
153 lines
6.1 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/expressions/arrayLiterals/arrayLiterals.ts ===
// Empty array literal with no contextual type has type Undefined[]
var arr1= [[], [1], ['']];
>arr1 : (string[] | number[])[], Symbol(arr1,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,2,3))
>[[], [1], ['']] : (string[] | number[])[]
>[] : undefined[]
>[1] : number[]
>1 : number
>[''] : string[]
>'' : string
var arr2 = [[null], [1], ['']];
>arr2 : (string[] | number[])[], Symbol(arr2,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,4,3))
>[[null], [1], ['']] : (string[] | number[])[]
>[null] : null[]
>null : null
>[1] : number[]
>1 : number
>[''] : string[]
>'' : string
// Array literal with elements of only EveryType E has type E[]
var stringArrArr = [[''], [""]];
>stringArrArr : string[][], Symbol(stringArrArr,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,8,3))
>[[''], [""]] : string[][]
>[''] : string[]
>'' : string
>[""] : string[]
>"" : string
var stringArr = ['', ""];
>stringArr : string[], Symbol(stringArr,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,10,3))
>['', ""] : string[]
>'' : string
>"" : string
var numberArr = [0, 0.0, 0x00, 1e1];
>numberArr : number[], Symbol(numberArr,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,12,3))
>[0, 0.0, 0x00, 1e1] : number[]
>0 : number
>0.0 : number
>0x00 : number
>1e1 : number
var boolArr = [false, true, false, true];
>boolArr : boolean[], Symbol(boolArr,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,14,3))
>[false, true, false, true] : boolean[]
>false : boolean
>true : boolean
>false : boolean
>true : boolean
class C { private p; }
>C : C, Symbol(C,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,14,41))
>p : any, Symbol(p,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,16,9))
var classArr = [new C(), new C()];
>classArr : C[], Symbol(classArr,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,17,3))
>[new C(), new C()] : C[]
>new C() : C
>C : typeof C, Symbol(C,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,14,41))
>new C() : C
>C : typeof C, Symbol(C,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,14,41))
var classTypeArray = [C, C, C];
>classTypeArray : typeof C[], Symbol(classTypeArray,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,19,3),Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,20,3))
>[C, C, C] : typeof C[]
>C : typeof C, Symbol(C,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,14,41))
>C : typeof C, Symbol(C,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,14,41))
>C : typeof C, Symbol(C,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,14,41))
var classTypeArray: Array<typeof C>; // Should OK, not be a parse error
>classTypeArray : typeof C[], Symbol(classTypeArray,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,19,3),Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,20,3))
>Array : T[], Symbol(Array,Decl(lib.d.ts,1000,23),Decl(lib.d.ts,1171,11))
>C : typeof C, Symbol(C,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,14,41))
// Contextual type C with numeric index signature makes array literal of EveryType E of type BCT(E,C)[]
var context1: { [n: number]: { a: string; b: number; }; } = [{ a: '', b: 0, c: '' }, { a: "", b: 3, c: 0 }];
>context1 : { [n: number]: { a: string; b: number; }; }, Symbol(context1,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,23,3))
>n : number, Symbol(n,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,23,17))
>a : string, Symbol(a,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,23,30))
>b : number, Symbol(b,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,23,41))
>[{ a: '', b: 0, c: '' }, { a: "", b: 3, c: 0 }] : ({ a: string; b: number; c: string; } | { a: string; b: number; c: number; })[]
>{ a: '', b: 0, c: '' } : { a: string; b: number; c: string; }
>a : string, Symbol(a,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,23,62))
>'' : string
>b : number, Symbol(b,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,23,69))
>0 : number
>c : string, Symbol(c,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,23,75))
>'' : string
>{ a: "", b: 3, c: 0 } : { a: string; b: number; c: number; }
>a : string, Symbol(a,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,23,86))
>"" : string
>b : number, Symbol(b,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,23,93))
>3 : number
>c : number, Symbol(c,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,23,99))
>0 : number
var context2 = [{ a: '', b: 0, c: '' }, { a: "", b: 3, c: 0 }];
>context2 : ({ a: string; b: number; c: string; } | { a: string; b: number; c: number; })[], Symbol(context2,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,3))
>[{ a: '', b: 0, c: '' }, { a: "", b: 3, c: 0 }] : ({ a: string; b: number; c: string; } | { a: string; b: number; c: number; })[]
>{ a: '', b: 0, c: '' } : { a: string; b: number; c: string; }
>a : string, Symbol(a,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,17))
>'' : string
>b : number, Symbol(b,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,24))
>0 : number
>c : string, Symbol(c,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,30))
>'' : string
>{ a: "", b: 3, c: 0 } : { a: string; b: number; c: number; }
>a : string, Symbol(a,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,41))
>"" : string
>b : number, Symbol(b,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,48))
>3 : number
>c : number, Symbol(c,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,54))
>0 : number
// Contextual type C with numeric index signature of type Base makes array literal of Derived have type Base[]
class Base { private p; }
>Base : Base, Symbol(Base,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,63))
>p : any, Symbol(p,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,27,12))
class Derived1 extends Base { private m };
>Derived1 : Derived1, Symbol(Derived1,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,27,25))
>Base : Base, Symbol(Base,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,63))
>m : any, Symbol(m,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,28,29))
class Derived2 extends Base { private n };
>Derived2 : Derived2, Symbol(Derived2,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,28,42))
>Base : Base, Symbol(Base,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,63))
>n : any, Symbol(n,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,29,29))
var context3: Base[] = [new Derived1(), new Derived2()];
>context3 : Base[], Symbol(context3,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,30,3))
>Base : Base, Symbol(Base,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,63))
>[new Derived1(), new Derived2()] : (Derived1 | Derived2)[]
>new Derived1() : Derived1
>Derived1 : typeof Derived1, Symbol(Derived1,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,27,25))
>new Derived2() : Derived2
>Derived2 : typeof Derived2, Symbol(Derived2,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,28,42))
// Contextual type C with numeric index signature of type Base makes array literal of Derived1 and Derived2 have type Base[]
var context4: Base[] = [new Derived1(), new Derived1()];
>context4 : Base[], Symbol(context4,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,33,3))
>Base : Base, Symbol(Base,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,24,63))
>[new Derived1(), new Derived1()] : Derived1[]
>new Derived1() : Derived1
>Derived1 : typeof Derived1, Symbol(Derived1,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,27,25))
>new Derived1() : Derived1
>Derived1 : typeof Derived1, Symbol(Derived1,Decl(arrayLiterals.ts,27,25))