Anders Hejlsberg a515b199b7 Better error messages in function calls.
Fixes #93.
This is an evolution of #220.
2014-07-24 17:00:03 -07:00

13 lines
777 B

==== tests/cases/compiler/promiseChaining1.ts (1 errors) ====
// same example but with constraints on each type parameter
class Chain2<T extends { length: number }> {
constructor(public value: T) { }
then<S extends Function>(cb: (x: T) => S): Chain2<S> {
var result = cb(this.value);
// should get a fresh type parameter which each then call
var z = this.then(x => result)/*S*/.then(x => "abc")/*Function*/.then(x => x.length)/*number*/; // Should error on "abc" because it is not a Function
!!! Argument type '(x: S) => string' is not assignable to parameter type '(x: S) => Function'.
return new Chain2(result);