Mohamed Hegazy a8b7f7d1e5 Include localized diagnostics (#18702)
* Add lcl files

* Add loclalization script

* Add localization build targets

* use async exists, and add assert

* Generate lcg file

* Add localize task to gulpFile

* Only run loclaize if the generated files neededs update. Also run localize as part of local

* Fix lint errors

* Linter love

* Respond to code review comments
2017-10-02 17:16:08 -07:00

103 lines
3 KiB

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"build": "npm run build:compiler && npm run build:tests",
"build:compiler": "jake local",
"build:tests": "jake tests",
"start": "node lib/tsc",
"clean": "jake clean",
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"jake": "jake",
"lint": "jake lint",
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