarker;
/* @internal */ createMergeDeclarationMarker(original: Node): MergeDeclarationMarker;
createPartiallyEmittedExpression(expression: Expression, original?: Node): PartiallyEmittedExpression;
updatePartiallyEmittedExpression(node: PartiallyEmittedExpression, expression: Expression): PartiallyEmittedExpression;
/* @internal */ createSyntheticReferenceExpression(expression: Expression, thisArg: Expression): SyntheticReferenceExpression;
/* @internal */ updateSyntheticReferenceExpression(node: SyntheticReferenceExpression, expression: Expression, thisArg: Expression): SyntheticReferenceExpression;
createCommaListExpression(elements: readonly Expression[]): CommaListExpression;
updateCommaListExpression(node: CommaListExpression, elements: readonly Expression[]): CommaListExpression;
createBundle(sourceFiles: readonly SourceFile[], prepends?: readonly (UnparsedSource | InputFiles)[]): Bundle;
updateBundle(node: Bundle, sourceFiles: readonly SourceFile[], prepends?: readonly (UnparsedSource | InputFiles)[]): Bundle;
// Common operators
createComma(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createAssignment(left: ObjectLiteralExpression | ArrayLiteralExpression, right: Expression): DestructuringAssignment;
createAssignment(left: Expression, right: Expression): AssignmentExpression<EqualsToken>;
createLogicalOr(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createLogicalAnd(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createBitwiseOr(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createBitwiseXor(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createBitwiseAnd(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createStrictEquality(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createStrictInequality(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createEquality(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createInequality(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createLessThan(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createLessThanEquals(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createGreaterThan(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createGreaterThanEquals(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createLeftShift(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createRightShift(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createUnsignedRightShift(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createAdd(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createSubtract(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createMultiply(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createDivide(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createModulo(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createExponent(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
createPrefixPlus(operand: Expression): PrefixUnaryExpression;
createPrefixMinus(operand: Expression): PrefixUnaryExpression;
createPrefixIncrement(operand: Expression): PrefixUnaryExpression;
createPrefixDecrement(operand: Expression): PrefixUnaryExpression;
createBitwiseNot(operand: Expression): PrefixUnaryExpression;
createLogicalNot(operand: Expression): PrefixUnaryExpression;
createPostfixIncrement(operand: Expression): PostfixUnaryExpression;
createPostfixDecrement(operand: Expression): PostfixUnaryExpression;
// Compound Nodes
createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression(statements: readonly Statement[]): CallExpression;
createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression(statements: readonly Statement[], param: ParameterDeclaration, paramValue: Expression): CallExpression;
createImmediatelyInvokedArrowFunction(statements: readonly Statement[]): CallExpression;
createImmediatelyInvokedArrowFunction(statements: readonly Statement[], param: ParameterDeclaration, paramValue: Expression): CallExpression;
createVoidZero(): VoidExpression;
createExportDefault(expression: Expression): ExportAssignment;
createExternalModuleExport(exportName: Identifier): ExportDeclaration;
/* @internal */ createTypeCheck(value: Expression, tag: TypeOfTag): Expression;
/* @internal */ createMethodCall(object: Expression, methodName: string | Identifier, argumentsList: readonly Expression[]): CallExpression;
/* @internal */ createGlobalMethodCall(globalObjectName: string, globalMethodName: string, argumentsList: readonly Expression[]): CallExpression;
/* @internal */ createFunctionBindCall(target: Expression, thisArg: Expression, argumentsList: readonly Expression[]): CallExpression;
/* @internal */ createFunctionCallCall(target: Expression, thisArg: Expression, argumentsList: readonly Expression[]): CallExpression;
/* @internal */ createFunctionApplyCall(target: Expression, thisArg: Expression, argumentsExpression: Expression): CallExpression;
/* @internal */ createObjectDefinePropertyCall(target: Expression, propertyName: string | Expression, attributes: Expression): CallExpression;
/* @internal */ createPropertyDescriptor(attributes: PropertyDescriptorAttributes, singleLine?: boolean): ObjectLiteralExpression;
/* @internal */ createArraySliceCall(array: Expression, start?: number | Expression): CallExpression;
/* @internal */ createArrayConcatCall(array: Expression, values: readonly Expression[]): CallExpression;
/* @internal */ createCallBinding(expression: Expression, recordTempVariable: (temp: Identifier) => void, languageVersion?: ScriptTarget, cacheIdentifiers?: boolean): CallBinding;
/* @internal */ inlineExpressions(expressions: readonly Expression[]): Expression;
* Gets the internal name of a declaration. This is primarily used for declarations that can be
* referred to by name in the body of an ES5 class function body. An internal name will *never*
* be prefixed with an module or namespace export modifier like "exports." when emitted as an
* expression. An internal name will also *never* be renamed due to a collision with a block
* scoped variable.
* @param node The declaration.
* @param allowComments A value indicating whether comments may be emitted for the name.
* @param allowSourceMaps A value indicating whether source maps may be emitted for the name.
/* @internal */ getInternalName(node: Declaration, allowComments?: boolean, allowSourceMaps?: boolean): Identifier;
* Gets the local name of a declaration. This is primarily used for declarations that can be
* referred to by name in the declaration's immediate scope (classes, enums, namespaces). A
* local name will *never* be prefixed with an module or namespace export modifier like
* "exports." when emitted as an expression.
* @param node The declaration.
* @param allowComments A value indicating whether comments may be emitted for the name.
* @param allowSourceMaps A value indicating whether source maps may be emitted for the name.
/* @internal */ getLocalName(node: Declaration, allowComments?: boolean, allowSourceMaps?: boolean): Identifier;
* Gets the export name of a declaration. This is primarily used for declarations that can be
* referred to by name in the declaration's immediate scope (classes, enums, namespaces). An
* export name will *always* be prefixed with a module or namespace export modifier like
* `"exports."` when emitted as an expression if the name points to an exported symbol.
* @param node The declaration.
* @param allowComments A value indicating whether comments may be emitted for the name.
* @param allowSourceMaps A value indicating whether source maps may be emitted for the name.
/* @internal */ getExportName(node: Declaration, allowComments?: boolean, allowSourceMaps?: boolean): Identifier;
* Gets the name of a declaration for use in declarations.
* @param node The declaration.
* @param allowComments A value indicating whether comments may be emitted for the name.
* @param allowSourceMaps A value indicating whether source maps may be emitted for the name.
/* @internal */ getDeclarationName(node: Declaration, allowComments?: boolean, allowSourceMaps?: boolean): Identifier;
* Gets a namespace-qualified name for use in expressions.
* @param ns The namespace identifier.
* @param name The name.
* @param allowComments A value indicating whether comments may be emitted for the name.
* @param allowSourceMaps A value indicating whether source maps may be emitted for the name.
/* @internal */ getNamespaceMemberName(ns: Identifier, name: Identifier, allowComments?: boolean, allowSourceMaps?: boolean): PropertyAccessExpression;
* Gets the exported name of a declaration for use in expressions.
* An exported name will *always* be prefixed with an module or namespace export modifier like
* "exports." if the name points to an exported symbol.
* @param ns The namespace identifier.
* @param node The declaration.
* @param allowComments A value indicating whether comments may be emitted for the name.
* @param allowSourceMaps A value indicating whether source maps may be emitted for the name.
/* @internal */ getExternalModuleOrNamespaceExportName(ns: Identifier | undefined, node: Declaration, allowComments?: boolean, allowSourceMaps?: boolean): Identifier | PropertyAccessExpression;
// Utilities
restoreOuterExpressions(outerExpression: Expression | undefined, innerExpression: Expression, kinds?: OuterExpressionKinds): Expression;
/* @internal */ restoreEnclosingLabel(node: Statement, outermostLabeledStatement: LabeledStatement | undefined, afterRestoreLabelCallback?: (node: LabeledStatement) => void): Statement;
/* @internal */ createUseStrictPrologue(): PrologueDirective;
* Copies any necessary standard and custom prologue-directives into target array.
* @param source origin statements array
* @param target result statements array
* @param ensureUseStrict boolean determining whether the function need to add prologue-directives
* @param visitor Optional callback used to visit any custom prologue directives.
/* @internal */ copyPrologue(source: readonly Statement[], target: Push<Statement>, ensureUseStrict?: boolean, visitor?: (node: Node) => VisitResult<Node>): number;
* Copies only the standard (string-expression) prologue-directives into the target statement-array.
* @param source origin statements array
* @param target result statements array
* @param ensureUseStrict boolean determining whether the function need to add prologue-directives
/* @internal */ copyStandardPrologue(source: readonly Statement[], target: Push<Statement>, ensureUseStrict?: boolean): number;
* Copies only the custom prologue-directives into target statement-array.
* @param source origin statements array
* @param target result statements array
* @param statementOffset The offset at which to begin the copy.
* @param visitor Optional callback used to visit any custom prologue directives.
/* @internal */ copyCustomPrologue(source: readonly Statement[], target: Push<Statement>, statementOffset: number, visitor?: (node: Node) => VisitResult<Node>, filter?: (node: Node) => boolean): number;
/* @internal */ copyCustomPrologue(source: readonly Statement[], target: Push<Statement>, statementOffset: number | undefined, visitor?: (node: Node) => VisitResult<Node>, filter?: (node: Node) => boolean): number | undefined;
/* @internal */ ensureUseStrict(statements: NodeArray<Statement>): NodeArray<Statement>;
/* @internal */ liftToBlock(nodes: readonly Node[]): Statement;
* Merges generated lexical declarations into a new statement list.
/* @internal */ mergeLexicalEnvironment(statements: NodeArray<Statement>, declarations: readonly Statement[] | undefined): NodeArray<Statement>;
* Appends generated lexical declarations to an array of statements.
/* @internal */ mergeLexicalEnvironment(statements: Statement[], declarations: readonly Statement[] | undefined): Statement[];
* Creates a shallow, memberwise clone of a node.
* - The result will have its `original` pointer set to `node`.
* - The result will have its `pos` and `end` set to `-1`.
* - *DO NOT USE THIS* if a more appropriate function is available.
/* @internal */ cloneNode<T extends Node | undefined>(node: T): T;
/* @internal */ updateModifiers<T extends HasModifiers>(node: T, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | ModifierFlags): T;
/* @internal */
export const enum LexicalEnvironmentFlags {
None = 0,
InParameters = 1 << 0, // currently visiting a parameter list
VariablesHoistedInParameters = 1 << 1 // a temp variable was hoisted while visiting a parameter list
export interface CoreTransformationContext {
readonly factory: NodeFactory;
/** Gets the compiler options supplied to the transformer. */
getCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions;
/** Starts a new lexical environment. */
startLexicalEnvironment(): void;
/* @internal */ setLexicalEnvironmentFlags(flags: LexicalEnvironmentFlags, value: boolean): void;
/* @internal */ getLexicalEnvironmentFlags(): LexicalEnvironmentFlags;
/** Suspends the current lexical environment, usually after visiting a parameter list. */
suspendLexicalEnvironment(): void;
/** Resumes a suspended lexical environment, usually before visiting a function body. */
resumeLexicalEnvironment(): void;
/** Ends a lexical environment, returning any declarations. */
endLexicalEnvironment(): Statement[] | undefined;
/** Hoists a function declaration to the containing scope. */
hoistFunctionDeclaration(node: FunctionDeclaration): void;
/** Hoists a variable declaration to the containing scope. */
hoistVariableDeclaration(node: Identifier): void;
/** Adds an initialization statement to the top of the lexical environment. */
/* @internal */
addInitializationStatement(node: Statement): void;
export interface TransformationContext extends CoreTransformationContext {
/*@internal*/ getEmitResolver(): EmitResolver;
/*@internal*/ getEmitHost(): EmitHost;
/*@internal*/ getEmitHelperFactory(): EmitHelperFactory;
/** Records a request for a non-scoped emit helper in the current context. */
requestEmitHelper(helper: EmitHelper): void;
/** Gets and resets the requested non-scoped emit helpers. */
readEmitHelpers(): EmitHelper[] | undefined;
/** Enables expression substitutions in the pretty printer for the provided SyntaxKind. */
enableSubstitution(kind: SyntaxKind): void;
/** Determines whether expression substitutions are enabled for the provided node. */
isSubstitutionEnabled(node: Node): boolean;
* Hook used by transformers to substitute expressions just before they
* are emitted by the pretty printer.
* NOTE: Transformation hooks should only be modified during `Transformer` initialization,
* before returning the `NodeTransformer` callback.
onSubstituteNode: (hint: EmitHint, node: Node) => Node;
* Enables before/after emit notifications in the pretty printer for the provided
* SyntaxKind.
enableEmitNotification(kind: SyntaxKind): void;
* Determines whether before/after emit notifications should be raised in the pretty
* printer when it emits a node.
isEmitNotificationEnabled(node: Node): boolean;
* Hook used to allow transformers to capture state before or after
* the printer emits a node.
* NOTE: Transformation hooks should only be modified during `Transformer` initialization,
* before returning the `NodeTransformer` callback.
onEmitNode: (hint: EmitHint, node: Node, emitCallback: (hint: EmitHint, node: Node) => void) => void;
/* @internal */ addDiagnostic(diag: DiagnosticWithLocation): void;
export interface TransformationResult<T extends Node> {
/** Gets the transformed source files. */
transformed: T[];
/** Gets diagnostics for the transformation. */
diagnostics?: DiagnosticWithLocation[];
* Gets a substitute for a node, if one is available; otherwise, returns the original node.
* @param hint A hint as to the intended usage of the node.
* @param node The node to substitute.
substituteNode(hint: EmitHint, node: Node): Node;
* Emits a node with possible notification.
* @param hint A hint as to the intended usage of the node.
* @param node The node to emit.
* @param emitCallback A callback used to emit the node.
emitNodeWithNotification(hint: EmitHint, node: Node, emitCallback: (hint: EmitHint, node: Node) => void): void;
* Indicates if a given node needs an emit notification
* @param node The node to emit.
isEmitNotificationEnabled?(node: Node): boolean;
* Clean up EmitNode entries on any parse-tree nodes.
dispose(): void;
* A function that is used to initialize and return a `Transformer` callback, which in turn
* will be used to transform one or more nodes.
export type TransformerFactory<T extends Node> = (context: TransformationContext) => Transformer<T>;
* A function that transforms a node.
export type Transformer<T extends Node> = (node: T) => T;
* A function that accepts and possibly transforms a node.
export type Visitor = (node: Node) => VisitResult<Node>;
export interface NodeVisitor {
<T extends Node>(nodes: T, visitor: Visitor | undefined, test?: (node: Node) => boolean, lift?: (node: NodeArray<Node>) => T): T;
<T extends Node>(nodes: T | undefined, visitor: Visitor | undefined, test?: (node: Node) => boolean, lift?: (node: NodeArray<Node>) => T): T | undefined;
export interface NodesVisitor {
<T extends Node>(nodes: NodeArray<T>, visitor: Visitor | undefined, test?: (node: Node) => boolean, start?: number, count?: number): NodeArray<T>;
<T extends Node>(nodes: NodeArray<T> | undefined, visitor: Visitor | undefined, test?: (node: Node) => boolean, start?: number, count?: number): NodeArray<T> | undefined;
export type VisitResult<T extends Node> = T | T[] | undefined;
export interface Printer {
* Print a node and its subtree as-is, without any emit transformations.
* @param hint A value indicating the purpose of a node. This is primarily used to
* distinguish between an `Identifier` used in an expression position, versus an
* `Identifier` used as an `IdentifierName` as part of a declaration. For most nodes you
* should just pass `Unspecified`.
* @param node The node to print. The node and its subtree are printed as-is, without any
* emit transformations.
* @param sourceFile A source file that provides context for the node. The source text of
* the file is used to emit the original source content for literals and identifiers, while
* the identifiers of the source file are used when generating unique names to avoid
* collisions.
printNode(hint: EmitHint, node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): string;
* Prints a list of nodes using the given format flags
printList<T extends Node>(format: ListFormat, list: NodeArray<T>, sourceFile: SourceFile): string;
* Prints a source file as-is, without any emit transformations.
printFile(sourceFile: SourceFile): string;
* Prints a bundle of source files as-is, without any emit transformations.
printBundle(bundle: Bundle): string;
/*@internal*/ writeNode(hint: EmitHint, node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined, writer: EmitTextWriter): void;
/*@internal*/ writeList<T extends Node>(format: ListFormat, list: NodeArray<T> | undefined, sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined, writer: EmitTextWriter): void;
/*@internal*/ writeFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, writer: EmitTextWriter, sourceMapGenerator: SourceMapGenerator | undefined): void;
/*@internal*/ writeBundle(bundle: Bundle, writer: EmitTextWriter, sourceMapGenerator: SourceMapGenerator | undefined): void;
/*@internal*/ bundleFileInfo?: BundleFileInfo;
export const enum BundleFileSectionKind {
Prologue = "prologue",
EmitHelpers = "emitHelpers",
NoDefaultLib = "no-default-lib",
Reference = "reference",
Type = "type",
Lib = "lib",
Prepend = "prepend",
Text = "text",
Internal = "internal",
// comments?
export interface BundleFileSectionBase extends TextRange {
kind: BundleFileSectionKind;
data?: string;
export interface BundleFilePrologue extends BundleFileSectionBase {
kind: BundleFileSectionKind.Prologue;
data: string;
export interface BundleFileEmitHelpers extends BundleFileSectionBase {
kind: BundleFileSectionKind.EmitHelpers;
data: string;
export interface BundleFileHasNoDefaultLib extends BundleFileSectionBase {
kind: BundleFileSectionKind.NoDefaultLib;
export interface BundleFileReference extends BundleFileSectionBase {
kind: BundleFileSectionKind.Reference | BundleFileSectionKind.Type | BundleFileSectionKind.Lib;
data: string;
export interface BundleFilePrepend extends BundleFileSectionBase {
kind: BundleFileSectionKind.Prepend;
data: string;
texts: BundleFileTextLike[];
export type BundleFileTextLikeKind = BundleFileSectionKind.Text | BundleFileSectionKind.Internal;
export interface BundleFileTextLike extends BundleFileSectionBase {
kind: BundleFileTextLikeKind;
export type BundleFileSection =
| BundleFileEmitHelpers
| BundleFileHasNoDefaultLib
| BundleFileReference
| BundleFilePrepend
| BundleFileTextLike;
export interface SourceFilePrologueDirectiveExpression extends TextRange {
text: string;
export interface SourceFilePrologueDirective extends TextRange {
expression: SourceFilePrologueDirectiveExpression;
export interface SourceFilePrologueInfo {
file: number;
text: string;
directives: SourceFilePrologueDirective[];
export interface SourceFileInfo {
// List of helpers in own source files emitted if no prepend is present
helpers?: string[];
prologues?: SourceFilePrologueInfo[];
export interface BundleFileInfo {
sections: BundleFileSection[];
sources?: SourceFileInfo;
export interface BundleBuildInfo {
js?: BundleFileInfo;
dts?: BundleFileInfo;
commonSourceDirectory: string;
sourceFiles: readonly string[];
/* @internal */
export interface BuildInfo {
bundle?: BundleBuildInfo;
program?: ProgramBuildInfo;
version: string;
export interface PrintHandlers {
* A hook used by the Printer when generating unique names to avoid collisions with
* globally defined names that exist outside of the current source file.
hasGlobalName?(name: string): boolean;
* A hook used by the Printer to provide notifications prior to emitting a node. A
* compatible implementation **must** invoke `emitCallback` with the provided `hint` and
* `node` values.
* @param hint A hint indicating the intended purpose of the node.
* @param node The node to emit.
* @param emitCallback A callback that, when invoked, will emit the node.
* @example
* ```ts
* var printer = createPrinter(printerOptions, {
* onEmitNode(hint, node, emitCallback) {
* // set up or track state prior to emitting the node...
* emitCallback(hint, node);
* // restore state after emitting the node...
* }
* });
* ```
onEmitNode?(hint: EmitHint, node: Node | undefined, emitCallback: (hint: EmitHint, node: Node | undefined) => void): void;
* A hook used to check if an emit notification is required for a node.
* @param node The node to emit.
isEmitNotificationEnabled?(node: Node | undefined): boolean;
* A hook used by the Printer to perform just-in-time substitution of a node. This is
* primarily used by node transformations that need to substitute one node for another,
* such as replacing `myExportedVar` with `exports.myExportedVar`.
* @param hint A hint indicating the intended purpose of the node.
* @param node The node to emit.
* @example
* ```ts
* var printer = createPrinter(printerOptions, {
* substituteNode(hint, node) {
* // perform substitution if necessary...
* return node;
* }
* });
* ```
substituteNode?(hint: EmitHint, node: Node): Node;
/*@internal*/ onEmitSourceMapOfNode?: (hint: EmitHint, node: Node, emitCallback: (hint: EmitHint, node: Node) => void) => void;
/*@internal*/ onEmitSourceMapOfToken?: (node: Node | undefined, token: SyntaxKind, writer: (s: string) => void, pos: number, emitCallback: (token: SyntaxKind, writer: (s: string) => void, pos: number) => number) => number;
/*@internal*/ onEmitSourceMapOfPosition?: (pos: number) => void;
/*@internal*/ onSetSourceFile?: (node: SourceFile) => void;
/*@internal*/ onBeforeEmitNodeArray?: (nodes: NodeArray<any> | undefined) => void;
/*@internal*/ onAfterEmitNodeArray?: (nodes: NodeArray<any> | undefined) => void;
/*@internal*/ onBeforeEmitToken?: (node: Node) => void;
/*@internal*/ onAfterEmitToken?: (node: Node) => void;
export interface PrinterOptions {
removeComments?: boolean;
newLine?: NewLineKind;
omitTrailingSemicolon?: boolean;
noEmitHelpers?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ module?: CompilerOptions["module"];
/*@internal*/ target?: CompilerOptions["target"];
/*@internal*/ sourceMap?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ inlineSourceMap?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ inlineSources?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ extendedDiagnostics?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ onlyPrintJsDocStyle?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ neverAsciiEscape?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ writeBundleFileInfo?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ recordInternalSection?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ stripInternal?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ preserveSourceNewlines?: boolean;
/*@internal*/ relativeToBuildInfo?: (path: string) => string;
/* @internal */
export interface RawSourceMap {
version: 3;
file: string;
sourceRoot?: string | null;
sources: string[];
sourcesContent?: (string | null)[] | null;
mappings: string;
names?: string[] | null;
* Generates a source map.
/* @internal */
export interface SourceMapGenerator {
getSources(): readonly string[];
* Adds a source to the source map.
addSource(fileName: string): number;
* Set the content for a source.
setSourceContent(sourceIndex: number, content: string | null): void;
* Adds a name.
addName(name: string): number;
* Adds a mapping without source information.
addMapping(generatedLine: number, generatedCharacter: number): void;
* Adds a mapping with source information.
addMapping(generatedLine: number, generatedCharacter: number, sourceIndex: number, sourceLine: number, sourceCharacter: number, nameIndex?: number): void;
* Appends a source map.
appendSourceMap(generatedLine: number, generatedCharacter: number, sourceMap: RawSourceMap, sourceMapPath: string, start?: LineAndCharacter, end?: LineAndCharacter): void;
* Gets the source map as a `RawSourceMap` object.
toJSON(): RawSourceMap;
* Gets the string representation of the source map.
toString(): string;
/* @internal */
export interface DocumentPositionMapperHost {
getSourceFileLike(fileName: string): SourceFileLike | undefined;
getCanonicalFileName(path: string): string;
log(text: string): void;
* Maps positions between source and generated files.
/* @internal */
export interface DocumentPositionMapper {
getSourcePosition(input: DocumentPosition): DocumentPosition;
getGeneratedPosition(input: DocumentPosition): DocumentPosition;
/* @internal */
export interface DocumentPosition {
fileName: string;
pos: number;
/* @internal */
export interface EmitTextWriter extends SymbolWriter {
write(s: string): void;
writeTrailingSemicolon(text: string): void;
writeComment(text: string): void;
getText(): string;
rawWrite(s: string): void;
writeLiteral(s: string): void;
getTextPos(): number;
getLine(): number;
getColumn(): number;
getIndent(): number;
isAtStartOfLine(): boolean;
hasTrailingComment(): boolean;
hasTrailingWhitespace(): boolean;
getTextPosWithWriteLine?(): number;
export interface GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost {
directoryExists?(directoryName: string): boolean;
getCurrentDirectory?(): string;
export interface ModuleSpecifierResolutionHost {
useCaseSensitiveFileNames?(): boolean;
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
readFile?(path: string): string | undefined;
getProbableSymlinks?(files: readonly SourceFile[]): ReadonlyESMap<string, string>;
getGlobalTypingsCacheLocation?(): string | undefined;
getSourceFiles(): readonly SourceFile[];
readonly redirectTargetsMap: RedirectTargetsMap;
getProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string): string | undefined;
isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName: string): boolean;
// Note: this used to be deprecated in our public API, but is still used internally
/* @internal */
export interface SymbolTracker {
// Called when the symbol writer encounters a symbol to write. Currently only used by the
// declaration emitter to help determine if it should patch up the final declaration file
// with import statements it previously saw (but chose not to emit).
trackSymbol?(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, meaning: SymbolFlags): void;
reportInaccessibleThisError?(): void;
reportPrivateInBaseOfClassExpression?(propertyName: string): void;
reportInaccessibleUniqueSymbolError?(): void;
reportCyclicStructureError?(): void;
reportLikelyUnsafeImportRequiredError?(specifier: string): void;
moduleResolverHost?: ModuleSpecifierResolutionHost & { getCommonSourceDirectory(): string };
trackReferencedAmbientModule?(decl: ModuleDeclaration, symbol: Symbol): void;
trackExternalModuleSymbolOfImportTypeNode?(symbol: Symbol): void;
reportNonlocalAugmentation?(containingFile: SourceFile, parentSymbol: Symbol, augmentingSymbol: Symbol): void;
export interface TextSpan {
start: number;
length: number;
export interface TextChangeRange {
span: TextSpan;
newLength: number;
/* @internal */
export interface DiagnosticCollection {
// Adds a diagnostic to this diagnostic collection.
add(diagnostic: Diagnostic): void;
// Returns the first existing diagnostic that is equivalent to the given one (sans related information)
lookup(diagnostic: Diagnostic): Diagnostic | undefined;
// Gets all the diagnostics that aren't associated with a file.
getGlobalDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
// If fileName is provided, gets all the diagnostics associated with that file name.
// Otherwise, returns all the diagnostics (global and file associated) in this collection.
getDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
getDiagnostics(fileName: string): DiagnosticWithLocation[];
reattachFileDiagnostics(newFile: SourceFile): void;
// SyntaxKind.SyntaxList
export interface SyntaxList extends Node {
kind: SyntaxKind.SyntaxList;
_children: Node[];
export const enum ListFormat {
None = 0,
// Line separators
SingleLine = 0, // Prints the list on a single line (default).
MultiLine = 1 << 0, // Prints the list on multiple lines.
PreserveLines = 1 << 1, // Prints the list using line preservation if possible.
LinesMask = SingleLine | MultiLine | PreserveLines,
// Delimiters
NotDelimited = 0, // There is no delimiter between list items (default).
BarDelimited = 1 << 2, // Each list item is space-and-bar (" |") delimited.
AmpersandDelimited = 1 << 3, // Each list item is space-and-ampersand (" &") delimited.
CommaDelimited = 1 << 4, // Each list item is comma (",") delimited.
AsteriskDelimited = 1 << 5, // Each list item is asterisk ("\n *") delimited, used with JSDoc.
DelimitersMask = BarDelimited | AmpersandDelimited | CommaDelimited | AsteriskDelimited,
AllowTrailingComma = 1 << 6, // Write a trailing comma (",") if present.
// Whitespace
Indented = 1 << 7, // The list should be indented.
SpaceBetweenBraces = 1 << 8, // Inserts a space after the opening brace and before the closing brace.
SpaceBetweenSiblings = 1 << 9, // Inserts a space between each sibling node.
// Brackets/Braces
Braces = 1 << 10, // The list is surrounded by "{" and "}".
Parenthesis = 1 << 11, // The list is surrounded by "(" and ")".
AngleBrackets = 1 << 12, // The list is surrounded by "<" and ">".
SquareBrackets = 1 << 13, // The list is surrounded by "[" and "]".
BracketsMask = Braces | Parenthesis | AngleBrackets | SquareBrackets,
OptionalIfUndefined = 1 << 14, // Do not emit brackets if the list is undefined.
OptionalIfEmpty = 1 << 15, // Do not emit brackets if the list is empty.
Optional = OptionalIfUndefined | OptionalIfEmpty,
// Other
PreferNewLine = 1 << 16, // Prefer adding a LineTerminator between synthesized nodes.
NoTrailingNewLine = 1 << 17, // Do not emit a trailing NewLine for a MultiLine list.
NoInterveningComments = 1 << 18, // Do not emit comments between each node
NoSpaceIfEmpty = 1 << 19, // If the literal is empty, do not add spaces between braces.
SingleElement = 1 << 20,
SpaceAfterList = 1 << 21, // Add space after list
// Precomputed Formats
Modifiers = SingleLine | SpaceBetweenSiblings | NoInterveningComments,
HeritageClauses = SingleLine | SpaceBetweenSiblings,
SingleLineTypeLiteralMembers = SingleLine | SpaceBetweenBraces | SpaceBetweenSiblings,
MultiLineTypeLiteralMembers = MultiLine | Indented | OptionalIfEmpty,
SingleLineTupleTypeElements = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine,
MultiLineTupleTypeElements = CommaDelimited | Indented | SpaceBetweenSiblings | MultiLine,
UnionTypeConstituents = BarDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine,
IntersectionTypeConstituents = AmpersandDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine,
ObjectBindingPatternElements = SingleLine | AllowTrailingComma | SpaceBetweenBraces | CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | NoSpaceIfEmpty,
ArrayBindingPatternElements = SingleLine | AllowTrailingComma | CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | NoSpaceIfEmpty,
ObjectLiteralExpressionProperties = PreserveLines | CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SpaceBetweenBraces | Indented | Braces | NoSpaceIfEmpty,
ArrayLiteralExpressionElements = PreserveLines | CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | AllowTrailingComma | Indented | SquareBrackets,
CommaListElements = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine,
CallExpressionArguments = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine | Parenthesis,
NewExpressionArguments = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine | Parenthesis | OptionalIfUndefined,
TemplateExpressionSpans = SingleLine | NoInterveningComments,
SingleLineBlockStatements = SpaceBetweenBraces | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine,
MultiLineBlockStatements = Indented | MultiLine,
VariableDeclarationList = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine,
SingleLineFunctionBodyStatements = SingleLine | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SpaceBetweenBraces,
MultiLineFunctionBodyStatements = MultiLine,
ClassHeritageClauses = SingleLine,
ClassMembers = Indented | MultiLine,
InterfaceMembers = Indented | MultiLine,
EnumMembers = CommaDelimited | Indented | MultiLine,
CaseBlockClauses = Indented | MultiLine,
NamedImportsOrExportsElements = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | AllowTrailingComma | SingleLine | SpaceBetweenBraces | NoSpaceIfEmpty,
JsxElementOrFragmentChildren = SingleLine | NoInterveningComments,
JsxElementAttributes = SingleLine | SpaceBetweenSiblings | NoInterveningComments,
CaseOrDefaultClauseStatements = Indented | MultiLine | NoTrailingNewLine | OptionalIfEmpty,
HeritageClauseTypes = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine,
SourceFileStatements = MultiLine | NoTrailingNewLine,
Decorators = MultiLine | Optional | SpaceAfterList,
TypeArguments = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine | AngleBrackets | Optional,
TypeParameters = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine | AngleBrackets | Optional,
Parameters = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine | Parenthesis,
IndexSignatureParameters = CommaDelimited | SpaceBetweenSiblings | SingleLine | Indented | SquareBrackets,
JSDocComment = MultiLine | AsteriskDelimited,
/* @internal */
export const enum PragmaKindFlags {
None = 0,
* Triple slash comment of the form
* /// <pragma-name argname="value" />
TripleSlashXML = 1 << 0,
* Single line comment of the form
* // @pragma-name argval1 argval2
* or
* /// @pragma-name argval1 argval2
SingleLine = 1 << 1,
* Multiline non-jsdoc pragma of the form
* /* @pragma-name argval1 argval2 * /
MultiLine = 1 << 2,
All = TripleSlashXML | SingleLine | MultiLine,
Default = All,
/* @internal */
interface PragmaArgumentSpecification<TName extends string> {
name: TName; // Determines the name of the key in the resulting parsed type, type parameter to cause literal type inference
optional?: boolean;
captureSpan?: boolean;
/* @internal */
export interface PragmaDefinition<T1 extends string = string, T2 extends string = string, T3 extends string = string, T4 extends string = string> {
| readonly [PragmaArgumentSpecification<T1>]
| readonly [PragmaArgumentSpecification<T1>, PragmaArgumentSpecification<T2>]
| readonly [PragmaArgumentSpecification<T1>, PragmaArgumentSpecification<T2>, PragmaArgumentSpecification<T3>]
| readonly [PragmaArgumentSpecification<T1>, PragmaArgumentSpecification<T2>, PragmaArgumentSpecification<T3>, PragmaArgumentSpecification<T4>];
// If not present, defaults to PragmaKindFlags.Default
kind?: PragmaKindFlags;
// While not strictly a type, this is here because `PragmaMap` needs to be here to be used with `SourceFile`, and we don't
// fancy effectively defining it twice, once in value-space and once in type-space
/* @internal */
export const commentPragmas = {
"reference": {
args: [
{ name: "types", optional: true, captureSpan: true },
{ name: "lib", optional: true, captureSpan: true },
{ name: "path", optional: true, captureSpan: true },
{ name: "no-default-lib", optional: true }
kind: PragmaKindFlags.TripleSlashXML
"amd-dependency": {
args: [{ name: "path" }, { name: "name", optional: true }],
kind: PragmaKindFlags.TripleSlashXML
"amd-module": {
args: [{ name: "name" }],
kind: PragmaKindFlags.TripleSlashXML
"ts-check": {
kind: PragmaKindFlags.SingleLine
"ts-nocheck": {
kind: PragmaKindFlags.SingleLine
"jsx": {
args: [{ name: "factory" }],
kind: PragmaKindFlags.MultiLine
"jsxfrag": {
args: [{ name: "factory" }],
kind: PragmaKindFlags.MultiLine
} as const;
/* @internal */
type PragmaArgTypeMaybeCapture<TDesc> = TDesc extends {captureSpan: true} ? {value: string, pos: number, end: number} : string;
/* @internal */
type PragmaArgTypeOptional<TDesc, TName extends string> =
TDesc extends {optional: true}
? {[K in TName]?: PragmaArgTypeMaybeCapture<TDesc>}
: {[K in TName]: PragmaArgTypeMaybeCapture<TDesc>};
/* @internal */
type UnionToIntersection<U> =
(U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends ((k: infer I) => void) ? I : never;
/* @internal */
type ArgumentDefinitionToFieldUnion<T extends readonly PragmaArgumentSpecification<any>[]> = {
[K in keyof T]: PragmaArgTypeOptional<T[K], T[K] extends {name: infer TName} ? TName extends string ? TName : never : never>
}[Extract<keyof T, number>]; // The mapped type maps over only the tuple members, but this reindex gets _all_ members - by extracting only `number` keys, we get only the tuple members
* Maps a pragma definition into the desired shape for its arguments object
/* @internal */
type PragmaArgumentType<KPrag extends keyof ConcretePragmaSpecs> =
ConcretePragmaSpecs[KPrag] extends { args: readonly PragmaArgumentSpecification<any>[] }
? UnionToIntersection<ArgumentDefinitionToFieldUnion<ConcretePragmaSpecs[KPrag]["args"]>>
: never;
/* @internal */
type ConcretePragmaSpecs = typeof commentPragmas;
/* @internal */
export type PragmaPseudoMap = {[K in keyof ConcretePragmaSpecs]: {arguments: PragmaArgumentType<K>, range: CommentRange}};
/* @internal */
export type PragmaPseudoMapEntry = {[K in keyof PragmaPseudoMap]: {name: K, args: PragmaPseudoMap[K]}}[keyof PragmaPseudoMap];
/* @internal */
export interface ReadonlyPragmaMap extends ReadonlyESMap<string, PragmaPseudoMap[keyof PragmaPseudoMap] | PragmaPseudoMap[keyof PragmaPseudoMap][]> {
get<TKey extends keyof PragmaPseudoMap>(key: TKey): PragmaPseudoMap[TKey] | PragmaPseudoMap[TKey][];
forEach(action: <TKey extends keyof PragmaPseudoMap>(value: PragmaPseudoMap[TKey] | PragmaPseudoMap[TKey][], key: TKey) => void): void;
* A strongly-typed es6 map of pragma entries, the values of which are either a single argument
* value (if only one was found), or an array of multiple argument values if the pragma is present
* in multiple places
/* @internal */
export interface PragmaMap extends ESMap<string, PragmaPseudoMap[keyof PragmaPseudoMap] | PragmaPseudoMap[keyof PragmaPseudoMap][]>, ReadonlyPragmaMap {
set<TKey extends keyof PragmaPseudoMap>(key: TKey, value: PragmaPseudoMap[TKey] | PragmaPseudoMap[TKey][]): this;
get<TKey extends keyof PragmaPseudoMap>(key: TKey): PragmaPseudoMap[TKey] | PragmaPseudoMap[TKey][];
forEach(action: <TKey extends keyof PragmaPseudoMap>(value: PragmaPseudoMap[TKey] | PragmaPseudoMap[TKey][], key: TKey) => void): void;
/* @internal */
export interface CommentDirectivesMap {
getUnusedExpectations(): CommentDirective[];
markUsed(matchedLine: number): boolean;
export interface UserPreferences {
readonly disableSuggestions?: boolean;
readonly quotePreference?: "auto" | "double" | "single";
readonly includeCompletionsForModuleExports?: boolean;
readonly includeAutomaticOptionalChainCompletions?: boolean;
readonly includeCompletionsWithInsertText?: boolean;
readonly importModuleSpecifierPreference?: "auto" | "relative" | "non-relative";
/** Determines whether we import `foo/index.ts` as "foo", "foo/index", or "foo/index.js" */
readonly importModuleSpecifierEnding?: "auto" | "minimal" | "index" | "js";
readonly allowTextChangesInNewFiles?: boolean;
readonly providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename?: boolean;
readonly includePackageJsonAutoImports?: "exclude-dev" | "all" | "none";
readonly provideRefactorNotApplicableReason?: boolean;
/** Represents a bigint literal value without requiring bigint support */
export interface PseudoBigInt {
negative: boolean;
base10Value: string;