2016-06-17 17:55:15 -07:00

637 lines
28 KiB

/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts" />
namespace ts {
function notImplemented(): any {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
const nullLogger: server.Logger = {
close: () => void 0,
isVerbose: () => void 0,
loggingEnabled: () => false,
perftrc: () => void 0,
info: () => void 0,
startGroup: () => void 0,
endGroup: () => void 0,
msg: () => void 0
const { content: libFileContent } = Harness.getDefaultLibraryFile(Harness.IO);
function getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile: FileOrFolder): string {
return combinePaths(getDirectoryPath(libFile.path), "tsc.js");
interface FileOrFolder {
path: string;
content?: string;
fileSize?: number;
interface FSEntry {
path: Path;
fullPath: string;
interface File extends FSEntry {
content: string;
fileSize?: number;
interface Folder extends FSEntry {
entries: FSEntry[];
function isFolder(s: FSEntry): s is Folder {
return isArray((<Folder>s).entries);
function isFile(s: FSEntry): s is File {
return typeof (<File>s).content === "string";
function addFolder(fullPath: string, toPath: (s: string) => Path, fs: FileMap<FSEntry>): Folder {
const path = toPath(fullPath);
if (fs.contains(path)) {
return (<Folder>fs.get(path));
const entry: Folder = { path, entries: [], fullPath };
fs.set(path, entry);
const baseFullPath = getDirectoryPath(fullPath);
if (fullPath !== baseFullPath) {
addFolder(baseFullPath, toPath, fs).entries.push(entry);
return entry;
function sizeOfMap(map: Map<any>): number {
let n = 0;
for (const name in map) {
if (hasProperty(map, name)) {
return n;
function checkMapKeys(caption: string, map: Map<any>, expectedKeys: string[]) {
assert.equal(sizeOfMap(map), expectedKeys.length, `${caption}: incorrect size of map`);
for (const name of expectedKeys) {
assert.isTrue(hasProperty(map, name), `${caption} is expected to contain ${name}, actual keys: ${getKeys(map)}`);
function checkFileNames(caption: string, actualFileNames: string[], expectedFileNames: string[]) {
assert.equal(actualFileNames.length, expectedFileNames.length, `${caption}: incorrect actual number of files, expected ${JSON.stringify(expectedFileNames)}, got ${actualFileNames}`);
for (const f of expectedFileNames) {
assert.isTrue(contains(actualFileNames, f), `${caption}: expected to find ${f} in ${JSON.stringify(actualFileNames)}`);
function checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService: server.ProjectService, expected: number) {
assert.equal(projectService.configuredProjects.length, expected, `expected ${expected} configured project(s)`);
function checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService: server.ProjectService, expected: number) {
assert.equal(projectService.inferredProjects.length, expected, `expected ${expected} inferred project(s)`);
function checkWatchedFiles(host: TestServerHost, expectedFiles: string[]) {
checkMapKeys("watchedFiles", host.watchedFiles, expectedFiles);
function checkWatchedDirectories(host: TestServerHost, expectedDirectories: string[]) {
checkMapKeys("watchedDirectories", host.watchedDirectories, expectedDirectories);
function checkConfiguredProjectActualFiles(project: server.Project, expectedFiles: string[]) {
checkFileNames("configuredProjects project, actualFileNames", project.getFileNames(), expectedFiles);
function checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project: server.Project, expectedFiles: string[]) {
checkFileNames("configuredProjects project, rootFileNames", project.getRootFiles(), expectedFiles);
type TimeOutCallback = () => any;
class TestServerHost implements server.ServerHost {
args: string[] = [];
newLine: "\n";
private fs: ts.FileMap<FSEntry>;
private getCanonicalFileName: (s: string) => string;
private toPath: (f: string) => Path;
private callbackQueue: TimeOutCallback[] = [];
readonly watchedDirectories: Map<{ cb: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive: boolean }[]> = {};
readonly watchedFiles: Map<FileWatcherCallback[]> = {};
constructor(public useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean, private executingFilePath: string, private currentDirectory: string, fileOrFolderList: FileOrFolder[]) {
this.getCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName(useCaseSensitiveFileNames);
this.toPath = s => toPath(s, currentDirectory, this.getCanonicalFileName);
reloadFS(filesOrFolders: FileOrFolder[]) {
this.fs = createFileMap<FSEntry>();
for (const fileOrFolder of filesOrFolders) {
const path = this.toPath(fileOrFolder.path);
const fullPath = getNormalizedAbsolutePath(fileOrFolder.path, this.currentDirectory);
if (typeof fileOrFolder.content === "string") {
const entry = { path, content: fileOrFolder.content, fullPath, fileSize: fileOrFolder.fileSize };
this.fs.set(path, entry);
addFolder(getDirectoryPath(fullPath), this.toPath, this.fs).entries.push(entry);
else {
addFolder(fullPath, this.toPath, this.fs);
fileExists(s: string) {
const path = this.toPath(s);
return this.fs.contains(path) && isFile(this.fs.get(path));
getFileSize(s: string) {
const path = this.toPath(s);
if (this.fs.contains(path)) {
const entry = this.fs.get(path);
if (isFile(entry)) {
return entry.fileSize ? entry.fileSize : entry.content.length;
return undefined;
directoryExists(s: string) {
const path = this.toPath(s);
return this.fs.contains(path) && isFolder(this.fs.get(path));
getDirectories(s: string) {
const path = this.toPath(s);
if (!this.fs.contains(path)) {
return [];
else {
const entry = this.fs.get(path);
return isFolder(entry) ? map(entry.entries, x => getBaseFileName(x.fullPath)) : [];
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: string[], exclude?: string[], include?: string[]): string[] {
const that = this;
return ts.matchFiles(path, extensions, exclude, include, this.useCaseSensitiveFileNames, this.getCurrentDirectory(), (dir) => {
const result: FileSystemEntries = {
directories: [],
files : []
const dirEntry = that.fs.get(that.toPath(dir));
if (isFolder(dirEntry)) {
dirEntry.entries.forEach((entry) => {
if (isFolder(entry)) {
else if (isFile(entry)) {
return result;
watchDirectory(directoryName: string, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive: boolean): DirectoryWatcher {
const path = this.toPath(directoryName);
const callbacks = lookUp(this.watchedDirectories, path) || (this.watchedDirectories[path] = []);
callbacks.push({ cb: callback, recursive });
return {
referenceCount: 0,
close: () => {
for (let i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
if (callbacks[i].cb === callback) {
callbacks.splice(i, 1);
if (!callbacks.length) {
delete this.watchedDirectories[path];
triggerDirectoryWatcherCallback(directoryName: string, fileName: string): void {
const path = this.toPath(directoryName);
const callbacks = lookUp(this.watchedDirectories, path);
if (callbacks) {
for (const callback of callbacks) {
triggerFileWatcherCallback(fileName: string, removed?: boolean): void {
const path = this.toPath(fileName);
const callbacks = lookUp(this.watchedFiles, path);
if (callbacks) {
for (const callback of callbacks) {
callback(path, removed);
watchFile(fileName: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback) {
const path = this.toPath(fileName);
const callbacks = lookUp(this.watchedFiles, path) || (this.watchedFiles[path] = []);
return {
close: () => {
const i = callbacks.indexOf(callback);
callbacks.splice(i, 1);
if (!callbacks.length) {
delete this.watchedFiles[path];
// TOOD: record and invoke callbacks to simulate timer events
readonly setTimeout = (callback: TimeOutCallback, time: number) => {
return this.callbackQueue.length - 1;
readonly clearTimeout = (timeoutId: any): void => {
if (typeof timeoutId === "number") {
this.callbackQueue.splice(timeoutId, 1);
checkTimeoutQueueLength(expected: number) {
assert.equal(this.callbackQueue.length, expected, `expected ${expected} timeout callbacks queued but found ${this.callbackQueue.length}.`);
runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks() {
for (const callback of this.callbackQueue) {
this.callbackQueue = [];
readonly readFile = (s: string) => (<File>this.fs.get(this.toPath(s))).content;
readonly resolvePath = (s: string) => s;
readonly getExecutingFilePath = () => this.executingFilePath;
readonly getCurrentDirectory = () => this.currentDirectory;
readonly writeFile = (path: string, content: string) => notImplemented();
readonly write = (s: string) => notImplemented();
readonly createDirectory = (s: string) => notImplemented();
readonly exit = () => notImplemented();
describe("tsserver-project-system", () => {
const commonFile1: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/commonFile1.ts",
content: "let x = 1"
const commonFile2: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/commonFile2.ts",
content: "let y = 1"
const libFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/lib/lib.d.ts",
content: libFileContent
it("create inferred project", () => {
const appFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/c/app.ts",
content: `
import {f} from "./module"
const moduleFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/c/module.d.ts",
content: `export let x: number`
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", [appFile, moduleFile, libFile]);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
const { configFileName } = projectService.openClientFile(appFile.path);
assert(!configFileName, `should not find config, got: '${configFileName}`);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 0);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 1);
const project = projectService.inferredProjects[0];
checkFileNames("inferred project", project.getFileNames(), [appFile.path, libFile.path, moduleFile.path]);
checkWatchedDirectories(host, ["/a/b/c", "/a/b", "/a"]);
it("create configured project without file list", () => {
const configFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/tsconfig.json",
content: `
"compilerOptions": {},
"exclude": [
const file1: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/c/f1.ts",
content: "let x = 1"
const file2: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/d/f2.ts",
content: "let y = 1"
const file3: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/e/f3.ts",
content: "let z = 1"
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", [ configFile, libFile, file1, file2, file3 ]);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
const { configFileName, configFileErrors } = projectService.openClientFile(file1.path);
assert(configFileName, "should find config file");
assert.isTrue(!configFileErrors, `expect no errors in config file, got ${JSON.stringify(configFileErrors)}`);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 0);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
const project = projectService.configuredProjects[0];
checkConfiguredProjectActualFiles(project, [file1.path, libFile.path, file2.path]);
checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project, [file1.path, file2.path]);
// watching all files except one that was open
checkWatchedFiles(host, [configFile.path, file2.path, libFile.path]);
checkWatchedDirectories(host, [getDirectoryPath(configFile.path)]);
it("add and then remove a config file in a folder with loose files", () => {
const configFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/tsconfig.json",
content: `{
"files": ["commonFile1.ts"]
const filesWithoutConfig = [ libFile, commonFile1, commonFile2 ];
const filesWithConfig = [ libFile, commonFile1, commonFile2, configFile ];
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", filesWithoutConfig);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 2);
checkWatchedDirectories(host, ["/a/b", "/a"]);
// Add a tsconfig file
host.triggerDirectoryWatcherCallback("/a/b", configFile.path);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 1);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
// watching all files except one that was open
checkWatchedFiles(host, [libFile.path, configFile.path]);
// remove the tsconfig file
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 2);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 0);
checkWatchedDirectories(host, ["/a/b", "/a"]);
it("add new files to a configured project without file list", () => {
const configFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/tsconfig.json",
content: `{}`
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", [commonFile1, libFile, configFile]);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
checkWatchedDirectories(host, ["/a/b"]);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
const project = projectService.configuredProjects[0];
checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project, [commonFile1.path]);
// add a new ts file
host.reloadFS([commonFile1, commonFile2, libFile, configFile]);
host.triggerDirectoryWatcherCallback("/a/b", commonFile2.path);
// project service waits for 250ms to update the project structure, therefore the assertion needs to wait longer.
checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project, [commonFile1.path, commonFile2.path]);
it("should ignore non-existing files specified in the config file", () => {
const configFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/tsconfig.json",
content: `{
"compilerOptions": {},
"files": [
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", [commonFile1, commonFile2, configFile]);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
const project = projectService.configuredProjects[0];
checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project, [commonFile1.path]);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 1);
it("handle recreated files correctly", () => {
const configFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/tsconfig.json",
content: `{}`
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", [commonFile1, commonFile2, configFile]);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
const project = projectService.configuredProjects[0];
checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project, [commonFile1.path, commonFile2.path]);
// delete commonFile2
host.reloadFS([commonFile1, configFile]);
host.triggerDirectoryWatcherCallback("/a/b", commonFile2.path);
checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project, [commonFile1.path]);
// re-add commonFile2
host.reloadFS([commonFile1, commonFile2, configFile]);
host.triggerDirectoryWatcherCallback("/a/b", commonFile2.path);
checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project, [commonFile1.path, commonFile2.path]);
it("should create new inferred projects for files excluded from a configured project", () => {
const configFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/tsconfig.json",
content: `{
"compilerOptions": {},
"files": ["${commonFile1.path}", "${commonFile2.path}"]
const files = [commonFile1, commonFile2, configFile];
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", files);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
const project = projectService.configuredProjects[0];
checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project, [commonFile1.path, commonFile2.path]);
configFile.content = `{
"compilerOptions": {},
"files": ["${commonFile1.path}"]
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project, [commonFile1.path]);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 1);
it("files explicitly excluded in config file", () => {
const configFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/tsconfig.json",
content: `{
"compilerOptions": {},
"exclude": ["/a/c"]
const excludedFile1: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/c/excluedFile1.ts",
content: `let t = 1;`
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", [commonFile1, commonFile2, excludedFile1, configFile]);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
const project = projectService.configuredProjects[0];
checkConfiguredProjectRootFiles(project, [commonFile1.path, commonFile2.path]);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 1);
it("should properly handle module resolution changes in config file", () => {
const file1: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/file1.ts",
content: `import { T } from "module1";`
const nodeModuleFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/node_modules/module1.ts",
content: `export interface T {}`
const classicModuleFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/module1.ts",
content: `export interface T {}`
const configFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/tsconfig.json",
content: `{
"compilerOptions": {
"moduleResolution": "node"
"files": ["${file1.path}"]
const files = [file1, nodeModuleFile, classicModuleFile, configFile];
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", files);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
const project = projectService.configuredProjects[0];
checkConfiguredProjectActualFiles(project, [file1.path, nodeModuleFile.path]);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 1);
configFile.content = `{
"compilerOptions": {
"moduleResolution": "classic"
"files": ["${file1.path}"]
checkConfiguredProjectActualFiles(project, [file1.path, classicModuleFile.path]);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 1);
it("should keep the configured project when the opened file is referenced by the project but not its root", () => {
const file1: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/main.ts",
content: "import { objA } from './obj-a';"
const file2: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/obj-a.ts",
content: `export const objA = Object.assign({foo: "bar"}, {bar: "baz"});`
const configFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/tsconfig.json",
content: `{
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es6"
"files": [ "main.ts" ]
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", [file1, file2, configFile]);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 0);
it("should keep the configured project when the opened file is referenced by the project but not its root", () => {
const file1: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/main.ts",
content: "import { objA } from './obj-a';"
const file2: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/obj-a.ts",
content: `export const objA = Object.assign({foo: "bar"}, {bar: "baz"});`
const configFile: FileOrFolder = {
path: "/a/b/tsconfig.json",
content: `{
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es6"
"files": [ "main.ts" ]
const host = new TestServerHost(/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, getExecutingFilePathFromLibFile(libFile), "/", [file1, file2, configFile]);
const projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, nullLogger);
checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 0);