2017-11-30 10:37:17 -08:00

101 lines
3.3 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/expressions/arrayLiterals/arrayLiterals3.ts ===
// Each element expression in a non-empty array literal is processed as follows:
// - If the array literal contains no spread elements, and if the array literal is contextually typed (section 4.19)
// by a type T and T has a property with the numeric name N, where N is the index of the element expression in the array literal,
// the element expression is contextually typed by the type of that property.
// The resulting type an array literal expression is determined as follows:
// - If the array literal contains no spread elements and is contextually typed by a tuple-like type,
// the resulting type is a tuple type constructed from the types of the element expressions.
var a0: [any, any, any] = []; // Error
>a0 : [any, any, any]
>[] : undefined[]
var a1: [boolean, string, number] = ["string", 1, true]; // Error
>a1 : [boolean, string, number]
>["string", 1, true] : [string, number, boolean]
>"string" : "string"
>1 : 1
>true : true
// The resulting type an array literal expression is determined as follows:
// - If the array literal contains no spread elements and is an array assignment pattern in a destructuring assignment (section 4.17.1),
// the resulting type is a tuple type constructed from the types of the element expressions.
var [b1, b2]: [number, number] = [1, 2, "string", true];
>b1 : number
>b2 : number
>[1, 2, "string", true] : [number, number, string, boolean]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>"string" : "string"
>true : true
// The resulting type an array literal expression is determined as follows:
// - the resulting type is an array type with an element type that is the union of the types of the
// non - spread element expressions and the numeric index signature types of the spread element expressions
var temp = ["s", "t", "r"];
>temp : string[]
>["s", "t", "r"] : string[]
>"s" : "s"
>"t" : "t"
>"r" : "r"
var temp1 = [1, 2, 3];
>temp1 : number[]
>[1, 2, 3] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 : 3
var temp2: [number[], string[]] = [[1, 2, 3], ["hello", "string"]];
>temp2 : [number[], string[]]
>[[1, 2, 3], ["hello", "string"]] : [number[], string[]]
>[1, 2, 3] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 : 3
>["hello", "string"] : string[]
>"hello" : "hello"
>"string" : "string"
interface tup {
>tup : tup
0: number[]|string[];
1: number[]|string[];
interface myArray extends Array<Number> { }
>myArray : myArray
>Array : T[]
>Number : Number
interface myArray2 extends Array<Number|String> { }
>myArray2 : myArray2
>Array : T[]
>Number : Number
>String : String
var c0: tup = [...temp2]; // Error
>c0 : tup
>tup : tup
>[...temp2] : (number[] | string[])[]
>...temp2 : number[] | string[]
>temp2 : [number[], string[]]
var c1: [number, number, number] = [...temp1]; // Error cannot assign number[] to [number, number, number]
>c1 : [number, number, number]
>[...temp1] : number[]
>...temp1 : number
>temp1 : number[]
var c2: myArray = [...temp1, ...temp]; // Error cannot assign (number|string)[] to number[]
>c2 : myArray
>myArray : myArray
>[...temp1, ...temp] : (string | number)[]
>...temp1 : number
>temp1 : number[]
>...temp : string
>temp : string[]