2016-07-11 10:32:35 -07:00

1053 lines
40 KiB

/// <reference path="scripts/types/ambient.d.ts" />
import * as cp from "child_process";
import * as path from "path";
import * as fs from "fs";
import originalGulp = require("gulp");
import helpMaker = require("gulp-help");
import runSequence = require("run-sequence");
import concat = require("gulp-concat");
import clone = require("gulp-clone");
import newer = require("gulp-newer");
import tsc = require("gulp-typescript");
declare module "gulp-typescript" {
interface Settings {
pretty?: boolean;
newLine?: string;
noImplicitThis?: boolean;
stripInternal?: boolean;
types?: string[];
interface CompileStream extends NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {} // Either gulp or gulp-typescript has some odd typings which don't reflect reality, making this required
import * as insert from "gulp-insert";
import * as sourcemaps from "gulp-sourcemaps";
import Q = require("q");
declare global {
// `del` further depends on `Promise` (and is also not included), so we just, patch the global scope's Promise to Q's (which we already include in our deps because gulp depends on it)
type Promise<T> = Q.Promise<T>;
import del = require("del");
import mkdirP = require("mkdirp");
import minimist = require("minimist");
import browserify = require("browserify");
import through2 = require("through2");
import merge2 = require("merge2");
import intoStream = require("into-stream");
import * as os from "os";
import Linter = require("tslint");
const gulp = helpMaker(originalGulp);
const mochaParallel = require("./scripts/mocha-parallel.js");
const {runTestsInParallel} = mochaParallel;
const cmdLineOptions = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: ["debug", "light", "colors", "lint", "soft"],
string: ["browser", "tests", "host", "reporter"],
alias: {
d: "debug",
t: "tests",
test: "tests",
r: "reporter",
color: "colors",
f: "files",
file: "files"
default: {
soft: false,
colors: process.env.colors || process.env.color || true,
debug: process.env.debug || process.env.d,
host: process.env.TYPESCRIPT_HOST || process.env.host || "node",
browser: process.env.browser || process.env.b || "IE",
tests: process.env.test || process.env.tests || process.env.t,
light: process.env.light || false,
port: process.env.port || process.env.p || "8888",
reporter: process.env.reporter || process.env.r,
lint: process.env.lint || true,
files: process.env.f || process.env.file || process.env.files || "",
function exec(cmd: string, args: string[], complete: () => void = (() => {}), error: (e: any, status: number) => void = (() => {})) {
console.log(`${cmd} ${args.join(" ")}`);
// TODO (weswig): Update child_process types to add windowsVerbatimArguments to the type definition
const subshellFlag = isWin ? "/c" : "-c";
const command = isWin ? [possiblyQuote(cmd), ...args] : [`${cmd} ${args.join(" ")}`];
const ex = cp.spawn(isWin ? "cmd" : "/bin/sh", [subshellFlag, ...command], { stdio: "inherit", windowsVerbatimArguments: true } as any);
ex.on("exit", (code) => code === 0 ? complete() : error(/*e*/ undefined, code));
ex.on("error", error);
function possiblyQuote(cmd: string) {
return cmd.indexOf(" ") >= 0 ? `"${cmd}"` : cmd;
let useDebugMode = true;
let host = cmdLineOptions["host"];
// Constants
const compilerDirectory = "src/compiler/";
const servicesDirectory = "src/services/";
const serverDirectory = "src/server/";
const harnessDirectory = "src/harness/";
const libraryDirectory = "src/lib/";
const scriptsDirectory = "scripts/";
const unittestsDirectory = "tests/cases/unittests/";
const docDirectory = "doc/";
const builtDirectory = "built/";
const builtLocalDirectory = "built/local/";
const LKGDirectory = "lib/";
const copyright = "CopyrightNotice.txt";
const compilerFilename = "tsc.js";
const LKGCompiler = path.join(LKGDirectory, compilerFilename);
const builtLocalCompiler = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, compilerFilename);
const nodeModulesPathPrefix = path.resolve("./node_modules/.bin/");
const isWin = /^win/.test(process.platform);
const mocha = path.join(nodeModulesPathPrefix, "mocha") + (isWin ? ".cmd" : "");
const compilerSources = require("./src/compiler/tsconfig.json").files.map((file) => path.join(compilerDirectory, file));
const servicesSources = require("./src/services/tsconfig.json").files.map((file) => path.join(servicesDirectory, file));
const serverCoreSources = require("./src/server/tsconfig.json").files.map((file) => path.join(serverDirectory, file));
const languageServiceLibrarySources = [
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(serverDirectory, f);
const harnessCoreSources = [
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(harnessDirectory, f);
const harnessSources = harnessCoreSources.concat([
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(unittestsDirectory, f);
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(serverDirectory, f);
const es2015LibrarySources = [
const es2015LibrarySourceMap = es2015LibrarySources.map(function(source) {
return { target: "lib." + source, sources: ["header.d.ts", source] };
const es2016LibrarySource = [ "es2016.array.include.d.ts" ];
const es2016LibrarySourceMap = es2016LibrarySource.map(function (source) {
return { target: "lib." + source, sources: ["header.d.ts", source] };
const es2017LibrarySource = [
const es2017LibrarySourceMap = es2017LibrarySource.map(function (source) {
return { target: "lib." + source, sources: ["header.d.ts", source] };
const hostsLibrarySources = ["dom.generated.d.ts", "webworker.importscripts.d.ts", "scripthost.d.ts"];
const librarySourceMap = [
// Host library
{ target: "lib.dom.d.ts", sources: ["header.d.ts", "dom.generated.d.ts"] },
{ target: "lib.dom.iterable.d.ts", sources: ["header.d.ts", "dom.iterable.d.ts"] },
{ target: "lib.webworker.d.ts", sources: ["header.d.ts", "webworker.generated.d.ts"] },
{ target: "lib.scripthost.d.ts", sources: ["header.d.ts", "scripthost.d.ts"] },
// JavaScript library
{ target: "lib.es5.d.ts", sources: ["header.d.ts", "es5.d.ts"] },
{ target: "lib.es2015.d.ts", sources: ["header.d.ts", "es2015.d.ts"] },
{ target: "lib.es2016.d.ts", sources: ["header.d.ts", "es2016.d.ts"] },
{ target: "lib.es2017.d.ts", sources: ["header.d.ts", "es2017.d.ts"] },
// JavaScript + all host library
{ target: "lib.d.ts", sources: ["header.d.ts", "es5.d.ts"].concat(hostsLibrarySources) },
{ target: "lib.es6.d.ts", sources: ["header.d.ts", "es5.d.ts"].concat(es2015LibrarySources, hostsLibrarySources, "dom.iterable.d.ts") }
].concat(es2015LibrarySourceMap, es2016LibrarySourceMap, es2017LibrarySourceMap);
const libraryTargets = librarySourceMap.map(function (f) {
return path.join(builtLocalDirectory, f.target);
for (const i in libraryTargets) {
const entry = librarySourceMap[i];
const target = libraryTargets[i];
const sources = [copyright].concat(entry.sources.map(function (s) {
return path.join(libraryDirectory, s);
gulp.task(target, false, [], function() {
return gulp.src(sources)
.pipe(concat(target, { newLine: "" }))
const configureNightlyJs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "configureNightly.js");
const configureNightlyTs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "configureNightly.ts");
const packageJson = "package.json";
const programTs = path.join(compilerDirectory, "program.ts");
function needsUpdate(source: string | string[], dest: string | string[]): boolean {
if (typeof source === "string" && typeof dest === "string") {
if (fs.existsSync(dest)) {
const {mtime: outTime} = fs.statSync(dest);
const {mtime: inTime} = fs.statSync(source);
if (+inTime <= +outTime) {
return false;
else if (typeof source === "string" && typeof dest !== "string") {
const {mtime: inTime} = fs.statSync(source);
for (const filepath of dest) {
if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) {
const {mtime: outTime} = fs.statSync(filepath);
if (+inTime > +outTime) {
return true;
else {
return true;
return false;
else if (typeof source !== "string" && typeof dest === "string") {
if (fs.existsSync(dest)) {
const {mtime: outTime} = fs.statSync(dest);
for (const filepath of source) {
if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) {
const {mtime: inTime} = fs.statSync(filepath);
if (+inTime > +outTime) {
return true;
else {
return true;
return false;
else if (typeof source !== "string" && typeof dest !== "string") {
for (let i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
if (!dest[i]) {
if (fs.existsSync(dest[i])) {
const {mtime: outTime} = fs.statSync(dest[i]);
const {mtime: inTime} = fs.statSync(source[i]);
if (+inTime > +outTime) {
return true;
else {
return true;
return false;
return true;
function getCompilerSettings(base: tsc.Settings, useBuiltCompiler?: boolean): tsc.Settings {
const copy: tsc.Settings = {};
copy.noEmitOnError = true;
copy.noImplicitAny = true;
copy.noImplicitThis = true;
copy.pretty = true;
copy.types = [];
for (const key in base) {
copy[key] = base[key];
if (!useDebugMode) {
if (copy.removeComments === undefined) copy.removeComments = true;
copy.newLine = "lf";
else {
copy.preserveConstEnums = true;
if (useBuiltCompiler === true) {
copy.typescript = require("./built/local/typescript.js");
else if (useBuiltCompiler === false) {
copy.typescript = require("./lib/typescript.js");
return copy;
gulp.task(configureNightlyJs, false, [], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = {
declaration: false,
removeComments: true,
noResolve: false,
stripInternal: false,
return gulp.src(configureNightlyTs)
// Nightly management tasks
gulp.task("configure-nightly", "Runs scripts/configureNightly.ts to prepare a build for nightly publishing", [configureNightlyJs], (done) => {
exec(host, [configureNightlyJs, packageJson, programTs], done, done);
gulp.task("publish-nightly", "Runs `npm publish --tag next` to create a new nightly build on npm", ["LKG"], () => {
return runSequence("clean", "useDebugMode", "runtests", (done) => {
exec("npm", ["publish", "--tag", "next"], done, done);
const importDefinitelyTypedTestsDirectory = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "importDefinitelyTypedTests");
const importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs = path.join(importDefinitelyTypedTestsDirectory, "importDefinitelyTypedTests.js");
const importDefinitelyTypedTestsTs = path.join(importDefinitelyTypedTestsDirectory, "importDefinitelyTypedTests.ts");
gulp.task(importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs, false, [], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
declaration: false,
removeComments: true,
noResolve: false,
stripInternal: false,
outFile: importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ false);
return gulp.src(importDefinitelyTypedTestsTs)
gulp.task("importDefinitelyTypedTests", "Runs scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/importDefinitelyTypedTests.ts to copy DT's tests to the TS-internal RWC tests", [importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs], (done) => {
exec(host, [importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs, "./", "../DefinitelyTyped"], done, done);
gulp.task("lib", "Builds the library targets", libraryTargets);
// Generate diagnostics
const processDiagnosticMessagesJs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "processDiagnosticMessages.js");
const processDiagnosticMessagesTs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "processDiagnosticMessages.ts");
const diagnosticMessagesJson = path.join(compilerDirectory, "diagnosticMessages.json");
const diagnosticInfoMapTs = path.join(compilerDirectory, "diagnosticInformationMap.generated.ts");
const generatedDiagnosticMessagesJSON = path.join(compilerDirectory, "diagnosticMessages.generated.json");
const builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJSON = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "diagnosticMessages.generated.json");
// processDiagnosticMessages script
gulp.task(processDiagnosticMessagesJs, false, [], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
declaration: false,
removeComments: true,
noResolve: false,
stripInternal: false,
outFile: processDiagnosticMessagesJs
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ false);
return gulp.src(processDiagnosticMessagesTs)
// The generated diagnostics map; built for the compiler and for the "generate-diagnostics" task
gulp.task(diagnosticInfoMapTs, [processDiagnosticMessagesJs], (done) => {
if (needsUpdate(diagnosticMessagesJson, [generatedDiagnosticMessagesJSON, diagnosticInfoMapTs])) {
exec(host, [processDiagnosticMessagesJs, diagnosticMessagesJson], done, done);
else {
gulp.task(builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJSON, [diagnosticInfoMapTs], (done) => {
if (fs.existsSync(builtLocalDirectory) && needsUpdate(generatedDiagnosticMessagesJSON, builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJSON)) {
fs.writeFileSync(builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJSON, fs.readFileSync(generatedDiagnosticMessagesJSON));
gulp.task("generate-diagnostics", "Generates a diagnostic file in TypeScript based on an input JSON file", [diagnosticInfoMapTs]);
const servicesFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "typescriptServices.js");
const standaloneDefinitionsFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "typescriptServices.d.ts");
const nodePackageFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "typescript.js");
const nodeDefinitionsFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "typescript.d.ts");
const nodeStandaloneDefinitionsFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "typescript_standalone.d.ts");
let copyrightContent: string;
function prependCopyright(outputCopyright: boolean = !useDebugMode) {
return insert.prepend(outputCopyright ? (copyrightContent || (copyrightContent = fs.readFileSync(copyright).toString())) : "");
gulp.task(builtLocalCompiler, false, [servicesFile], () => {
const localCompilerProject = tsc.createProject("src/compiler/tsconfig.json", getCompilerSettings({}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/true));
return localCompilerProject.src()
gulp.task(servicesFile, false, ["lib", "generate-diagnostics"], () => {
const servicesProject = tsc.createProject("src/services/tsconfig.json", getCompilerSettings({ removeComments: false }, /*useBuiltCompiler*/false));
const {js, dts} = servicesProject.src()
const completedJs = js.pipe(prependCopyright())
const completedDts = dts.pipe(prependCopyright(/*outputCopyright*/true))
.pipe(insert.transform((contents, file) => {
file.path = standaloneDefinitionsFile;
return contents.replace(/^(\s*)(export )?const enum (\S+) {(\s*)$/gm, "$1$2enum $3 {$4");
return merge2([
.pipe(insert.transform((content, file) => (file.path = nodePackageFile, content))),
.pipe(insert.transform((content, file) => {
file.path = nodeDefinitionsFile;
return content + "\r\nexport = ts;";
.pipe(insert.transform((content, file) => {
file.path = nodeStandaloneDefinitionsFile;
return content.replace(/declare (namespace|module) ts/g, 'declare module "typescript"');
const serverFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tsserver.js");
gulp.task(serverFile, false, [servicesFile], () => {
const serverProject = tsc.createProject("src/server/tsconfig.json", getCompilerSettings({}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/true));
return serverProject.src()
const tsserverLibraryFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tsserverlibrary.js");
const tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tsserverlibrary.d.ts");
gulp.task(tsserverLibraryFile, false, [servicesFile], (done) => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
declaration: true,
outFile: tsserverLibraryFile
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
const {js, dts}: {js: NodeJS.ReadableStream, dts: NodeJS.ReadableStream} = gulp.src(languageServiceLibrarySources)
return merge2([
gulp.task("lssl", "Builds language service server library", [tsserverLibraryFile]);
gulp.task("local", "Builds the full compiler and services", [builtLocalCompiler, servicesFile, serverFile, builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJSON]);
gulp.task("tsc", "Builds only the compiler", [builtLocalCompiler]);
// Generate Markdown spec
const word2mdJs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "word2md.js");
const word2mdTs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "word2md.ts");
const specWord = path.join(docDirectory, "TypeScript Language Specification.docx");
const specMd = path.join(docDirectory, "spec.md");
gulp.task(word2mdJs, false, [], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
outFile: word2mdJs
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ false);
return gulp.src(word2mdTs)
gulp.task(specMd, false, [word2mdJs], (done) => {
const specWordFullPath = path.resolve(specWord);
const specMDFullPath = path.resolve(specMd);
const cmd = "cscript //nologo " + word2mdJs + " \"" + specWordFullPath + "\" " + "\"" + specMDFullPath + "\"";
cp.exec(cmd, function () {
gulp.task("generate-spec", "Generates a Markdown version of the Language Specification", [specMd]);
gulp.task("clean", "Cleans the compiler output, declare files, and tests", [], () => {
return del([builtDirectory]);
gulp.task("useDebugMode", false, [], (done) => { useDebugMode = true; done(); });
gulp.task("dontUseDebugMode", false, [], (done) => { useDebugMode = false; done(); });
gulp.task("VerifyLKG", false, [], () => {
const expectedFiles = [builtLocalCompiler, servicesFile, serverFile, nodePackageFile, nodeDefinitionsFile, standaloneDefinitionsFile, tsserverLibraryFile, tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile].concat(libraryTargets);
const missingFiles = expectedFiles.filter(function (f) {
return !fs.existsSync(f);
if (missingFiles.length > 0) {
throw new Error("Cannot replace the LKG unless all built targets are present in directory " + builtLocalDirectory +
". The following files are missing:\n" + missingFiles.join("\n"));
// Copy all the targets into the LKG directory
return gulp.src(expectedFiles).pipe(gulp.dest(LKGDirectory));
gulp.task("LKGInternal", false, ["lib", "local", "lssl"]);
gulp.task("LKG", "Makes a new LKG out of the built js files", ["clean", "dontUseDebugMode"], () => {
return runSequence("LKGInternal", "VerifyLKG");
// Task to build the tests infrastructure using the built compiler
const run = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "run.js");
gulp.task(run, false, [servicesFile], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
outFile: run
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
return gulp.src(harnessSources)
.pipe(sourcemaps.write(".", { includeContent: false, sourceRoot: "../../" }))
const internalTests = "internal/";
const localBaseline = "tests/baselines/local/";
const refBaseline = "tests/baselines/reference/";
const localRwcBaseline = path.join(internalTests, "baselines/rwc/local");
const refRwcBaseline = path.join(internalTests, "baselines/rwc/reference");
const localTest262Baseline = path.join(internalTests, "baselines/test262/local");
const refTest262Baseline = path.join(internalTests, "baselines/test262/reference");
gulp.task("tests", "Builds the test infrastructure using the built compiler", [run]);
gulp.task("tests-debug", "Builds the test sources and automation in debug mode", () => {
return runSequence("useDebugMode", "tests");
function deleteTemporaryProjectOutput() {
return del(path.join(localBaseline, "projectOutput/"));
let savedNodeEnv: string;
function setNodeEnvToDevelopment() {
savedNodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV;
process.env.NODE_ENV = "development";
function restoreSavedNodeEnv() {
process.env.NODE_ENV = savedNodeEnv;
let testTimeout = 20000;
function runConsoleTests(defaultReporter: string, runInParallel: boolean, done: (e?: any) => void) {
const lintFlag = cmdLineOptions["lint"];
cleanTestDirs((err) => {
if (err) { console.error(err); failWithStatus(err, 1); }
const debug = cmdLineOptions["debug"];
const tests = cmdLineOptions["tests"];
const light = cmdLineOptions["light"];
const testConfigFile = "test.config";
if (fs.existsSync(testConfigFile)) {
let workerCount, taskConfigsFolder;
if (runInParallel) {
// generate name to store task configuration files
const prefix = os.tmpdir() + "/ts-tests";
let i = 1;
do {
taskConfigsFolder = prefix + i;
} while (fs.existsSync(taskConfigsFolder));
workerCount = process.env.workerCount || os.cpus().length;
if (tests || light || taskConfigsFolder) {
writeTestConfigFile(tests, light, taskConfigsFolder, workerCount);
if (tests && tests.toLocaleLowerCase() === "rwc") {
testTimeout = 400000;
const colors = cmdLineOptions["colors"];
const reporter = cmdLineOptions["reporter"] || defaultReporter;
// timeout normally isn"t necessary but Travis-CI has been timing out on compiler baselines occasionally
// default timeout is 2sec which really should be enough, but maybe we just need a small amount longer
if (!runInParallel) {
const args = [];
if (debug) {
args.push("-R", reporter);
if (tests) {
args.push("-g", `"${tests}"`);
if (colors) {
else {
args.push("-t", testTimeout);
exec(mocha, args, lintThenFinish, function(e, status) {
finish(e, status);
else {
// run task to load all tests and partition them between workers
const args = [];
args.push("-R", "min");
if (colors) {
else {
runTestsInParallel(taskConfigsFolder, run, { testTimeout: testTimeout, noColors: colors === " --no-colors " }, function (err) {
// last worker clean everything and runs linter in case if there were no errors
del(taskConfigsFolder).then(() => {
if (!err) {
else {
function failWithStatus(err?: any, status?: number) {
if (err) {
done(err || status);
function lintThenFinish() {
if (lintFlag) {
runSequence("lint", finish);
else {
function finish(error?: any, errorStatus?: number) {
deleteTemporaryProjectOutput().then(() => {
if (error !== undefined || errorStatus !== undefined) {
failWithStatus(error, errorStatus);
else {
gulp.task("runtests-parallel", "Runs all the tests in parallel using the built run.js file. Optional arguments are: --t[ests]=category1|category2|... --d[ebug]=true.", ["build-rules", "tests"], (done) => {
runConsoleTests("min", /*runInParallel*/ true, done);
"Runs the tests using the built run.js file. Optional arguments are: --t[ests]=regex --r[eporter]=[list|spec|json|<more>] --d[ebug]=true --color[s]=false --lint=true.",
["build-rules", "tests"],
(done) => {
runConsoleTests("mocha-fivemat-progress-reporter", /*runInParallel*/ false, done);
const nodeServerOutFile = "tests/webTestServer.js";
const nodeServerInFile = "tests/webTestServer.ts";
gulp.task(nodeServerOutFile, false, [servicesFile], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({ module: "commonjs" }, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
return gulp.src(nodeServerInFile)
gulp.task("browserify", "Runs browserify on run.js to produce a file suitable for running tests in the browser", [servicesFile], (done) => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
outFile: "built/local/bundle.js"
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
return gulp.src(harnessSources)
.pipe(through2.obj((file, enc, next) => {
.bundle((err, res) => {
// assumes file.contents is a Buffer
file.contents = res;
next(undefined, file);
.pipe(sourcemaps.write(".", { includeContent: false, sourceRoot: "../../" }))
function cleanTestDirs(done: (e?: any) => void) {
// Clean the local baselines & Rwc baselines directories
]).then(() => {
mkdirP(localRwcBaseline, (err) => {
if (err) done(err);
mkdirP(localTest262Baseline, () => {
if (err) done(err);
mkdirP(localBaseline, (err) => done(err));
// used to pass data from jake command line directly to run.js
function writeTestConfigFile(tests: string, light: boolean, taskConfigsFolder?: string, workerCount?: number) {
const testConfigContents = JSON.stringify({ test: tests ? [tests] : undefined, light: light, workerCount: workerCount, taskConfigsFolder: taskConfigsFolder });
console.log("Running tests with config: " + testConfigContents);
fs.writeFileSync("test.config", testConfigContents);
gulp.task("runtests-browser", "Runs the tests using the built run.js file like 'gulp runtests'. Syntax is gulp runtests-browser. Additional optional parameters --tests=[regex], --port=, --browser=[chrome|IE]", ["browserify", nodeServerOutFile], (done) => {
cleanTestDirs((err) => {
if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); process.exit(1); }
host = "node";
const tests = cmdLineOptions["tests"];
const light = cmdLineOptions["light"];
const testConfigFile = "test.config";
if (fs.existsSync(testConfigFile)) {
if (tests || light) {
writeTestConfigFile(tests, light);
const args = [nodeServerOutFile];
if (cmdLineOptions["port"]) {
if (cmdLineOptions["browser"]) {
if (tests) {
exec(host, args, done, done);
gulp.task("generate-code-coverage", "Generates code coverage data via istanbul", ["tests"], (done) => {
exec("istanbul", ["cover", "node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha", "--", "-R", "min", "-t", testTimeout.toString(), run], done, done);
function getDiffTool() {
const program = process.env["DIFF"];
if (!program) {
console.error("Add the 'DIFF' environment variable to the path of the program you want to use.");
return program;
gulp.task("diff", "Diffs the compiler baselines using the diff tool specified by the 'DIFF' environment variable", (done) => {
exec(getDiffTool(), [refBaseline, localBaseline], done, done);
gulp.task("diff-rwc", "Diffs the RWC baselines using the diff tool specified by the 'DIFF' environment variable", (done) => {
exec(getDiffTool(), [refRwcBaseline, localRwcBaseline], done, done);
gulp.task("baseline-accept", "Makes the most recent test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline", (done) => {
const softAccept = cmdLineOptions["soft"];
if (!softAccept) {
del(refBaseline).then(() => {
fs.renameSync(localBaseline, refBaseline);
}, done);
else {
.on("end", () => {
del(path.join(refBaseline, "local")).then(() => done(), done);
gulp.task("baseline-accept-rwc", "Makes the most recent rwc test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline", () => {
return del(refRwcBaseline).then(() => {
fs.renameSync(localRwcBaseline, refRwcBaseline);
gulp.task("baseline-accept-test262", "Makes the most recent test262 test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline", () => {
return del(refTest262Baseline).then(() => {
fs.renameSync(localTest262Baseline, refTest262Baseline);
// Webhost
const webhostPath = "tests/webhost/webtsc.ts";
const webhostJsPath = "tests/webhost/webtsc.js";
gulp.task(webhostJsPath, false, [servicesFile], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
outFile: webhostJsPath
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
return gulp.src(webhostPath)
gulp.task("webhost", "Builds the tsc web host", [webhostJsPath], () => {
return gulp.src(path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "lib.d.ts")).pipe(gulp.dest("tests/webhost/"));
// Perf compiler
const perftscPath = "tests/perftsc.ts";
const perftscJsPath = "built/local/perftsc.js";
gulp.task(perftscJsPath, false, [servicesFile], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
outFile: perftscJsPath
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
return gulp.src(perftscPath)
gulp.task("perftsc", "Builds augmented version of the compiler for perf tests", [perftscJsPath]);
// Instrumented compiler
const loggedIOpath = path.join(harnessDirectory, "loggedIO.ts");
const loggedIOJsPath = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "loggedIO.js");
gulp.task(loggedIOJsPath, false, [], (done) => {
const temp = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "temp");
mkdirP(temp, (err) => {
if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); process.exit(1); };
exec(host, [LKGCompiler, "--outdir", temp, loggedIOpath], () => {
fs.renameSync(path.join(temp, "/harness/loggedIO.js"), loggedIOJsPath);
del(temp).then(() => done(), done);
}, done);
const instrumenterPath = path.join(harnessDirectory, "instrumenter.ts");
const instrumenterJsPath = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "instrumenter.js");
gulp.task(instrumenterJsPath, false, [servicesFile], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
outFile: instrumenterJsPath
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
return gulp.src(instrumenterPath)
gulp.task("tsc-instrumented", "Builds an instrumented tsc.js", [loggedIOJsPath, instrumenterJsPath, servicesFile], (done) => {
exec(host, [instrumenterJsPath, "record", "iocapture", builtLocalDirectory, compilerFilename], done, done);
gulp.task("update-sublime", "Updates the sublime plugin's tsserver", ["local", serverFile], () => {
return gulp.src([serverFile, serverFile + ".map"]).pipe(gulp.dest("../TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin/tsserver/"));
const tslintRuleDir = "scripts/tslint";
const tslintRules = [
const tslintRulesFiles = tslintRules.map(function(p) {
return path.join(tslintRuleDir, p + ".ts");
const tslintRulesOutFiles = tslintRules.map(function(p, i) {
const pathname = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tslint", p + ".js");
gulp.task(pathname, false, [], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({ module: "commonjs" }, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ false);
return gulp.src(tslintRulesFiles[i])
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tslint")));
return pathname;
gulp.task("build-rules", "Compiles tslint rules to js", tslintRulesOutFiles);
function getLinterOptions() {
return {
configuration: require("./tslint.json"),
formatter: "prose",
formattersDirectory: undefined,
rulesDirectory: "built/local/tslint"
function lintFileContents(options, path, contents) {
const ll = new Linter(path, contents, options);
console.log("Linting '" + path + "'.");
return ll.lint();
function lintFile(options, path) {
const contents = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8");
return lintFileContents(options, path, contents);
const lintTargets = ["Gulpfile.ts"]
// Other harness sources
.concat(["instrumenter.ts"].map(function(f) { return path.join(harnessDirectory, f); }))
gulp.task("lint", "Runs tslint on the compiler sources. Optional arguments are: --f[iles]=regex", ["build-rules"], () => {
const lintOptions = getLinterOptions();
let failed = 0;
const fileMatcher = RegExp(cmdLineOptions["files"]);
const done = {};
for (const i in lintTargets) {
const target = lintTargets[i];
if (!done[target] && fileMatcher.test(target)) {
const result = lintFile(lintOptions, target);
if (result.failureCount > 0) {
failed += result.failureCount;
done[target] = true;
if (failed > 0) {
console.error("Linter errors.");
gulp.task("default", "Runs 'local'", ["local"]);
gulp.task("watch", "Watches the src/ directory for changes and executes runtests-parallel.", [], () => {
gulp.watch("src/**/*.*", ["runtests-parallel"]);